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142 COLons 0'-f. omphaloides (Btl.) (Plates XIX-XX, fig. 24). :Ftrucoills omp/wlvidcs Btl., 1876, l.c.: lSI (South Africa). This is a somewhat intermediate form of the male, possessing a forewing dark supra marginal stripe, but the postdiscal dark band of the hind wing is missing or vestigial. The form is very common in the late autumn, and flies together with the first batches of the f. Ilieogol1e Bsdv. The females taken with omphaloides males are of the typical dry :;ca~on form theogone Bsdv., and for this reason the name is applied only to the males. f. mediata (Talbot) Colotis (pri, p. mediala Talbot, 1939, Trails. ell'. Soc. Lond. 88: 199. A regional summer form distributed in South-East Angola, South and South-East Congo, )Jyasaland, )Jorthern Rhodesia and the extreme northern portion of Southern H.hodesia. The males diJ'icr from the f. omphale Godt. in the slight reduction of the subapical orange area of forewing, besides in the fusion of the marginal spots of the hindwing. The female is very similar to that of f. omphale from which it differs in the reduction of the orange area of forewing. Recorded by Talbot from Mashonaland (Salisbury) . Q-f. ochreata (Talbot). c. evippc omphale ~- f. ochrea'a Talbot, 1939, I.c.: 199 (Ta.nga.nyika). This is the yellow form of female which is common in parts of East Africa but has not been recorded from Southern Africa. However, as certain specimens from South Africa (~atal) have a distinct yellowish tinge, it is probable that the form will be found in the northern part of our eastern coastal area. ) 1 9-f. ochroleucus (Talbot) 1 0 C. CiJippe media/a ,?-f. ochrolwws Talbot, H(~9. I.e.: 19~) (Congo). 2 d e Similar to f. ochreata Talbot, from which it differs in the narrower inner black edging t a of the orange area of forewing, and in the weak development or absence of the postdiscal d ( band of the hindwing. The form occurs with the f. mediata Talb., but the records given r e bv Talbot state" Rhodesia" withollt mention of " ?'>/orthern " or " Southern ". As h s i l t."mediata Talb. is recorded from Salisbury, the occurrence of f. ochroleuws Talb. within b u our faunistic limits may be presumed. P e h t f. theogone (Bsdv.) (Plates XIX-XX, fig. 25,0',26, (?). y b '/II!hochuris theogone Bsd,·., 1836, SPec. Gill. L ep. I: 575 tCaifraria) . d . ~lll""psyche prucHe WlIgr., IS57. /.cp. R!t op. en/fr.: 12 (Caffraria). e t n The usual win ter form of the species in the grea ter part of Sou thern Africa. The males a r g ba \'(~ no supramarginal stripe of forewing and no postdi:;cal band of hindwing on the e c uppcrsiclc; the females have a supramarginal stripe which is much narrower than in n e the f. olllphale and is rather similar to that of the 0'-form olllphaloides; the postdiscal c i l band of hindwing is abo much narrower than in f. omphale, and in extreme dry specimens r e d is vestigial, only its outer end remaining distinct. n u y ~ -f. arcuata, f. nov. (Plates XIX-XX, fig. 27, holotype). a w Hu/"tyPt: .Kabulabula, Chobc l{iver, 11-24 Jill\", 1930 (Vcrnay-Lang Kalahari Expedition). Paralype: e t Okahandja. South-West .\frica, S .\lIgu~t, 1927 (R D. Hradficlll). a G Description of holotype: Upperside, ground-colour white; forewing flushed with t e light sulphur-yellow in the outer half below the orange apical area, the latter without n i b a S y b d e c u d o r p e R COLons 143 any trace of inner black edging, its inner border deeply emarginate between veins Rs and CUI and its lower end diffusely merged into the light sulphur-yellow colour; outer-marginal dark border as in f. theogone Bsdv.; hindu'ing above with a faint trace of a rusty-yellow suffusion corresponding to the postdiscal band, and more distinct distally; a marginal series of diffuse but well-separated brownish spots int rsected by narrow stripes of the ground-colour on the veins; underside of both wings as in f. theogol1e Bsdv. The paratype is very similar to the holotype, but smaller, with less pronounced yellow suffusion of upperside, and with smaller, almost obsolete marginal spots of hind wing; the postdiscal band is absent altogether. Expanse: hololype : 42 mm; paratype: 37 mm. NOTE: A scale impression of a Victoria Falls male, made by Mr. G. C. Clark, repre sents an extreme dr.'>' form resembling C. an/e"'ippe f. harmonides, but lacking the disco cellular spot of forewing, and with the orange area not as reddish as in antco'ippe. Thi::: form, which cannot be properly described without the actual specimen, is the male equivalent of the <i>-f. arClIata, and should be designated under the same name. f. namaqua, f. nov. (Plates XIX-XX, fig . 28). lI% /ypc : 0, l{uboos, Richtcrsveld, 19 :\o\"ember, 1933 (G. van Son). Description: Forewing with outer margin less convex than in other Southern African forms. Upperside: as in f. theogone Bsdv., but there is no trace of marginal dots in the hindwing. Underside: forewing, ground-colour white, apical area pale ochraceous yellow, with an orange band at its inner edge from costa to vein ;\J:1 ; a minute discocellular dot; hindwing : creamy, very slightly flushed with pinkish, costal area suffused with ochraceous-yellow; a small black discocellular dot, edged with orange on inner side; a faint brownish postdiscal band; some scattered brownish scales in the ) 1 costal, basal and postdiscal area, but no distinct striolation as in f. theogone. Expanse: 1 0 36 mm. 2 d Remarks: The present form is of special interest, as it combines extreme dry-season e t characters of the upperside (reduction of black markings, which are even more reduced a d than in extreme dry specimens of f. /heogone Bsdv.) with an underside approaching the ( r summer forms, particularly in the presence of a minute discocellular spot on the forewing, e h s a character only occasionally found in f. omphale Godt., but ne,'er in f. theogolle Bsdv. i l b This fact is very significant, as it demonstrates the independence of the variation in the u P development of black markings from that of the underside colouration, and militates e h against the recognition of the subspecific ,'alue of differences in forms of different regions t y in the same season. b Expanse: 28--48 mm. Antenna : 32-jointcd. Antenna-'wing ratio : 0 ·-13 (3), ()·4 (<i» . d e t Genitai£a.- .V/a/e (fig. 79 a).-Eighth tergite with a rounded mid-dorsal emargination n a in the posterior one-quarter, the sides of which are acute and curved slightly towards r g each other; legl/11Ie11 rather elongate dorsally, free part of illlCilS a little more than two e c n thirds the length of tegumen; vahle \"ery roundecl apically, costa concave in the basal e c i third: 'i'nlt"lIla large, occupying almost the whole distal half, but ending at one-third of l r the costa from base; sacculus short and broad, reaching almost to the valvula along e d ventral margin; aedoeaglls long, only a little curved near base, four times the length of n u uncus; basal prong widened, upcurnd and rounded at tip; ,iI/x/a weakly sclerotized, y a V-shaped, with the sides acute at tip ; saccus long, more than twice the length of uncus, w e compressed laterally in the anterior half, tip rounded. Female (fig. 79 b) .-Anal lobes t a short, their supporting sclerites narrow, almost band-shaped, posterior apophyses longer G t than the width of the sclerites; 'i'estibulum broader than long, with the anterior pocket e n i b a S y b d e c u d o r p e R 144 COLOTIS large and deep; allyhulae rounded, with the an terior margin very slightly excavate; ostium unarmed, placed at the level of the anterior inner end of the auriculae; ductlls slightly sclerotized ncar ostium, membranous elsewhere, widened and forming a pouch just before the bursa; the latter small and nearly spherical; signllm transversely elongate, rather broad, very little constricted at middle, shortly spinosc except at the ends; the left end is rounded, the right one a little truncate and less sharply defined. LlFE-HlSTO]{Y (fig. 131).-Trimen gave a \"ague description of the pupa only, and the present account has been kindly supplied hy }Ir. G. C. Clark; the figures are drawn either from Mr. Clark's paintings, or from preserved specimens supplied by him. "Egg.-Elongate-conical, 1 mm. high by 0 ·5 mm. in diameter, pale yellow spotted with orange or red. Laid singly on young shoots of the food-plant. Egg-stage about six days. Lar'i'a.- There arc five lan'al instar::; lasting 17 days. The newly hatched larva is 1 ·5 111m. long, final instar larva 21 111m. The colour is generally pale green, in final instal" with yellow, white and black colouring rounc! the spiracles, and sometimes (as in Johan nesburg specimens) a faint diagonal stripe. Body ,;paringly covered with hairs on mole", some having a drop of liquid at tlw end. Pltpa.-17 mm. long, green or light brown, strongly compressed laterally (more so than in C. anfeV1'ppe) , with moderately convex thorax and rather broad head with an acute conical anterior projection. Pupal "tage lasts about 12 days." Food-plants: numerouS Capparidaceae: Capparis citrifolia, C .