. - _ . . . - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - . . _ _ _ . . _ __ .. . . , _ . , . __. . _ _ .______.,,_, _ _

k I .... hN? MOW.WNtW?AWNONL'NA'E?LYI.?l?3r2E2|WW1?'I??LKET&fLVRT3.KM5?M3*y3"3*2* ! "l NRc Form 37f 1 3 hj i15 641 -- #-~~"* U S. NUCl EM+. REGULc. TORY COMMISSloN h i i Amendment flo. 07 g ! MATERIALS LICENSE i ! : Pursuant to the Atonne Energy Act of 1954, as uneriJed, de Enercy Reorgantianon Tet of 1974 (Pubhc Ia 93 4 M and 1itle 10. [hg | g Cade of Feden! Regulatiom. Chapter 1. Parts 30,31,3',33, 34,35,40 and 70. and m rehance on statements and representauens j q' heretofore made by the beensee, a heense a hereby '.ssued authon/mg the b;ensee to receive, a<. quire, poness, and transfer bvproJust. ;, i 1 source, and special nudear matenal designated below; to use such raatenal for the purrecto and at the placcN deugnated teelow .to y! . delner or transfer w;.h matenal to persoin authertied to sceene t' in accorde.nce with the reculathm of the gphs.Ne l'arttu lhu h| t | heense shall be deemed to contam the conditwra speaned m &cuon 163 of the Atonne I nergy Act of 1934. as amended. and a h[ |g subject to all apph;able ruice n ralatioris and orders of the Nmicar Reculata emmnsion now or hereaner m etiest nd m e. h conditions specified t'eh>w h(i y L _ ..- . _ ___._._ .__ . _ . .______. . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . . . h.. ! gj Licenwe ! in accorcance with letter dated !! ' k fiay 8, 1991 0|i " kk1. Ufl0 CAL Corporation 1 Lmme numner t.9-19005-01 is amended in S Itinerals Exploration Company its entirety to read as folicws: y| < h| $1 ; -- J: $1 P. O. Dox 1500 ( - - - - - 51 F ;% Rawlins, Wyoming 62301 ' t in ianonr date Septerter--30, 1995 q ;- pi; - _ .__ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ ;,, 5.1)ock t "' 4 . 030-15192 i Refeieace Na d,i- ,! y _ % 6. liyproduct, sourca and or 7. Chenucal and/or physical & hunum amount that bcensee N' specid nuclear material form may passess at arn o2 ume f| %@g; under ttus beenw s|j . hl A. Cesium-137 A. Sea'ed sources A. See item 9.A. # H8 @%:B. Cadmium-109 8. Sealed sources S. Not to exceed ?! (Texas Hurlear Owg. 3 millicuries ( | h)h] 696-696782) per source gi VI N; F C. Americium-241 C. Sealed sources C. Not to exceed A (Amersham /Searle 0.5 microcurie W |; { fiodel AliN 4) per source P ugA]; wn 'i 4 D. Polonium-210 D. Liquid D. Not to exceed :g . 4! 5 nicrocuries total yt kf d, ' k9. Authorized ~use b| ,

! . _ . m.. - 3j A. For possession and use in Texas Nuclear devices which have been evaluated nJ | and approved for licensing purposes and nuthorized for distribution under a .] | {qi license issued by the Nutlear Regulatory Commission or an Agreement State. p, al! tdt Y 0. and C, For use in Texas iluelear foodel 9?00 Series X-ray fluorescence dj ! analyzers for sample analysis and internal standardization. i *.n! ~ \ j D. For use as a liquid laboratory reference standard. (! L ; hi.;.y y C0fl0lT10!15 Wi ! M: y 10. Licensed material shall be used only at tiineral Exploration Corporatio7, ,4 i il Sweetwater Urantum Project, 42 miles NW cf Rawins on Union 76 Road, Sweetwater n! qi County, Wyoming, d! $ ' 9109040217 910627 REC 4 LIC30 $' MATLSLICENSING PDR f' f .o ,, q, OTTlCIAL RECORD COPY 5 #* * O r Ul0 h ; W h t. m M W e * m m m e w @ ;t e w i n w |m ; wStofU n i M y r a w Q,m - -, _ _. - .- __. . . - - -. .- .

. f

. , . , , _ ._ . . _ . 2._. . , emt mr~mp.m...... _.~.._._..___..._..*----i-._...._ .. . ' WC f oe m J F 4 A U S. fdUCLE AH Mf GULAToHY cOMMISSloN .

N L d, 4 O eds g,, T-. a.,-- ?.&9t k .

! M ATERI ALS LICENSE ~- - q "10005-01- _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ' " "*"#" SUPPLEMENTAR Y SHEET p ; k ! .- D30 15192 _._ _ _. - _ 1 4 '

.- _ f _ L__._ Ame ndmen Lt'o._D L_ . _ f) 4 9 ' h } > 11. A. l.icensed material shall be uved by, or under the supervision of , y - @4 George W. Ucrman or Oscar A. Paulson, y 14 >' - H B. The Radiation Safety Officer for this license is George W. Worman. ' | |4 ; 12. $ealed sources containing licensed material shall not be opened or sources retroyed (g from source housings by the licensee. p:i 4 pl . ; 13. A. Each gauge shall be tested for leakage or radioactive material at no innger pl > ' than 6-month intervals or at such longer intervals not to exceed 3 years as p e are provided in the license of the gauge manufacturer and communicated in F); writing to the licensee by the manufccturer; however, p Y (1) Gauges containing only krypton-85 need not be tested for leakage of h t d radioactive materill, p ,

(2) Gauges containing only tritium, not more than 100 microcuries of other | > ! !q bete and/or gannna emitting material, or not more than 10 microcuries of '. alpha emitting material, and gauges held in storage in the original [, j shipping container prior to initial installation need not be tested for , ' j any purpose, and y : p i ' *| (3) In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test kj ' has been made within 6 months pri0r to the transfer, a gauge (or a > ,(| replacement sealed source .'or the gauge) received f rom another person I| t sh911 not be put into use t.ntil tested, i., ,

'$ B. Any source in storage and not being used need not be tested. When the source h>|[ < is removed from stor?ge for use or transfer to another person it shall be > . toi,! tested before use or transfer. [1 ' O. The test shall be capable of detecting"the presence of 0.005 microcurie of h 4 radioactive material on the test sam 31e If the test reveals the presence of p 0.005 microcurie or more of renovahht contamination, the gauge shall be Q|| removed from service and decor.taminated, repaired, or disposed of in p> ' accordance with Commission regulations. Areportshallbefiledwithin5daysf f * g of the date the leak test result is xnown with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory g p Commission, Region IV, 611 Ryan Piara Drive, Suite 1000, Arlington, Texas y 76011, ATTN: Diiector, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards. The pj , gf report shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective pg 4i action taken. Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of ;M nitrocuries and shall be maintained for inspection by the Commission. Recordsd (|! may be disposed of following Commission inspection. , t ; {g ti D. The licensee is authorized to collect leak test samples for analysis by Texas p ni Nuclear Corporation, or tests for leakage and/or contamination shall be -[j performed by persons specifically licensed by the Commission or an Agreement M}> |* State to perform such services. ;

P $ > $ > b2iiSCiad1MrP2ird.2dWKWrdaMTd;#,:rnddMrada#denJrJrnaddrJrtrir/edcrcraaib| t

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. - 49-19005-01_ _ . _ ._ _ _ MATERIALS LICENSE "" " """ . .._. )p $UPPLEMrt NT ARY SHE ET ,

t .030-1519L . _ _ _ . _ ._ p > g < g . p -.__.- ___.lendmc u tJ o ... 0 L .._. .. ._._. _._ . .__. {p !'l >| i $ s li 14 Each gauge shall be tested for the proper operation of the on-off techanism snd {4 indicator, if any, at no longer than 6-month intervals or at such longer intervals q p as specified by the nanuf acturer, not to exc?ed 3 years, and at the same interval y as the leak test specified in Condition 13. A. h. df y''"' h 15. Installation, initial radiation survey, relocation, removal from service, fqi maintenance, and repair of gauges containing sealed sources, and installation, . ff replacement, and disposal of sealed sources shall be performed only by persons f % specifically licensed by the Comiission or an Agr?erent State to parform such p]> 4 services. Fj i bl if 16. The licensee shall conduct a physical inventory every 6 months to account f ur all I devices rece%ed and possessed under the license. The records of the inventories j i shall be maintained for 3 years from the dete of the inventory for inspection by s'h| g, 'i the Commission, and shall includ gthe quantities and kinds of byproduct material, .y i manufacturer's name and model numbers, location of the devices and the date of the .kl d inventory, h 1 (4 Pj fq 17. In addition to the possession limits in item 8, the licensee shall further restrict . the possession of licensed material to quantities below the minimum limit specified p- in 10 CFR 30.35(d) for establishing decommissioning financial assurance. >| k h. 18. The licensee shall maintain records of information important to safe and effettive > y decommissioning at the licensee's facilities identified in Condition 10. per the I % provision of 10 CFR 30.35(g) un+il this license is terminated by the Connission. ji d| i>I . 9 19. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shell el ' ,| conduct its program in accordance with the statements, representations, and k| procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. The b 4 ' ; '! Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements, || ' ! i representations, and procedurer in the licensee's application and correspondence L j, i t|$ are more restrictive than the regulations, t $ :. ; 8| A. Application dated July 19, 1990 i ! B. Letter dated May 8, 1991 I i ' .i pl $;, 6 \ k | 'I h FOR THE U.S. NUCLE AR REGUL ATORY COMMISSION N k ' ' N Original Signed By M 2,I OM h) I ! Vsvian H. Campbell N ' h Date By y ;y' h huclear f.dterials U cens ug tection Ej h Reaion IV , h Arlington, Texas 76011 ( ' W W | bfitMMadi.TXMh3KatWrMT##2tXEir.;!Bfd0rJrd&T.irME|fJWJrd2rJ.tdraxairJEaaaacy $' __ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . c% .

I JLN271931


UNOCAL Corporation Minerals Exploration Company ATIN: Oscar A. Paulson- * _ Facility Supervisor P.O. Box 1500 Rawlins, Wyoming 82331

' Gentlemen:

Please find enclosed Amendment No. 07 to your NRC material license. You should review tnis an.andment carefully and be sure that you understand all cor'ditions. If you have any questions, you may contact the reviewer who signed your license amendment at 817/860-8100. Note that we have only identified George W. Worman as the Radiation Safety Officer (RS0) on yo_ur license. It is-the intent of 10 CFR that one person, the RSO, be rerpont.ible for the radiation safety program. The R50 can delegate tasks to qualified individuals as he deems appropriate; however, the responsibility remains that of the RSO. We are, therefore, not identifying the assistant RSO on the license. Please be advised that you must conduct your program involving radioactive materials in accordance with the conditions of your NRC license, representations rude in your license application, and NRC regulations. In particular, note that you must'

1. Operate in accordance with NRC regulations 10 CFR Part 19, " Notices. Instructions and Reports to Workers; Inspections," 10 CFR Part 20, t

" Standards for Protection Against Radiation," and other applicable , regulations. ;

2. Possess radioactive material only in the quantity and form indicated in ! your license. ,"

. |- 3. Use radioactive material only for the purposes indicated in your license. [ 4.- Notify NRC in writing of any change in malling address (no fee required if I

the location of- radioactive material remainsLthe same). i 5. -Request and obtain appropriate amendments if-you plan to change ownership i of your sole proprietorship or partnership, change the corporate status of j your company, change locations of radioactilo material within NRC v . jurisdiction, or make any other changes in your f t.cility or program.which i are contrary to your license conditions or representitions made in your , | L license appilcation and any supplemental correspondence with NRC. A | licent.e- fee may be charged for the amendments if you are not in a ; f ee-e empt category.

- i RIV:NMd5 ' | VHCampb'eil i ' \0 /h/91 . . . | L : i : | ' UNOCAL Corporation -2-

6. Submit a complete renewal application with proper fee, or termination , request at least 30 days before the expiration date on your lice u . You i will receive a reminder notice approximately 90 days before the expiration i date, possession of radioactive material af ter your license expires is a ' violation of NRC regulations.

7. Request terminction of your license if you plan to permanently discontinue j activities involving radioactive material. i You will be periodicaliy inspected by NRC. A fee may be charged for inspections in accordance with 10 CFR Part 170. Failure to conduct your program in ) accordance with NRC regulations, license conditions, and representations made in your license-application and supplemental correspondence with NRC will result in enforcement action against you. This could include issuance of a notice of i violation; imposition of a civil penalty; or'an order suspending, modifying, or ! revoking your license as specified in the General Policy and Procedures for NRC | Enforcement Action,10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C. Sinct serious consequences to ; employees and the public can result from failure to comply with NRC requirernents, ! prompt and vigorous enforcement action will bo taken when dealing with licenseet | who do not achieve the necessary meticulous attention to detai! and the high j standard of compliance which the NRC expects of its licensees, ; | Thank you for your cooperation. [ f Sincerely, i i Original Sloned By i Vivian H.campbel j i Vivian H. Campbell ! Health Physicist i Nuclear Materials Licensing Section i . I Enclosure: i As stated !

I t L ! ! 9 ; ! ; I f i

: I f i I


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Minerals Exploration Company | * ! . ATTN: Oscar Paulson P.O. Box 1500 MAY 2 31991 Rawlins, WY 82301

| Gentlemen: ; ' ! This refers to your letter dated May 8,1991, for an amendment to ' Materials License 49-19005-01.

Your request is subject to an amendment fee of $300 as specified in fee 4 Category 3p of h170.31,10 Cfn 170, which went into ef fect July 2,1990. A copy of the May 23, 1990, ' federal Register notice regarding the revision to the Connission's fee regulatioii's' is enclosed. Payment of the $300 fee should be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission ; and mailed to the following address. 3 , ; U.S. fluclear Regulatory Conmission f AlTN: Mr. Maurice Messier License fee and Debt Collection ! Branch, OC/DAf I Hall Stop MHBB 4503 J Washington, DC 20555 ; r Your application will be processed by the Region IV Licensing staff ! located at 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000, Arlington, Texas 76011. ; lhe fee, however, is required prior te issuance of the amendment. When j submitting the f ee, please refer to COHIROL NUMBER 463607 I ! If we do not receive a reply from you within 30 calendar days f rom the ! date of this letter we shall assume that you do not wish to pursue your ! applicationandwillvoidthisaction. | Sincerely, ! ! (Signed) Maurico Messler i ! ! Maurice Messier ! License fee and Debt Collection Branch ! Division of Accounting and finance ! Office of the Controller ; ! Enclosure: -| May 23, 1990, , Federal Registeg notice j 6 cc: Region lv | ! ; ' ' DISTRIBUTION: Pending fee file- i | OC/DAF R/f !' LFDCB R/F (2)

.DW/RIVV/Hinerals/ Exp hg1 OfflCE: OC/LfDCB OC/t JCD SURNAME:-- MMessier:jy -Mach- : DATE: 5/13 /91 5/ w /91 -| ;


? r i l'- i

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| |- |





* SIGNED 1 '- 1 - . _ DATE e 'J ~ q/3// U




__ N ---w - -y-3 s , . _ _ _ , .u--. -----. --.=_-, - --~ . .. .--,=-.-, ~ __- -_--- .- - .-

* I e e Minstels bploration Company A Unocai Company ht+te ster U nnium l'retet t-- * In mng tQ301 _ ' ltAttnone (30 /13.'ti- 14 76 ,J

Mtf ' 31991 ; UNOCAL@ \ * !

_...-_ ---_ . . _ . _ _ i MINER ALS | 8 May 1991 !

; Mr. William L. Fishor, Chlof U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV Materials Radiation Protection t

Section , 611 Ryan Plaza Drivo, Suito 1000 i Arlington, Texas 76011 { RE: Dy-Product Materials License

M R . 4 9 - 1 P_Q.pJ - 0 1 .

Dear 1:r. Fishort , :

Minerals Exploration Company (1 la requesting the following change ; to its By-Product Materials Licensu No. 49-19005-01: '

1) MEC is requesting that Licenso conditions No.11.a. and 11L.b. be changed to road as follows: ' 11. a. Licensed material shall be used by or under the supervi- [ sion of Oscar A. Paulson or Goorge W. Worman. 11. b. The cito Radiation Safety Officer for the licenso is : George W. Worman with Oscar A. Paulson as alternato Radiation Safety Of ficer.

. Minerals Exploration Company, with this letter, wishes to designato George W. Worman as site Radiation Safety Officer and Oscar A. Paul- son as alternato Radiation Safety Officer for the Swootwater Uranium Project. ' Attached for your review are resumes showing the qualifications of tho abovo individuals. Mr. Paulson has successfully completed the Radiation Safety Training Program conducted,4y Oklahoma St. to Univer- ' sity on March 11-15, 1991. Mr. Worman is sch5cl,uled for Radiation ~ Safoty Training from June 3-7, 1991. 3 : .s %nm

Should you or your staff have any questions Db ro~qkire further infor- ! mation, please contact George Worman at (307) 3283476 or Oscar Paul- , ' son at (307) 324-4924,. ~. _ !$ j u p _ ]| w y N 2 - ~-~ - i = relydyo es, Retnit t er . _ . _ ----- Since i

C%ckNm ----[-- . . - |:;;;.b y ::.;; a b + i , /h L Oncar A. Paulsca - .. Facilnty Supervisor OAP:as\8CMAY91 2 _ _ . _ _ _ - - ......

p sme. M *W**

. . - ~ - - , , ~ ------, , n , - ~.- -_ _ _.- _ -.- - .-

. . r I - - . |

OSCAR A. pAULSON P.O. Dox 104 3 Rawlina, Wyoming 82301 TEL: (307)324-5617

PAIIQ.11a1 Data Date of Dirth: 2/6/54 }!aalth: Excellent .U.S. citir.on !!arried, one child

121ucatjsn Undergraduato: liow tioxico Institute of !!1ning and Technology, Socorro, llow flexico !!ajor: Geology, D.s. with liighc.st lionors, 3 974

Graduate: University of Texas at El paso . !!aj ort Geology Attended one somentor, Spring 1975

Certification: Roucived a logging supervisor's cdrtificato (#87006) from Nuclear Sourcea and Services Inc. for successful completion of their radioactivo source handling courso for logging supervisors. Received certificato for the satisfactory completion of , ' n 32-hour courso in Flammablo Ligtiids Firo Protection from the University- of at Reno on 10/6/89.

1- Previoup ExnerictLC.n

7/89 - Prosent: Facility Supervisor: Sucotwater 141no, liinerals


Exploration Company .(a wholly-owned subsidiary of ,

. . Unocal). ' !!anaged operations at a nothballod open pit uranium ' , mine and nill.14anaged a uranium nining' byproduct . Vasto disposal project, designed and supervised construction of-an 800 gpm ion exchange plant for , extraction of' uranium from mino water, assembled a computer system and developed sof tware for uranium ora reserve evalu'ation, nanaged a groundwater remediation project related to tailings cell leakago, worked with stato and federal regulatory agencies, nanaged assessment drilling programs and supervised general care and maintenance activities. 2/89 - 6/89: consultant: Mranium Resources. Inc. of Dallas, Texas, Kingsvillo Dome !!ine, Kingsville, Texas. Supervised drilling and o logging operations, interpreted logs, computed ore reserves and worked extensively with a discquilibrium corrected logging system. J1 Para Joint Venture. Developed a uranium exploration program for deep sandstono uranium deposits in South Texas.

-__ ! ~ ' > . . . I ! ' ' . i i : I oscar A paulson i Pago 2. ; | | : i 10/06 - 1/89: Mino Manager: Lanprecht Mine, IEC corporation of Throo | Rivero, Toxos, near Ray Point, Texas. ! Managed a 2000 gpn in situ uranium nine with thirty } cmploycos. Managed plant, wellfield, laboratory, j naintenanco, drilling and draf ting operations. { Designed new wollfields, planned drilling programs, ; designed wellfield piping systems, planned wellfield j pump / injection patterns, designed plant ;)lping and , pumping systems and wor):cd extensively unth ion exchango columns (both upflow and dowtJ10w) . Designed and supervised the fabrication of a well conenting unit. Purchased a logging truck for IEC, supervising { lts operation and maintenance Operated and maintaiaod ! Scitec 's M. A. P. system f or dir,.ect downholo uranlun ' assaying via X-ray fluoroccon.co. Supervised operation ' of an underrcaming tool in the completion of over 250 { woll:2 Supervised a geologist in the development of a j comprehensivo uranium exploration program for the South i - Texas aron. Operated two doop injection wells for the | disposal of contaminated fluids. Supervised ground- ! water renediation/ restoration of depleted wollfields | via the groundwater swoop nothod, t * : , 6/02 - 10/86: Production and Exploration Geologist: IEC corporation [ . for Throo nivers, Texas, Zanzow Mino near Ray Point, i Texas. i Supervised ongoing production well drilling programs including the repair and naintenance of oxisting ; wolls, conputed oro reserves using an HP9845 computer, ' plotted naps, drow cross-sections and completed other j geologic work as required. Performed all required i surveying tasks, conducted a_ prpcious notals exploration progran in How involving research, literaturo searchus, interpretation of aerial photographs, preparation of detailed lineament and geologic naps, land checks, noctings with nine and .clain owners and camplo collection. Performed all of IEC's uranium related land work in South Texas. Developed a nethod_ for controlling lost circulation when drilling through open pit backfill. Worked on pore volume computations for the wellfield to_ aid in restoration. Supervised two wollfield foremon (ono ut Zanzow and one at Lamprecht) who were in charge of all wellfield crews (Smeal crows, piping crews and airlif ting crews), a draf tsman and a wellfield technician. Designed production and bjection well patterns at both nines with the goal e ' maintaining high flow and feed grado.

40360.7 * , ,

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Oscar A. Paulson pago 3.

1/70 - 5/02: production Geologlot: IEC Corporation _sf Throc Rivers, Texas, Zamzow flino, near Ray Point, Texas. prepared maps, crosc-sections and computed oro recorvos. Developed now and inproved upon existing reservo computation methods, including developing recorvo computation prograno for use on an 11P-9845A computer. Wrote a manual describing wollfield procedurou. Intnrpreted norial photographs of the South Texas uraniun trend using the data to prepara a not of exploration maps showing the sino and location of competitor's orobodien and the density and location of competitor'n exploration drilling. Conducted fcanibility ntudico including pu.np tonto of potentially loachable orobodios. Analyzed the logu, myss, coron and other data from numerous oro bodion in the South Texas aron. Conducted coring programu, including pont loach coring to datormino porcont recoverion in the loach field. Superviced the open pit nining, by Exxon Inc. , of a portion of IEC'n Zanzow orobody. Superviced the completion and repair of wollo and developed soveral now wall cacing techniques. Superviced a DFli logging unit and performed all the curveying tacks at tho Zanzow liino. Supervised a draf tsman and a wollfield technician. 10/77 - 12/77: Hollfield Technician: IEC Corporation of Throo Rivorn, Texan, Zanzow liino, near Ray Point, Texaa. Superviced four production well drilling riga and one well cicanup rig. Road and interpreted gamma ray, SP and resistivity logs.- Computed oro recorvou and prepared napa. , C/7 6 - 9/77 : Geologist: Proo Gold !!inos, Inc. , of Albuquerque, liow ' 9/75 - 12/75: !!cxico, Great Republic !!ino near Hinston, flow 14cxico. ' flapped and camplod sprfaco exposures and underground . workings of high grado gold and silver voins. ' Ccnotructed a heap leaching pilot plant for gold and silver ores. Supervised a surf aco diamond drilling program. Calculated oro reservon manually and with custom portware on n mainframo computer. -12/75_- 6/76: Geologlot: Ronorvo Oil and !!ineralo Corporation of Albuquerquo, llew 140xico.- 14apped and sampled surfaco exposures and underground workings of the Poison Canyon !!1no, a uranium mino near Grants, liow !!cxico. Logged drill holos with a liount ; Sopris 14odel 2500 logging unit. Road and interpreted ] drill hole logs using the information to calculato ore , reservos. Mapped the underground workings of the Ladowig !!ino, a high grado uranium voin synton, near >j Goldon, Colorado. I

_ _ _ _ .._ .__ _ -

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Oscar A. Paulson Pago 4.

1/75 - 8/75: Teaching Assistant /Flold Assistant: University of Texas at El Paso / Exxon, Inc. , under the supervision of Dr. Karl W. K1cnont. Taught undergraduato geology laboratorios. Assisted in the noasuring and sampling of the Upper Paloozoic stratigraphic sections in tho San Andreas Mountaina of New Mexico. 1/72 - 11/74: Laboratory Assistant Now Hoxico Bureau of !!ines and Mineral Resourcos. Worked part time as an assistant to Dr. Rousseau H. Flower, the Senior Paloontologist. Prepared and photographod fossil specimens.- Ran a darkroom, produc..ng prints for uso in publications. Worked on improving and dnvoloping prgcoduras for the extraction of micro-fossils, notably conodonts, f rom limestones.

1 OPtas/0/90-






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. hbfm/O m a Y,. ado ~ . sucedif7

| ' 8 K@ 'k - . "' % ..,,,, / ' $4 & to cettjjd that Ost:ar A. 'Paulson ! [$u succcujSify com/id(cdthe 1

| RADIATION SAFETY SPECIALIST TRAINING PROGRAM | | | cGMb/ttc$h]7 kfakDma a|C 5v0245ty an$57b 2}%$tO7b YCICCf5 ACIChy

acoardedthe coi(9L to. fwen at St|&ator, Ohhhoma the 1st4 chy c/larc4 " gym f'"#*7'"*'/f##'- , 4 ' ~ ~~ ' , L , si(A(Af f /|f _.y MIML./ ' ' 'f- 0 % -' i Sit kwrd M. Johnson / 'd 4 e. Y, l Associate Professnr ,) g ]

, y O , EE"* , ./

, ' - ' ~J .1.- T stan st. our ham stS' 4.0 CEU's C a rdinstor %y ,,, 2, .sg'i* ' 't CEAT Extemien i _ .- _.m._ _ _._. _ m _m - - . .. - . ~. _m.. _ - . _ . .m. . . _ - _. _ . .

^* ; <[ . . ! ., - f ' f

" ~ ! Ll[___f ! u u [; i ^ - ~ e . STIllWATER, OKLAHOMA T4078 b { $| $ $ g ) Qg}'f'[[ ENGINEERING NORTH 512 i L PHONE: 405 744 5146 | FAX: 405 744 3033 a ENGINEERING EXTENSION ! COttECE OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND TECHNOLOGY r

i - + March 28, 1991 ! t ! . ; - T(i WHOM-IT MAY CONCERN: f " . Oscer_Paulson-has successfully completed the thirty-two (32) hour Radiation Safety ! Spccialist Training Program and has passed the four (4) hour comprehensive examination. I This course was conducted by Oklahoma- State University in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March ' 11-15, 1991,. and consisted of the following topics:

1) Atomic and Nuclear Structure 7) Internal Radiation Protection ' I i a) Nuclear notation a) Internal radiation hazards b)-Nuclear stability { b) Control of contamination i ci Isotopes c) Waste disposal ! t 2)' Radioactive Decay 8) Radiation Safety Instrumentation f -a)-Decay-schemes a)'S*urvey m'eters I -b) Half-life b) Radiation scalers- i ;ci Chart of the nuclides. c) Personnel dosimeters ! d)CurieandBecquerel ! 3) Types of Radiation and Interaction 9) Regulatory Control f . .,

a) X and-gamma -a) Licensing-procedures i L b) Alpha. and beta b) Agreement and nonagreement ; ci-Neutrons -states ; d) Brcasstrahlung:- c) Code of Federal Reg 91atichs j '4) Radiation Dosimetry- ' ' 10) Compliance. [ .a):Absorbaddose: rad, gray . a) Establishing-and posting < [ bP Exposure dose: roentgen, C/kg radiation areas ci Dose equivalent: rem, Sievert ; b) Surveying and wipe testing . d) Quality _ factor -work areas !

_ _ . c) Leak testing sealed sources 5) biological Effects of Radiation i ! d))e Transportation Counting statistics of r a): Acute and chronic effects radioactive materials ! b): Radiation and protection guides i * c) Dose limits ,

, 6) External Radiation Protection I a) Time i b) Distance ' c) Shielding

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! i f L The Radiation = Safety Specialist Training included the following procedures which are ! expected of Radiation Safety Specialists. ; ; 1) Use the Radiological Health Handbook and the Chart of the fluclides, s 2) Determine decay characteristics of a radionuclide froai the Radiological Health Hand- f book and the Chart of the Nuclides. |

3) Use standard calibration sources and perform DPM-Curie and Becquerel conversions. !

4) Perform radioactive decay corrections. ! 5) Apply statistics to the counting of radioactive sample and express in correct form.

6) Use of the following instruments to perform area surveys; ;

a) Geiger-Mueller survey meter f b) Cutie P4 survey meter ; cl fleutron survey meter d) Alpha survey meter :

7) Use of film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters and pocket dosimeters for personnel | dosimetry. )! 8) Calculate the dose rate from: (a) point gamma source, (b) point neutron source, and %) point beta source producing bremsstrahlung. , j

9)- Perform shielding calculations on gamma, X-rays, beta, bremsstrahlung, and neutrons . to' reduce the dose to an acceptable level . '

10) Use time, distance and shielding as protective. measures. I 11) Perform calculations pertinent to leak tests, wipe tests, and air samples, to deter- mine if contamination is-present and the amount. [ :

12) Apply MPC values to a-practical situation. i t 13) Establish a radiation safety-unit withih an organization utilizing: a) Restricted areas- g) Wipe tests b)-RS0' - h) Posting : c) Radiation safety committet i) Pertinent record - -d) Personnel monitoring j) Radioactive storage and ; e) Area surveys disposal ; kl Receiving and shipping f) Leak tests |


Narch 28, 1991 ,p:(,[ /// s,4 4 - i Date WARD M.' JOHNS /f' i, Ph.D. ! Associate Profrssor t Div. of Engineering Technology Oklahoma State University i


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George W. Worman P.O Dox 39 Medicine Dow, WY O2329 (307) 379-2289

GUMMARY OF QUAllFICATIONG - Over twenty five yearn progrennive management experience in mining operations. - Skilled in hydro-metallurgy plant operationn, nuccennfully recovered Uranium and 99.999 percent pure Europium. - Experienced profennional in producing capital and operations budgets, work plann, long and short term fo ecants and plann.


Oct. 1970 - Mar 1990 UTAll CONGTRUCIION AND MINING (Prenently Pathfinder Minen Corporation), GHIRLEY 13AGIN MINE, Shirley Danin, WY

Jul. 1901 - Mar 1990 Mill Superintendent PATilFINDER MINES CORPORATION, Shirley Dasin, WY Responsible for all phanen of operations including metal 4urgica' recovery, chemical, maintenance, and administrative. Expertine in general Lafety, radiation nafety, and environmental nafety considerations; resulted in :ero lost time accidents. Planned and executed capital and operational budgets, ended each fiscal year within 5% of budget projectionn.

i - May. 1975 - Jul. 1901 Apniutant M i 1.1 Guperintendent.


, Responsible for all phanes of mill operationn, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical recovery, radiation safety, general nafety, scheduling of employeen, production and shipping schedulen, employee developmen t and training; accomplished successful hydro-metallurgical operation.

Oct. 1970 - May 1975 General Mill Foreman UTAll CONSTRUCTION & MINING, Shirley Danin, WY

. . - Responsible for all phanes of operations, metallurgical recovery, training and schedule of operations personnel. Supervision of operations.


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Apr. 1965 - Sep. 1970 Shi f t. Foreman _ ' * ~ MOLYDDENUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA (Mountain Pass Mine,) Nipton, CA

Responsible for chemical plant operations, maintenance and safety on a shift basis. Additional responsibilities in Research Dept. Mar. 1959 - Apr. 1965 Shift Foreman UTAH CONSTRUCTION & MINING (Lucky Mc Mill) Gas Hills. WY

Progressive experiences, promoted from general laborer to shift foreman. Responsible for operations, maintenance, training and safety of personnel in a hydro-metallurgy plant.

SPECIALIZED EUUIPMENT AND KNOWLEDGE 25 Ton Hydraulic Cranes Caterpillar Tractors, up to D9 Frontend Loaders, up to 10 yd3 Fork Lifts 103 Ton Electrical Drive Trucks Pipe Threading Machines Welding Gasoline Engine Overhaul Wiring of Electrical M 7 tors (Volt / Ohm Meters) Wiring of AT&T Telephone Circuits IBM Compatible PC Computers LOTUS 1-2-3 dBase III+ I Wordperfect , * Wordstar

, ' EDUCATION , . Diploma, Chemical Engineering . International Correspondence School, Scranton, PA 1969 . Diploma, Crawford High School, Crawford. NE 1954 MILITARY HISTORY U.S. Navy, Radarman Second Class (E-5) Honorable Discharge August 1954 - October 1957


U.S. Citizen: Health: Excellent


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George Worman


Education Dack Ground |$Id'| *' GE Management Skills Modeling Course |

Management by Objectives Course |~ Economic Evaluation Courses,. University of Denver, CO , , , American Management Association Fundamentals of Data Processing Cash Management

Key Ratios and Trend Analysis

Financial and Statistical Reporting Federal Mine Safety and Health ( MSAA) National Safety Council Keyman Development Programs Nosa Radiation Monitoring and Control Course, Denver, Colorado

Extractive Metallurgy, Universities of Utah~ and Denver

Uranium Mining Tech., Mackay School of Mines, University of NV, Reno, ; Extractive Metallurgy of Uranium, University of , i ' !

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