Strange Brew I Do Not Claim the Rights of This Script
Strange Brew I do not claim the rights of this script. It is reserved to the writers, Dave Thomas Rick Moranis and Steve De Jarnatt. [SCENE ONE - A MGM movie stage] [MGM lion belches] Bob: Hey, growl will you? Doug: Make some noise, you knob! Bob: Yeah, we gotta start the movie, eh? He’s not growling. Doug: Gee, I think he’s bummed out. Bob: Stick a pin in his bum, eh? Doug: No way. Bob: [to lion] What are you on, Valium? Doug: Maybe, maybe I ought crank his tail, eh, that ought to start him up. [Cranks lion’s tail] Ok, start up. Come on, eh! Bob: Maybe we ought to call Marlin Perkins, eh? Get Wild Kingdom here, eh? Oh jeez, he’s getting mad. [Bob and Doug notice that the camera is on] Doug: Oh jeez, we gotta get going! [Both run to stage set and sit down] Bob: Do the theme, eh? Doug: [does Great White North theme] Bob: Good day. Oh, do, do our new movie theme, eh? Doug: [does Great White North trumpet blast] Bob: Beauty, eh? Good day, I’m Bob McKenzie this is my brother Doug. Doug: How’s it going, eh? Bob: Welcome to our movie, eh? Ok, our topic is movies. Oh, uh, first off, the difference between movies and TV, eh? Ok, go to TV! [Scene shifts to television set with Bob and Doug] Bob: This is the difference between TV and movies, eh? Doug: So? Bob: Ok, go back to movies! [MGM lion roars] Bob: Jeez, now that hoser's growling! Doug: Yeah.
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