others In in an ond kidnaping they left clues that en- lake was an old alligator popularly members of the gang Is believed to G-men and co-operation laney, trapped Atlantic City, merits and he furnished Smith with t HARVARD MEN abled the Federal agents to Identify known In the vicinity as "Old Joe." have led to the arrest of Bartholmey, with local police. N. J„ hotel when Karpis and Camp- broad summary, listing the larger TO MEET them and track them down. With only this meager description Fitzgerald and Peifer. Only two kidnapers besides Karpis bell escaped the trap a year ago, are payments, but withholding names of as a guide, the G-men an in- "The same committed both wanted list of the F. B. I. serving five-year sentences. contract signers. WIFE OF SUSPECT the cities were latent finger- began gang are on the Senator Elbert D. Thomas of Among Utah vestigation of all the lakes in Florida kidnapings,” Hoover told reporters at the time. are Wil- "We intend to knock off every one At a press conference last Wednes- prints—invisible to the naked eye—on present They will be the in the almost forlorn hope of alias Mahan, who ever worked with this gang,” i day Wallace said a clerical staff was principal speaker at the several empty gasoline cans discarded finding yesterday. liam Dainard, sought one with an alligator of that name, in Modus of the was the for the at Hoover said. "It may run to 25 or working on the list and that the annual banquet of the Harvard Club by Bremer’s kidnapers on the day of operandl gang Weyerhaeuser kidnaping a believe-it-or-not sort of climax they same in each case. Hamm was seized Tacoma, in connection with 30 people.” names and amounts desired by the of to be the ransom payment. Two brass ma- Wash., Washington, held at the located such a lake before tne search by several men as he walked down a which Harmon Waley and his wife are Senate could be obtained in five or rine lights used in signaling to the University Club at 8 p.m. Wednesday. had been under found on it of weeks. he indicated also to be way long, St. Paul street on the afternoon serving long terms, and Thomas H. six However, that ransom intermediary proved Others on the program include a hcuse w hose inhabitants had aroused June 1933. He was released after of Mrs. names of contract would not Leigh damaging evidence. 15. Robinson, jr.t kidnaper Berry Wallace signers Away on Visit at Time of suspicions of neighbors and placed it William W. Dunn, a friend, had tossed Stoll of Louisville, Ky. be included unless the Senate so re- Hoodley, professor of zoology at Har- The cans were brought to the bu- under surveillance. a bundle of $100,000 on a lonely

(Continued From First Page.)

pointed out as the place where Ed- ward G. Bremer, St. Paul bank presi- dent, was held by the same gang for $200,000 ransom six months later. Accused as “Finger Man." Peifer, Twin City police character, Is said to have served as “finger man” for the kidnapers. Fitzgerald is ac- cused of being the man who shook hands with Hamm before two others poked guns in his ribs. In disclosing the arrests, J. Edgar Hoover, director of the F B I., re- fused to divulge details of the hunt for the men. There remains to be caught , so-called “public THE WORLD'S enemy No. 1.” known to his gang associates as “Old Creepy.” Karpis narrowly has escaped capture on three MOST BEAUTIFUL occasions. The five other outlaws involved in REFRIGERATOR the Hamm kidnaping, according to Hoover, are all accounted for. They arc: Elmer Farmer, serving a sentence In the Bremer case. Byron Bolton, also called William Bryan Bolton, now held in St. Paul | In connection with the Bremer case. Arthur “Doc” Barker, eldest of “Ma" Barker's boys, serving a life sentence | at Alcatraz. Fred Barker, killed with his mother in a gun battle with Federal agents at Oklawaha. Fla. Fred C. (Shotgun Zeigler) Goetz, reported killed by gangsters. Members of the "Terrible Touhey” gang had been acquitted of the kid- naping when Hamm failed to identify any of them in court. After handing his three-page mem- orandum to reporters and making a short statement of the case. Hoover refused to discuss details of the in- vestigation which led to the arrests. “I'm afraid I’ve said too much al- ready.” he said. The Karpis-Barker gang, leaders of which were Karpic and two Barker brothers—Arthur, alias "Doc,” and Fred—succeeded in escaping detection in the Hamm kidnaping for many months. Encouraged by their success in the Hamm case, the gang plotted and I carried out the bigger “job.” the kid- naping of Bremer. It was in the sec- -1 Here’s the most glorious home outfit offer in our entire history! Three real quality, beautifully furnished rooms in modern style, as itemized below, at this almost unbelievable low price. Room outfits or individual pieces may be purchased separately. The 10-Pc. Modern Bed- The Smart 10-Pc. Modern I Illustrated: Model GKQ-70 room Outfit**^^7 Living Room N I *194-95 The 38-Piece Kitchen I 7 CUBIC FEET CAPACITY, is Yours for. W Cr Outfit is S Only, I (Without vegetable drawer, $174.95) Outfit /fl What a delightful bed room! Beautifully furnished in the very latest modern style! Think how proudly you will entertain guests in a of the added room The luxurious Just think many butte,, is Only- Z~M*W The bed room suite is of genuine walnut living furnished like this! shelves in the door. Providing amp ,£"« veneers in combination with other fine two-piece mohair frieze suite is alone a bargain i^olwovs at your finger tips. we in- es, A delightful kitchen and breakfast room at a what we include in at this low but note all the extras other small artic .... woods! Here's exactly price, I bacon, lemons and With the Shelvodor, it is. instantly record low price. Note that we even include this outfit: MAY BE SEPARATELY elude: MAY BE SEPARATELY PURCHASED. ■ the door and THERE in this kitchen the very latest table-ton Open An orange, style PURCHASED. • i ^^'VcreisedY Luxurious davenport. the g\ gas Here's what this * the usable capacity of refrigerator on the range! you get with Lounge chair to match. I snou while • as it complete kitchen outfit. MAY BE SEPA- • Full site modern bed. Modern end table. as much space • ■ for only occupies ^ ef • Beautiful chest of drawers. Occasional chair. example, ^ RATELY PURCHASED: • • “t11'*® Choice of dresser or vanity. Modern bridge lamp. it would • bench. • Modern table lamp, shelves current, • Modern vanitv refrigerator effortetrcrr and Table top gas range. • • saves time, Comfortable cotton mattress. Modern floor lamp milk. The Shelvodor space, • Five-Piece oak breakfast set. • Guaranteed coil sprints. • Modern lamp, table. • • Modern cocktail table. • 32-piece set of dishes. Two feather pillows. • lamps. • .Modern cocktail smoker. I ALL MODELS INCLUDE 5«YEAR 2 modern vanity The New Telephone protectionplan^^ OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. JtSS I Directory Closes April 21

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