Sitrep 48 NDCC Update Complex Emergency
Members of various clusters, WASH, NUTRITION, HEALTH, FOOD, CAMP Coordination and Management in ARMM committed to regularly meet to discuss issues and concerns of IDPs The total cost of assistance extended to the IDPs is Php95.049 Million. Of this amount, Php74.982 Million was provided by the Government while Php20.067 Million was provided by NGOs, INGOs, ICRC and the UN System. Relief assistance provided were in the form of food assistance (rice and food packs); temporary shelter (construction of bunkhouses); health services (consultation and disease surveillance in ECs and provision of medicines); psychosocial services and WASH services (provision of latrines and construction of toilet facilities in evacuation sites. Intensified information, education campaign on proper hygiene; and training of volunteers in providing psychosocial support The NDCC enjoined all humanitarian actors on the grounds, both from the government and non-government organizations to continue coordinating to ensure the timely delivery of humanitarian aid to the most in need, resources are optimized and duplications/gaps are minimized The safety and security of those delivering humanitarian aid is one of the prime concerns of the Government, hence the NDCC encourage the optimization of existing coordination mechanism at all level of governance and the government cluster leads The NDCC and the Commission of Human Rights encourage the need for more information exchange between the NDCC and other humanitarian actors to improve on data collection, validation and disaggregated data for purposes of identifying further relief needs of IDPs by sex, age group and beliefs, etc. The Commission on Human Rights reported that there are no reports of sexual abuse and human trafficking in ECs DSWD deployed the Quick Response and Social Welfare and Development (QR/SWAD) teams to undertake data generation, relief distribution, operation/ management of evacuation centers, community kitchens, supplemental feeding to children, crisis counseling, etc.
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