Robert McElroy (Chairman), Scott Ronald (Secretary), Jim Dryburgh (Treasurer), James Cooper, Helen Dolan, Phyllis Pasquale, Sandy Walls.


Bailie Josephine Docherty, Bailie Kyle Thornton.


Mhairi Cavanagh, Marie McMahon, Dr Lawrence Schmulian.


Councillor Stephen Curran, John Duthie, Charles Gallagher, Colette McAlpine, Scott Robertson


May approved – proposed by Helen Dolan, seconded by Phyllis Pasquale






The “Doggy Park” was discussed at some length. Some grass cutting has been done but not as much or as often as local residents had been given to expect. In addition, hedges are not being cut and there appears to be no maintenance schedule. Council employees have allegedly told local residents to “keep complaining”. Baillies Docherty and Thornton have both visited the Park and will pursue the matter with LES.

Secretary asked about the re-surfacing of the paths in Newlands Park, which has been left incomplete. Baillie Thornton said that, due to budgetary constraints, this work could not be completed at present but that it is hoped to do so at a later date.

Dr Schmulian said that some broken street lamps were, at last being repaired, but complained again about others being left burning 24 hours per day.


Bailie Docherty expressed regret at the shortfall in maintenance of the Doggy Park referred to above and reiterated that she will pursue the matter with LES.

Bailie Thornton said that:

• The Screwfix banners have been removed from the railings at Auldhouse and Greenbank Parks • The “Keep Clear” (yellow box?) lines that were to be painted at the junction of Mamore Street and Nether Auldhouse Road have still not been done but are on the Roads Dept’s list • Following numerous complaints about damage to vehicles, the 3 very large speed bumps that were installed in Drive at Millbrae Gardens are to be rebuilt. There was general agreement that similar action was needed with the speed bumps at the junction of Road and Christian Street.

Other Points:

• The work that is currently being undertaken in Greenbank Park is for flood prevention • General discussion about how £300k of ENV2 money from the above and other Scottish Water projects might be spent in the area but it would appear that this money goes directly to City Council, who decide how it should be allocated • Proposals on restricting parking on pavements have been included for consultation in Stage 1 of the Transport Bill that is currently before the Scottish Parliament.

Community Council Election

Secretary reported that Democratic Services have produced a notice advertising the election. It was agreed that these should be placed in:

• Morrisons Newlandsfield (with the store’s permission of course) • Couper Institute and Pollokshaws Libraries • , Newlands South, St Gabriel’s and St Margaret’s Churches (again with their respective permissions) • The Spar store at Mamore Place

Secretary will arrange the first three of the above. Helen Dolan and Phyllis Pasquale were asked to speak to the Spar store.

It was also agreed that the Secretary would write directly to the lady who has expressed an interest in joining the NACC to advise her of these arrangements.

Community Council Boundary

Glasgow City Council are consulting about a new Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils. Under these proposals the east and south areas of the present NACC area would be transferred to Cathcart. Council agreed to object to this and submit an alternative proposal under which the Merrylee Housing Scheme would be transferred to NACC.

General Data Protection Regulations

Democratic Services are currently assessing the implications of this new legislation and, as part of this, Secretary has advised Democratic Services of the data that the NACC currently holds.


It was agreed that:

• NACC will renew its contract with Gateway Engage, who currently host the website, for another 12 months at an estimated cost of £150 • Secretary was authorised to spend up to £50 to investigate moving the website to WORDPRESS at some future date.

Secretary also asked for some new material for the website especially photos of the fete.


Weir’s Tennis Club may be willing to offer free tennis lessons as one of the attractions at this year’s Fete. Chairman asked the Baillies present if a court could be reserved for that purpose. Baillies thought that would be in order provided that notices were put up beforehand explaining what was happening.

The next meeting of the Fete Sub-Committee is on Monday 25th June.


The Treasurer reported a balance of £3,715.67 as of 31st May 2018.


Secretary reported that he has received an invitation from the Lord Chamberlain’s Office to represent the Community Council at this year’s Holyrood Garden Party.


Recent planning applications were discussed as follows:

Site Adjacent To Petrol Station On Installation of 12m monopole with 3m antenna and 9-May-18 Arqiva Riverford Road Glasgow ancillary equipment cabinet. 16-May-18 None Erection of single storey extension to rear of 23-May-18 Mr John Kane 181 Auldhouse Road Glasgow G43 1XD dwellinghouse. Installation of one rooflight and flu duct to rear of flatted Mr Nic Oldham Flat 1 68 Langside Drive Glasgow property. 30-May-18 Formation of window to side elevation of converted Mrs J F McKeon 8 Broom Place Glasgow G43 2TL domestic garage. 6-Jun-18 None




Thursday 16th August and Thursday 13th September, both @ 19.15.

** End of Minutes **