In the Marine Waters of Iraq Laith A

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In the Marine Waters of Iraq Laith A Marine Biodiversity Records, page 1 of 3. # Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2014 doi:10.1017/S1755267214001006; Vol. 7; e102; 2014 Published online Occurrence of pineconefish Monocentris japonica (Teleostei: Monocentridae) in the marine waters of Iraq laith a. jawad1, mustafa a. al-mukhtar2, hayder i. al-hilali3, abass j. al-faisal2 and ahmed m. al-derawi3 1Flat Bush, Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand, 2Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq, 3Department of Protection and Improvement of the Environment, Southern Region Environment Directorate, Ministry of Environment, Basrah, Iraq The presence of the fish species Monocentris japonica is reported from the Iraqi waters of the Arabian Gulf. One adult spe- cimen (125 mm total length) was caught from the waters around the Khor Abdullah within the Iraqi marine territory, giving a new ichthyofaunal record for the area. Keywords: new record, Basrah, Arabian Gulf, range extension Submitted 29 June 2014; accepted 4 August 2014 INTRODUCTION & Bianchi (1984). Nomenclature follows that of Eschmeyer (2014) and Fricke (2014). The Iraqi territorial marine waters, subjected to a subtropical climate, are located in the north-west corner of the Arabian Gulf, a shallow marginal northern extension of the Indian RESULTS Ocean (Pous et al., 2012). The Iraqi marine coastal area receives huge amounts of fluvial input via the River Shatt Family MONOCENTRIDAE Al-Arab, the confluent delta of the Rivers Tigris and Monocentris japonica (Houttuyn, 1782) Euphrates. During the winter season, low precipitation leads to an increased salinity in the northern parts of the Arabian Gulf. High plankton productivity, as a result of high nutrient levels, occurs in the north-western parts of the area (Al-Kandari et al., 2009; Al-Yamani & Saburova 2010, material examined 2011), where a specimen of the pineapplefish (sometimes MSCUB 0113, 1: 125 mm TL, Khor Abdullah, north- ′ ′′ called the pineconefish) Monocentris japonica (Houttuyn, west corner of the Arabian Gulf, Iraq, 29851 59.25 N ′ ′′ 1782) was collected. 48826 14.56 E, gill net, 16 m depth, 6 June 2014 (Figure 1). The work of Heckel (1843) provided some of the earliest information on the ichthyofauna of Iraq. There are several description works providing additional information on the marine fish Body orbicular, moderately deep and compressed, covered fauna of Iraq in recent decades (Mahdi & George, 1969; with enlarged united scales forming rough shield. Snout Mahdi, 1971; Al-Daham, 1982; Hussain et al., 1988), but there are few thorough accounts (Jawad, 2012). In the present paper, we report on the presence of pineap- plefish, Monocentris japonica in the Iraqi marine waters of the Arabian Gulf. The specimen is deposited in the ichthyological collection of the Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah, Iraq (MSCUB 0113). Standard length (SL), measured from tip of snout to base of caudal fin, was used for proportional mea- surements, and total length (TL) for the maximum length of specimen. The specimen was fixed in 10% formalin and stored in 70% ethanol. Measurements were made with dial cal- lipers to the nearest 0.1 mm and follow the method of Fischer Corresponding author: L.A. Jawad Email: [email protected] Fig. 1. Monocentris japonica, MSCUB 0113, 125 mm total length. 1 2 laith a. jawad et al. broad. Wide lacrimal and anterior portion of following infra- working in the same area where the specimen of M. japonica orbital. Eye large. Light organ at the symphysis of the lower was obtained revealed that specimens of this species have been jaw. Villiform teeth in mouth, but vomer with no teeth. caught from the same area since 2008. With the distinctive Dorsal fin with 6 spines having no connecting membrane, shape and coloration of this species, it is possible to consider followed by soft dorsal fin. Yellowish, with dark scale edges; the narrative of the fishermen to be correct and hence to con- light organ covered with black pigment. sider that this species has established a population in the area. More generally, the existence of such a noteworthy specimen in the Iraqi marine waters since 2008 highlights once again remarks our limitations in monitoring the arrival of invasive species The total length of the present specimen (125 mm) is smaller in the marine environment. than the recorded maximum size given for this fish (170 mm; The importance of the present record of M. japonica comes Sainsbury et al., 1985). The description of the present speci- as a result of extensive ichthyological collections in the area men agrees with the description given by Kotlyar (1985), and in the context of the absence of any previous record of Randall (1995), Paxton (1999) and Heemstra & Heemstra members of this family from the Iraqi marine waters. (2004). It differs from the congener M. reedi in having deeper body, short gill rakers, shorter caudal peduncle, larger anterodorsal distance, fewer gill rakers on the 1st gill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS arch, and fewer scales on lateral line (Table 1). Cleidopus glor- iamaris has no light organ on the mandible, narrow lacrimal We thank the Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah for bone and absence of vomerine teeth. providing the facilities to collect fish specimens in the Iraqi Fischer & Bianchi (1984) indicated that this species is marine waters and for all other technical assistance; Jon expected to occur, but not yet reported from off the coasts Moore, Wilkes Honors College, Florida Atlantic University of South Africa, Mauritius and Sri Lanka. It also occurs in USA and Ofer Gon, South African Institute of Aquatic the Gulf of Aqaba (Baranes & Golani, 1993) and extends Biodiversity, South Africa for the confirmation of the identity east and north to Australia and Japan and south to New of the species; and Daniel Pauly, Fisheries Centre, University Zealand (Paulin et al., 1989). The nearest locality to the of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada for his valu- Iraqi marine waters of the Arabian Gulf where this species able advice and suggestions during his reading and editing has been recorded from previously is the Arabian Sea coasts of the manuscript. of Oman (Randall, 1995; Manilo & Bogorodsky, 2003). This is the first documented occurrence in the Arabian Gulf waters of Iraq in particular and the Arabian Gulf area in REFERENCES general, indicating a range extension of its previously known distribution. The lack of previous records of this species Al-Daham N.K. (1982) Ichthyofauna of Iraq and the Arab Gulf: a check- from the northern part of the Arabian Gulf may be due to list. Bulletin of Basrah Natural History Museum 4, 1–102. the lack of ichthyological surveys or that it has only recently Al-Kandari M., Al-Yamani F.Y. and Al-Rifaie K. (2009) Marine phyto- arrived in the area. In the case of the latter, the current plankton atlas of Kuwait’s waters. Safat, Kuwait: Kuwait Institute for record may represent a natural range extension, or possibly Scientific Research, 350 pp. the present specimens may be the result of released aquarium fish. We do not know whether it has established a sustainable Al-Yamani F.Y. and Saburova M.A. (2010) Illustrated guide on the flagel- lates of Kuwait’s intertidal soft sediments. Safat, Kuwait: Kuwait population in this region, but interviewing the fishermen Institute for Scientific Research, 197 pp. Al-Yamani F.Y. and Saburova M.A. (2011) Illustrated guide on the Table 1. Morphometric and meristic characters of Monocentris japonica benthic diatoms of Kuwait’s marine environment. Safat, Kuwait: collected from Khor Abdullah, Arabian Gulf, Iraq. HL, head length; SL, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. standard length. Baranes A. and Golani D. (1993) An annotated list of the deep-sea fishes Standard length 100 collected in the northern Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba. Israel Journal of Head length (% in SL) 47 (47) Zoology 39, 299–336. Eye diameter (% in HL) 15 (31.9) Eschmyer W.N. (ed.) (2014) Catalog of fishes. Updated internet version of Preorbital length (% in HL) 10 (21.3) 4 January 2014. Available at: Postorbital length (% in HL) 24 (51.1) ichthyology/catalog/fishcatmain.asp (accessed 1 June 2014). Predorsal fin length (% in SL) 51 (51) Postdorsal fin length (% in SL) 66 (66) Fischer W. and Bianchi G. (eds) (1984) FAO species identification sheets Prepectoral fin length (% in SL) 46 (46) for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing area 51). Volume Preanal fin length (% in SL) 93 (93) IV, Families Scatophagidae to Trichiuridae. Rome: FAO. Postanal fin length (% in SL) 98 (98) Fricke R. (ed.) (2014) References in the Catalog of Fishes. Online version, Maximum body depth (% in SL) 58 (58) updated 18 June 2014. Internet publication, San Francisco (California Caudal peduncle depth (% in SL) 9 (9) Academy of Sciences). Available at: Pectoral fin length (% in SL) 26 (26) research/Ichthyology/Catalog/fishcatmain.asp (accessed 21 June Dorsal fin spine number 6 2014). Dorsal fin ray count 12 Anal fin rays 10 Heckel J.J. (1843) Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Fische Syriens, Pectoral fin rays 13 nebst einer neuen Classification und Characteristik sa¨mmtlicher Number of lateral line scales 14 Gattungen der Cyprinen. In Fenzl E., Heckel J.J. and Redtenbacher Number of rakers in the lower arch 7 L. (eds) Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer und seltener Thiere und Pflanzen in Syrien und im westlichen Taurus gesammelt von Th. piconefish in the iraqi waters 3 Kotschy. Volume 1 (part 2). Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart’sche Paxton J.R. (1999) Several families of Stephanoberyciformes and Verlagshandlung, pp. 991–1044, plates 1–13. Beryciformes. In Carpenter K.E. and Niem V.E. (eds) Species identifi- cation guide for fisheries purposes. The living marine resources of the Heemstra P. and Heemstra E. (2004) Coastal fishes of South Africa.
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