"Going teach v«' nil natton«t***and behold I mn with you at!flay?, even to the cotuuinmatton of the world"—.Mini, xxvni. IH.'^O.

Vol. II. Pittsburgh, Saturday, September 27,1845 No, 29

THE PITTSBURGH CATHOUC The French Jesuits have done much good plilied every state and condition of its being—j.Nothing but a Christian spirit could have sna­ is PBiNTKD wu ITHI.I ni.i. i:\i.uv SATURDAY for France; the) are willing to do v t mure. ils struggling missions, its apostolate among jtained them in such triaU as they have patiently ! They arc ready t<< suffer, but, in the name «»i iIn-heathens, its trials, its perils and persecu withstood, ever proclaiming their innocence religious liberty, they claim the right offree- tion, its martyrs, its saints, its glory, and its and the true objects of their societv. Among 1*. !. |{o%i,%.v dom of conscience which the charter of France triumph. It is ever thus renewing the pastJthe most eloquent of these appeafs to justice r. :M * <.f WOOD wain r AMI VIRGIN AI.I.KV. professes to secure, the rioht l<> lead that kind recalling to the memory of its children that tt and humanity, is that of De Rayignan. An 0^Priee, Two D*U«« * ye*r, payable »n A t»v ASPS [of life which they conscientiously believe mis is the church militant, the church struggling, eminent lawyer, he felt himself drawn within TIIITC i ipiet will be forwarded to onu «(Jdre*» for Five best conduce to religious perfection- They the church teaching the Gospel to all nations the circle of the society hi an irresistible tn- I>,;!nr«. iare Frenchmen: they devote themselves to until the consummation, and thus giving testi-1fluence, and the strongest attraction was the 3 certain religious duties. For the sake ol monv to her truth and her likeness to her di~ 1 evident malignity of its opponents their mis- The following persons are our authorised jspiritual freedom tho) dojiosit their freedom ol vioe Founder. No portion can escape its turn representations and the bare faced falsehood of will in indifferent tiling- in the hands of their of suffering. Yesterday it was the Irish and their charges. He entered: and in its bosom Agents:— superiors—they govern their days by certain the English Catholic, to-day it is the Ameri- he found thai peace and quietude which he il. If. JAMISON, W beefing, \'rv {'. jv>, ,MI >. i. < 'incinoati, Ohio, rules, and till them with certain occupations; can, the French, the Polish, and the Swiss, j sought. From the midst of the heft peace H'.J.r SNIVOUAM, Philadelphia, Pa. with study, with leaching, with administering to-morrow they may come forth more pros- which he possessed in the sanctuary of his [)iriB MK.IIRK, Bririgewator, Here iv Co., Pa. the consul lions of r< ligiou. 'fhev take cer- p» rous and more glorious from the trial. It is soul, he cries out with ;1 warning voice to J..H%i.-W iv -.-r»i-:«. i:-|..< VartraU Tp„ HutlcrCo !'n. j (l)n Vi^. |.,|(.v (]o ftj| ,j||S wj}|jujrjV. The\ dawning alieady for the American and the It hose who malign and accuse her. His only |ii\M- MURI'HY, Brady's Bend, Armstrong Co., Pa. , , .- ,. . , • ,; .• , ; Swiss. The brute force of mob violence has defence is a calm and eloquent exposition ol II „ r.vo. Ruffalo Furnace. do. do. \^ nolmn8 from trance but Uuorij, Ireedom JA1::- lt»M.K8Pta, Esq., Fr#*port. of conscience. If theirs he rt slavery, it is a been crushed In the strong hands and firm ! the spirit and rules of the society, and the dq- «,u. W. Kvsi I.I \. l>-i.. .l!>ii!i*1'! vlt Pa. holy and a willing one; rsther than be relieved hearts of freedom resolved to defend their ties of its members. They need none other, C, MiOwt.u, N.-AIV, tlutntiiigrioa Co, they will <|!in France. But in the meanwhile rights, in the other by the favor of public ojnn- u The book of the spiritual exercises fa a WM. J I:\MV.S, Mcrci i, I'i. tin quiet, submissive Je nits, u two hundred ion! In IKHII republics they may have censed manual of retreat, a method of meditation." It 1)K. Jon* MCGIRK, rlolliifaysbui pATaiCK H lam. < larion Pa. and si\ in all France," have lieen uncespttigl) to dread tie- persecution of violence; in both, was the first fruit of the conversion of St. !<:- A. .1 Ki u\. younpstown, Pa, ;it work in tiic cause of religion: the> have they must yet continue to suffer the persecu- Inatius. It contains, in its almost inspired pa- won thousands from the stand oil of infidelity. tion of slander an I calumny, and in this per-!ges, the history of the hours of trial and s«- It is f< r this that their destruction is sought secution tho Jesuit every where receives the pernatural struggle in the caverns of Mnureza SELECTIONS, :ilter. They may sillier for a little while — st sh re. lb- bag his part in i he perse- —the results of his experience recorded for th^ lone * noogh to r.tllv the mighty energies ol a cutions <»l the clinch, in her missions, in her Imnefit of those who should come after him. From tilt; L'. $. Catholic Mof&zine. I Catholic people; and the bonds will be broken. splendour and prosperity. The book is divided into four weeks for the

THE COMPANY OF JESUS. " The sons of the crusader- will not retreat be­ The enemies of the Jesuit charge him with spiritual exercises, (ir •* retreat," of which it is ; [Concluded.) fore the offspring of Voltaire." This persecu- ambition; yes, he e ambitious of "the greater the man«£, exlen ling through the term of thirtv But it is not to he supposed that all this tion may be productive of unlookod for good." glory ol God. Ho is unscrupulous; yes, he [days. In the first week the soul is turned could have been broiighi about without the America owes many benefits to the Jesuits. scruples n,,t to suffer all things for the grntifi j within itself, to .gaze upon and study its own Btirrinj, upof old calumnies—without the rapid ; *" both hemispheres they were herald- of good cation of that ambition. He is silent and re- condition—to count over its wounds, its defeats, addition of new ones. The Jesuits of to-dav to tie poor savage; their name to this day is rved: yi ,ho is engaged in prayer and med- toexamineits power.-. It meditates upon the have mil fared better than the Jesuits of one door to his heart. The soul of the philunthro- nation. He never smiles; ah, wo have seena j hideousness of sin. It seeks to excite cootri* hundred years ago, of two hundred vears ago,IP>*' ""'ils :,t the na >f Paraguay. Three .-mile of heavenly import playing around the tion for the past—to obtain pardon and forgive- .if three hundred vears ago, and. from the vie hundred thousand natives, civilized without the tips ol iiunv a venerable priest of the com ness from God. These meditations are not to lencc of their enemies, to follow the rule ng. vices of civilization, pious, happy, and content- pany ol Jesus, that told of such I we and char- be the occupation of a single hour, of a set their groat founder, we nnv suppose that their ed, gave to the world a glorious refutation of; it;, for all men. a- would have been incomprc- number of hours—not the mere perusal ol the condition is nourishing and very prosperous the slanders of unprincipled enemies. In the] hensible to the • . bound henrti of their ma-] prayers and the subjects of meditation—but the that they are ogain the instruments of meal- north, in Canada, on the shores of the great ; leruers. He is sinuous, intriguing, wily. No, | full and faithful, earnest exercise of the soul Culuble good. In France, in Switzerland, they '• bikes, along tho western rivers, by the mighty be i> meek and putii ut, yet untiring and full of bringing its powers to the struggle. Il is to a» assailed—they are threatened with the vio- Mississippi, they furnished missionaries and /. eal in a rigbteosis cause. He is an abject continue through the day—it is to be arisen to lencc of the law,* or tho violence of the mob. martyrs to the church. They woo the Indian slave to his superiors. \o, bo has chosen ;• from the couch of slumber, in the silent watches In Ireland and England they exist by suffer- to Christianity. The unconquerable Iroquois, noble freedom, devoted himself m the cause of ol the night—the heart is to be brought into nine. In Germany and in America they are the wild Huron, the tribes of the Algonquin, a glorious libi rty, the liberty of a Christian-— tho work of self-regeneration. Silence and so­ enduring the racking torture of public obloquy after a lone- and fi rce resistance, overcome by j ul a pious religious—he i? bound by voluntary litude are to surround, and be the food and air and vituperation. The press is a mighty en- their piety and zeal and indefatigable porseve ; vows, well tried before he h..- been admitted of the soul—silence and solitude, whkh worldly f two hundred years ago are producing fruit sin. He has bound himself down to servitude Godspeaks and acts in them: lie gives them with Calumny and abuse again, t the Jesuits J to-day ; the descendants of many of these coo- in good. ' 1$ a he has committed every crime.1 life for noble designs, for energetic purposes." Old exploded falsehoods, oft refuted eh-nrges, vert tribes siill live good by the Name them, name them. Thus is it with thej Thus passes the first. The soul has learned to are searched up from the past mid given forth grave of their fathers, and the traditionary enemies <>! tho J estiil? heir virtues are despise itself, the world, and sin. In the second anew as well substantiated facts. We have fame of the good black gown, carried by the strained into faults, and these charges fiiilint it is turned to the contemplation of the beauty, u Handing Heads" of the "Jesuit's oath," the wandering Iroquois, who fled from eXtermina- as they must, they r art to this last weapon ofi and the power, an I majesty of the Kingofhca- u s art ta' monita," the " Jesuit morality ,n and tion before the onward march of the Angio- malignity, and endeavour to support such ne-J ven, Jesus the Sa^'iour. ft catches a glimpse a thousand sillv tales to follow them. Fiction Saxon race, and cherished in the hearts of the cessnry asl^rtions by the aid of tuisehood, It of the lappmcss of the blood'. The mysteries has taken the thing in bands, and, as fiction is simple Indians, urged them to seek for one of cannot succeed. It is not easy to crush n man, of the ^;: \•): . :r*s life an.* ever before the eye. never at a loss for a respectable quantity of; those good fathers of whom they had heard so or body of men, b\ cal imny in this country. The sou! to raise itself towards him, to k"ep fact* with any degree of authenticity which j much. Many a thousand miles they sent their The reaction must come at last; though in the itself dost iiesHie urn as it were, in love and may he required, it has been remarkably sue-j delegation, twice failing but at last successful, meanwhile they continue to be the victims." imitation, li has tlready learned to despise cessful in its way, especially with those who: and the Jesuit De Sraet set forth upon Ins The people have a feeling of justice about sin, to fi : t self. il must now seek, in its in- are silly enough to believe it. The novelist | weary path towards the Rocky Mountains. II- them, which will prevail. The educated Pro­ ui".-t re •essej , to love Jesus, and remember has undertaken to furnish bin pnid-for weekly traverses a boundless prairie, swims rapid riv- testa ut has tearm d to appreciate the erudition him alone—to gaze on him, tbJe sun of heavenly quotn of falsehood and abuse, Eugene Sue and : ere-, crosses deserts, climbing steep and dange- of the Jesuit-,- tiie benefits of th ir svstem of! light, until \lw e\>• i • blin I <\ t" all other ra\s. his Wandering Jew— tbev run and rhyme to-irous mountains, threads his way through r»r- instructiwi, a s^ -ta.n common to all our t 'albo- tt is at tie- ui-ii nt that the rewards of the gether admirably—-fit companions—bothwan-jrow and rugged passes. He dares toil and lic eoliegt?s in tlii- country ; and to profit b\ previous »trugglo begin to p > ir down in celas- defers from truth and justice:—both decides in {death in a thousand ways, lie is doing the them, And able and elotjo nt Protestants, of ti d streams up in the soul, in ha ra;>t contem- heart and \\cvi\—will toabtWt be good autho- Jesuit's holiest, n iWi st work: he is searching lib a i! minds, have at times been found to un­ pbtioo, to or; pre ii (or the farther trials which vtty with miiiv. Sue is perhaps less guilty I tftersouls. He wins thousands to the faith* dertake their defence. Bancroft hears eloquent it i- to meet. St, Ignatius would not have his than he employers -the press of France.': He is in the apostolate. In Switzerland, a Ca« j testimony to their virtue?, their zeal in the 'bilowers enlwt rashly under his banner. The He is an author—he lives by th' sale- of his tbolic canton called the Jesuits to take charge j cause oi rid re irnini, and their un- time has arrived '* when a grave deliberation peii—in • Jesuits have never stooped to buyjol her colleges; in a moment the were I conqueribb yVhen the Jesuit is the m'MSl opi u il ilf, m presence of the divine ex the silence or the praises of any man. Helupinarms—religion would triumph withJes-j theme of his II, •ri ee ns lilted up, an I ipulesofJesu K 1st, whi it fix the bean ideal ; gold Ins genius to their enemies. Perhaps the I uit colleges: ti»e iocrea e of tho Cathoii* , al- j waimi! i, with a sp irk o•fI i nihil-nt , ism, caught, peri'e Iv* It is (he time for tin? advocacy ol mm would have been a so- ^ read', great, would become greater: their own as it wen-, from tiio anien• Otl I's • -: w Inch b iru i 'i tion ' a stftte i)it !iie. It Is the than all his abuse—it power would he overthrown. They sought to] I,,. rer bl&w to th i.-et; in the bro i-ts of those w h •re 'U| 'lit I dope I ' H wa de fat ire might have r< u rod them susptctoi We {abrogate ;:il religion, and they commenced Their glorious spirit seduced his h it. r i ! m .:••. K dl II ive it- ai can -! ire greater mtsfbr ne for [with the Jesuits. For once the hopes of the J becomes • I iqu« nt; be ri s to his thorn , T.vo stand -r^ .are unfold- rhem th i ' e of an author « h evangelicals rested upon the firmness of thej is elou lent, he not with the cold ! beaofder-—two chiefs r:re ma it his ' U '» ,• ' I 90 m BJ p;l*••.'.•-- per I de-nil's, upon the courage and military spirit of which Hows Gronj his lips when the p 11 o suminofitu lum t ittte under their rival fold* - ? w- with s*u • i rice an I h r. ihle diqui , ii • t'.iiii.jc people, For once, strange and] and the I*iritua is hi- subjei t. Pr.,• j — two ,aaies . , dividingUie world hetweeji tbebj orkssed in g?ud) 11 • • I active colburing;-—s i incredible as t may appear, ttieir hearts were he is, the glow of Jesuit love, and chtrity, ui i .-—and the h ••.' n-. s r- \o- with the success of the Catholic arms. O.-l resignation, is reilecU I in his thoughts, md.j o i' in a y b"!• re him; which shall he choose? the sinks of Paris -its bells of sin and ^\i In liciiv wars the first a -ailed by those whose tinges iiis words witii their own h iveuly mi: U wit the r; »rgi is folds of) he silken banner of 1 and unblushing!y portrayed th u m.u •iiject was to destroy Christiantty, Glorious unwonted beauty, the on "u Ji/.' >• ' in purple and gold, gfit nwtness, gloating. as il wen*, ov*r the ' testimony to the beauty an! purity of the It would not be difTiouU to prove from Pro-t riu.' io lb mtiiJe sun, appears the motto pictur—who is one of the most immoral wri-1church, and the undying /.eal of tb<* Jesuit, testaui authority alone, the fal.-.-hiKHl of the ;of its u'•.•fi u\, '•• Hi lies, honour, pride,* Mil- tor? of the day. Sue ins been all along assail- ? Heaven smiled upon the gallant Catholic moon­ charges brought against the Jesuits. B il tiu-' li us re contcndii^fiHrthe glory mb ingn un- ing virtue and religion, il naturally led him to ^ uaeef»-*-the old Tell cantons were victorious neeii no other defence than their q ui t r< pign - b r<->\ with its guards. Upon the 0-ber, Coafse assail the Jesuits; be was not unwilling to n# —thei vindicated the fame of then: fathers. li n, and their suhuussion to everv insult *iud'anl sordid, in *iuu, disii-artenmg letters, i« in- oeivc Ins price fr ai their opponents. tne church have been exem-j opprobrium which eottld be heap upou them.! scribed the legend, "Poverty, humility, re- 226 The Pittsburgh Catholic,

(•roaches," beneath its shadow sits the Saviour,! difficult, if not impossible, to guess the cause, j welcome proof of his reformation. I tian charity, gave comfort to the doubting heart will) his bleeding wounds, his robe of mockery, that moved them in such multitudes towards I And there Was there, what was better still.) of the miserable creature, who said- the Moody scourges, the crow* of thorns, the the samo direction, but that marked them by the unfortunate female, the victim of passion •*1 would wish to take the pledge, if I |IA(| heavy crow; his followers are around him, such peculiar characteristics. We have seen j and profligacy, conscious of her past life, and money: but I doubt its too hue. -too late for silent, humble, and resigned, bearing their own Irishmen and Irishwomen going to a country almost ashamed in the open day to look around met Oh, if I thought it wasn'tP crosses, their own scorn; darknees lies beneath j race in the summer months, when labor there | her. Poor thing! how her heart that was once "•Its never loo late to repent." replied the them, but over them and around them shines a j was none; we have seen them going to meet- innocent and pure now trembles within a other, "or to return from evil to good. |f V0Uf light of celestial glory. Which shall he choose ? ings of festivity and amusement of all descrip- bosom when' is awakened many a painful re­ heorl inclined to the right course, do not let T*he choice is not long in making; it is made, | tions—to lairs, t<> weddings, to dances—but we collection of early youth, and tlic happiness of want of money prevent you from pledging vour- it is iixod: and now it is necessary to prepare must confess, that notwithstanding all our ex- home, before that unfortunate night, when, sclf to sobriety and temperance.'" to sustain the trials, which must follow on the perience and intercourse with them, we never thrown off her guard by accursed liqonr, sh< "In God's name, then, I will lake it." he re- right choice. He must study the cross of Christ witnessed auything at all resemblingtheir man- ceased to rank among the pure and virtuous.! plied; and immediately repeated the simple —it is a sublime, eternal book, fulh r of heav-. ner and hearings on this occasion. There was Yes, all these, and a much greater variety, words which constitute the necessary form. enly wisdom than all the volumes of the earth, undoubtedly upon them, and among them, all were there, actuated by the noble resolution to -May God bless you," said Father Mathew It contains, within itself, all knowlodgo, all the delightful enjoyment of a festival spirit — abandon for ever tbt1. evil course, the vices and placing his hand on his head, "and enable you piety, all learning, all love. No man can ever I they were easy, cheerful, agreeable, and social; the profligacy into which they were first driven j to keep your promise!" comprehend it all; it is inexhaustible. lie but, in addition to this, there was clearly visi- by the effects of drink. This man, our readers already guess, was must excite divine love in his heart; these are | bio an expression of feeling that was new even The crowd was, indeed, immense, manv Art Maguire. duties of the third and fourth week. to themselves?'as well as to the spectators. having came a distance of twenty, thirty, some Having thus taken the medal, and pledged * * * * But how shall we characterize this feeling? I< forty, and not a lew fifty miles, in order to free j himself to sobriety, and a total abstinence from And yet from the midst of these Buhlimo was certainly not at variance with the chcer- themselves by this simple process from the in-1 all intoxicating liquors, his first feeling was amployiueuts of the mission lie will turn, at a fulness which they felt, hut at the same time, fluence of the destructive habit which either j very difficult to describe. Father Mat'hew's word, to the dull labour of teaching the lowesl [it shed user it a serene solemnity of manner was leading, or had led them, to ruin. Of words, though few and brief, had sunk into his class at school, meekly, patiently, shrouding! which communicated a moral grandieur to the course, it is not to be supposed that omongjheart, and penetrated his whole spirit. He his mighty spirit and glowing sod in the dim J whole proceeding that fell little short ol sub- such a vast multitude of'people there were not, had been for many a long day the jest and jibe walls of the noisy class-room. From the courts limity. This was a prtnciplcof simple virtue as there always is, a great number of those J of nil who knew him; because they looked upon of princes, Iron) the pulpits of crowded cities upon which all wore equal; but it was more vagabond impostors who go about from place his recovery as a hopeless thing, and spoke to where his learning and eloquence would win that, it was at once a manifestation <»t humili I to place for the purpose of exhorting charity him accordingly in a tone of contempt and renown, and gather thousands at his f jot, he ty, and an exertion of faith, in the aid and sup- front the simplo and credulous, especiolly when scorn—a lesson to us that we never should goes at the command to beg his bread, as it port of the Almighty, by whoso grace those under the influence of liquor. All this class deal harshly with the miserable. Now, how­ were, from door to door, to the dungeon, to the ; earnest, but humble people felt and trusted j hated the tempcransc movement, because they ever, he had been addressed in accents of kind­ la/.ar house, to bury himself in the humblest that they would he supported. And who can j knew right well that sobriety in the people was ness, and in a voice that proclaimed an inter­ rural mission. He is happy, he can save souls isay that their simplicity of heart—their unal- their greatest enemy; the lame, the blind, the est in his welfare. This, as we said, added to there; it is to the greater glory of God! to the foctcd humility, and their firmness of faith have | maimed, the deal', and the dumb, wen; there in the impressive spirit tha prevailed around, east, he obeys, to the frozen north, he departs; not been amply rewarded, and triumphantly i strong muster, and with their characteristic in- [ torn bed him, and be hurried home, he may win'souls to (Jod; to the burning south, j confirmed by the steadfastness with which they gennity did everything in their power, under On reaching his almost empty house, he it is all the same to him; to the wild west and hive been, with extremely few exceptions, the pretence of zeal and religious enthusiasm, found Margaret and the children there before its rugged mountains and its untamed Indians, faithful to their pledge. to throw discredit upon the whole proceeding;*, him; six- having come to see how the pott he is on his way before the last sound of the I About nine o'clock the town of Ballykeerin It was tin- vile crew, who,by having recourse things fared; but being quite ignorant of what command has died upon his ear. He has fur-j was crowded with a multitude such as had to the aid of mock miracles, fancied thev could had just taken place with regard to her hus­ saken the things of earth, he has enrolled un- | never certainly, met in it before. All from the turn ^io matter into derision and contempt, and band. der the banner of Jesus, lie will do His work, rustic middle' classes down, was there, and the who by affecting to be cured of their complaints "Art."' said she, with her usual affectionate be it what or where it may. He is his soldier; crowd was, indeed, immense, yet notwithstand- with a view of having their own imposture, manner, "you will want something to eat; fur his heart, his life, his soul are his. There is no ing their numbers, one could easily mark the ! w hen detected, imputed to want of power in | if you're not hungry, your looks belie you very employment which he does not accept, no hu- peculiar class |or whoso sake principally the Father Mathew;—it was this vile crew, we much. I have brought something for you and mility which he docs not love, no abnegation meeting had been called together, say, that first circulated the notion that he could these creatures.'' of self which he docs not gladly embrace, no There was the red faced farmer of substance, perform miracles. Unfortunately, many ofihe Art looked at her, then at their children, persecution which he is not content to undergo, whose sunburnt cheek and red sore neck, were ignorant among the people did in the begin­ then at the utter desolation of the house, and no malice to which he docs not submit, no In scorched into a color that disputed its healthy ning believe that he possessed this power, until spreading his two hands over his face, he wept hour which he shrinks from, no toil and suffer- hue with the deep purple lint of strong and he himself, with his characteristic candor, di«- aloud. This was repentance. Margaret in ing and humiliating which he doe- not accept abundant drink. claimed it. For a short time the idea of this exceeding surprise, rose and approached him: with a high and holy joy, " ad majorcm Dei "Such a man," an acute observer would say, [slightly injured the cause, and afforded to its . "Art dear," she said, "in the name of God, gloriam!" '-eats well, and drinks well, but is very likely enemies some silly and senseless arguments, what's »he matter?" to pop oil' some day, without a minute's warn- j which, in lieu of belter, they were glad to "May be my father's sick, mother,'1 said 1 1 ART MAGUIRE; OR THE BROKEN : ing, or saying good bye to his friends.' * bring against it. j little Atty ; "sure, father, if you are. I an the Again, there was the pale and emaciated At length Father .Mathew, accompanied by j rest will go out ourselves, an' you can stav at PLEDGE. drunkard, whose feeble and tottering gait, and ! several other clergymen and gentlemen, made! home; but we need'nt go this dav, for my lram- BIT WILLIAM rvui.KTON. trembling hands, were sufficiently indicative oi | his appearance on the platform; then was the} my brought us much as will put us over it." A book under this title has recently appear­ his broken down constitution, and probably ol rush, the stretching of necks, and the bitter To neither the mother nor child did he make ed from the Irish press, from w Inch the follow ing | his anxiety to be enabled to make some com­ crushing, accompanied by devices and ma- any reply; but wept on and sobbed as if hw pensation to the world, or some provision on J nceuvres of all kinds, to catch a glimpse of him. j heart would break, is an extract:— ihe pari <>\ his own soul, to balance UM: consej­ The windows were crowded by the more re j "Oh my God, my God,"he exclaimed bitter- nts utterly unaccountable how the approach queues of an ill spent life, during which spectablo classes, who were eager to witness ly. "what have I brought you to, my darlia' of Father Mathew, and of these great meetings, j morals were laughed at, and health destroyed. I the effects of this great and sober enthusiasm wifou the one hand, or dcbili- tor\. This being concluded, he commenced "Ah, Margaret darlin'," he said, still sobbing, people felt their hearts touched, as it wero In ty on the other,: but he is aide notwithstand- distributing the medal, for which, every one "its long since 1 ought to have felt it; but how a new spirit, into kindness and charity, and a ing, to drink the clothes off his back, and the who received it. gave a shilling, the latter, al can I look back on that woful life? Oh my disposition to discharge promptly and with good consequence is that he stands before you a- the same time repeating the following words— God, my (iod! what have I dune,an' what have will nil brotherly and neighborly offices, liar- ragged, able-bodied, and thumping a specimen !"l promise, so long as I shall continue a mem­ I brought on you'."' monv, therefore, civil social, and domestic, ac- of ebriety as you could wish to see during a ber of the Teetotal Temperance Society, to '•Art,"1 she said, "say to me that you're sor­ cotnpanicd the temperance movement wher- week's journey. There were, in fact the ves- abstain from all intoxicating liquors, unless re- ry for it; only let my ears hear you saying th$ ever it went, and accompanies it still wherever tigea of drunkenness in all their repulsive lea- | commended for medical purposes, and to dis­ rcorrfa," it goes; lor like every true blessing, it never lures and unhealthy variety, courage by all means in my power the prac- "Oh Margaret dear," he sobbed, "from ray comes alone, but brings several others in its' There stood the grog-drinker with his Wotch- j tice of intoxication in others." Father .Mathew heart, from the core of toy unhappy heart, i train. \ ed face in full, his eye glazed in his head, and then said, "May (iod bless you, and enable am sorry, sorry for it all." The morning in question, though cold, was his protuberant paunch projecting over his j you to keep your promise." "Then there's hope,"she exclaimed,clasping dry and bright; a small platform had been rais- shrunk and diminished limbs. Such was the simple ceremony by which her hands, and looking up to heaven, "there is ed at the edge of the market house, which was The tippling tradesman, too, was there, pah- ! millions have been rescued from those terrible hope—lor him, f<>r him, for us all! Oh my open on one side, and on it Father Mathew and sickly -looking, his thin and over-worn gar- evils that have so long cursed and afflicted so- i heart,"' ^Ur. exclaimed quickly, "what is this?" was to stand, By this simple means he would raents evidently insufficient to keep out the ciety in this country. and she had scarcely uttered the words wbeo be protected from rain, should any fall, and was chill of morning and prevent him from shiver- In this large concourse there stood one inch- she sank ujKin the ground insensible—suddeo sufficiently accessible to prevent any extraor- ing o\ery now and then, as if he were atllided vidual, who presented in his person such symp- joy being sometimes as dangerous as sudden dinary crush among the postulants. But how with the ague. totns of a low, grovelling, anil unremitting in- grief.1 will we attempt to describe the appearance i In another direction might he seen the scr j diligence in drink, as were strikingly observa­ which the town of Ballykeerin prosentod onjvant out of place, known by the natty knot of ble even amidst the mass of misery and wretch­ AI )VA NCE1) PR<)TKSTANTJSM. the morning of this memorable and auspicious his white cravat, as well as by the smartness edness that was there congregated. It is rare- Tl»e Paris "Univers" of the UJth July, day? And above nil, in what terms shall we with which he wears his dress, buttoned up as iy, even in a life, that on object in human [quotes the following from the "Journal us paint the surpri/.e, the wonder, the astonish it i-=, and coaxed about him with all the inge- shape, encompassed and pervaded by so many Hruxelles ment with which they listened to the music of nuity which experience and necessity bring to of the tearful results of habitual drunkenness, Four hundred Protestant of Breslaw, Prusin, the teetotal band, which, as if by magic, had the aid of vanity. His map less hat is severely comes beneath observation. Sometimes wc with the first*parson of the city at their head, been formed in the town of Drumnabogue, brushed, in order to give the subsoil an appear- may see it in a great city, when we feel puz­ many of the ministers, and n professor of the where only a few months before, the meeting ance ol the nap which is gone,but it won't do; zled, by the almost total absence of reason in Protestant theological faculty have just publish­ of which we have spoken had been held. In- every one sees that his intention is excellent, the countenance to know w hither the utter in­ ed a sort of manifesto which excites a lively sen­ deed among all the |>roots of national ailvan- were it. possible f<»r address and industry, to difference tO nakedness and the elements be sation in Germany. The signers of this docu­ tuges which the temperance movement has work it out. This is not the case, however, the consequence of drunken destitution, or pure ment protest against the dictatorial spirit brought out, we are not to forget those which it and the hat is consequently a clear exponent ol idiocy. To this questionable appearance had manifested by n tertian number of members of has bestowed on the country—by teaching us j his principles and position, laste and skill, the individual we speak of come. The day the church called evangelical, who seek to what a wonderful capacity for music, and what I while he was sober—vain pride and trying was now nearly jmst, and the crowd had con­ restrict religious discussions and repel every a remarkable degree of intellectual power, the! poverty now in his drunkenness. siderably diminished, when this man, approach- new intepretation of the dogmas established lower classes of our countrymen an; endowed ! The reckless siilor was also there, (but with ing Father Mathew, knelt down, and clasping ! at the reformation of the XV'Itli century. It with, and can manifest when moved by nde-• a serious air now,) who having been discharged his hands, exclaimed, i in unnecessary to say that this protest is on quate principles. for drunkenness, and refused employment "Father, I'm afoard I cannot trust myself." I inspiration of rationalism, and the fruit of what Early as daybreak the roads leading to Bally-1 everywhere else for the same reason, was ob- "Who can?1' said Father Mathew; "it is not I H conventionally styled "advanced Protestant- keerin presented a living stream of people ha-) liged to return home, and remain a burthen in yourself you are to place confidence, but in | ism."" in this there is no novelty; for not a stoning towards the great rendezvous; but SO j Upon his friends. He, too, has caught this God, who will support you, and grant you day passes in which some one, or other, of the much did they d If r in their aspect from a!-; healthy epidemic, and the Consequence is, that strength, if you ask lor it Btncerty and hum- German Gazzettes docs not make, in pompous most anv other assemblage (.f Irishmen that, to] he will once more gain employment; for the hi v."' terms, a similar protestation. This instrument a per*on ignorant of their purpose, it would be i production of his medal will be accepted as a These words, uttered in tones of true Chris- would have, therefore, passed unnoticed, like The Pittsburgh Catholic 227

different parts of the capital. So divided they continue, as we understand, to perform exactly the same functions as before their separation. (S) The motive of this separation appears to be twofold. First, fears, which it is not for us to call ill-grounded, were entertained of mob violence, and it was thought tint in the recent discussions the House in the Rue dee Postes had attained rather too graat a notoriety, and presented rather too lair a mirk for any well- |dressed mob that might wish to imitate the do­ ings of the 11th February, 18!U, when the Ichurch of St. Germain was pillaged bv a inid- dle-ctass riot; and when, aecorJing to Louis j Blanc, u bourgeoia in black coats and yellow gloves," and "young men of the schools,"' struggled and (ought with might and main to drown in the Seine " a pale young man, dress- led in black, with loose floating hair," for the crime of standing "mute and motionless, and appearing to craze in scorn on the spectacle pre­ sented by the impatient multitude before him,'', and lor the additional crime of being supposed I to be a Jesuit! To avoid this risk the Previa* ; cial of the Jesuits in Paris has not withdrawn lor removed any ofhis subjects, but has simply altered their distribution in the city. It may | be mentioned, in passing, that the new posi- j lions of the Jesuits are far more convenient for the discharge of their missionary duty than the 1 IVI/IV I- HI I.: 31IU1UVI. <>l lll.-M .1.11.11 .->V j w t: ! •• •« I V utl.il.II nil I V. All'.ini, Ullll]Ulll> TT1LIIIU III' old; and that no change from their present po­ sembling a sound principle. Pitiful the condi-jare surprised t<> fin•! the "Romish church" im- . Therefore, the Catholic sitions is at all anticipated. W|lu tion of German so slight a peached some novel or exploded labrica-ichurch is comprehended in. and constitutes a S icondly, those who have contended for the breeze ran heave into commotion.—Catholic tion. It is necessary in such case to announce {'portion of the Church of Christ, and conse- legality of the Society of Jesus in France; M. Telegraph. yourself a Catholic, and inform the lady or gen- quently Catholic Baptisms arc performed in de Vatimesnil, for instance, whose CunsuUa- *. i , i i ii . i i ; .1... „l 1 l . i- i jiteraatieraan thamatt sucnh anda sucnh a monstrous aosurq-absurd-j thmee churccuurchu auandu are vaitovalid. | tion. published by Father Ravignan, now lies It is stated in the same paper that the Cabi- '*•>' is not true of the Catholic church, their j We expect ty sec the other party meet this I before u> (p. 132), contend for it Bubject to the net of Vienna has authorised the Jesuits to cs- [having always so understood it, and derived'argument by establishing that the Pope am! j Article -'.•! of the Penal Code, which runs tablish colleges in anv part of the Austrain! such information from a hundred books to the the Catholic Hierarchy are NOT Anti-Christ.— |thus: Empire, and that whatever remain hostile toicontrary notwithstanding. To the nun pos-YCath. Miscellany. " No association of more than twenty per- tluithem iIn thi'i«e legislatiolrw»;-U»;^.n. o,.fr JosepI...... Ih, IIII . eV»f,lshalll I..be. sessinse>siiig" a senssensee, of thee ludicrouludicrouss iit mainny' bbeamti-e amu l sons, having for its object to meet every day or repealed. //». U>ug, to the nervous nun it is painful, to com- NORWAY on certain fixed days for religious, literary, po­ j bat the erroneous ideas, the strange impres-] Wf. trans|ate ffom thf. Amidela Rdigioih litical, or other purposes, can be formed witn- CELIBACY OF YOUNG MINIS sions, the wonderful womnce which P^jthe following extract of a letter received from o.it the leave of the Government, and then un­ TERS. : tints entertain ot the Catholic i .nth. A ( at h- «, MI, der the conditions which the Public Authority <>I....H SiULlUlilg . .liuilf .1111"!!!.', IHVSB "II ' II a "III,V . ^Stockholm: shall choose to impose. In the number ol per- rheBiltimore Conference of the Methodist d<>ij , cno staiulinLt sympathiz' alonee witamOHJh hiT sthos religioue whso nofeelingst onlv . , - ...... i m—i. _. ... 1 f tii iim. B-V mp.iiin/." wim ins reugiuua ircung"f in Iter code condemning to death every Catho- I sons indicated bv this article are not reckoned Episcopal Church at its annual session a few j hut entertain sentiments of positive hatred o. .. ••t Oil the ! | which the association holds its meetings.* »ct«8 iigo, receneo twetvThere preacnere was as stricuuot uies»- roquirhis creed—iiflg thse certainl perfoi mancy in ae responsiblof duties ewhic positionh he, aod to exile every one wh• o should dare to show M. de Vatimesnil contends that this law hns lrivelliiiir <'nniii«cti.>fi >r«enceThAr*>, «»doctrinesa » strici, &c,|r\- 0WC8 to th.ei divinec, religio n h

PITTSBURGH. SEPTEMBERS, 1845 \h< unfruitful pen bad produced nothing new,i^ ^ r. ,|r|| decjttratioM^no beliefj of no State of Indiana, to institute proceeding to and what it had revived ol Lutheran and Cab ! belief in certain errors, it Is true; but they are! vindicate the insulted dignity of her lawa: and I vinistinor powee polemicr of logics .ha dIf ,neithe then, r thchare Germano-Cnm of style- I notrutht declarations s of belief in certain Gospel 1 theyThes are ehereby document tendereds ar cfor necessaril that jrarpowy vohaJa. * DOU8 thoiic schism does not find some other doctor, <>i tiie extent to which the new doctrines J wit, at the same time that they shall have spread, he speaks thu-: ilways remain at the disposal ol the public it will fulfil, and that speedily, the destiny tuthorities, we will, in the cause of innocence, ••The great mass of th*1 Roman Cathol which at its ver\ birth was written on it present a few extracts to sh >w their conclusive- .,,,.,,. , . - ,. ., , I population in Germanv, even in the most edu- cradle: it will full into the abys s orl individual}' ' - ., . ,. . ness as against Schmoll, to establish the fbfiew* •••ate,! proprovinces\ inccs, are evidentlevii v not nne tor it. ing points: Rationalism, and will there be lo^t for ever. The number of congregations, '•That .Mrs. Schmoll from the fir^t, denial •and those amongjts members who would con-1 therefore, can be but few—one only in the lar- Mr> \yv crimfnalitv, and that Sdimoll himself tinue Christians will return full of shame and gesl towns—and they are scattered over all believed him innocent: that the vvh.de tale in

repentance to the Mother church, or will be German) from frintzig to Stuttgard. The regard to 1)CI. ,,,viniI failltefj? wa9 ptcvmify mC com rc aUon :u ip m Ti*™i»foU.*nd the flood*came,udtbc «•„..<„ bi«w,utd meIted into the vtut and heteroffeneous mass u ™ ? * ' , ? ^ '!\ " fabricated under the advice of a phvsician of they beat i.,,on thnt iiou«c. nod m.-ii not, for a wa»iou.i,i.,joiiii - * "numbers. A few hundreds onto out of the body j Evansvifle and with the aid of a medical beet rock."—MATTHKW chap. 7 ver.26. of Protestant confusion, the position of which \0f Catholic* have seceded. At Berlin the num- which he furnished for thnt purpose: that Lv

• at the present moment differs not in anything her ol members is reported to be about two meaBS nlternatelv of threats and endearments,

A letter has been received from the Bishop, U^ the pretcnded Catholicism of the new thousand; at Breslau, about the same number; Schmoll prevailed upon his wife to place her :U staling that he arrived in Cove on the I7th .,,.,sects. . A\.s ,to„ ,i,the lefeww e-tedefection; .ioos which :he~Jthese. Madgeburg, about five hundrdljand inot.her|con3Cience at the (\Un>;i] „,• lllt> coajpiratefi , , r . , towns, from tortv to two hundred person* corn- to study the book aj»,| swear according to their August. At toe date w the letter. Sept, 1st, . < t- h tve nro-'iieed as well anion" the clertrv .1 .ii ii i " ' ,,*v' pruuui »«., a., wcu ttuwug mi. '._\ |,i,^,. the congregations who have roam signed instructions,and thai therein they enjoyed the l>< u' lit of the consultation of lawyers, although be was arjoutproceemng to France and Germn- g laymen of Germany, they maj land acceded to the confession of faith ot the asamon tne we are constrained to be sceptical of so extra­ 1 n>. and will not, in all probability, be able toh,e compared to the beneficent effect of those Oennan-Catholic Church.* r,,;,ril !l vagant an enormity in so elevated n profession, e sooner than December, We are . |j^ht and rapid storms which, shaking the leaves Thus has Rung' ism completely kited in its we Would believe at hast that it can allude on­ happy to find that he is enjoying excellent j 0f a centenarian oak, break off perhaps a few assaults on the Catholic church. That church lv to the one, who is stated in Schwehaert long dried-upor rotted branches, which injured we are assured, is even now more vigorous health. affidavit to have accompanied her to Cincin­ the beauty of its verdant crown. The trea re­ and flourishing in Germanv than it has been nati, and wiio appalled at the havoc there. PROGRESS OF RONGEISM. mains onlv more alive and much more beautiful lor same centune Thos <; who have state I in the same affidavit to have born roads The aspect of the religious movements in ,, , iii i after having' shaken off this dead wood, whic tore been apathetic have been roused mt > ac- - ; her reputation, and fearing the ponisbaseaf UWIUKUY,tiernianv. i»s jusuSt l «r«wwhati nuanyj unonoe wirn hao mhass msractmarkedi - . , , inpffir-ipnev of Uimoi-Um whirh liin-.ten.- ; urn. never returned m hvans- ., .. , , . {alls at its leet, and enriches the soil where its iron» a"' "' tlfUI tuemcienc) 01 ttongeism, ^ the progress ot every pretended retoruniion L, ., , ,...... ,. vine, but abandoned his cause and his family, • u» i ,• . i LV. ,! pl> r°°ts are developed mall their power and the dwtroct,onS nndd,vl?,on8W^^^ dictum of individual opinion i-< preferred to the vigour. nught have anticipated. Whenever the mere ] ' ' :...,.. t ,, ~ . , ^ amineo to tne connnes ot ctviitz&tion. maim We will give a few extracts from Mr. LaingJ m rr attached to the church, more docile lohi r racier of his wife, he had procured witnesses decisions of establisbetl authority, confusion from it, will onlv serve to make the faithful t|,e purpftseof bolstering up the assailablechi must be the result; everything will gradually a writer who proves himself to be a thorough teaching, and more thankful toGod for tliat j ^cr whom be Uv\ gamed an aw pendancy by and neeossarib. t,t"u Creeds and formularies of faith made to suit. his disposal: that he was supported in this e •,, . ,. „ . dence consequently must be unquestionable scheme, by adversaries of the Catholic religion as lar as possible, the convenience ol all be- i We will be able to see from hi> testimony what INIQUITY REVEALED AT LAST. ready to stigmatize it !>v means even the inoi?t lievers, may seem to -jhc a temporary stability The trial of the Rev. Remain Weinzcephlin satanie.*' . ,, .. ,1,1 .ii I littllittlee probabilitprobabilityy thertheree is of any union of creed The letter then proceeds to give extracts t<> these movements, but when those barrier" ! among the reformers. is fresh in the minds of our readers. Thev which only the unchanging character of the .can remember the strong prejudice that was from the depositi ns of the several witness^ " inI hce congregations, he >a\ s, "w Inch start-1 church can, oppose to the wanderingwand s ol the congregation?, no says,-wnicnsun- , . .. , ,, .. . , . sufficient to prove the above statements, , • . „ '' , , f . . ed up simultaneously in the most distant part- rr,,M l B«»,M« ! ' •",! t!lf' "disguised e.Kulta- human intellect have once been removed, it is .,J . , , , ' ! ,• ,• , • ,• .•,, .__. ,,-.,. There seems to have existed a most diaboli­ ol Germany, at the call ol Johannes Ronge, twn oi a certain portion ot the community over cal, well concerted scheme, for effecting tiw as absurd as tt is useless to attempt to chain hat} BO time to communicate with each other, his conviction. We were quite certain from down the mind to any settled form of belief, and adjust common points of mith. The repu- the teginniag, that bo was not only innocentI rum of Mr. Weinzcqihlin. We trust, for the If Luther had a right to adopt bis own opinions : djntion of the Pope and hierarchy of the Roman : rf (. crim& , y ^ ch ^ |ikewfse ^ 3ftke of ;llstice lhat n0| onlv the hired !)orjlirort r-itb.-.r tb'iit -ol'iere toiiw. i",.»I, ,,i"»i, iv,.r •,i •( uicrit, <-t its errors, iiloiatrous observances, , , .,.,,'.,,. j rathe th an adher, to .„ utho th universal \ ^^^ ^ l||fl e8tabliiihmemj {J the victim of injustice; and every liberal mind- but alsot e still darker villain, who stfd church, the disciple ot Luther had most un-1 p|ace ^ jt^0f n p,,,,, ApostolUs-Chrwtinn-Gatho-L«d man wlao Attentively we^liod the cbaracter him on, maj meet with the punishment, they questionably an equal right to reject the opin-' |jc Church, >.wU as the < fcristiao < Jhurch ma) j of the evidence adduced on his trial, must hue so well deserve. ions of Luther, and form a creed for himself, have been in .the days of the Apostles, and for i .1 nn „ -,- , • -, , ,-,\, , . ' agreed vvith u^. tne manifest miusticeoi tiie The Gazette, from which we take the ac­ And when Ronge thought proper to rebel ihrec nundred years alter them, was a common ,. cnt,ro against the cliurch, he cou;u not consistent I v Ipoindeal t indeed—vagueof union, but ,\l an lefd t tosomething— be defined ab v trrciteachjiuao! , causeV^'^'"^d a largajjamse numbei tinr so f worthProtestanty < ler-s v count of the .Mormon disturbances, informs us expect that hi< own adherents would swear al congregation according to its own views and;everv denomination to petition for his rnleasi lhat lama, the present seat of the war is fitti- legiance to whatever form of church govern- feeling of what is error, and superstition,— and to obtaui it without dil&culty. This was ated in the Southern part of Hancock county, meat he might establish. If ever he imagined u!i,t ls ohservaoce idolatrous, or unscriptnral, about'20 miles from Warsaw, about the same wl t some compensation for the injuries done him, such a tiling, he is, we think, by this time, * wobservatKM innocent, venerable, useful, from Carthage, and about 'M to '{."> from Nau- . , ' _ . land to be retained. To renounce more or less M"1" sufficiently vmdicated lus tnnocenc But conialeteiv uiuieeetved. the iww reform m ,• ,i ' i , • „ > • £ ,i /. ,,; t« voo. .Morley's settlement of in the " ' tot the dot trim and service of the Catholic God, who watches over the interests of his Germany has already produced three distinct Church was a common principle in all: but neighborhood of Lima, is partly in Hancock servants, who can easily ubriag to nought the societies, each contending for the supremacy, hoa much to renounce, how much to retain, and partly in Adams county* li i! counsels of the wicked," wished that the inno­ iiuth r their respective leaders. Ronge, Oj-r>k\. •'''T*' ' - Redoubt, on the jpiritual cond^jpn i It is plead in justification of the outrages ' Uf each congreg«tkm. At first, tin reforo, each I rPnccencce uot f h,hiss """i.-teministerr shoulshouldd bbee vvindicatem heatedd iinn a tluit arc being committed, that it is impossible and rnbil—three degraded an I apostate , it was formed, drew up a still more glorious manner, by making hi 1 i confessiocongreg itionn of , faitwheh nfo r itself, and an enumera- wretched accusers confess their guilt. A letter I10 llvc' m "' ;~r||i" rh",,!! with tllc ^!-rmon! priests!'.u ! 1 Three capital schisms,* writes the Tablet, tion of the points of doctrine or observance on appears in tMGMmlic Advocate of last week. *at it is ab-olutelv necessary lor the wc!l- "in one Church! one infant Church not vet which it dissented and differed from Roman over the signature of R. M Tl us one of bel,«<* lU() n'st rf the community that the out of the cradle! Thii now inContostible fCaiholicism. Other congregations fiiiding their Mr. Wein/uyhiii^ counsel, from which Mormons should be driven out. This we coa- j. .• , , — „ religious views in accordance with one or other we tact ihsconcorls ;;nu ( erarnri s (icriuan Protest- r 7\ . .• , • .• • , , . give the lollou HILT extract., sufficient to show .''1V<> to bc ;i v,,fV W:iJ excuse, even il the facts f ol those published confessions, adopted that the "mystery of iniquity" that has been at j »««lg«l he true; for however any ciUjenil^ antism without, however, driving it to despair. ' wnicb Suited them, With or WJthom alteration j be nggrieved, the law ought in all cases tube It is upon the apostacy of Thiener that it leans] It i- understood that these are but temporary, wer'v in this affair. its ultimate hopes; be, alone, say the organs or at least are not unchangable confessions ol . ,, sufficient for his protection, and the pfflMflI s i faith, aw ptions of ritual >erv ice A rene- " A few weeks ago a letter was received bv , ,, ' . . . • . ,:^ of Evangelism, is capable cl" uniting ail these i , that wou,d al,ow tho ln r0,i t0 nnent fe ii r d (tiuncil ol th.-(icrman-tathohe ( burcu, in } RRev' .. Mr. Devdier the Catholic clergyman at J" ^P**" divisions—oi healing these open wounds; for, hvhjch the several congregations are by their [Evansvilla, from several German Protectants into their own bands is both dangerous a«»«t says the Wiine (thwrccr, the primitive chiefs ministers, elders, or representatives to take j residing at or near Augusta, St. Charles coun- j consthutkmaih and guides arc too far to seek in seicntiiic the, - l,rirl' Ul" he held at some future period, for ad-j tv, Mi.-souri, Henry Schweitzer,Charles Span-j logical instruction to be able to «iti«fv a|| t!„. justing the various confessjons of faith and ri- kern, Charles Nailer, and Omrad Mdlinc-j Vv"e rcco^merul to the attention of the # ...-,. . j tuals, for drawing up a catechtsm, a iitup'v, a knxh, stating that. Schmoll^ , ,th e prosecutor ofl , , , . M „\VP ia \l U7 I I'.. I,. I UcO vn-r „n,,1 U|„MI UCSfOSi I ItlVHISt tllC CUl-lCtS VV llich WC g» C lO want, ot their followers, and to portorm ail that §J ^ (if ^^ instruction, and such e^sen- .Mr. WeiUZCfipWtn, had last year spent several: • is expected and demanded ot them in the way titi matters. In the meantime, the leading months Binoagthem; and thrown off his guard, relation to tho Jesuits. However contrary

of dogmatic instruction. Thus, in the judgment' confessions of faith, and declarations of dissent as we infer by the fact of his being at PC great; may be to bis principles to lelieve any thing of the Protestant, who have made SO mu, U \iV,,m lU" *&**& of Rome, which have been a distance from the scene of his villany, and wnjcn n.^ on mrrc authority, we think he noise about the letter of Range to Mgr. Arnold, published and ftmst generally adopted by the MBong Protctaut friends, who, he i,vm,ne(! ; acknowledge that the Jesu- new congregations, are very widely different n of Treves, and the other writings of the two from each other in doctrine, and in what thev would be delighted with his achievement, had ,. rt:cje lt :;iv; llot >,>lk d lV liW Apostates of Ureslau and Schncidemuhl, those retain or renounce of Roman Catholic, super* acknowledged the utter falsity of tho charge,\' * «'M ' °"' ^^ - \ " • ' st u n in and disclosed the practices bv which he was n hich the editor copies from the Baptist Regis- potent rivals of Luther and Calvin, have pro?- j ' " > belief, an I in ceremonial. To recoil • i it.. ••••«fii«« w triiifrf. tu.,.%, -.i .II. 1$$* them, to bring them under one church, one enabled to wicceed ia his nefarious plot. U^f j8 B littles premature; but it just shows os «They stated Ml their biter, *we communi-| w.,Jnt 1(. vv01ll(i ,,c at it y\. Rossi's state- en tw m.-elvcr? out smokv torches without Indit,' r • i•• i ,• , . • n cate the same to you, and arc ready to certify I ' M religious oody ol doctrine, appears a work .m- c ls bccu tfUC ^nltltev themselves want another Doctor to | poS8SibIc lor any council to accomplish, becauic to it according to law, at any time when do- j '» » N ' The Pittsburgh Cathoilc. 229

nf l,, state uil1 havc Qi ITF. COXSOMNC—In the columns of the Moitn AWKWTIOV—The St. Louis NewIWherethe work of destruction stopi God onlv l ° » heavy b/71 to pay for Presbyterian Advocate, we meet with the fol­ Era says, that the people of St. Clair Co, Illi- ' knoWr. The fec^ is deep and intense, anil \ PW*g destroyed.-.*. Lo„« AY/>«M- , , ,. , • * the excitement continually spreading. Up to r""' ^'V'- '"• lowing sentiment, which conveys quite a con­ now. have lii-Id a meeting to devise menus ol ,, • , * i 11 » • STILL LATER soling id<-a coexisting Chtistianitv. Thearticle IIUI. f g Friday morning, as near as I could ascertain, °1U4i I,-vu,u- in which it occurs, is from the pen of a suffi­ annexing the Island of Cuba to the United twenty-three buildings wero burned. During The letter of the editor of the Republican, ciently able writer, who, we. presume, has not State?. Governor Reynolds made a long re* last night and to-day, the number is probably Iwritting from Warsaw says: formed his opinion rashly. " It may be asked,'1 port in favor of the measure. What next? swelled to thirty, or perhaps more. The party tester lav, a deplorable circumstance occur __ engaged in the work go undisguised, in broad red about seven miles from hew, »vhich f bc- he says*" here, what and where is the true M.Dsguerreis said to have made a discov- day light, and apply the torch. So far no one difficulty than any thing which has vet trail­ : ! i well as I can gather it church/" (A very import question.) "Tan- ernams ealmos hast beeasn wonderfu .riven. l Ita consists that st oo fwhic a procesh his hatolds ,bee been n injureddestrow-, nod, rhut has th ano yhouses property. , excep, I. t was| by R •„'pj, ret}d1.0 confusio- The _..-__storyn of, reportsa,s .,, follows- . gwer I do not know il bv the true church is bv which he can give to a young tree, in three accident. Sparks from some of the buddings jt \3 said, that on Sunday or Monday three \ i l itl ?rror in doctrine go- months, the same developments us in a state I fell upon a few grain stacks, which ignited nndmeo entered Cartilage, and enquired for Mr. meant a cnurcn WIUIOUIJ , J of nature requiring ns many years. This is j were consumed. Backenstos, the Sheriff, who is a Jack , rernmrnt, and discipline. "" thought it oau i ^^ ^ ^ ^ (). prafting (H,,,r till. ro(;1 \yr The party which first commenced the work and very obnoxious to the anti-Mormons. Mr. enough for Protestants to admit that they might gjvc this account as wo find it in some of the of destruction did not amount to more than | Buekenstos made his escape. Vestcrday, Mr. be wrung, but to admit that they are actually journals. 11* it should be a true one, we may twentj or thirty. What the number is now j Franklin A. Worrel, a merchant of Carthage, wron- in doctrine eovernment and discipline, I hope soon to hear the details of the process. " cannot he ascertained. The anti-Mormons,; ,mi| a Lieutenant in the Carthage Greys, was • '.r It' ~ ""' ''"'-•'- ''' '" ""' !,,"'Mi"-' :irr «:"llcetmg nod-out, without twelve or fourteen other persons, is beyond everything we Have met witn yet. Anoath ngainst duelling is engrafted in the preparing to act upon tho defensive. 1 under- when they came up with Backenstos and a s ;,, ;i What a splendid argurrn nt lor Christianitj . | uvw constjlutjon 0f Texas! , <" < meeting ofauti-Mormons was to be held number of Mormons, at a place called Pren- __^ — | at Carthago to-day. What it will amount to ticc's Shantv.—The Mormons beckoned to " i '« ..< i-il "iiui roliliral XfWI. JUDOESW* Succ«wiu.-The Hon. Levi «'"" wii| determine. The Mormons are en- VVorrell amlhis party to keep away, but they (»< uenu aim •«••••! .n. camped about three miles Irom where the scene either did not understand the signal or disre- , Woodbury, al present a Senator irom new |()f (loslr„ction commenced. Their number on garded it. On their approach, two guns were TJ « irike" which was made several davs' Hampshire, has been nominated to the Senate j Friday was variously estimated, from one toured. A bail from one entered Worrell's breast, ago bv the hail'! ' ". " ' . ' " | to fill the vaeanc von the bench of the Supreme three hundred, but an hour's time may greatly killing him almost instantly.—Tho corpse is \ .."!•!. . :!"!.!«!" JCourt ol the United States occasioned bv the!™'*11 tn<;ir r™ks' . !Un Parllea "c well arm-1 „o ... the town. The other ball enteredtho cap ploved iii all the cotton factories, in or about I ed, and all the anti-Mormnnfl with whom I con- of the man by his side. As you may suppose, thi' s• city, still continues. They forme death ol Judge btorv [versed, expressed the belief that the work of j this has added fuel to the dames," and this in a destruction could not lie stayed until the Mor- j morning 1 find a majorit) of the citizens hero procession and marched through the streets ol From the St. Louie Republican, Sept. V both the cities under the charge of marshals, mens were driven into Nauvoo. Time will ei-1 preparing to go out, and nothing is talked of Tin: CIVIL W YK IN ILLINOIS.-—-we have al- | » confirm or negative this belief. \\ general battle, and the driving of tho and accompanied by a band of music We' ,.. „ , ,,. ;, , ,, ;l u r iM a r lllv ]V( n t0 ir rcadera 8Uch m! nil itI n Meanwhile, we have from N'.iuvoo, the fol- Have will form the element for a much wider should suppose there was upwards of a th->ii- irom the scat of civil war ami commotion in (owing proclamation of the SheriIf of Hancock Mormons from the county. snnil in number. Their object is to obtain a Adams and Hancock counties, Illinois, as we county: j Numbers of people especially women and "ten hour" system, which will be two less than have been able to obtain. A longlettcr in the MMCLAMATION. 'children, are leaving the county as fast as they ! Quiuzy Dail\ Courier of Mondaj last,conlirms can1 ge lt ilvv;,away. 1 found a number, with their the present term of their daily labor. The -tl„ lilat hns bocn polished in'regard to the! To the Citizens of Hancock County-Whcrc- j™' * >; ' ««;n" • ™nwer, wmi u.c.r , t ., • ,,••'.,,,-,• e • < a- . III baggage and household atlairs on the bank of Proprietors ot the several Cotton lactones {pretended origin ot the difficulties—the bring as, a mob ot Irom one to two hundred men, «n- L„ •* .r, „ t- ,, u .... 1 ' • »i i i .1 i ,i i . . ,i ; the river. 1 bus lar the Mormons have fled in Imv.. ,,.it V,-Ur,\ -i e-.r-l -(•ninf t It-i 1 their on.fits ' upon a meeiiii" oi anti Aba-m >n-. n • ;r Lima, 'ler arms, ha\e gathered tliemsencs together i . ,. ... . hi\e )ui.li-in >i a cam .-laun^ uiai iu< ir proma i - t , every iu.-.taueo, makinif little or no resistance: ... -rii M •• i nssembed to consut upon measures to protect in the south west part oi Hancock county, and . -. \ a r ., i . wd iM lustifv the change. Meetings have . ' . , ' • , . .* , , ,i i... it- ,ioutthe\ euunot dee much lurther. and thev J • " their property Irom the depredations ol theiare at tins lime destroying the dwellings and^ .- , ' u--v Un Q d Mlt 8horUy W eaVC been held within a few days and committees MwJnJ fhat such an attack was made, other buildings, stacks of grain and other pro- i ^ J,^^ ° ' » ' appointed thereat to collect money for the -sup- without injurs to anv one. is admitted to be perlv, of a portion of our citizens, in the most " ".,"'' l- ' . . '• • , •' ,- -i, • i ' M- i • i t -i ; Alarm and cxcitcmuit pervade all classes, port of tho operatives during the suspension ol true, while the anti-Mormon party charge it uhumau manner eompcll.ng ...•i.-nc «,* d,.«-; , countenances of their employment, and thus the afluir rests at »P*n U»o ^rm»m the latter allege that .t dren and women o leave their sick beds, and ^ » have vet seen. This week, I ' • was a trick of the lormer, to secure a pretext exposing them to the ravs ot the parching sun, . , , . - . ' r.reweni i . 1i 1 •" •• 1 1i - n- . . 1 i i ...1r '.i1 ,.i I .1i ,1 ' behoveM-./i uinu, >mus ij'tjiit i brinan gni matteru si.-iiieuieni.s to an sissue UUi .o i Fro,>ailm- presenti .„ . -,i-; ,» K ,i . Tre-.iv of \nnr\> itiiofr ttho eth depredatione ocupants, sth thee burningy are noo wth emaking i we hug. s tnthere smoke toe la ivn anrisind sutleg to thr withoue cloudst ,th ane dai thd eo rikune assis-s , • . . ,. ° . , . B nMV tno v u ( ! tnc ticulari\ now ciaunco i»» —in< 1 reai\ 01 .\1111. \-.i "*... . .1 . ^ . . i . , •• " «• .u - i. i.,. .. .; . i . .i • vo oapparen are beint gconcer drivent intwao hth ewhic city—h thI enidg autie -a r J ,„. v ,-, ,, • -,. • o the Mormons commenced. On f nday,*»t her • are devouring lour buddings which have Jjust .. , V|. . • .n» 1 ion. lie Nueces, some distance this stue 1- , The meetin.g at all, events. , broke u.p . in• 'a hur-itancc oi a inendl.. . y han. d• t,o ministe.«. r to, thei, r,. ligh,, t mus« t come of. t this ,week . , whic. h wil pro- in- r\i\ loiMuin —1 he uo draiic houses were bred. .. ,I n th, e course, ol• that dnv, a. been, se•t o.n. lir•e In,r th;,e rioters. IN, ; ..thousand s ot .Mormon ,, s are acting—thei. r simultaneous t at- truK.»e i.t,..iii-irv .riven !>\ Mi-vi.d :i< lurmina the • .-11 . i in i* " i i i. i baoiy give a predominancy to one party or the hoi bounuarin. i «.w} \give um.MiAion ny wexic. ino a. s lorramg me lcofnmlUeescapine 0gf Mormons,witout of the doorh s aan Magd windowso tnice, en-!dollarmid wantss ,wort in theih orl propertsutlennyg haconditions alread.v been con- . .- - .., » . ., 7 ...• . ' . Texas... in. its revol- t neve, r ,- clain. ,e d anv ireother, - lain .Newto 1 n volunteere• d1 t1o introduc• •e them.. to j seventy families lai..d1 'waste . , 1th- 1e "inhabitants . • .. ]'other.—.V >'« IRDER. OLouisF o?r e OUeviwlican.K OUR niyr J\IKN--TO ARMS! ,,- 1 1 -v 1 1. i>. , /., .i„,;,. ,.<' . , , . , ii-ii -oi ,.1 .1 tacks—the deep and deadly hatred which thev rue div.sion. and we believe the republicn, ol teresomde Limacitizen, tso o treaf Hancoct withk theicountyr enemies, and . diCapd so. - thereosumedf ,ar ane firedentir eupon settlemen, narrowlt yo l escapinab ait sixtg with!'y or 1'" -*'»»s--—« has becom' e our pmnlul duty to ThRioe delormel Norter boundar, and yRi noo wBravo claimed, (a, choichowevee „r l , ,, . , , . 1 he rioters spare not the widow ««jr the or- ! J , . _ ^ ,> ;*7'"'"", •" "" '"V" ' p«|The Sl v me tl t in council—Edsoa lh li:itn WhitncvMlllII th(. J;- the revised laws of our State, under the |W»M ' WORKEL, ol Carthage is no more- would make every difference in the world. I that thev were not authorized by the public to criminal cod", sixth divisiou, ;>S section, page While riding across the prairie, in company — doan\ thing,but acted on their own responsi-| 181, thc crime of arson is defined as follows: with some friends yesterday, about 11 o'clock, LlBKL.—James Fome Mormons concealed in the ha/.cl roue;!), nine miles from this place, fired upon him. now finds himself in the position so often oc- any proposition tending to allay the < xcitement. <-iisiv Imru or cause to be burned, any dwelling, rhe l);l11 l ,k , , ' f «• -,., ,, -,, The following proposition was Ihen submitted: bouse, kitchen, ollice, shop, bam, stable, storo ^ effect in his breast and caused CUpied b\ many 01 his critics. I he KOV. Air. -11 » ' » • , olmfKl insl-mt .'i-oh Thmn iv«« n u-.,«r«in in 1 nimost »We. the undersigned\D\MS ('or\r, a\ CommitteS".it Le' appointlsj") - I80n house> :"|l, [ '':sr' "ot more llj:,n tcr. !,„i \yK ,1,,, \ilir|(iv. .inii n ,t...,.-i.- tHiiM™„iur/„ ished by imprisonment in thc penitentiary for {place. CONTEMPT OP COI ST.-Judgc Ewing of the Utere seeming to be some difficulty between ^^^^^^ Z ^nlhll^l Pookindlr Franke n dun, hee wasthat oncaen o nevef the rnobles be quenche! spiritds Court of Common Pleas, of Fayette county, said body and the anti-Mormons, we, as repre- j.^ ^(nV,,AuliSwh JclltU.t sll!,n hc\,ulh, „,•; iuntin oul everr countyy Mormo, and nhi has deats lefht hathse kindlevicinity.d and- has lined a member ol that liar (Mr. Deford)! wnlttiv* ol said body, wish to make some pro- ""'•• ^Zl^ZT^lZa Z7n7JZ*> REVENUE, REVENGE, Fellow citizens is now the. v /positions so as to make peace. We wish to seih murder, and shall be indicted and punished 1 word. 9100 and suspended hun from practice lor six , , , • , ',, , cnrdimrlvAl,d " Mr. Worrel was m no way connected with months for contemp1 t of Court ments, as low as it culd be reasonably expect-1 whereas, the law s of this State make it ' I our deeded lands as well also es our improve- !11counngi>. ed—reserving to ourselves the corps noI w• on ^ 4"Ut i 1y ... «I " -1i. po. dicer o| tins county to the proceedings in the south01 the county, and , , , , , . 11,1 • 1 l suppress all hols, routs, A^c. &.c, and all Jther |««« assassination was only provoked that tell of CHINESE Mjr.Mirv.— 1 he instalment due i the premises—and will take in exchange, wor- hi' j revenge t|,at seeks his victims indiscriminately, from the Chinese to the British Covcrnme.it, is! Wng cattle beef cattle, cows, sheep, ^,,,"^8. L. Backenstos, sheriff of the There is no longer peace for Hancock. Blood .... wagons'and harness, store goods, and anv avail-1 '" ' pai-i in what thev call '• ,>_ijeee .surer, wnicli is I ,,' . , . the ord stamp have ! tndige if the laws; and I hereby call upon the law I was fired. They rode to words him slowly, to from their "outside barbarian" traders in their HORACE S. RAWSON, abiding citizens, as a posse comitatus oi Han-! enquire the news. When about ,'UlO yards off rapid progress to a more enlightened civiliza­ MARCELLUS McKOWAN, cock county, to give their united aid in sup- they saw a man enter the bush and presently SANUEL ALGER." tion, for they have become such adepts at ex­ i pressing the rioters, and maintaining tbe su-1 tl"' shot was fired from thc spot where he en- changing bad for good coin, that they readily Mr. Whitney remarked to the committc lh: 1! premacv of tho law. i tered. The place where thc murder took place substitute a counterfeit Mexican dollar for a h,. e ,believe ; d thei,.r , propositio,; 1 ,n, woul, TId li. e 1unsati . s J. B.BACKENSTOS, Sheriff of Hancock co., III. was at the point that Backenstos^ bad ordered good one with astonishing dexterity. lector- in one particular: that .1 he had to bus s ' L rcl„|c/.vou,. so thnt it appears to have been out a bad neighbour to get rid of him, he would I lie latest intelligence From the scene o» tne „ct uf the Sheriff^ Mormon/WMC like to know what distance he would remove disturbances in Adams and Hancock counties, | )iimor nnVar in ft)l,a.~.h is ru'mored in Co.MMKuciAi. IMPORTANCE OF TBE COLUMBIA. Iron. bun. he committee replied thev would < III., represents that the anti-Morm ms were j tnW|)> {hM jjifl |fl of Lce ^ foWft ^ —Capt. Fremont has established by his expe­ not agree to leave Hancock, nor would they say J following up their work ol destruction, and drivjn he Mormom M in this C(;(ltltVt W(- dition beyond the Rocky Mountains, that there in what part ol that counts- they would again j that a large settlement on Bear Creek had re- j kmm, J^ whonco lhi. newa comes? aiJ<| (.annol ettie. It is useless, perhaps, to add that"the! ceived notice of an intention to apply the is DO river of any navigable size, which has its vouch for its correctness.—Warsaw Signal, interview amounted to nothing; and the work flames to their houses. Mr. Backenstos, the Sept. iStli. outlet directly into the Pacific, and communi­ of destruction commenced again that evening, sheriff of Hancock, is said to base started lor cates with the We.-tern slope of our continent On (to-day) Saturday, several on re buildings the Bcenc of devastation, accompanied by a so- REMITTANCES. except the Columbia between fifty degrees of were burned. In passing along a road about ] litary deputy, to cad the attention of tho ant - Mormons to the law. This may be so, but we Per hands of Rev. Joseph F. lJoane, for Northern latitude and the Gulf of California. three quarters of a mile distant, about 'A o'clock, I saw the smoke and flames of two ri­ are inclined to doubt it, The Mormsna have W. S. Murphy, in full for advertising, $."» 00 sing upon the air. On arriving at Lima, I as­ made no attempt at resistance, although tbe\ Per hands of Ceo. Quiglay for (.)* Biennis, charged with the murder of Frank certained the buildings were situated about a certainly out-number their opponent-. Mr JuhnMurrin, Esq., Murrinsville, 5 (X) Barbitt, Mormon representative from Hancock Coombs, and in whose case there has been a mile and a half from that place. Many men 1IVHKIED, were collected in groups m the streets, and connty, in the Legislature, informed the edit­ mis-trial, has been admitted to bail by Judge On the i!.)tti inst. by lb v. Joseph F. Deane, in St. the doors and windows of the houses were filled ors of the Quincy Courier, that they intended Paul's Cathedral, Mr. DAMM. LAHLKR to Miss Eu.tx Deblicux of Iberville, Louisiana. The bond with women nnd children looking in silent des­ to stand by the law until every homestead was ior hi.s appearance is £15,000. pair upon the work of the destroying element. destroyed. If they do. the tax-paying portion SHLIU.OCK. 230 The Pittsburgh Catholic

ARRIVAL OK TIIK wished to play Kngland's game by pitting Irish-i next Parliament, if the people of Ireland will der O'ConnelPs guidance the members of the men against each other. (Cheers.) give to the cause, for which they would cheer- Repeal Aaaomatwnare the greatest eattataveft 8TEAM " Address of the Loyal Sational Repeal Asso- lullv lay down their live?, the lens glorious *a- society in the whole world—(hear, hear,1) to JHf ""»• elation to the Protestants and I'rubt/teriait* Crince of time and exertion which is necessary I give me three cheers for the Hibernian Anti- of lister. to qualify them to exercise their electoral | Slavery Society, and three cheers for the Eng­ BRITANNIA. uFellow-countrjmen—(Nil common country rights. lish Anti-Slavery Society, and Joseph St urge, is in distress and poverty—and WC, irishmen, "'Scanty as are oir electoral privileges, the lof Birmingham, one of those beings who sane- This Steamer arrived at Boston mi Friday cannot agree to help her. Repealers of Ireland have it in their power to j lilies hum in nature bv his existence—a man, morning, the lUth inst., about 11 o'clock, bring- Why is this t Wltat advantage have we in return at least 70 representatives, il they will to take a quotation fiom Burns, formed hy the ing Liverpool and London dales to the day of ,,ur tights and divisions! IN up for Hangar.an. "Every.. penny. of the mone..y we pa.y in taxes j mission to the Sovereign Ruler of this world. ; Company, which sailed from B »nn early ia the r We may not repine, even though it be his de- i mornins. A. Sherlock, Jvsq.Baq., <»«»t! KlliaspyKiiiaspy, and PI',. W. '*»*«*'*>«"«" discharginwwwwgmg thMWeJ uuiLorud Lieutenantuwuwwuiss esw cr<' thai 'his land shall continue to endure »uf- The day was delightful,the -on shining fit- Power, l-:s«|.. ofTramore, both Repealers, for penses, and those of our crippled public officers, ferings unknown to other nations; but we are fully through rilling clouds, and easting che- Wntrrford nmniv; Sir 15. Al. Wall and T. swept away, to bo lavished in making hand- Meagher, Ksq., are the Repeal candidates for M,,om"°e s,squarel,1:»'s 'i"n LondonLondon,, oorr payinpayingg EngEnglisl h encouraged to earnest and hopeful action both j ipiered light and shade on the. rocks and vme- th<> <-itv. [debt, contracted without our consent, and wi tii b\ the Divine precepts, and by the experience 1 yards of the noble river. The committee for conducting the entertain­ I out any benefit to us, I which teaches that Providence never fails to Bonn was, of co irse, i scene of great aiiinx- M ment toCCoaoeU, in Tipperary, met at Thur* Were we--Irish Protectants, Presbyterians, support, to strengthen, and to guide those who tion. M .-i the visitors who bid been praa len on .Monday, and made.- tho necessary pre­ and Catholics—good friends with each other, seek to attain righteous ends by virtuous eat at the •eih.'.iti festival still hngefpd parations. we would very soon stop that injustice, as all means, there to set tec majesty depart. The river others, and whatever we had to paj in taxes "What aim can be more noble- what more | tront of the little to.'a nover looked gayer. Tin: OftAJtOS Mt:i:n\<; AI I.I-HIKV —The should be spent among us and so give us some holx than that which aspires to accomplish the j Flags Waved, and music played, nnd the royal preat Protestant meeting to express sympathy return of our money. liberation of the country ivluch gave us birth? | party stepped on board their steamer amid loud with Mr. Watson on his dismissal, took plaa "After the great Protestant movement ol I remain, rov dear Sir, very faithfully vours, j acclamations. as was expected'< lonoei) and DrI. by rock and hill and mountain gorge,and rioa- _, ., . . ", .-,1 , . ,, conciled to each other; and the consequences I. Murphy, the letter was ordered to be enter­ Iyard sloping to the stream. There were the BeattV. from twelve till two the Orange e e t> i i i ed on the minutes, nnd a vote ol thanks passed Seven Mountains, wooded to the summit, cot- , , • , i . ,. . . were1, tree trade, a tree rarliaiiieut, and a ile- to the writer, with the assurance of the great j tages and villages clustered round their bases, Lodffes kept pouring in and taking up their gratification fell by his colleagues at his enjoy- the vines ard every now and then showing a b 0 short a . ' ..' , , , ,,,. .. grec o| prosperity in agriculture and manufac- '• ing relaxation and domestic happiness. j brighter patch of green than the prevailing lue; irround in hali-mititarj order. Ibe\ were all , , • , ,., . • ,.- The Englishman found the means of divid­ The HKVD Punn ATOH rote and said— lof the trees, and the grey masses of rock hero h ,. . • . 11 i 'i litres, such as Lord Clare himself confessed no ing us again. He made use of our religious Now, Sir, with resoect to the ignorant, hruii- : and there rearing their bold fronts through the woll-dressed and vers rspectable-looking men, , c i , tied rabble of the Orangemen ol' Ulster, I have luxuriant vegitatton. Nothing could be more held bv th.e Freeman'• s correspondent... i i , Tht ii nation ever before attained t< yeomen and gentry on loot and horseback, ing embers of religious rancour, until they burst no argument with them, and for the best reason j beautiful th in the peeps caught of the little vil- Marquis of Downshire took the chair at half- and many ladies iii carriages attended. The into fire that scorched and withered every m the world, viz.. that they are too grossly ig­ j lages risine from the Ithin*. whi :h, as the boat past two. In his opening speech the noble number is estimated at 'JO.noit which is double* genial feeling of the heart, and dried the foun­ norant, and too deeph imbued and saturated proceeded, opened one after another to tho lord defied the Government to prove that Mr. . . i . ,. , injtaini su so fagain charity, , nevee inaun ine theiuser inmosoi outr sourcereligiou. s : with inveterate prejudices, to be able to argue view. The Seven Mountains are particularly Watson's dismissal was a constitutional act. tin* number assigned to th,- capucit> ol the . .••\u d he rejoice,, ,, , t.. believe tha, t revtlings., , at all. Their knowledge of theology expands i rich in such nooks, almost every one ol them H...e ha. d beei n inritedm toi take that chairi •; he ...sai. I dincrences. He blew up again the smoulder- and bitter defiances, and taunts, and insults I just to howling "no !11 "To hell with ti.-lfhe .shouli >\d i havir errreman volunteered s < orreoioihi* servicen eni. (Louhi.d - ...... containing its little village nestled in tbeglea arc passing between us still, and that we are, the Pope!!!11 Their knowledge of political ; among woods and vineyards, us white house! cheers.) The Very Rev. the Dean of Dromore as he fancies, as far as ever from thinking ot science is limited to "No" Repeal!'1 "Drive i showing pleasantlv forth amid the nchsurrotH> having called for three cheers for Commodore our common interest—the interest of our com­ Tom Steele out of Enniskillen!!!" and smash- ding scenery. And there were, of course, the Watson and obtianed them moved that it :- mon country—of the Ireland of the ' Orangeman ling windows at midnight with stones. (Near, parts of historical interest—the famous Drach- the indefeasible and unquestionable rior [outlook tor a mirauding biron. and the tower manner,, , his,,, opinion, • s, ,o t the Minister, s , o. f th . iChronicle momt u • calleeaueud mthe nieidea e- i repeal of the Emancipation Act,' and thinking e unes less interesting, still it is vers sweetly lovaJul anl amonirhed attached,'r Majest1 was ymove 8 subjectd bsy t.1o . thRichare taithd- .• , a ,i '• ,, i .., i, i«-...... ii.ii,i , ,,, . . . ,, ficattott".vnAn ud theris etnisioiasithi iss tion lastthesr? e wordsIi-s thme. worlworido folor ever he would anuos them, repeal ot the Charitable arid softly beautiful, The current sweeps son Esq.,ol Ingram,seconded.bv l. J. Smith . . i . , . , , , , • , . Bequests Bill!'! Then comes that Orange strongly along by rounded bills, wooded from ,, , '„ ,^ • , ,.,, • , to mock and jibe at us? Is Ireland to be tor Esii., J. I., and earned. 1 he third resolution, J , , , ,. . • , , , , clerical parson Leslie, who at Lisburn asked at top to bottom, leaving the rich corn holds and , ' . . .. . ,- ., ... . ' ever poor, neglected, robbed, insulted,despised, the public meeting "who the devil was Pittt*' vineyards which slope down to the water edge, detenbtne the dismissal ol Mr Watson as "au ' Vi • , ' —and talked, as it" a good punning joke lor a and reflecting here and there the clustered n c i ., because ol her divisions > minister of religion, of "the bottomless Pitt," groups of while-walled, blue-roofed houses wanton exercise ol armtran power, was ,i«n . , .-. , ami of "infernal priests11 and of "Popery and which stud its banks. S >me little demonstra­ .,,,,.• JII , "Wftat beneiit to any party amount us is other iniquities and abomination,"1 ("Hear, tion was prepared at each of these villages. moved by < ol. I erner, and seconded b\ the .i • .i i * > ,• • 11 The Black Eagle of Prussia flaunted from eve­ ,, ,, -,, , .,,, i> I i- , ,, there in these our sad and ruinous dissensions? hear, and groans.) W'ith such gross garbagi Rev. II. Hudson. I he Rev J. kno\ and K. urn . . ... as these, lord, parson, and barrister have dis­ ry flag-starT,the inhabitants sallied forth lagan ,. ,, ... P..JL , p | ,. >Miat advantage nre von reaping from them, or gorged, I do not, ot cour.se, condescend to ar­ I from the wharf at the passing Ixiat, while a Dollimr. I'-q.,—t.aldbeek. l',>c|., ;,nd Mai«i i .. u . > *II i , . gue. (Loud cheers.) But there are other j tliitteriug display of kerchiefs, was waved from J ... ,, ,, „ .. , |, ip4i has there been to u-? Alike we are laughed , Orangemen of Ulster, deeply mistaken, indeed, !everv window. 1 W ann\ . ,u applie. Wynnd , tand—Johnstono the Court ot, „v i oir demands be attended to, ourselves be re­ ple as gallant "no surrender,"' Colonel Verner, J A fertile deposite of alluvial land lies on either Queen., '• 1* Bench, , , on Wednesda• •• y to b.e admitted "lour meetings now are as odious to the spected, our country be restored to her rights. : whose opinions are; for his honesty entitled to side of the Rhine between its waters and the tEsq.o bail, , movebut Judgd the ePerri remaininn refuseg resolutiond the applicas and­ ,- 1w... ,,,, l "We can do this again,as it was once before respect the most profound. (Applause.) Col. j hills which rise behind. This stiip ofpaftUfi tionj , .' ., ,, », ,, uovermoent as ours in 1843. Ihesarno un- addre^ses to the Queen and Mr. Watson, done, in the gloriou• s era ,o f 11 vJ. when your Verner, and men of his .stamp, I firmly believe I ground is luxuriantly wooded, the trees bending The Chief Raron stood on the platform with .... xi .u ,-,, . |/ . ,i ,j ii,, ., i ,,,, lorei.uuerforefatherconstitutionass inl meanarms s shooSHOOare kK beinhandnanug s resortewith oud rt olorefore pu-t (said Mr. Steele) would with abhorrence deny ! over the stream, and many of them laving their witFatheh ar votWathee ol wthanks at ( ,irk to. thwhilse Mad.t administerin rhe meet-Lg ,•i ,i I . i •T I < i , , i '• I branches in itsfwaters. b that they have ani unchristian animosity to ... ,. oi, l , tatnerthem s downin chains. I ,h ean dsam bote h injusticevowed s togetheare betttr to£ then- Catholic brother-Irishmen as Catholics. The approach to Coblete was very splendi.i. thmeg pledgquietley odispersedn .Sunday. last, and warm y con- i .i J 6 ( hi the one hand tower the huge masses oi the 1 , *, ., • . . • : make their country a nation, Colonel Verner,! firmly believe, has no un- irratulated the rev. ijentleman on the Efreat ^w i .i ' .• i charitable hatred o! Catholicity as a religions fortress ot' Khrenbreitstein. a sort of Rhenish h Gibraltar, the long lines of ramparts and battle­ c , , •, ^'-"i "We can do this, it. in the name ot our coin- doctrine bearing' on a future state of existence $ jeeess ot Ins mission.— l.ttnenek paner. f, c i • j after the departure of the spirit from its earthlj ments seen rising one over the other trom the ' ' mon Oreator, we torgel and bury our misera- tabernacle; but I have no doubt whatever thai precipitous rock. Beneath, the bridge of boats LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIA- ble differences, and make a long pull, a strong he does most firmly believe that Catholicity in­ [crosses the Rhine, conducting trom the defen- TlO.N. 'pull, and a pull altogether for old Ireland volves in its essence some doctrines inimical | ces of the "broad stone of honour" to the quays At the* Monday's meeting in Conciliation Si«ned by ^ °fSSSSS0^^,^ - <> and antagonistic to human liberty; and there- and wharfs of Coblcntz, which extend in long aWl,J.R*Uiy,EHnT.C.,p«sided. i ,. - , •••» HN "^l»-"" *»» alter loi< not through hatred of a religion, but white ranges, backed by a succession ol huge THE PROTESTANTS OF ULSTER. ^ ^^5.~***10" ^^ h° U "' ^ °° through apprehension for Protestant liberty, he ! hotels nnd public buildings, gay as bright paint Mr. J. O'Connell brought up the following LKTTEB PSOM W. S. ohmnaf, i>u.. M. V. toasts "the glorious, pious, and iirnuori.il memo- and whitewash can make them, stretching address, which was written at the suggestion of The Secretary read the following Inter from ry of the great and ^OIKI King William, whb along the river front—one portion of the city his father, but delayed till the approach of the Mr. 8. O'Brien:— saved us from Popery mid slavery, etc.; and thus, faring the Rhine, the other fotming tft! Orange meeting in Belfast Jt mattered n t uCaliirmoyle, Aug, '2H therefore it is in /. al for Protestant liberty and [right bank of the Moselle, which here joins its how the Repe.ders might be jeer,,! at, Scoff d "M) dear Sir 1 on dose my subscription tor ' its security, he fe< is swelling pride in the m<»t- writers to those of the greatest of German riv- at, or treated with contumely for making these; the present month to the fund of tie: Repeal toof^NoSurrender—-Colonel Verner!11 (Peals ei• . Behind rise towers and church steeple*, repeated udvaaces: towards conciliation, they ; Association. of applause.) Now, my dear friend John (| land the green masses of clu uped in es, scatter­ would still persevere in miking them, nor ••! am very glad to perooi\e that the Aa*9- < lounell, a < 'atholn-, echoes and re r> hoes everv ed in the city, while the whole view is bounded would they ever for one moment desist from ciatbn la about to apply itself, with vigor and sentiment that has its dwelling in his august bv a rich background of wo the Irish Catholics after picturesque, perched on the top of n high lull? sjerit ofgenuina l»rletfcttky-~of good feeling,|men*, in the character of uncompromising ad- ! reading this correspondence nnd the speech of aim *t a crag, on the left bank of the Khm« and ol i iuineiu patriotism,they would continue; vocate of the legislative freedom of Ireland, [John O'Conneli, in which this correspondence and overlooking one of the hie si prospeeta the to «'«, lu.t'Aiihstanuiug the met that by so do-1 "R's-dute men, of high abilities and upright j had its foundation? (Shouts of acclamation.) river affords. The Rhine again become* toni" ing they tttght bring down upon th-inselve.sj principle, can undoubtedly, be found to repre- II call upon you now, my countrymen—for na­ locked here, <=o that ail the features are those ridieule, scorn, and contempt, from those who| sent tin- sentiments of the Irish nation in life

• The Pittsburgh Cathoilc. 231

of lake scenery. Her Majesty and her Con-1 liberties :,n.l prosperity of Switzerland, than all and mode its appearance nt Fero/.epore, though j BLAKGLY & HITCIfEL Hort wen- welcomed on their arrival by their ! the Jesuits of R<.mr. Their presence at least not in our cantonments. The mortality |j| IIAV AVK Kto tr sale TWK.NTV FOUR U >TS of Royal ho«l and bortett. ; required, and had ohtained, the sanction of law [amongst the officers of the Madras nrmv has LAND90 < '!nrtiers('reek, within lour miles and And meantime, the night came darkly on.land the consent of the Catholic population of been greater than any remembered for many a halt of Pitt'liur^fi, each containing 'mm (i to 10 acres. This is excellent farming !nnd, and is laid off The steamers glided over The silent river like; Lucerne The conditions «H1 which the Jeau- years past wil.'ia view to «tiit small Farmer* and Gardner*. Two s.» many white water-snakes, veering hither! its reside in Switzerland ore necessarily con- THE SUFFERING CATHOLICS OF 39 acre lot* adorning tin; above, on uh.ch are Hricfc Bod thither amid the turbid eddieaoftho stream, ditions ol freedom; and it they were not afraid Cottage Hous««, Hank Ihrns, fTtrtWiill, &.<•. Two SMYRNA, The dim outline of the hilly hanks could just of a free press and n tree people, it is strange Farms near Freeport can tabling 1 .">0 n.a-1 17*> acres, DEAR SIU—List week, when I sent von mv tbfl quality of Me iand is una«ed—T$ acres cleared be caught faintly traced nirainst the sky, from; that such a people should be atraid ol them. .,,..., on each, K-iod and comfortable buildings, »fcc. A Farm le whlch w masse> of massive shadow. But this factious aggression on the sovereign | .«er y wi" kindly insert, tn behall of near 'JUUarr'S within site erf the Church at foqaff- ol tne But anon the scene changed -the moon rosej rights of a canton, and the religious freedom of suffering Catholics of Smyrna, I omitted li'.vn, IVnn. Two very neat and comfortable Dwell­ 0 ing Mouses near Fabers Cotton Factory, A Farm pooling all beaut) upon the night. Not aj' the Catholic population, at ouce made the Jes-j* accompany it with an advertisement direct- in ,,,r oi 1 IB acres in Rosi Towosbip^on theFrtnklin Road. breath of air was stirring, the noble fiver j uits, in realitv, what t !iev commonlv only pre-j £ " '* subscriptions might be paid. I', r- m,t me tnen t0 '.) mile* iiom Pittsburgh. A House ami Futon Pcnii srleamed in the moonshine like the most virgin tend to he; namely, the champions'of religion call the attention of the eharit- street, 24 feet front bj; 100 foal deep, sep. I'i-tf. of molten silver, the embowering hills, their land of authority. For once, their cause is «Me to thjs object, and refer them to the ad- i •ATlloUt: M.ITI.IMF_ ^ N ^P . green slopes and deep gorges, either sleeping identified with that of justice, law, and religious {veniremen- twnich i oeg you to insert; in id- Twoor inore

Sftv^^-JlKfSa^^^U-l* -«« r, Z ,,,..,.;•—'••-.•.*£, <° « another I,jHtay ^EE^CSTJtJLS nil radiant from t'te deep gret nerv of the for- surd delusions ot a democracy in a state ol so-:'.'" . "' f1'™ °t an appeal in behalf ol sot- . ,,„. number of (ktholie settlors is every dsy increasing. est, and the deep silence of the night h illowed cial revolution. There is great reason to be- 'ering Catholics. J he case has been put into The site for a village towa (St. Marys') has beent»- lieve that the form of a religious movement mv hand-, and if I do not come forward, per- |ce.ntly hudont,and every inducement offered tar** the whole noi>ie scene. ;,n- especially directed against the Roman Catholic I hop? it "ill be taken up b> no one else, and - »a«t«ble Cathohe fannies wh, irbfa to loe»te in m» The silence did not last long. A deep in AppUemHon toh- nm^ (li look up the first notes of a German national air ances of that church, has been assumed by the some good will lollaw. I received the other by letter po.tj.a.d) to Danl Quia ot 8. Dontan, -the •* Rhine Song,M and in an instant a roll- Radical party both in Switzerland and in the **}'* :i '•««» ''"" :i Laxarisl Missionary ot Witts-ilia,Gallia».,ot ing, pealing choru- of national music, beauti- north of Germany, as a cloak to principles al- Smyrnn,by n^ LeParec, entreating assist- ro«n«t«rn, W^rS^nTc^P. filiv auns in parts, was caught up, echoed from! together repugnant to Christianity itself, and ;»«« lor his Bock, to the sufferings winch they : lJn- aJ l™"10"!^:^!:., steamer to steamer in a massive simple ttrain subversive of all the institutions of civilized so- ™™ nvlur..»u „, consequence ol the terrible g J, VINCENT'S COLLEGE.

ofharmonv. The song would have told under ciety. The leaders of these (actions have *• which took place tn Smyrna on the night of (, MI Itt) any circumstances, but sung where it was, by sought to strengthen themselves by an alliance 1™* *fc™ ot ,wUu\ { ^'^ >";ir readers npfflS College, incorporated bV the' Ujrtsla- (iermans on the moonlit river, the peal,,,, bur- with the religious convictions oi the conscten- ^e alreadj informed. He writes to me as 1 UmQi )h, Statl. otM,„,)urii ;/1843i ^Unt. den, which defies the French, ani vows that j tious opponent* of the Church of Rome, as well, "av"»-r ,,|ir(' ^en in my company at .Marseilles, Lenity privilege*, is situated on one of the most be*o- •• thev will never have the Ivhiin," had natu- as with the anti-religious passions of the inulti- jIn ,t,(' .v,;ar ls:{-- when I was coming home tiful locationj oa the river Miutnippi, ferty milea lVo 1 Roin,, mllv a ioo-t Rtrikino- effect tude; and thev have thus been enabled to put ! " ? and he was on his way to the East, •**« tbe mouth of the Ohio; it oommaadi n beautiful i.vuv a V.HMVII it . , , i ! „„ i j : I • . -.1 . vietv on enrh sidHege have been provide f« it. u«5afldatoo,i menced by a flame of blue lights from the to which their social principles and their politi- one Desuies in Cngland. tte has also written • mih> aill| n haU• ffom ,;,«town, a rmmtr> iwn.se wbeee Fairy. Asamere pyrotechnical exhibition the cal designs bj no means entitle them. These! to l)r. Wiseman, as being well known to him j the pupils may ipaadtaeis days of recreation. affair was a failure. There was a prolusion of modern revolutionists are masquerading in a bv name, and perhaps he maj have also writ-(The System e»l i:«lii(-utioii i:mln a« «•«, rockets and Roman candles, prettv enough, but Geneva gown and singing the psalms of Luther ,|ten l" •''hers. Dr. Wiseman desires me to Reading, Writing, Grammar, History, Rhetoric, Poe- rather common-.l ,ce It was the scenery, but the doctrines are those of St. Simon and mention his name,as supporting this appeal. try, Mythology, (geography, tbe use of the Globes, however. i,t up L the lireworks, which gave Robert Owen. They are the successors, notl Mcms Le Pavec states, what 1 suppose is XtS^rtgoaSry ^SS^SS^ them their greatesl charm, and when the tree of the Protestant Reformers, but of the Ana- already known, that b,OUU houses were burnt L^^ Pni] f,rai.til.a,- \,troni,„lv. t;,e Fr,n,^ and crag and river burst into fitful view, in the ; and their object is not so much the [down in that latal night, and dU.UUO people Spanish, Uermaa, Italian, latin and Greek Un-

blueand yellow tflire the effect was worthy I purification of the church as the dissolution,,! were lett without shelter and without means 5uage«; iiwraf and natural Philosophy, Botany and r.i ' • „ -j.,, ' -rto0»ocl „n;,r,.'' ..f r('. L.KMPtv of subsistence, fie savs that this blow has Chemistry;} Music and Drawing,

tty midnight ail was over—it was time. ] ring our belief that these wild doctrines hav< of whom almost all arc ruined; and among [German, and Italian Languages, an- p-uUemeu to LThee«r%pr?i,.ta„io^r.oixife" sky became gradually overcast, and byi [sprea d to a frightful extent in Switzerland?^ra?!tts,*:, other misfortunes, the house o^f th e Sisters of j whom the language which each teaches ia his mother the time the steamers had returned toCoblentz, I where their progress has been unchecked bv a, Chnrity, who have been devoting theiuselves tongue. ! Th,! ,t fi on th M, m cl'jl| 1, to the 'care of the sufferers, is partly destroyed, i . •?°!* i *"* f?™^ '; "T'.'-V' , * a pelting rain was falling, which continues to j vigilant Government and n uniti "' ' •'»• j . • • j | day in September, and omshet oa flthe last laursday descend.—Tablet, The inevitable consequence is public sedition I have seen in the papers that n general (inj„iy, ,m which day the annnal commeneemoat is and private, crime; and when a nation is once subscription has been opened, and that many held, premium* are distributed and d*gre«« eon&ned. l SWITZERLAND. infected by this pestilence, experience can large sums have been contributed. It i> to be I "' term? lor boarding, lodging, tuition, washing, honed that part of tins will he bestowed on the mending, and »oclor»sfees, are $150perennam,pay- We table the following aide article from the j alone correct its presumption and reform its ex- ., ' .. .' . ... i it , .i a'nie halt vearlv in advanee. An extra -harge ol »U) Timr.s fit Thursday.—Tablet. cesses. Catholics, but it will probably he hut a trifle;; ]wr an„um wijnM. miV(lt. ,„r tll05e who ,.utiv s.,a,*sht "If the Uiet oi Switzerland were a body The religious fanaticism of Lucerne, and die in comparison to their want-, and 1 must yet German or Italian; the same eatra charge for the study possessing the means of enforcing its supreme • little cantons of course increases in the same i J c , ^.i •, v .• .i l t- L • dtrivr>o whan t o Ih cae ndivt toi ihnteobtaidn l,whatevev the Knnrir morn en fwil ibi»il bpe \breakag of Naturae ofl apparatusPhilosoph. y anAdn extrChemistra charey et oaf pa*8y pe(or tha e 1 lo thf lr decrees, and of supporting its authority by a proportion as the ardour ol iheir opponents; g ^" "° aiatriDutea DJ tne nanasoi ; num v^lU bi,vmde frtr bt>(1 an(1 [mUi~ \,l ext tra wn suitable demonstration of militatv force, we and the mysterious death of their leader Coun- P pastor, and ol the ^lsters ol Chanty. LDMge 0f $25 WJH ^ aUllit for^ itmtyofMosie or should entertain hopes that the' dissenMons seller Leu', has at once raised him to the rank ' Whatever is given should be given speedily, as j.)l:uVing. which are raging with so much violence in the of a martyr and a saint. Pilgrimages are made | he represents hi- poor people as d\ ing tor want If parents desire their children to he clothed at the CJ • , li 1 1 . ; • 1 \. 11 ' e .1 r 1 • : nt'eiiitiiimr anil nt'l'md I urn dent- S>r tfruipfl Institution, it will be necetsarv to i-.i.a.-e a sulheient Swiss cantons would ere lontr he terminated, from all parts of the adjacent country to his °* cunning ana 01 1000. 1 am, aeai sir, yours . tju.haii()<. n(tl)(. Treasurer 08 Semi-annual bulletins, informing of the health and For undoubtedly the spirit shown by the ma jo-j tomb; but the efforts made to discover the n* * faithfully in Christ GKO&GK SPKVCEH. progress of the pupils will he forwarded to patents and rity of the Diet, both at its extraordinary meet-! author of the murder have hitherto proved in- j St. Mary's Colh >, Augnst 22, 1845. guardians. inn; in the spring, and at the ordinary session effectual. A very probable conjecture is, that i Tablet. Those who may send from foreign countries, or re- which is held at the present time, is temperate he w'us shot from the outside of the house, as j mole district!, will please to appoint a responsible ; Bgent at New Orleans or St. Louts. and conciliatory. The proposals of the most: the m>M>n shone full upon his bed at the time! Faculty <*( the College: Radical cantons for expelling ihe Jesuits from'of the murder, his chamber being on the ground I 'no lt'»yal Irish Art I uion have it in con- Rev. Mesm. T. AM YT, President. Lucerne have been resisted; the illegality ofI floor of the house, and without shutters. The templation to hold provincial exhibitions. Prize J. < VKFIFFY, Vice President. the free bands has been established; and "the murderer doubtless escaped in a few hour- to workoca 1s artistswill b,e senTht teo firsthet localitieexperimens tot assiswillt bthee M \KK Wriln.NY. principles of'indemnity to Lucerne, for the los-; an asvlum whither the authorities of Lucerne made in Belfast, and. if successful, it will be JAMES KNOWl>. «,,,. 13-tf. J. TIFUN'AN. consequencscs and expensee ofs thsustainee invasiod bny othaf itt cantons territor, ivn j; anhad Switzerlanno power dt oha pursus beeen disgracetheir investigationsd bv an atro-; 'triedI in Cork and other towns and cities. and its contonal rights, in the month of April city equal to the crimes of religious bigotry in There was a public meeting at (lalwas on GENERAL AGENCY, last, has been adopted. .Meanwhile Lucerne ! Ireland. Such an offence is beyond the ordi- Thursday, convened by the Sheriff, to memo- \o. 17. Tilth street, I'ittsbur^h. has allowed the prisoners taken on that oeca-inarv limits of private wrongs, it becomes a rializ ethe Crown to select GalwaV as the site HPHE Subscriber wishes to inform the public •100 to return to their own cantons upon pay- public calamity; and it is impossible to au^er for a Provincial College. •*- that he will attend to the Agenry of Newspapers ment of a small ransom; and of those of her well of a struggle in which such means are .Mr. (PC.nineII h and Periodicals, on most liberal terms. accepted the invitation to 'I'ue foUowiog Papers may he had at his store : own subjects who took up arms ngainst the! employed; if, indeed, as seems to bo highly I a public banquet in the county .Mayo, which Brownson's Qumrtei Ren p 10 01 auvanae. Government ami joined the free hands, only i probable, the death of Leu is to be attributed was presented to him al Gal Way by his grace Pittsburcfa ( ntlmh. •j 00 nine are still in confinement. | to a political enemy, and not to suicide or pri- \ the Archbishop of Tuam, and Geoffrey Martin, Philadelphia \V

who usually bring large sums of money into I be last advices Irom Peshawor represent- I nomas Lyons .s spoken of as his successor. . l]uTi^[ m,J m ^ mM (jivorfl,)lo ter!I1?__Eliropt>!in Switzerland, from Crossing her frontiers. The : that aty as aJmott deserted. Every one who; ^ Y()^ ^y^ chronicle states, that a ***** Poured « sum, to .ait purchasers. weather has been fatal to the crops there, as j haTiid eth numbee meanr so fo fdeath removins ing tha hat d placleft e thbetweee dtyjj^n ^ ^ ut Cohvyn ^ caIl>tructCli a INDEMNITY well as ininauv other parts of Europe; and the the 30th of March and the 2d of May amounted wing, with which he has already been able to AGAINST W8B MY FIRK. whole state of that ootmtry, which but a few to 4,885. In the midst of this direful ifflic- The Franklin Fire liiMiraun Company flywee ka hconsiderable llew froem distancea hill in! thOne presence dave lasott months back was flourishing ami happy, is now turn the state of parties has not changed verv • , , OF PHILADIOLPHIA, c j A 1 7TLJ I f,|L, mal.BJaaca Insurance, permanent and limited, on deplorable in the extreme. The absurd panic j materially.._:,, . I,.t i•s now.. . said• 1, tha.1 t. th.1e .treasur 'e , hundreds ot spectators. \\ every discretion of proper! v in PITTSBURGH occasioned bv the proposed introduction into j sent towards Peshawur bv the Sirdar, amount- j The Tipperary banquet to O'Connell *«' jaadthoSURBOONDlNG OOONTRY, an iavoiai.it- the canton of Lucerne of a few members of an j ins,' to nearly six lakhs of rupees, had also fallen : take place in Tiiurles where a spacious pavilion I terms. 'Phis company has a perpetual charter, ecclesiastical order, which has already laroe j into the hands of Peshora Singh, who had Bur-1 will be erected. It is expected that a thousand i l'A,M',.;U',T""""";."' SJ!"M!!!!!' pai,i in establishments in rriburg and the Valats, was J prised the escort. | persons will attend the dinner. Ihe price of j . at Pittsburgh in th« alwve KXCHANGE only the pretext for the introduction of a state We regret to add,that that dreadful scourge,: each ticket will ho ^e\u\ shilling* and six-1 OFFICE ot" WARKICK .MAH'PCN. & Co. of anarchy infinitely more injurious to the rea the cholera hud reached the buuks of the Sutlej i pence- j March 1G 1844.- ly» 232 The Pittsburgh Catholic

PITTSBURGH MARKET. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M. H. HIH.V. OSO. lllll'.V. | Groceries, A*-. HI. K. icil BIT, A Go. HErOBTKl. FOR WTTMWlUai CATHOtlC MY ISAAC BARKIS. Jg^ ^Jjj^^^JXX gUOAR, Tea, CofTe*:, .Molasses, Spiced WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COM MISSION Cheese, Raisins, Figs Buckets, Broom*, Baa*! Friday,•• t». , • m|os'r respectfuih announces to his friends Rme, Tobacco, Cod Fish, Herring, Shad, Lemsftb (driver, bare been in good order, and the Monon- lfj. and £ - th(, m ^ M BRCHAN T s. < Granges, Almonds, nnd every thing in the above line! -nhela and Allegheny have both woa to about 4 feet, ^ ^ hag ^^ ^ bwineu on No. :i!>. VI iiU't S1 iavigable II ; i-i.' h'.n, PA. nov, 2—6m* P.C. MARTIN, ofder^tt*amboati8g«nd*goodbusinc»-^ndfton> Wood **.. Ul . .1 \MKs itl.AKK.I.I , may 31 No. 60 Water st. Burnt district. appearance and the weather, we hope tor an early rise j where bo is prepared to execute all orders in his line A L.DE tt MA N. in the Allegheny to lot out the Lumber, &c., and re- ,N x STYLE 'I'll \T CANNOT BE SURPASSED ilhH i; WITHIX 3 UOORH Ol I ill. CANAL I'.ilitK.r., 1'KNM*! .1. II. O' SSKI EH, vivc the trade on that Rive*. We *ee a great many ,* ' ...-u.. ,. i...-i-i,1,i I'll Y [CIA N A \ t ACCOl CEH R, good, arriving and opening, and m«r Merchants and m th» city. Small** favors thankfully recced nnd Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, i' IKHITI *AL, IMHI.J^.) Kwuiaeturers are getting in excellent stocks and Intone, in proportion. R 1H JAOIIY. a pri! .V-.it. ESPECTFULLY tendurshis professional servkn making every possible arrangement for the Fall Trade | N. B.- I he I all and \\ mtei I at h.ons just receded. (I c i. Ii TO ^ EB R to the citizens .>( Pittsburgh and vicinity. Fiow -—which is now beginning. Merchants, Farmer*, &c., | sep. ~« Am, 1 u experience of nearly 20 year! in thevarim sbraacbe* V who visit our city with rash or country produce can ^ \ J|> IIOWAKD »V Co.. ''ilTNSELLOR AT LAW, of his profession, be nntici «tes givingsatjiiiction to cenmvges paidt excellenfor nil kindt an*d ocheaf r-ouutrp a«ortmentv produce5,, anAcd . I pri- mr^y^OTURER,- * > S of Wall Paw r & Bt>r-1 office in'ifak. VBull dings'(ira ! I h i t. opposite those who may favor him with a cart. Office and resi- ... L- i i - ii Li;»„ f~« h«mf. . ,i AddersM , a so Writing, Letter, Printing, «ea, and U,e New I ourt House, Pittsburgh, Pa | dernv, corner ol Seven Ul and Smitbfield '•Iree't, Pitt». n burgh. Fwut—rresh ground sell* readily irom boats and . „ .,- . . •• t - , n; ,.,.i U- . oi #r N.H.— A variety of the besd M< lecinej for«aiea| . „,, ~- ... , .. LW.. M , 1,. \\ raiiuii" Paoers, Wood street, below inamono >\J- august I.i—if. l , the Office, persons purchasing there can have advice wagons at $-i 75, and from stores .1 o7j a$4 pei fool.( '• i i"u;> ot. Grain—Wheat65;Rye 40a4i; Barley Cf"»,i7J: Oats ir<-e of charge, april !.'<—tf. About 1800 bbli, mostly old stock, bat sold at 3 624a3 ley- .,,.,,, , ,N,V • ,'-,,,,,.,, sales 1,500 bushels in lots at 27a28, and city market ! v 30«3Uc75and freahgroun. d 375a387l ^ " ' AND bl MMLU. Hi.Ai* >\ \\. Seed—Seed* of all kinds scarce and high; Clover £•> OT a.". .'>(i; 'IHmo'hv ^"la.1 50;Flaxseed *,'! per bushel. =^B»—- 1 Kir,. wj^-..**^k «r too. Ashes—Safes of Hi to50 casks in lots; ScorchingsS; VOENTS F(3K Nu. 151, LIBERTY STREET. „,,,. , tl ,^ ^V\\. Pots .'ii and Pearls .<• per lb. v,«,,n -.,»».• . -.^.^ HAVfci removed their Olme to Grant gtreei Beeswax in daily demand at 27 a\>s<- per lb. the BO€HE, BROTHERS * CO'S Trie ;in n etoi ofprrrsBCRGHl i bighlj favore. d Establishment, Cnur1 3. t . Hous.., .e t...(..!,'.in. , . „ . . . r instrumentV s Brooms—Corn, sales at M5al,65ii per doz. BPLKKIMD UKB OI writ i!i; , ie ; ainioi ii''. • to the public li.iit ins stork oi .1 .< . •« HO he it a ronimunm: V. II ' i*. E \\ \. iV. I la I.e." a !». i-C • " ".' * I • '' \ 1 i \' Vt \ I i !•' i ' I I \ 'V 11 I V I ' Cheese—Stocks increasing sales in Boxes 5a54 and "' the patronage which has been . u..AMt .vi.iiM, \ bUllilWU, (-„.. n ii,. ed on them, since their acceptance of the above Vgen-j| ,., u prepnmi for the inspection of bis friends and AI CTIONEER AND COMMISSION Cotton—Sales of 7 bales fair Mississippi at ".-., 1 cy. Their Arrangements for bringing out PAswAosmi customer! . eonftdi itly assert that a more ^Is-itriliM'. roos. UKBt'jirAWKh The House of Mess, U SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ttARKET STRBET, UKTWJCE\ THIRD ASDFOtETfl. Cotton Yarns—Sales of atwut 10,000 lbs at 1 beta, i Brothers & Co., is ammigst the oulest est PfTTSRCRtJH I'\ . ,_ ,, , . v „. v ,,... 1,,-t.- . , n;i,l their nami • • i '< :,»' : "! Drei has never been <>:;<• red m any _ ' ' ' ' !>l K( "< ' v- If. taeeitv • and 17e. in «i>tal ol«. ^e« % ors tot lilts i. , a.n men o. -i e - . A-*—.J» .i.-r T.. r-... •••• , .- •.'•..,..,,>. .>r>oa ; ! '\V ' ' , ' , t .«- , , .. , .,., ..- n» sin. ' • : •• • ""'>" ''•'• - .o w»cb hi m :• '' .' K"er to the principal merchants. sep2H~tf Feathers—Sales of 2o001bs ot coiuinon, at 2> cts. at a guarantee laai eveij iii.nj ; IbCasb—and 40001hs of goo; Cod,*! per 100 lbs.; Salmon, t€,50a$37 pel , ,, . ••, | , • to ure his friends heard ot was in Whei in?. Vuy news oi'him wili be bbi made a, usual to an; ittoltwuxn.l.. •' -,...,;; :;,; ,.,..., ...,,, ,, .. „t«Mi*hmenl re made «•*«"»"ALL/ KINDw - S' OhiF, motherJS8 ,P.'iiNTIN Mrs. Kea», noSw in (iroceries-Coffe Stock h.r- and prices low.- WM», » V\ n.rs, u, sums ofOne 1 nund ii. (mm ,.., Pittsburgh.Ntallj . ami K i |n till n.u ,1 \ i.iiiul.d ;il 111. Rio-SafeMo ses—Singls of the eweek bhls ,an aboud smalt 50l 0lot tmgn, 37ia40c, in lot. sa fro•m. -} rafts for any antounl payaW» at. t the B MATERIALS " Oil!., of 7.V8to84nndverycboice,9;St.Domingo,5!a7cUa * M rs..Paw(Orr,t,noTK, A«w &.1, •'- • »• • • MAlhKlAIA, v .. Tlides-SalesofslauSht,rHidesat4;gree«Hi ,;;-.:i' , ;.or "a t the ii;'> ^l/Xrt^Vu. !>\ -;. of IKKI ..,-.J. Ill I .. • . ii \ UK• , CAN•• Aue SELLt m f»oorlsCHEAPER, as i s the case at —--.— —..-. — ,. commnuSugar-Saled 3i; sCal ifn skins Hhds, 5a. 5a t1- «Uut72 cts§. at o!b 71 a lb. for «») •'an theia ' r Brand ani Town ' ol' impnrtanc' * e in j ThaL n any ol competitor.' This is no idle boast, ConmiifitiOP Ororery atwi ForwaffHng :11 Metal—Iron, Nails, &c.~Iron, common bar 3a34, irfea" t Britain and Ireland, can be furnisned ;, wilHisl purchasbe admittei •• d• re • .fa m a Ii owiln lmor ea!e )adviuit at hisstorea • •••-j EL«H^«*. and Juniata 3?c- a lb. Na Is and Imn ar. in great ilatir i3*-Iitu . ;tl«»i • :ii5tOBLAKELr aiuY ! A:>8»:lMiu:Uir; MITCH EL, 0 terms than aiue effectef ascertaid n athn e thei hou« iu the || VMKS MAY. mccesstorto May findHantia*. demand. N'ath, No 1 KM $4, and Hd 1,2.) a keg Pi-j w f \"1'i> I'M I' I \ liiW PRICES JTH rontinueE P1TTSBs tha Commi«io1 ROn GrocerH CATHOLICy and Forwardin. g Metal-100 tons Pig metal by canal, sold at $28, 4 ] ^CllOOla fc,A 1 KLA1LL1 LUW L Kit b», .a. • . . . e ius Ware house,on iieis.; 10 tons from stoae, $'A\ at 4 mos., and 12J tons i v i?l | • mti Ii h>~ offers for sate. H. T'*f'MV. Ti'.V! urn IN ST. PAUL'".] Hi stock is too est*>nsiire to be enumerated in .'-•I an Fi t, between Market and Ferry streets. at .f.'-i,'?, I mos. CoilMl l". ai I—Sab • by the ton, 1c. a ;b. M.r * £,.Ifooj,, respectfully inform ' . ' of I advertisement, but be v Pit! InH.—lv. Rags—Sales of 30001b. countrj mixed at 3b., an i Pittsburgh and itsvieinity, that be will commence cm; article of a good white, 4a5c. a lb. I. ening School iu tin above establishment, on Mon-j FASHIONABLE DRESS, .K'M.N MIMAirr. J '.«' ruaiired at soiiw other places lor tin HfHOLKKALE GKOCKRS, Ueuiersin ft* canal, at $\ per bbi. t only instructed in the follow in erary and useful •"• riuee. n i '. in i iVln utacturr w iGca* v ; , N"o, 224, Lil ert street, Pitt .. Tallow—.ScarceanWhiskey- Sale ofd 10in0 demand—sendered bids Cincinnati, a, t GaO2 .-t*-i cts. (Grammarbranches o, fn knowledge , which; will "l be tai st chicfl \) \*K j^, S S, , CO A 'V S • agallon lb. . varietiesiH'Ctuies,; viz• •: Readingmetry, , l"\'«Writing plan*, Arithmeticand solid, , AlgebraIvn , | , ,, . , . . ' Cattle Market -Beeves-Sales in the Allegheny Mensuration, Theory of i*nd Sorveyinn; Gmp . ' n le '" lh 'nost mmlern and approved st) WH, OtEWflf, Market of 271 head ol Beef cattle, at $2to3 par Kit) A • A •-. r WTS OF EVERY DESCRiPTlON, |J«H>K»l\|)r:i{. Diauv n; the })ru2 lbs, for common to prime. Sheep—-155 bead of Iiambs 'I*be Teacher would invite those young nun who . nbov< I ] x J, Cverv •! •scription of SATLN AND FANCY VESTS. | Pi "' ' ';. ' ' ';; ';J and Sheep, at 7^ to ! 30 per head. Hogs—aboui 155 «;<> to an uin an English education to avail them- gaiine$ miiuil at ex- lieadsoldat 350a375and $4 pi r 100 lb». Cafei s scarce, selves oft his opportunit v. ft J.i i l:l-tf. j.,,,, . • ii •.,•, *» ii He has a lt.vn K and BKALTIFI'L assortment ol $-*abead. floyrs ofhistntctmn, 0 to 9. P. M. ""— •»""••»- •• a For Taans, apply at the Sirbool; they will ben \ l'i > I L\ (» 3 ; I>!|,: JUST KIOClOIVKI) " "- ' t.ao, lWS. ro wbieh hc W0Mld mll tbe atteation of the public m », TI* .,11, a •» m m elteves them to be mor j .-. , no rsi -ie inximis (•> fiffhrd tlif: Ot« 1 1 3 Of Pittsl i> n•!•! vicinitv every opportu- .It .Yo. 49 Lioertyst. Sy, MAriY'S COLLEGE, Thn :i,,v,hlBEAUTIFULa of m ki,,,j ,lhn ANt Dtes CHEAPE anv itimg uereioiore oaerto rn IBIS ciiy. by an act ol the jjegislatm©, enjoys the privileges In great .variet y and made in every 'ivie, i : :, i i!l y all th * '.•:! i Catholic VVorki published in thi< Phaokful to his friends and the public for the favors of other cot] un .'ersities. Both the morality ' FAS KIO \A' '' U' L* i;WEAR SHI, R T S, UUtry, V\||.>I.i>\IK OK UhTViL, AT Pi BI.ISIIKRS" he ha< received, and whicb bns induced him to pur- nnri the heall , of the student' are promoted by its re- chase more exU-nsivelv thaji before, be again invites ' tired and sn ii rioiii tuation. !. iTEST STYLE OF STOCKS, OO™ Butler's Lives I the Saints, with tiie ni>tes, tbeir attention to tiie cheapest, best selected and The system of ctudie< ourseis divide, ind i into three courses:.nners: o 1 x* I " ^' inplete HI 12 volumes, at 25 cents per vol. 5 Poo? are tnujtht Readins, SpeUing, Writi. SlISjlClRlci'S Ot CVCPV llcscri|)t IOIL an'a Catechism, 25 ^.ntts; Catholic Christian In- French,mort extensiv English,e assortmen (Ki:Kcnii:r>, ition, ....it pages, bound in cloth, 1~> .; NewGar- j And every oUier article necessary toi ;i FASHION- in Prayer-book with36engra iugs, I50pa^s,on^ 2. The Fnsdish or Commercial Course, which com ; lli.l! DRESS. < cts,; The Prrxliga! Child, I'J.; cts.; Lorenxo, at OUrt\ and other Vol or n, ; prist Englisli aud French Literature, H and He has a very largo and excellent assortment of • Empire ol Religion, 25 cts.; D'Aubigne'sHistory Which are all of a superior quality. AUo, a splendid i; • Lettres, Logic: and Meutal Philosophy, Nal cal SUBSTANTIAL CLCyTHING, 1 . (ireat Reformation Reviewed, 75cts.; BarrJBf- \l"o«- VOTINGS 01 KM IKK KhM M \ l.l>. „|:utJ,„K f, a ,.,„., ., n, in addition to those ^att"n1 [he city—to which he would in iti 'its, jl; Manual of C'atholic Melodies, ahriUgAd, ! : 1 Tuil U ic lorkiiir ("• ers mey uan \an sd wear other, s who wi i sei B complete Prayer and Hymn-book, with •# Also.FRENCH a I„.H M of YUK\ customers. Also, a form extra r mi 1 -. I I •" i•. I ••- . « i ir exce fence ami •• aril t • icfcs. In addition to the foregoing) a ktty W. s. MURPHY, Presi lent, i k-NNOT BE BQI kLLED: be U prepared to 1 Bibles ;\>.i-'. Prayer Books in plain and fancy A>w Stulr ol lltarrr nntt Tntrii (loth»% \i."t = t ''.'I I.-' !.">.-!it :: together vith every variety of Cntho!ic MF 11LVI h. 1IU !!, QCVlSlttLE UR1 i.N. GOLD] Ji Make ('toffies to Order* \ large awortment of Prayer Beads, Medal!, MtXICI) AM> ;|.ivi:, ;o<£ SACK \i;aV BOOKS JI At the shortest notice, and in a style I iat tee, Pious Engravings, Ate, all ol whkh vriii AM» KRtKTS Civ'tV, •*•' 1! • •: Life and ' A A v 0 T '- /: s v a P A s s E :> at the lowest price*, Wholesale or IJ. 1 id. Together with a lot of yUaiaieoo and Bi ;g Bi «-..• ;> ;' ' "li:'rl (.- neral Agi nl for the l/t.ited Stale- . tthalic ! : ,! to M in) SOT PASS THE (AM:-. i.PiLOi and other gw«H suitable for ovei iats. ''' ' '' " '' '• m , the chefij ust and he.-f periodical published T. &e 59. 1- irtttfrisold ready Amde, ot will b$ romie M. J.Keraey—dp., '•< ••.:-15 ss s-:i-: 111 <; DO4) RSI.4 > •ttuntrv Agent for N. York i 'i eeann's Jout- todrdei in a Superidt styl«, as low as can be bmt ;h1 in !' ;* '':'] ""'" ! r 11 is not eonsidmwd any a Irv will meet with strict al- this city. Hahastjlso the usual variety for gentlehii " ist 23—tf QUfGLEY, 5th -t TROUBLE TO .-How CLOTHING, : wear such a^ CM QU1GLEY, Catholic B-

Skirts, Stocks, &usprnders Hand- **•"**"** * 1 • 1 t, 11.-at Smithfiel t, Pi:t< y n». . . kerchiefs, Scarfs, Bosoms, n j JOHN MoCLOSKEY, TtTKKK BI« P I ! Colters, fye. IJ'Cli - 11 151 L hei i^ouNT si. VINCENTS YOUNG LADIES5 H ' ••' i» his employment aes-era! of th SE^INAHV. Kt: ; andntott popular eutten in tb : • ARPfST CHA -F. r sale HtS I consilient of giving saiisfactiou, and • • , ... .. YOI^US'i »U %, PA. invite the attention ofpersoas wanting their gar- iu «ia i, aiat • *, a sin DIERSON3 WMiins 1 ini-routum *':tn a.- meats mado 'n s superior style and of the finest m 1 * v . ace in in ai MR*. HEADr?. terials, N hi* ?tock ot tnware, Hardware, B l>»5. v j WESTERN EIO'PlvL, fOI NGSTOWN. Fi.fc-i< ICUimi, CAesiMEKIfc AMI VtSTlKO, ; 9 <• •'- .< 1: MI. 77. :.r,d useful lauiov Ml , ; Whir ilia has selected with the utmost care for this meat ye^jta- A* the office of the Mail M: .•• from PittsBtiJgl l r . .. or for the cure of BRUM I all ib att.iei- Philadelphia is at .MRS, HEAD'S Hotel, viti*att'cM paf^icu'ar branch of business*, He will take pleasure j PTf J u , , ant difficidtiea', A.-™., for sale '•••• always conveniently stop there. MRS. HE