NATONATO NATO NATO CCMS CCMS Pilot Pilot Study Study Meeting Meeting Cardiff,Cardiff, UK UK , ,May May Sergiu Galitchi –NATO Partner Country Project Co-ordinator. Address of employing Organization: Cosmonautilor 09, office nr.427 a MD2005 CHISINAU Republic of Moldova Business telephone number including codes: Tel: 373 2 242115 Fax: 373 2 769130 E mail:
[email protected] GeographicalGeographical LocationLocation ofof MoldovaMoldova GeographicalGeographical SpecificSpecific DatesDates GeneralGeneral GeograficalGeograficalInformationInformation •• TTotalotal area area of of Moldova Moldova is is nearly nearly 33,700 33,700 •• TThehe length length from from North North to to South South * * 350 350 km. km. •• FFromrom West West to to East East is is compiling compiling around around 150 150 Km. Km. •• WWithith moderate moderate cont continentalinental climate. climate. •• TThehe population population of of the the country country – –44. .4 4 Millions Millions of of Habitants. Habitants. •• FFiftyifty three three percent percent living living in in rural rural sector sector •• TThehe land land resources resources are are distributed distributed as as follows: follows: 8686 % % for for agricultural agricultural purposes purposes woodlandswoodlands – –88,9,9 % % protectedprotected areas areas – –11,29%,29% builtbuilt upon upon lands lands ,roads ,roads ,lakes ,lakes and and rivers rivers – –44,1,1 % % ContaminatedContaminated Land Land Syndrome Syndrome in in Moldova Moldova MajorMajor Symptoms Symptoms include, include, ¾¾ DepositsDeposits ofof pollutantspollutants inin soisoils,ls, undergroundunderground WaterWater ResourcesResources andand LossLoss of of Soil Soil Functions Functions in in the the result result ; ; A.CASEA.CASE STUDIES STUDIES 1.1. Intensive Intensive overusing overusing of of pestic pesticidesides in in agricultural agricultural Sector, Sector, Details.Details.