THE MAGAZINE OF WAVERLEY COLLEGE ISSUE 23 NUMBER 1 @ WINTER 2016 < 6 Take a Bow, High School Musical! May Procession < 8 Visual Arts & Peter Frost TAS Exhibition 50 Years of Cadet Unit > 10 > 15 ISSUE 23 VOLUME 1 NOTE FROM THE EDITOR WINTER 2016 PRINT POST 100002026 This edition marks significant changes at Waverley: Head of College, Ray Paxton has announced he will depart at the end of 2016; we introduce a new Deputy Head of College, Graham Leddie, who hails from Nudgee; PUBLISHER and we also welcome our new Development Manager, Rebecca Curran. We also celebrate two outstanding Waverley College creative arts events from our students; we mark the Jubilee of ex-Headmaster, Br Bob Wallace at our May 131 Birrell Street, Procession; and we sadly note the death of another ex-Headmaster, Br Kevin Kirwan. Read on... Waverley NSW 2024 Jennifer Divall TELEPHONE 02 9369 0600 EMAIL IN THIS ISSUE
[email protected] WEB 3 FROM THE HEADMASTER 15 OBU PRESIDENT’S REPORT The Start of a New Era Waverley College Old Boys’ Union 4 ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS Peter Frost 50 Years of Cadet Unit EDITOR Letter from the Edmund Rice Education 16 OBU EXECUTIVE PROFILES Jennifer Divall Australia’s Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey Marketing Manager OBU Council Sets up Sub-committees 5 DEPUTY HEADMASTER Retirement from the Old Boys’ Council ALUMNI RELATIONS Introducing Mr Graham Leddie 17 OBU NEWS Rebecca Curran 6 Take a bow, High School Musical! TELEPHONE Australia Day Honours 02 9369 0753 8 106TH ANNUAL MAY PROCESSION Legal Award EMAIL