COUNCIL 12/07/2017 at 6.05 Pm Present
COUNCIL 12/07/2017 at 6.05 pm Present: The Mayor – Councillor Qumer (Chair) Councillors Akhtar, A. Alexander, G. Alexander, Ali, Ames, Azad, Ball, M Bashforth, S Bashforth, Bates, Blyth, Briggs, Brownridge, Chadderton, Chauhan, Cosgrove, Dean, Dearden, Fielding, Garry, Gloster, Goodwin, Haque, Harkness, Harrison, Heffernan, Hewitt, Hudson, F Hussain, Iqbal, Jabbar, Jacques, Klonowski, Malik, McCann, McLaren, Moores, Mushtaq, Phythian, Price, Rehman, Roberts, Salamat, Shuttleworth, Stretton, Sykes, Toor, Turner, Ur-Rehman, Williams and Wrigglesworth 1 QUESTIONS TO CABINET MEMBERS FROM THE PUBLIC AND COUNCILLORS ON WARD OR DISTRICT ISSUES The Mayor advised the meeting that the first item on the agenda in Open Council was Public Question Time. The questions had been received from members of the public and would be taken in the order in which they had been received. Council was advised that if the questioner was not present, then the question would appear on the screens in the Council Chamber. The following questions had been submitted: 1, Question asked by Peter Brown: “Why does this Council allow Councillors to lie and deceive the public?” Councillor Jean Stretton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economy and Enterprise responded that the Council did not allow Councillors to lie. A process was in place for a member of the public who believed they had lied to, to make a complaint. The member of the public was expected to identify the elected member and bring forward evidence. It was not appropriate for every member to be besmirched. 2. Question asked by Joe Fitzpatrick: “Who owns the land and buildings of the Collective Spirit free school, that is due to close at the end of this month, and if the land is sold for residential development, will Oldham council receive any payment for what was recently in the ownership of the residents of Oldham?” Councillor Jean Stretton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Economy and Enterprise responded that the land occupied by the school hand been transferred to the school by the Department for Education.
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