1 MIRAUMDHTIS ENABLE ALLIES Jr. Red Cross BRITISH FORCES 350 AIRPLANE NEWMANPOWER Ton,Co"f!e. rJ" FIGHT BA TTLE OF nnmnnniin inr nil i innnTrn SURROUNDED BY 10 GARRY OUT UREA 1 1JS 1 EJSS1 1 Y UUAUnuivb Ant bILL AUUr ltl) Republican A. P. Leased Wire SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 24. The governors of California, Nevada BRITISH ARMY ANY and Arizona, the presidents of the (By the Associated Press) NEEDED ABROAD HOUSE HAIKU state universities of these states Bl TIE and other notables have been in- PAUSE the British forces battling vited to a conference of the Pacific WITHOUT the Germans are moving forward in the division of the Junior Red Cross in Haig's Troops Achieve Fur- General March Says Four this city, Saturday, August 31, to direction of . The fighting has been Thirteen Now In , Measure Passed With Only consider an educational war pro- ther Victories Deliver Million Americans In gram in the schools of the Pacific extremely heavy, but there has been no stopping Field When There Should be 175. Slight Changes from Orig- coast. -- British! Blow After Blow to Stag- France Next Summer Will The meeting was called here to- Marshal Haig's men, and the latest report from Personal Criticism Freely inal. May Go to President day by Mrs. Harry A. Klueget, di- headquarters says that they are making progress along gering Enemy at Bring About This Result rector of the division. Voiced by Witnesses Latter Part of Week Other conferences will follow in the entire front of the British attack. Los Phoenix, Republican A.' Angeles, Reno and Grand-cour- t, P. Leased Wire Republican A. P. Leased WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IX P. Leased Wire o The important towns of Bray, Thiepval and iReoubllcan A. Wire 24. Aug. 24. s IT.ANCK, Aug. 24. (By the Associated WASHINGTON', Aug. Announc- cap- WASHINGTON, America WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. The new Pies) Field Marshal Haig's fighting ing that to date more than 1,500,000 together with several smaller places have been aircraft program for the great army man power bill, extending the selective mmifi achieved further victories to- - American soldiers have embarked for that is counted upon to win the war draft to all men between the ages of ARIZONA GALLED ON tured and more than 2,000 prisoners have been taken. 350 I;iy. They delivered blow after glow j foreign shores. General March reiter- next year calls for complete squad- 18 and 45 years was passed by the M thf staggering enemy, who in some ated today his belief that the presence Fighting Intense Near rons of planes, and the man part of the house tonight with only slight changes pliu'i'S. such as the Thiepval salient, of 400,000.000 troops of the United program already is ahead of schedule in the original drafted by the war de- s reported to he in a state of great States in France by next summer Around Miraumont, which lies a little north of Grand-cour- t, with 3,0Q0 pilots trained. partment. The final vote was 336 to 2. tenfusion. would enable the allies to carry out any This information, given by Major The final vte was preceded by three, a mighty position campaign they may adopt for the defeat F0R17MENDURI the fighting has been of great intensity, and this General Kenly, chief of the division of days' debate, during which the chief Thiepval itself, many ftep a high hill from which the of Germany and the end of the war. apparently has fallen, as Haig's report says that "the military aeronautics, and other contention was an amendment to de- country for miles is under Such declarations. General March place facts hitherto held secret, were dis- fer the calling of youths from 18 to 20 today sum- nl 'Starvation, has been occupied and the said, were founded upon cold blooded enemy held out until outflanked by advancing columns." closed when the senate military years until older men had been be-- 1 study of the respective man power of SEPTEMBER committee made public testimony moned. A final effort was made by Irilish line has been straightened Avesnes-Les-Bapaum- e, vren Grandcouit and La Boissellc. all the allies and of the enemy in June, British detachments have reached taken behind closed doors during three Chairman Dent today to place the spread-eagl- e by avia- Dead 1919, and "are not issued as months of investigating the boys in a deferred class but Town Choked With German statements." ill which lies very close to Bapaume, whose capture tion headed by Sena- a motion to recommit the bill to the Miraumont, the boche position which tor Thomas of Colorado. military affairs committee with in- cente rot Have Confidence in Men is expected at an early date, but not without severe fight tins held out for days in the Republican A. P. Lased Wire Thirteen Squadrons Need 17S structions to incorporate that amend- is gradually being d. General March impressed the news- 191 146. the l:ttle front WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. Four ing. General Kenly told the committee ment was lost, to The town is choked with paper men who met him in conference Early many today with the adequate separate selective draft calls, consti- Americans Move Forward there now are thirteen American air- Predict Action by Senate Herman dead and living Germans confidence troops ground plane squadrons, 273 shortly.' American officers have in men as tuting the first of the September calls American holding the of machines in The bill now goes to the senate m.iy be captured there their and requiring 188,773 men to around Fismes have moved up to the France, whereas there should be 17S In the advance on Bapaume, the a result of the initial tests on the battle entrain Official Statements where leaders tonight, predicted its for training camps between August 30 Soissons-Rheim- s road along a front of squadrons. passage early Avesnes-Les-Bapaum- e, just fields of France. He intimated next week. The senate illage of that and September 6. were tonight French, William C. Potter, edge larger town, has been the somewhat sensational prediction issued about half a mile, while the assistant director plans to substitute the house bill of st the of the by Provost Marshal General Crowder. though not extensively engaged, have of rirplane production said General the measure favorably reported by the It seems certain that Ba-- 1 which he had made was based as much BRITISH leached. Every" state and the District of Co- some progress south of Creey-Au-Mo- Pershing had called for 25,000 planes military heavy fight-hi- e upon these soldierly qualities as in the made committee of that body and aume will fall, but more lumbia is called to men Republican A. P. Leased Wire by 1, 1919, expected. British troops have numerical superiority which the war furnish for July and had been told it thus expedite its final enactment. is training to augment the forces abroad. 24. Despite storm of dur- was hoped to deliver 18.000 to 20,600. Congressional leaders hope advanced to a point north of Morey department plans to give the allied LONDON, Aug. The center the battle to send the For general military service 125,000 considerable hostile reinforce- ing the past day has seemed .to be in This would meet replacement de- measure to the president by the latter nr.d have also entered Croisilles, which command by midsummer of next year. white men and 21,270 negroes Karly Arras-Ba-rnu- are ments, says Field Marshal Haig's the neighborhood of Bapaume. mands of squadrons in the field. part of next week. is some miles east of the Has Delivered the Goods called; for limited service, 40.503 report fromthe British front in dispatches on Saturday told of British C. W. Nash, former president of the The senate soon after convening, un- road, and probably marks the white men are called. company as- the "The American soldier deserves thei France tonight, progress has been troops within a couple of miles of the Nash Motor and now expectedly abandoned plans for a vote peak of the advance eastward in confidence of the American people," The calls of the. western states, with our town, reports showed that the to D. Ryan, in engineer- zone. . camps made along the whole front of but later sistant John today and adjourned until Monday. noithern battle said General March, "on every occasion the to i.k:h the men are to Bray has been captured Germans, determined to save Bapaume ing and production gave it as his opin Work or Fight Old Line be sent attack. Amendment Fails Penetrate German so far where he has been tested he has include: and a number of prisoners secured. from the allies, had rushed new. forces ion that nothing but De Haviland ma- An attempt in the house to insert a There has also been fighting north absolutely delivered the goods: General military service, white: into the struggle. chines could be delivered before next British Arizona, quota to Camp Kearny, "Further progress has been made work or fight amendment by which cf the river Scarpe and the My confidence m them is inspired 30; Enemy Slows Up Advance January and if 10,000 airplanes were those exempted from military service old A I California. the high ground southeast of hwvc penetrated the German front ami v ciu)il'ii u.v nun .iillt'lii It seems that the enemy has suc- delivered by next July it would be on occupational grounds re- five hundred yards. ?nii!fc California. 3,800, Kearny. Cal. Albert. Several hundred prisoners would be line for more than and beside them in battle. I have or- Orvillers, ceeded in slowing up the British, if they "almost a miracle." quired to remain at their civil tasks, Tl.e British attacked Givenchy and re- dered Colorado 500. Fnnston, kas. we'i taken. La Boisselle, back from Fiance certain men Thiepval, have not stopped them north and west Witnesses "Brutally" Frank failed. 62 to 91. .The amendment d covered the old front line from which who have won over to Kansas, 4.500. Funston , Kas. Mouquet farm, and importance distinction there 5,t0fi, have been captured of Bapaume. The of the General Kenly and other officers against strikes and was char- t'lov retired during an attack last give them increased rank in the divis- Missouri. MacArthur. Texas.' Grandcourt town a standpoint makes by New Mexico. 40ft, MacArthur, Texas. with over 2,000 prisoners. Our from tactical in fact all of the witnesses apparent acterized officials of the American evening. ions organizing at home. These men it the chief point of attack in this ly Federation of Labor as a conscription Marshal Haig's men Oklahoma. 4,000. Logan, Texas. troeps ' are astride the Thiepval fcave their statements with what While Field talk the same language I do. You do advancing sector. Iteed one ot labor. pressed forward with mighty strides not find any lack of on Texas. 8,000. Travis. Texas. ridqe and are eastward. Senator characterized at confidence the General ' heavy fighting about Further south the Germans are still stage as "brutal frankness'' all being The house today reversed on the main battle front today, they in among military' service. colored. "There was on its action front France the American September 1, enemy held clinging to Miraumont, the . in examined secretly and apparently of yesterday in voting to mem- had to fight for every yard of ground. Entrainment 10!S: Miraumont, where the on include forces. Arizona, 7, advancing spite of the fact that the British without considering the possibility ot bers of congress in the Considerable numbers of guns and Officers' Reports Interesting Lewis. out until we flanked swept draft. By a California, 75, Lewis. both flanks of the place have far the publicity now given. rising vote, S3 to 143 it defeated an iM.ners been captured all along j columns. pi have "These officers are telling me inter- 43, to the eastward. Just below Miraumont by Kritisn nave again Colorado, Lewis. "On remainder of the British Personal criticisms were voiced with amendment Representative Gregg the and the esting things which have not yet come Kansas, 107, the the situation is somewhat obscure, but example in of Texas, whi-- 'i the heaviest possible caraal-li- s Funston. successful local actions have freedom. An is found Gen would make members inflicted over in official reports. One New Mexico, 5, front it would seem probable that the Ger- - s of congress. ::;ate legislatures fed- on enemy. The ground over officer Travis. place. North of the Scarpe eral Kenly examination concerning and the reports specifically in one engage- 294. Dodge. taken mans have thrown enough men into thejGcneraI pcrshing's eral and state the has been fought, was that Oklahoma. we have captured a section of the calls for airplanes. executive officers liable which battle ment of the Texas, 400, battle to retard the British. Ken-lyppo- to invariably with dead Germans. First American division, Dodge. line northeast of In lesponse to questions General draft. littered they captured 68 German guns and Texas. 903, Travis. , German front Capture of Bray Important of what he would do if he No Police Exemption Enemy Disorganized and Rattled Fampoux, with a few prisoners. however, the brought them in at the rear of our Limited service, white; i Nearer the were in charge at home abroad, StMl fighting a losing battle, the entrainmeni "North of La Basses canal and An amendment by Representative September 8, 191R: the. Germans have not been so successful. unquestionably becoming trucks. On the same occasion they old British and added: Smith of New York, to exempt polite Gdinnns are 3.500 100, Bowie, we captured the front It is reported that Bray has been cap- who took prisoners. "Another officer Arizona. Texas. of Given- "If you look over the cables you officers in cities of more than 50ff,000 f'is'lrpanized and rattled. Officers California, 500. iine east and northeast tured by the British, who are said to prisoner have men- reported that the Second division, Bowie. Texas. progress into the wou!d find a cable from overseas asks population and designed to relieve the hac been taken com- Colorado. 300, Itiley. chy and made be to the east of that town. Bray is especially which he was with, captured ten Fort in completely for one thing one day, and the next situation in New York, where a short- tioned recent reverses and plete German they Kansas. 400, Fort Riley. German positions a imporant because it stands on high which now is being suffered batteries which operation, in which all day countermands the order, and the age of policemen is said to be threat the defeat hrought presented New Mexico. 100, Bowie. successful ground and dominates a large amount next n wer-- Germany was willing to in and to General were secured with over dnv nsks fnr it nirain unit ened, was defeated. and said that Pershing." Oklahoma. 500, Bowie. objectives of territory on each side of the Somme. later countermands it." ! g! r anything for peace. These state- 800, sixty prisoners. During the night progress An amendment by Representative No Report On Army Texas. Bowie. Ber-pui- There are few details of the showing how First n. No Real Friction Exists Tread way ments are given only as Limited service, white (military in- our patrols occupied Neuf the fighting south of the Somme. of Massachusetts which was coming to look No recent reports have been made to of is no real friction between the adopted, provides t:,e German army is on progress telligence photographers) entrainment where a number of German The capture of cannon is reported from Thtre for the appointment now going against them. the department the of the by our troops. mmy and navy. General Kenly told of special examiners in local upon the war organization of the first United States August 30, IMS: dead were found this region, but there has been no news districts New Ccrman divisions continue to New Mexico, 3, Meyer, "This morning we have advanced the committee, except "a very strong for the of men placed field army, and the chief of staff was Fort Va. of further progress there by the British. navy in i.r'tva in the zone only to be stood up o our line north of Bailleul on a front Sector Comparatively Quiet feeling that the sometimes is deferred classification as a means advancing British and unable to say whether the concentra- some fifty getting more than its share." of further combing the deferred befoie the tion of the thirty divisions definitely of a mile, capturing Along the -Roy- e sector of classes While they have been A counter attack at- General Kenly and other officers lor additional men for active service. mowed down. assigned to Uiis force was nearing com- prisoners. the line, there is comparative quiet. nb!e to check the allies in a measure, tempted by the enemy during the confirmed reports that General Persh- Secretary Baker Explains pletion. This organization is being left WHISKY VALUED AT -- This region has not been mentioned in they have been unable to stay their afternoon was crushed by our ar- - ing stopped manufacture of Spad ma- Chairman entirely in the hands of General Per- recent advices. chines year, recently had Dent, of the house mili- ccnl'i uous forward movement. shing who is governed by tillery." Although the French are known to be last and tary committee read in Higher Command instructions criticised several of the De Haviland a letter todav Lost Faith from General Foch. close to Noyon, that city is still held by from Secretary Baker, in which the There are stories of less than a dozen The French hold ground models forwarded. latter set his objections some of German French Advance. Push Enemy Out FRENCH the Germans. In outlining next year's program forth to the men being left in the Discussing the changes on west- BUR1IS Slong the southern bank of the Oise, McKenzie amendment, which was de- companies which have participated in the Republican A. P. . Leased Wire sent in by General Pershing, witnesses ern front since last Wednesday, Gen- SUM and have been reported to be across feated yesterday and which provided the recent fighting. Soldier prisoners PARIS, Aug. 24. The American it two points, but they appear to have told the committee that General Persh for deferring "the call of youths today expressed themselves eral March said the French operating sector have at ing was advised in trying to get from in the Noyon sector now troops in the Fismes ceased their attacks for the moment that 18 to 20 years. Mr. Baker said he be- have advanced L'l .X lg oo -- 0 0P9 gem-rall- as having lost faith in the advanced as far north as the Zit, inr or machines delivered by lieved the amendment across the plateau overlooking that im- seeming he waiting the outcome July, would seriously r command, while llOBBOROiKY road, according to fighting In next the authorities "are aiming impair the ability of the war depart- to portant base until they have reached to- of the and Artois. officers attributed the defeats the war office announcement left bank of the Ailette is also rat'nei high." A squadron in the avia- ment to get the men in accordance inefficiency of the German air ihe Oise and have progressed northeast says: The tion service, it was explained, normal- the to the Ailette. The enemy has been night. The statement held by the French. There Have been with military program. service and more especially to the pushed out Carlpont "Between the Ailette and the reports they have crossed this ly consists of 18 fliers, but they usually presence of many untrained recruits of forest, south of have made progress that have 21. Senators Falls of New Mexico. Smith Noyon, and behind the Aisne,' we stream, but these have not been offi- of South an- Oise. Republican A. P. Leased Wire Crecy-Au-Mo- Carolina. New of Indiana, older divisions. Some are said and taken y; in the . Recent events, General March said, south of cially confirmed. South of the Atlan-et- Call Creel "Licensed Liar" nounced in the senate their support of to have deserted while on the way to OWENSBORO, Ky., Aug. 24. Fire about 100 prisoners. Duiing Secretary Baker's emphasized that the fine work of the 7 the French appear to be definitely examina. the bill. Opposition to drafting boys front. starting tonight at o'clock at the of Fismes the American re- the "West norm, j tion he was sharply questioned 21 years French has been duplicated on the plant of the Green River Distilling line neia up on ine niiis oi cuis&uhb, under of age was voiced by British front. troops have carried their as Their position there, nowever, wouia garding airplane photographs Senator Vardaman of Mississippi, company here by 10:30 o'clock tonight Soissons-Reim- s road on who o far as the seem to render the German positions by the Committee on Public said if the boys are to be called he had destroyed the entire plant, 43,000 a front of about 800 meters. Information with what the secretary barrels of whiskey and entailed a loss air- near Soissons untenable. favored extending the maximum draft: "On Friday nine German Americans Hold Vesle Line conceded were "exaggerated" captions. age to include men of 60 years. well in excess of $3,000,000. The whis- brought down or put key planes were Local fighting of some seveifty has During the tilt. Senator Reed of SEVEN KILLED alone was valued at $2,800,000 and out of action and a captive balloon M'.sscuri referred to Chairman George Senators Enlisted Early the loss to the United States govern- taken place along the Vesle river, where Answering was burned." Americans are holding the line. Creel of the Committee on- Public In- arguments of opponents 1 ment in taxes is approximately of the plan to lower ages to IS, Trench raids by the French in the formation as a "licensed liar," intend- draft N HISTORY OF II Senator Chamberlain called sen- .S. River on Lorraine sector are reported from the ing to mislead the public. the Seemed Fire GERMAN o ate's attention to the fact that Sen- PIPE TS The pile French war office. This activity in what ators Martin of Virginia fire started in a of trash Republican A. P. Leased Wire has been for some time a quiet sector and Bankhead alongside the distillery. The fire was Aug. 24, (via London). of Alabama entered the Confederate spectacular in extreme, BERLIN, may be the prelude to an attack against army, and the the flames communication from general there, is noth- senator Nelson of Minne- PROVIDED BY BILL mounting hundreds of feet in the air. The tne Germans but there sota, and Senator Goff of West, Virgi- headquarters today says: ing yet to substantiate this suggestion. Every few minutes a blazing barrel of extended their at- nia entered the Union army at 18 years AN ATLANTIC PORT. Aug. 24. whiskey driven upward by the explo- "The British Light sea forces have had a rather of age or younger. Senator Warren Seven men were killed and a number tacks in a northerly direction as slight encounter off Dunkirk, Fiance. sion of other barrels would rise to a of Arras and in of Wyoming enlisted when 17 years are said to have been injured tonight great height and then fall. When it far as southeast Both the British and German official of age he added. Former '(Republican A. P. Leased Wire by steam pipe on an a southerly direction beyond the reports stat-- losses were inflict d BULLET IN BRAIN Senator the bursting of a struck, the whiskey it contained would that Daniel of trginia enlisted at 18 fnd WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. The- American transport lying at a dock Somme, as far as Chaulnes. The by their respective units, btt deny suf- be spread over the ground in a bias- and von Der was an officer at 19; Former Senator revenue bill, providing for here. ing sheet for many yards. Burning armies of von Below fering any losses. McKenna army broke the .storming attack is entered the at 16 years tlie greatest tax levy in the history of Fourteen coal passers, it was said, streams of whiskey ran through the Marwitz Situation Delicate of age, and Alexander Hamilton was in the United States, will be agreed upon were in the auxiliary coal room of the open of the enemy who was in superior The diplomatic siL'tion I etween ditches of the fields into the Republican A. P. Leased Wire the continental army at 19. finally by the house ways and means ship when the explosion occurred. river, the whole surface of whic.i numbers. Spain and Germany seems to be ri'tite "The young men strongest artillery engage- ' HOUSTON, Texas, Aug. 24. are the ones to committee Monday, reported to the Seven of them were so badly scalded seemed at times to be on fire. "The delicate as- the result of the decision C. J. fight war. if it is fought ment preceded the battle launched Boothroyd, general agent of the Con- this to be to a house Thursday and brought up for that when rescuers made their way to Difference Accounted For on the part of the former to take over successful finish." the Oregon Senator ' daybreak. Our advance lines, ton-for-t- consideration Monday, Sept. 2. This the room they were dead. at on a basis German ships stitutionalist railroads of Mexico with declared, "and America The difference in the value placed in accordance with orders, with- through headquarters in Houston, was fatally intends to fight program was announced tonight by The naval authorities declined to upon whiskey and the amount of tax to replace Spanish, ships lost it to a successful finish." Kitchin of house ways: give any information concerning the drew and are fighting along the by submarines. It is reported wounded at his office in this city this chairman the estimated to have been lost by the gov- . attacks evening." o nd means committee, with the pre- cause of the aecidetn, and no report Croisilles-St- Leger line. that Berlin has sent a protest to Mad- He died soon after he was ernment is accounted for by the fact "Northwest of Bapaume we ac- taken to a hospital. KNOCKED OUT BY DEMPSEY diction that the house will pass the was made to the police. that the internal revenue tax had not rid, but has not agreed to limit subma- uill after a week's consideration. The transport, which is said to have cepted battle on the St. Leger rine warfare or guarantee Spain Mr. Boothroyd occupied the position been paid on any of it and the value Achiet-Le-Gran- d DAYTON, O., Aug. 24 Final Submitted been one of largest of the German Miraumont line, losses. of purchasing agent of the government Jack Dempsey Eitimatet the placed upon it was the value of spirits, at- against further Dayton liners before was taken over by the against which the early enemy o controlled Mexican railroads in the knocked out Terry Kellar of in Final estimates submitted to the it tax unpaid. The tax on whiskey is aft-- . ' to- government been tacks broke down. During the southern district. , the fifth round of their scheduled cr.mmittee by the treasury experts has in the harbor for $3.20 a proof gallon and the average pistol tonight. day made unnecessary to contem- some time undergoing repairs. ernoon renewed enemy assaults The with which the shooting bout here Kellar went it contents of a barrel of whiskey when gained ground in the direction of was done was found in the office. The down for the count in the irst round. plate necessity of resorting to con- first placed in the warehouse with no BIG GERMAN GUN heavyweights. sumption taxes any new or Mory. A Prussian regiment bullet entered his right temple. The men are or devices PRO GERMAN PAPER "outage" allowance is 47 gallons. counter from plans for raising additional "revenue o launched a attack beyond those TO the northeast and drove back the already in the measure. ABOUT SUSPEND then penetrated These estimates give 18,100.000,000 a ALLEGED DESERTER enemy who had the probable beyond Mory. TAKEN TO PARIS total annual yield of the Republican A. P. Leased Wire "Enemy attacks launched in the NOTICE TO READERS OF THE bill. MEXICO CITY. Aug. 24. A decree KILLED BY POSSE Bapaume pressed Provide Largest Revenue direction of back issued today by the Carranza govern- our line towards Behagnies-- . 4 The- excess profits schedule, agreed ment substitutes for the tax of 12 Republican A. P. Leased Wire brought ARIZONA REPUBLICAN U a meeting today Here local reserves the at will provide the centavos, gold, per kilogram, on print Colo.. Aug. 24. A tele- during $3,000,-tiOO.00- DURANGO. enemy to a standstill and PARIS. Aug. 24. (Havas Agency) Washington, revenue, estimated 0. New orders direct from the War Industries Board, at Instructs at paper imports, a 30 per cent tax ia phone message received here tonight night repulsed strong attacks troops during The income tax, both individ- govern- the Australian the recent all daily newspapers in the United States,- to place all subscriptions on kind, which means that the reported that R. Archuleta, an alleged which were several times repeated. lighting captured a heavy German 280 ual and corporation, is expected to yieli ment will secure 30 out of every 100 strictly cash paid in advance basis only, beginning at once and absolutely .4O0,0"9,n00: deserter, had been killed by a posse "On both sides of Miraumont a millimeter 111.02 inches) gun, and its the estate or inheritance Tho-pos- finally effective in full by rolls imported. The former tax was of 60 men from Moab, Utah. se storming attack, four times re- tomn!;te ammunition supply. October 1st. tax, $110,000,000; beverages Including about 34 per cent of the market in Send your remlttifnce at once, if not already paid. 75c per month, but $U"O,i00.o'Ou. pice surrounded him the hills not far peated was shattered before- cur From a captured document it ap liquors and soft drinks of paper in Mexico. fi 1 from the place where Forest Ranger lines. A. vice sergeant majar with , pears that this giin. which is of recent $2.00 for 3 months, $4 for months and $8.00 for year is still effective Honors and soft drinks $1,100,000,000, El Democrato. he loading Ralph Millenteen was killed Friday a single qun here destroyed six range daily Sunday Republican. 000.000; automobiles model and with a of more than rate for and Arizona manufacturers periodical in the republic, today night. When Archuleta resisted t, enemy East of Hamel 18 intended tsx $12r.00.000 and users automo- tanks. the. miles, hnd hern for use Don't wait until your paper is discontinued but remit at once. of published a full page announcement it was said the posse opened fire. enemy gained a footing on the in the bombardment of . biles and motorcycles $73,000,000. Other stating that it was about to cease pub- Arehuleta was the man the Including whom eastern bank of the Ancre. His It was mounted on a railway train. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN items. luxuries, make up the lication because of the difficulties of ranger was seeking when he was killed attacks from Albert broke down It has been brought to Paris where the balance. securing paper and ink. accoiuing 10 me report. j east of the town." public will be allowed to inspect it.