NACIS Weekly Breakfast Menu


中式早餐 中式早餐 西式早餐 中式早餐 中式早餐 Chinese breakfast Chinese breakfast Western breakfast Chinese breakfast Chinese breakfast 新鲜水果 新鲜水果 新鲜水果 新鲜水果 新鲜水果 Fresh fruits Fresh fruits Fresh fruits Fresh fruits Fresh fruits 芹菜肉包/粢饭团 酱肉包/奶黄包☆△ 牛角面包※O☆ 梅干菜肉包/香菇菜 紫菜虾皮小馄饨※# ※ Minced pork Croissant 包※△ ☆ Celery & minced bun/Creamy 牛肉早餐肠/培根※ Preserved Wonton soup pork bun/Glutinous custard bun sausage/ vegetables &minced 菜心 rice balls 白粥/八宝粥△ 炒鸡蛋☆ pork bun Choy sum 白粥 牛肉滑蛋粥 / Plain /Mixed Scrambled eggs /Mushroom & ☆ Breakfast congee vegetables bun 谷类/牛奶 Plain congee/Beef 早餐 卤蛋☆△ 白粥/干贝鲜虾粥# Cereal /Milk ※O & eggs congee Braised eggs ☆ 煮蛋☆ Plain congee/ Boiled eggs 谷类/牛奶 Scallop & shrimps

Cereal /Milk ※O congee☆ 谷类/牛奶 茶叶蛋☆△ ※O Cereal /Milk Tea eggs

谷类/牛奶 Cereal /Milk ※O

Drinks 饮料 Choice of drink among Milk, Soybean milk, Water, Yoghurt 牛奶,豆浆,水,酸奶选一 addition

OUR HEALTHY EATING KEY ※ Gluten Content 面粉 △ Legumes Product 豆类 O Dairy Product 牛奶 # Shell Fish & Seafood 鱼&海鲜 ☆ Eggs Product 鸡蛋

NACIS Weekly Lunch Menu 1


Set Menu 麦芬蛋糕※O☆ 培根芝士卷面包※O 海苔肉松面包※O☆ 北海道吐司面包 巧克力丹麦※O☆ Morning Muffin ☆ & floss bread ※O☆ Chocolate Danish Snack 酸奶 Bacon & cheese bread 酸奶 Hokkaido bread 酸奶 Yogurt O Yogurt O Yogurt O 早点 酸奶 酸奶 Yogurt O Yogurt O

海鲜羹☆# 菌菇鸡汤 意大利蔬菜汤※☆ 金陵老鸭汤 Tastes of Singapore Seafood & eggs soup Mushroom & chicken Minestrone Duck soup 新加坡美食

烤鸡腿※ soup 意大利肉酱面※☆ 蚝皇牛肉△#☆ Pork rib soup 梅干菜焖肉△ 炖排骨汤 Roast chicken drums Spaghetti Bolognese Stir-fried beef with oyster 套餐 Braised pork & sauce Bak kut teh 牛肉滑蛋☆O 米兰鱼排配塔塔酱※☆# Set Menu preserved vegetable 本帮酱鸭△ 肉骨茶 Scrambled eggs with beef Fish Milanese served with 小炒皇△# Hainanese chicken 甜玉米粒 tartar sauce Soy braised duck Stir-fried shrimps & 海南鸡饭△ Sweet corn 西兰花 白灼金针菇△ squids Bean sprout 上汤豆苗☆ Broccoli Boiled needle mushroom 卷心菜 豆芽△ Bean seedling 胡萝卜 广东菜心 Cabbage Cabbage Carrot Guangdong cabbage 菜心 蒜香奶白菜

Choy sum

双菇面筋煲△ 菜甫煎蛋 O☆ 白菜香菇炒年糕※☆ 蘑菇奶酪意大利面※☆ 蔬菜炒河粉※☆ Vegetarian option Stir-fried mushrooms & Pan-fried vegetables Fried rice cake with O Char kuay teow & eggs vegetables ( ) 素食精选 Pasta with cream & Vegetarian (Vegetarian) (Vegetarian) (Vegetarian) Mushroom sauce (Vegetarian)

Specialty noodles Tastes of Asian Specialty noodles Tastes of Asian Specialty noodles 地道面食 亚洲美食 地道面食 亚洲美食 地道面食 Kung pao chicken noodle Korean BBQ beef Tomato & beef noodles Roast duck/BBQ pork Beef noodles soup Chefs choice soup 韩式烤牛肉饭△ soup 港式双拼饭△ 台湾红烧牛肉面※☆△ 厨师推荐 宫保鸡丁面※△ Seasonal vegetables 西红柿肥牛面※☆ Seasonal vegetables Seasonal vegetables Seasonal vegetables 时令蔬菜 Seasonal vegetables 时令蔬菜 时令蔬菜 时令蔬菜 时令蔬菜

Sandwich Station Daily sandwich selection 三明治吧

Salad Station Daily salad selection 色拉吧

Fruit station 水果吧 Fresh fruit selection

Drinks station Daily choice of Water or Yoghurt 饮料吧

香蕉 绿豆酥※☆O△ 甜甜圈※☆O 苹果 葡式蛋挞※☆O Afternoon snack Banana Mung bean pastry Doughnut Apple Egg tart 午点 牛奶 牛奶 牛奶 牛奶 牛奶 Milk O Milk O Milk O Milk O Milk O OUR HEALTHY EATING KEY ※ Gluten Content 面粉 △ Legumes Product 豆类 O Dairy Product 牛奶 # Shell Fish & Seafood 鱼&海鲜 ☆ Eggs Product 鸡蛋 NACIS Weekly Dinner Menu 2


健康沙拉吧 健康沙拉吧 健康沙拉吧 健康沙拉吧 Health Salad bar Health Salad bar Health Salad bar Health Salad bar 水/酸奶选一 水/酸奶选一 水/酸奶选一 水/酸奶选一 Water/Yoghurt Water/Yoghurt Water/Yoghurt Water/Yoghurt 各式时令水果选一 各式时令水果选一 各式时令水果选一 各式时令水果选一 Selection seasonal Selection seasonal Selection seasonal Selection seasonal fruits fruits fruits fruits

西红柿土豆汤 莲藕猪骨汤 味噌汤△# 匈牙利牛肉汤 Tomato & potato soup Lotus root & pork soup Goulash soup 晚餐 干锅鸡△ soup 日式烧肉△ 烤牛肉 O Dinner cooked 甜椒炒牛肉丝△☆ Yakiniku Roast beef

chicken Stir-fried shredded 日式炒饭# 烤鸡腿 烤猪腿 beef & bell pepper Japanese fried rice Roast chicken Gammon 合味蒸腊味△ 培根炒卷心菜 drums 油麦菜 Steamed bacon & Bacon & cabbage 土豆泥 O※ Leaf lettuce tofu 西芹 Mashed potato 莴笋 蒜香茄子 Celery 西兰花 Asparagus lettuce Eggplant Broccoli 白灼生菜 Lettuce

蔬菜炒鸡蛋 O※ 奶酪焗蔬菜 O※ 蔬菜春卷※☆ 荷塘炒蔬△ Vegetarian option Scrambled eggs & Gratin vegetables Spring roll Stir-fried ( ) ( ) 素食精选 vegetables Vegetarian Vegetarian vegetables (Vegetarian) (Vegetarian)

Set Men 黑芝麻汤圆※△ 芝士火腿三明治※ 麦芬蛋糕※☆O 海绵蛋糕※O☆ Evening Sesame dumpling ☆O Muffin Sponge cake 酸奶 酸奶 Snack soup Cheese & ham sandwich Yogurt O Yogurt O 夜宵 酸奶 Yogurt O

OUR HEALTHY EATING KEY ※ Gluten Content 面粉 △ Legumes Product 豆类 O Dairy Product 牛奶 # Shell Fish & Seafood 鱼&海鲜 ☆ Eggs Product 鸡蛋