YORK. YORK. .Brookbank Miss, Gentwn. Gillygate Brotherton Geo
YORK. 77 YORK. Boyntan Wm. tailor, Gaodramgate . Brookbank Miss, gentwn. Gillygate Brubiuer Thomas, vict. Black Swan, Brotherton Geo. mathematical school, Peaseholme green without Walmgate bar Brndley Thos. coach builder & harness Brous-hton James, tape dealer, But. maker, High Jubbergate cner's yard, Walmgate Bradley Luke, woollen draper, Fossgt.. Browll George, surgeon, Castlegate Bradley Wm. bricklayer, Lamhert's yd. Bro",n 'Vm. confectioner, Coney st. Brarlley John, joiner, HUllgate Brown & J ennings, linen drapers, Hradley JohlJ, Walmgate har Pavement Beadley 8u\'ille, painter, Beddern Brown Matthew, gent. Blossom st. Braithwaite Richard, tailor, Lord Brown Christopher, musical preceptor, Mayor's Walk MickleO"ate Brnithwaite Richd. broker, Swinegate Brown Richard, confectioner and tell Braithwaite Thos. shoemaker, Little dealer, Coney street Blake street BrownJohn,woollendrilper,SkeIderi!f;. Braith,vaite John, hair dresser, Good· Brown & Hopps, grol!ers and flour ram,rate,.., . dealers, Great Shambles Braithwaite Abraham, spirit dealer, Brown Wm. gent. Gillygate Spurrierg,ilte . Brown Richd. hair dresser, Micklegate Bramley Mrs. Ann, Skeldergate Brown John & Co. painters, Davvg-ate Brumley & Dent, boot& shoe makers, Brown & Kirlew, L'01leh, si~n &; hLlu~e Blake street painters, Davygate Bramley John, butcher) Gt. Shambles Brown Robert, lace and fringe maker, Bramley Ambrose, butcher, Fossgate Bootham square Bramley Wm. Smith's yd. Skeldergt. Brown Thos. stay maker, Thursday BrllSsington Richard, bookbinder and market paper ruler by machine, Waterloo Brown Geo. bookkpr. Pea.<;eholm gm. place; house, Bishop hill Brown Geo. tailor, Pett~r 1'lne Brayshaw Eleanor, grocer & tea dlr. Brown Thos. broker, High .Jubbergt. High ,Petergate Brown Matthew, auctioneer, GHl:rgt. Breary & Mye1's, coach builrlers, har Brown James)shoemkr.
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