Inverness Kirk-Session Records, 1661-1880

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Inverness Kirk-Session Records, 1661-1880 i^ecords. 661-1800. Ml. GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBUC LIBRAR| 3 1833 00855 4724 tn INVKRNESS KIRK-SESSION RECORDS. f Inverness ' Ktrk-Session Records 1661-1800, Edited by ALEXANDER MITCHELL Inverness : Printed and Published hy Robt. Carruthers & Sons. 1902. 14S1133 Tnsceibed to ^c Wm} '^ekrfub gorman §liulcob» §.§. Minister of the First Chargk of Inverness, Ex-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. ^ f^ PREFACE. The matter contained in the following pages was originally intended to be read before local societies which take an interest in such subjects, but having been seen by the Editor of the "Inverness Coimer," ho thought it sufl&ciently interesting to print in the paper, and now in this f onn. Whatever belongs to the past is interesting to some people, while to others anything relating to the town or parish, historically or ecclesiastically, is worthy of record, and although the number of such people arc few, yet it is hoped they may justify to some extent the present pro- duction. Tlie few excellent works on local aflfairs already existing do not include the pei-iod embraced by these Kirk-Session Records, nor do they deal with the matters of detail con- tained in them, which afford some new ilhistrations of the conditions of life in Inverness in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Necessarily in these Church Records of over 200 years ago, when discipline formed so large a part of the functions of the Kirk-Session, life in its seamy side appears uppermost, but there are not wanting glimpses of the better and kindlier side of Inmian natiu'e, nor of the more elevating, if rather austere, social and religious habits and customs of our ancestors. Tlae old&st book in the possession of the Kirk-Session is the very interesting "Coimt Book,'' begun in the year 1661. The earliest minute book begins in 1688, from which date the minutes exist consecutively, and are in fairly good condition. Cliaracteristically enough, the worst kept and the least interesting are the records towards the close of the Eighteenth Century, when one of the ministers, in a fit of economy, undertook the duties of Session Clerk. It is hoped the introductory sketch of the town may be founcl interesting, and that, aiS it leads up to the period covered by the Records, it will not be regarded as out of place. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. To Mr James Barron ; to the Society of Antiquarjea (Scot) for permission to reproduce the branks, jougs, and cockstool ; to Mr John Munro, of the telegraph department of the Highland Railway, who photographed several of the illustrations; to Mr Melven. publisher, for use of blocks of Inverness and the Market Cross; to Mr Nairne for the block of the old bridge; and to Mr Leslie Fraser for the loan of the delinquent's bracelet. To Mr Ritchie, of the printing department, and the "Courier^' staff generally, who have always been most obliging and helpful. A. M. — CONTENTS. Part I., from 1688. Inti'oductory—Tlie Town of Inverness 1 The Churches—Seats—Seats for Trades' Incorpora- tions—Acts regarding Seats—Act in favour of Seat Rents—High Church Bell—Communion Tokens and Cups—Repairs of Churches ... ... ... 1-7 The Ministers—Preaching at the Cross—Sermon dis- turbed by Buchan's Highland Army—List of Mini- sters—Lord Bishop of Moray—Rev. Angii-s Mac- Bean—Rev. Hector Mackenzie—Death of Rev. Gilbert Marshall—Seizure of Highland Cliurch by Presbyterians—Agreement between Rev. Hector Mackenzie and Rev. Rob. Baillie ... ... ... 8-14 Presbyterinnism Established—^Visit of General A?sem- bh-'s Commission for the Xorth—Proposed Call to a Minister—Mr James Fra«er of Brea Called—Call to Mr Robert Baillie—Shaw on the "Vacanov Necessity for a Gaelic Colleague to Mr R. Baillie —Deed of Gift by Queen Anne 15-29 The Eldership—Elders durino; Episconate—^Under Pres- byteranism—Apnointment and Representative Character of—Ordination of—Duties of—Se^ssion Meetings 30-43 The Session and its Funct'ons—Delations for Effierv- moking—Baptisms—^Burial of Fnbaptised Cliild Clandestine Marriasres — ^farkets — Continental Trade—Inverness; Man in Flanders—Mackintosh's Chanlain—Lovat's Piper—Kirk Oflficers—Delations for Nursing Strange Child. &c.—Fa'^t Dnvs—Court Days 30-43 Miscellaneous—Guisers—Preaching at Lochend—Inver- ness Man Killed' at Killiecrankie—^fusic School, Inverness—Gramjnar School—Local and Place Names—Town Debtor to Session—Present of Child to Session—Birth of Old Pretender—Students Encouraged—Doctors in Inverness—Influenza Fn'^ts and Thanksgivings 50-53 Tlie Discipline—For Immorality—Fines. Imprisonment, Sackcloth. Cockstool —Whipping at the Cross, Oath of Purgation—Evasion of Discipline, Swear- ing, Brewing, &c.—Immorality Overture 54-72 — —— X CONTENTS. Part II., from 1712. The Cliuiches Pevrs—Glovers' Petition—Act in favoui- of Weavers, Bakers, Seamen's Loft, Application from Masons, Fight about a Seat, Bells, Cups, Tokens, <fec 82-92 Repairing Windows of High Church, Reparation of Town Obliged to Uphold Fabric of Cliurches—Pro- posal to cess Pews for Reparation of Churches Collection for Repair of Churches made from House to House—Gaelic Church—Roof Damaged —Seats for Commonry—Repairs—Area of Church to be fitted with Seats and Rents applied for benefit of Poor—Dung at forepart of Church—Clnu'ch Con- demned, Heritors called—Decision to Build New Church-—Proceedings relating to ditto ... ... 03-104 The Ministe''s—List of Ministers—Appointment of Mr Stuart to First Charge—Call to from Kiltearn ProceedinfTs in the Election of Mr Macbean to Third Cliarge—Call to Rev. Mr Baillie from Rotterdam —D-nth of M Baillie 120-134 The Eldership—Addition of Elders—Districts and Duties of Elders—Elders to Assembly—Oath of Elders—Two Elders to Presbytery Refused Admittance—Elder Cetnsured—Elder's Widnw ... 13'5-142 The Kirk Session and its Fimctions—Sabbath. Abuse of—Friday Markets—Stranger Servants—Stranger Beegars—^Badges—Foundlings—Orphans—Poor 143-160 General — CoHections—Epsome—Aberdeen Infirmary Gaelic Bible—Avoch Men—Insane—St Andrew's Harbour—S. P. C.K.. &c.—Financial, Town Council Bond, &:c. —Loan to build Court-House and Goal —Receipt not to be taken—Salmon Fishing, Lease of—Hours of Worship—Intimation at Cross— Her- ring Fishing— Kirke'a Lambs—Bread ior Kind's Armv - Company for Encouraginsr INIannfactnrers Singine ^vithout Readincr the Lines—Session Minutes Session Business Carried Abroad — Sabbath Evening Schools —Weekly Thanksgiving Tuesday Weekly Preaching -• 161-163 Education—Students—£3 stg. to a Young Man Genious — Mortification, Hector Eraser Bursary — Dr Eraser's Bursaries—Schoolmaster Claims Salary Intrusion of Strange Schoolmaster—Raining's School 163-176 Discipline—Bad Character, Cockstool to be Erected Power to Pursue Delinquents—Women Delin- quents to be Corpoi-ally Punished'—Fishing on Sun- days—Banishment—Infamous Character—Session as Peacemakers—Delinquents not Appearing—To be Returned Parish to Parish—Delinquents Pre- tending to bo Married^—Separate Register for Disciphne 177-186 — — CONTENTS. XI Part III. The Librauy, Hospital, Mortifications, &c. Origin of the Library— Interest of 1000 Merks to Buy Books—Books Received—Dr Fraser's Picture- Books Received fioni London—Books Bouglit Ministers to Buy Books—Fiaser's Moi tification Donation of Books by son of Rev. Hector Macken- zie—Library—Library Ti'ansferred to Academy Lib:arian to get £5 os—Books taken back to Dun- bar's Hospital 189-206 The Hospital and Mortifications—Dunbar's Airestment —Inches' Debt—Castleliill's Debt—Su'^-'lications for Pensions—Guthbert in Jail in Tain—Hospital Ti-easuier—Kirk Treasurer—Hospital Papers £1000 Stock to be kept in hand—Kirk Treasurer Complains teinis of Mortification not adhered to Hospital Papers—Mortifications, John Mackin- tosh's, Dipple's, Macphail's, £100 ; Fraser of Fair- field's, Widow Cald's, Albert Munro of Coul's, £100; Laird of Mackintosh and liis Wife's, oOOO nierks ; Wm. Mackintosh, sen., merchant, Inver- ness, £25 stg. ; Lady Dowager Mackintosh or Mrs Anne Duff, 1000 merks. Duncan's Mortification—Mis Duncan's Death—Morti- fication falls to Session—Conunittee appointed. Boys at Raining's on Mortification—Treasurer Chosen—George Duncan's Picture—Session Lands 207-272 APPENDICES. No. 1. The present High Church 273 No. 2. Pi-oceedings of Inverness Town Council regard- ing the Library ... ... ... ... ... 277 No. 3. Notes on Letting of Hospital, Mortifications not previously noted, and Sunimaiy of Hospital Mortifications, 1902 290 Index 293-303 ILLUSTRATIONS. Inverness in 1662 ... .. ... ... ... Frontispiece Gaelic Church Pulpit ... ... ... ... Faciinj Page 5 Beggar's Badge ... ,, 37 The Bridge, 1685 ,, 45 The Cross Market , 63 Portrait of Dr Kose ., 133 Portrait of Dr ISIacdonald.. ... ... ,, 134 Cockstool, &c. .. ,, 177 Portrait of Dr Eraser ,, 196 Dunbar's Hospital ... ,. 207 Inches Burial Ground .. , 209 Very Strong and Curious Chest ... ... ... ,, 215 The Count Book „ 216 Arms of Provost Dunbar ,, 218 The Hospital Windows ,, 234 The Higli Church ,, 273 INVERNESS. EFORE glancing at the kind of town Inverness was, and its surroundings, prior to and at the period covered by the Kirk-Session Records, a few of the chief chronological events which affected it may be noticed. Writers and travel- lers at all times have vied with each otlier in extolling its charm of scenery, the grandeur of its neighbouring mountains, and the beauty of its waters. The antiquity of the town is undoubted. All old books and documents speak of it with respect as a place of considerable importance, and not to be orthodox on the traditionaiy legends regarding ancient Inverness is to invite serious con- sequences. It is clear, however, that some latitude must be allowed in locating the exact site of the original buigh. The only sure fact in connection with it is that the present bound- aries are wide enough to include the first position, wliether to the east, west, or south, as variously claimed by our leaaied topographical antiquarians.
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