Health & Social Care Business Support Administration & Personnel Kinmylies Building Leachkin Road INVERNESS IV3 8NN Reception: 01463 703456 Mr P Devlin Please Ask For: Lynn Thomson Direct Line: (01463) 703508 request-190760- E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Your Ref: 769575 Our Ref: FOIHSC2014-03 LT Date: 29th January 2014 Dear Mr Devlin, RE: Freedom of Information - FOIHSC2014-03 - Contact details for social work and use of agency staff I refer to your request for information submitted to Highland Council on 26th December 2013 concerning Contact details for social work and use of agency staff. Following Integration of Health and Social Care Services on 1 April 2012, responsibility for Adult Social Care Services transferred to NHS Highland while responsibility for Children’s Services remains with Highland Council. Under the partnership agreement, the response below is provided on behalf of both services. Your request has been assigned reference number FOIHSC2014-03, which you should quote in future correspondence. Q1. The name, contact and address details for each social service team and department in Highland Council. A1. This information is provided in Tables 1 and 2 below. Q2. The first line social work managers names for Highland Council per social work team and their title (e.g. Team Leader), e-mail address, postal address and direct line telephone number. A2. This information is provided in Tables 1 and 2 below. Q3. The line managers names of the first line social work manager for the Highland Council per social work team and their title (e.g. Service Manager), e-mail address, postal address and direct line telephone number.