Delivery Program 2017 – 2022 & Operational Plan and Budget 2021 – 2022
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FOR PUBLIC EXHIBITION DELIVERY PROGRAM 2017 – 2022 & OPERATIONAL PLAN AND BUDGET 2021 – 2022 DRAFT Liverpool CBD Version 1 - March 2019 1 - March Version 2 Draft Delivery Program 2017 – 2022 & Operational Plan and Budget 2021 – 2022 LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL CONTENTS Mayor’s Message 4 Chief Executive Officer’s Message 5 Your Council 6 Your Mayor and Councillors 7 Council roles and responsibilities 8 About Liverpool 10 Opportunities and Partnerships 12 Our Priorities for the City of Liverpool 14 Liverpool Civic Place 16 Our Plan 17 About this plan 18 Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework 18 Monitoring and Reporting 19 Our Directions 20 How to read the plan 22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan 22 Direction 1: Goals 1-5 25 Direction 2: Goals 1-5 37 Direction 3: Goals 1-4 49 Direction 4: Goals 1-4 61 Financial Information 73 Summary of Council’s 2021-2022 Operating Budget 84 Capital Works Program 88 Draft Delivery Program 2017 – 2022 & Operational Plan and Budget 2021 – 2022 3 LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL MAYOR’S MESSAGE It is my pleasure to present the Delivery Program 2017-2022 and Operational Plan 2021-2022 which provides information on all of Council’s activities, including the budget and capital works program for the coming year. This year we will continue to provide essential services such as domestic waste collection, library and community services and maintaining our many parks and playgrounds while also delivering a range of exciting new community initiatives and capital works. The demolition phase of Liverpool Civic Place - the city’s biggest commercial redevelopment is complete, and the excavation phase has commenced. This exciting new complex will include a civic plaza, new Council offices, a childcare facility, city library and public parking. The Miller Social Infrastructure Masterplan is in progress and will provide the framework to renew and redevelop community facilities, parks and open spaces. The long-term vision for Miller includes a multi-purpose community hub, public library, redevelopment of Michael Wenden Aquatic Leisure Centre and enhanced green spaces and corridors. Council is progressing the first phase of the Liverpool City Centre Urban Forest Strategy, which includes the installation of more than 200 new trees within the Liverpool city centre. This project is co-funded by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment under the ‘5 Million Trees for Greater Sydney’ grant program and will increase the quantity of tree canopy and shade to assist with cooling the city centre. The next stage in planning for the Bradfield Aerotropolis is underway and Council continues to represent Liverpool’s interests to the NSW and Federal government. I am pleased that our advocacy around the Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit (FAST) Corridor is being recognised. I also welcome the commitment by the NSW Government on the Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport and will continue to advocate for more direct train services to the city. I encourage the community to provide their input on these major initiatives to help deliver the best services and facilities for our future community and I look forward to sharing updates on our progress and achievements. MAYOR WENDY WALLER 4 Draft Delivery Program 2017 – 2022 & Operational Plan and Budget 2021 – 2022 LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL CEO’S MESSAGE I am pleased to present Liverpool City Council’s 2021-2022 Operational Plan which includes detailed information on Council’s services for the next 12 months, budget, fees and charges and capital works projects. This is the last plan for the 2016 – 2021 Council Term, and I would like to recognise and commend to the community the achievements of the current Council during their term. As part of Western Sydney, Liverpool Local Government Area is in the midst of significant economic growth, infrastructural development and social transformation. These are exciting times. Throughout 2021-2022, Council will continue to advocate on behalf of all our stakeholders, whilst remaining fully committed to addressing matters of importance to the community and ensuring the efficient delivery of essential services. The plan outlines the significant projects that we have committed to and how we will continue to progress with existing partnerships that have a positive impact on the city and the local community. This includes the Western Sydney City Deal partnership and Resilient Sydney strategy which present opportunities to collaborate with our surrounding councils and deliver coordinated projects that facilitate beneficial outcomes for the city. As custodian for the City of Liverpool, Council will oversee a budget of $475 million in 2021-22 which includes $256 million for capital works and $219 million for operating expenditure. In terms of infrastructure, Council will be investing $246 million on the renewals, upgrades and construction including; • More than $50.2 million on roads, bridges and footpaths; • More than $88 million drainage and floodplain; • More than $11.4 million on parks and recreation; and • More than $96.4 million on buildings. Detailed information on all projects, including locations, is listed in the Capital Works program on page 88. With the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Council will continue to focus on building sound business continuity, coupled with effective resilience plans to assist in the mitigation of potential risks to the community and organisation. I look forward to providing progress updates to the community and I welcome your input and feedback. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DR EDDIE JACKSON Draft Delivery Program 2017 – 2022 & Operational Plan and Budget 2021 – 2022 5 LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL YOUR COUNCIL Your Mayor and Councillors Councillors Liverpool City Council consists of a popularly elected Councillors make considered and well-informed Mayor and 10 Councillors who are directly elected to decisions as members of the governing body. represent each of the two wards in Liverpool. They represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers, the local community and directly Mayor represent each of the two wards (North and South) The Mayor is the leader of the Council and the local in the Liverpool local government area. community and represents the views of the Council The current elected Councillors will serve until the in decision-making. The Mayor also presides at September 2021 Local Government Elections. the meetings of Council, exercises policy-making decisions between Council meetings and carries out civic and ceremonial functions of the Mayoral office. Liverpool Local Government Area ek Cre S s e o v u t ro h g s o C K e m p s C re e ELIZA k k BE T ee H C r k e e r C D R I V E k s e y r e r e C es g grov d os D a C B A G R C r E O e V R e I k R R E E N D A D u n L c Prospect a E n CECIL s W D k y WALLACIA Oa HILLS A E O R BADGERYS S T T D ek L H A e LUDDENHAM Cr N CREEK I ORT E N H O CECIL KEMPS R K k k e ee PARK re r C C L H IV i ER CREEK n P c O h O Y in L b A r ta o a t o W k reek C m H C S r na E ee ia G G k I R /W O h H E Chipping C N t GREEN u G r e o Norton e S k O Lake ELIZABETH Cabramatta s R K R an VALLEY O nc E AD u T MOUNT D E H s HILLS gery R Y E Bad A C s M PRITCHARD R p E m 7 W N NORTH e L WARWICK R K VE I L RI HECKENBERG Z I A k ee A B Cr E k FARM e R T e LEN H r k e C re BUSBY Dhurawal C G O Bay V R WARD FIF TEE WATERS E AR IE O NTH R NOR MACQU A ASHCROFT D ESTATE Hors e Shoe D Lagoon A HINCHINBROOK SADLEIR O MIDDLETON R k DR . e e N r A BRINGELLY C E k P S e e GRANGE E R LURNEA r rs E E C W V G L e I N k Y a R E AV tt a a A O EN E m G UE a m R R r b k MILLER a D G S c C i E R E r D T R B S L R E E G E I N k LIVERPOOL K I E R e V W D I r e E Lake N C E B O H M A H Moore o O C L D S n X R T r CARTWRIGHT U B O e O d N e F N s k A H D A R K O PA R L OAD V WBRIDGE E NE E H ek E D re k C A A D e T n C re z A HOXTON S H a ROSSMORE E c O ells G C axw R R AUSTRAL M O O E WEST PARK G T E ns so p a hom tt HOXTON T a m a Clinch's IVER n SILVERDALE R a s Pond i T r s E e W p k / E R LURNEA a m E m GREENDALE h e k t k U C e c A R u K ri r e o R M T B r C S e R O T S 7 e CARNES F k R S R A A EEW AY A D P ons W S W ps O HILL U m U ho O T T R OAD C H N BR MTWY ING a AY ELLY tt R a IV RW am N E O br k R OT a e R W C e R E E S M PRESTONS r V TER C I N Y E R k G e A H e r N I W T C H K U C HORNINGSEA N r R G k e I E O e Wattle Grove e T H e S r k S Detention WE C PARK Pond HAMMONDVILLE R OAD CASULA k e e MOOREBANK Cr Y E N L WATTLE A L E B A P W ri V E n k i h l k t l N g e i e a el u e GROVE m ly e r r o C s C S WAY E HUM VOYAGER LEPPINGTON k e e s r l l C e POINT w x Anzac a EDMONDSON M ILLS R EAS T H AILWA G S PARK Y E OR GE ld fie len G ris ar H C N r R e O E e S k A D E D M G PLEASURE A R DENHAM O C E COURT G SOUTH POINT k e WARD C re NE PE AN R IV E R y r IN k u ee b r k n A C e u e B M r a C t C t ur ran a k e m e a r r b C a C HOLSWORTHY R E V I R R RIVE D s n A a m O ad e R D s i r s r reek C m a ia H l il W S E G R O E G k e e r reek LEGEND C C e t e R l p IV E m o R R AILWAY C k e S e r E C G R O MAIN R OAD E G R OAD s a m illi W E G T E O WATERWAY O R C G H E T S s n A a E m d H a e NOR TH WAR D D Meado w s i s r r a SOUTH WAR D H ek Cre r Pete R I V E R Punc hb o w The l ER Basin IV R ES C G re R e O k E G Map produced by : Kilometres LIVER POOL CITY COUNCIL 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 WARDS OF LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL G I S SER VICES Map Projection : Transverse Mercator LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA Map Ellipsoid : Geodetic R eference S ystem 1980 DATE OF ISSUE : 30 March 2021 Coordinate System : GDA94