An Internationally Indexed Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal

Shri Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust


Published by iSaRa Solutions

CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202


Research Scholar, Dept. of. Sociology, William Carey University, Shillong, Meghalaya, Research Supervisor, Dept. of. Sociology, William Carey University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India Email: [email protected]


The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is Primarily Enacted to provide hundred Days of Guaranteed Employment in a Year to Rural Households on Demand Basis and Creation of Durable Assets to Strengthen Rural Livelihood Resource Base. Studies Based on Empirical Evidences Indicate Mixed Outcome in Terms of Employment Generation and Durability and Usefulness of the Assets Created. the Act Stresses upon Identification, Planning, Execution and Monitoring of Projects in a Participatory Manner with a View to Deepening Democracy. Gram Panchayats (GPS) are assigned with the Responsibility of formulating the Works. The Present Study Attempts to Extent of employment generation through NREGA in Meghalaya. Keywords: NREGA, job,


National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (or, NREGA No 42, later renamed as the "Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act", MGNREGA), is an Indian labour law and social security measure that aims to guarantee the 'right to work'. It aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.[1][2] The act was first proposed in 1991 by P.V. Narasimha Rao.[3] It was finally accepted in the parliament and commenced implementation in 625 districts of India. Based on this pilot experience, NREGA was scoped up to cover all the districts of India from 1 April 2008.[4] The statute is hailed by the government as "the largest and most ambitious social security and public works programme in the world".[5] In its World Development Report 2014, the World Bank termed it a "stellar example of rural development".[6] The MGNREGA was initiated with the objective of "enhancing livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year, to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work".[7]Another aim of MGNREGA is to create durable assets (such as roads, canals, ponds and wells). Employment is to be provided within 5 km of an applicant's residence, and minimum wages are to be paid. If

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CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202 work is not provided within 15 days of applying, applicants are entitled to an unemployment allowance. Thus, employment under MGNREGA is a legal entitlement. MGNREGA is to be implemented mainly by gram panchayats (GPs). The involvement of contractors is banned. Labour-intensive tasks like creating infrastructure for water harvesting, drought relief and flood control are preferred. Apart from providing economic security and creating rural assets, NREGA can help in protecting the environment, empowering rural women, reducing rural-urban migration and fostering social equity, among others." The law provides many safeguards to promote its effective management and implementation. The act explicitly mentions the principles and agencies for implementation, list of allowed works, financing pattern, monitoring and evaluation, and most importantly the detailed measures to ensure transparency and accountability. Literature Review

Amrita Banerjee and Santana Guha (2012) in their article titled, "NREGA and Rural Employment in West : An Evaluative Study at Jalpaiguri District" have infers that MGNREGA has given employment opportunity advocated wages and gone about as an against poverty program. Obligated people cleared their obligation as they turned out to be a piece of the program. MGNREGA has improved the livelihood security of the family at the gross root level by reinforcing the panchayat raj and the demonstration still needs much change to accomplish a definitive objective. Bhurelal Patidar and Dinesh Gupta(2017) in their article titled, "MGNREGA – Issues and Challenges" have stated a few difficulties in making helpful resources, as so for the works identified with water harvesting and conservation, ceasing of waterway distributaries, refining and remodel of old lakes and burrowing new lakes are mostly completed under NREGS and there is a need of improvement in making/distinguishing new employment opportunities. Significance ought to be given to forestation under NREGA by connecting it to other ranger service programs. Rural sanitation range additionally included with this program. Advance, works taken up under NREGA stay fragmented, starting new works and surrendered the old deficient works. The structures made under NREGA are washed out amid rainstorm and prompts wastage of financial and HR and finishing and support of works under NREGA ought to be made mandatory. Village development through gainful resource creation ought to be made as an essential target of the plan. Accomplishment of NREGA ought to not exclusively be surveyed regarding employment gave additionally the advantage made. Government ought to take genuine measures to see the cash is used to make resources and along these lines get a genuine change rural economy. Bigi Thomas and Ruby Bhatia(2012) in their Study titled, "Effect of NREGA Scheme: A Study on the Overall Quality of Life of its Beneficiaries, (A Study Undertaken among Beneficiaries of 3 Districts of Gujarat State)" have stated that NREGA had acquired changes the lives of

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CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202 recipients and this progression brought by NREGA are irrelevant and transitory. The income prior and then afterward joining the plan by respondents delineates the positive change acquired out by NREGA the economic state of recipients. Concerning on wellbeing and nourishment the respondents announced that they could have three suppers for each day after NREGA work days. There is a significant distinctive in consumption on education of children yet they can give their children extraordinary care in education. However the NREGA had gotten changes the social existences of recipients. I.J. Charles and J.M. Velmurugan(2018) in their review titled," Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (MGNREGA) : Issues and Challenges" have reasoned that extensive scale social security programs like MGNREGA are subjected to undergo a few hindrances. Government and NGOs must review the effect of MGNREGA in rural regions to guarantee that this gigantic hostile to poverty plan is not getting weakened from its genuine way and to see that the divergence as far as financial condition among people in rural and urban regions is lessened to impressive broaden. Dinesh Das (2015) in his review, "Looking at India's Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act: Its Impact and Women Participation" has analyzed the effect and women support in MGNREGS and mentioned a few weaknesses of the Act as

a) Non-accessibility of child care offices. b) Low level of Awareness. c) Nature of work. d) Poor worksite offices. e) Unlawful nearness of contractors and postponement in payments.

Facilitate the review reasoned that MGMREGA has positive effect on women employment. Women are profited exclusively as they can procure autonomously burn through cash for their own needs, contribute in family use. The picked-up advantages of women as group be comprehended by expanded nearness in grama sabha, talking in gatherings and limit of communication. Poor implementation the country over gathered the gender affectability of this demonstration chiefly in north eastern state. Activities and changes ought to be taken to expel these obstructions. Jyothi Poonia (2017) in his article entitled, "Basic investigation of MGNREGA: Impact and Women Participation" has presumed that NREGA emerges for the way that it is request driven had more prominent lastingness than different plans, covers the entire country and has the potential both to give a base income and invigorated nearby development. The NREGA in its outline has endeavored some gender affectability whereas the public strategy and public work in India have not given careful consideration to gender touchy plan. Assist recommended that in Kerala there has been some move out agriculture into the NREGS basically as for female workers. The NREGS wages are paid through banks energizes investment funds. The NREGS in Kerala can possibly invigorate nearby development if the management and conveyance are great.

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S. Krishnan and A. Balakrishnan (2018) in their review on "Effect of Watershed Works of MGNREGA on Poverty Alleviation – A Micro Level Study" have watched that because of successful implementation of MGNREGA in the review region has expanded development range from 28 for every penny to 36 for each penny because of expanded stockpiling of water , increment paddy development region generation of paddy has upgraded by 68102 kilogram and builds the income and acquiring energy of the cultivating group, the works attempted in this program revamped and moderate the water bodies and water directs and thusly increment the region under development. Advance they watched that the income level of the workers have expanded significantly and the extra income from MGNREGA has enhanced the economic status of the workers family, the real part of the income were spent on food utilization and the program enhanced the level of food utilization among respondent in the review range. A. Muthusamy (2012) in his review titled, "Effect of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Socio–economic Development of Rural People in Sivaganga Region" has presumed that the NREGA addresses itself is mainly used to working people and their fundamental appropriate to live with pride. The achievement of the NREGA however will rely on upon people’s acknowledgment of the go about as a privilege. Powerful levels of mindfulness and managed public weight are critical to guarantee that the implementation issues are tended to and the destinations ought to be accomplished.

S.P. Naganagoud and H.H. Uliveppa(2012) in his article titled, "NREGA under Social Audit: A SWOT Analysis" have noticed a few qualities of social audit under NREGA

Research Methodology

a) Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study is “an analysis on employment generation through NREGA in Meghalaya”.

b) Rationale of the Study

Empowerment is a build utilized as a part of various circles and fields. The term empowerment has been utilized distinctively in various controls. The idea of empowerment infers formal power. Empowerment is a multidimensional social process that peoples pick up control over their own lives. It is a procedure that encourages control in people, communities and society.

c) Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the research study are:

 To study the employment generation through NREGA in Meghalaya  Methods of convergence in MGNREGA in Meghalaya

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d) Research Design:

The study is both an exploratory one and an experimental study. The study attempts to study the employment generation through NREGA in Meghalaya and methods of convergence in MGNREGA in Meghalaya

e) Tools of Data Collection:

Secondary data was collected from the website of the Government of Meghalaya and Government of India namely:,,,, and analyzed to assess the performance of study area.

f) Sampling Procedure:

For the selection of beneficiary respondents three stages were followed. In the first stage purposive sampling method was adopted for the selection of the study area.

Data Analysis

Employment generation through NREGA in Meghalaya

The Meghalaya Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme was prompted on 28th July 2006, after the execution of NREG Act. The Scheme gives honest to goodness confirmation of 100 days of wage employment in a money related year, to grown-up people from families who request employment and arranged to do incompetent manual work. As indicated by Meghalaya State Development Report, at the main stage the Scheme was actualized by Local Employment Councils in South Garo Hills and West Garo Hills territories. Later in the midst of 2007-08, the Scheme was connected with Jaintia Hills, East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi regions and West Khasi Hills and East Garo Hills locales in the midst of April, 2008. The Scheme is bolstered by Central and State government in the extent of 90:10. As the state has no Panchayti Raj Institutions so with the incorporation of nearby innate specialists at the village level, Village Employment Council; at bunch level (4-5 villages inside the scope of 2.5km), Area Employment Council; at square level, Block Employment Council and at locale level, District Employment Council were set up and got opportunity from service for execution of NREGA. The arrangement has been joined with National Rural Health Mission, Mid-Day Meal and TLC in West Garo Hills region. All works are analyzed by village/square/area level authorities. Only 5 to 8 % of the total enrolled individuals got employment transversely finished different age bunches in Meghalaya. East Garo Hills, Jaintia and East Khasi Hills region were better conversely with various areas of the state and it was most exceedingly most exceedingly awful in West Garo Hills locale. NREGA gave employment generally to more young people as around 60

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CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202 for percent of the work oblige selected and also used were under 40 years. Comparative example was found for the amount of people enrolled under the Scheme.

Methods Of Convergence in MGNREGA in Meghalaya

a) Convergence of MGNREGS with PHE Department:

The PHE Department being the Nodal Department for utilization of NBA has organized yearly targets and union plan. Advancement of IHHL was taken up for IAY units earlier and under MGNREGA, each unit is taken up at an upper roof or Rs. 5400/ - as against the total undertaking expense of Rs 10,000/ - per unit.

b) Convergence of MGNREGS with BRGF:

Meghalaya is undulated with slopes and conduits that meet the historic point at different zones. This acknowledged inconvenience in partner a couple of villages with the guideline showcase ranges or the base to the all-climate street. Through MGNREGA, provincial accessibility is given similarly as streets and pathway. There is no plan for advancement of footbridges, courses, etc. BRGF program goes for interfacing the holes that are not secured by MGNREGA. Resources have been pooled from BRGF for supplementing material portion for improvement of footbridge, courses, blacktopping of streets, and advancement of group corridors, check dams, protection divider for keeping up solidness of benefits and giving occupation plans to poor people.

c) Convergence of MGNREGS with BTRRS:

The Black Topping of Rural Road Scheme (BTRRS) is a Scheme exhibited in 2017-18 with a state of making the streets made under MGNREGA more grounded. Since start, a couple of ventures under Rural Connectivity have been made up as a favored move under the NREGS in the province of Meghalaya to upgrade the provincial system. 54% of the total tasks are inside the class of the Rural Connectivity in Meghalaya. Such streets that are fundamental for the promoting of farming and cultivation are sorted out at the locale level and blacktopped through thisscheme. As PMGSY has its own specific norms and union with MGNREGA is troublesome as a result of particular issues, the present plan BTRRS being one of the plans that was solely given with the true objective of provincial change focusing on upgrading street system and quality with the State outline. In the midst of the fundamental year i.e. 2016-17, under the Scheme, each Block has been assisted with 2 km of street to be dark topped at the rate of Rs. 25lakh/km in this manner covering 78 kms in each of the 39 Block domains. In the midst of 2014-15, the assistance has been enhanced to 4kms for each piece. As needs be the State had secured 233 kms in the midst of latest two years and the Scheme has shown satisfactory outcomes. However, in a couple of districts, the bit of Rs 25/ - lakhs per km isn't adequate as per

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CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202 standard calendar of rates. Consequently, it is also proposed to pool the advantages from MGNREGA for work fragment in the midst of 2013-14. The development of holding divider and course, giving side channels, et cetera before blacktopping of as of late fabricated kutcha street ranges from Rs.3.00/ - Lakhs to Rs.10.00/ - Lakhs, contingent upon the geography and soil states of the region.

d) Convergence of MGNREGS and IAY:

For the development of houses for qualified beneficiaries it is recommended that the work will be taken up under joining among MGNREGA and IAY. Under this strategy for union, the beneficiaries included can work up to a biggest of 95-man days. The upper rooftop for responsibility from MGNREGA is Rs. 14535/ - which would be well past the cost of Rs. 75,000/ - per unit. In the midst of the year 20014-15, target is 8433 units and subsequently the union has been proposed covering the goal for the state.

e) Convergence of MGNREGS with the Catalytic Development Programme of Sericulture Department:

In consistence to the handouts and bearings together issued by the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Textiles (MOT), Meghalaya has taken up a combining work under the Catalytic Development Plan (CPD) with the Sericulture Department. To propel efficient estate of Mulberry, Tassar, Muga and Eri silkworm and to give occupation through arrangement of strong assets are a bit of the central objectives of the joining program. The Department of Sericulture, Meghalaya has defined a three year get ready for the foundation of Mulberry, Eri and Muga manors for rearing of silkworm in potential areas. The area and cost to be secured are incorporated for the principal year of estate and for the second and third year just upkeep works is to be attempted.

f) Convergence of MGNREGS with Sericulture Department:

Other than the union of MGNREGS with CDP, another merging project is begun with the Sericulture Department for planting and support of host plants in the raising of silkworm. The Sericulture Department has figured a three (3) years outline under this union mode. The locale to be dealt with and cost reflected is only for the hidden year of planting. In the second and third year, other than help work, more ranges will be taken up from this time forward more family will be secured.

g) Convergence of MGNREGS with Social Welfare Department (ICDS):

With the Social Welfare Department, it is recommended that Anganwadi Centers will be taken up on joining mode under ICDS venture. The Social Welfare Department proposes to create 495 amounts of Anganwadi structures with a normal measure of Rs 6.50 lakhs for each unit aside International Research Journal of Commerce Arts and Science Page 38

CASIRJ Volume 10 Issue 6 [Year - 2019] ISSN 2319 – 9202 from since Rs. 4.50 lakhs just would be borne by the undertaking; the gap would be met from MGNREGA at a measure of Rs. 2 lakh for each unit for untalented work segment. MGNREGA can grow 100% work fragment while material section can be financed by the concerned Line Department. Events are that, the Line Department or executing workplaces can give the required specialized capacity in taking up the work. Appropriately, after comprehensive discourses and on estimating the differed decisions, the going with works are taken up for union for the FY 2014-15.

 Convergence of MGNREGS with Forest Department and Soil & Water Conservation: Development of uncovered lakes and minor irrigation are the two classifications of work proposed to be brought up in convergence with the Soil and Water preservation and the Forest Department.

 Convergence of MGNREGS with Fisheries Department:

Construction of group fishery projects (making of new a lake which includes broad earthwork, burrowing, earth cutting, establishing foundation, and so forth) is proposed to be brought up with the Fisheries Department in every one of the Districts. The Department means to set up 55 units and groups' commitment as far as untalented work could be met from the MGNREGA and usage will be according to the Departmental standards.  Convergence of MGNREGS with Water Resource Department:

The nearness of rivers close paddy fields has made certain harm the fields as the stream continually disintegrates the soil in this way harming the fields and the creation. It is in this way suggested that river holding walls (earthwork, stone pitching, and so on.), be brought up with the Water Resource Department to counteract facilitate corruption of the paddy fields.

 Convergence of MGNREGS with PMGSY:

According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Rural Development, joining of MGNREGS with PMGSY can be taken up at various phases of execution of PMGSY roads. Additionally, different exercises, for example, water harvesting structure, cultivate net roads and road-side ranches are incorporated into the arrangement. As a start, the State has chosen to take up road-side plantation on all PMGSY roads that are finished. The supply of seedlings and technical direction/supervision will be brought in merging with Forest Department.

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Economic development is thought to enable destitute people to think past prompt day by day survival and to practice more noteworthy control over both their assets and life decisions. For instance, it empowers family units to settle on their own choices around making interests in wellbeing and instruction, and going for broke to build their pay. There is additionally some confirmation that economic empowerment can fortify helpless groups‟ support in the basic leadership. Economic empowerment is to guarantee arrangement of preparing for work and pay era exercises with both forward and in reverse linkages with definitive targets of making all people economically free and independent. This paper, development suggests reinforcing the limits of rural poor; empowering them to take part in social and economic exercises and enhancing their general status in the general public. References

1) Amrita Banerjee and Santana Guha, “NREGA and Rural Employment in : An Evaluative Study at Jalpaiguri District”, SIT Journal of Management, Vol. 2, No.2, 2012, pp.74 – 80.

2) Bhurelal Patidar and Dinesh Gupta, “MGNREGA – Issues and Challenges”, Golden Research Thoughts, Vol. 2, Issue 3, September 2017.

3) Bigi Thomas and Ruby Bhatia, “Impact of NREGA Scheme: A Study on the Overall Quality of Life of its Beneficiaries (A Study Undertaken among Beneficiaries of 3 Districts of Gujarat State”, Asia Pacific Journal of SocialSciences, Vol. IV(2), 2012, pp.213 – 227.

4) I.J Charles and J.M. Velmurugan, “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarnatee Act 2018 (MGNREGA): Issues and Challenges”, InternationalJournal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol.2, Issue.6, 2012, pp.253 – 261. 5) Dinesh Das, “Examining India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act : Its Impact and Women Participation”, International Journal of Research in Management, Vol. 6, Issue 2, November 2017, pp.209 – 218.

6) Jyothi Poonia, “Critical Study of MGNREGA: Impact and Women Participation”, International Journal of Human Development and Management Studies, Vol.1, No.1, 2012, pp.35 – 55.

7) S. Krishnan and A. Balakrishnan, “Impact of Watershed Works of MGNREGA on Poverty Alleviation – A Micro Level Study”, Indian Streams ResearchJournal of Business and Management Research, Vol. 2, Issue 7, August 2018.

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8) Muthusamy, “Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Socio – Economic Development of Rural People in Sivaganga Region”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 2012, pp. 214 – 262.

9) S.P. Naganagoud and H.H. Uliveppa, “NREGA under Social Audit: A SWOT Analysis”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 2, February 2012, pp.51 – 55.

10) Shillong Times, Delay in MGNREGA Wage Payment: Meghalaya Tops the Table, July 26, 2016. 11) Dutta A.K., A.K and Prosty. S (2009), “An appraisal of NREGA in the States of Meghalaya and Sikkim” reports-and-resources/reports- submitted-to-the-ministry-of-ruraldevelopment /reports-28-jan-2010/NREGA- IIMShillong-Final%20Report.pdf.

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