0 Offshore Supply and Support Vessels – History Book JUNE 2020 A Westcoasting Product Compiled by Ko Rusman and Herbert Westerwal
[email protected] Compiled by Ko Rusman / Herbert Westerwal June 2020 1 WESTCOASTING 1966 (96-98) Claes Compaen ===> IOSL Discovery ex NVG 5 ‘67 ex Dammtor ‘84 1969 (96-09) Soliman Reys ===> Unicorn ex Deichtor ‘84 INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE SERVICES 1964 (64-75) Lady Diana ===> Diana Tide ‘86 ===> Golden 1 ‘86 ===> broken up 1965 (65-74) Lady Alison ===> Aberdeen Blazer ‘76 ===> Suffolk Blazer ‘87 ===> Dawn Blazer ‘94 ===> Putford Blazer ‘95 ===> Sea King ‘10 ===> My Lady Norma I (65-70) Lady Anita ===> Volans ’17 ===> broken up (72-74) Lady Christine ===> sank ex Hamme (71-75) Lady Isabelle ===> Nan Hai 501 ===> Continued Existence in doubt ex Wumme (65-74) Lady Laura ===> Decca Mariner ‘80 ===> Bon Venture ‘90 ===> Suffolk Venturer ‘91 ===> Britannia Venturer ‘04 ===> Britannia (65-68) Lady Nathalia ===> sank (72-75) Lady Rana ===> Rana ===> Existence in doubt ex Master Marc (65-84) Master Bruno ===> Mariette S ‘84 ===> Deira ‘87 ===> broken up 1966 (66-75) Lady Astri ===> Astri Tide ‘82 ===> Ocean Pearl ‘14 ===> broken up (66-74) Lady Brigid ===> Lowland Blazer ‘76 ===> Suffolk Enterprise ‘84 ===> Lady Brigid ‘90 ===> Northern Lady ‘95 ===> Lady Brigid ‘99 ===> Ocean Mythology (66-72) Lady Carolina ===> Shai ‘80 ===> Palex Supplier ===> Existence in doubt (66-75) Lady Cecilie ===> Cecilie Tide ‘85 ===> Lady Celica ‘88 ===> Lady Katherine ‘92 ===> Wonder ‘95 ===> Alice ‘01 ===> Cecilia ‘08 ===> Sicilia Queen