Paper submitted to the IMP Conference 2013, Atlanta TRENDS TOWARDS FRAGMENTATION OF THE MOBILE PAYMENT MARKET IN SWEDEN Jan Markendahl and Tatjana Apanasevic Wireless@KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract In Sweden many new mobile payment solutions and services have been proposed during the last years. Banks and payment providers have proposed different forms of person to person (P2P) and Point of Sales (PoS) services that are tested and taken into commercial use. The Swedish mobile operators have joined forces and formed a joint venture that offers a separate charging solution that can be used for mobile payments and e-commerce, i.e. not using the phone bill. Early 2013 the SMS ticket for public transportation was changed substantially with the entrance of many new actors. In this paper we use the ARA model (Activities, Resources and Actors) in order to analyse the new mobile payment solutions and services looking into the activities, roles and responsibilities of different actors. We also apply the activity system approach describing the Activity system content, structure and governance and activity design themes indicating the main value creation drivers. The analysed cases include mobile payment services for P2P transactions, payments in shops, and ticketing for public transport and parking. The technology, services, and new constellations of actors seem to work fine but there are challenges for the adoption of new services both due to both the multitude of solutions as well as the need to register and manage new user accounts with the payment providers offering new solutions.