Handelsbanken January – September 2020 21 October 2020 1 Summary Q3 2020 (Q2 2020) . Operating profit, adjusted for foreign exchange movements and items affecting comparability, increased by 14%. Profit was impacted by a provision for a restructuring reserve of SEK -1,470m. Including this item, operating profit decreased by 16% to SEK 4,227m (5,054). Return on equity, adjusted for non-recurring items, was 11.6%. Including these items, the return on equity was 8.4% (10.2). Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.68 (2.00). Adjusted for foreign exchange effects, income grew by 5%. Including these effects, income increased by 4% to SEK 11,014m (10,625). Adjusted for items affecting comparability and foreign exchange, expenses fell by 3%. Including these effects, expenses rose by 23% to SEK -6,738m (-5,474). The C/I ratio, adjusted for non-recurring items, decreased to 47.7% (51.5). Including these items, the C/I ratio increased to 61.2% (51.5). The credit loss ratio was 0.00% (0.00). Expected credit losses in Stage 3 totalled SEK -28m (-11). 2 Summary January – September 2020 (2019) . Adjusted for foreign exchange effects and items affecting comparability, operating profit was virtually unchanged. Including these effects, profit decreased by 10% to SEK 14,423m (16,101). Return on equity, adjusted for non-recurring items, was 10.6% (12.6); including these items, it was 9.7% (11.9). Earnings per share decreased to SEK 5.66 (6.43). The common equity tier 1 ratio increased to 19.4% (17.4). The previously proposed dividend for 2019 is still deducted in own funds.
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