The only magazine in NY in print, online DIGITAL-ONLY and on apps! ISSUE

July 2020

Dizzy's Club Jazz from Home Page 5


ARTURO O’FARRILL ALLAN HARRIS Virtual Birdland Page 3 Birdland Page 7 Where To Go & Who To See Since 1982 2 ARTURO O'FARRILL Jazz in the Time of COVID-19 By Eugene Holley, Jr. HIS YEAR WAS GOING TO BE A Tbig one for the Grammy Award-win- ning pianist, composer, arranger, band- leader and educator Arturo O'Farrill, the founder and artistic director of the 18-piece Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra (ALJO). He had some important festival gigs lined up, sev- eral commissions, plus a rigorous, bicoastal teaching schedule with the Manhattan School of Music and UCLA's Global Jazz Studies Program. He also recently released a new ALJO CD, Four Questions, a compelling and com- prehensive eight-track tour de force, fea- turing Arturo's swinging modern jazz Though the bandleader definitely lost arrangements, propelled by Pan-American out on major work during this worldwide and African rhythms, and an evocative crisis, he is fortunate to continue to find vocal chorus. The album also features the gigs. A long-time fixture at New York's fiery oratory of writer, educator and famed Birdland club, Arturo produces philosopher Cornel West, reading and riff- Virtual Birdland, a weekly Internet broad- ing on four questions posed by the tower- cast that "takes five days of recording a ing African-American author, intellectual rhythm section, recording horns, recording and social scientist W.E.B. Du Bois in his soloists, video editing and sound mixing," epic 1903 book, The Souls of Black Folk: he explains. The series celebrated the cen- What does integrity do in the face of adver- tennial of Charlie Parker's birth with a sity? What does honesty do in the face of performance of the renowned Afro-Cuban lies? What does decency do in the face of Jazz Suite, composed and recorded by insult? How does virtue meet force? Arturo's father, the great Cuban band- Then the pandemic came, and the rest, leader and composer Chico O'Farrill. The unfortunately, was not history. critically acclaimed alto saxophonist "I lost a ton of work," Arturo laments. "I Rudresh Mahanthappa reprises Parker's was supposed to play the Newport Jazz role as the lead soloist on the original Festival and the Rochester Jazz Festival recording. this year. I had two world premieres, one "Every week, we produce new material at the Miller Theater at Columbia for this series," Arturo says. "I have to say, University and at the Joyce Theater with in view of this horrendous murder of the Cuban Ballet Company. I had a film George Floyd, and the tremendous pain premiere for the documentary that was this nation has been going through, it was made about the Fandango Project that we a difficult decision [to go through with the recorded at the border of Mexico and the broadcast]. But I decided that musicians United States. And I was so looking for- make music: That's how we help heal the ward to doing one of the greatest concerts planet. So this is not just a gig, or a cele- of my life: a Carla Bley concert at Town bration of mambo. It's really an attempt to Hall, a [tribute] to one of my greatest stand strong, in the face of an extraordinar- heroes." ily scary and depressing time in history." Arturo, a passionate and articulate With the need for families to shelter in thinker and commentator on musical and place in recent months, Arturo moved his social matters, went into action. With his wife (pianist Alison) and two sons (drum- own money and financial contributions mer Zachary and trumpeter Adam) from from others, he created the Afro-Latin Jazz Brooklyn to live with him in Los Angeles, Alliance Emergency Fund, just days after where he has been staying since the virus the pandemic hit the U.S. Named for the hit. "In this pandemic, my son [Adam] and umbrella organization that includes the I rubbed each other the wrong way a lot," ALJO, the Alliance is a New York-based he notes with a laugh. "But we established nonprofit organization "dedicated to pre- this beautiful bond, of looking at each, and serving the music and heritage of big band forgiving each other, and understanding Latin jazz through performance and edu- each other. And I think we caught that on cation." Arturo raised more than $50,000 one of our livestreams at the Greene for over 150 musicians. "We've been really Space: 'Adam and Arturo O'Farrill Live.' lucky to extend our hands, to help people," he says. continued on page 12

Tarantino cover photo by Anna Yatskevich. O'Farrill photo this page by Matthew Septimus. 3 4 proceeds to organizations like the New Artists Online York Foundation for the Arts and the Jazz Foundation of America, later concerts have ALEXA TARANTINO directed funds to organizations including the NAACP and the Grassroots Law By Seton Hawkins Project. "Neither of us had looked at this as a money-making venture," Alexa explains. "It's been an amazing opportunity to give back." Her online voice has expanded further in recent weeks, as an ongoing relationship with Jazz at Lincoln Center has yielded a second platform, focusing on artist devel- opment and education. The collaboration's output, "The Well-Rounded Musician," is a weekly Thursday webcast during which Alexa discusses aspects of building a life in music. "I've felt there is a lack of informa- tion for students wanting to set them- selves up for success in their careers," she notes. "So I wanted to use the platform to offer a self-motivated, entrepreneurial education." OR MORE THAN THREE MONTHS, "The Well-Rounded Musician" has Fa joyous event has occurred every indeed delivered on providing entrepre- Sunday evening, as saxophonist and neurial training, drawing on Alexa's own flautist Alexa Tarantino and pianist education at Eastman and at Juilliard as Steven Feifke offer a weekly webcast per- well as skills honed on the job via profes- formance, via the Crowdcast platform. sional work. Webcast episodes include dis- Mixing preshow discussions with a warm- cussions on often nonmusical but still cru- ly presented recital, the duo has covered cial topics like developing press kits, hon- material from original compositions to fan ing public-speaking skills, establishing a favorites like the Thelonious Monk song- web presence and more. "While the music book or the works of Miles Davis. Anyone always comes first, if you don't have these tuning in might hear tunes drawn from pieces together, you might not be the first- Alexa's latest album, Clarity (an essential call for the gig," Alexa points out. The con- new quartet record released in June), tent on offer appears to have found an along with audience requests that help to audience: With viewers tuning in from determine forthcoming shows, including a around the world, the webcasts have not celebration of Frank Sinatra. only served to connect viewers with impor- For Alexa, the decision to start stream- tant educational content, they have also ing concerts developed earlier this year, as helped instill a broader sense of community. a tour was winding down. "I was on the In the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, road with Cécile McLorin Salvant in Alexa's work has served as a truly welcome Oakland, and at that point we didn't really and deeply needed respite, and upcoming know what to expect," she recalls. "But on projects of hers like an online summer the road, we were talking about how larg- camp will offer even more touchpoints with er orchestras in Europe were doing live the performance and educational commu- streams from empty halls. When I came nities. The uncertainty of the immediate home, Steven and I decided to start per- future of the performing arts poses an forming right away." Premiering March undeniable hardship and strain on every 15, the first concert offered a wonderful member of the industry. To see an artist mix of material, with a warm and inviting adapt to the current environment and presentation that set the tone for the run. deliver such much-needed performance Indeed, as the series has progressed, Alexa and teaching work is an inspiration for and Steven have refined the presentation many. model, consistently delivering some of their finest playing in a beautifully inti- Catch Alexa Tarantino & Steven mate setting. As much as we all miss clubs Feifke every Sunday for a preconcert and concert halls, these duo shows manage conversation at 7 p.m. and a perform- to offer a closeness between artist and ance at 8 p.m. on audience that even the coziest venue can- You also can hear her every Thursday not deliver. at 9:30 p.m. when she presents the The initial concert also set a precedent "The Well-Rounded Musician with for the pair, harnessing the events to help Alexa Tarantino" series at www.face raise funds in support of social good. While To the original streams focused on aid for learn more about Alexa's projects, musicians, dedicating 25 percent of the visit

5 6 ing my way, writing out scripts, putting set lists together." ALLAN HARRIS Once a week Allan takes a solo turn on Lifelong Learning "Harlem After Dark," just the man and his guitar, delving into a vast and varied By Elzy Kolb repertoire encompassing Billy Strayhorn, Charlie Pride, , Marvin Gaye and his own compositions. Other times, he's joined at home by musicians such as bassist Marty Kenney and pianist Arcoiris Sandoval. Drummer and percussionist Shirazette Tinnin has also been on hand, as on the special Juneteenth presentation, when Allan debuted a song he's written in the wake of George Floyd's murder. The stream included saying the names of vic- tims of police brutality; readings from Harriet Tubman, James Baldwin, Marian Anderson, and Abraham Lincoln, among others; and a tender rendering of Ellington's "Come Sunday." On the Juneteenth stream, "Terror in America is going to end in my generation," declared Allan, who has raised money for Black Lives Matter on a previous stream. In a recent phone interview, he attributed his optimism to the throngs of younger people of all races and backgrounds who HE GALE-FORCE WINDS OF have taken to the streets and to social Tchange we've experienced in recent media to show their support for equality months have triggered a period of intro- and justice. "There's a mood happening, in spection and re-evaluation for singer, com- this country and in this world, that's won- poser, actor, and guitarist Allan Harris. derful and transcends racism. The young "I've been spending a lot of time with my people are coming together, they're doing it music and myself. I haven't been alone in on their own without anger and bitter- my mind for quite a while. I'm not as excit- ness." ing as I thought I was, I'm not that spe- He continues, "They know we're in the cial," he muses, a dubious claim in light of same boat together, that we can row the many and varied projects he has in the together, and that lets us move in the works. direction we want to move in." Describing himself as his "own worst Allan enjoys playing and spending time critic," Allan has been rethinking his per- with younger people, relating to their forming technique, reevaluating how he enthusiasm and joy as they discover uses space on stage, how he tells stories, artists, activists and authors from previous how he relies on the band. "It's an ego generations, such as Nikki Giovanni, Maya breaker, but it's good. I think I'm growing." Angelou and Ralph Ellison. "The young His increasing social media presence people are going full force now. They're like during the pandemic has been at least a a sponge, they squeeze out that water of partial motivator for Allan's stepped-up wisdom and are very inclusive," he says. self-improvement regimen. Since March, "They know their music, but they also he has been livestreaming "Harlem After know ours." Allan recently created a Dark, Unplugged with Allan Harris" twice Spotify playlist, "Power to the People," weekly, and also has appeared on "Blue comprising the likes of Bob Dylan, Gil Note at Home" and other streams. "We Scott-Heron, Bob Marley, Sam Cooke and need music more than ever now," he notes Nina Simone, to share some of the music on his FB timeline. he considers influential. "Being a personality on camera is a lot He's also happy to learn from his different from being onstage, where you younger friends, colleagues and associates. can pick up nuances in the audience "I had a hard time getting into their response," Allan points out. "You can see music," Allan admits, "but I'm getting into them smiling, clapping, notice lovers look- it now, and it's opening new avenues in my ing at each other during a ballad. mind and in the melodies. Music reflects Streaming from my man cave, I have to the times, and I'm going through my imagine what the listener is doing. Now I discography with that in mind. I'm putting have to go inside myself to find my brava- a twist on my own songs to make them do. It's hard for a performer to be more inclusive, so they're not based on a unabashed without an audience. I'm feel- continued on page 12


DAILY 12 Blue Note at Home 6pm Lincoln Center at Home presents Ethan Iverson Memorial For Us All Mark Morganelli Vocal Jazz Jam by Jocelyn Medina with special guest Ted Rosenthal Music on the Inside feat Music While We're Inside hosted by Antoinette Montague Rossano Sportiello with special guests 014915972 7pm Acute Inflections 12:45pm:Russ Kassoff’s Video Jazz Deli Kate Edmonson 5pm Art Is Live Alexa Tarantino & Steven Feifke pre- concert conversation + 8pm concert 6pm: Ginetta Vendetta 8:30pm Virtual Birdland feat Arturo O'Farrill & the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra 7pm: Jay Leonhart 9pm Sunday Evening Jazz with Ron 10pm Quarantine Concert Series hosted by Jackson Kabir Sehgal with special guest 10pm Sammy Miller & The Congregation MONDAY-FRIDAY 5pm Alternative Venues For Jazz Mondays jazz 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Swing University 6pm Mike Greensill 1pm Fred Hersch at Home WEEKLY 3pm Gunhild Carling Trombone Q&A Sundays Cynthia Hilts 12pm Bria Skonberg uplifting songs, sto- ries and singalongs 4pm JALC Master Class 3pm Gunhild Carling in the Garden 7:30pm Emmet Cohen Trio Live From Emmet’s Cynthia Hilts Mingus Monday Live Byron Stripling, Bobby Floyd & Andy Woodson 8pm Nicki Parrott presents Chez Nicki Jams 4pm Ben Rosenblum 9pm Skain’s Domain A Conversation with 5pm Champian Fulton str=k*F Live From Dizzy’s Club 9:30pm Jonathan Karrant Rachel Therrien ic_streaming_session/74258 9 Tuesdays 3pm Gunhild Carling 12pm Live From Dizzy’s A Closer Listen with Seton Hawkins 7:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Club 2pm On the Road with Riley Mulherkar 9pm Kelly Green & Luca Soul Duo 3pm Gunhild Carling Q&A 9:30pm The Well-Rounded Musician with Alexa Tarantino 7pm Gabriel Chakarji & Friends Live at the Bronx Music House Fridays NJPAC @ home feat Tunes on 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Swing University Tuesdays 2pm Carl Allen 7:30pm Harlem After Dark, Unplugged Series Cross That River feat Allan Harris 3pm Kevin Hays Facebook Live series 8pm The Jazz Gallery Zoom Dance Party 4pm JALC Master Class 8:30pm Newvelle Online Listening Session 5pm Samora Pinderhughes Solo sion?mc_cid=5b67c68e33&mc_eid=cdda309883 Nicole Zuraitis Wednesdays 8:30am From The Vaults archival concert pub- lished 6pm Gunhild Carling Chat 12:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Conversations with 7pm Lizzie Thomas & John Colianni Duo Wynton 7:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Club 3pm Cynthia Hilts 8pm Hang @ Home with Christian McBride 4pm Monika Herzig & Peter Kienle + Melissa Walker JALC Master Class 8:30pm Jason Yeager & Julie Benko Present Quarentunes 5pm Bria Skonberg uplifting songs, sto- ries and singalongs 9pm Yoko Miwa 5:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Swing University Saturdays 6pm Gunhild Carling Singalong 1pm Gunhild Carling Family Jazz Brunch with Renaud Penant 8pm WaHi Wednesday Jazz Hang Jazz Vocal Repertoire Hang 45 9pm Acute Inflections 2pm Sinne Eeg Chloe Perrier on the Grass Harlem After Dark, Unplugged Series Cross That River feat Allan Harris Thursdays 12pm Live From Dizzy’s A Closer Listen 2:30pm Larry & Jake Newcomb with Seton Hawkins tarmethod Chloe Perrier 1pm Gunhild Carling Family

10 4pm Monty Alexander Reminiscing in Natalie Cressman, D Obed Calvaire, TP Riddim Shane Endsley, V Theo Bleckmann, 8pm Terri Lyne Carrington, Kris Davis & Val Jeanty; 4: 3pm concert feat Lionel Loueke, 8pm Kurt Rosenwinkel; 5: 11am concert feat 5pm Monika Herzig & Peter Kienle Sarah Charles & Jarrett Cherner, 1pm webi- nar with Tyshawn Sorey, 3pm Billy Childs & Patrice Rushen, 8pm Jason Lindner; 6: 1pm 5:30pm Eric Comstock & Barbara Fasano TP Alex Sipiagin, G Ben Monder, TB Jacob present 72andsong series Garchik, W Miguel Zenón, P Miki Yamanaka, M Riza Printup, B Tim Lefebvre, 3pm Fab DuPont & Steve Rodby; 7: 1pm TP Chloe Rowlands, D Eric Harland, V Luciana Souza, 7pm Jazz Forum @ Home G Mark Letteri, B Matt Brewer, P Rachel Eckroth, 3pm Kenny Werner & Ben Wendel; 8: 1pm V Fay Victor, B Jorge Roeder, TP 7:30pm Live From Dizzy’s Club Marcus Printup, G , TB Marshall Gilkes, D Matt Wilson, W Melissa Aldana, P Shai Maestro, 3pm Inara George & 8:30pm Phil Palombi & Kat Gang Michelle Willis; 9: 1pm W Jane Ira Bloom, V Containment Concert Kate McGarry & Keith Ganz, G Kevin Eubanks, B Mai Leisz, D Nate Wood, 3pm Michael League & Louis Cole, 8pm Zakir Hussain; 10: 1pm G Dave Gilmore, W Donny 9pm Yoko Miwa McCaslin, D Jamison Ross, B John Clayton, V Kurt Elling, TP Nadje Noordhuis, P Orrin Tamir Hendelman Solo Evans, TB Robin Eubanks, M Sara Caswell, 3pm Cecile McLorin Salvant & Rudresh Mahanthappa, 8pm Chris Potter; 11: 1pm webinar with Jim McNeely & Miho Hazama, 3pm Chad Lefkowitz-Brown & Adam Neely, JULY LISTINGS 8pm Ingrid Jensen & the Que-Tee Trio; 12: 11am concert feat Ryan Truesdell, 1pm TP ART IS LIVE: Bria Skonberg, W David Sanchez, V Kate certs. Online sets: 5pm. Jul 1: Tomeka Reid; Baker, G Sheryl Bailey, webinar with Nic 2: Jo Wallfish; 3: Chloe Rowlands; 4: J'royce Hard & Pete Karam, 3pm Gargi Shinde & Jata; 5: Elsa Nillson; 6: Margaret Morris; 7: Fritzie Brown, 8pm Gerald Clayton. Alexa Barchini; 8: Kari vander Kloot; 9: The NEW BRUNSWICK JAZZ PROJECT: Arooj Aftab; 10: Kavita Shah; 11: Darrian Check website. Douglas; 12: Ayo Awosika; 13-31: check SHANGHAI JAZZ: 24 Main St. Madison, NJ. website. Check website. BIRDLAND & BIRDLAND THEATER: 315 W SMALLSLIVE JAZZ CLUB: https://www.smalls 44th St (bet 8th & 9th Aves). New York, NY. Online sets: 4:45-6:30pm. Jul 1: www.birdlandjazz. com. Check website. Jul Marc Devine Gp; 2: David Liebman Trio; 3: 15: Allan Harris; 28: John Fedchock NY Sxt. Rodney Green Gp; 4: Sullivan Fortner Gp; 5: CARAMOOR CENTER FOR MUSIC AND Lew Tabackin Gp; 6: Ken Peplowski Qrt; 7: THE ARTS: 149 Girdle Ridge Rd. Katonah, Victor Lewis Gp; 8: Nicole Glover Trio; 9: NY. Jul 25: 7pm (rain Michael Cochrane Gp; 10: Mike Moreno Qrt; date 07/26) Concert on the lawn feat Rachael 11: Itai Kriss & Telavana; 14: Miki Yamanaka & Vilray. Gp; 15: Gp; 16: Jonathan The JAZZ GALLERY: https://www.jazz Barber; 17: Scott Robinson Qrt; 20: Ethan 646-494-3625. Online concerts. Iverson Gp; 24: Ken Fowser Gp; 25: The Jul 1-8: closed; 9: 8pm Ravi Coltrane Qrt; Zebtet; 26: Santi Debriano. 13: 6pm Joel Ross; 16: 8pm Immanuel SOAPBOX GALLERY: https://www.soapbox Wilkins; 18: 7pm Endless Field, Tropos, Sara Online sets: 7pm. Jul 1: Serpa & Justin Brown; 20: 6pm Mike Lafayette Harris; 3: Claudia Acuña; 5: Lisa Moreno; 23: 8pm Theo Bleckmann & Hoppe & Santiago Leibson Duo; 7: 11am Endless Field. New England Conservatory Jazz Festival; JAZZVOICE.ORG: 11: Emilio Teubal; 15: Luis Perdomo; 18: teachers. Online masterclasses. July 9: 2pm Lewis Porter; 19: Jim & Kathy Ridl; 23: Johnny O’Neal; 18: 3pm Karrin Allyson; 23: James Weidman; 25: Hayes Greenfield & 9pm Jane Monheit; 29: 9pm John Proulx. Dean Johnson; 26: Luis Perdomo & Mimi LIVE FROM OUR LIVING ROOMS: Jones. VILLAGE VANGUARD ONLINE: schedule. Online events: 1pm workshops - Online voice (V), woodwinds (W), trumpet (TP), concerts. Check website. trombone (TB), drums (D), bass (B), piano (P), guitar (G), misc (M); 3pm webinars; 8pm concerts. Jul 1: 1pm P Christian Sands, D Clarence Penn, V Genevieve Artadi, M Joe Hot House is not Locke, TB Kalia Vandever, G Lage Lund, W Mark Turner, B Rufus Reid, TP Theo Croker, responsible for any 3pm Katherine McViker, Lydia Liebman & Danny Melnick, 8pm Gretchen Parlato & errors in the listings Alan Hampton; 2: 1pm B Ben Williams, G Gilad Hekselman, M Gregoire Maret, P Helen which may have occured Sung, D Johnathan Blake, V Michael Mayo, TP Mike Rodriguez, TB Ryan Keberle, W Tia from late changes. Please Fuller, 3pm Eric Lense & Maria Schneider, 8pm Rachel Z & Omar Hakim; 3: 1pm W Alex check websites for up to Hahn, P Carmen Staaf, B Endea Owens, G Horace Bray, M Michela Marino Lerman, TB date calendars.


JAZZ ANECDOTE BY BILL CROW Bill Crow's books "Jazz Anecdotes" and "From Birdland to Broadway" can be found at your favorite bookstore, and at along with many interesting photos and links. Eli Dimeff played with the bands of Si Zentner and Buddy Morrow, among others. When he decided to leave the music business, he found a job at the Belmont Plaza Hotel. He noticed that many racing fans filled the hotel during the Belmont Stakes, and he proposed that the hotel restaurant offer an item on the menu called the Belmont Steak Special. The idea was so successful that Eli was promoted to assistant manager, got a raise in pay, got week-ends off, and a free meal in the restaurant every evening. But he was told he could order anything but steaks or chops, and so he never got to enjoy the Belmont Steak Special. Jim Collier was in Moscow some years back on a writing job, and was hanging out with some Russian jazz guys—musicians, critics, etc. One of them said, "Jeem, you look like Zoot Seems." Jim was surprised and said, "Really?" The guy then said, "All Americans look like Zoot Seems."

O’FARRILL...continued from page 3 HARRIS...continued from page 7 It's the most awesome, sensitive, beautiful certain period but on the era we're in music I've ever performed in my life." today." Arturo found common ground and new As New York eases into reopening, musical inspiration playing with his son Allan continues to work on new projects through this sad and painful time in a and revisit some existing ones with his world ravaged by disease and racism. He wife and creative partner, Pat Harris. The hopes that the jazz community—which he pair is writing a novel based on their stage sees as a stratified binary between "tradi- play, Cross That River, fleshing out char- tionalists and modernists"—will form a acters and storylines to present a broader more diversified and integrated union, picture of the West after the Civil War. inspired by the multiracial protests led by The play has been mounted several times, the Black Lives Matter movement, which including an off-Broadway run in 2007; are unifying people around the planet. keep an eye out for 2021 productions. "I think that jazz musicians are going to The twosome is also developing a series have to take a long, hard look at how we of intimate gigs in various cities spotlight- align ourselves," Arturo muses. "If we don't ing local artists, which will be videoed for think of ourselves as part of each other's broadcast or streaming. And the new year life and a part of each other's music, then will bring a new Allan Harris album, we haven't learned the lessons. I'd like to Kate's Soulfood, which was originally slat- see a lot more cross-pollination between ed to drop this summer. the worlds of jazz. That's what I hope These turbulent times have brought to would happen." Allan's mind words of comfort and encour- agement he often heard from his mother Arturo O'Farrill performs every and aunts while growing up. "Everything Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at Virtual Birdland. continued on page 19

A Moment You Missed by Fran Kaufman Hot House Contributing Photographer My camera and I have spent way too many days and nights at home, since all jazz venues shut down in March. Since then, I've searching in my files for photos that mean a lot to me and, I hope, to you. This year has been particularly difficult for the jazz community, with the loss of live venues and also of some of our favorite musicians. Here, two giants who left us in 2020—drummer and pianist Harold Mabern—consult before their last joint gig at Smoke Jazz & Supper Club. RIP, fellas. It won't be the same without you.

12 STAY-IN TUNES July New CD Releases

Regina Carter Freedom Band Swing States: Harmony in the Battleground , violin; Jon Batiste, piano; John Daversa, trumpet & ; Alexis Cuadrado, bass; Kabir Sehgal, bass & percussion; Harvey Mason, drums; guest Brian Gorrell, tenor sax.

Gerald Clayton Happening: Live at the Village Vanguard (Blue Note) Gerald Clayton, piano; Logan Richardson, alto sax; Walter Smith III, tenor sax; Joe Sanders, bass; Marcus Gilmore, drums.

Ryan Cohan Originations (Origin Records) Ryan Cohan, piano; James Cammack, bass; Michael Raynor, drums; John Wojciechowski, flute, alto flute, clar- inet & tenor sax; Geof Bradfield, bass clarinet & soprano sax; Tito Carrillo, trumpet & flugelhorn; Omar Musfi, riqq, frame drum & dumbek; the KAIA String Quartet with Victoria Moreira & Naomi Culp, violin; Amanda Grimm, viola; Hope DeCelle, cello.

Eddie Daniels Night Kisses: A Tribute To Ivan Lins (Resonance Records) Eddie Daniels, clarinet, flute & tenor sax; Josh Nelson, Kuno Schmid & Dave Grusin, piano; Bob James, piano & keyboard; Kevin Axt, bass; Mauricio Zottarelli, drums; Harlem Quartet, strings.

13 Tony Davis Golden Year (Posi-Tone Records) Tony Davis, guitar; David Bryant, piano; Dezron Douglas, bass; Eric McPherson, drums; with Steve Wilson, alto sax & flute; Steve Davis, trombone; Alina Engibaryan, vocals; JK Kim, drums.

Michael Dease Never More Here (Posi-Tone) Michael Dease, trombone; Steve Wilson, woodwinds; , piano; Gerald Cannon, bass; Lewis Nash, drums; with Diego Rivera, tenor sax; Markus Howell, alto sax; Randy Brecker, trumpet; Luther Allison, piano; Jocelyn Gould, guitar; Rufus Reid & Endea Owens, bass; Jason Tiemann, drums.

Beth Duncan I'm All Yours (Saccat Records) Beth Duncan, vocals; Joe Gilman, piano; Steve Homan, guitar; Matt Robinson, bass; Rick Lotter, drums; Jacam Manricks, sax, synth strings & flute; Tom Peron, trumpet; Joe Mazzaferro, trumpet & flugelhorn; Brian Kendrick, bongos, congas & triangle; Guy Kowarsh, shaker.

John Fedchock NY Sextet Into The Shadows (Summit Records) John Fedchock, trombone; Scott Wendholt, trumpet; Walt Weiskopf, tenor sax; Allen Farnham, piano; David Finck, bass; Eric Halvorson, drums.

14 Derrick Gardner, Big dig! Band Still I Rise (Impact Jazz) Derrick Gardner, trumpet; Mark Gross, alto & soprano saxes; Greg Gatien, alto sax; Rob Dixon & Tristan Marti- nuson, tenor sax; Ken Gold, baritone sax; Bijon Watson, Jeff Johnson, Curtis Taylor & Andrew Littleford, trumpet; Vincent Gardner, Joel Green, Anthony Bryson & Bill Green, trombone; Zen Zadravec, piano; Luke Sellick, bass; Kasey Kurtz, guitar; Curtis Nowosad, drums.

Eddie Henderson All-Star Quintet Shuffle and Deal (Smoke Sessions Records) Eddie Henderson, trumpet; , alto sax; Kenny Barron, piano; Gerald Cannon, bass; Mike Clark, drums.

Omer Kringel Okan Project Omer Kringel, piano, keys, programming & vocals; Lazaro Antonio Gonzalez Lopez, Adir Cochavi & Luis Bravo, trumpet; Frank Echeverry, bombardino; Oded Meir & Carlos Latoche, trombone; Tomer "George" Cohen & Alvaro Martinez, tenor sax; Carlos Castrillon, clarinet; Fernando Martinez "Chicho", piano; Shacham Ohana & Lior Ozeri, bass; Omer Idan, guitar; Felipe Pumarada, gui- tar & bass; Yankale Segal, bass, bouzuki & baglama; Eyal Heller, guitar & palmas; Ido Maimon, Aryam Hernandez, Sebastain Blackburn & Tal Cohen, drums; J. Hoard, Gissele Ferrer, Yassel Sotomayor Vazquez, Raycel Sotomayor Vazquez, Linda Caldas, Lali de la Hoz, Miguel Rosando, Ana Polanco, Wilder Amado, Sofia Buitrón & Elisee Akowendo, vocals; Juan Epifanio Baz, vocal, bombo, wasa & cunono; Hermes Castro Caicedo, rap; Heryberto Bonilla Granja, marimba; Marvin Diz, Jose Angel Blanco, Yasmane Santos & Gianfranco Ramos "RAFI", percussion; Roxana Valdez, timbal, Tambor Alegre & campana; Nadav Gvir, oud; Eyal Sella, bansuri; Nadav Gaiman, congas & cam- pana; Jafet Andrade Mosquera, bombo, platillos & redolante; Nadav Gaiman, congas, percussion & bongos; Eyal Sella, bansuri, ney & whistle flute; Yaara Beeri, kamanche; Israel Katumba, percussion, palmas & vocals; Javier Katumba, palmas; Yaniv Taichman, oud, saz & violin; Israel Barrero, Ramon Ocaranza & Jose Angel Blanco, bata; Roxana Valdez, tambor alegre; Sefi Asfori, oud, violin & gambosh.

15 Susie Meissner I Wish I Knew (LydianJazz Records) Susie Meissner, vocals; John Swana, trumpet; Larry McKenna, sax; Lee Smith, bass; Byron Landham, drums; with Ken Peplowski, clarinet; John Shaddy, piano; Paul Meyers, guitar.

Mafalda Minnozzi Sensorial - Portraits in Bossa & Jazz Mafalda Minnozzi, vocals; Paul Ricci, guitar; Art Hirahara, piano; Essiet Okon Essiet & Harvie S, bass; Victor Jones, drums; Rogerio Boccato, percussion; Will Calhoun, Udu drum & shaker.

Jorge Perez-Albela The Time is Now Sissy Castrogiovanni, vocals; Tim Ray, piano & keyboard; Jesse Williams, bass; Jorge Perez-Albela, drums, cymbals, Peruvian cajon, per- cussion & vocals; guests Lihi Haruvi, soprano & alto saxes; Santiago Paredes, vocals & guitar; Phil Grenadier, trumpet.

Chico Pinheiro City of Dreams Chico Pinheiro, guitar & vocals; Tiago Costa, piano, keyboard & Fender Rhodes; Bruno Migotto, bass; Edu Ribeiro, drums; with Chris Potter.

16 Jorge Roeder El Suelo Mío (T-Town Records) Jorge Roeder, double-bass.

Jordan Seigel Beyond Images (Wonderbird Music) Jordan Seigel, piano; Alex Boneham, bass; Christian Euman, drums; Natsuki Sugiyama, sax & flute.

Julian Shore Where We Started (Tone Rogue Records) Julian Shore, piano & synths; Dayna Stephens, tenor & soprano saxes; Ben Monder, guitar; Caroline Davis, alto sax; Oded Tzur, tenor sax; Edward Perez, bass; Colin Stranahan, drums.

Alexa Tarantino Clarity (Posi-Tone) Alexa Tarantino, alto, soprano saxes, flute & alto flute; Steve Feifke, piano & Fender Rhodes; Joe Martin, bass; Rudy Royston, drums.

17 Shirazette & Sonic WallPaper Band Sonic WallPaper Vol. 1 - The Cards, That, Life, Can, Deal (She Beats 2 Productions & Records) Shirazette Tinnin, drums, background vocals; Nimrod Speaks, bass; Arcoiris Sandoval, keyboard & piano; Seth L. Johnson, guitar; Steffanie Christi'an, Shayna Small, Charenée Wade & Courtney Cook, vocals; Charisa TheViolinDiva, violin; Christopher McBride, alto sax; Corey Wallace, trombone.

Dan Willis and Velvet Gentlemen The Monk Project (Belle Avenue Records) Dan Willis, tenor, soprano & baritone saxes; Pete McCann, guitar; Ron Oswanski, Fender Rhodes; Evan Gregor Driscoll, bass; John Mettam, drums; guests Kermit Driscoll, bass; Ian Froman, drums.

Nicole Zuraitis All Wandering Hearts (Dot Time Records) Nicole Zuraitis, vocals; Alex Busby, bass; Idan Morim, guitar; Carmen Staaf, Rhodes & organ; Dan Pugach, drums; Thana Alexa & Elise Testone, vocals; Chase Potter, strings.

18 John Fedchock NY Sextet

Tuesday July 28 7:00pm & 9:30pm Birdland 315 W. 44th St. New York, NY 212-581-3080 CD Release Celebration!

"Timeless hard bop, free of cliché"

Sign-up for our E-ALERT at and be the 1st to know when the latest Hot House is available on line. HARRIS...continued from page 12 happens for a reason," they'd tell him when the going got tough. "This could be a bless- ing in disguise." Their wisdom continues to resonate and encourage him. PUBLISHER/MANAGING EDITOR: Gwen Kelley (formerly Calvier) Hear Allan Harris live at Birdland [email protected] VP OPERATIONS: Jazz Club July 15. His "Harlem After Joseph Kelley Dark, Unplugged with Allan Harris" [email protected] streams at CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Elzy Kolb AllanHarrisBand, Tuesdays at 7:30 [email protected] p.m. and Saturdays at 2 p.m. PRODUCTION & ART DIRECTOR: Karen Pica [email protected] CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Ken Dryden, Ken Franckling, Raul da Gama, Seton Hawkins, Eugene Holley Jr., Stephanie Jones, George Kanzler, Elzy Kolb, Michael G. Nastos, Don Jay Smith, Addie Vogt, Eric Wendell CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER: Fran Kaufman

For advertising requests and listing information contact Gwen Kelley 203-434-4646/[email protected]

Hot House Jazz Magazine is published monthly and all copyrights are the property of Gwen Kelley. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced without written permission of the President. Domestic subscriptions areavailable for $37 annually (sent first class). For Canada $39 and international $50.

PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dave N Dittmann CO-FOUNDERS: Gene Kalbacher, Lynn Taterka & Jeff Levenson COPY EDITOR: Yvonne Ervin 2012-2019 For press releases and CD revues send a copy to Gwen Kelley: 219 Riveredge Drive, Chatham, NJ 07928