The Three Towers February 2015

Serving the communities in and around Edenham, & Witham on the Hill, including Toft, Lound and Manthorpe

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Parish Notices

CONGRATULATIONS to Katherine (nee Clifford) and Nigel Jordan on the birth of Imogen Catherine on 11 December. A third grand- daughter for Angela and David. GOOD LUCK to Andrew and Sally Harris in your new home in Little Bytham. BAPTISM Billy Smith, son of Poppy (nee Kirkwood) and Jim, on 7 December 2014. CAROL SINGING in Witham-on-the-Hill and in Manthorpe raised £136.47 and £217. 04 respectively - and these ARE 2 VERY RESPECTABLE sums! Thanks to everyone who generously donated and especially those who gave out refreshments. Wonderful singing by both groups - well done to all who sang their hearts out once again. CONGRATULATIONS Wilf and Jo Vergette and their family for getting into their newly rebuilt house before Christmas! WELCOME: Nicola and Simon Lawton who have moved into Chippenham House in Manthorpe. Mathew and Brigid Donnison who have moved into Kerbeck in Manthorpe. We hope that you will all be very happy in our community.

MR FOTHERGILL’S GARDENING CLUB I have the seed catalogues for 2015. If anyone would like to order seeds please let me know. I will submit an order early in February. If the bulk order is over £300 in total, each person gets discount of 40%, and if over £150 discount is 20%. This applies only to seeds – onion sets, potatoes, plants, and trees get a 10% discount. In addition, for every 5 packets you order, the cheapest one is free. What a good deal! Jane Clark tel 01778 590232.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] THE VICAR’S WRITES charismatic figure with a ruthless streak. He ordered the deaths of I am often asked, "What do you those who questioned his think about Islam?" My authority and he himself took part perspective on Islam is founded in the beheading of many of his chiefly on my studies of Medieval enemies. Although a ‘peace code’ History. At University I read some can be drawn together from the of the Koran seeking to Koran, it sets out a world view of understand the remarkable rise of conflict between Islam – the Islam and its conquest of North community of peace and Africa. In the space of a few fellowship with Allah - and the decades, in the seventh century, it Infidel – that is to say anyone supplanted a vibrant Christian outside Islam. War is a tool and culture and established a power means of conversion and the base to which the Eastern Koran emphasises that Allah Mediterranean succumbed. At blesses those who fight for him. another stage I studied the ‘When you throw the spear, Allah Crusades and the rise of the throws it with you’ is one verse I Ottoman Empire. Some years remember. Powered by this creed later I found myself in exchange the highly skilled Arab Cavalry led visits with the Greek Orthodox by Mohammed tore through North Church and gained insight from Africa declaring victory for Allah. friends there about life under the Turkish occupation – which in Herein lays the problem for some parts of Greece did not end moderate Muslims. It is very until 1921. difficult to condemn outright the use of violence for religious What did I learn? I learnt that reasons. In France there are six Mohammed cannot be compared million Muslims. In recent surveys to Jesus or Buddha, both of whom one in ten declared support for history teaches were pacifists and militant Islam – that is six hundred peacemakers. Mohammed was a thousand supporters of those warrior and a war lord. He was a most of us would see as terrorists.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Last week the Islamic University of outlaw it in this part of England is Cairo condemned ISIS for their there? violence but also stated that they News from the Regional House could not be declared heretics. Given the foundation of Islam, the Thursday 26th February and 5th, example of its founder and the 12th, 19th and 26th March: weeping wound of religious Edenham Regional House Lent conflict in the Middle East, only the Evenings. 7:30pm – 9:00pm. most naïve western liberal ‘Asking the Fathers’ believes that sword of Islam can Introduction to the Apostolic be easily sheathed. Fathers: Clement of Rome, I am often asked what should we Polycarp of Smyrna, Ignatius of do in the face of militant Islam. Antioch, Justin Martyr and The answer to that is simple: Tertullian. These evenings will "Practice your Faith with the same introduce the men who helped discipline as Muslims practice develop Christian life and theirs." understanding of the generation after the Apostles. Polycarp, for Most religious practice in Islam is example, knew John the Apostle. derived from Christianity – pilgrimage, feast and fast (for forty Days of reflection: Friday 27th days) weekly worship, the Holy February: ‘Stillness, quiet and Book, daily prayer and so it goes waiting’. on. Significantly in Greece church A time for prayerful reflection on a bells were banned for four winter’s day led by Canon Valerie centuries by the Turks in order to Rampton who uses many allow the call to prayer to be resources in different media as aid heard. Isn’t it shame we are short to meditation and prayer. of bell-ringers to call the church to prayer and mark our Holy Days. On Saturday 21st February we Or has no one noticed the bells will be hosting another ‘Live are often silent now? No need to Lounge ‘ session by ‘Smuggler Jack’ in the Vicarage. ‘Smuggler

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Jack’ is a five piece band playing original songs as well as some golden oldies. Tickets are £15 and include a two course supper and free drink. Numbers are limited so please do book early!

Food for Thought: Every Thursday in Lent at St Andrew's Parish Hall

1100 - Coffee and Bible Study

1200 - Lunch.

For more details ring 01778 591358 or see posters.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Fire Station News drag and skid her out of the stable After a quiet time the incidents in on her back. Salvage sheets were the last couple of months have laid out to act as skid aids and it been many and varied. We were took all of us pulling on lines and called out to an animal rescue manoeuvring her legs with crooks emergency in Sutton St James – before the horse unceremoniously the journey in itself was eventful, finally came out into the stable the fen roads testing out the yard on her back. We then allowed appliance suspension to its the horse to recover before once maximum. On arrival we were again using straps to help to pull faced with an aging thoroughbred her back to her legs and this time horse laying on its side in a stable we were successful. A very and unable to get up because of emotional owner was able to walk the limited space combined with a her around the yard, a little the rheumatoid leg. With the roof worse for wear but remarkably timbers not substantial enough to agile after its ordeal. do any winching, we were faced A road traffic accident in thick fog with getting long straps under and just outside presented around the animal, attaching them us with different challenges. On to lines and physically trying to pull arrival, there were casualties the horse to its hooves. The horse thrown clear from a head-on crash had been down a long time and and one passenger trapped inside although very tired and distressed, a vehicle. It was then a matter of it soon reminded us of its power as prioritising which casualty to deal it flailed around its stable sending with first. With a crew of five, we all of us scurrying for cover. One were glad to see the police already kick from those powerful legs on scene and dealing the traffic could do unimaginable damage. build up. With this not working we decided The passenger in the vehicle the only chance we had of getting actually appeared to be the least her standing again would be to injured of everyone and, leaving a

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] casualty carer with him, we building". Our local knowledge assessed the remaining two gave us an advantage over other casualties who were being cared crews attending and within a few for by passers-by. ’s minutes we were in attendance. appliance was next to arrive and I On approach the wing tip of the was able to instruct them to begin aircraft could be seen jutting out the extrication of the casualty in from a bungalow roof. The air the car. ambulance crew were already in With the help of two of Corby’s attendance but were unable to personnel they set about cutting approach too closely because of the roof off the vehicle. Active the fuel pouring out from bottom safety systems in modern cars facing wing. We quickly deployed present us with all sorts of a hosereel and a dry powder challenges and Grantham’s Crew extinguisher. Utilising the short Manager was so impressed by the extension ladder, we were able to knowledge of one of our get air ambulance crew up to the Firefighters, Matt Smith, that he pilot who was still stranded in his singled him out for special praise damaged cockpit. Although very at the incident. One of the great confused and disorientated, he advantages of retained firefighters had what appeared to be only is the many and varied personal slight injuries. trade skills that we can bring into Our main problem was getting the play at an incident. Thankfully pilot down from his perilous none of the casualties appeared to position. Grantham’s rescue be seriously injured and they were appliance carries a Heavy Goods soon all on their way to hospital in Vehicle access platform which we the care of the ambulance crews. able to utilise to give us the height A recent well reported incident and solid working area needed to certainly threw something else into transfer the pilot onto a spine the mix. For the first time in my 28 board. Remarkably, the pilot was years with the Service the incident not trapped and, although it was printout read "light aircraft into quite a difficult manoeuvre, we

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Police—Restorative Justice Lincolnshire Police has a Restorative Justice resolution programme that brings criminals and victims together. There are a number of critics of Restorative Justice, who say it’s a soft option and policing on the cheap, but in reality it provides a real voice for victims and an opportunity to influence what should happen to the offender. An impressive 92% of victims, who provided feedback after their offence was dealt with by a restorative resolution in Lincolnshire, stated they would recommend it to others. Parish Councils have been asked if they wish further information and are invited to request leaflets and/or a Restorative Justice Coordinator to attend a public meeting. Please see the Toft cum Lound and Manthorpe website for more details: section.asp?catId=26426 Fentons of Bourne Ltd LAWNMOWER ------Sales Ride on & Pedestrian Mowers: Service Take advantage of our servicing special prices. Call for details Repairs Any other work required will be reported and charged additionally to Parts cover parts costs and labour at £30inc VAT per hour.

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Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] had sufficient crew for it all to go he arrived to give some expert quite smoothly. The injured pilot advice which proved invaluable to was soon in the air again but this us and investigating police time in the air ambulance. officers. Many thanks to that Faced with what to do now with a person, you know who you are, light aircraft balanced precariously local knowledge really is one of on a bungalow roof, it suddenly the main assets for any struck me that I had a friend who emergency service! actually flies out of the airfield Watch Manager Lynch involved. A quick phone call and

The Christmas Whist Drive The last Whist Drive of the year was held on Friday 12th December in the Parish Hall, Witham on the Hill when £117 was raised for Church funds. Among the winners were: GENTS LADIES 1st Mr. M. Brace 1st Mrs. W. Stratton 2nd Mrs. P. Cranfield 2nd Miss E. Munton 3rd Mrs. P. Garrard 3rd Mrs. V. Curtis Among the raffle winners were Mrs A. Blanchard, Mrs. P. Garrard, Mrs J. Templeman, Mrs. S. Hartley, Mrs M. Imminck, Mrs G. Stanford, Mr. S. Osborne, Mrs. H. Strickson, Mrs J. Osborne, Mrs M. Barlow, Miss E. Munton and Mrs E. Basdon. Many thanks to everyone who donated prizes - there was a wonderful display, and for the refreshments. Donations of prizes and are always most acceptable, so please keep them coming. At the November Whist Drive £100 was raised. Future Dates for Whist Drive: Friday February 20th at 7.0pm Friday March 20th at 7.0pm

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Are you Fit 2 Go ?

Do the rigours of daily life leave you feeling exhausted? Would you benefit from having more energy and improving your health/ fitness levels? Fit2Go Personal Training offers tailor made fitness programmes guaranteed to make you feel fitter, healthier and re-energised. Contact: Linda Lawson 07985 284091 or Email: [email protected]

Contributors are reminded that the cut-off for assured entry into next edition of The Three Towers is the 10th of the previous month. Please send your contributions to the editor: [email protected] or the Advertising Manager: [email protected]. Of course, you can always use a pen and send your contribution to Fr Andy at The Vicarage. We thank everyone for their support to The Three Towers and look forward to your continued support.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Witham on the Hill WI will be in Witham when all will indulge in good fare. February will New member Juliet Renner was also be the month for our Games welcomed by our President, along afternoon - which, at the moment, with all our ladies, to our is a complete mystery! Our next Christmas Meeting. The meeting is on 3rd February 2015, entertainment followed the when we will have a go at circle business section and caused dancing with Julie Bell. We look some amusement among our forward to seeing our members members when our President and along with new. In the meantime Margaret Rine read a Christmas we wish you all a Very Happy based story, entitled the Christmas and a Healthy New Shepherd and the Year. For further information Psychiatrist. However, that was contact Jane Clark, tel 01778 just the beginning. A quiz had 590232. been organised by Sue Cork, with suitably seasonal questions, also our 'baby' photos were arranged around the room to guess who was who! Refreshments, consisting of the most delightful savoury and sweet temptations, with wine and other drinks to choose from, had us all in the mood to continue the festivities. Ann Burbidge introduced us to the game 'Play your cards Right' with strong competition between the two teams. The raffle was won by Margaret Rine and the competition by Jean Marshall and Fiona Darroch. Finally we all dived into Santa's Sack for a surprise gift. Great fun was had by all. Hambleton peninsula will see our stalwart hikers in January and the table tennis will resume in February. Our Christmas lunch

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] SWINSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL An advisory note from the Local Minutes the Parish Council Government Chronicle that sector meeting held 8th January 2015 -led Local Improvement Grants have been cut by 10%. Present: B. Lynch – Chairman, C. Lunn, S. Webb, PCSO S. Details of the LCC Funding Bowden andMrs J.M. Hunt-Webb Advice network Grants Scheme. (Clerk) 5. Financial Report: The report 1. Apologies: G. Brown, M. was presented and agreed. It was Somerville agreed to retain the precept for 2016 – 17 at the same level as 2. Declarations of Interest: None that for 2015-16 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting: 6. Highways: A reply is still The Minutes of the previous awaited from LCC following the meeting held on 6th November Parish Council’s request for 2014 were agreed as an accurate “Hidden Dip” signs top be sited record and signed. both ways on the A151 to the 4. Correspondence: The following west of the Forstedd Hill junction. had been received: A Closure Sign has been An e-mail from SKDC regarding deployed warning of forthcoming the removal of the metal stake remedial works on Park Road. which supported the litter bin Yellow road markings have been recently removed on the High made in Park Road to indicate the Street. extent of forthcoming much- needed carriageway repairs. The SKDC Minerals and Waste Plan for consultation by 5th Recent works to the drainage February 2015. system seem to have been effective with a resultant decrease A Helping Hand advertisement in standing water through the which has been passed to the village. Three Parishes magazine for publication. 7. Buttercross: Quotations for work to the base should be Details of a Budgetary Planning available for consideration at the and VAT seminar for Parish next meeting. The work will Councillors on 24th January at require approval from LCC Rippingale. Highways.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] 8. Croake Hill: The Parish Council were disturbed, eight Anti-Social continues to receive anecdotal Behaviour calls which included reports of further anti-social noise nuisance, malicious behaviour including loud communications and an apparent hammering on resident’s doors abandoned vehicle, two for through the night. PCSO Bowden criminal damage and three stressed the need for residents to abandoned or hoax calls. He ring 101 as soon as possible as stressed that compared to these events occur and also to elsewhere, these statistics were report them to SKDC. on the low side. PCSO Bowden makes regular ad- 9. Community Wildlife Orchard: hoc visits to the village. If The orchard is in good order operational pressures allow, he generally with work on hedge also times his visits to co-incide trimming to be organised shortly. with those of the Mobile Library so 10. Dog Fouling: Council members that residents can let him know of were appalled to hear of any concerns they may have. incidences of persistent dog (Residents are encouraged to use fouling within the Churchyard in the Mobile Library on a “Use it or spite of notices banning the Lose it” basis and the forthcoming walking of dogs within its confines. dates will be placed on the Arrangements for new, more noticeboard.) prominent notices are in hand and It was agreed that District residents are asked to report any Councillor Nick Robins would be instances of dog fouling in the appraised of these latest Churchyard or anywhere through concerns. the village to members or the PCSO Bowden reported that since Parish Clerk. June 2014, there had been a total 11. Councillors’ Reports: A letter is of 28 incidents reported for the to be sent to a resident whose village of which three were hedge has over-grown a footpath. concerns for safety, three Quotations will be sought for the suspicious circumstances (door supply of a replacement seat knocking etc) one of violence located at the entrance to Croake which was not treated as a crime, Hill. It was also noted that the three for theft including monies Notice Board requires some taken from the church, and an refurbishment and costings for this attempted burglary where items will also be obtained.

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] 12. Date and Time of next 29th October to 20th November meeting: Thursday 5th March Open Art Competition Exhibition of 2015, 7pm. Entries Time Meeting finished: 8:23pm ——————————————— ——————————————— Steam Action AGM Swinstead News Hello and Happy New Year! The Dog fouling - Someone is Steam Action AGM meeting will be exercising their dog in the St held in Edenham Village Hall on Mary's Church Churchyard and Wednesday 11th Feb at 7.30pm in not cleaning up after themselves. the meeting room. Please note that dogs are not This is a public meeting open to anyone who would like to know allowed in the Churchyard; the only exceptions are Guide dogs or more about Steam Action or Assistance dogs. become involved. Lucie ——————————————— Willoughby Memorial Trust Gallery Programme for 2015 1st to 29th April Lesley Dyason, Lyn Armitage, Keith Sturgess Paintings 6th May to 3rd June Maureen McCormick ‘War Brides’ Paintings 10th June to 8th July Pat Armstrong, Robert Bibby, Jane Sanders Ceramics 15th July to 12th August Prue Pye and Kathryn Parsons Paintings & Ceramics 19th August to 16th September Celia and George Slack Paintings 23rd September to 21st October Willoughby Memorial Trust 50th Anniversary Display

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Notes of the Edenham Parish outlying farms etc could be Council Meeting 13th January somewhat later. The poor 2015 standards of recent pothole repairs carried out on Scottlethorpe Road Open Forum. Three members of the public present – Concern were also commented on. Cllr Hill raised over yet another road traffic took note and outlined the County accident on A151 (Near to Council’s plans to improve pothole Grimsthorpe House, Grimsthorpe) repair procedures and equipment. – incident details to be recorded The chairman thanked the on Parish Accident Log. Details members of the public for their were also given on consideration attendance. being given by Grimsthorpe Estate All parishioners are reminded that to the possible change of use of the Open Forum at each Parish the old post office/residence, Council meeting is their Edenham. The re-occupancy/ opportunity to voice concern/raise utilisation of this empty property local issues with their councillors. was welcomed by the meeting They are also reminded that the subject to the necessary planning Local Election will take place in application etc being granted. May; hence it is an opportunity for Clarity was requested on the anyone interested in contributing progress of the planned upgrade to their local community to step of the current broadband service forward and stand for election to throughout the parish - Cllr Hill the council. Details can be (LCC) stated that superfast obtained by contacting the parish broadband roll-out plans were clerk at [email protected] progressing and gave details of – or contacting any of your current the council’s website where councillors. information could be found on Highways: Chairman requested specific locations. The main that details of any road traffic of Edenham and accidents witnessed/reported Grimsthorpe are hopefully to be (however minor) within the Parish included in 2015, however the should be passed to the clerk. This

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] will allow a more accurate account other footpath and road users. of the road safety to be passed to Property Address. Householders/ Highways/Lincolnshire Road Businesses are reminded that their Safety Partnership who only properties should be clearly receive reports if police/ identified with a house number or emergency services are involved. name. Could the emergency A total of 7 incidents have been services easily find you if the reported since the last PC meeting unfortunate should happen and in November. you called on their services? Financial Matters: Proposed The next meeting of the Edenham annual budget for year 2015/16 Parish Council will take place in studied and agreed. It was also Edenham Village Hall on Tuesday agreed that the Precept upon March 10th, 2015 at 7:30pm SKDC for the year should remain the same as year 2014/15 at £2,750. Play Area Maintenance: Site meeting to discuss a joint maintenance contract with Edenham Village Hall committee for maintenance of the Children’s Play Area and Village Hall Surrounds to be arranged. Report at next meeting. Dog Fouling. Reports received about dog fouling - in particular along Scottlethorpe Road, Edenham. All dog owners are reminded that it is their duty to clean up after their pets wherever they are and be considerate to

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] JANE’S SEASONAL RECIPE It has been a bumper year for carrots in our garden – the largest we have ever had, mainly due to the load of soil we bought from British Sugar! So this quick and easy variation on carrot soup is worth a try, if you like something a bit different.



Heat the oil in a pan, Add veg & cumin seeds. Cook over moderate heat for 5 mins, stirring. Pour in stock, bring to boil, cover & simmer for 20 mins. Liquidise & add coconut milk. Heat through. Serve in warm bowls, with swirl of coconut milk & a sprinkling of coriander & toasted coconut.


Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Edenham School Candlemass, everyone is After all the excitement and welcome . delights of the Christmas term, the On Friday 6th February the whole children have settled back into school is going to visit the National school for a busy term 3.The final Space centre in Leicester. We are week of term included a visit to all really excited about this – we Grimsthorpe for their wonderful look forward to seeing Edenham pre-school concert, Christmas School transformed into a productions (photos of which are Launchpad or Mars research on the website), Christmas lunch, station before the Spring is over! a wonderful party followed by an The following week on February Advent carol service and we even 11th Class 1 are hoping to visit found time to make Christingles for Horbling School to take part in the church! celebrations for the Chinese New The school community also bid Year involving Dragon dances and farewell to Mrs Kong – she has Chinese food. taught at Edenham in many Later activities will include Billy’s different capacities over recent Branston Potato Bus, a Hot Dog years, in KS1, modern foreign lunch, Sports Relief and Lent. languages for KS2 and Music throughout. She is a very talented In between all of this, teachers and lady, and she will be missed. students are extremely busy learning together under the new Term 3 began with an Epiphany National Curriculum. We are family service led by Father Andy particularly enjoying developing with a procession of wise men and Geography and History using the gifts to the stable. On Tuesday outdoors as much as we can. The 13th the children in years 2, 3, 4 area surrounding Edenham is so start swimming lessons in Bourne beautiful and richly resourced – we for 10 weeks and after-school are extremely lucky. clubs recommence. Have a look at our website for February 2nd sees us attending a

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] pictures and pointers – school office on 01778 591207 or at [email protected] Admissions to Edenham School and make an appointment to come and visit. We look forward to Applications for the Reception meeting you. intake for September this year will now have closed. It has been a pleasure to meet so many families during the Autumn Term. If you are new to the area and have missed the deadline, contact Schools Admissions – you’ll find their detail on the website. If you are seeking a school place for your child, please contact the

Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] Advertising manager: [email protected] Editor: [email protected] PARISH SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY 2015

Swinstead Witham Edenham 1st February 10.30am Three 6pm Service to Candlemass Parishes begin week of The Feast of Candlemass Service guided prayer the Vicarage Presentation of Our Lord 8th February 8.45am Parish 10am Parish 11.15am Parish 2nd Sunday Communion Communion Communion before Lent 6pm Service to end week of guided prayer Vicarage 15th February 8.45am Parish 10am Parish 11.15am Parish Sunday next Communion Communion Communion before Lent 6pm Evening Prayer

18th February 9am Holy 7.30pm Eucharist Ash Communion and and Imposition of Wednesday Imposition of Ashes Ashes 22nd February 8.45am Parish 10am Parish 11.15am Parish 1st of Lent Communion Communion Communion 6pm Compline and meditation at the Vicarage 1st March 8.45am Parish 10am Parish 11.15am Parish 2nd of Lent Communion Communion Communion 6pm Compline and meditation at the Vicarage


LICENSEDAdvertising READER: manager: MRS [email protected] LEE 01778 591338 - [email protected]: [email protected]