September 2014

Planning Authority: Daventry District Council

Site centred at: SP 572 654

Author: Rachel Morse MA MIfA

Approved by: Paul Chadwick BA FSA MIfA

Report Status: Final

Issue Date: September 2014

CgMs Ref: PC/RM/15601

© CgMs Limited

No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent.

Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report.

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry


Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Identified Heritage Assets 5.0 The Proposed Development and Impact on Heritage Assets 6.0 Summary and Conclusions

APPENDIX 1: Heritage Assessment (CgMs 2013)

APPENDIX 2: Geophysical Survey Report (Stratascan 2013)

APPENDIX 3: Archaeological Evaluation Report (University of Leicester Archaeological Services 2014)

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Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry


This heritage statement considers land approximately 38.1 hectares in extent at Mickle Well Park, Daventry.

In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework), this statement draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage and archaeological significance of the study site.

The proposed site boundary follows the boundary of the Conservation Area for the most part, but does also extend briefly into the Conservation Area. The canal itself is within the Tunnel at this point, located to the south of the site boundary. The Conservation Area is approximately 52km in length; the section within the site boundary is approximately 0.7km in length. No development is proposed within the Conservation Area boundary, other than further provision of pedestrian access. There will be no significant impacts on the Conservation Area. Consequently, as there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the public benefits of the planning application submission should be weighed against the ‘less than substantial harm’ to the designated heritage asset. The impacts on landscape character and visual impacts are considered in the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Cooper Partnership/SLR Ref Document 14).

Development of the site has the potential to impact on non-designated late Iron Age/Romano-British remains, located in the north-east of the site through geophysical survey and targeted evaluation trenches. Development within this part of the site would impact upon this modest archaeological interest. However, it is considered that the remains are not of such significance as to preclude development.

The impact of development can be mitigated and the archaeological interest in the site adequately safeguarded through a phased programme of post-consent archaeological investigation. This can be addressed through a condition attached to planning permission.

In the context of the National Planning Policy Framework, current Local Plan Policy GN2, and emerging Core Strategy policy BN5, further archaeological evaluation of the site is not necessary to inform decision-making on a planning application.

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1.1 The subject of this statement, also referred to as the study site, is land at Mickle Well Park, Daventry.

1.2 The study site is c. 38.4 hectares in extent and comprises arable fields, Welton Place Farm (and access road) and short section of the Grand Union Canal towpath (along the top of the Braunston Tunnel), to the north-east of Daventry. It is bounded by the A631 road to the west, fences and hedges to the south, east and north. The study site is centred at National Grid Reference SP 572 654.

1.3 This Statement has been prepared with regard to government’s National Planning Policy Framework, to identify and provide a description of the significance of heritage assets within the site and the likely effects of future development. It additionally addresses the requirements for information on the historic environment contained in Policies GN2 and EN2 of the Daventry District Local Plan (1997) and Policy BN5 of the emerging Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire (Submission) 2012.

1.4 The Statement includes:  Details of relevant national and local planning policy;  A summary of the results of a detailed heritage assessment (Appendix 1) undertaken in June 2013 for the study site and a surrounding 1km radius search area;  A summary of the results of an archaeological geophysical survey undertaken on the site in November 2013 (Appendix 2); and  A summary of the results of archaeological evaluation (trial trenching) undertaken in December 2013 (Appendix 3).

1.5 The comments of Daventry District Council received following pre-application consultation (P/14/158 25th July 2014) have been taken into account in preparing this report.

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2.1 Legislation

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 2.1.1 When considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (the “1990 Act”) places a statutory duty on a local planning authority [LPA] or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State to “have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses” (para. 66(1).

2.1.2 Section 72 of the 1990 Act places a general duty on planning authorities in the exercise of planning functions with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area, stating that “special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area” (para. 72 (1)2). There is no specific reference to the setting of Conservation Areas in the 1990 Act.

2.2 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which replaces previous national policy relating to heritage and archaeology (Planning Policy Statement [PPS]5: Planning for the Historic Environment [2010]).

2.2.1 Section 12 of the NPPF, entitled ‘Conserving and enhancing the historic environment’ provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 12 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the:

 Delivery of sustainable development  Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment  Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance and  Recognition of the value that heritage makes to our knowledge and understanding of the past.

2.2.2 Section 12 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 128

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states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset, and that the level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential effect of the proposal upon the significance of that asset.

2.2.3 Heritage assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as:

A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions.

They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the Local Planning Authority.

2.2.4 Annex 2 also defines archaeological interest as:

A heritage asset which holds or potentially could hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological interest are the primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them.

2.2.5 A designated heritage asset comprises a:

World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area.

2.2.6 Significance is defined as:

The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting.

2.2.7 In short, government policy provides a framework which:

 Protects nationally important designated heritage assets (which comprise World Heritage Sites, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings, Protected Wreck Sites, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields or Conservation Areas)

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 Protects the settings of such designations  In appropriate circumstances seeks adequate information (from desk-based assessment and where necessary field evaluation) to enable informed decisions and  Provides for the excavation and investigation of sites not significant enough to merit in-situ preservation.

2.3 In considering any planning application for development, the planning authority will be mindful of the framework set by government policy, in this instance the NPPF, by current development plan policy and by other material considerations.

2.4 The Daventry District Local Plan (1997) currently provides the local planning policies relating to development and the historic environment. The ‘saved’ local plan policies will gradually be replaced by new policies contained in the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and any future Development Plan Documents. Saved policies relating to the historic environments, pertinent to the study site, are as follows:

POLICY GN2 – GENERAL Under the proposals and policies of this local plan, planning permission will normally be granted for development provided it:

A Is of a type, scale and design in keeping with the locality and does not detract from its amenities B Has satisfactory means of access and has sufficient parking facilities C Will not have an adverse impact on the road network D Can be provided with the necessary infrastructure and public services and be served by public transport where appropriate Will not adversely affect a conservation area or a Building listed as being of architectural or historic interest and their setting E Will not adversely affect sites of nature conservation, geological or archaeological importance or the settings of archaeological sites. F Will not adversely affect a special landscape area G Has full regard to the requirements of agriculture and the need to protect the best and most versatile agricultural land from development which is irreversible

POLICY EN2 – CONSERVATION AREAS Planning permission for development within conservation areas will be granted provided that the development preserves or enhances the character of the area.

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Special consideration will be given to the environmental implications of the development of vacant sites and the redevelopment of existing buildings.

Proposals for development should not intrude into the Setting of important buildings. Development will only be favourably considered if the following criteria are met:

A Development should reflect the general architectural character of the existing buildings B Buildings should be closely related to the character of the conservation area in scale. C Attention should be given to detailing in order to add interest in general to new buildings. D Traditional materials appropriate to the area should be used for walls, roofs and all external joinery E Proposals for the alteration or repair of buildings should be sympathetic to the character and appearance of the building and the conservation area.

2.5 The emerging Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire (Submission) 2012 contains the following policy relating to heritage assets:


Designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings will be conserved and enhanced in recognition of their contribution to West Northamptonshire’s sense of place. In environments where valued heritage assets are at risk, the asset and its setting will be conserved and managed in proportion to the significance of the asset. In order to secure and retain the significance of the area’s heritage assets and their settings development in areas of known historic importance will be required to: 1. Sustain and enhance the features which contribute to the character of the area including: • conservation areas; • significant historical landscapes; • the skyline and settings of towns and villages; • sites of known or potential historical significance; • locally and nationally significant buildings and structures 2. Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of development on surrounding heritage assets and their setting; 3. Be sympathetic to locally distinctive landscape features, design styles and materials in order to contribute to a sense of place

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The retention and sensitive re-use of disused or underused historic assets and structures is encouraged in order to retain and reflect the distinctiveness of the environment, contribute to the sense of place and promote the sustainable and prudent use of natural resources; proposals to sustain and enhance the area’s understanding of heritage assets, for tourism and historic interest as part of cultural, leisure and green networks will be supported

2.6 Therefore in considering the heritage implications of the proposed development, the local planning authority will be guided by the policy framework set by government planning policy and by the saved Local Plan policies until such time as the Joint Core Strategy is adopted.

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3.1 Geology

3.1.1 The British Geological Survey indicates that the solid geology varies across the site comprising mudstone and ferruginous limestone. The south eastern part of the site is mudstone of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation; a band of inter-bedded mudstone and siltstone of the Pyrham Formation runs south-west to north-east across the central part of the site; and the north-west of the site comprises bands of ferruginous limestone of the Marlstone Rock Formation and mudstone of the Whitby Mudstone Formation.

3.1.2 The solid geology is overlain by drift deposits of geofluvial sands and gravels. In the centre of the site is a band of Dryham interbedded siltstone and mudstone – a pale to dark grey and greenish grey, silty and sandy mudstone, with interbeds of silt or very fine-grained sand (locally muddy or silty) containing impersistent beds or doggers of ferruginous limestone (some ooidal) and sandstone which tend to occur at the top of sedimentary cycles.

3.2 Topography

3.2.1 The study site lies on the south facing slope of a ridge oriented north east to south west, with a westerly embayment and a more open hillslope to the east. It is situated within the Welton Place gap (Appleton 1960) part of the Daventry Gap, an historic communications route, formed by a glacial spillway. The study site slopes southwards from approximately 160m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) on the ridge top down to 115m AOD.

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4.1 Designated Heritage Assets

4.1.1 The branch of the Grand Union Canal between the Oxford Canal in Braunston and Norton Junction, which runs in a tunnel (Braunston Tunnel) along the southern boundary of the site (Appendix 1, Figure 3), is part of a Conservation Area stretching for some 52km along the entire . The proposed site boundary follows the boundary of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area for the most part, but does also extend briefly into the Conservation Area for approximately 0.7km. The towpath and the air shaft are the only extant canal remains in this section, with a series of interconnecting footpaths within and to the south of the site, through open green space/scrubland.

4.1.2 The towpath over the eastern end of the tunnel is a well marked concrete/tarmac route Bridge Spinneys. As the towpath emerges from Bridge Spinneys to the west, it becomes an informal mud path through open green space/scrubland. When walking from east to west, and emerging from Bridge Spinneys, the view of the site to the north is of open rural landscape contained by the rising landform and block of trees at Fonsil Wood. Views in this southerly direction are urban-fringe/suburban in nature with a managed park and development edge within the view.

4.1.3 The Conservation Area Appraisal (Daventry District Council 1995) states that the Conservation Area boundaries have been drawn to include only those areas which represent the historical area of the canal itself. This has produced a Conservation Area that is approximately 32 miles in length, but generally only wide enough to include the cut, its towpath and opposite bank.

4.1.4 The Conservation Area Appraisal also states that the predominant character of the Conservation Area itself is simply that of a linear canal, with its towpath to one side and occasional buildings that relate through function to the canal, such as cottages, pubs, works, bridges, locks and the service areas such as wharfs (Daventry District Council 1995).

4.1.5 There are no statutorily listed buildings within the study site and thirteen listed buildings within the wider study area (Figure 3; Appendix 2), ten of which are located within the historic core of Welton to the north-east. The proposed development will not

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involve any direct impacts upon these assets, though it has the potential to impact on their setting and significance.

4.1.6 The Listed Buildings in Welton village are located 0.5km or more from the study site and are separated from it by woodland, fields and by intervening areas of 20th century residential development. The two Listed Buildings at Middlemore Farm, are located 0.4km south-west of the study site and separated from it by the Canal, Ashby Road and intervening recent residential development. The Grade II listed Lodge, c. 750m to the north-west of the study site is separated from it by intervening topography, Ashby Road, woodland and fields.

4.1.7 The locations of these Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area are shown in Appendix 1, Figure 3.

4.1.8 Borough Hill, a Scheduled Monument comprising two Iron Age hillforts and a defended enclosure, two Bronze Age barrows, a Roman building complex and a barrow cemetery, is located c. 7.5km to the south-east of the study site. Given the significant distance from the study site, and the intervening built environment of Daventry, there will be no impacts on the significance of the Scheduled Monument and it will not be discussed further.

4.2 Non-designated Heritage Assets

4.2.1 There is one non-designated asset recorded within the study site, consisting of evidence from field artefact collection of a probable Roman settlement site east of Welton Place Farm (Appendix 1, HER 617 on Figure 2i).

4.2.2 The Heritage Assessment (Appendix 1) identified a good potential for as yet undiscovered Roman activity within the site; a low/nil potential for archaeological deposits for all other periods is identified.

4.3 Geophysical Survey

4.3.1 A geophysical survey (detailed magnetometer survey) of the study site area was undertaken by Stratascan in November 2013 (Appendix 2). The survey was commissioned to provide a further evaluation of the site’s archaeological potential, and identify any previously un-discovered archaeological heritage assets.

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4.3.2 The survey comprised detailed magnetometer survey of the whole site. Survey methods complied with the guidelines issued by English Heritage and the Institute for Archaeologists.

4.3.3 The survey identified probable archaeological anomalies in the north-east of the site including possible rectilinear enclosure in the vicinity of the recorded probable Roman settlement, linear features and a trackway, suggesting high potential for archaeological remains to be present within this part of the site.

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4.5 Archaeological Evaluation

4.5.1 A targeted evaluation comprising six machine excavated trial trenches (30m x 1.8m) was undertaken in December 2013 to establish whether the Roman evidence and spatially-related geophysical anomalies in the north-east of the site represent a sub- surface Roman site (Appendix 3).

4.5.2 The fieldwork was intended to provide further indications of the character, extent and of any buried archaeological remains in order that the potential impact of the development on such remains be assessed. The scheme of evaluation trenching was set out in a Written Scheme of Investigation (ULAS 2013).

4.5.3 The evaluation revealed localised evidence of archaeological activity in the form of a small ditched enclosure of possible Late Iron Age date and of further likely field ditches, at least two of which are of late 1st and 2nd century Romano-British date. Pottery and ceramic building material recovered from the latter hint at the presence of settlement in the near vicinity, whilst the presence of wheat chaff from three of the ditches is indicative of crop processing activity in the near vicinity. A small but wide- ranging assemblage of animal bone confirms the presence of domesticated animals as well as domestic fowl and hare.

4.6 Assessment of Significance

4.6.1 There is one designated asset partially within the site, the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area.

4.6.2 The significance of the canal is derived from its architectural, historic, industrial archaeological and communal interest as a surviving example of a ‘major feat of civil engineering from the late 18th century’ (Daventry District Council 1995) and as a transport network which linked towns, villages and wharves and marinas. The setting of the canal is considered to make a neutral contribution to the character and overall significance of the conservation area which is functional rather than aesthetic. This view is substantiated by the Conservation Area Appraisal which states that “……In travelling either by boat or on foot along the entire length of the Conservation Area, a number of distinct zones of external influence become apparent reflecting the nature of the surroundings of the Conservation Area rather than the character of the area itself.”

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4.6.3 The heritage significance of the Listed Buildings within the study area relates to their architectural and/or historic and communal interest. None of these assets is characterised by a wide setting, and the study site does not make a positive contribution to their significance.

4.6.4 The significance of the late Iron Age/ Romano British evidence is derived from its archaeological (evidential significance) and given the plough-damaged condition of theses remains, a local significance is identified.

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5.1 The Proposed Development

5.2.1 The proposal is for development of up to 450 dwellings (use class C3), provision of a 1.9ha site for a 2FE primary school (use class D1), a community hub (use class D1/D2/A1), public open space, allotments and associated infrastructure (the Illustrative Masterplan is available within the application documentation).

5.2 Impact on Heritage Assets

5.2.1 Development of the site has the potential to impact on the character and significance of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area. The proposed site boundary follows the Conservation Area boundary for the most part, but does also extend briefly into the Conservation Area. However, no development is proposed within the Conservation Area boundary, other than provision of pedestrian access. This proposed pedestrian access will have no impact on the character or overall significance of the Conservation Area. With regard to the setting of the Conservation Area, whilst there would be intervisibility with the site, it does not make an important contribution to the Conservation Areas character and significance. The impact of the proposed development on the setting and significance of the Conservation Area is therefore regarded as ‘less than substantial’.

5.2.2 The NPPF outlines that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development (paragraph 14). Paragraph 138 of the NPPF covers the balance between public benefits and harm to conservation areas. It states that harm to conservation areas can be caused in any number of ways including through development within their boundary or within their setting, with or without demolition being involved. Not all elements of a Conservation Area will necessarily contribute to its significance. Loss of a building (or other element) which makes a positive contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area should be treated either as ‘substantial harm’ (paragraph 133) or ‘less than substantial harm’ (paragraph 134), as appropriate, taking into account the relative significance of the element affected and its contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area as a whole. Their conservation should always be given ‘great weight’ and any harm can only be justified if the application clearly and convincingly shows that the harm will be outweighed by public benefits.

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5.2.3 Consequently, because there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the economic and public benefits of the planning application submission will need to weighed against the ‘less than substantial’ harm to the designated heritage asset.

5.2.4 The impacts on views from the recreational route adjacent to the Conservation Area are considered in the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Cooper Partnership/SLR Ref Document 14).

5.2.5 Development of the site has the potential to impact on the non-designated late Iron Age/Romano-British remains, located in the north-east of the site through geophysical survey and targeted evaluation trenches. Development within this part of the site would impact upon this modest archaeological interest. However, it is considered that they are not of such significance as to preclude development.

5.2.6 There will be no physical impact on Listed Buildings within the vicinity of the site, although development of the site does have the potential to affect their setting. This assessment has concluded that the site does not make a positive contribution to the significance of these assets and therefore no impact on their significance is predicted.

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6.1 This heritage statement considers land approximately 38.4 hectares in extent at Mickle Well Park, Daventry.

6.2 In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework), this statement draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land- use information in order to clarify the heritage and archaeological significance of the study site.

6.3 There is a small part of one designated asset within the site, the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area. There will be no significant impacts on the Conservation Area. Consequently, as there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the public benefits of the planning application submission should be weighed against the ‘less than substantial harm’ to the designated heritage asset. The impacts on landscape character and visual impacts are considered in the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Cooper Partnership/SLR Ref Document 14).

6.4 Development of the site has the potential to impact on non-designated late Iron Age/Romano-British remains, located in the north-east of the site through geophysical survey and targeted evaluation trenches. Development within this part of the site would impact upon this modest archaeological interest. However, it is considered that the remains are not of such significance as to preclude development.

6.5 In the context of the National Planning Policy Framework, current Local Plan policy GN2, and emerging Core Strategy policy BN5, further archaeological evaluation of the site is not necessary to inform decision-making on a planning application. The impact of development can be mitigated and the archaeological interest in the site adequately safeguarded through a phased programme of post-consent archaeological investigation. This can be addressed through a condition attached to outline planning permission.

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APPENDIX 1: Heritage Assessment (CgMs 2013)

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June 2013

Planning Authority: Daventry Borough Council

Site centred at: SP 572 654

Author: Rachel Morse MA MIfA

Approved by: Paul Chadwick BA FSA MIfA

Report Status: Final

Issue Date: June 2013

CgMs Ref: PC/RM/15601

© CgMs Limited

No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent.

Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report.

© Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Heritage Assessment Mickle Well Park, Daventry


Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Archaeological/Historical Background and Assessment of Significance 5.0 Site Conditions, the Proposed Development and Impact on Heritage Assets 6.0 Summary and Conclusions

Sources Consulted


Figure 1 Site location Figure 2i-iii The Historic Environment Record Data Figure 3 Listed Buildings and Conservation Area Figure 4 1791 Eyre and Jeffreys Map of Northamptonshire Figure 5 1884 Ordnance Survey Map Figure 6 1932 Field Name Survey Figure 7 1952 Ordnance Survey Map Figure 8 2006 Ordnance Survey Map Figure 9 Proposed Masterplan

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Plate 1 View looking north across Dairy Close Field towards Welton Place Farm Plate 2 View looking south across Stone Pit Ground and Hanbury Hole Plate 3 View south-west from southern perimeter of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area with the tunnel air shaft in middle distance Plate 4 View south along the parish boundary hedge where it flanks the A361 Plate 5 Welton Place Farm buildings (north-west elevation) Plate 6 Looking north-east to Welton Place Farmhouse and farmyard from drive



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Heritage Assessment Mickle Well Park, Daventry


This desk-based assessment considers land approximately 38.4 hectares in extent at Mickle Well Park, Daventry.

In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework), this assessment draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage significance and archaeological potential of the site.

The southern site boundary follows, and briefly extends into, the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area. The Conservation Area covers the Braunston Tunnel in this area, with the towpath and a brick built airshaft being the only remains visible in the vicinity. No development is proposed within the Conservation Area and negligible harm to its setting or significance are anticipated due to the neutral contribution of the setting to its significance.

Development of the site would not have any effect on any Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Parks or Gardens or Registered Battlefields.

A probable Romano-British settlement site is recorded within the study site, relating to recovery of surface artefacts during fieldwalking. Accordingly, the assessment has identified a good potential for as yet undiscovered Roman activity; a low/nil potential for archaeological deposits for all other periods is identified. Development of the site would impact on any previously unrecorded assets of archaeological interest. However, should archaeological deposits be present, it is considered that they would not be of sufficient significance to preclude development.

In view of the modest archaeological interest of the study site, the Local Planning AXWKRULW\¶VDUFKDHRORJLFDODGYLVRULVOLNHO\WRUHTXHVWDSURJUDPPHRIDUFKDHRORJLFDOZRUk. Such work could be secured by a suitably worded planning condition.

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1.1 This desk-based assessment has been researched and prepared by Paul Chadwick and Rachel Morse of CgMs Consulting on behalf of Landform Strategic Investments Ltd.

1.2 The subject of this assessment, also referred to as the study site, is land at Mickle Well Park, Daventry (Figure 1).

1.3 The study site is 38.4 hectares in extent and comprises arable fields, Welton Place Farm (and access road) and short section of the Grand Union Canal towpath (along the top of the Braunceston Tunnel), to the north-east of Daventry (Plates 1-6). It is bounded by the A631 road to the west, fences and hedges to the south, east and north. The study site is centred at National Grid Reference SP 572 654.

1.4 In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework) this assessment draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage significance and archaeological potential of the site.

1.5 Additionally, in accordance with the Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Desk- Based Assessments (Institute of Archaeologists 1999 [revised 2012]), the assessment includes the results of a site inspection, an examination of published and unpublished records and charts historic land-use through a map regression exercise. A site inspection was undertaken on 13th June 2013.

1.6 The assessment therefore enables relevant parties to assess the significance of designated and non-designated heritage assets on or within a 1km radius of the site, to consider the impact of the proposed development on the significance of these assets, to consider the archaeological potential of the site and to consider the need for design, civil engineering, and/or archaeological solutions to the archaeological potential identified.

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2.1 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which replaces previous national policy relating to heritage and archaeology (Planning Policy Statement [PPS]5: Planning for the Historic Environment [2010]).

2.1.1 6HFWLRQRIWKH133)HQWLWOHGµ&RQVHUYLQJDQGHQKDQFLQJWKHKLVWRULFHQYLURQPHQW¶ provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 12 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the:

x Delivery of sustainable development x Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment x Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance and x Recognition of the value that heritage makes to our knowledge and understanding of the past.

2.1.2 Section 12 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 128 states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset, and that the level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential effect of the proposal upon the significance of that asset.

2.1.3 Heritage assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as:

A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions.

They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the Local Planning Authority.

2.1.4 Annex 2 also defines archaeological interest as:

A heritage asset which holds or potentially could hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological

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interest are the primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them.

2.1.5 A designated heritage asset comprises a:

World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area.

2.1.6 Significance is defined as:

The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. 6LJQLILFDQFHGHULYHVQRWRQO\IURPDKHULWDJHDVVHW¶VSK\VLFDOSUHVHQFHEXWDOVRIURP its setting.

2.1.7 In short, government policy provides a framework which:

x Protects nationally important designated heritage assets (which comprise World Heritage Sites, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings, Protected Wreck Sites, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields or Conservation Areas) x Protects the settings of such designations x In appropriate circumstances seeks adequate information (from desk-based assessment and where necessary field evaluation) to enable informed decisions and x Provides for the excavation and investigation of sites not significant enough to merit in-situ preservation.

2.2 In considering any planning application for development, the planning authority will be mindful of the framework set by government policy, in this instance the NPPF, by current development plan policy and by other material considerations.

2.3 The Daventry District Local Plan (1997) currently provides the local planning policies UHODWLQJ WR GHYHORSPHQW DQG WKHKLVWRULFHQYLURQPHQW7KHµVDYHG¶ORFDOSODQSROLFLHV will gradually be replaced by new policies contained in the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and any future Development Plan Documents. Saved policies relating to the historic environments, pertinent to the study site, are as follows:

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POLICY GN2 ± GENERAL Under the proposals and policies of this local plan, planning permission will normally be granted for development provided it:

A Is of a type, scale and design in keeping with the locality and does not detract from its amenities B Has satisfactory means of access and has sufficient parking facilities C Will not have an adverse impact on the road network D Can be provided with the necessary infrastructure And public services and be served by public transport where appropriate Will not adversely affect a conservation area or a Building listed as being of architectural or historic interest and their setting E Will not adversely affect sites of nature conservation, geological or archaeological importance or the settings of archaeological sites. F Will not adversely affect a special landscape area G Has full regard to the requirements of agriculture and the need to protect the best and most versatile agricultural land from development which is irreversible

POLICY EN2 ± CONSERVATION AREAS Planning permission for development within conservation areas will be granted provided that the development preserves or enhances the character of the area. Special consideration will be given to the environmental implications of the development of vacant sites and the redevelopment of existing buildings.

Proposals for development should not intrude into the Setting of important buildings. Development will only be favourably considered if the following criteria are met:

A Development should reflect the general architectural character of the existing buildings B Buildings should be closely related to the character of the conservation area in scale. C Attention should be given to detailing in order to add interest in general to new buildings. D Traditional materials appropriate to the area should be used for walls, roofs and all external joinery E Proposals for the alteration or repair of buildings should be sympathetic to the character and appearance of the building and the conservation area.

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2.4 The emerging Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire (Submission) 2012 contains the following policy relating to heritage assets: POLICY BN5 - THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT

Designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings will be conserved and enhanced in recognition of their contribution to West NortKDPSWRQVKLUH¶VVHQVHRI place. In environments where valued heritage assets are at risk, the asset and its setting will be conserved and managed in proportion to the significance of the asset. In order to secuUHDQGUHWDLQWKHVLJQLILFDQFHRIWKHDUHD¶VKHULWDJHDVVHWVDQGWKHLU settings development in areas of known historic importance will be required to: 1. Sustain and enhance the features which contribute to the character of the area including: ‡FRQVHUYDWLon areas; ‡VLJQLILFDQWKLVWRULFDOODQGVFDSHV ‡WKHVN\OLQHDQGVHWWLQJVRIWRZQVDQGYLOODJHV ‡VLWHVRINQRZQRUSRWHQWLDOKLVWRULFDOVLJQLILFDQFH ‡ORFDOO\DQGQDWLRQDOO\VLJQLILFDQWEXLOGLQJVDQG structures 2. Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of development on surrounding heritage assets and their setting; 3. Be sympathetic to locally distinctive landscape features, design styles and materials in order to contribute to a sense of place

The retention and sensitive re-use of disused or underused historic assets and structures is encouraged in order to retain and reflect the distinctiveness of the environment, contribute to the sense of place and promote the sustainable and prudent use of natural resources; proposals to sustain and enhance WKHDUHD¶VXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI heritage assets, for tourism and historic interest as part of cultural, leisure and green networks will be supported

2.5 The study site extends into and follows the boundary of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area (the canal is in the Braunston Tunnel through this section) to the south (Figure 3). The Conservation Area is subject to Policy EN2 of the Daventry District Local Plan (2007).

2.6 There are no statutorily listed buildings within the study site and thirteen listed buildings within the wider study area (Figure 3; Appendix 2). The proposed development will not involve any direct impacts upon these assets, though it has the theoretical potential to impact on their setting and significance. However, distance, topography and the screening provided by vegetation or by other buildings mean that the study site does not form part of their settings and their significance and therefore

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will not be affected; accordingly these assets will not be considered further in this assessment.

2.7 There is one non-designated asset recorded on the Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record (HER) within the study site. This comprises DµSUREDEOH5RPDQR- %ULWLVK VHWWOHPHQW¶ >+(5 617 on Figure 2ii; Appendix 1]. This asset is subject to the µVDYHG SROLF\¶ *1 RI WKH 'DYHQWU\ 'LVWULFW /RFDO 3ODQ   DQG 3ROLF\ %1 RI WKH Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire (Submission) (2012).

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3.1 Geology

3.1.1 The British Geological Survey indicates that the solid geology varies across the site comprising mudstone and ferruginous limestone. The south eastern part of the site is mudstone of the Charmouth Mudstone Formation; a band of inter-bedded mudstone and siltstone of the Pyrham Formation runs south-west to north-east across the central part of the site; and the north-west of the site comprises bands of ferruginous limestone of the Marlstone Rock Formation and mudstone of the Whitby Mudstone Formation.

3.1.2 The solid geology is overlain by drift deposits of geofluvial sands and gravels. In the centre of the site is a band of Dryham interbedded siltstone and mudstone ± a pale to dark grey and greenish grey, silty and sandy mudstone, with interbeds of silt or very fine-grained sand (locally muddy or silty) containing impersistent beds or doggers of ferruginous limestone (some ooidal) and sandstone which tend to occur at the top of sedimentary cycles.

3.2 Topography

3.2.1 The study site lies on the south facing slope of a ridge oriented north east to south west, with a westerly embayment and a more open hillslope to the east. It is situated within the Welton Place gap (Appleton 1960) part of the Daventry Gap, an historic communications route, formed by a glacial spillway. The study site slopes southwards from approximately 160m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) on the ridge top down to 115m AOD.

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The timescales used in this report are as follows:

Prehistoric Palaeolithic 450,000 - 12,000 BC Mesolithic 12,000 - 4,000 BC Neolithic 4,000 - 1,800 BC Bronze Age 1,800 - 600 BC Iron Age 600 - AD 43

Historic Roman AD 43 - 410 Saxon/Early Medieval AD 410 - 1066 Medieval AD 1066 - 1485 Post-Medieval AD 1486 - 1800 Modern AD 1800 - Present

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 This assessment is based on a consideration of evidence in the Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record (HER) for the study site and a zone 1km in extent surrounding its boundary. Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record, Northamptonshire County Record Office and Northampton Central Library were also visited in order to examine historic maps and aerial photographs relating to the site.

4.1.2 There are no designated archaeological assets (i.e. Scheduled Monument or Registered Parks and Gardens) on the site. Non-designated assets within the site and wider study area are reviewed below, detailed in the Gazetteer (Appendix 1: Monument Record) and their locations shown on Figures 2i-iii.

4.1.3 This chapter reviews existing archaeological evidence for the site and the archaeological/historical background of the general area and, in accordance with NPPF, considers the potential for as yet undiscovered archaeological assets on the site.

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4.1.4 Chapter 5 subsequently considers the site conditions and whether the theoretical potential identified in this chapter is likely to survive.

4.2 Prehistoric

4.2.1 Early prehistoric archaeology has been recorded within the study area, though not within the study site itself. The earliest evidence is a flint assemblage (HER 636 on Figure 2; Appendix 1) to the south of the proposed site at Middlemoor Farm, found during development of this area. The general pattern of early prehistoric activity has recently been summarised as part of the Regional Research Framework process (Myers 2006, Clay 2006, Kidd 2004, Chapman 2004). Lithic scatters from the Mesolithic suggest exploitation of lighter soils close to the river valleys for habitation, whilst the heavier clay soils were dominated by oak forest and, though providing some hunting, were likely to yield only limited returns.

4.2.2 'XULQJ WKH HDUOLHU 1HROLWKLF WKH UHJLRQ¶V HYLGHQFH VXJJHVWV ORZ OHYHO DFWLYLW\ ZKLFK together with environmental evidence from elsewhere in the catchment between the Rivers Avon and the Nene has been interpreted to suggest gradual tree clearance in the 4th and 3rd millennium BC and the development of an agricultural regime based on herding and pasture (Chapman 2004, 27). The absence of structural evidence of settlement and lithic material within the site at Mickle Well Park suggests the area may have been woodland, exploited for its hunting, and later as grazing, whilst the flint assemblage from the lower ground hints at short-lived communities in the valley bottoms. It is unlikely the proposed development area was anything more than woodland, which was later exploited for grazing by increasingly sedentary communities.

4.2.3 The Bronze Age is not represented in the evidence gathered from the study area, but it is likely that the land was exploited both for hunting and grazing during the 2nd millennium BC.

4.2.4 During the Iron Age, settlement typically became increasingly sedentary. Settlement sites in which more substantial round houses constitute the principal dwellings now begin to appear more regularly. Evidence of settlement in the study area has been recovered from Monksmoor Farm (HER 6929 on Figure 2; Appendix 1) during assessment and evaluation.

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4.2.5 Regionally, the evidence recovered so far suggests the pattern of activity during this period was predominantly riverine, though (as Chapman notes) west Northamptonshire is under-represented and more recent excavations on the lighter soils comparable with Mickle Well Park suggest the possibility that hill-slope settlements exploit the easier to work soils (Kidd 2004, 54). In addition to settlement evidence, land sub-division, probably for agricultural purposes begins to emerge during this period. In particular, alignments of pits which may have created large often rectangular fields, dating to the middle Iron Age and may constitute the first evidence of sedentary cattle or livestock farming. A pit alignment of this type (HER1450 on Figure 2; Appendix 1) has been found in the wider study area, west of Ashby Road (A361).

4.2.6 A low potential for settlement evidence relating to the prehistoric period therefore is identified for the site.

4.3 Roman

4.3.1 Within the site there is evidence from field artefact collection of a probable Roman settlement site east of Welton Place Farm (HER 617 on Figure 2i; Appendix 1). The local pattern of settlement during this period includes ridge-top locations which often comprise stock and arable enclosures with dwellings.

4.3.2 Evidence of Roman period activity has been found within the study area at several locations. The local pattern which emerges is of settlement both on the lower ground in the valley bottom below Mickle Well Park (HER525 on Figure 2; Appendix1) and on the higher ground of the ridge top (HER612 on Figure 2; Appendix 1). There is evidence of iron working here and a small quarry which may date to the Roman period (HER616 on Figure 2; Appendix 1). Artefact assemblages on the hill-slopes and in the valleys is comparable with many similar locations (cf Taylor and Flitcroft 2004).

4.3.3 The potential for evidence of agricultural and settlement activities within the site is considered to be good.

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4.4 Saxon/Medieval

4.4.1 There is no recorded evidence of this period recorded within the site. Following the demise of the Roman province in the 5th century AD, it is likely that many settlements continued in occupation but that gradual population decline resulted in some abandonment and the reversion of farmland to scrub. The earliest evidence for this period identified within the study area is an early Saxon cemetery (HER 611 on Figure 2; Appendix 1) close to cropmarks near Welton Place Farm (HER9838 on Figure 2; Appendix 1).

4.4.2 The location of the site on the parish boundary of Welton and Daventry would normally suggest that the area may well have reverted to woodland (Bilikowska 1980).

4.4.3 During the Saxon period the villages of Daventry and Welton were established providing the basis for ecclesiastical administration of their parishes and juridical administration through the manorial holdings. It is possible that any settlement associated with the Saxon cemetery to the north in Stone Pit Close moved to the present site of Welton village. Daventry, to the south is first mentioned in the Domesday survey of 1086 as Daventrei. The name probably means homestead of Dafa and suggests the village was in existence on the early medieval period. Welton in contrast is first mentioned in AD 1198 as Welteden, meaning wealt or shaky and deanu or valley, both elements from Old English suggesting a stream whose course ZDVQ¶W IL[HG EXW FKDQJHG IURP WLPH WR WLPH :LWK WKH HVWDEOLVKPHQW RI WKHVH WZR settlement centres, activity throughout much of the Medieval period was focused away from the site. (Ekwall 1980, 140, 505; Greenall 1999).

4.4.4 When the Domesday Survey was written, the proposed development site probably lay in agricultural land on the margins of the three parishes of Drayton, Daventry and Welton in the hundred of Egelweardeste. Typically locations on the parish boundary were marginal, often the last to be brought into formal cultivation. During the Medieval period the site may have been on the margins of the open field later referred to as North Field in Drayton.

4.4.5 Welton Place Farm derives its name from the Manor of Welton originally held by William de Welton who came to England with William the Conqueror. The de Weltons held the Manor until the reign of James I, when it passed to William Adams. The name Mickle Well probably originated during the Medieval period. Bridges records that ³7KHUHDUHIRXUKLOOVKHUHDQGVL[VSULQJVGLVWLQJXLVKHGE\QDPHRIZKLFK0LGGOHZHOO

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spring is the most remarkable. It falls into a kind of grotto, which is judged to be very curious. Over it are built two large rooms and its water passing through the rooms VXSSOLHVDILVKSRQG´1 By 1849 the well was recognised to emerge through a vaulted cave (Whellan 1849).

4.4.6 Overall, a low potential for Saxon/Medieval evidence is identified within the site.

4.5 Post-Medieval/Modern (including map regression exercise)

4.5.1 There is one recorded archaeological asset of Post-Medieval date within the study site. On the southern boundary of the site lies the Braunston Tunnel of the Grand Union Canal (HER442 on Figure 2; Appendix 1). This is part of a 5 mile section of the Oxford Canal and forms the main line of the Grand Union Canal between Braunston and Napton, a part of the wider network built between 1797 and 1805 linking London, Leicester, Northampton, Birmingham and Oxford.

4.5.2 In the 20th century, the Grand Union Canal Company was created through the amalgamation of several privately owned canals to create a route between London and Birmingham with connections to Leicester, Slough, Aylesbury, Wendover and Northampton. The majority of the canals were built in the late 18th century, including the Braunston Tunnel. Although often flanked by canal-related buildings, there are no such structures within the proposed development, there is an air shaft immediately to the south-west.

4.5.3 Map evidence from the Post-Medieval period of the study site is limited. The earliest VXUYLYLQJPDSLV(\UHDQG-HIIUH\¶VPDSRI1RUWKDPSWRQVKLUH )LJXUH EXWWKH scale is too small to show any significant detail for the site. There is no evidence of Welton Place Farm and the present farm buildings suggest a date in the early 19th cdentury. The parish of Welton was enclosed by Act of Parliament in 1755 (27 Geo II Private), but no map survives of the allotments. Daventry, now including Drayton, was enclosed in 1802 (42 Geo III) but this award shows no detail for the area of Welton Place Farm. No Tithe Award was made for the parish of Welton.

1 Published by the Rev Baker in 1791 but probably written in 1647, p96)

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4.5.4 The earliest map of sufficiently large scale to be useful in analysis, the 1st edition OS 1884 (Figure 5), shows the village of Welton and the proximity of Welton Place to the north, the 18th century Manor House (which was demolished in 1972).

4.5.5 In 1932 the field names of the parish were recorded by a local school (NCRO) (Figure 6) which gives an indication of mixed farming within the site, some arable and some pasture.

4.5.6 Subsequent editions of Ordnance Survey Maps of 1932 (Figure 7), 1952 (Figure 8) and 2006 (Figure 9), illustrate the largely unchanging character of the farmland throughout the 20th century.

4.5.7 A low/nil potential for remains of Post-Medieval/modern date is identified for the site.

4.6 Designated Assets

4.6.1 There is one designated asset within the site. The branch of the Grand Union Canal between the Oxford Canal in Braunston and Norton Junction, which runs in a tunnel (Braunston Tunnel) along the southern boundary of the site (Figure 3), is part of a Conservation Area stretching along the entire Grand Junction Canal. The towpath and the air shaft are the only extant canal remains in this section, with a series of interconnecting footpaths within and to the south of the site, through open green space/scrubland.

4.6.2 The Conservation Area Appraisal (Daventry Borough Council 1995) states that the Conservation Area boundaries have been drawn to include only those areas which represent the historical area of the canal itself. This has produced a Conservation Area that is approximately 32 miles in length, but generally only wide enough to include the cut, its towpath and opposite bank.

4.6.3 The predominant character of the Conservation Area itself is simply that of a linear canal, with its towpath to one side and occasional buildings that relate through function to the canal, such as cottages, pubs, works, bridges, locks and the service areas such as wharfs (Daventry Borough Council 1995).

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4.7 Assessment of Significance

4.7.1 There is one designated asset within the site, the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area.

4.7.2 The significance of the canal is derived from its architectural, historic, industrial archaeological and communal interest as a surviving e[DPSOHRIDµPDMRUIHDWRIFLYLO HQJLQHHULQJ IURP WKH ODWH WK FHQWXU\¶ (Daventry Borough Council 1995) and as a transport network which linked towns, villages and wharves and marinas. The setting of the canal is considered to make a neutral contribution to the character and overall significance of the conservation area which is functional rather than aesthetic. This view is substantiated by the Conservation Area Appraisal which VWDWHV WKDW ³««,Q travelling either by boat or on foot along the entire length of the Conservation Area, a number of distinct zones of external influence become apparent reflecting the nature of the surroundings of the Conservation Area rather than the character of the area LWVHOI´

4.7.3 There is one non-designated asset recorded within the study site. The significance of the probable Romano British settlement (HER616) is derived from its archaeological (evidential significance) and given the plough-damaged condition of this site, a local significance is identified.

4.7.4 Mickle Well Farm within the study site, although not recorded on the Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record, does nevertheless have significance, derived from its architectural and historic interest as a reasonably intact example of a 19th century model farm, presumably constructed on behalf of the Welton Place Estate. The site is considered to make a neutral contribution to the farms significance. Whilst the site forms part of the wider landscape surrounding the farm, its immediate setting, which does make a contribution to its significance, is effectively defined by the farmstead boundary.

4.7.5 The assessment has identified a moderate potential for settlement remains of Roman date, which, if present, would be of local significance. The assessment has identified a low/nil potential for remains of all other periods.

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5.1 Site Conditions

5.1.1 A site visit was undertaken on 13th June 2013. The site comprises an arable farm, Welton Place Farm, and the whole site is presently under arable cultivation, with the exception of Grand Union Canal Conservation Area, which is a mixture of green open space and copse/scrub, with towpath and interconnecting footpaths along its length (Plates 1-6). The brick built airshaft is extant and in good condition. The land slopes from high ground in the north down to the valley in which the Grand Junction Canal Tunnel is situated.

5.1.2 No earthworks or ridge and furrow or any other features or evidence to suggest buried archaeological features was noted during the site inspection.

5.2 The Proposed Development

5.2.1 The site is proposed for residential development. The current Illustrative Masterplan (Figure 9) shows the proposed mix of housing, access roads, green space, planting and footpaths.

5.3 Impact on Heritage Assets

5.3.1 Development of the site has the potential to impact on the character and significance of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area. The proposed site boundary follows the Conservation Area boundary for the most part, but does also extend briefly into the Conservation Area. However, no development is proposed within the Conservation Area boundary, other than provision of pedestrian access. This proposed pedestrian access will have no impact on the character or overall significance of the Conservation Area. With regard to the setting of the Conservation Area, whilst there would be intervisibility with the site, it cannot be held to make an important contribution to the Conservation Areas character and significance as described in 4.7.2 above. The impact of the proposed development on the setting and significance of the Conservation Area is therefore regarded as negligible.

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5.3.2 The NPPF outlines that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development (paragraph 14). Paragraph 138 of the NPPF covers the balance between public benefits and harm to conservation areas. It states that harm to conservation areas can be caused in any number of ways including through development within their boundary or within their setting, with or without demolition being involved. Not all elements of a Conservation Area will necessarily contribute to its significance. Loss of a building (or other element) which makes a positive contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area should be treated either as µsubstantial harm¶ SDUDJUDSK or less than substantial harm (paragraph 134), as appropriate, taking into account the relative significance of the element affected and its contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area as a whole. 7KHLU FRQVHUYDWLRQ VKRXOG DOZD\V EH JLYHQ µJUHDW ZHLJKW¶DQGDQ\KDUPFDQRQO\EHMXVWLILHGLIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQFOHDUO\DQGFRQYLQFLQJO\ shows that the harm will be outweighed by public benefits.

5.3.3 Consequently, because there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the economic and public benefits of the planning application submission will need to weighed against the negligible harm to the designated heritage asset.

5.3.4 Development of the site has the potential to impact on one recorded non-designated asset, that of the probable Romano-British settlement (HER617) indicated by recovery of artefacts during fieldwalking. The assessment has identified a good potential for associated below-ground Roman settlement remains within the site and a low/nil potential for remains of all other periods. Development within this part of the site would impact upon this modest archaeological interest. However, should archaeological deposits be present, it is considered that they would not be of such significance as to preclude development.

5.3.5 There will no physical impact on Mickle Well Farm, although development of the site does have the potential to affect its setting. This assessment has concluded that the site does not make a positive contribution to the significance of the asset and therefore no impact on its significance is predicted.

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6.1 This desk-based assessment considers land approximately 38.4 hectares in extent at Mickle Well Park, Daventry.

6.2 In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework), this assessment draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage significance and archaeological potential of the study site.

6.3 There is one designated asset within the site, the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area. No significant impacts on the setting, character and significance of the Conservation Area is anticipated. Consequently, as there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the economic and public benefits of the planning application submission should be weighed against the negligible harm to the designated heritage asset.

6.4 A non-designated probable Romano-British settlement is recorded within the study site. Accordingly a good potential for settlement evidence relating to the Roman period has been identified for the site. A low potential for archaeological remains of all other periods is identified. Development of the the site would impact on the undesignated asset and any associated previously unrecorded remains of archaeological interest. However, should archaeological deposits be present, it is considered that they would not be of sufficient significance to preclude development.

6.5 In view of the modest archaeological interest of the study site, the local planning DXWKRULW\¶V DUFKDHRORJLFDO DGYLVRU PD\ UHTXHVW D SURJUDPPH RI DUFKDHRORJLFDO ZRUN Such work could be secured by a suitably worded planning condition.

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1. General

Northamptonshire County Records Office Northampton Central Library Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record

2. Bibliographic

Appleton J H 1960 The communications of Watford Gap, Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers), No28, 215-224.

Barnwell P, Giles C 1997 English Farmsteads 1750-1914, London:RCHME


Bridges J 1791 History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, 2 Vols (ed Rev Baker). London:Nichols

Chapman A 2004 The Monument Builders:The Neolithic and Bronze Ages (4500BC- 1000BC), 25-44 in Tingle (ed) 2004

Clay P 2006 The Neolithic and Early to Middle Bronze Age, in Cooper (ed) 69-89

Cooper N 2006 The Archaeology of the East Midlands. An Archaeological Assessment and Research Agenda, Leicester Archaeology Monograph 13.

Daventry District Council 1995 Grand Union/Oxford Canal Conservation Area Appraisal

Ekwall E 1980 The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Pace names, Oxford:OUP

English Heritage 2011 The setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance., London: English Heritage

Taylor J, Flitcroft M 2004 The Roman Period, 63-78 in Tingle (ed) 2004

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Greenall R L 1999 Daventry Past, Phillimore

Kidd A 2004 Northamptonshire in the First Millennium, 44-63 in Tingle (ed) 2004

Myers A 2006 The Mesolithic, 51-69 in Cooper (ed) 2006

Mynors C 2006 Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Monuments, London Sweet and Maxwell 4th ed.


Taylor J 2006 The Roman Period, in Cooper (ed) 137-161

Taylor J, Flitcroft M 2004 The Roman Period, 63-77 in Tingle (ed) 2004.

Tingle M (ed) 2004, The Archaeology of Northamptonshire, Northampton:NAS

Wade Martins S 2002 The English Model Farm, Building the Agricultural Ideal, 1700- 1914, Windgather Press

Whellan W 1849 History, Gazetteer and Directory of Northamptonshire, London

3. Cartographic Inclosure Act 1802 (Daventry ) 42 Geo III (NCRO D2754 & 3005 a-c, 1802) Field Name Survey (Welton) NCRO Inclosure Award Act 1755 (Welton) 27 Geo II Private 26VW(GLWLRQ´[[[LL 26VW(GLWLRQ´-91 26QG(GLWLRQ´[[[LL 26QG(GLWLRQ´ 26UG(GLWLRQ´-52 26(GLWLRQ´ OS Edition 1:10,560 1955-6 OS Edition 1:2500 1979 OS Edition 1:10,000 1967-1979

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4. Website

Archaeological Data Service - ads.ahds.ac.uk English Heritage: The National Heritage List for England - list.english-heritage.org.uk Heritage Gateway - www.heritagegateway.org.uk MAGIC - www.magic.gov.uk

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Harrow Haringey Waltham Forest Redbridge Havering Hillingdon C Is a l md in Brent g Hackney t Barking en o n & Newham Dagenham Tower Ealing 3 4 Hamlets

2 Southwark Greenwich

Hounslow Lambeth Bexley Richmond Wandsworth upon Lewisham Thames

Merton Kingston upon Thames Bromley Croydon Sutton

1 Hammersmith & Fulham 2 Kensington & Chelsea 3 City of Westminster Inner London boroughs 4 City of London Outer London boroughs

London Cheltenham Mickle Well Park Kettering Newark Not to scale Birmingham Illustrative only www.cgms.co.uk Drawn by: JG 25/3/10 Site location Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings Checked by:RM © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 1: Site location MD/12567

Figure 2: Historic Environment Data

Site Location


Mickle Well Park

London Cheltenham Kettering Newark Birmingham www.cgms.co.uk Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings

Not to scale Illustrative only

Date printed: Drawn by: MD 23/3/11 Checked by: © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 MD/12567

Figure 2: Historic Environment Data

Site Location


Mickle Well Park

London Cheltenham Kettering Newark Birmingham www.cgms.co.uk Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings

Not to scale Illustrative only

Date printed: Drawn by: MD 23/3/11 Checked by: © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 MD/12567

Figure 2: Historic Environment Data

Site Location


Mickle Well Park

London Cheltenham Kettering Newark Birmingham www.cgms.co.uk Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings

Not to scale Illustrative only

Date printed: Drawn by: MD 23/3/11 Checked by: © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Untitled.mxd Additional information:




1045846 1077025 1077026 1203881 1077027

1203890 Key

1km search radius Site Boundary Listed Buildings

1203867 Conservation Area


1387390 1387389 ±

Project title: Mickle Well, Daventry

London Cheltenham Kettering Newark Birmingham


Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings

Scale at A3: 1:10,000 0400 m Date printed: Drawn by: JG 25/06/13 Checked by: RM

ˆ1TFPCPEG5WTXG[OCRUTGRTQFWEGFYKVJVJGUCPEVKQPQHVJGEQPVTQNNGTQH*/5VCVKQPGT[1HHKEG.KEGPEG0Q#. Figure 3: Listed Buildings and Conservation Area London Mickle Well Park N Cheltenham Kettering Not to scale Illustrative only Newark Birmingham Date printed: Drawn by: MD www.cgms.co.uk 23/3/11 Checked by: Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 4: 1791 Eyre and Jeffreys Map of Northamptonshire L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15601 - Mickle Well Park, Daventry\Corel\Revised Figures

London Mickle Well Park N Cheltenham Kettering Not to scale Illustrative only Newark Birmingham Date printed: Drawn by: JG www.cgms.co.uk 25/6/13 Checked by:RM Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 5: 1884 Ordnance Survey Map L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15601 - Mickle Well Park, Daventry\Corel\Revised Figures

London Mickle Well Park N Cheltenham Kettering Not to scale Illustrative only Newark Birmingham Date printed: Drawn by: MD www.cgms.co.uk 23/3/11 Checked by: Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 6: 1932 Field name Survey L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15601 - Mickle Well Park, Daventry\Corel\Revised Figures

London Mickle Well Park N Cheltenham Kettering Not to scale Illustrative only Newark Birmingham Date printed: Drawn by: JG www.cgms.co.uk 25/6/13 Checked by:RM Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 7: 1952 Ordnance Survey Map L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15601 - Mickle Well Park, Daventry\Corel\Revised Figures

London Mickle Well Park N Cheltenham Kettering Not to scale Illustrative only Newark Birmingham Date printed: Drawn by: JG www.cgms.co.uk 25/6/13 Checked by:RM Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 8: 2006 Ordnance Survey Map L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15601 - Mickle Well Park, Daventry\Corel\Revised Figures

Additional information:

Site Location

Project title: Mickle Well Park

London Cheltenham Kettering Newark Birmingham www.cgms.co.uk Planning & Development Archaeology & Historic Buildings

Not to scale Illustrative only

Date printed: Drawn by: NW JUNE 2013 Checked by: RS © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office Licence No: AL 100014723 Figure 9: Proposed Masterplan © CgMs L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15072 - Alsager 2\Graphics

Plate 1: View looking north across Dairy Close Field towards Welton Place Farm

Plate 2: View looking south across Stone Pit Ground and Hanbury Hole © CgMs L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15072 - Alsager 2\Graphics

Plate 3: View south-west from southern perimeter of the Grand Union Canal and Conservation Area with the tunnel air shaft in middle distance

Plate 4: View south along the parish boundary hedge where it flanks the A361 © CgMs L:\Archaeology\Current Jobs\15000-15999\15072 - Alsager 2\Graphics

Plate 5: Welton Place Farm buildings (north-west elevation)

Plate 6: Looking north-east to Welton Place Farmhouse and farmyard from drive

APPENDIX 1: GAZETTEER (MONUMENT RECORD) Northamptonshire County Council Monument Full Report 17/02/2011 Number of records: 73 Monument Extract: Land north of Daventry

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 1450 - MNN694 Uncertain Activity, Probably Prehistoric Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE (Prehistoric - 500000 BC? to 42 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.5 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5660 6585 (MBR: 173m by 496m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 1450 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel

Related Monuments 1450/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4082 Aerial Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5665002) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 1 SMR Number 1450/0/1 - Site Name Probable Pit Alignment & Parallel Ditch

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 1450/0/1 - MNN26959 Probable Pit Alignment & Parallel Ditch Monument

Monument Types and Dates PIT ALIGNMENT? (Prehistoric - 500000 BC? to 42 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Parallel pit alignment and ditch seen on aerial photo NCCAP:SP5665/001-2+15.

Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5662 6583 (MBR: 40m by 340m) SP56NE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 1450/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel

Related Monuments 1450/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4082 Aerial Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5665002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 2 SMR Number 1450/0/2 - Site Name Possible Prehistoric Ditches (Morphed Aerial Archaeology Interpretation)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 1450/0/2 - MNN130987 Possible Prehistoric Ditches (Morphed Aerial Monument Archaeology Interpretation) Crop/soilmark: Good quality photography

Monument Types and Dates DITCH? (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) LINEAR FEATURE (Prehistoric - 500000 BC? to 42 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. Used with NMR & CUCAP collections

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5660 6588 (MBR: 53m by 229m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 1450/0/2 Active Morph Record - 484/12/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South-west facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 1450/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4082 Aerial Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5665002) ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 3 SMR Number 1450/0/3 - Site Name Possible Prehistoric Ditches (Morphed Aerial Archaeology Interpretation)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 1450/0/3 - MNN130988 Possible Prehistoric Ditches (Morphed Aerial Monument Archaeology Interpretation) Crop/soilmark: Good quality photography

Monument Types and Dates DITCH? (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) LINEAR FEATURE (Prehistoric - 500000 BC? to 42 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. Used with NMR & CUCAP collections

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5659 6601 (MBR: 36m by 80m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 1450/0/3 Active Morph Record - 484/13/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South-west facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 1450/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4082 Aerial Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5665002) ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 4 SMR Number 442 - MNN3497 Site Name Grand Junction Canal (later incorporated into Grand Union Canal)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 442 - MNN3497 Grand Junction Canal (later incorporated into Grand Monument Union Canal)

Monument Types and Dates <> (Modern - 1805 AD to 1929 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} The present Grand Union Canal is the 1929 union of older, separate waterways linking London and Birmingham. These included the Grand Junction Canal built in 1805 by William Jessop.

{7} The Grand Junction Canal was erected in 1793-1815 and at the time was a great civil engineering undertaking with two tunnels, three flights of locks, four high embankments and an aqueduct. In total the canal was 111 miles long and cost over £1.5 million.

{8} The grand Junction Canal was built to join London to Birmingham and the Northern Canal system. This was an ambitious project, 137 miles in length, with 166 locks and a number of lengthy tunnels. Part of the original plan was to provide a side arm to link the main canal with Northampton and the navigable River Nene.

Sources (1) Book: CROWE N.. 1994. Canals. p.122 (part checked) (2) Book: Blagrove D.. 1969. The Canal at Stoke Bruerne. (unchecked) (3) Book: Blagrove D.. 1990. Waterways of Northamptonshire. (unchecked) (4) Book: Blagrove D.. 1995. Braunston, A Canal History. (unchecked) (5) Book: Hadfield C.. 1966. The Canals of The East Midlands. (unchecked) (6) Article: Freeston G.; Bunker J.. 1997. The Great Blisworth Countractor; Richard Dunkley and His Building Projects. Northamptonshire Past & Present. p.259-64 (unchecked) (7) Unpublished Report: BALLINGER J.. 1995?. East Midlands Regional Research Frameworks: Northamptonshire, Industrial Period. "Canals" (part checked) (8) Newsletter: Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group. 1996-2011. NIAG Newsletter. Issue 108 p.1 (unchecked) (9) Report: Rouse, C. & Hunn, J.. 2005. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.8 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 72437 53586 (MBR: 34194m by 24689m) SP75SW Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish BLISWORTH, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BRAUNSTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BROCKHALL, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BUGBROOKE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish COSGROVE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DODFORD, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GAYTON, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GRAFTON REGIS, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish LONG BUCKBY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NETHER HEYFORD, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NORTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish SHUTLANGER, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOKE BRUERNE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOWE IX CHURCHES, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WEEDON BEC, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WHILTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish YARDLEY GOBION, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 5 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 442 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 442/1 Route of The Grand Junction Canal Interpretational Group 442/2 Blisworth Hill Tramway Interpretational Group 442/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN6555 Blisworth Hill Tramway, Undated (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 7351002) ENN14494 Buckby Locks, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164032) ENN14495 The Grand Union Canal, Undated (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 6065010) ENN20172 DOE Listing: Grand Union Canal, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164057) ENN6553 Blisworth Hill Tramway, Pre 1982 (Event - Survey. Ref: 7351007) ENN101234 NIAG Millenium Survey, Pre 2001 (Event - Survey) ENN104934 Grand Union Canal, 2005 (Event - Survey. Ref: 7942024) ENN12514 NRIM Survey, 1966 (Event - Survey. Ref: 7252004) ENN6556 Excavation, 1969 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 7351003) ENN19795 Aerial Survey, 1973 (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164050) ENN3746 Building Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5366004) ENN102495 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN102502 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN102517 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN20175 DOE Listing: Grand Union Canal (Event - Survey. Ref: 6174002) ENN102726 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN102727 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN102771 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN102958 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN19098 Building Survey, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 6065016) ENN105074 Ryehill Farm, 1998 (Event - Survey) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100753 Oxford Canal (Braunston Section) (Event - Survey. Ref: 5367005) ENN105054 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 6 SMR Number 442/0/7 - Site Name Drayton Reservior/Daventry Old Reservoir

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 442/0/7 - MNN103640 Drayton Reservior/Daventry Old Reservoir Monument

Monument Types and Dates CANAL RESERVOIR (Modern - 1796 AD? to 1999 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Canal reservoir. When full the water covers 27 acres and is fed by streams from the west and north. It was built to hold water for about 1300 locks to supply the summit level of the Grand Junction Canal ready for its opening in 1796.

Sources (1) Gazetteer: Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group. 2001. A Guide To The Industrial Heritage Of Northamptonshire. p.25 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 568 649 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 442/0/7 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 442/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101234 NIAG Millenium Survey, Pre 2001 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 7 SMR Number 442/1 - MNN15707 Site Name Route of The Grand Junction Canal

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 442/1 - MNN15707 Route of The Grand Junction Canal Monument

Monument Types and Dates CANAL ROUTE (Modern - 1805 AD to 1929 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Grand Junction Canal, built 1790's. Canal-based settlement was established at Long Buckby Wharf, to the south west of Long Buckby.

{3} The Grand Union Canal, authorised in 1793 to connect the River Thames at Brentford with the Oxford Canal at Braunston and hence to Coventry and Birmingham, shortening the London-Midlands route considerably compared with that using the whole length of the Oxford Canal. Great difficulty was encountered in constructing the tunnel at Blisworth and the canal was not fully navigable along its whole length until 1805.

{5} Letter regarding features of canal to be seen at Braunston

{6} Article on the dating of the First Survey of the Oxford Canal plans relating to Braunston

Sources (1) Digital archive: Ballinger, J. 1999. Northamptonshire Extensive Urban Survey: Long Buckby (Industrial). Mapinfo\Archive\Extensive Survey\Long Buckby. (part checked) (2) Report: Foard G.; Ballinger J.. 2000. Northamptonshire Extensive Urban Survey: Long Buckby. (unchecked) (3) Article: Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group. 1970. Industrial Archaeology In Northamptonshire. p.23 (checked) (4) Newsletter: Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group. 1996-2011. NIAG Newsletter. Issue 113 p.7 (unchecked) (5) Correspondence: Mees A.. 2000. Correspondence. (unchecked) (6) Notes: Mees A.. 2001. Assigning a Precise Date to the Oxford Canal First Survey (Braunston section). (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 72477 53654 (MBR: 34294m by 24789m) SP75SW Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish ASHTON, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BLISWORTH, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BRAUNSTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BROCKHALL, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BUGBROOKE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish COSGROVE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DODFORD, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GAYTON, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GRAFTON REGIS, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish LONG BUCKBY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NETHER HEYFORD, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NORTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish SHUTLANGER, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOKE BRUERNE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOWE IX CHURCHES, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WEEDON BEC, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WHILTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish YARDLEY GOBION, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Primary Record Number - 5 Active

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 8 Sites & Monuments Record - 442/1 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 13/05/2009

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 442 Grand Junction Canal (later incorporated into Interpretational Group Grand Union Canal) 442/1/6 Buckby Locks (Flight of Locks) Interpretational Group 442/1/9 Canal Towpath Edging, Blisworth Interpretational Group 442/1/2 Blisworth Tunnel Interpretational Group 442/1/22 Braunston Marina Interpretational Group 442/1/13 Braunston Tunnel Interpretational Group 442/1/12 Tunnel Beneath Canal Interpretational Group 442/1/33 Cosgrove Canal Wharf & Railway Tracks Interpretational Group 442/1/11 Cosgrove Canal Lock Interpretational Group 442/1/10 Cosgrove Canal Embankment & Aqueduct Interpretational Group 442/1/1 Canal, Grand Junction Co. Interpretational Group 442/1/19 Canal 'Turnover' Bridge, at Rothersthorpe to Interpretational Group Gayton Road Bridge 442/1/14 Braunston Lock, Grand Union Canal Interpretational Group 442/1/5 Bridge No.53, Grand Union Canal Interpretational Group 442/1/39 Lock No.15 Interpretational Group 442/1/40 Lock No.16 Interpretational Group 442/1/41 Lock No.17 Interpretational Group 442/1/42 Lock No.18 Interpretational Group 442/1/43 Lock No.19 Interpretational Group 442/1/38 Lock No.20 Stoke Bottom Lock Interpretational Group 442/1/36 Lock No.14, Stoke Top Lock Interpretational Group 442/1/37 South Portal of Blisworth Tunnel Interpretational Group 442/1/29 Simons Cottage (Formerly High House?) Interpretational Group 442/1/18 Bridge No. 43 Interpretational Group 442/1/17 Bridge No. 44 Interpretational Group 442/1/16 Bridge No. 45 Interpretational Group 442/1/15 Bridge No. 47 Interpretational Group 442/1/21 Milepost beside towpath of Grand Union Canal Interpretational Group near junction with Northampton arm 442/1/31 Bridge No.10 at SP602656 Interpretational Group 442/1/32 Pump c.1m South of Windlass Cottage Interpretational Group 442/1/8 Milepost c.3m West of Windlass Cottage (By Interpretational Group Towpath of Grand Union Canal) 442/1/20 Windlass Cottage Interpretational Group 442/1/7 Bridge No.14 Over Grand Union Canal Interpretational Group 442/1/27 Lower Gate House Interpretational Group 442/1/24 The Horse Tunnel, Cosgrove Interpretational Group 442/1/25 Bridge No.65 Interpretational Group 442/1/26 Bridge No.27 Interpretational Group 442/1/23 Bridge No.63 Interpretational Group 442/1/35 Bridge No. 58 Interpretational Group 442/1/34 Bridge No.56 Interpretational Group 442/1/44 Approximate course of original canal Interpretational Group 442/1/0 Modern finds Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN14494 Buckby Locks, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164032) ENN14495 The Grand Union Canal, Undated (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 6065010) ENN20172 DOE Listing: Grand Union Canal, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164057) ENN104934 Grand Union Canal, 2005 (Event - Survey. Ref: 7942024) ENN12514 NRIM Survey, 1966 (Event - Survey. Ref: 7252004)

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 9 ENN19795 Aerial Survey, 1973 (Event - Survey. Ref: 6164050) ENN3746 Building Survey, 1984 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5366004) ENN102495 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN102502 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN102517 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN20175 DOE Listing: Grand Union Canal (Event - Survey. Ref: 6174002) ENN102726 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN102727 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN102771 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN13656 Aerial Survey, 1992 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5971003) ENN102958 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN19098 Building Survey, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 6065016) ENN105074 Ryehill Farm, 1998 (Event - Survey) ENN6 Extensive Urban Survey (Industrial Period), 1998-9 (Event - Survey. Ref: Industrial (7968050)) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100753 Oxford Canal (Braunston Section) (Event - Survey. Ref: 5367005) ENN105054 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 10 SMR Number 442/1/1 - Site Name Canal, Grand Junction Co.

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 442/1/1 - MNN103642 Canal, Grand Junction Co. Monument

Monument Types and Dates CANAL (Modern - 1805 AD? to 1999 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 7209 5473 (MBR: 33345m by 24289m) SP75SW Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish BLISWORTH, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BRAUNSTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BROCKHALL, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BUGBROOKE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish COSGROVE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DODFORD, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GAYTON, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish GRAFTON REGIS, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish LONG BUCKBY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NETHER HEYFORD, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish NORTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOKE BRUERNE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish STOWE IX CHURCHES, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WEEDON BEC, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WHILTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish YARDLEY GOBION, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 442/1/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Landuse Recreational usage 23/01/2007 Landuse Throughfare 23/01/2007

Related Monuments 442/1 Route of The Grand Junction Canal Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN14495 The Grand Union Canal, Undated (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 6065010)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 11 SMR Number 442/1/13 - Site Name Braunston Tunnel

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 442/1/13 - MNN103599 Braunston Tunnel Monument

Monument Types and Dates CANAL TUNNEL (Modern - 1796 AD to 2000 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Opened in 1796, the tunnel is 2042 yards long, wide enough for two 7 feet beam boats to pass, but has no towing path. The tunnel is lined with locally produced bricks. There are three circular brick airshafts, all by the footpath over the hill which follows the route the boat horses would have taken whilst the boats were legged through the tunnel. Legging was replaced by steam tugs in 1871. At the east entrance a mistake during the construction of the tunnel gives it a slight 'S' bend but from a point on the towing path some distance east of this entrance in certain conditions it is possible to see to the other end. See west entrance (SP 557654) (SMR pref ref 7782/0/0) for more details.

{2} Grand Junction Canal runs through the parish of Daventry. Braunston Tunnel lies almost entirely within the parish. There are also two large reservoirs in this parish belonging to the Grand Junction Canal Company.

{4} A series of brick air-shafts ventilate the tunnel and dominate the ridge in which it lies. Around and between them lie a line of sub-circular mounds, the spoil from the excavation of the tunnel, hauled up and out through working shafts, now infilled. In places they spread as much as 50m beyond the mapped line of the tunnel.

Sources (1) Draft: Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group. 2001. NIAG Industrial Gazetteer. (draft part checked) (2) Digital archive: Ballinger J.. 1999. Northamptonshire Extensive Urban Survey: Industrial Period. Mapinfo\Archive\ExtensiveSurvey\Rushden. (part checked) (3) Report: Rouse, C. & Hunn, J.. 2005. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.8 (checked) (4) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.2 9checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5655 6530 (MBR: 1873m by 374m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish BRAUNSTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 442/1/13 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 442/1 Route of The Grand Junction Canal Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101234 NIAG Millenium Survey, Pre 2001 (Event - Survey) ENN6 Extensive Urban Survey (Industrial Period), 1998-9 (Event - Survey. Ref: Industrial (7968050)) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN105054 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 12 SMR Number 5731/0/0 - Site Name Medieval/ post medieval pottery scatter

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 5731/0/0 - MNN143041 Medieval/ post medieval pottery scatter Monument

Monument Types and Dates POTTERY SCATTER (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1749 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} 13 sherds of medieval and post medieval sherds were found. The medieval fabrics could not be identified. The post medieval comprised sherds of iron glazed coarsewares, manganese mottled ware, Midland Blackware and Midland Purple.

Sources (1) Report: Atkins R.; Hindmarch E.. 2000. Archaeological Evaluation Of Land At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northants, Stage 2: Archaeological G. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.5 (checked) (2) Note: Chapman A , Chapman P. 2000-01. Daventry, Middlemore Farm. Northamptonshire Archaeology. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 565 650 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 5731/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 5731/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 13 SMR Number 5731/0/1 - Site Name Open Fields Project: Areas of Survival of Ridge & Furrow

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 5731/0/1 - MNN132809 Open Fields Project: Areas of Survival of Ridge & Monument Furrow Earthwork (Aerial Photography)

Monument Types and Dates RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {3} The field surrounding Middlemoor farm is pasture and entirely covered by well-preserved earthworks of ridge and furrow.

{4} Extensive ridge and furrow could be seen running in two directions. In the northern two thirds of the field the ridge and furrow ran in a north-south direction whilst in the southern end of the field it ran east-west.

Sources (1) Archive: Hall D.; Palmer R.. 2001. Midland Open Fields Project: Digital Archive. (part checked) (2) Book: Hall D.N.. 2001. Turning The Plough - Midland Open Fields: Landscape Character and Proposals for Management. (unchecked) (3) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.2 (checked) (4) Report: Atkins R.; Hindmarch E.. 2000. Archaeological Evaluation Of Land At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northants, Stage 2: Archaeological G. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.6-7 (checked) (5) Note: Chapman A , Chapman P. 2000-01. Daventry, Middlemore Farm. Northamptonshire Archaeology. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5645 6511 (MBR: 332m by 320m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 5731/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 06/07/2005 Form of Survival Upstanding 06/07/2005 Midland Open Fields Project, 1995-99 - 7968005

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Landuse Permanent Pasture 06/07/2005

Related Monuments 5731/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN103937 Midland Open Fields Project, 1995-99 (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 7968005) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100517 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 14 SMR Number 575 - MNN7418 Site Name Possible site of Roman activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 575 - MNN7418 Possible site of Roman activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 5753 6510 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 575 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 575/0 NN16905 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN18258 Finds, 1991 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5765008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 15 SMR Number 575/0/0 - Site Name Unstratified Roman find

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 575/0/0 - MNN34905 Unstratified Roman find Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1}Coin of Valens, SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, found June 1991.

Sources (1) Note: Curteis M. 1992. Daventry. Northamptonshire Archaeology. P114 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5753 6510 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 575/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 575/0 NN16905 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN35838 COIN (1) (Late Roman - 364 AD to 378 AD) METAL

Associated Events/Activities ENN18258 Finds, 1991 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5765008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 16 SMR Number 5938/0/6 - Site Name Remains of ridge and furrow

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 5938/0/6 - MNN142783 Remains of ridge and furrow Monument

Monument Types and Dates RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1749 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Parallel north-south aligned positive linear trends are caused by ploughed out ridge and furrow.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. pp.9-10 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5797 6470 (MBR: 105m by 218m) SP56SE Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 5938/0/6 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 5938/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 17 SMR Number 611 - MNN3588 Site Name Probable Early Saxon Burial Site

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 611 - MNN3588 Probable Early Saxon Burial Site Monument

Monument Types and Dates FUNERARY SITE (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 572 659 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 611 Active Primary Record Number - 207 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 611/1 Probable Early Saxon Cemetery Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4254 Welton Finds, Pre 1794 (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 5765005) ENN4250 Stone Pit Close, 1778 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765001) ENN4252 Stone Pit Close, 1822 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765003)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 18 SMR Number 611/1 - MNN14859 Site Name Probable Early Saxon Cemetery

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 611/1 - MNN14859 Probable Early Saxon Cemetery Monument

Monument Types and Dates CEMETERY? (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 572 659 (MBR: 150m by 150m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 611/1 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 611 Probable Early Saxon Burial Site Interpretational Group 611/1/1 Early Saxon Inhumation, Probably Others Interpretational Group Unrecorded 611/1/0 Early Saxon Urn Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4254 Welton Finds, Pre 1794 (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 5765005) ENN4250 Stone Pit Close, 1778 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765001) ENN4252 Stone Pit Close, 1822 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765003)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 19 SMR Number 611/1/0 - Site Name Early Saxon Urn

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 611/1/0 - MNN18876 Early Saxon Urn Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates CREMATION? (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) FINDSPOT (Early Saxon - 410 AD? to 649 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {3} A plain urn thought to be from Welton was in the Netherhall Collection, Cumberland in 1794.

Sources (1) Series: 1956. Transactions of The Cumberland and Westmorland Archaeological Society. p.70-72 (unchecked) (2) Report: MYRES. 1969. Anglo-Saxon Pottery. (unchecked) (3) Series: Royal Commission on The Historical Monuments of England. 1981. An Inventory of The Historical Monuments in The County of Northampton. p.198 Site 2 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 572 659 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 611/1/0 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating No 29/09/2005

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 611/1 Probable Early Saxon Cemetery Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN104197 CINERARY URN (Possible) (Early Saxon - 410 AD? to 649 AD?) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN4254 Welton Finds, Pre 1794 (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 5765005)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 20 SMR Number 611/1/1 - Site Name Early Saxon Inhumation, Probably Others Unrecorded

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 611/1/1 - MNN18793 Early Saxon Inhumation, Probably Others Unrecorded Monument

Monument Types and Dates CIST? (Early Saxon - 410 AD? to 649 AD?) INHUMATION (Early Saxon - 410 AD? to 649 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Necklace was found in 1822.

{2} In 1778 there were found two skeletons, with two small bronze brooches of the square headed pattern, and beads of glass and amber about their necks and wrists. Between the two was a small urn of pottery, not large enough to hold a cremation burial, plus coins of Constantine and Flavia perforated for use as pendants. Other burials were probably destroyed without record.

{4} Discovered in 1778 in a probable cist at a depth of 2ft. Fieldname: Long Ground Spinney.

{7} Stone Pit Close.

Sources (1) Book: Baker G.. 1830. The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. p.466 (unchecked) (2) Series: Doubleday H A (ed). 1902. The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Northamptonshire. p.235-36 (checked) (3) Journal: The Society of Antiquaries of London. 1884. Archaeologia (48.2). p.337 (unchecked) (4) Index: Ordnance Survey. 1950s/1960s. Ordnance Survey Record Card Index. SP56NE4 (checked) (5) Gazetteer: Meaney A.L.. 1964. Gazetteer of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites. p.196 (unchecked) (6) Series: Akerman. Pagan Saxondom. (unchecked) (7) Series: Royal Commission on The Historical Monuments of England. 1981. An Inventory of The Historical Monuments in The County of Northampton. (unchecked) (8) Journal: Brown A.E. (Editor). 1972. Archaeology in Northamptonshire 1971. Bulletin of Northants Federation of Archaeol Socs. p.67 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 572 659 (point) SP56NE Dispersed Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 611/1/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 611/1 Probable Early Saxon Cemetery Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN11243 SPEAR (Part of) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) METAL FNN24493 SKELETON (2) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) HUMAN BONE FNN24495 BROOCH (2) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) BRONZE FNN24496 BEAD (Some) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) JET FNN24497 BEAD (Some) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) AMBER FNN24499 BEAD (Some) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) GLASS FNN24501 VESSEL (1) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) POTTERY FNN24502 COIN (Some) (Late Roman - 312 AD to 337 AD) METAL MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 21 FNN24503 COIN (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) METAL FNN24505 NECKLACE (1) (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD) AMBER

Associated Events/Activities ENN4250 Stone Pit Close, 1778 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765001) ENN4252 Stone Pit Close, 1822 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765003)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 22 SMR Number 612 - MNN3589 Site Name Possible Romano-British Activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 612 - MNN3589 Possible Romano-British Activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 572 659 (MBR: 150m by 150m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 612 Active Primary Record Number - 207 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 612/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4251 Long Ground Spinney, 1969 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 23 SMR Number 612/0/0 - Site Name Unstratified Romano-British Pottery

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 612/0/0 - MNN18795 Unstratified Romano-British Pottery Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A few grey ware sherds were found in 1969.

{2} Small fragments of Roman pottery were found in the area in 1969.

Sources (1) Index: Ordnance Survey. 1950s/1960s. Ordnance Survey Record Card Index. SP56NE4 (checked) (2) Series: Royal Commission on The Historical Monuments of England. 1981. An Inventory of The Historical Monuments in The County of Northampton. p.198 Site 2 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 572 659 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 612/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Lower lias clay

Related Monuments 612/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN24504 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN4251 Long Ground Spinney, 1969 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5765002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 24 SMR Number 616 - MNN3592 Site Name Possible Industrial Activity, Undated

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 616 - MNN3592 Possible Industrial Activity, Undated Monument

Monument Types and Dates INDUSTRIAL SITE (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5744 6609 (MBR: 100m by 100m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 616 Active Primary Record Number - 217 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Lower lias clay Geology Marlstone rock beds

Related Monuments 616/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4255 Possible Roman site, documentary (Event - Survey. Ref: 5766001)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 25 SMR Number 616/0/1 - Site Name Undated Quarry Pits & Waste Heaps

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 616/0/1 - MNN18798 Undated Quarry Pits & Waste Heaps Monument

Monument Types and Dates EXTRACTIVE PIT (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description {1} Mounds shown, regularly spaced, and thought possibly to be Roman in origin.

{2} The mounds are a result of surface quarrying and not an antiquity.

Sources (1) Map: OS 6 INCH MAP. (unchecked) (2) Index: Ordnance Survey. 1950s/1960s. Ordnance Survey Record Card Index. SP56NE14 (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5744 6609 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 616/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Lower lias clay Geology Marlstone rock beds

Related Monuments 616/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4255 Possible Roman site, documentary (Event - Survey. Ref: 5766001)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 26 SMR Number 617 - MNN404 Site Name Probable Romano-British Settlement

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 617 - MNN404 Probable Romano-British Settlement Monument

Monument Types and Dates SETTLEMENT? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 575 654 (MBR: 150m by 150m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 617 Active Primary Record Number - 4450 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 617/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4253 Fieldwalking, 1978-9 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5765004)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 27 SMR Number 617/0/0 - Site Name Unstratified Romano-British Finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 617/0/0 - MNN26501 Unstratified Romano-British Finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates ARTEFACT SCATTER (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Late Roman pottery, roof tiles, tufa fragments and a quernstone.

Sources (1) Oral Report: Hall D.N.. 1979. Oral Report to SMR. 12/12/1979. (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 575 654 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 617/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 617/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN23715 SHERDS (Some) (Late Roman - 200 AD to 409 AD) POTTERY FNN23716 ROOF TILE (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) CLAY FNN23717 TUFA (Some) (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?) TUFF FNN23718 QUERN (1) (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?) MILLSTONE GRIT

Associated Events/Activities ENN4253 Fieldwalking, 1978-9 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5765004)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 28 SMR Number 619 - MNN3594 Site Name Welton

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 619 - MNN3594 Welton Monument

Monument Types and Dates VILLAGE (Medieval to Modern - 1066 AD? to 1999 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Book: BROWN A.E.. 1991. Early Daventry (An Essay In Early Landscape Planning). (unchecked) (2) Plan: BROWN A.E.. Welton Village. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 58181 65960 (MBR: 852m by 1050m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 619 Active Primary Record Number - 3827 Active Primary Record Number - 3826 Active Primary Record Number - 1825 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 23/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Lower lias clay Geology Marlstone rock beds Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 619/0 Interpretational Group 619/4 Post Medieval/Modern Country House (Welton Place) Interpretational Group 619/1 Church of St Martin, Welton Interpretational Group 619/2 Possible Medieval Castle Interpretational Group 619/3 Possible Post Medieval Manor Interpretational Group 619/5 Stonepit Farm Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4423 Aerial Survey, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 5866001) ENN4424 Aerial Survey, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 5866007) ENN4426 Aerial Survey, Undated (Event - Survey. Ref: 5866003) ENN4421 Earthwork Observation, Pre 1981 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865001) ENN102307 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN19282 Earthwork Survey, Pre 1991 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5866008) ENN103921 Welton Village, 2000 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865003) ENN4422 Aerial Survey, 1947 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865002) ENN102305 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey) ENN14400 Building Observation, 1993 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5866005) ENN14289 Welton Manor, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865005) ENN14290 Welton Place, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5766004) ENN100137 Metal Detecting, 2000 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 29 SMR Number 619/0/10 - Site Name The Manor House, Daventry Road

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 619/0/10 - MNN109745 The Manor House, Daventry Road Building

Monument Types and Dates HOUSE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1650 AD? to 1999 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} House. Mid C17 with late C18 and C19 alterations. Datestone above door is inscribed "1650/EA 1667". Ironstone rubble, squared and coursed with slate roof. 2 brick ridge stacks, one with stone base, and brick left end stack. 5-unit plan and L- shaped. 2 storeys. Ground floor has two C19 iron casements and one late C18 sash of 16 panes. To right a further C19 casement of 2 lights. 4 windows on first storey are C19 iron casements of 12 panes. C19 wood-panelled door is surmounted by wood lintel. Door and corners have quoins, and coped gables have kneelers. To left: C18 extension with garage is ironstone with brick jambs and patching and C20 plain-tile roof. 2 storeys, the lower with C20 windows beneath wood lintels, the upper with C19 casement windows. Large doors to left are C20 beneath wood lintel, small door to right is C20. Extension to right is mid C19, brick with slate roof and brick stack to right end. Iron casements and C19 plank door with iron fittings. Brick lintels and dentilled eaves. C19 stables and coach house extend to right. Interior: stone flagged floors, chamfered beams, some with stops. 4-centred arch stone fireplace, further open fireplace.

Sources (1) Digital archive: Clews Architects. 1980s. Database for Listing of Historic Buildings of Special Architectural Interest: Northamptonshire. h:heritage\smr\historic buildings database. 5/295 (checked) (2) Catalogue: List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest ("Greenback"). F04 (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 58083 65630 (MBR: 20m by 37m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names The Manor House, Daventry Road, Welton, Northamptonshire

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Listed Building (II) - 5/295 The Manor House Active DNN5191 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 619/0/10 Active Ratings and Scorings Condition Average Listed Buildings Survey, 1985

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 619/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN102307 Listed Buildings Survey, 1985 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 30 SMR Number 619/0/12 - Site Name Possible settlement earthworks

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 619/0/12 - MNN143030 Possible settlement earthworks Monument

Monument Types and Dates SETTLEMENT (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1749 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Area of indeterminate earthworks shown on plan.

Sources (1) Plan: BROWN A.E.. Welton Village. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5803 6560 (MBR: 76m by 85m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 619/0/12 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 619/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN103921 Welton Village, 2000 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865003)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 31 SMR Number 636 - MNN3607 Site Name Site of prehistoric activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 636 - MNN3607 Site of prehistoric activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 566 651 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 636 Active Primary Record Number - 1791 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 636/0 NN11489 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4080 Fieldwalking, c.1972 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5664001) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 32 SMR Number 636/0/0 - Site Name Prehistoric flint scatter

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 636/0/0 - MNN26517 Prehistoric flint scatter Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FLINT SCATTER (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Fieldwalking recovered worked flints (SP566651)

{3} No site specific data is included in the report and the material was retrieved in a fieldwalking programme which was not gridded out in any manner.

{4} Three flint flakes were collected over areas 1 and 2. The lack of worked flint recovered as well as the flint being widely dispersed implies that they were casual discards. There is therefore no indication of the presence of any prehistoric sites.

Sources (1) Journal: BROWN A.E.. 1973. Northamptonshire Archaeology. 8/26 (checked) (2) Series: Royal Commission on The Historical Monuments of England. 1981. An Inventory of The Historical Monuments in The County of Northampton. p.68/Site 22 (checked) (3) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked) (4) Report: Atkins R.; Hindmarch E.. 2000. Archaeological Evaluation Of Land At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northants, Stage 2: Archaeological G. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.4 (checked) (5) Note: Chapman A , Chapman P. 2000-01. Daventry, Middlemore Farm. Northamptonshire Archaeology. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 566 651 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 636/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 636/0 NN11489 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN103450 WORKED OBJECT (Some) (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) FLINT

Associated Events/Activities ENN4080 Fieldwalking, c.1972 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5664001) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 33 SMR Number 639 - MNN409 Site Name Roman settlement

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639 - MNN409 Roman settlement Monument

Monument Types and Dates SETTLEMENT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 565 650 (MBR: 350m by 373m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Primary Record Number - 2453 Active Sites & Monuments Record - 639 Active Primary Record Number - 1791 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4080 Fieldwalking, c.1972 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5664001) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN101857 Finds, 2001 (Event - Intervention) ENN101928 Middlemore Farm, 2002 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665006) ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008) ENN104158 Site 5A Middlemore Farm, 2005 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5664002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 34 SMR Number 639/0/0 - Site Name Unstratified Roman finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/0/0 - MNN18859 Unstratified Roman finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1}Fieldwalking survey; Roman pottery was found- indicates a possible settlement? SP 566651;

{4} No site specific data is included in the report and the material was retrieved in a fieldwalking programme which was not gridded out in any manner.

{5} 39 fragments and heavily abraded sherds of Roman pottery formed a thin scatter over the walked area. The assemblage dates to the second and third centuries and comprises locally produced domestic wares.

Sources (1) Journal: BROWN A.E.. 1973. Northamptonshire Archaeology. 8/26 (checked) (2) Series: Royal Commission on The Historical Monuments of England. 1981. An Inventory of The Historical Monuments in The County of Northampton. p.68/Site 22 (checked) (3) Note: Chapman A , Chapman P. 2000-01. Daventry, Middlemore Farm. Northamptonshire Archaeology. (checked) (4) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked) (5) Report: Atkins R.; Hindmarch E.. 2000. Archaeological Evaluation Of Land At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northants, Stage 2: Archaeological G. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.5 (checked) (6) Digital archive: Portable Anquities Database. (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 566 651 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN102670 COIN (Late Roman - 260 AD to 296 AD) COPPER ALLOY FNN103447 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?) POTTERY FNN106895 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Early Roman to Late Roman - 100 AD POTTERY to 299 AD)

Associated Events/Activities ENN4080 Fieldwalking, c.1972 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5664001) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN101857 Finds, 2001 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 35 SMR Number 639/0/1 - Site Name Early Romano-British Features

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/0/1 - MNN136639 Early Romano-British Features Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD) GULLY (Early Roman - 43 AD? to 199 AD?) PIT (Early Roman - 43 AD? to 199 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Features in Area 1. The surface of a 20 x 20m area was cleaned by site plant. A curvilinear ditch, two pits and a gully were observed cut into the natural mid-yellowish brown silty clay. The ditch was severely truncated but may have had a terminal end at its southern tip; it contained a sherd of C2nd Samian and 27 sherds of black-surfaced early Romano-British greyware. The pits were also truncated and contained no finds.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock A.. 2006. 'Strip and Record' Plus Watching Brief: Site 5A, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.10-11 (checked) (2) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 56531 64981 (MBR: 18m by 19m) SP56SE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN104388 SHERDS (1) (Early Roman - 100 AD to 199 AD) SAMIAN FNN104389 SHERDS (>10) (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD) GREYWARE

Associated Events/Activities ENN104158 Site 5A Middlemore Farm, 2005 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5664002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 36 SMR Number 639/0/2 - Site Name Early Romano-British Features

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/0/2 - MNN136640 Early Romano-British Features Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Early Roman - 43 AD? to 199 AD?) MULTIPLE DITCH SYSTEM? (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD) PIT? (Early Roman - 43 AD? to 199 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} The surface of a 75 x 25m area was cleaned by site plant. Two parallel ditches, two ditch segments divided by an entranceway and a cobble-filled feature were revealed cut into the natural silty clay. The parallel ditches were 1.7m apart and had been severely truncated, although they both extended beyond the southern limit of the excavation area. Late C1st Romano- British pot sherds were recovered from the easternmost of the parallel ditches, and C1st-2nd Romano-British pottery was recovered from the westernmost ditch. The ditch segments were on a different alignment and were subdivided by a c.1.5m break. They extended beyond the limits of the excavation area, and contained no finds. Romano-British pot sherds were also recovered from the cobble-filled feature.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock A.. 2006. 'Strip and Record' Plus Watching Brief: Site 5A, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.11-12 (checked) (2) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 56510 64989 (MBR: 26m by 37m) SP56SE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/0/2 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN104390 SHERDS (Some) (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD) GROGGED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE

Associated Events/Activities ENN104158 Site 5A Middlemore Farm, 2005 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5664002)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 37 SMR Number 639/1 - MNN8452 Site Name Roman farmstead

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1 - MNN8452 Roman farmstead Monument

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} The excavated evidence from Sites 1 and 2 suggests that during the Roman period the land around Middlemore Farm was occupied by a small Romano British Farmstead. The pottery evidence seems to indicate that the site was occupied during the 1st to 3rd centuries AD. It is likely that this farmstead was a small self-sufficient unit, providing little produce for the surrounding area, unlike the large villa estates which were being founded at this time.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p. 25 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5654 6513 (MBR: 116m by 230m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 639 Roman settlement Interpretational Group 639/0/0 Unstratified Roman finds Interpretational Group 639/1/2 Early Roman pits Interpretational Group 639/1/3 Early Roman gully Interpretational Group 639/1/4 Roman ditch system Interpretational Group 639/1/5 Roman features Interpretational Group 639/1/6 Roman ditches Interpretational Group 639/1/7 Roman boundary ditch Interpretational Group 639/1/8 Possible Roman pits and postholes Interpretational Group 639/1/0 Unstratified Roman finds Interpretational Group 639/1/1 Roman linear ditch system Interpretational Group 639/1/0 Unstratified Roman finds Interpretational Group 639/1/9 Roman ditches, possibly field boundaries Interpretational Group 639/1/10 Possible Roman ditches and pits Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4080 Fieldwalking, c.1972 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5664001) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100518 Middlemore Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN101928 Middlemore Farm, 2002 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665006) ENN103364 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN105089 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 38 SMR Number 639/1/0 - Site Name Unstratified Roman finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/0 - MNN143044 Unstratified Roman finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2003. Excavation of Roman Features at Plot 1, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire, February-March 2003. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6519 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group Associated Finds FNN106870 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) OXIDISED WARE, GROGGED WARE, OXFORD WARE, NENE VALLEY WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE, COLOUR COATED WARE, SAMIAN FNN106871 MORTARIUM (Part of) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) POTTERY FNN106872 TILE (>10) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) CERAMIC FNN106873 TEGULA (6-10) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) TILE FNN106874 IMBREX (4) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) TILE FNN106875 QUERN (Part of) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) STONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN103364 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN105089 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 39 SMR Number 639/1/0 - Site Name Unstratified Roman finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/0 - MNN143042 Unstratified Roman finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Roman pottery, three fragments of tile, one structural, and a tegulae were recovered, along with some animal bone.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2002. Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire: Archaeological Watching Brief. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5654 6510 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN103499 TILE (3) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) TILE FNN106862 SHERDS (>10) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 150 AD) GROGGED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106863 TEGULA (1) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 150 AD) CERAMIC FNN106864 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN101928 Middlemore Farm, 2002 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665006)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 40 SMR Number 639/1/1 - Site Name Roman linear ditch system

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/1 - MNN143043 Roman linear ditch system Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A linear ditch system ran into the site from the west and terminated towards the eastern limit of excavation. Ditch 202 was V- shaped, typically 1.48m wide by up to 0.7m deep, and had been re-cut along its full length by a shallower ditch. This was U- shaped, 0.98m at its widest by 0.28m deep. It was dated by a small quantity of pottery, largely greywares, to the late 1st ± 2nd century AD.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2003. Excavation of Roman Features at Plot 1, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire, February-March 2003. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6518 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106865 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 199 AD) OXIDISED WARE, GROGGED WARE, OXFORD WARE, NENE VALLEY WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE, COLOUR COATED WARE, SAMIAN FNN106866 ANIMAL REMAINS (3) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE FNN106877 CLAMP (2) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) IRON FNN106878 NAIL (4) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) IRON

Associated Events/Activities ENN103364 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN105089 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 41 SMR Number 639/1/10 - Site Name Possible Roman ditches and pits

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/10 - MNN143046 Possible Roman ditches and pits Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?) PIT (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Ditches 21, 25 and 67 were also seen during the excavation. Ditch 21 contained 10 sherds of 1st or 2nd century pottery; ditch 25 contained pottery of 2nd century or later date; and ditch 67 contained undated pottery. It seems likely that ditch 25 is a continuation of the ditch seen in the watching brief on site 1 (ref 639/1/3). Pits 19, 80, 86 and 89 were also seen. Pit 86 contained 8 sherds of pottery as well as the skeletal remains of at least 3 juvenile cattle, and pit 89 contained a single sherd of 2nd century pottery.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.15, 16, 18 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6507 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/10 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106884 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) GROGGED WARE, GREYWARE, POTTERY FNN106885 MORTARIUM (Part of) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) POTTERY FNN106890 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE FNN106891 SKELETON (3) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) ANIMAL BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 42 SMR Number 639/1/2 - Site Name Early Roman pits

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/2 - MNN104442 Early Roman pits Monument

Monument Types and Dates PIT (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A sequence of intercutting pits was excavated. Pit 108 measured 1.2m in diameter by 0.48m deep, and was cut by pit 106 which was 0.95m in diameter by 0.8m deep. Pit 106 was in turn cut by pit 103 which was 0.8m in diameter by 0.4m deep. Sherds of Roman pottery were recovered from the fills. These represented kitchen and storage wares in locally manufactured fabrics and were dated to the late first/ early second century AD.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2002. Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire: Archaeological Watching Brief. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.2 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5654 6510 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/2 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106857 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 150 AD) OXIDISED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106858 MORTARIUM (Part of) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 150 AD) POTTERY FNN106859 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN101928 Middlemore Farm, 2002 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665006)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 43 SMR Number 639/1/3 - Site Name Early Roman gully

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/3 - MNN104443 Early Roman gully Monument

Monument Types and Dates GULLY (Early Roman - 43 AD to 199 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A shallow gully 0.5m wide by 0.2m deep forming a rectangular enclosure measuring 6m by 3m. The fill of the gully contained 7 sherds of Roman pottery. These represented kitchen and storage wares in locally manufactured fabrics and were dated to the late first/ early second century AD.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2002. Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire: Archaeological Watching Brief. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5654 6510 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/3 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology boulder clay

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106860 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 150 AD) OXIDISED WARE, GROGGED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106861 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN101928 Middlemore Farm, 2002 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665006)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 44 SMR Number 639/1/4 - Site Name Roman ditch system

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/4 - MNN115268 Roman ditch system Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Late Roman - 200 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A linear ditch system ran into the site from the west and terminated towards the eastern limit of excavation. Ditch 204 was U- shaped, 1.2m wide by 0.69m deep, cut by ditch 219 which was typically U-shaped, 1.3m wide by 0.7m deep. Ditch 219 was re- cut at its eastern end by ditch 222 which was U-shaped and 7m long by 1,45m wide and 0.32m deep. Ditch 222 was cur by ditch 215 which was typically U-shaped, 0.38m wide by 0.27m deep at its east end but 2m wide and 0.6m deep at its west end. The ditch system produced a broad range of finds, beginning perhaps as early as the mid 1st century AD, but much of this was residual and the ditch system was only in use in the 3rd to 4th centuries.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2003. Excavation of Roman Features at Plot 1, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire, February-March 2003. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.4 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6519 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/4 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN102941 SHERDS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) GROGGED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106867 ANIMAL REMAINS (>10) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE FNN106876 COIN (1) (Late Roman - 375 AD to 399 AD) COPPER ALLOY

Associated Events/Activities ENN103364 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN105089 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 45 SMR Number 639/1/5 - Site Name Roman features

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/5 - MNN115269 Roman features Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) GULLY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) PIT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} The eastern end of ditch 215 was cut by pit 217. This was circular with steep sides and a flattened base. It measured 1.1m in diameter by 0.3m deep. A U-shaped ditch, 0.7m wide by 0.5m deep, increasing to 1.2m wide by 0.5m deep towards the east. Gully 206 ran into the excavation from the north and was cut by ditch 215. It was U-shaped and 0.66m wide by 0.22m deep. Gully 208 entered the excavation from the south and butt-ended just short of ditch 211. It was U-shaped, 0.7m wide and 0.21m deep.

Sources (1) Report: Leigh D.. 2003. Excavation of Roman Features at Plot 1, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire, February-March 2003. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.4 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6519 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/5 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106868 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) OXIDISED WARE, GROGGED WARE, NENE VALLEY WARE, GREYWARE, COLOUR COATED WARE FNN106869 ANIMAL REMAINS (4) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN103364 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007) ENN105089 Plot 1 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665007)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 46 SMR Number 639/1/6 - Site Name Roman ditches

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/6 - MNN132170 Roman ditches Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} The initial phase of activity was the cutting of three small ditches, 205, 206 and 210. These ditches were orientated north east to south west, It was noted that the northern extent of these ditches formed a line possibly representing the northern edge of a series of small fields, though no evidence for a northern return ditch or fence line was discovered. Ditch 205: no finds or dating material was recovered but it seems likely that this ditch was filled during the 3rd century. Ditch 206: at its southwest end it merged into ditch 201, whilst its northern extent was defined by a terminal. A single undiagnostic pottery sherd was recovered from this ditch. Ditch 210 contained a single early-mid 2nd century sherd.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p. 9-10 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5655 6507 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/6 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106879 SHERDS (2) (Early Roman - 100 AD to 150 AD) GREYWARE FNN106886 ANIMAL REMAINS (1) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 47 SMR Number 639/1/7 - Site Name Roman boundary ditch

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/7 - MNN132171 Roman boundary ditch Monument

Monument Types and Dates BOUNDARY DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Ditch 201 was orientated north west to south east. This was a substantial ditch and it is considered likely that it represents the southern boundary of the site. The results from examination of the environmental samples taken from its fills seem to support this hypothesis. It is likely that the ditch was re-cut at least once during its life, with the original cut seemingly on its southern side. Pottery recovered from the fills indicates that the ditch probably went out of use during the mid 2nd century. The large ditch almost certainly defines the southern boundary of the cultivated part of the farmstead. The sections excavated through the ditch indicate that it was maintained and re-cut at least once during its life, probably a task required by necessity as it naturally silted up. The environmental samples clearly demonstrate that this was a wet vegetated ditch prone to drying, in an open environment. This ditch would have almost certainly served the dual role of separating the animals on the lower slopes from the crops on the upper slope.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p. 10-1, 25 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5654 6506 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas - None recorded Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/7 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106880 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Early Roman - 50 AD to 199 AD) OXIDISED WARE, GROGGED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106887 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE FNN106892 MOLLUSCA REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) SHELL FNN106893 CEREAL GRAIN (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) WHEAT, BARLEY, SEED

Associated Events/Activities ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 48 SMR Number 639/1/8 - Site Name Possible Roman pits and postholes

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/8 - MNN132172 Possible Roman pits and postholes Monument

Monument Types and Dates PIT? (Roman - 43 AD? to 409 AD?) POST HOLE? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} A number of small discreet features were excavated during the excavation. No alignments representing fence lines or structures were identified, and in most cases it is not possible to say if the features are pits or postholes. Some of the features were dated to pre phase 2 (cf 639/1/9) and some were dated to after the ditches 639/1/9 and 639/1/6. Only two of the pits contained finds: pit 15 contained one sherd of 1st century pottery although this is considered to be residual, and pit 63 contained 14 sherds of pottery and 35 fragments of animal bone.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p. 16-17 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 56550 65075 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas - None recorded Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/8 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106882 SHERDS (Small quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) GROGGED WARE, WHITE WARE, BLACK BURNISHED WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE FNN106883 MORTARIUM (Part of) (Late Roman - 200 AD? to 299 AD?) POTTERY FNN106888 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 49 SMR Number 639/1/9 - Site Name Roman ditches, possibly field boundaries

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 639/1/9 - MNN143045 Roman ditches, possibly field boundaries Monument

Monument Types and Dates DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) FIELD BOUNDARY? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} The second phase of activity saw the excavation of a series of north to south and east to west ditches, 201-204 and 207- 209. It is likely that there is at least one sub phase within this general alignment. Ditch 202: the southern limit was defined by ditch 201 whilst at its northern end it swung westwards before terminating. This western arm had subsequently been cut on its northern side by ditch 209. It is likely that this ditch represents a field boundary/ drainage ditch. Residual 1st or 2nd century pottery, and undated pottery were recovered from its fill. Ditch 203: the southern extent was defined by ditch 201 and the northern end was unclear: it either turned westwards to become ditch 209 or continued northwards. It is likely that it represents a field boundary ditch. Though a number of sherds were recovered from its fill they have proved undiagnostic in terms of dating except for a single sherd of mid to late 3rd century beaker. Ditch 204: the northern end was cut by a pit and its southern end faded to nothing suggesting that it had originally been a larger feature. It is likely that it is a continuation of ditch 209 but this could not be confirmed. Ditch 207 & 208: curved slightly to the south west before merging with ditch 201. It seems likely that ditch 208 is a western continuation of it. Ditch 208 was open after ditch 207 had been filled. A limited quantity of pottery recovered from the fills indicates that the ditch was filled sometime during the 2nd century. A short extension of ditch 208 continued for about 3m east of the junction with 207, ending in a distinct terminal. Pottery from the fills has been dated to the 2nd or 3rd centuries. Ditch 209: cut the northern side of ditch 202. Finds retrieved from the fills indicates that this ditch was filled sometime during the 2nd century.

Sources (1) Report: Wilson N.. 2004. Archaeological Excavation: Site 2, Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p. 10-16 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5654 6508 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 639/1/9 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 639/1 Roman farmstead Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106881 SHERDS (Medium quantity) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) GROGGED WARE, NENE VALLEY WARE, SHELLY WARE, GREYWARE, COLOUR COATED WARE, SAMIAN FNN106889 ANIMAL REMAINS (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) BONE FNN106894 CEREAL GRAIN (Some) (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) WHEAT, BARLEY, SEED

Associated Events/Activities ENN103733 Site 2 Middlemore Farm, 2003 (Event - Intervention. Ref: 5665008)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 50 SMR Number 649/4 - MNN143037 Site Name Middlemoor Farm

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 649/4 - MNN143037 Middlemoor Farm Monument

Monument Types and Dates FARM (Modern - 1750 AD to 2050 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Middlemoor farm was probably constructed between 1752 and 1779 and was planted for livestock farming in a formerly arable landscape. Middlemoor Farm was depicted as such in 1885 but previously in 1827 (Bryant's map) it was called Micklemoor farm. Prior to that Eyre and Jeffrey's map of 1779 depicted it as Mickle Moor House.

Sources (2) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. pp.1, 4 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5652 6513 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 649/4 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 649 Drayton Interpretational Group 649/4/1 Middlemore Farmhouse Interpretational Group 649/4/2 Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN103053 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100519 Middlemore Farm, 2000 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 51 SMR Number 649/4/1 - Site Name Middlemore Farmhouse

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 649/4/1 - MNN111313 Middlemore Farmhouse Building

Monument Types and Dates FARMHOUSE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 1999 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Farmhouse. Early C18 with additions of c1800 and later alterations. Red brick, much with burnt headers in Flemish bond. Slate roof with stone-coped gables and brick ridge and end stacks. 3-unit plan. 2 storeys with cellars and attics. EXTERIOR: 5- window range at first floor (2 blocked) of uPVC windows under brick lintels. Blocked windows to centre left and right have gauged brick flat arches with stone keyblocks. On ground floor from left a French window, gabled C19 porch and part-glazed door, a 3-light window with stuccoed lintel, door within glazed porch and 2-light window under gauged brick flat arch with stone keyblock. Floor band and brick eaves. Farmbuilding range (qv) adjoins on right end whilst on left end there is a single-storey addition of c1800 and 2-light window in the attic. To rear a 2-storey addition of c1800 under roof forming catslide with the original range. This is a 3-window range with door to centre left. 6-panel door and window to single-storey addition. INTERIOR. The sitting room ( best parlour)has early C18 plaster raised and fielded panelling and overmantel with shouldered corners and floral decoration. Wooden chair rail and dado, fitted corner cupboard and 4-panel door with HL hinges. C19 fireplace. Generally there are boxed bridging beams and 2- and 4-panel doors with HL hinges and some plaster cornices. Stick baluster staircase. Kitchen has modified open fireplace and west gable extension has open fireplace and bake oven. Early C18 fireplace with eared surround on first floor. Attics have boarded partitions with 2-panel and plank doors and roof with clasped purlins and coupled rafters. Cellars under rear range and under sitting room, this last of stone with brick vault. A good quality farmhouse with unusual survival of best parlour fittings. It forms with its farmbuilding range (qv) a complete steading and together they represent an early enclosure of a midland clay parish.

{2} Middlemore Farm comprises a farmhouse and adjoining range of barns constructed of red brick and built in the first half of the eighteenth century. The farmhouse has a later extension to the north side which in turn has a single storey extension at its west end containing a bread oven and water heater or 'copper'. The house remains largely intact with alterations and additions throughout reflecting its continuous use for over 250 years. The barns remain fundamentally as originally built, though contain may later minor alterations and additions. Though no maps survive prior to 1779 and there is no reference to the property in the Inclosure Award of 1752, the style of the house suggests a date of 1720-1740. The barns are later as they butt join the east end of the house. This implies relative chronology only, and stylistically they appear to be contemporary with the house. The eastern end of the range is a later addition and appears to be of mid nineteenth century date. To the south of the barns are the remains of stock yards enclosed by a series of brick walls. Most of these are now very fragmentary but appear to be of nineteenth century construction, though they may be replacements of earlier walls. The development of the farmhouse can be divided into three main phases, though the development appears to be rather more complicated. Phase one consisted of a single rectangular block with three rooms to each floor, the stair well and a cellar at the west end, and probably had a single storey extension on the north side above the cellars that extend the whole length of the north side. Barns 1, 2 and 3 appear to be contemporary with this phase. Phase two comprised the alteration of the extension to the north side which may have involved simply re-building the north wall which is currently bowing outwards. The windows also appear to have been altered, especially the tops of the windows including those of the cellars. Phase three saw the construction of the single storey barn at the west end of the long range of barns and the addition of the barn at the west end of the house with the 'copper' and bread oven.

Sources (1) Digital archive: Clews Architects. 1980s. Database for Listing of Historic Buildings of Special Architectural Interest: Northamptonshire. h:heritage\smr\historic buildings database. 3/10003 (checked) (2) Report: Prentice J.. 2000. Building Recording At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 565 651 (MBR: 20m by 9m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names Middlemore Farmhouse, Drayton, Daventry, Northamptonshire

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Listed Building (II) - 3/10003 Middlemore Farmhouse Active DNN4261 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 649/4/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 52 Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 649/4 Middlemoor Farm Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN103053 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100519 Middlemore Farm, 2000 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 53 SMR Number 649/4/2 - Site Name Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 649/4/2 - MNN111314 Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse Building

Monument Types and Dates BUILDING (Post Medieval to Modern - 1700 AD? to 1999 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Farmbuilding range. Early C18 with later alterations. Red brick with some burnt headers and with corrugated sheet and plain tile and slate roofs. Long range, probably 9 bays, floored in part. Left end adjoins farmhouse (qv); lower stable on right end. Arch leading to rear and 3 doorways on front, one in narrowed opening. 2-light casement to first floor centre left. Rear has various doors, double doors and 3 glazed and louvred windows to first floor. INTERIOR. Partly partitioned and floored. Roof of 2 tiers of butt purlins with tie beams and collars. Stable on right end has stable door and tile roof to front and slate roof to rear. Forms a complete steading and significant group with the farmhouse (qv) and together they represent an early enclosure of a midland clay parish.

{2} Middlemore Farm comprises a farmhouse and adjoining range of barns constructed of red brick and built in the first half of the eighteenth century. The farmhouse has a later extension to the north side which in turn has a single storey extension at its west end containing a bread oven and water heater or 'copper'. The house remains largely intact with alterations and additions throughout reflecting its continuous use for over 250 years. The barns remain fundamentally as originally built, though contain may later minor alterations and additions. Though no maps survive prior to 1779 and there is no reference to the property in the Inclosure Award of 1752, the style of the house suggests a date of 1720-1740. The barns are later as they butt join the east end of the house. This implies relative chronology only, and stylistically they appear to be contemporary with the house. The eastern end of the range is a later addition and appears to be of mid nineteenth century date. To the south of the barns are the remains of stock yards enclosed by a series of brick walls. Most of these are now very fragmentary but appear to be of nineteenth century construction, though they may be replacements of earlier walls. The development of the farmhouse can be divided into three main phases, though the development appears to be rather more complicated. Phase one consisted of a single rectangular block with three rooms to each floor, the stair well and a cellar at the west end, and probably had a single storey extension on the north side above the cellars that extend the whole length of the north side. Barns 1, 2 and 3 appear to be contemporary with this phase. Phase two comprised the alteration of the extension to the north side which may have involved simply re-building the north wall which is currently bowing outwards. The windows also appear to have been altered, especially the tops of the windows including those of the cellars. Phase three saw the construction of the single storey barn at the west end of the long range of barns and the addition of the barn at the west end of the house with the 'copper' and bread oven.

Sources (1) Digital archive: Clews Architects. 1980s. Database for Listing of Historic Buildings of Special Architectural Interest: Northamptonshire. h:heritage\smr\historic buildings database. 3/10004 (checked) (2) Report: Prentice J.. 2000. Building Recording At Middlemore Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 565 651 (MBR: 40m by 8m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse, Drayton, Daventry, Northamptonshire

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Listed Building (II) - 3/10004 Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Active DNN4262 Farmhouse Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 649/4/2 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 649/4 Middlemoor Farm Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 54

Associated Events/Activities ENN103053 Listed Buildings Survey (Event - Survey) ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey) ENN100519 Middlemore Farm, 2000 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 55 SMR Number 6855 - MNN2779 Site Name Possible Parkland at Welton Manor

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6855 - MNN2779 Possible Parkland at Welton Manor Monument

Monument Types and Dates LANDSCAPE PARK? (Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD? to 2000 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Map: Ordnance Survey. 1950. Ordnance Survey 1950s Mapping Series (SP56). 2.5 inches to 1 mile. (unchecked) (2) Map: Ordnance Survey. OS Landranger Series Map 152. 1:50,000. Sheet No 152 (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 58253 65510 (MBR: 486m by 403m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6855 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 24/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6855/0 NN14255 Interpretational Group 619/3 Possible Post Medieval Manor Ownership

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN104057 English Heritage Parks Register Enhancement Survey, 1995 (Event - Survey) ENN14289 Welton Manor, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5865005)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 56 SMR Number 6856 - MNN7165 Site Name Welton Place

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6856 - MNN7165 Welton Place Monument

Monument Types and Dates LANDSCAPE PARK (Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD? to 1999 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {2} Seat of John Plomer Clarke, Esq. lord of the Manor (died 1826). 815 acres. Built prior to purchase of manor.England bought manor 1647 passed through Adams-Clarke family descent

{3} John Clark, Esq.

{4} Mr Adams, present Lord of the Manor - family first mentioned in 18th year of James 1 (1621)

{5} A mid-C18 house of five bays and two storeys. Three-bay wing of c.1810. Interiors of same date except for the staircase of c.1750. The archway from the road to the garden (north of the house) must be of the mid C17. [SMR note 12/02/2009: house no longer stands]

Sources (1) Map: . 1950. Ordnance Survey 2.5 Inch Series. SP56 (unchecked) (2) Book: Baker G.. 1830. The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. p.457 (unchecked) (3) Map: Eyre T. (Revised by Jefferys T.). 1779. Map of the County of Northamptonshire. (unchecked) (4) Book: Bridges J.. 1791. The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. p.97 (unchecked) (5) Series: Pevsner N.; Cherry B.. 1973. The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire. p.457 (unchecked) (6) Journal: 1863. The Cottage Gardener (30). 493-95 (unchecked) (7) Journal: 1865. The Cottage Gardener (34). 257 (unchecked) (8) Book: NEALE J.P.. 1825. VIEWS. (unchecked) (9) Uncertain: Elliot B.. Victorian Gardens. p.28+42 (unchecked) (10) Map: Ordnance Survey. OS Landranger Series Map 152. 1:50,000. Sheet No 152 (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 57792 65690 (MBR: 750m by 1218m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6856 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 24/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Geology Glacial gravel Geology Middle lias silts

Related Monuments 619/4 Post Medieval/Modern Country House (Welton Place) Ownership

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN4256 Coney Gray (Event - Interpretation. Ref: 5766002) ENN104057 English Heritage Parks Register Enhancement Survey, 1995 (Event - Survey) ENN14290 Welton Place, 1996 (Event - Survey. Ref: 5766004)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 57 SMR Number 6872 - MNN143039 Site Name Undated quarry

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6872 - MNN143039 Undated quarry Monument

Monument Types and Dates QUARRY (Modern - 1750 AD? to 2050 AD?)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 5686 6526 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6872 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6872/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 58 SMR Number 6872/0/1 - Site Name Undated quarry pit

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6872/0/1 - MNN143038 Undated quarry pit Monument

Monument Types and Dates QUARRY (Modern - 1750 AD? to 2050 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} A filled-in quarry exists straddling the line of the Braunston Tunnel adjacent to the eastern side of the Ashby Road. It was mapped from 1885 onwards.

Sources (1) Report: Soden, I.. 1999. Archaeology at Middlemore Farm, Daventry: Desk-Based Assessment. Northamptonshire Archaeology Fieldwork Reports. p.3 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5686 6525 (MBR: 113m by 80m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6872/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6872/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105088 Middlemoor Farm, 1999 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 59 SMR Number 6925 - MNN142812 Site Name Possible site of prehistoric activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6925 - MNN142812 Possible site of prehistoric activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE? (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 5790 6490 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6925 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6925/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105056 Monksmoor Farm, 2006 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 60 SMR Number 6925/0/0 - Site Name Prehistoric finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6925/0/0 - MNN142811 Prehistoric finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Two struck flint flakes were collected. One of these had a pronounced bulb of percussion and was bifacially retouched down one lateral margin for use as a knife. The unretouched flake was slightly patinated with two blade removal scars on its dorsal side.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Fieldwalking Survey of Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.13 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5790 6490 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6925/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6925/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106680 RETOUCHED FLAKE (1) (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) FLINT FNN106681 FLAKE (1) (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) FLINT

Associated Events/Activities ENN105056 Monksmoor Farm, 2006 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 61 SMR Number 6929 - MNN142800 Site Name Iron Age settlement

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929 - MNN142800 Iron Age settlement Monument

Monument Types and Dates SETTLEMENT (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} At least three phases of activity are suggested by evidence on the site. The geophysical survey and results of the evaluation indicate that the ditches and gullies define the location of a settlement comprising two stock enclosures and at least three roundhouses. Analysis of pot sherds suggests a mid iron Age date for much of the settlement activity although the presence of flint artefacts and early Iron Age sherds could suggest continuity of settlement from the early Iron Age.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.27 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5807 6484 (MBR: 169m by 165m) SP56SE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey) ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 62 SMR Number 6929/0/3 - Site Name Undated enclosure

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/3 - MNN142817 Undated enclosure Monument

Monument Types and Dates ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description {1} Six curvilinear magnetic anomalies identify four roundhouses and two small stock enclosures. Discrete areas of magnetic enhancement located in the same area may be caused by archaeological features, although proximity to the modern farm buildings suggests that some or all could be caused by modern agricultural activity.

{2} The terminal end of the targeted c. lm wide enclosure ditch was exposed. Excavation showed that it was cut on its northern side by a c.0.9m wide penannular gully (6929/0/5). The stratigraphy of the enclosure ditch suggested that it had been recut once, and also indicated that this redefinition was truncated by a later recut of the gully.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked) (2) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.14 (checked) (3) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5804 6484 (MBR: 11m by 14m) SP56SE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/3 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey) ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 63 SMR Number 6929/0/5 - Site Name Iron Age roundhouse

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/5 - MNN142819 Iron Age roundhouse Monument

Monument Types and Dates POST HOLE (Unknown date) ROUND HOUSE (DOMESTIC) (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Six curvilinear magnetic anomalies identify four roundhouses and two small stock enclosures. Discrete areas of magnetic enhancement located in the same area may be caused by archaeological features, although proximity to the modern farm buildings suggests that some or all could be caused by modern agricultural activity.

{2} The terminal end of the targeted c. 1m wide enclosure ditch was exposed. Excavation showed that it was cut on its northern side by a c.0.9m wide penannular gully, cutting the northern side of enclosure ditch 6929/0/3. The enclosure ditch had been recut once, and this redefinition was truncated by a later recut of the gully. Seven small and abraded sherds of Iron Age pottery were recovered from the fill of the recut of the gully. The expected return of the gully was present at the northern end of the trench where it cut an earlier pit. Eight sherds of Iron Age pottery were recovered from the fill. A post/stake hole was located within the area delimited by the two exposed sections of the penannular gully. Finds were not recovered from the fill of this shallow feature. An east-west aligned manganese stained sandy deposit was also present at the centre of the penannular gully. This deposit was not investigated and its is unclear whether it had an archaeological or geological origin.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked) (2) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.14 (checked) (3) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5804 6485 (MBR: 9m by 11m) SP56SE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/5 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106691 SHERDS (>10) (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey) ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 64 SMR Number 6929/0/6 - Site Name Iron Age pit, possibly a cremation burial

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/6 - MNN142823 Iron Age pit, possibly a cremation burial Monument

Monument Types and Dates CREMATION BURIAL? (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) PIT (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Pit, cut the later gully 6929/0/5. A large centrally placed stone, unabraded sherds of an ovoid jar with applied strap shaped lugs and sherds of early/mid Iron Age scored ware pottery were recovered from the pit's fill. The fabric of the jar could suggest a late Bronze Age date although it is closer in form to middle Iron Age vessels with countersunk handles. The recovered sherds of early/mid Iron Age pottery and the unworn condition of the ovoid jar suggest that it was discarded or deliberately placed in the pit during the mid Iron Age. A limited amount of undiagnostic calcined bone was present in a thin deposit of burnt material underlying the largest fragment of the ovoid jar.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.14 (checked) (2) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5804 6485 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/6 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106696 JAR (1) (Late Bronze Age to Middle Iron Age - 1000 BC to 101 BC) POTTERY FNN106697 SHERDS (Some) (Early Iron Age to Middle Iron Age - 800 BC to 101 BC) POTTERY FNN106698 ANIMAL REMAINS? (Small quantity) BONE FNN106699 HUMAN REMAINS? (Some) BONE

Associated Events/Activities ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 65 SMR Number 6929/0/7 - Site Name Iron Age gully

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/7 - MNN142824 Iron Age gully Monument

Monument Types and Dates GULLY (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} An unexpected, shallow, c. 0.4m wide, north-south aligned gully was discovered in the western half of the trench and two sherds of early Iron Age pottery were recovered from its fill.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.15 (checked) (2) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5803 6486 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/7 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106700 SHERDS (2) (Early Iron Age - 800 BC to 401 BC) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 66 SMR Number 6929/0/8 - Site Name Iron Age roundhouse

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/8 - MNN142820 Iron Age roundhouse Monument

Monument Types and Dates GULLY (Unknown date) ROUND HOUSE (DOMESTIC) (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Six curvilinear magnetic anomalies identify four roundhouses and two small stock enclosures. Discrete areas of magnetic enhancement located in the same area may be caused by archaeological features, although proximity to the modern farm buildings suggests that some or all could be caused by modern agricultural activity.

{2} 8The c. 1 .2m wide penannular gully was present at the expected location and three internal features were visible branching off it. Recuts of the penannular gully were not visible and slight alteration of the route of the gully as a consequence of redefinition and reuse seems an improbable explanation for the presence of any of the internal features. A north-south aligned feature with a manganese stained sandy fill was present at the western end of the penannular gully. Artefacts were not recovered and it is unclear whether this gully had an archaeological or geological origin. An unretouched waste flint flake was recovered from the surface of one of the internal features and a sherd of Iron Age pottery was collected from the surface of another.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked) (2) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.15 (checked) (3) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5805 6486 (MBR: 9m by 9m) SP56SE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/8 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106692 FLAKE (1) (Prehistoric - 500000 BC to 42 AD) FLINT FNN106693 SHERDS (1) (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey) ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 67 SMR Number 6929/0/9 - Site Name Iron Age enclosure(s)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6929/0/9 - MNN142821 Iron Age enclosure(s) Monument

Monument Types and Dates ENCLOSURE (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Description and Sources Description {1} Six curvilinear magnetic anomalies identify four roundhouses and two small stock enclosures. Discrete areas of magnetic enhancement located in the same area may be caused by archaeological features, although proximity to the modern farm buildings suggests that some or all could be caused by modern agricultural activity.

{2} Two sections were excavated across the possible penannular gully located at the north of the trench. The northerly section revealed the terminal end of a c. 0.8m wide ditch and a sherd of Iron Age pottery was recovered from its fill. The southern section revealed two parallel linear, southwest-northeast aligned, shallow gullies. The different character of the excavated sections may suggest that they are different features rather than parts of a single penannular gully. The terminal end of an unexpected shallow gully was exposed c. 2m further south. Its fill was analogous to those of the other archaeological features and its alignment suggests that it may join with the southern gully.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked) (2) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.15-6 (checked) (3) Journal: Horne B. (Editor). 2008. South Midlands Archaeology: CBA Group 9 Newsletter. p.37 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5807 6486 (MBR: 11m by 12m) SP56SE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6929/0/9 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6929/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106694 SHERDS (1) (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) POTTERY

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey) ENN104721 Monksmoor farm, 2006 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 68 SMR Number 6932/0/0 - Site Name Possible ironworking evidence

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6932/0/0 - MNN142814 Possible ironworking evidence Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description {1} A small fragment of metalworking slag was collected from the surface of field 6 and another from field 7. One contains numerous gaseous voids and may be furnace clinker while the other is more solid with a higher ferrous content. The date of these finds is uncertain and valid conclusions cannot be drawn from these spatially disparate and possibly imported finds.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2006. Fieldwalking Survey of Land at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.13 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 580 649 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6932/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6932/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN106682 SLAG (2) IRON

Associated Events/Activities ENN105056 Monksmoor Farm, 2006 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 69 SMR Number 6932/0/1 - Site Name Possible uncertain feature

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6932/0/1 - MNN142784 Possible uncertain feature Monument

Monument Types and Dates FEATURE? (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description {1}A single discrete area of magnetic enhancement probably originates from relatively modern activity although an archaeological origin is not discounted.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5797 6493 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6932/0/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6932/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 70 SMR Number 6932/0/2 - Site Name Possible uncertain features

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6932/0/2 - MNN142787 Possible uncertain features Monument

Monument Types and Dates FEATURE? (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description {1} A tentatively identified positive linear trend and areas of magnetic enhancement could be caused by archaeological features although their character and proximity to a ferrous pipeline slightly north suggests that a modern origin is equally probable.

Sources (1) Report: Hancock, A.. 2005. Geophysical Survey: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.9 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 5806 6490 (point) SP56SE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6932/0/2 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 6932/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN105055 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 71 SMR Number 9086 - MNN143032 Site Name Possible site of Roman activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9086 - MNN143032 Possible site of Roman activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference SP 568 653 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9086 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 9086/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101856 Finds, 2001 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 72 SMR Number 9086/0/0 - Site Name Unstratified Roman finds

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9086/0/0 - MNN104360 Unstratified Roman finds Find Spot

Monument Types and Dates FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Digital archive: Portable Anquities Database. (unchecked)

Location National Grid Reference SP 568 653 (point) SP56NE Point Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Grand Union Canal conservation area Active DNN12301 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9086/0/0 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 9086/0 Interpretational Group

Associated Finds FNN102668 COIN (Late Roman - 350 AD to 353 AD) COPPER ALLOY FNN102669 COIN (Late Roman - 260 AD to 296 AD) COPPER ALLOY FNN102740 COIN (Late Roman - 367 AD to 383 AD) COPPER ALLOY FNN102741 COIN (Late Roman - 364 AD to 378 AD) COPPER ALLOY

Associated Events/Activities ENN101856 Finds, 2001 (Event - Intervention)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 73 SMR Number 9197 - MNN115520 Site Name Daventry Township

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9197 - MNN115520 Daventry Township Monument

Monument Types and Dates LAND UNIT (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)

Description and Sources Description {1} Map location shows extent of the medieval township of Daventry.

Sources (1) Digital archive: Ballinger J.; Foard G.. 1999. Northamptonshire Extensive Urban Survey: Daventry (Medieval/Post Medieval/ Industrial). Mapinfo\Archive\Extensive Survey\Daventry. Mapping taken from figure 2 (checked) (2) Report: Rouse, C. & Hunn, J.. 2005. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment: Monksmoor Farm, Daventry. Archaeological Services and Consultancy Reports. p.7-8 (checked)

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 57822 62950 (MBR: 2929m by SP56SE Area 4429m) Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations Conservation Area Daventry Reservoir conservation area Active DNN12551 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9197 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating No 29/09/2005

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN100382 Extensive Urban Survey, 1995-2000 (Event - Survey. Ref: (Medieval & Post Medieval)) ENN105054 Monksmoor Farm, 2005 (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 74 SMR Number 9401/1 - MNN135336 Site Name Banbury to Lutterworth Turnpike

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9401/1 - MNN135336 Banbury to Lutterworth Turnpike Monument

Monument Types and Dates TOLL ROAD (Modern - 1765 AD to 1899 AD?)

Description and Sources Description [Uncertain sources] Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 52654 55014 (MBR: 10316m by 35421m) SP55NW Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish ASHBY ST. LEDGERS, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish ASTON LE WALLS, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BADBY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish BYFIELD, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish CHACOMBE, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish CHARWELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish CHIPPING WARDEN, South Northants District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish CRICK, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish FAWSLEY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish KILSBY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish LILBOURNE, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Civil Parish YELVERTOFT, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9401/1 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 05/12/2006

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments 9401/1/1 Dow Bridge (C18th?), Watling Street Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN104536 Listed Building Survey (Event - Survey)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 75 SMR Number 9838 - MNN135438 Site Name Uncertain, Undated Activity

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9838 - MNN135438 Uncertain, Undated Activity Monument

Monument Types and Dates SITE (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 57090 65852 (MBR: 213m by 232m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9838 Active Morph Record - 484/21/1 Active Ratings and Scorings Current Assets Rating Yes 24/09/2010

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 9838/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 76 SMR Number 9838/0/1 - Site Name Possible Enclosure, Undated (Morphed Aerial Archaeology Interpretation)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9838/0/1 - MNN130999 Possible Enclosure, Undated (Morphed Aerial Monument Archaeology Interpretation) Crop/soilmark: Poor quality photography

Monument Types and Dates ENCLOSURE? (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. Used with NMR & CUCAP collections

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5705 6585 (MBR: 41m by 41m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9838/0/1 Active Morph Record - 484/21/1 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 9838/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 77 SMR Number 9838/0/2 - Site Name Possible Ditch, Undated (Morphed Aerial Archaeology Interpretation)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9838/0/2 - MNN131000 Possible Ditch, Undated (Morphed Aerial Monument Archaeology Interpretation) Crop/soilmark: Poor quality photography

Monument Types and Dates DITCH? (Unknown date) LINEAR FEATURE? (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. Used with NMR & CUCAP collections

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5703 6583 (MBR: 72m by 101m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9838/0/2 Active Morph Record - 484/21/2 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 9838/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 78 SMR Number 9838/0/3 - Site Name Possible Ditch, Undated (Morphed Aerial Archaeology Interpretation)

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 9838/0/3 - MNN131001 Possible Ditch, Undated (Morphed Aerial Monument Archaeology Interpretation) Crop/soilmark: Poor quality photography

Monument Types and Dates DITCH? (Unknown date) LINEAR FEATURE? (Unknown date)

Description and Sources Description - None recorded Sources (1) Photographs: Northamptonshire SMR Collection of Aerial Photographs. Used with NMR & CUCAP collections

Location National Grid Reference Centroid SP 5714 6586 (MBR: 104m by 101m) SP56NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 9838/0/3 Active Morph Record - 484/21/3 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded Other Land Classes Aspect South facing 28/06/2004 Topography Slope 28/06/2004

Related Monuments 9838/0 Interpretational Group

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities ENN101891 National Mapping Programme, Northamptonshire (Event - Interpretation)

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 79 APPENDIX 2: GAZETTEER (LISTED BUILDINGS) Northamptonshire County Council Designation Full Report 16/02/2011 Number of records: 3 Listed Building Extract: Land north of Daventry

DesigUID: DNN4261 Type: Listed Building Status: Active Preferred Ref LBSUID Volume/Map/Item 3/10003 475345 3/10003

Name: Middlemore Farmhouse Grade: II Date Assigned: 14/07/1999 Amended: Revoked

Legal Description Farmhouse. Early C18 with additions of c1800 and later alterations. Red brick, much with burnt headers in Flemish bond. Slate roof with stone-coped gables and brick ridge and end stacks. 3-unit plan. 2 storeys with cellars and attics. EXTERIOR: 5-window range at first floor (2 blocked) of uPVC windows under brick lintels. Blocked windows to centre left and right have gauged brick flat arches with stone keyblocks. On ground floor from left a French window, gabled C19 porch and part-glazed door, a 3-light window with stuccoed lintel, door within glazed porch and 2-light window under gauged brick flat arch with stone keyblock. Floor band and brick eaves. Farmbuilding range (qv) adjoins on right end whilst on left end there is a single-storey addition of c1800 and 2-light window in the attic. To rear a 2-storey addition of c1800 under roof forming catslide with the original range. This is a 3-window range with door to centre left. 6-panel door and window to single-storey addition. INTERIOR. The sitting room ( best parlour)has early C18 plaster raised and fielded panelling and overmantel with shouldered corners and floral decoration. Wooden chair rail and dado, fitted corner cupboard and 4-panel door with HL hinges. C19 fireplace. Generally there are boxed bridging beams and 2- and 4-panel doors with HL hinges and some plaster cornices. Stick baluster staircase. Kitchen has modified open fireplace and west gable extension has open fireplace and bake oven. Early C18 fireplace with eared surround on first floor. Attics have boarded partitions with 2-panel and plank doors and roof with clasped purlins and coupled rafters. Cellars under rear range and under sitting room, this last of stone with brick vault. A good quality farmhouse with unusual survival of best parlour fittings. It forms with its farmbuilding range (qv) a complete steading and together they represent an early enclosure of a midland clay parish.

Curatorial Notes NB. Ref No is not unique Designating Authority DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT

Location Grid Reference: Centroid SP 5650 6513 (MBR: 20m by 9m) Map sheet: SP56NE Area (Ha): 0.01 Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Postal Addresses - None recorded Listed Building Addresses Middlemore Farmhouse, Drayton

Sources - None recorded

Associated Monuments 649/4/1 Building: Middlemore Farmhouse

Additional Information List Locality: Daventry List Parish: List District: List County: Group Value: Upload Date:

DesignationFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 1 DesigUID: DNN4262 Type: Listed Building Status: Active Preferred Ref LBSUID Volume/Map/Item 3/10004 475346 3/10004

Name: Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse Grade: II Date Assigned: 14/07/1999 Amended: Revoked

Legal Description Farmbuilding range. Early C18 with later alterations. Red brick with some burnt headers and with corrugated sheet and plain tile and slate roofs. Long range, probably 9 bays, floored in part. Left end adjoins farmhouse (qv); lower stable on right end. Arch leading to rear and 3 doorways on front, one in narrowed opening. 2-light casement to first floor centre left. Rear has various doors, double doors and 3 glazed and louvred windows to first floor. INTERIOR. Partly partitioned and floored. Roof of 2 tiers of butt purlins with tie beams and collars. Stable on right end has stable door and tile roof to front and slate roof to rear. Forms a complete steading and significant group with the farmhouse (qv) and together they represent an early enclosure of a midland clay parish.

Curatorial Notes NB. Ref No is not unique Designating Authority DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT

Location Grid Reference: Centroid SP 5652 6513 (MBR: 40m by 8m) Map sheet: SP56NE Area (Ha): 0.02 Administrative Areas Civil Parish DAVENTRY, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Postal Addresses - None recorded Listed Building Addresses Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse, Drayton

Sources - None recorded

Associated Monuments 649/4/2 Building: Farmbuildings adjoining Middlemore Farmhouse

Additional Information List Locality: Daventry List Parish: List District: List County:

DesignationFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 2 DesigUID: DNN5191 Type: Listed Building Status: Active Preferred Ref LBSUID Volume/Map/Item 5/295 361183 5/295

Name: The Manor House Grade: II Date Assigned: 11/03/1987 Amended: Revoked

Legal Description House. Mid C17 with late C18 and C19 alterations. Datestone above door is inscribed "1650/EA 1667". Ironstone rubble, squared and coursed with slate roof. 2 brick ridge stacks, one with stone base, and brick left end stack. 5- unit plan and L-shaped. 2 storeys. Ground floor has two C19 iron casements and one late C18 sash of 16 panes. To right a further C19 casement of 2 lights. 4 windows on first storey are C19 iron casements of 12 panes. C19 wood-panelled door is surmounted by wood lintel. Door and corners have quoins, and coped gables have kneelers. To left: C18 extension with garage is ironstone with brick jambs and patching and C20 plain-tile roof. 2 storeys, the lower with C20 windows beneath wood lintels, the upper with C19 casement windows. Large doors to left are C20 beneath wood lintel, small door to right is C20. Extension to right is mid C19, brick with slate roof and brick stack to right end. Iron casements and C19 plank door with iron fittings. Brick lintels and dentilled eaves. C19 stables and coach house extend to right. Interior: stone flagged floors, chamfered beams, some with stops. 4- centred arch stone fireplace, further open fireplace.

Curatorial Notes NB. Ref No is not unique Designating Authority DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT

Location Grid Reference: Centroid SP 5808 6563 (MBR: 20m by 37m) Map sheet: SP56NE Area (Ha): 0.03 Administrative Areas Civil Parish WELTON, Daventry District, Northamptonshire Postal Addresses - None recorded Listed Building Addresses The Manor House, Daventry Road, (West side)

Sources - None recorded

Associated Monuments 619/0/10 Building: The Manor House, Daventry Road

Additional Information List Locality: Welton List Parish: List District: List County: Group Value: Upload Date:

DesignationFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 3 www.cgms.co.uk