HERITAGE STATEMENT LAND AT MICKLE WELL PARK DAVENTRY September 2014 Planning Authority: Daventry District Council Site centred at: SP 572 654 Author: Rachel Morse MA MIfA Approved by: Paul Chadwick BA FSA MIfA Report Status: Final Issue Date: September 2014 CgMs Ref: PC/RM/15601 © CgMs Limited No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent. Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report. © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry CONTENTS Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Identified Heritage Assets 5.0 The Proposed Development and Impact on Heritage Assets 6.0 Summary and Conclusions APPENDIX 1: Heritage Assessment (CgMs 2013) APPENDIX 2: Geophysical Survey Report (Stratascan 2013) APPENDIX 3: Archaeological Evaluation Report (University of Leicester Archaeological Services 2014) CgMs Consulting PC/RM/15601 1 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This heritage statement considers land approximately 38.1 hectares in extent at Mickle Well Park, Daventry. In accordance with government policy (National Planning Policy Framework), this statement draws together the available archaeological, historic, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage and archaeological significance of the study site. The proposed site boundary follows the boundary of the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area for the most part, but does also extend briefly into the Conservation Area. The canal itself is within the Braunston Tunnel at this point, located to the south of the site boundary. The Conservation Area is approximately 52km in length; the section within the site boundary is approximately 0.7km in length. No development is proposed within the Conservation Area boundary, other than further provision of pedestrian access. There will be no significant impacts on the Conservation Area. Consequently, as there is considered to be less than substantial harm to the significance of Conservation Area, the public benefits of the planning application submission should be weighed against the ‘less than substantial harm’ to the designated heritage asset. The impacts on landscape character and visual impacts are considered in the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Cooper Partnership/SLR Ref Document 14). Development of the site has the potential to impact on non-designated late Iron Age/Romano-British remains, located in the north-east of the site through geophysical survey and targeted evaluation trenches. Development within this part of the site would impact upon this modest archaeological interest. However, it is considered that the remains are not of such significance as to preclude development. The impact of development can be mitigated and the archaeological interest in the site adequately safeguarded through a phased programme of post-consent archaeological investigation. This can be addressed through a condition attached to planning permission. In the context of the National Planning Policy Framework, current Local Plan Policy GN2, and emerging Core Strategy policy BN5, further archaeological evaluation of the site is not necessary to inform decision-making on a planning application. CgMs Consulting PC/RM/15601 2 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY 1.1 The subject of this statement, also referred to as the study site, is land at Mickle Well Park, Daventry. 1.2 The study site is c. 38.4 hectares in extent and comprises arable fields, Welton Place Farm (and access road) and short section of the Grand Union Canal towpath (along the top of the Braunston Tunnel), to the north-east of Daventry. It is bounded by the A631 road to the west, fences and hedges to the south, east and north. The study site is centred at National Grid Reference SP 572 654. 1.3 This Statement has been prepared with regard to government’s National Planning Policy Framework, to identify and provide a description of the significance of heritage assets within the site and the likely effects of future development. It additionally addresses the requirements for information on the historic environment contained in Policies GN2 and EN2 of the Daventry District Local Plan (1997) and Policy BN5 of the emerging Joint Core Strategy for West Northamptonshire (Submission) 2012. 1.4 The Statement includes: Details of relevant national and local planning policy; A summary of the results of a detailed heritage assessment (Appendix 1) undertaken in June 2013 for the study site and a surrounding 1km radius search area; A summary of the results of an archaeological geophysical survey undertaken on the site in November 2013 (Appendix 2); and A summary of the results of archaeological evaluation (trial trenching) undertaken in December 2013 (Appendix 3). 1.5 The comments of Daventry District Council received following pre-application consultation (P/14/158 25th July 2014) have been taken into account in preparing this report. CgMs Consulting PC/RM/15601 3 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry 2.0 PLANNING BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FRAMEWORK 2.1 Legislation Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 2.1.1 When considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (the “1990 Act”) places a statutory duty on a local planning authority [LPA] or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State to “have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses” (para. 66(1). 2.1.2 Section 72 of the 1990 Act places a general duty on planning authorities in the exercise of planning functions with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area, stating that “special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area” (para. 72 (1)2). There is no specific reference to the setting of Conservation Areas in the 1990 Act. 2.2 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which replaces previous national policy relating to heritage and archaeology (Planning Policy Statement [PPS]5: Planning for the Historic Environment [2010]). 2.2.1 Section 12 of the NPPF, entitled ‘Conserving and enhancing the historic environment’ provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 12 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the: Delivery of sustainable development Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance and Recognition of the value that heritage makes to our knowledge and understanding of the past. 2.2.2 Section 12 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 128 CgMs Consulting PC/RM/15601 4 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset, and that the level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential effect of the proposal upon the significance of that asset. 2.2.3 Heritage assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as: A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the Local Planning Authority. 2.2.4 Annex 2 also defines archaeological interest as: A heritage asset which holds or potentially could hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological interest are the primary source of evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them. 2.2.5 A designated heritage asset comprises a: World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area. 2.2.6 Significance is defined as: The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting. 2.2.7 In short, government policy provides a framework which: Protects nationally important designated heritage assets (which comprise World Heritage Sites, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings, Protected Wreck Sites, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields or Conservation Areas) CgMs Consulting PC/RM/15601 5 Heritage Statement Mickle Well Park, Daventry Protects the settings of such designations In appropriate circumstances
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