INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE 76 PATISSION STR. / ATHENS 10434 / HELLAS T:+ 30 210-8203 250, 270 / F: + 30 210-8228 419 / ERASMUS+ Programme COURSES OFFERED IN ENGLISH Academic Year 2016-2017 Fall Semester (from 03.10.2016 till 10.02.2017) Spring Semester (from 13.02.2017 till 30.06.2017) 1. All Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to take into consideration that the above mentioned dates MUST be respected (ERASMUS STUDENT CHARTER: Erasmus students should comply with internal regulations of the host institution). As a result they should not reserve their return tickets for earlier dates. 2. All Erasmus incoming students are entitled to a 2-week period after their registration in order to make the modifications of courses they wish and finalize their learning agreement. 3. Attendance at each course is compulsory, after submission of the final Learning Agreement. Three justified absences from each course are accepted. The same applies for the Modern Greek Language course, which is offered free of charge at each semester. 1 SCHOOL OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN ECONOMIC STUDIES FALL SEMESTER 1. Economics of Globalization, Thomas Moutos 6 ECTS credits, Advanced Level (4th year course) Communication with Lecturer E-mail:
[email protected] Course Objective The purpose of this course is to examine the forces that have shaped the evolution of the world economy during the last two centuries (with special emphasis on developments after World War II), and to study the consequences for national and individual welfare of the increased pace of worldwide economic integration.