Selections from Rhodes-Osborne
NOTE: you DO NOT need to read the commentaries -- just the translations!!! 28 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DEC£LEA 5. ATHENIAN PHRATRY DECREES FROM DECELEA 29 V, 1TA.€VPOV, 0,>, D..u-rijpa XOWtKta a cake weighing one choinix, half a chous of wine; I tOll, oivo ~/..I.Jxov, apyvplo 1-. drachma of silver. §ii §ii raDe [OOgEl' Toi., cppaTEpm bTL 9 The following was resolved by the phrateres when 10 tPopJL{wvoS" apxovTo,> }4(Jl)va{ot Phormio was archon among the Athenians [396/5], s, cpparpLapXOJlToS" DE IIaV'ruKAE- and when Pantacles of Oion was phratriarch. 05 ig oro. vacant 18 13 Hierocles proposed: Those who have not yet under 1€poKII.ijs d7rE' o7ToaoL fl~7TW Ot€OLKaa- gone adjudication in accordance with the law of the 8T]aav KU'Ta TCJJl vOf1-ov TOJ! Ll1JJLOTWJVtO- Demotionidai, the phrateres are to adjudicate about 15 WV, lhaOtKUaat 1TEpi auTCuv TOS" cppaTEp them immediately, after swearing by Zeus Phratrios, as atrr{KU J.uiAa, LI'TTOUXOIl-€Jl05 71pOS" TO Ll taking their ballot from the altar. Whoever is judged LOS TO t:PpU'Tp{O, CPEPOVTOS T~V ¢'f]¢ov a1T- to have been introduced, not being a phrater, the priest oTO (3Wf-tO. OS 8' av 86tl}t JL~ WV cppUT1JP €au• and the phratriarch shall delete his name from the x8ijVUt, 19aA.HrpUTW TO ovoILa ath·o 0 [ep- register in the keeping of the Demotionidai and from 20 €VS" Kat 0 cppurp[apxos EK TO ypaJLJLUT€{• the copy. The man who introduced the rejected per OTt) Ell Ll 1JIL0TtwvtOWV Kat Tt5 o:vnypa¢- son shall owe 100 drachmas sacred to Zeus Phratrios: o.
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