Annual Report
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AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPOORRTT 22000099 –– 22001100 The Rotary Club of Horsham East Inc. THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? The 4-Way Test was created by Rotarian Herbert Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of the Chicago-based Aluminium Company, which was facing bankruptcy. Taylor looked for a way to save the struggling company mired in depression-caused financial difficulties. He drew up a 24-word code of ethics for all employees to follow in their business and professional lives. The 4- Way Test became the guide for sales, production, advertising and all relations with dealers and customers. The survival of the company was credited to this simple philosophy. Rotary Club of Horsham East Inc Board of Directors President Peter Sturrock Directors Past President Gillian Vanderwaal Steve Sostheim President Elect Tanya Barnes Bruce Van Every Treasurer Phil Proctor Neil May Secretary Wendy James 2 CCOONNTTEENNTT President‟s Report 4/5 Vale - Alan Vickers and Sue Holmes 6 Programs 7 Program Highlights 8/9 Youth – Rebound Exchange Students 10 Youth – Inbound 2009/10 Outbound 2010 – RYPEN 11 NYSF – Siemens Science – Secondary School Debating 12 Bill Davey Award - Freshwater School – Primary School Debating – Southport Holiday Program 13 International – Tabitha – Vision Australia – Matching Grants - Shelter Boxes – Donations in Kind - School of St.Jude 14 Interplast –Timor Leste - Vocational – RYLA – Bob Mibus Award - Club Administration – Bulletin 15 New Members - Club Service – Art Show 16 Car Raffle – Meals on Wheels – Catering- Christmas Wrapping 17 Community Projects 18 19/20 Fellowship 20/21 Treasurer 22 Attendance 3 PPRREESSIIIDDEENNTT’’’SS RREEPPOORRTT PPEEETTTEEERR SSTTTUURRRROOCCKK “The Future of Rotary is in your hands” proved worthwhile. I believe the I wish to thank the Club for giving Leadership Plan has been the catalyst in me the privilege of being President this our Club to improve our capacity to reach year. the Object of Rotary namely, to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis From the human perspective, this of worthy enterprise; in particular the has been a shocking year. The untimely development of acquaintance as an loss of two outstanding members, Past opportunity for service. The First Avenue President Alan Vickers and Past Secretary of Service, Club Service focuses on Sue Holmes cast a pall over the last 3 strengthening fellowship and ensuring the months of the year. effective functioning of the club. The goal this year was to establish No club can function effectively the Club Leadership Plan, achieve greater without an efficient Secretary. Wendy fellowship within the wider Rotary family of James has provided that drive and our Club, develop and implement a local competence necessary for an energetic community service project and if possible and successful club. I sincerely thank satisfy the President of Rotary Wendy and the Board for their input and International‟s challenge to increase our counsel throughout this year. Club‟s membership by one. Treasurer, Phil Proctor had the In a projects sense most of our daunting task of maintaining the books, Club‟s Committees have enjoyed a which he did splendidly. successful year of working in the Local and International Communities. Steve Holmes and his group did a tremendous job with the car raffle and the The Club Leadership Plan, which indefatigable Lyall Wheaton and his band was developed in Past President Brian of helpers fed the masses at all the Thomas‟ year and introduced during Past fundraising community BBQs throughout President Gillian Vanderwaal‟s year, has the year. 4 The Club‟s Youth program was again very Jenni Reid and her team provided strong and successful this year. A a marvellous program with an eclectic mix highlight was the involvement of 27 local of fellowship, information and education. youths in 9 Rotary Youth programs, a On the subject of information, the Club wonderful achievement and an indication has adopted the IT Program called “Club of the energy and leadership provided by Runner”, which means that our bulletin is Sue Van Every and her team. This year distributed over the internet. However, the our Club welcomed Danish exchange task of bulletin editor is still a relentless student, Victoria (Vic) Thomsen, also one. Louise Brennan has been welcomed home local exchange students, magnificent, thank you Louise. Another Ashleigh Freckleton from Switzerland and uncompromising task is that of sergeant. Lucy James from Denmark; our Club Pam Capstick and her team have sponsored local student Billie Saunders on maintained order and entertained us exchange to Brazil this year. throughout the year. The 38th Art Show was a superb Another Avenue of Service is that success from a Club fellowship and of Community service, which covers Community cultural occasion standpoint; projects and activities within our Past President Terry Harris and his community. Graeme Arthur and his group “Friends” did a magnificent job. have been in discussions with Horsham International Committee under the Rural City Council (HRCC) on two projects chairmanship of Bruce Van Every this year. First, the Club will turn 40 in maintained our Club‟s initiatives in February 2011 and the Board agreed that Cambodia, Tanzania and Timor Leste. a suitable memorial to highlight this Our Club also made disbursements to milestone would be in association with the InterPlast, Vision Australia, Shelter Box HRCC the purchase and erection of a LED and Donations in Kind (DIK). clock, temperature and advertising display in a prominent place on the entrance to Finally, thank you to my wife Horsham City. The second project is in Colleen for her support and patience, association with the Horsham North indeed all the members for their friendship Progress Association and the HRCC to and encouragement throughout the year. assist with the landscaping and I wish Tanya a fantastic year during which development of the park at the rear of the our Club will celebrate 40 years of Service Foundry in North Horsham. above Self in this community. 5 VVAALLEE Vale – PP Alan Vickers VALE – Rtn SUE HOLMES Alan first joined Horsham East in the mid Sue joined the Rotary Club of Horsham East 1970's following a Group Study Exchange in Oct 2002 after being sponsored by the (GSE) visit to Louisiana, which he often club on a Rotary Group Study Exchange remarked was a life changing experience. (GSE) to North America. Alan was our Club‟s Secretary in 1977/78 and later also served as Bulletin Editor. Alan Her induction sponsor was Rob Aisbett. The was President in 1996/97 and Director of president of the time, Steve Sostheim and Vocational Service in 2002/03. He was a the Board soon realised Sue‟s potential and member of the Art Show committee for talents. Her first role was as Director of several years. Public Relations, quickly followed by two years as Secretary, two years as Foundation Alan made a very special contribution to the Director and most recently as Art Show working of the club with his efforts as Bulletin Director. Editor, production of event publications and raffle tickets and the annual report. He took Sue was the personification of a practising great pride in the production of many Rotarian who encompassed the Four Way citations especially those for the annual Test in her daily life. She was a very active Pride of Workmanship Awards, which member within our Club. epitomised his personal philosophy to his Sue Holmes will be missed but not forgotten. own work and contribution to the community through Rotary service.' 6 PPRROOGGRRAAMMSS July 8 Club Assembly 15 Angel Flights 22 CAV - Fair trade 29 Christmas in July August 5 Ex Qantas Pilot - Chris Leskie 12 International Quiz Night 19 Bingo Night 26 L2P Program - Bill Lovel September 2 Rebecca Maxwell - Author 9 Scouts Presentation 16 Save a Mate Program - Andrew King 23 Footy Night Quiz 30 Exchange Student Presentation - Victoria Thomson October 7 Art Show Set Up 14 CFA Presentation - Jenny McGennisken 21 Debating Students 28 Public Speaking for Primary School students November 4 Chris Sims DG visit - Melb Cup theme 11 Remembrance Day theme - RSL guest speakers 18 Bill Davey Awards & Colleen Sturrock presentation 25 Haven Hall Recovery Committee - Sue Exell & Mary Bignall December 2 Christmas Party at Wartook Pottery 9 Outgoing Exchange Student Presentation - Billie Sanders 16 Christmas family BBQ- Botanical Gardens 23 RECESS 30 RECESS January 6 Family BBQ at Botanical Gardens 13 Bowling Night - Horsham Lanes & games 20 Tabitha Project presentation 27 Australia Day Theme February 3 National Youth Science Forum - Mursali Juma 10 Presidential Address - The State of HERC 17 Lindsay Smith - History of Horsham 24 Club Runner presentation March 3 James Tonkin - Oarsome Foursome 10 Pam Clarke - Life & Job 17 Lucy James - Returning Exchange Student presentation 24 Michael Ryan - Mayor of Horsham 31 John Harding - Engineering goes to the races April 7 Ashleigh Freckleton - Returning Exchange Student presentation 14 Interplast - John Oswald 20 Gemma Rice - Special dinner with HRC 28 Bruce Van Every @ the WMPP May 5 Miaow - Life & Job talk 12 Kids Capers - Family evening 19 Raising Dust - Jessica Cass & Amy Rhodes 26 Michael Ryan - Town Hall redevelopment -Dispelling the myths Murray Darling Freshwater students & RYPEN Rotary Youth Program June 2 of Enrichment - Eliza Mason, Nikin Juma