Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2014-653

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Route references: Part 1 applications posted on 17 and 18 September 2014

Ottawa, 16 December 2014

Trafalgar Broadcasting Limited and Oakville,

Applications 2014-0934-2 and 2014-0932-6

CJMR Mississauga and CJYE Oakville – Technical changes

1. The Commission approves the applications by Trafalgar Broadcasting Limited to change the authorized contours of the commercial ethnic AM radio programming undertaking CJMR Mississauga and the English-language commercial AM radio programming undertaking CJYE Oakville, Ontario, by modifying the stations’ facilities from a night and day pattern operation to a single pattern operation. As a result, CJMR’s daytime transmitter power will decrease from 20,000 to 10,000 watts, and both stations will broadcast at 10,000 watts in a single-pattern transmission operation. The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding these applications.

2. The two applications are non-severable given that the stations share the same transmission site. The Commission has therefore considered the applications jointly.

3. The licensee indicated that the loss of daytime coverage for CJMR would be offset by improved night-time coverage, which would be more consistent with its daytime service. It added that the changes would remove both stations’ need for electromechanical pattern switching, thereby greatly improving the reliability of their services and minimizing maintenance costs.

4. Pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, these authorities will only be effective when the Department of Industry notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met and that broadcasting certificates will be issued.

Secretary General

*This decision is to be appended to each licence.