Special Edition

D i p l o m a t i c Bu l l e t i n

1993 2008

Years of European Friendship and Partnership

Република Македонија United Kingdom of Great Republika e Shqipërisë Bundesrepublik Deutschland Britain and Northern Ireland République Française Repubblica Italiana Kongeriket Norge Suomen Tasavalta Kongeriget Danmark Konungariket Sverige Lýðveldið Ísland Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Република България Rzeczpospolita Polska

17 December 2008 Fifteen Years of European Friendship andPartnership

Dear Readers,

December 1993 is an important moment in the of the countries with which we celebrate this history of the Macedonian foreign policy when jubilee and which were or became members of thirteen countries, the Federal Republic of Germany, these organizations over the past 15 years. In the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the fact, the milestones on this Macedonia journey Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom happened during the presidency of some of these of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom countries, such as the signing of the Stabilization of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic and Association Agreement with the EU during of Bulgaria, the Republic of Albania, the French the Swedish presidency and the granting of the Republic, the Republic of Finland, Iceland and status of an EU candidate member states during the Republic of Poland, established diplomatic the British presidency. relations with the Republic of Macedonia. Fifteen years later we have The good cooperation was in evidence not merely in the bilateral the honor and pleasure to mark in a suitable manner this jubilee and relations, but also with regard to a number of issues relating to the I believe this special edition of the monthly Diplomatic Bulletin is a regional and multilateral cooperation. small contribution to it. The Republic of Macedonia regards all these countries as good The establishment of diplomatic relations had an immense impor- friends and I believe the established ties and achievements, whether tance for the Republic of Macedonia, which worked hard at the time it is about our biggest trade partner, a significant investment or a most to win broad international recognition and promotion. That reflected important bilateral donor of financial and other technical assistance, also these countries’ resolve to set up and develop cooperation on will be a tradition that future generations are going to successfully equal terms and was a very good signal to the rest of the world to support and nurture. follow suit. I am confident that the Republic of Macedonia is going to mark The fifteen years that followed went by in a sprit of mutual trust, the next jubilee, thanks to its own efforts and also with continuous respect and help, particularly in promoting political, economic support and assistance from these countries, as a full–fledged member and other types of cooperation of shared interest, confirmed by the of the North–Atlantic Alliance and the European Union, a status numerous visits on the highest level, the signing of a great many that the country truly deserves and which our friends with whom international agreements and the realization of a lot of joint initia- we celebrate this jubilee today constantly confirm. tives. In addition, we can never forget the support and assistance the Republic of Macedonia received in the period during which it faced certain drawbacks in its development, such as the economic embargoes, the war in the neighborhood, the vast surge of refugees and the internal conflict of 2001. The European spirit of friendship and partnership evident in the cooperation became particularly prominent through the constant Antonio Milososki, support the Republic of Macedonia received for its efforts to fully Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia integrate with the European and Euro–Atlantic structures from most

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin DATA Sources:

Special Edition – 17 December 2008 *) National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia **) Founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Secretariat for European Affairs of the Govern- First editor – Pajo Avirovik, October 2006 – April 2008 ment of the Republic of Macedonia, from the Dame Gruev 6, 1000 , Republic of Macedonia government Central Data Base for foreign aid www.mfa.gov.mk • [email protected] Published by: and the foreign aid archives. Editor: Zvonimir Popovik ***) Prepared by MIC, based on information from MACEDONIAN INFORMATION CENTRE Editorial Board: Agneza Rusi; Director: Dragan Antonov the annual reports on total exports and imports obtained from the State Statistical Office. Vladimir Efremovski; Zuko Rizvanski; Elena Georgievska; Eli Bojadjieska Ristovski; Translation: Aleksandra Ilievska, Aleksandra Noveska Aleksandar Trajkoski; Borce Stamov Address: Naum Naumovski Borce 73, Mircela Dzuvalekovska Casule (MIC) 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Photo: Dragan Todorovski www.micnews.com.mk

2 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Germany Close and Friendly Relations Germany, Biggest Economic Partner

The Federal Government adopted a decision to open an embassy The establishing of diplomatic relations in the Republic of Macedonia, soon after the country declared inde- between the Republic of Macedonia and pendence in year 1991. A Consulate General of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of Germany created Germany was opened first in year 1992, and this Consulate transformed room for full political, economic, cultural, into an Embassy the following year, in year 1993. Thus, today we mark education, and, above all, partnership and over 15 years of excellent German–Macedonian relations. friendly exchange and cooperation. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Macedonia We mark the 15th anniversary of the have close and friendly relations. The early and consistent support for establishing of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Macedonia after the country gained independence, the conclusion that the Federal Repub- as well as the support during the difficult period in year 2001, the lic of Germany is our biggest economic engagement in the economy, and the close human ties expressed via partner, considering that trade between the approximately 70,000 Macedonian citizens who live in the Federal the two countries has exceeded 1 billion Republic of Germany are the central points of contact in this friend- euros. In this year of anniversaries we ship. The Federal Republic of Germany is and remains full supporter have two nice messages to announce: the and advisor on membership in NATO and accession to the European first is that Horst Köhler, President of the Union. The 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome was Federal Republic of Germany, visited the marked during the Federal Republic of Germany’s presidency of the Republic of Macedonia twice in year 2008; European Union, on 25 March year 2007 – the most important date and the second message is that Macedo- for the EU as this is the date when the European Union was founded nian President also German Federal Chancellor Angela – with a top cultural event that was followed by a fashion show. visited the Federal Republic of Germany Merkel and Macedonian PM , Berlin, October 2006. The Federal Republic of Germany’s support for the Republic of Mac- twice. Considering the numerous meet- edonia can also be seen from its large donations for numerous projects. ings between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Macedonian Funds totaling over 160 million euros have been approved so far in the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski; between German Foreign Minister sphere of bilateral development–political cooperation alone. In year Frank–Walter Steinmeier and Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio 2007 we marked 15 years of the establishing of German–Macedonian Milososki; and the numerous meetings among other ministers and economic cooperation. The regular meetings among parliamentarians, parliamentary delegations, the conclusion that the two countries have ministers, heads of government, and presidents of state confirm these intensive political bilateral relations is imposed by itself. close ties. This was made clear this spring when Horst Köhler, President The natural human bridge of approximately 100,000 Macedonian of the Federal Republic of Germany, visited the Republic of Macedonia citizens, who live and work in the Federal Republic of Germany, also twice, in Skopje and in Ohrid. Top Macedonian politicians are regular contributes greatly to the excellent economic and political relations. and welcome guests in the Federal Republic of Germany, as was the These people are firmly integrated in the German society, but they are case recently at the conference “Challenges and Perspectives of the also constantly connected to their native soil, the Republic of Mac- Republic of Macedonia – Difficulties on the Road to the Euro–Atlantic edonia. Cultural and education exchange, besides the embassies of Family”, which was organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the two countries, is also promoted by over 100 associations (forums, was held in Berlin on 3 December year 2008. Political foundations, church and mosque municipalities), as well as the DAAD institution, economic organizations, such as GTZ and KFV, DAAD, and, as of the Goethe Institute, the Konrad Adenauer, Friedrich Ebert, and Frie- July this year, the Goethe Institute, also contribute to our close rela- drich Naumann Foundations, the German–Macedonian Association in tions. The twinning of Skopje with Nierenberg and Dresden, as well Berlin, the associations in Skopje and Bitola, and the universities. The as the numerous civil and social initiatives, invigorate our relations. establishing of diplomatic relations and the openness of the German Ulrike Maria KNOTZ universities drew over 2,000 students from the Republic of Macedonia Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Macedonia over the last 15 years. These students further boost the communication capacity between the two countries. Gjorgji Filipov Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Federal Republic of Germany

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Germany established – Trade between the two countries from year 1993–2007 totaled US $8,344,350,166. diplomatic relations on 16 December year 1993. US $4,337,237,045 of this amount are imports from the Federal Republic of – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany Germany, while US $4,007,113,121 are exports of Macedonian products to the in year 1994. His Excellency Mr. was designated first Ambassador Federal Republic of Germany.*** of the Republic of Macedonia to the Federal Republic of Germany. – A total of 41 agreements and other international acts are in force within the – The Federal Republic of Germany opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. in December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Hans Lothar Schteppan was named first – The Republic of Macedonia has designated Honorary Consuls to: Hamburg – Mr. Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Macedonia. Hans Jürgen Bösch, named on 9 January year 2006; Dresden – Mr. Dieter Jürgen – The total direct investments of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic Eppler, named on 20 February year 2007; and Cologne – Mr. Wolfgang Grefe, of Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 538,483,089 euros.* named on 31 July year 2007. – A total of 75 projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames – A number of associations of emigrants from the Republic of Macedonia are ac- of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 120 million euros.** tive in the Federal Republic of Germany. A mixed German–Macedonian society functions in Berlin. Its president is Valter Kolbov.

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 3 Macedonia–Italy Years of Strong and Rich Cultural Cooperation ThatL asts Consolidated Friendship Over Four Decades

This year the Republic of Macedonia marks the 15th anniversary Over the last 15 years, the Italian Republic and the Republic of of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic. Macedonia have been nurturing exceptionally good relations, based These were years of strong and consolidated friendship between our two on mutual respect and friendship. These relations include all spheres countries. The cooperation at political, economic, business, and cultural of cooperation: intensive political communication at high and highest level attests to the reliability and concreteness of our friendship. level; regular meetings of parliamentary delegations; frequent political Stability of the Balkans is one of the priorities of my country, which consultations between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs on activities is why the Italian Republic gave strong support to the Republic of Mac- related to accession to NATO and the EU; quality cultural exchange; edonia all these years. The Republic of Macedonia has made positive markedly increased interest in getting to know the two cultures via the progress since its birth. This was a path of growth and development. educational institutions; and economic cooperation, which is constantly Sometimes this path was difficult, but Macedonia came out of it stronger, on the rise. Cooperation is also being developed lately between the with faith in its future and accession to the European Union. Republic of Macedonia and separate Italian regions. We admired the perseverance and determination exhibited by The political dialogue among the highest representatives of the two Macedonia on a number of occasions. But, a small fraction of the countries resulted in continued support for our country as regards its road remains to be crossed. The objective is within reach and I am European and Euro Atlantic integration. More than four decades the convinced that it will be achieved soon. This is a great objective, not Republic of Macedonia has been presenting the best of its cultural just for the Republic of Macedonia, but for the Italian Republic and production within the frames of the event “Macedonia in honor of St. Europe as well. Cyril”. The instructorship at the Oriente University in Naples satisfies its curiosity and scholarly interest in the Macedonian language. The Dr. Donatino MARCON Ambassador of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Macedonia Italian sense of art and craftsmanship can be sensed in our products. Nearly 100,000 fellow citizens are respected members of the Italian society. The realization of Corridor 8 will revive the former Via Egnatia, which has always connected these regions. Or, as the great Italian poet Montale said: Non c’e’ un unico tempo; ci sono molti nastri – There is no one single moment; there are many paths. Ljupco Tozija Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Italian Republic

PM Romano Prodi and PM Nikola Gruevski, Rome, December 2006. Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi and Macedonian PM Branko Crvenkovski, Rome, May 2003.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Italian Republic established diplomatic rela- – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $3,994,438,541. tions on 16 December year 1993. US $2,040,137,927 of this amount are imports from the Italian Republic, while US – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Italian Republic on 16 March $1,954,300,614 are exports of Macedonian products to the Italian Republic.*** year 1994. His Excellency Mr. Viktor Gaber was designated first Ambassador of – A total of 28 agreements and other international acts are in force within the the Republic of Macedonia to the Italian Republic. frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. – The Italian Republic opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia in year – Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Macedonia to the Italian Republic are Mr. Tiziano 1995. His Excellency Mr. Faustino Troni was the first Ambassador of the Italian Meoli, with residence in Milano, named on 29 May year 2007, and Mr. Giovanni Republic accredited in the Republic of Macedonia. (Gianni) Sabato, with residence in Lecce, named on 14 June year 2006. – The total direct investments of the Italian Republic in the Republic of Macedonia – The mixed Macedonian–Italian cultural society “St. Trifun”, with a seat in Nizza, is in the period 1997–2007 total 249,700,993 euros.* active in the Italian Republic. Mare Maksimova is president of this association. – A total of 17 projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 30 million euros.**

4 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Denmark High Level of Friendship and Understanding

The relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark are characterized by high level of friendship and under- standing. Such development of the relations, among other things, is also a result of the Kingdom of Denmark’s continuing commitment to support our country at political level and all other levels. The Kingdom of Denmark also demonstrates interest for the situa- tion in the Republic of Macedonia and has assumed a principled and positive position as regards our country’s accession to the EU and Euro Atlantic structures. MFA Niels Helveg Petersen and MFA Aleksandar Dimitrov, Copenhagen, 1999. In the last period, a number of visits were realized by representa- tives of the two countries at various levels, including high–level visits. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited the Republic of Macedonia in October year 2003. Macedonian foreign ministers also visited the Kingdom of Denmark: Aleksandar Dimitrov (year 2000), (year 2005), and Antonio Milososki (year 2006 and in year 2008). Ljubomir Mihajlovski, former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, paid a working visit to the Kingdom of Denmark in June year 2006; former Macedonian Health Minister Imer Selmani visited the Kingdom of Denmark in December year 2006; while current Health Minister paid a visit to this country in year 2008. A number of other low–level visits were also realized between the two countries in the past period. The Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark are developing cooperation in a number of spheres of mutual interest, at a Press conference of MFA Slobodan Casule and MFA Per Stig Møller, Skopje, 2002. modest scale and with a commitment to intensification and development of this cooperation, especially at an economic level. Corresponding cooperation is also being developed at multilateral level. One of the more significant links in the friendship between the Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark are the emi- grants from the Republic of Macedonia, who moved to the Kingdom of Denmark over 40 years ago, but still remain an inextricable part of their fatherland – the Republic of Macedonia. Salim Kerimi Chargé d’affaires a. i., Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in the Kingdom of Denmark

MFA Per Stig Møller with MFA Antonio Milososki, Copenhagen, 2008.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Denmark established diplomatic – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $199,904,412. relations on 16 December year 1993. US $157,016,737 of this amount are imports from the Kingdom of Denmark, – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Kingdom of Denmark in while US $42,887,675 are exports of Macedonian products to the Kingdom of June year 1996. His Excellency Mr. Muhamed Halili was designated first Ambas- Denmark.*** sador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Denmark. – A total of 15 agreements and other international acts are in force within the – His Excellency Mr. Jorgen Bojer was the first non–resident Ambassador of the frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Kingdom of Denmark accredited in the Republic of Macedonia. – Mr. Zivko Mukaetov was named Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Denmark to – The total direct investments of the Kingdom of Denmark in the Republic of the Republic of Macedonia, with residence in Skopje, on 25 June year 2007. Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 2,269,325 euros.* – Two projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 0.7 million euros.**

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 5 Macedonia–Netherlands Тhe Netherlands a True Partner of the Republic of Macedonia On 19 April 1993, the Netherlands formally recognised Macedonia, and the diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level were established on 16 December 1993 in a joint move with the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Denmark. The actual “physical presence” of the Netherlands in Macedonia was first established on 14 January 1998, from a temporary office in room 110 at the Continental Hotel, and on 1 March 1998 the Embassy officially opened its current premises at Leninova 69–71. PM Ljubco Georgievski with Minister for Development Cooperation Eveline Herfkens,S kopje, 2001. In the course of these years, the Netherlands has been a true partner of Macedonia, not only by supplying technical assistance and advice, Open Support by Friendly Netherlands but also by becoming the biggest bilateral EU donor, pledging a total amount of more than €182 million grant money to Macedonia. These Over the last 15 years the Kingdom of the Netherlands has shown funds have been granted to support private sector development, edu- through example the real meaning of active policy of big trust and support cation reforms, defence sector, democracy and good governance, and for the Republic of Macedonia, open trade, and realistic, well–founded, culture. Half of this amount has been spent on co–financing develop- and well–intentioned criticism, all with the aim of ensuring speedier ment policy loans of the World Bank. There is also a special relation development and progress of the Macedonian society and democracy. between the two countries in the international financial institutions The presenting of the Republic of Macedonia before world economic since Macedonia is an appreciated member of the Dutch constituency factors, such as the World Bank; the active support for fulfillment of in the World Bank and IMF. the criteria necessary for full membership in the EU and NATO; and On the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations investments totaling nearly 200 million euros are sufficient proof of between our two countries, we can proudly say that Macedonia has the well–intended involvement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands graduated from being a development partner of the Netherlands to in the improvement of the political, social, and economic life in the becoming its EU accession partner. Future cooperation will focus on Republic of Macedonia. further enhancing capacities, boosting peer–to–peer cooperation be- The exchange of experiences within the frames of our efforts toward tween a score of different institutions and organisations, increasing peo- speedy integration in the EU and Euro Atlantic structures is part of ple–to–people contacts and intensifying economic and trade relations. the activities that confirm the open support of this friendly country. It is impressive that there are numerous intergovernmental projects for Simone Fillipini strengthening of the capacity of the organs of the state administration Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Macedonia and development of the nongovernmental sector in the Republic of Macedonia. The last substantial grant of the Kingdom of the Neth- erlands totaling nearly $3 million, which is intended for moderniza- tion of the Public Revenue Service of the Republic of Macedonia, is especially interesting, as is the program for cooperation between the local population and the police. Agriculture, protection of the environment, tourism, and cultural cooperation are just some of the possibilities that could be raised to a higher level in the bilateral cooperation, which would have direct effect on the increase of total trade and investments between the two countries. It is a great honor to work in one of the friendliest countries with which the Republic of Macedonia has cooperated successfully since its independence. Shpresa Jusufi Chargé d’affaires a. i., Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia Dutch MFA Maxim Verhagen and Macedonian MFA Antonio Milososki, The Hague, 2008. in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands established – Numerous projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames diplomatic relations on 16 December year 1993. of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 140 million euros.** – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Kingdom of the Nether- – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $1,253,045,964. lands in November year 1996. His Excellency Jovan Tegovski was designated first US $641,651,353 of this amount are imports from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, non–resident Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of the while US $611,394,611 are exports of Macedonian products to the Kingdom of Netherlands. the Netherlands.*** – The Kingdom of the Netherlands opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedo- – A total of 27 agreements and other international acts are in force within the nia on 1 March year 1998. His Excellency Gerhard Van Palandt was named first frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Macedonia. – The total direct investments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 1,137,216,892 euros.*

6 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–UK Macedonia Has Made Macedonia Received Status Candidate Country Enormous Progress Since 1993 During British Presidency of the EU

I had a very poignant reminder of British connections with Macedonia Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the in November this year as the Deputy Defence Minister, the Mayor of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were established Dojran and many other Macedonian and British civilians and soldiers on December 16, 1993. The period that followed was characterized walked into the mountains above Dojran lake to re–dedicate a memorial primarily by intensive diplomatic and political cooperation between to British soldiers who died in battle there in the first world war. the two countries, while more recently there is marked progress in As I said then, we gathered for the ceremony not to dwell on the past. the cooperation at the economic level as well. Rather, we remember so as to build a future together where such divi- The Republic of Macedonia has received significant support from the sion and destruction cannot happen again: a Europe united by common United Kingdom with regards to numerous issues of national interest, values, a Europe where war between our nations will be unimaginable. including our establishment as a political subject in the international This aim has been at the heart of the British mission since we community and as a partner for bilateral and multilateral cooperation. established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Macedonia 15 The British Government contributed notably to the reconciliation years ago, and it remains there today. process after the 2001 conflict and is continuously assisting the reform A lot has happened the British Government opened its Embassy in processes in the Republic of Macedonia. Skopje on 16th December 1993 and, by a decree of Queen Elizabeth The United Kingdom’s support for our aspirations to become a II, Mr. Tony Millson was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and member country of NATO and the EU is especially important. The Plenipotentiary. United Kingdom believes that the Republic of Macedonia, with its The British Embassy staff has grown and now provides a full visa geographical position and its role in European history, is at the heart service, as well as managing a targeted assistance programme in sup- of Europe and that the country’s future lies within the European port of Macedonia’s integration in to the EU. Union. Further evidence for this support is the fact that the Republic The Embassy moved to new premises in 2006, alongside our French of Macedonia received the status of EU candidate country precisely colleagues in the IZIIS compound. The renovation of the building during Britain’s presidency of the EU. provides us with a modern, fit for purpose and highly stylish Embassy With respect to the name issue, since 1999 the United Kingdom for the 21st century. His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, has been using our country’s constitutional name in all bilateral rela- officially opened the new British Embassy premises on 18 May 2006. tions. The British Council office in Macedonia was officially opened on 14 Marija Efremova June 1996. In the last 12 years the British Council has been promoting Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the the British culture and education by delivering a wide range of projects United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and services in the areas of education, arts, and governance. Macedonia has made enormous progress since 1993, and the UK has been a consistent supporter of its reform processes and its desire to join the EU and NATO. In the defence field, two UK brigadiers led the NATO advisory team, working in close partnership with the Ministry of Defence and Army in support of defence modernisation. It was a great pleasure for us too that it was during the UK Presidency of the EU that, based on a recommendation from the European Com- mission, Macedonia gained candidate status. It is a great honour and pleasure to continue this work as now the fifth British Ambassador to Republic of Macedonia. Andrew Key Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Macedonia British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook and Macedonian MFA Srgjan Kerim, London, 2001.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern – A total of 36 projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames Ireland established diplomatic relations on 16 December year 1993. of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 36 million euros.** – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the United Kingdom of Great – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $949,690,751. Britain and Northern Ireland on 16 December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Risto US $476,290,480 of this amount are imports from the United Kingdom of Great Nikovski was designated first Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the United Britain and Northern Ireland, while US $473,400,271 are exports of Macedonian Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. products to the United Kingdom.*** – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland opened an embassy in the – A total of 24 agreements and other international acts are in force within the frames Republic of Macedonia on 23 December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Tony Millson of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. was named first Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern – Mrs. Liljana Spirovska was named Honorary Consul of the United Kingdom of Great Ireland to the Republic of Macedonia. Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Macedonia, with residence in Bitola, – The total direct investments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern on 30 January year 2003. Ireland in the Republic of Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 384,257,532 euros.* – The British Council has been functioning in the Republic of Macedonia a number of years.

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 7 Macedonia–Norway

Norway Welcomes Macedonia’s Focus on Trpkov Laze Photo: Further European Integration Norway welcomes Macedonia’s focus on further European integra- tion. A democratic, secure and prosperous Macedonia, with friendly and constructive relations with its neighbours and as an active participant in regional and international economic, political and security fora, is vital to peace and stability in Southeast Europe. The NATO Summit Declaration in Bucharest made clear that the Republic of Macedonia has met NATO’s democratic, economic, and defence standards through its participation in the Membership Action Plan. Norway continues to work with NATO Allies to maintain Mac- King of Norway Harald V and Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski, Oslo, 2008. edonia’s robust cooperation with NATO under existing mechanisms, and looks forward to Macedonia joining NATO as soon as possible. Friendship, Understanding, Norway will continue its bilateral assistance programme to Macedo- nia, which in 2008 amounts to around six million euro. Our assistance and Joint Commitment for Constant Upgrading focuses on European integration, administrative reform, social and Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two economic development, and defence sector reform. countries 15 years ago, there has been a positive trend in the bilateral The agreement on joint deployment in ISAF, through Macedonia relations and cooperation so far, characterized by friendship, under- deploying a medical unit with the Norwegian forces, is an important standing, and joint commitment to their constant upgrading. step to strengthen the existing active defence cooperation between The Kingdom of Norway has in continuity supported full Euro–At- our two countries. lantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia, especially with respect Norway supports Macedonia’s ongoing efforts to establish a busi- to the efforts of the Republic of Macedonia for full NATO membership. ness climate which is attractive to investors in Norway and in other It should be mentioned that an area of special cooperation between countries. the two countries is without doubt the cooperation in defense, which The Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the Norwegian is based on the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministries Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg met in Oslo 25 November 2008. of Defense of the two countries, signed in March 2008 in Skopje Carl Wibye during the visit of Norwegian Minister of Defense Mrs. Anne–Grete Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Strøm–Erichsen. The Memorandum foresees realization of seminars to the Republic of Macedonia on specific topics, organization of courses for our officers, intensive cooperation in the area of the medical corps, and implementation of the project “Specter”. In this direction, the Kingdom of Norway’s bilateral assistance is of exceptional importance to the Republic of Macedonia, with special emphasis on technical support and donations in several areas such as decentralization, public information reform, health sector, defense etc. Undoubtedly, such assistance greatly contributes to the development of stronger links and relations among the institutions and organizations of the Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Norway. The ongoing improvement of the bilateral relations between the two countries was crowned with the recent visit to the Kingdom of Norway of the Macedonian government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Agon Demjaha Press conference of MFA Blagoj Handziski and MFA Knut Vollebæk, Skopje, 1998. Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Norway

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Norway established diplomatic – Over 30 projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames relations on 20 December year 1993. of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 23 million euros.** – The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Stockholm is a non–resident embassy – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $19,972,629. accredited in the Kingdom of Norway. His Excellency Mr. Tihomir Ilievski was the US $16,606,366 of this amount are imports from the Kingdom of Norway, while US first Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia accredited in the Kingdom of $3,660,263 are exports of Macedonian products to the Kingdom of Norway.*** Norway. – A total of 7 agreements and other international acts are in force within the frames – His Excellency Mr. Dion Garder was named first non–resident Ambassador of of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. the Kingdom of Norway to the Republic of Macedonia. The Kingdom of Norway – Mr. Knut Ödegard was named Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Mac- opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia in year 1999. edonia to the Kingdom of Norway, with residence in Molde, on 30 September – The total direct investments of the Kingdom of Norway in the Republic of Mac- year 1996. edonia in the period 1997–2007 total 521,161 euros.*

8 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Sweden Sweden Co–Financed SAA With EU Signed One of the Largest FDI in Macedonia During Swedish Presidency The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Ever since diplomatic relations were established between the two the Kingdom of Sweden were formally established on 20 December countries, there has been an evident positive and progressive trend in 1993, as diplomatic notes were exchanged in New York City, USA. the maintaining and development of the bilateral relations, with clear That same year, Macedonia opened its Embassy in Stockholm, and support from the Kingdom of Sweden at bilateral and multilateral Sweden opened a Consulate General in Skopje. In 1997, His Majesty level. This support was especially discernible during the Kingdom King Carl XVI Gustav visited the Swedish UNPREDEP troops in of Sweden’s presidency of the EU in year 2001 when the Republic of Macedonia and in 1999, Sweden initiated its development coopera- Macedonia signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with tion with Macedonia. Due to this increased cooperation, the Swedish the European Union, all thanks to the great commitment of then Consulate General was upgraded to an Embassy Section. The first Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Anna Lindh. Development Country Strategy for Macedonia was approved by the The general conclusion is that there is continual interest for enrich- Swedish Government in 2000, followed by a second strategy in 2003. ment of the bilateral cooperation in all spheres of mutual interest, with The current third strategy, covering the period 2006–2010, comprises accentuated optimism and support by the Kingdom of Sweden for a programme volume of approximately 7.5 MEUR annually, making integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU. The Republic of Sweden the fifth largest donor in Macedonia Macedonia’s diplomatic efforts in this sphere resulted in the Swedish During the 2001 conflict, Sweden held the Presidency of the Council Government adopting a decision in year 2005 to open a resident Embassy of the European Union. Representing the EU, Swedish Foreign Min- of the Kingdom of Sweden in the Republic of Macedonia for the first ster Anna Lindh made several visits to Macedonia, supporting the time. This embassy also covers other countries in the region. negotiations which later produced the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Also, at the Kingdom of Sweden’s initiative, the Swedish minister Assisting the realisation of this agreement, Swedish police enrolled in for EU Affairs paid a working visit to the Republic of Macedonia this the EUPOL PROXIMA mission between 2003–2006. On 25 August year, the first such visit since the two countries established diplomatic 2005, Sweden opened its Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia and relations. Current Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström in 2007, Sweden co–financed one of the largest foreign investments in held high–level talks during her visit to the Republic of Macedonia, Macedonia, establishing the dairy Swedmilk. Sweden has also had the at which she confirmed the Kingdom of Sweden’s commitment to honour to receive numerous visits from Macedonian Prime Ministers enlargement of the EU and integration of the Republic of Macedonia and Foreign Ministers, and we are pleased to see that our bilateral in the European Union. She also expressed encouragement and support relations continue to thrive! for the Macedonian Government’s efforts toward thorough fulfillment of the EU criteria for membership. Lars Peter Freden Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of Macedonia The commitment to maintaining the positive trend of develop- ment of the bilateral relations was also confirmed via enhancement and intensification of the economic cooperation, as well as via the Swedish Government’s serious approach and presence in the Re- public of Macedonia by means of realization of the projects of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The International Development Assistance, expressed in the form of the current New Strategy for the period 2006–2010, approved a SEK 70 million fund for realization of the confirmed projects for the Republic of Macedonia, with a tendency for annual increase of this fund by SEK 10 million. Agon Demjaha Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Sweden Macedonian MFA Ilinka Mitreva and Swedish MFA Anna Lindh, Skopje, 2003.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Kingdom of Sweden established diplomatic – A total of 48 projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames relations on 20 December year 1993. of the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 48 million euros.** – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Kingdom of Sweden on 23 – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $378,592,591. June year 1994. His Excellency Mr. Tihomir Ilievski was designated first Ambassador US $297,581,498 of this amount are imports from the Kingdom of Sweden, of the Republic of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Sweden. while US $81,011,093 are exports of Macedonian products to the Kingdom of – His Excellency Mr. Erik Pierre was the first non–resident Ambassador of the Sweden.*** Kingdom of Sweden accredited in the Republic of Macedonia. The Embassy of – A total of 7 agreements and other international acts are in force within the frames the Kingdom of Sweden in the Republic of Macedonia was opened on 25 August of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. year 2005. – Mr. Rolf Edi Solli was named Honorary Consul of the Republic of Macedonia to the – The total direct investments of the Kingdom of Sweden in the Republic of Mac- Kingdom of Sweden, with residence in Göteborg, on 22 February year 2007. edonia in the period 1997–2007 total 22,608,385 euros.*

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 9 Macedonia–Bulgaria Friendly and Good Neighborly Cooperation Between the Two Countries The Republic of Bulgaria follows a policy of good neighborly and friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with the Republic of Macedonia as an independent and sovereign state, future equal member of NATO and the EU. On 15th of January 1992 Bulgaria Bulgarian PM Sergey Stanishev and Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski, Sofia, November 2007. officially recognized the Republic of Macedonia as an independent and sov- Rich Agenda of Good Neighborly Relations ereign state. On 12th of September 1992 Consulate generals of the two countries The Republic of Bulgaria’s decision to recognize the Republic of were officially opened in Skopje and Sofia. Macedonia was an important decision as it was made by a friendly The Bulgarian Consulate general began and neighboring country. This decision acknowledged the new Balkan operating since October 1992. On 21st of reality, shaped in accordance with the will of the Macedonian people December 1993 Bulgaria and the Republic expressed at the referendum on 8 September. It is also important that of Macedonia established diplomatic rela- the Republic of Bulgaria never had any reservations as regards the issue of the constitutional name, which is an exceptionally important issue tions on the level of Embassies. On 22nd to the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian President Boris of February 1999 in Sofia was signed a Ever since the Republic of Macedonia gained independence, the rela- Trajkovski and Bulgarian President Declaration of the Prime Ministers of Petar Stoyanov, Skopje, 2000. tions between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia the two countries which stated the com- have been developing in a positive direction at political, economic, and mon will for developing of comprehensive friendly relations between cultural level. This is confirmed with the numerous high–level meet- Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, for joint endeavours towards ings in all spheres. The rich agenda of the good neighborly relations is consolidation of the mutual understanding, peace and stability in the also augmented with the fact that the Republic of Bulgaria assisted our region of South–East Europe. The Declaration of the Prime Ministers country when it was blocked on all sides. This experience was valorized was followed by signing of many bilateral agreements that became later, when the two countries joined the projects related to Corridor the base of the contractual and legal basis between the two countries. 10 on inter–border linking of the infrastructure in this part of Europe, In its bilateral relations with the Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria from the Black Sea and the Caucasus, to the shores of the Adriatic Sea aims at maintaining active political dialogue on high and highest level in Albania and Italy, and all the way to the heart of Europe. on the basis of developing, strengthening and deepening of the good There has also been clear and serious progress in the economic neighbourly relations; at establishing functional cooperation between sphere, in the investments and the finances. the sectoral ministries of the two countries; at increasing the trade and The progress in the sphere of culture deserves special attention, as tourist flows, realization of infrastructure projects of common inter- literature, music, and theater played an extremely important role in the est, cooperating within the region and supporting the European and newly–found understanding between the Republic of Macedonia and Euro–Atlantic perspective of the Republic of Macedonia. the Republic of Bulgaria, which can be sensed in the cultural policies The legal base of the cooperation in the field of the European and and among the citizens on both sides of the border. Euro–Atlantic integration between our two countries is the bilateral The Republic of Macedonia’s Euro Atlantic aspirations and of- Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of European and Euro–At- ficial Sofia’s support to our country as regards this objective are also a lantic integration, signed on 22nd January 2008, which foresees holding significant issue. This support is not just principled and political; it is a meetings, seminars, consultations aiming at transferring the Bulgarian also increasingly manifested via concrete sharing of experiences by the experience on the way towards NATO and EU membership. Republic of Bulgaria as member of the Euro Atlantic structures. Miho MIHOV Jadranka CAUsevska Dimov Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Macedonia Chargé d’affaires a. i., Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Bulgaria

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria established diplomatic – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $3,711,081,795. relations on 21 December year 1993. US $2,424,190,106 of this amount are imports from the Republic of Bulgaria, – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Republic of Bulgaria on while US $1,286,891,689 are exports of Macedonian products to the Republic of 21 December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Gjorgji Spasov was designated first Bulgaria.*** Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Bulgaria. – A total of 56 agreements and other international acts are in force within the – The Republic of Bulgaria opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia on 21 frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Angel Dimitrov was named first Ambas- – The Republic of Bulgaria named Mr. Naum Iliev Kajcev Honorary Consul General sador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Macedonia. to Bitola on 24 April year 2007. – The total direct investments of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Mac- – The two countries have opened Cultural Information Centers, as well as mixed edonia in the period 1997–2007 total 210,901,956 euros.* friendship societies.

10 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Albania Macedonia and Albania, Good Example for Neighborly Relations

If the relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania over the last decade and a half have to be described concisely, then we have to stress that these relations were good, are good, and are constantly improving in all spheres of mutual interest at both official and unofficial level, and that the citizens of the two countries nourish close, good–neighborly, and friendly communication. Numerous relevant international documents, as well as the as- sessments at all joint meetings, stress that the Republic of Macedonia President Kiro Gligorov and President Rexhep Meidani, Skopje, 1998. and the Republic of Albania should serve as an example of how two neighboring countries in the Balkans should cooperate, respect each other, and nurture friendly relations. How a helping hand should be lent and how joint progress should be made toward the Brussels destination, to both NATO and the EU. How they should congratulate each other for that which was achieved, deeply convinced that the friend’s success is their own success as well, like when the Republic of Macedonia was approved the status candidate for EU membership and when the Republic of Albania was extended an invitation for accession to NATO. The gratitude expressed by senior officials of the Republic of Albania for the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, the liberalization of the visa regime, the significance of the Albanian and Macedonian ethnic communities in the two countries as a factor of even bigger progress, stability, and peace. The sharing of experiences and bitter lessons on the road to democracy and the implementation of the reforms have Albanian PM Sali Berisha and Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski, Tirana, 2008. become an everyday practice in the relations between the two coun- tries. Of course, there is also the joint pleasure that trade between the two countries has increased significantly over the last two years, that Macedonian and Albanian firms are demonstrating interest for business projects in the two countries, and that there is cooperation in the spheres of culture, science, music, and sport. Something nice should remain for the coming decades and generations in these two countries.

Blagorodna Mingova Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Albania

Macedonian MFA Antonio Milososki and Albanian MFA Lulzim Basha, Skopje, 2007.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Albania established diplomatic – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $527,055,894. relations on 24 December year 1993. US $129,252,477 of these are imports from the Republic of Albania, while US – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Republic of Albania on 24 $397,803,417 are exports of Macedonian products to the Republic of Alba- December year 1993. His Excellency Mr. Nikola Todorcevski was designated first nia.*** Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Albania. – A total of 53 agreements and other international acts are in force within the – The Republic of Albania opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia in frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. December year1993. His Excellency Mr. Shaban Murati was named first Ambas- sador of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Macedonia. – The total direct investments of the Republic of Albania in the Republic of Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 41,106,515 euros.*

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 11 Macedonia–France The Franco–Macedonian Relations: An Expression of Solidarity

The solidarity of France towards the people of the Balkans occurred long ago, including in their struggle for freedom, as evidenced by the French military cemeteries in Bitola and Skopje, where rest more than twenty–five thousand French soldiers that died on Macedonian soil during the First World War. The earthquake that struck Skopje in 1963 generated a momentum of cooperation that strengthened over time: relief, then the opening of a French cultural center in 1974, have built a sustainable bridge between peoples and cultures. In this context, diplomatic recognition, since 1993, of the young President Jacques Chirac and President Kiro Gligorov, Paris Charter, Élysée Palace, May 1996. independent republic was the continuation of a tradition of Franco– Macedonian solidarity. It expressed both the confirmation of a strong, long term relation, and offered the prospect of an even closer bond, Fruitful Relations Result in Lasting Partnerships particularly in the context of the European Union. Important moments in the diplomatic history of the Republic of Thus, France has undertaken to contribute to come out of the crisis Macedonia are tied to senior French officials, even before the Republic of the Yugoslav space and consolidation of Macedonian democracy: of Macedonia and the French Republic established diplomatic rela- personalities such Robert Badinter, Alain Leroy and Francois Leotard tions formally. Robert Badinter, as then President of the Constitutional participated in the work setting the constitution and establishment Council of the French Republic and head of the specially established of the Macedonian political dialogue; donations have allowed the Arbitration Commission, recognized attributes of an independent construction of infrastructure, water purification and bridge “Goce state in the Republic of Macedonia immediately after the state de- Delcev” between the two shores of Vardar Skopje. In difficult times, clared independence. The intensive fruitful mutual relations over the France is always ready to participate in emergency relief. Thus, in last 15 years resulted in close cooperation at the highest level and in the dramatic forest fires in summer 2007, it has quickly mobilized numerous spheres, and enabled establishment of lasting partnerships human resources who then laid the foundations for a lasting coop- among the institutions. eration in this field. The French Republic was the state that initiated the process for Above all, French cooperation is founded on the long term and integration of the Western Balkan countries in the EU and it demon- resting the future on the officials training, expert missions, host strated its solidarity in practice via its assistance in the key reforms. fellows, technical assistance, twinning arrangements between cit- It also assumed the leadership role during the difficult year 2001, ies, decentralized cooperation, parliamentary exchanges, academic when Francois Leotard and especially Alain Le Roy, special envoys cooperation, economic partnerships, are the links that deeply unite of the then EU mission to Macedonia, left an indelible mark on the the two countries and give all the wealth and strength to relations that strengthening of the Macedonian institutions. plunge the ramifications of their roots deep within each of the two An important element in the friendship between the Republic of peoples. It accompanies the country’s strategic direction of European Macedonia and the French Republic is the fostering of Francophone integration. Because the road is difficult, the partnership must hold in culture, proof of which is Macedonia’s membership in the International the long term. But the goal is the same for all. After the official candi- Francophone Organization. These last 15 years definitely established date status granted in 2005, the European perspective was confirmed an excellent foundation for the joint life that will follow. The fruitful- by the French Presidency on the occasion of the visit to France in ness of the mutual contacts following the Republic of Macedonia’s November 2008, of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European accession to the EU will entwine the subjects in the two countries in integration. On the basis of this meeting we are now engaged. the building of a prosperous European continent.

Bernard Valero Jon Ivanovski Ambassador of the French Republic to the Republic of Macedonia Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the French Republic

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the French Republic established diplomatic rela- – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $1,015,557,618. tions on 27 December year 1993. US $688,036,935 of this amount are imports from the French Republic, while US – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the French Republic in year $327,520,683 are exports of Macedonian products to the French Republic.*** 1994. His Excellency Luan Starova was designated first Ambassador of the Republic – A total of 30 agreements and other international acts are in force within the of Macedonia to the French Republic. frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. – The French Republic opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia in year – Mrs. Kaliopa Krivasija–Stilinovik was named Honorary Consul of the Republic of 1993. His Excellency Patrick Chrismant was named first Ambassador of the French Macedonia to the French Republic on 30 May year 1995. Republic to the Republic of Macedonia. – The French Cultural Center has been operating in the Republic of Macedonia a – The total direct investments of the French Republic in the Republic of Macedonia number of years. in the period 1997–2007 total 72,660,645 euros.* – The mixed Macedonian–French Association “Ilinden 1903” is active in the French – Seven projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames of Republic, with a seat in Saint Pierre. Smile Petroski is president of this association. the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 6 million euros.**

12 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Finland Finland Is Very Supportive to Macedonian Macedonia Interested in Finnish Investments

Full Integration in European Structures The priorities of the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia over the last 15 years were development of the bilateral relations, especially in Bilateral relations between Finland and the Republic of Macedonia the sphere of economic cooperation, and encouraging Finnish direct have been very good since the establishment of diplomatic relations investments in the Republic of Macedonia. Special accent is put on the 15 years ago. In the past few years we have had successful exchange efforts aimed at securing the of visits on all levels, including the high political level. Also economic Republic of Finland’s sup- and trade relations are developing positively and Finnish businesses port for full membership of are showing increasing interest towards the Macedonian market. the Republic of Macedonia Finland has always been very supportive to the Republic of Macedonia in the EU by explaining the in the realization of it’s foreign policy priorities –full integration in the Macedonian Government’s European structures. Republic of Macedonia is a candidate country for EU accession and has a clear European perspective with the ultimate crucial commitments and goal of EU membership. Accession negotiations with Macedonia will achievements. be opened once the country has met the necessary conditions. We have In general, the Repub- noted with satisfaction some encouraging results recently, particularly lic of Finland expresses in the fight against corruption and certain economic reforms. satisfaction with the way Finland welcomes the decision to go ahead on the decentralisa- in which the bilateral rela- tion process and look forward to further progress. Reform of public tions have developed so far; administration, the police and judiciary reform as well as continued it supports enlargement of implementation of the Ohrid Agreement are important too. Finland the EU via accession of the MFA Milososki and MFA Stubb, UN, New York, 2008. is ready to assist, as a EU member, and through bilateral channels the Western Balkan countries; Republic of Macedonia to take the necessary steps so that the accession and it encourages the Republic of Macedonia’s efforts toward EU inte- negotiations with the EU can be launched without further delay. In gration by recommending that the state fulfill the criteria necessary for Finland we know how important good neighbourly relations are for the receiving a date for start of the negotiations for membership between economic prosperity and political stability. We value the constructive the European Union and the Republic of Macedonia. role of the Republic of Macedonia in the Western Balkans region in The Republic of Finland’s assistance and support are also demon- recognising the independence of Kosovo. strated via realization of the twinning programs; the EPA assistance, which pertained to implementation of reforms in the police system Ari Heikkinen and increase of the capacities of the administration; and other forms Roving Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Macedonia of bilateral assistance manifested in three basic segments: protection of the environment; conflict prevention; and implementation of the decentralization process. We also stress the cooperation with Alpo Rusi, former roving ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Macedonia with residence in Helsinki, and his secondment to the Office of the President of the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly, Dr. Srgjan Kerim, where he was in charge of issues in the spheres of disarmament, international security, and UN reforms. Last year the President of the Republic of Finland appointed Ari Heikkinen new roving ambassador extraordinary and plenipotenti- ary of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Macedonia, with residence in Helsinki. Agon Demjaha Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari and Macedonian MFA Ljubomir Frckoski, Helsinki, 1996. Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Finland

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Finland established diplomatic the bilateral cooperation, amounting to approximately 5.5 million euros.** relations on 27 December year 1993. – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $48,097,195. – The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Stockholm is a non–resident embassy US $44,417,485 of this amount are imports from the Republic of Finland, while US accredited in the Republic of Finland. His Excellency Mr. Tihomir Ilievski was the $3,679,810 are exports of Macedonian products to the Republic of Finland.*** first Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia accredited in the Republic of – A total of 4 agreements and other international acts are in force within the frames Finland. of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. – The Republic of Finland covers the Republic of Macedonia from Helsinki. His Excel- – The Republic of Macedonia named Mr. Curt Lindbom Honorary Consul General lency Mr. Timo Koponen was named first roving Ambassador of the Republic of to the Republic of Finland, with residence in Helsinki, on 20 January year 1997. Finland to the Republic of Macedonia. – Mr. Svetozar Janevski was named Honorary Consul of the Republic of Finland to – Three projects were realized in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames of the Republic of Macedonia, with residence in Skopje, on 26 April year 2007.

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 13 Macedonia–Iceland Strong Support From Iceland for NATO Membership

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Iceland were established on 29 December 1993, at ambassadorial level and non–resident basis. Despite the geographic distance between the two nations, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia is determined for further promotion and cooperation in all fields of common interest between the two friendly countries, at both bilateral and multilateral level. Both countries have also expressed interest in signing the bilateral agreements in all areas of mutual interest, particularly in the fields of trade and finance. In that context, there is need to intensify the bilateral MFA Haldor Asgrimsson and MFA Aleksandar Dimitrov, Reykjavik, 1999. political dialogue and cooperation with Iceland, particularly in the field of the overall economic collaboration and promotion. Our interest in overall cooperation with Iceland is also confirmed within the parliamentary cooperation, by establishing the Parliamentary group in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for cooperation with the Parliaments of Iceland and Norway. The Republic of Macedonia enjoys clearly expressed and strong support from Iceland to become full–fledged NATO member as soon as possible.

Paskal Stojceski Director for Second Bilateral Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia

Icelandic Parliament Speaker Sturla Böðvarsson with Macedonian MFA Antonio Milososki, Reykjavik, 2007.

MFA Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir and MFA Antonio Milososki, Reykjavik, 2007.

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Iceland established diplomatic – The total direct investments of the Republic of Iceland in the Republic of Mac- relations on 29 December year 1993. edonia in the period 1997–2007 total 9,298,789 euros.* – The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in London is a non–resident embassy – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $1,790,749. accredited in Iceland. His Excellency Mr. Risto Nikovski was designated first US $1,729,313 of this amount are imports from the Republic of Iceland, while Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Iceland, in April US $61,436 are exports of Macedonian products to the Republic of Iceland.*** year 1995. – His Excellency Mr. Eydur Gunnatson was named first non–resident Ambassador of the Republic of Iceland to the Republic of Macedonia.

14 MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 Macedonia–Poland Contacts of Our Two Nations Date As Far Back As the 10th Century

In 2008 we have an honor to celebrate the 15–th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Poland. Regardless the Anniversary, it would be worth to remind that contacts of our two nations date as far back as the 10th century. Furthermore, Poles actively took part in the formation of Krushevo Republic and in the Ilinden uprising. After tragic earthquake in Skopje in 1963 Polish engineers rendered considerable services in rebuilding the Capital. In 1993 Republic of Poland recognized Independent Macedonian state. In 1995 Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia was established President and President Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Skopje, 2002. in Warsaw and two years later Embassy of the Republic of Poland began its activity in Skopje. In 2005 Republic of Macedonia was recognized by the Republic of Poland in bilateral relations under its Political Relations Are Developing Very Well constitutional name. In 2006 first Polish direct investment took place in Macedonia. Ever since the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Poland Our countries have good collaboration not only in trade exchange established diplomatic relations 15 years ago (30 December year 1993), but also in the field of culture and science. Both, the Macedonian they have been making clear commitments and efforts to develop the Community in Poland and Polish Community overall relations. in the Republic of Macedonia play important role in strengthening The political relations are developing very well. Confirmation of relations between two Countries. this is the fact that diplomatic missions were opened in Warsaw and We hope that current cooperation between Republic of Macedo- Skopje within a very short period of the establishing of diplomatic nia and Republic of Poland will further develop in the future in all relations; the realization of top–level and high–level visits; and the possible fields. Republic of Poland’s continual support for our aspirations for member- ship in NATO and the EU. The decision of the Council of Ministers Embassy of the Republic of Poland of the Republic of Poland (August year 2005) to use our country’s in the Republic of Macedonia constitutional name in the bilateral communication gave additional impetus to the development of the mutual relations and cooperation, and at the same time created conditions for signing of a number of coordinated bilateral agreements in various spheres. The cooperation in the spheres of defense, culture, education, and science is continuing, and efforts are being made for establishment of more intensive cooperation in tourism and agriculture. It is especially pleasing that the Polish students’ interest in studying the Macedonian language and the Polish citizens’ interest in the Republic of Macedonia as a travel destination is increasing from year to year. Even though the volume of trade between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Poland has marked constant increase, the interest in establishing higher forms of cooperation between Macedonian and Polish companies, as well as the Polish companies’ interest in investing in the Republic of Macedonia, is minimal, at least for now.

Dimko Kokarovski President Lech Kaczynski and President Branko Crvenkovski, Warsaw, 2008. Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Poland

From the Bilateral Diary – The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Poland established diplomatic – Trade between the two countries in the period 1993–2007 totaled US $694,874,001. relations on 30 December year 1993. US $639,560,998 of this amount are imports from the Republic of Poland, while US – The Republic of Macedonia opened an embassy in the Republic of Poland on 28 $55,313,003 are exports of Macedonian products to the Republic of Poland.*** April year 1995. His Excellency Mr. Petre Nakovski was designated first Ambassador – A total of 16 agreements and other international acts are in force within the of the Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of Poland. frames of the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. – The Republic of Poland opened an embassy in the Republic of Macedonia in year – A Polish–Macedonian society functions in the Republic of Poland. Emilija Kotevska 1997. His Excellency Mr. Andrzej Dobrzyński was named first Ambassador of the Avramceva is president of this society. Republic of Poland to the Republic of Macedonia. – The total direct investments of the Republic of Poland in the Republic of Macedonia in the period 1997–2007 total 1,387,231 euros.*

MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN Special Edition 2008 15 1993-2008