Thank you very much for your time

| Time is precious so we really appreciate it |

| Solution-Oriented Implementation Consulting | Procure One …

2 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 1 Company Profile

Based in Brunswick / Lower Saxony (Germany)

Business Areas Consulting

Process Consulting

Interim Management

SAP Consulting

Focus Purchasing, &

Legal Form Owner-operated LLC

Joint Ventures in Sibiu, Romania & Suzhou, China

History Industry experience dating back to 2005

Industries Automotive, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics

4 1 Company Profile

Solution-oriented implementation consulting ...

As an owner-operated business consultancy we follow unconventional routes. Right from the foundation of our company, we decided to place special emphasis on the operational level of client advantages; offered by implementation consulting, which is outside the mainstream of traditional consulting.

We realised, at a very early stage, that this area of business consulting and classic interim management are growing ever closer together. We are optimally positioned for this structural change in the third biggest consulting market worldwide. We place special emphasis on the practical implementation of solution concepts.

With us you won't get ...

• Junior in trendy suits who put together voluminous PowerPoint presentations about everything that you

have to improve

• Well-meaning tips and advice what you should urgently implement

Instead ... we jump right in - for more than a decade now you've been able to rely on us – and we implement solutions.

Joint concepts, joint implementation and smooth integration into your organisation.

5 1 Company Profile

Our Strengths...

• All the consultants and managers have a background in industry and possess the appropriate seniority and experience

• We specialise in purchasing , logistics, SCM and SAP. In these areas we have expertise and we know exactly what to do. In-depth know-how is needed in order to work out the best solution for our clients

• Smooth integration into the operational business with no learning curve

• Owner-managed, personal, flexible and very strong at implementation

• We not only write concepts but we also realise measurable results

• You will see the results of our work reflected in your P&L but not, however, in a colourful strategy paper

6 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 2 Consulting Focus

Purchasing • Cost cutting and global sourcing • Supplier management and category management

Logistics • Warehouse management • Logistics planning and optimisation

SCM • Material flow planning & material requirements planning • Quality planning (APQP)

Process management • Restructuring, recovery. BPM and Six Sigma implementation. Maturity level analyses • SAP consulting with the focus on MM and PP

Interim management • Vacancy bridging • as well as project implementation

8 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 3 Approach

° The consultants consider themselves to be "enablers" Qualität/ Stabilität ° No solutions behind closed doors Documentation ° Results are developed jointly CIP ° Quick wins are top priority ° ° Walk the talk Pilot testing/ ° responsibility ° Processes measured by Roll-out ° KPIs/PPIs maturity levels ° Auditable ° Training Implemen- ° Accountability - Task, tation ° Responsibility, ° Target process ° Competence Solution ° Communication ° Measurement tools generation ° IT/Tools ° Workshops Analysis/ Transparency ° Brown Paper ° Target concept ° Processes ° Identification of CIP = Continuous ° Systems adjustment levers Improvement ° Functions ° Quantification programs

Prioritised Optimisation Roll-out Tasks/ Operational adjustment levers profile plan Roles excellence

10 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 4 Procurement/Purchasing

ß Supplier Management ß IT Systems (SAP)

ß Category / Commodity Management ß

ß Organisational Management ß Controlling

ß Process Management ß Cost Cutting

Integrated Cost Enhancing Staff training Procurement cutting effectiveness Management

12 4 Purchasing

13 4 Purchasing

14 4 Purchasing

Organisation Positioning Business

• Focus on core areas • Purchasing as a decision- • Involving purchasing in making body the strategy formulation External • Making purchasing process measurable • Purchasing as a cost • Increasing profitability through cost reduction • Purchasing transparency Strategy Standardising • • Suppliers as innovation •Globalisation / processes partners Internationalisation

• Methodological expertise (e.g. LPP)

Organisation Positioning Business

• Reduction in • Bundling of purchases • Pro-active search for and in a central procurement

administrative and definition of a strategy Internal operative activities function (maverick • Scrutinising previous practices buying) • Changes in supplier • Suppliers - Reporting management / category • Participation in relevant

Execution management • Internal and external committees training • Identification of purchasing power

15 4 Purchasing

Globalisation Consulting – China, India, Vietnam and Romania

With our international (JV) partners you'll be on the safe side.

ß Legal certainty

ß Quality assurance

ß Price reliability

ß Security of supply

We guarantee local on-site support. You can rely on us at every stage, from the initial enquiry through the proposal

and qualifying phases right up to serial supply and then the phase-out. This all-round support is particularly valuable

for enterprises that have not yet been able to gain any, or not much own experience in Asia.

16 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 5 Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management: Raise efficiency / Reduce risk

ß Demand management

ß Lead times

ß Product life cycle management

ß Material flow logistics

ß Stock monitoring

ß Planning and scheduling

ß Value-adding partnerships

18 5 Supply Chain ß Goods flows from raw materials down to the end product ß Entire value-added chain ß Optimised liquidity with regard to working capital

19 5 Supply Chain

We have been successful in the following specific projects, in particular:

Sales & operations planning (S&OP) Freight tendering

Greenfield HRW distribution centre Lean Logistics

Inventory planning & material flow Transport cost optimisation

Optimisation of production Working capital optimisation

Implementation of tugger train Overall organisation of work flows system

20 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 6 Process Management

What actually is a process ...

Academically speaking … […A process is defined as the entirety of interdependent and linked procedures within a system. Through processes, materials, energy or also information are thus transformed into new forms,

stored, or else first of all transported...]. (Translation of entry in the Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon 2016 , )

For us a process is a repeating sequence of activities that is defined by the company and should always be for the purpose of adding or enhancing value. In reality, these sequences do not always add value. We very frequently find, in reality, processes established solely within a mindset of justification that are, therefore, value-destroying.

"Process efficiency to enable growth and to increase profits"

22 6 Process Management

What The client orders - the client pays What does the does the client want? client get?

What with? Who? (equipment, materials) (skills)

Input Process Output

How much? How? (measurement, indicators) (methods/tools)

Adding value (process turtle diagram)

23 6 Process Management

Methodology for Process Optimisation Schematic diagram


...... Variable project focus ...... … ...


1. Organisational analysis Structural efficiency ° Span of control ° Functional overview 2. Cost analysis ° Process conformity ° …

Task efficiency 3. Vertical process optimisation ° Organisational ° Task location benchmarking ° Task duplication ° …

4. Horizontal process optimisation Process efficiency ° Resources per output ° Process KPIs Processes ° Interface problems ° …

Involvement of staff - Use of proven and tested methodological approach and know-how

24 6 Process Management

SAP… customize your success – Application In doing so we focus on long-term user support. We Management and Support empower your key users and generate multipliers in your company. We possess in-depth knowledge in the We provide SAP process support, based on many above-mentioned modules. Each project is viewed years of experience, in the following modules: objectively - we never try to adapt process to technologies. Instead, we analyse your processes in ß MM detail. Only then are we able to advise you about the appropriate SAP implementation that will help you to ß PP reduce costs, provide you with easier access to data and make it possible for you to respond more rapidly ß SD to changes in the market. The automation of work processes will give you more control and enable you to reduce the error rate. We take care of the practical aspects and for the programming - ABAP - we work together with specialists in partner projects.

25 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 7 Interim Management

What you need to know ...

Databases Mass Mailings Technical Expertise • We are not mass • We don't send out • Thanks to our processors of CVs hundreds of cold e-mails specialisation we can with anonymised profiles ensure that only real • You can't register with us experts are deployed in because we work on the • Database management is the SCM and SAP areas basis of recommendations not really our thing • Your recommendation is • For our portfolio we have our reputation that is why selected a few CVs of we have a well-founded individuals who are selection process and personally known to us reference check and we have references

27 7 Interim Management

The expertise you need, when you need it

Operational Vacancy Bridging Project Work Management • Specialists are immediately • Crisis management • Deployed as experienced available to help you to • Restructuring project managers overcome a human • Reorganisation • Structured approach for resource bottleneck • Recovery the implementation of your • Effectively no learning corporate projects • Generate competitive curve advantages through • Specialist know-how for • Immediate assumption of temporary deployment of a your project work responsibility specialist • Conserves the enterprise's • No contract • People who make things own resources termination problems once happen and deliver results you have a permanent • No permanent build-up of replacement for the vacant capacity post • Predictable costs

Not only do we come up with the concepts but we can also implement them with the help of experienced interim managers

28 7 Interim Management

The crucial added value of implementation consulting ...

ß Behind every success there are people. Individuals with experience.

ß With our experienced interim managers we ensure that the consulting project success is sustainable and that it continues.

ß Whether it's swiftly bridging vacancies or long-term reorganisation or implementation projects you can rely on us just the same.

ß Current resource bottlenecks in operational or project-related management will be efficiently and quickly unblocked.

29 7 Interim Management

Responsibility … Interim managers for your supply chain

ß We assume responsibility from day one, regardless of whether this involves a line management role, specialist or project functions

ß Purchasing, logistics, production - we have the right specialists for you

ß We are one of the few companies that provide both specialisation at the functional level as well as at industry level

ß We fill short-term expertise gaps

ß We act as a trouble-shooter

30 7 Interim Management

The costs - it's worth making a comparison ...Interim versus permanent contract ß Likewise, you won't have any costs in connection with: ß Our interim managers are only paid for ß Special payments (Christmas actual working days bonus) ß Bonuses Permanent staff have to be paid when they ß ß Company cars are on holiday and on sick leave, too ß Fees for HR consultants ß Work equipment ß There are no overhead, administrative and ß Expenses for pension provisions training costs with our interim managers and social security cover

ß No severance payments

Predictable costs and a fixed budget provide assurance

31 Contents

1 Company Profile 2 Consulting Focus 3 Approach 4 Purchasing

5 Supply Chain

6 Process Management

7 Interim Management

8 Clients 8 Clients Here is a selection of our clients - well-known personal references from the automotive, mechanical engineering and electronics/high tech sectors


Procure One GmbH

Sandweg 27 38179 Schwülper (Germany) Tel +49 5303 979 2590 Fax +49 5303 979 2591 [email protected]

Contact : Public Relations Tel +49 5303 979 2590 [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: This presentation is for informational purposes only; it contains confidential information and is intended solely for the recipient to whom it was given by Procure One GmbH. The presentation may neither be published nor passed on to a third party. The information in this presentation has been compiled with the utmost care and is based on the date when the presentation was prepared. However, Procure One GmbH assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the information provided. It is subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions excepted. Procure One GmbH, District Court (Amtsgericht ) Hildesheim: Commercial register section B (HRB ) 204588. VATIN: DE303912506. Managing Director: Andrew Seim. Updated: January 2016