Rider News Mayfair
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HAIL EIGHT WEEKS. TO I ST. PATRICK RIDER NEWS MAYFAIR Vol. 11 TRENTON, N. J" )'IARCH 14, 1941 No. 18 Three Rider Publications Guild Baseball Drills Begin This ·Week; Have Student Council Seats Presents Candidates Prepare For Big Schedule Independent Club New Play With Light Workouts At New Field Refused Gre.lt Independents "S pring Dance." forthcoming pro Pitchers, Cetchers At a recent Ill cc lin ~ of the Student "'ame Doherty duction of the Rider Coll ege Dramatic Council, Ilro ~ i sio " s we re made for tlu~ Guild, was written by one o f today's Dance for Pete Fiorito Success; Limbering. Up Ridrr .",.tnt'S 10 ha.ve a ptrmancnt scat fc1 11110st playwrights, Philip Barry. at all future n.cclings () f the organi· New Leader Mere mention of the name immedi At S.O.B. Field Committee Shows Large ProSt With the vcrification of President zalion. Th~ HRoughridcr," student ately calls to the theatrc-goer's mind Sry.m Doherty was recently c1ectw Franklin F. Moore completely coo· In a slatement released this week quarterly. will be r! l)Tesent«i ill the ch::airm all of the cxecuti\·c commitlce ~ uch we ll known hits as "The Phila fi rmed, baseball at Rider is now a delphia. Story" and "Holiday." both by Mr. Alex Poyda. adviser to the fall and ..... inter terms and Ihe "Shad- of thc IndC(lCndcnts' Students' :\sso complete certainty. Unbeknown to plays that ha\·c been made illto mo dance committee. total receipts of Ihe many of the students, a suqlrising ow" in th ... spring ilnd summer terms. ciatioll. sncceeding Joseph Drey fuss. Phi Sigma Nu tiOf' Ilicture productions, feat uring Pete Fiorito dance 5howw a net amount of work had been negotiated The latc inacth'ily of the I nde~n . Three members of the prcsent ell: such well known stars as Katherine profit of $133.95. A check for $140 before the news of the innO\'atioo de nts' Club was dccmtd reason ecuth·c boa ru ha\·e rcsigned their p0- Hepburn, A nn Harding, James Stew Hol~s Formal wai disclosed. Many of the teams that h::a s becn se nt to Fiorito, which ill e!'lOugh \0 refuse them a JOllg sought sit ions. Dreyfus5, who has headed the art and others, It;\\·c bcc:n :UlIlounced on thc lICW go toward defraying the hospit::al bilt. Twellty-eight new members of the aft"r scat with the Council, and they board for a year, will be lea\'ing "Liberty J ones." produced by thc sch«lulc had been eOlllactcd and Tbeatre Guild il' New York this year, Injurcd in :m intra-mural football P hi S igma Nu fraternily wcrc for signcd to home and home series prior will not be represented until such time school beforc hi ~ term e:'( pires. Libby is another of Philip Barry's successes. mally received at their initiatory for to the annOWICcmel11 in the Rider =IS they can pro\'e Ihilt the)' 3re g::ame 13st fall. Fiorito is improv ing ~ I a.gee already has left school to join Reference to Ihese works docs not rapidl)' and possibl y Ina y retufll to mal last Saturday cvening at the Nn('J of March 7. worthy of one. the sta ff of thc TrrlllQII Til/lrJ. mean that "Sllring Dance" is. by any O n W ednesday and Thursday aft· school for the summer ler111 . In let Greenacres Country Club. Despite the At this point, all student publica Michael S imko is now practice teach- me:tnS,:t1l inferior production. It ....-a s emoons, aspirants to the pitching aDd ters recei\'ed by \'arious mem\x: rs of b3d weather. o\·cr cig thy couples at at -,i tions ::ar e prop('~ly rcpn::scntcd :Uld a catch ing assignments were drilling ing in Sayre\'i1Ic, New JCr5CY, will ~~ :I~i~~e s~I~~~~r~Y i~ e ~~.ar~! r~t ~~d tended the affair. maltf r that has sccn much argmmmla the student bouy, who ha\'e becn ~o r the lot :uljaccnt 10 the School of Busi· g raduatc in August, beforc tIl e end had a succcuful run on Broadway. President Bill Locke. who aCled as lI ess. Of co urst'". many oi the boys tion in the past is ::app.uenlly cleareu resllonding with Pete during his con of his tcrm of office. H ere arc :I fe w newspaper com- ha\'c not to uched a h~ se b~ l1 in two valescence. he has e:.::>rcssed hi s .1\1- toastmaster, was presented wilh 3 up once anu for all. Irene Burkland. Mario Funari. and · mcnu on "Spring Dancc." fo ll owing or threc Yl!ars and ior that reason prcci3tion fOr :Ill th:l t has ~e(!11 done miniaturt."! ga\·eI from past president A committee, consisling of \VilJialll :\13rk Burke ha\·e been elected \0 the its openulg: th(' workouts were light. Coach RC'X ior him by Rider students. Jacoh ~reye r s. on behali of the new Welsh and Ted Miller. will recom ('lI:ecuti \·c board to rl."placl." thosc who "Thcre is Ill uch that is I; a)' and Ell is. himself a forme r NOli e D:frr.e The expe.nses of the afiair tot:lkd brOlh~r5. n ollen \\'nJenhorn, rcpre hurler. wOll ld not permit the boys to mend 10 Ihe Dean Ihat nnl ; ,, : i l ~ d CUIS ha \'e resignl."d. Other members of lhe li ght alld alllusing in 'S I'ring Dance' ___ dialOl,;\le in Mr. B;ury's hest n1.1 11- $7·t:?Q, indudiug orchestra. I,rinting, sen tative of the new members dllring open up le$ t Ihcy should dc\"el op kinks be gh'en 10 the sludents who :lrc c(J mmillee an.' :\Iartin Olillsky, Julu ner."---N.-w l'ork fl ,'r/lld Tribllu,·. or do irreparable da m.1.g e 10 their working on coll ege publications. such radio. which was raffled. ietleral de plcd.c;e seasOn. ga\'C :I miniature gold Kalarow :lIld ~I ariou Kituley. " . ... a J.!lIy litlle comoo)' oi col- l'itchulg arms. tense la:.:. and dec.)r:ttions. The total paddle to William W elch. pledgc cap ::as the edilors anu Ihe businns malla T he 5(' l."ol1d issuc o j "The Hult.:ti n." Icg... rOll1anc ~' ---a hi ghly entertaining It scems :It prcscnt a< thOUb'"" the recei lltS a l11011I11oo to $lOS.1 5. tain. \Videnhorn aho prese nted. 0 11 weak sllOts o n the tC,1J1l \\'ill be found geTS 0 1 the "Shadow," "Roul;hrider" a t:~ublic at iol1 of the IllIlcpendent Stu ('lI:hihit will, sentimental I,roblems-- All itemizcd st3telllcnt p r epa~ed by bchaH of the new memben, an onyll: in the I,itching, c at chi n~ and outfield ::and RUI"r Nr.I.·s. It was ::al so dtcidw dCll ts' Auociatioll. aWared recel1\ ly, anmsiul:, si tuations --- IIC W dialogue tha t !j)"rkles,'·---Brookl.\'tI Tim(l. III(' committee follows: key 10 j acoh Myc rs "for OUl5la nding ers. Howe\·(!r, since Coach Ellis has that the ::ad\'e rtising managers of the which canlailled a rtides abolll eJec " • •• skittishl y coll egiate. fill! of scn'ice and leadership." had not onl)l coll egiate experience ~ public::ai tons should :l Isa be desen ·iJI I; Total collecti ons . $208.15 also some proicssiollal background>lt tions. the proposoo membership cam ~la ck s . l i~h t h.1nter ami rol1-0\·er act Amollg the ~cturnillg alumni were: is highl}" ,lrobable Ihat he will be able oi unlimitcd cut prh·ilcges. paign 3nd the report oi a dance hcld ing-the i! lib brig htncss of Barry's Expenses; T inl ~oonall. ·32. {j ldes! oi thc to mould a rewesenta\i\'e mouod staff At its nCll:t meeting, thc Counci l in Jamm ry. ~ I ark Burke. Bryan Do· lI$l1al ill1 l1rint."-.Vl'":t' Vork E:'(IIill!J O rchcstra $·U.OO }QlIYIUlI. alumni present; Ted Curtis, H arry will nomin:ltc sill: o f ilS mCIllilf:rs who hCTty. RUlh Shiller and ~br y Heu P rinlulg .75 Fi sher, Hill Dit zel, Ca rl Smith. F rank ::~~: :~ !~I;:~l so ffat~ ~/ in:~~~~ r:e~~~ -~ ha\'c provcn thcIIIsd\'es outstandinb (Olllprise the staff of ··The Bulleti"." R3dio 14.20 the boys who hal'e ell:p rcssed a. desire Hergallhall , Roser Cooper. Dick Rob I in Council work for presen tr.l io.ll of while Prof. McBanc is the faculty Business Ad. Club Fcd'i Ddcnse: Tax 5.25 to ,:!ua. rd tlIC inner circle have had Li1l 5. Bill Heath, Earl Nicho[is. Bob considerabl e e:.: perience in hi gh school keys. After the namn ha\'e b«n auvisl."r to the gronp. The IIt,,1 i ~S \le Deco r a t i on ~ 3.00 Albright. John \ Vindu3 and Vince and s('mi-pra drc1cs al\t! arc cxpt.'CI. cd-~ passcU by the Council. they will be oj the 11.1 per \\'i11 apI)('3r wi thin th e Has Banquet Total ExpenR:s . 7-1 .20 Hagman. last rear's presidellt. to o:i\'e a g ClOlI accoulII of...u\emsrll-'eS.. I p~c ~ented to th~ fa culty :lnd athnini. l1 (,lI: t twO weeks. The Business ,\dmil1i stra tion Cluh The guest,; of the cveJlillg w ... re at the in tield r.osilions.