Vol. 11 TRENTON, N. J" )'IARCH 14, 1941 No. 18 Three Rider Publications Guild Baseball Drills Begin This ·Week; Have Student Council Seats Presents Candidates Prepare For Big Schedule Independent Club New Play With Light Workouts At New Field Refused Gre.lt Independents "S pring Dance." forthcoming pro­ Pitchers, Cetchers At a recent Ill cc lin ~ of the Student "'ame Doherty duction of the Rider Coll ege Dramatic Council, Ilro ~ i sio " s we re made for tlu~ Guild, was written by one o f today's Dance for Pete Fiorito Success; Limbering. Up Ridrr .",.tnt'S 10 ha.ve a ptrmancnt scat fc1 11110st playwrights, Philip Barry. at all future n.cclings () f the organi· New Leader Mere mention of the name immedi ­ At S.O.B. Field Committee Shows Large ProSt With the vcrification of President zalion. Th~ HRoughridcr," student ately calls to the theatrc-goer's mind Sry.m Doherty was recently c1ectw Franklin F. Moore completely coo· In a slatement released this week quarterly. will be r! l)Tesent«i ill the ch::airm all of the cxecuti\·c commitlce ~ uch we ll known hits as "The Phila­ fi rmed, baseball at Rider is now a delphia. Story" and "Holiday." both by Mr. Alex Poyda. adviser to the fall and ..... inter terms and Ihe "Shad- of thc IndC(lCndcnts' Students' :\sso­ complete certainty. Unbeknown to plays that ha\·c been made illto mo­ dance committee. total receipts of Ihe many of the students, a suqlrising ow" in th ... spring ilnd summer terms. ciatioll. sncceeding Joseph Drey fuss. Phi Sigma Nu tiOf' Ilicture productions, feat uring Pete Fiorito dance 5howw a net amount of work had been negotiated The latc inacth'ily of the I nde~n . Three members of the prcsent ell: ­ such well known stars as Katherine profit of $133.95. A check for $140 before the news of the innO\'atioo de nts' Club was dccmtd reason ecuth·c boa ru ha\·e rcsigned their p0- Hepburn, A nn Harding, James Stew­ Hol~s Formal wai disclosed. Many of the teams that h::a s becn se nt to Fiorito, which ill e!'lOugh \0 refuse them a JOllg sought­ sit ions. Dreyfus5, who has headed the art and others, It;\\·c bcc:n :UlIlounced on thc lICW go toward defraying the hospit::al bilt. Twellty-eight new members of the aft"r scat with the Council, and they board for a year, will be lea\'ing "Liberty J ones." produced by thc sch«lulc had been eOlllactcd and Tbeatre Guild il' New York this year, Injurcd in :m intra-mural football P hi S igma Nu fraternily wcrc for­ signcd to home and home series prior will not be represented until such time school beforc hi ~ term e:'( pires. Libby is another of Philip Barry's successes. mally received at their initiatory for­ to the annOWICcmel11 in the Rider =IS they can pro\'e Ihilt the)' 3re g::ame 13st fall. Fiorito is improv ing ~ I a.gee already has left school to join Reference to Ihese works docs not rapidl)' and possibl y Ina y retufll to mal last Saturday cvening at the Nn('J of March 7. worthy of one. the sta ff of thc TrrlllQII Til/lrJ. mean that "Sllring Dance" is. by any O n W ednesday and Thursday aft· school for the summer ler111 . In let­ Greenacres Country Club. Despite the At this point, all student publica­ Michael S imko is now practice teach- me:tnS,:t1l inferior production. It ....-a s emoons, aspirants to the pitching aDd ters recei\'ed by \'arious mem\x: rs of b3d weather. o\·cr cig thy couples at­ at -,i tions ::ar e prop('~ly rcpn::scntcd :Uld a catch ing assignments were drilling ing in Sayre\'i1Ic, New JCr5CY, will ~~ :I~i~~e s~I~~~~r~Y i~ e ~~.ar~! r~t ~~d tended the affair. maltf r that has sccn much argmmmla­ the student bouy, who ha\'e becn ~o r ­ the lot :uljaccnt 10 the School of Busi· g raduatc in August, beforc tIl e end had a succcuful run on Broadway. President Bill Locke. who aCled as lI ess. Of co urst'". many oi the boys tion in the past is ::app.uenlly cleareu resllonding with Pete during his con­ of his tcrm of office. H ere arc :I fe w newspaper com- ha\'c not to uched a h~ se b~ l1 in two valescence. he has e:.::>rcssed hi s .1\1- toastmaster, was presented wilh 3 up once anu for all. Irene Burkland. Mario Funari. and · mcnu on "Spring Dancc." fo ll owing or threc Yl!ars and ior that reason prcci3tion fOr :Ill th:l t has ~e(!11 done miniaturt."! ga\·eI from past president A committee, consisling of \VilJialll :\13rk Burke ha\·e been elected \0 the its openulg: th(' workouts were light. Coach RC'X ior him by Rider students. Jacoh ~reye r s. on behali of the new Welsh and Ted Miller. will recom­ ('lI:ecuti \·c board to rl."placl." thosc who "Thcre is Ill uch that is I; a)' and Ell is. himself a forme r NOli e D:frr.e The expe.nses of the afiair tot:lkd brOlh~r5. n ollen \\'nJenhorn, rcpre­ hurler. wOll ld not permit the boys to mend 10 Ihe Dean Ihat nnl ; ,, : i l ~ d CUIS ha \'e resignl."d. Other members of lhe li ght alld alllusing in 'S I'ring Dance' ___ dialOl,;\le in Mr. B;ury's hest n1.1 11- $7·t:?Q, indudiug orchestra. I,rinting, sen tative of the new members dllring open up le$ t Ihcy should dc\"el op kinks be gh'en 10 the sludents who :lrc c(J mmillee an.' :\Iartin Olillsky, Julu ner."---N.-w l'ork fl ,'r/lld Tribllu,·. or do irreparable da m.1.g e 10 their working on coll ege publications. such radio. which was raffled. ietleral de­ plcd.c;e seasOn. ga\'C :I miniature gold Kalarow :lIld ~I ariou Kituley. " . . ... a J.!lIy litlle comoo)' oi col- l'itchulg arms. tense la:.:. and dec.)r:ttions. The total paddle to William W elch. pledgc cap­ ::as the edilors anu Ihe businns malla­ T he 5(' l."ol1d issuc o j "The Hult.:ti n." Icg... rOll1anc ~' ---a hi ghly entertaining It scems :It prcscnt a< thOUb'"" the recei lltS a l11011I11oo to $lOS.1 5. tain. \Videnhorn aho prese nted. 0 11 weak sllOts o n the tC,1J1l \\'ill be found geTS 0 1 the "Shadow," "Roul;hrider" a t:~ublic at iol1 of the IllIlcpendent Stu­ ('lI:hihit will, sentimental I,roblems--­ All itemizcd st3telllcnt p r epa~ed by bchaH of the new memben, an onyll: in the I,itching, c at chi n~ and outfield­ ::and RUI"r Nr.I.·s. It was ::al so dtcidw dCll ts' Auociatioll. aWared recel1\ ly, anmsiul:, si tuations --- IIC W dialogue tha t !j)"rkles,'·---Brookl.\'tI Tim(l. III(' committee follows: key 10 j acoh Myc rs "for OUl5la nding ers. Howe\·(!r, since Coach Ellis has that the ::ad\'e rtising managers of the which canlailled a rtides abolll eJec­ " • •• skittishl y coll egiate. fill! of scn'ice and leadership." had not onl)l coll egiate experience ~ public::ai tons should :l Isa be desen ·iJI I; Total collecti ons . $208.15 also some proicssiollal background>lt tions. the proposoo membership cam­ ~la ck s . l i~h t h.1nter ami rol1-0\·er act­ Amollg the ~cturnillg alumni were: is highl}" ,lrobable Ihat he will be able oi unlimitcd cut prh·ilcges. paign 3nd the report oi a dance hcld ing-the i! lib brig htncss of Barry's Expenses; T inl ~oonall. ·32. {j ldes! oi thc to mould a rewesenta\i\'e mouod staff At its nCll:t meeting, thc Counci l in Jamm ry. ~ I ark Burke. Bryan Do· lI$l1al ill1 l1rint."-.Vl'":t' Vork E:'(IIill!J O rchcstra $·U.OO }QlIYIUlI. alumni present; Ted Curtis, H arry will nomin:ltc sill: o f ilS mCIllilf:rs who hCTty. RUlh Shiller and ~br y Heu P rinlulg .75 Fi sher, Hill Dit zel, Ca rl Smith. F rank ::~~: :~ !~I;:~l so ffat~ ~/ in:~~~~ r:e~~~ -~ ha\'c provcn thcIIIsd\'es outstandinb (Olllprise the staff of ··The Bulleti"." R3dio 14.20 the boys who hal'e ell:p rcssed a. desire Hergallhall , Roser Cooper. Dick Rob­ I in Council work for presen tr.l io.ll of while Prof. McBanc is the faculty Business Ad. Club Fcd'i Ddcnse: Tax 5.25 to ,:!ua. rd tlIC inner circle have had Li1l 5. Bill Heath, Earl Nicho[is. Bob considerabl e e:.: perience in hi gh school keys. After the namn ha\'e b«n auvisl."r to the gronp. The IIt,,1 i ~S \le Deco r a t i on ~ 3.00 Albright. John \ Vindu3 and Vince and s('mi-pra drc1cs al\t! arc cxpt.'CI. cd-~ passcU by the Council. they will be oj the 11.1 per \\'i11 apI)('3r wi thin th e Has Banquet Total ExpenR:s . 7-1 .20 Hagman. last rear's presidellt. to o:i\'e a g ClOlI accoulII of...u\emsrll-'eS.. I p~c ~ented to th~ fa culty :lnd athnini. ­ l1 (,lI: t twO weeks. The Business ,\dmil1i stra tion Cluh The guest,; of the cveJlillg w ... re at the in tield r.osilions. tratlon, who Will choose fO\lr of the Plans arc in the oilillg to ha\·e an of Hide r Coll ege held its annual ban­ C(l t1 eg~' ;llIthori!;.:s are :It present Net Receipts ~1JJ.95 qll et \Vetlnesday c\·ellinJ.:, ~ I a r c h 5. at ~Ir . ;111(\ ~ lr F . Alex Poyda, ~Ir. and ('11(lea\"or'::;; to rllltl a suilable practice ) . sill: llametl a nd make the pr e~ en l a ­ Intll'pendence fiance 0 11 :\Iareh 28. but tht· " 'alker-Gonlt111 G:lte 11"" se with _\Irs. Lconard 0ls01l ;mu :\Ir. alld fieilt. illasmllch a~ Ihe Rider field 10-­ tian. nothing defin ite has be!."JI d ... cll ied. - --- twenty-fi,'c III e III h e r ~ and eleven cah·d hctween ~f '.H. lc1 A \·cnue t-.'d The Sllbject of Conncil scholarshil 's :\Irs. John Haubert. Donald Emkrlmx k has bct>n a])­ g uests prcsent. Rider Alumni Perry Slret(' is not ye l in proper con- was postpon«i to a future tbte whcn John Bahrct was ch:lirman oi the flo intl"t.! temporary chairman of the more informatiOn on the 1I1 0lion The J;llcn speaker for the cvening Discusses Plans socia l con1l1liuec. assis tcd by Jacob da nce committee. was Dr. John Edwards, associate pro­ ~:::t fi~~~ s \~:;~~~;g tl; ~~:;.l~~ - could be obtain«l. ~ferers. Peler Fedoroc hko. I'ar' er fc ~so r oi I ~e lail i ug in the I-! raduate Alumni o{ n ider li \·ing in and Ilcar Ih ... r (' should be a defin ite decision by The :lppoinlments of Ihe new Coun­ :\ ccording to Rry3n Doherty, chair­ School of l~ e lai1i nJ.: of Kew York T rcnlon held a 11Icctin~ at F isch("T's 1_1thalll and Jack Pcck. :\I us ic was the fi rst o f nc.."t week. ' cil reprcscntati\'es GOl'S u,to immcdi­ lII:1 n cf the execulh·c board. the 1)01- University. Dr. E(K\' an l ~ presc nted T ea Room <,): 1 the Rh·er Road 011 furnidlt1.l by Jack Barry and his or­ T he athlelic fund h~ s already pro­ au! effect 3nd the mem~rs will hc icy o f the 1 J\{lepem l el1t~ ' A5SOC i;ltioll the clu h with some ,'err intcrCSling :\I:tn:h I I. Det::ora tions were iu cha r ~e ddcd a certain amoullt oi balS, balls. added to thc :I\lend:lllce list at the chcstra. is not to tear a]lart Ihe existing social data 0 11 th... ~ u bh'C t oi " Retailing as oi P roiessor Harold W. W t'~ t ..0-1 . a nti glo\'('5 10 be used by the \·ars i\y_ nc.."t mceting. scheme at Ridcr Collt'"J,!c, but one a Profession." T he ,:!roup discussed furthe r plans of v ntil suc h timc as tl firstr nine is which is oi wi ll ing eoop(fatioll and SCHral m e nd )C l~ i tltc Rid ... r fae­ the dub. accofllins to :\I iss Sadic Jones Addresses cho~en. thojlc who r\'I){lrl to prcatice assistance to the iraternities and so­ ult)' were prCSCIlI ::a s well as promi­ Zieglcr. alullln i secretary. will be required to Sllppl)" tllt"ir own I;do\·es. spikes a nd an}" (j lh~'r equip-­ Teacher's Dance rorities in the promotion oi s tlld ~' \l t nent IlC r)\)llIld mcmbeu 01 thc larger :\ meeting 01 the d ub was ll('id ill mCIlI tl eces~ r}" . :lcth' i t j~s ami wcl iarc. Trenton tk\1..1r tmeut S' ores. Bound P.rook 0 11 :\lareh 3 at the Rari­ Assembly Wed. ~ I ll.:: h sllCeu lation wa· aroused this ..\ committee IlIId ... r the direction of Ian Valley ilUl. ncar SO lllen ·ine. N. J . ~Ir . Lloyd L. Joncs, Director of wttk as to just why tht TlU ndlCr of "Next Friday Ted B3u ri es p r ep.lr~d the c\·ent. which AI this mectinJ;. l'[all$ were lII:1de to candit!ates !"r..::._certain 1... ,·itioTls On the °erhaps a bil la te to catch Saint will lo.n g he r('l11emrn'red as ont' of hold a dinner and 10 im'ite the l ~i t1 er I ~e s ea r ch of the American Research Spanish Club \('am W3 S eonfinl't! 1,1 ,I ~ o:1 ec t fcw_ l ri ck's day right on the nose. but. III(' most Sl1 CCC5S ful n. :\. Club din­ alumlli irom the surrounding terri­ Co. . tr:J.\·eler._lcc tll r(' r. and proiessor. \\'hen the al11101ll1Ce llll"Ot was made ne\·erthclcss. the Coml1l(' rcia l T each­ ncn ill the history oi the Orl;:lnila- !ori(s. Sarosa :-' [eliek. ',19, has Ix-cn ~poke 10 the studeut body al \Ved ~ relat;\'(' to Ihe inatl~ llr~lioll of b.'lSI."- ~. t'" rs' Club will hold tll('ir a1111ual {or­ lion. instrulII/:Jltal in I'roll1oting tlJi ~ duh. Presents Movies Il esday's assembly on "The Voice oi hall. it wa.s a.l1 ti cit"'1t ~t! th at tllo,!r< n.11 ami dinner dance one we ... k irOIll P resident Don Johnson pr('sidetl Se"eral l1I r1nbcrs of the Rirk state inspection do If I had an army of gold Os· and I don't mean E..; Claussen., . J ean H utchinson i~ gettin g quite Jean Roscllsaft , Ethel ) 011 1' 5. Helen Masick, Pat ~[alO1 ;cy. Dorothy Ros­ us?" The foi:owing letter received cars to hand out to student, the rush fr om one or three fellow s. of late-not only was she present enberg, Carmi Hubbell, Thelma Korn, Ge rald Pali3 . hy rour academic dean th is past week answers Ihi ~ quest ion rather I'd give one to Frederick at the Phi Sig formal last \\·eek·end, squired br Russ \Veiss, but she Sports Sloff-Shcrm311 London, Francis G05S. ~ I ichad Faiola, Olivc Schuetz . Raff, solemn-eyed freshman, specificall y: will al so be seen with Da\'e Goodenough ar the Delta Sig house party for conscientious errort and Advrrlisiuy Assis/auls- Bill Carley. Joa n Chadwick, Jamcs For, Shuman Dcar Dcnn Dillingham: tomorrow-much to the disgust of one Thomas McMahon. " Bar­ London, John McCor mi ck, Donald .I 0hl1> 01) . amazing se1 f.improvement - I have reccntly been much at least, in English composi. hara Todd and hI wellt to 'Bama" Grag:g were out clubbing together C irrulClliCl II ,..-Issis/allls- RoUe rt Fclull'l. T~d U;turio::;, Ra y L3£fin. pleased to receive Chicf tion. The second Oscar, I'd no t so long ago, bllt apparently this was onl y a passing affair, 'cause Exrhallyr SWii-James Wall, John Daniell. Field's letter, stating that his give to Carmey Petillo, the Ca l' l and Ka y Foote were back into the swing of things again Sat­ department has reei:ndy reg· most·eager.to.improve fresh. unby night. istered the curricula Icnding man I have, The third, I'd give Mcmbf:r to the B.S. in Commerce and to the always courteous dis· Among thc "old faithfuls" at the Phi Sig initiatory were N;ti~;IAd;e;ti~i~; S;;;:"in~ J::ls50cialed Colle6ale Press to the B.S. in Education at pel1scr of the !litler N ews. Brophy and Bill Locke .. , "Twitch" Eyere and Ed LaBuda c.Jk,~ PulislN" RtprtWlhltin. Di.tribu tor of Rider Collegc. Frank Hofbauer. A fourth. I'd Colle6iate In "iew of this dccision, I give 10 Tcd Miller, who, with . Carol Bean and Dave Schamp. . Ruth Bordlemny and :.~:!:~p=. ~v~ A"'~:~ :.~",: ..~::~ Die>e~t have writtcn to \Villiam J, equal paris of ability {Illd mod­ Jake Meyers Emma Lou Snyder and Hype ... Bill Burton o f A lt amont, Miss esty. never forgets that being '''elsh and Gcrtie . Jean Doxee and Johnny Bahret . Celia Stahl of Purk Ridge. judgcd and judging are. have a nd Miss Phyllis Colpitts of always bcen and will a lways Mariu Fraser nnd TOIll O rlin. . A rather surprising couple Richmondvillc. stating t h at be, I\\'O dislinctoflices. Then, were i\1arlyn " Hungr)'" }-bines and Bonsey Tyran, . , . Bon. they are eligible for ndmiss ion I'd givc a Yery special Osellr sey has been making a pla y fol' one of the non-degree lassies to the Gradulltc School. - maybe a gold mrwtar·board in the ofllec pr:lcticc depart;ncnt lately, and "Hungry" has For a number OJ years now the Pan- Hc1kni c Council \Vith friendl y regards :ltld w o uld be bettel' - to O!i\'c bccn shadowing Co.cditor Dolan quite a bit (Don't cut this, of Rider College has enjoyed pcrl1l:lncnt SUC(C"SS in its congratulations! Schuetz fOl" he I' infallible Sillcerely yours. scholat'ship; and, o ut of thc T om ). . Dotty Hussell ::md Ken Bushnell wcre vcry warm o~erat i ons becnusc it mc ts regularl y, determi nes its busi­ WILLIAM L. BRAY. corner of illY eye, I'd watch for March as wcre Jack Peck and Muriel Blanchet. . . . ness and settlc!"! it in :1. sensi ble. rensonable 1l1anne r. Dean o f the Graduate one brown. eyed freshman. Johnny Bartlet and Peg Homsher finally decidcd that it is School, Clan:: Schlegel, to sec whcther the real thing- she's we:lring his pin at last. U nfortunntely, th e same is not true for Ihe Inter-Fra­ S yracuse Ullin-'rsit),. she would win thc samc en· ternity Counci l. That organization is at present passi ng viable Oscar next year. Last. Stinky Carten i" going to bc in for a \'ery exciti ng e\'('"ning comes through a stage of almost complete coll apse and th e So . . . Tho ~ e uf \"flU II"ho arl'" I'd give a mechnnical, t:llking S:tturday lI i:,: ht ... he's h:' \'i ng i\brr down for the Ddt3 Sig house : L ~·a d (·1l1i l:· mi!Hl e J m a ~' ';Ridc On O senr to Gil Rossi - he blame falls solely upon the fa ct that its mcetings arc cn­ \Vith Rider" withoui fea r of dr· wouldn't wish nn inanimate. part}, and Peg Gohn mar he dL('"re. too, The Queensbun' rules will . reb:- too infrequent and because no date is ever sc t in tnt.tir", and d .. ri.f il," (apol0l!ie,; to mute thing-fo r true. if noisy. be "b ~e rn'(l. ... F tJl'_ ~y and Camlrll Boot h \\"il l also mak~ an appear. ..I lin' ill fFfmtfrrlfllld ) \\·hl·!1 rOIt leadership. To the mcmbers anCl' at till' part )" . La;:t \\'cek -end Carolyn enjoyed herself vc ry, very advance. ~ tart reLchi ng for a si lver or gold of my last term specch classes mw.:hlr with one I)f la :;t y.:ar·s RUll1 el"r.', i\Iike Tyran.... This next who will be called upon to The current move to reQ rganize the Council provides tassel for rOLlr l: olll'J,!ia tl' hun nets. iU'111 is nil! rct officia ll r o.:o niirmcd. hut we ha\'e it from good authori l}" Bully fur i\1 r. \Veldl! :\" "non give their Reading Plays, I that the organizatiQn will meet on a ce rtain date at a cer­ as more Rideritcs rto;; ent the should give a whole litter of tlL;!t T l'd :'d iller and " S n ubg le · B unn~" Eiberman will be seen at the Jall l:e. tain fraternitY house where the problems concerning the townsfolk's caHi n!; your coll ege s il ver Oscars, cach engraved Rill,' rs and looking llo\\"n tl\t'ir "For Service." group can be rightly so lvC;d. Such a movement would noses at VOLl, T rrntnnians wil! .. Bcetle" Hocltke hns something more to talk about- the kid once and for al1 r.lise rhe standards of the Counci l and dl:lnge their tum's. Of C (l U r~l'. \ 'OIL :\:' :m i!1 ~ tru ..:t"r in the de l; ree rode on a real chao-chao engine Cor s ix whole miles la!>t Sat· inveq a Ifttle bring it back to ihe prominent place it should rightly ~tll d ent s ~ lt OLlld ~c h ()() l , I \\"a:' glad to :'ec in last urday. He was co-pi lot on a Ne\" York Central train imagination in ~o me rrnltic an ­ ; ~ ;~e~:h~;'~ !~~~;~~~s~o~:::; tJ~~l~ whcn he rode the rails with veteran engineer Frank "Crowley" hold in the everyday life at Rider College. ~ \\" e r ,; - cxcl"i!cOt prnpag,lnlb in· slIrancc-com'cming the 10';'; of Rider !,!als. if s lHin~ doc,; cume McCormick. Said Ray, on being interviewed: "I'd still trade fo r certain fqod. ~ porti', ( I probably shan't know until ' buy a Ford:' . Last week we said that the Hornbeck. .~aj -P.erformance movie. :Ind boarding hou!'e nlll' 1\\'0 week" later: it will take all Young romance had cooled noticeably. This weck let it sufrice l"l'TIlS ii Rider College ,. lt uuld d o:,e those in Lt, L2 and J.... 3 at least to say that it has now frozen solidly.. . Another love affair Elsewhere in this iss ue will be found an itemized ac­ iB doors. A.nd if it \~ 'e rell ' t for the fraternitics' taking o\"er the,,(' im­ ~n~~~: :~h ~h~s\\ ' ,,~~~~), a~:;Olc:cl:~~ seems to have hit the rocks, too--Shirley Sebast is no longer count of f the receipts and disbursements of the recent llleT1$e white elephant,; , thrre and hra\'e and ste;tt!\· and be'auti - wearing Ed tvlartin's fratcrnity p in. dance held in honor of Peter Fiorito, a Rider boy who would be more empty m:m ,; ions, fll\." If rou can't' find ONE like the Roeblin g: homt', 1e'C'rin g at whom tho;.e fi \'e adjectives can ci e· Did: LLrlloll wrnt to a dance :1.I Curtland Slate T eachers last wee k; · V:as folled in an intramural football game last fall. tllC' publii.·. scribe, remember. tome Ihat first end, and didn't get b3ck to Trenll until \Vednesd:I\·. \Vhv can't we The nct profit realized from that affair gives some in · full moon that L: e'e'ping th ree all gtt one of dtose fi ve'· dar week-ends? I ncidentaU;', he blamed his Fortunately. however, there whee l!> on th e' pbne may nOI in· dl!'lared return to the snowstorm. Frank Nigam is 3 free man dication of the morale that apparently has been d ormant are many local people who are sure' h3ppier fl yi ng but they will again. He haS definitdr broken up with t he' girl back home .... The in late years. The dance was planned well in advance and loyal to Rider. Only last week cert:linly takc the jars out of the [ heard a municipal employee bnding! Kappa Phi house narrowly missed being quarantincd for three weeks. the tickets were placed at the disposal o f the student body remark: "If [ were a young )'fJ ll r Srcolld Cu~srin !l Glint. Jim Murphy came down with scarlet fever last week , but he W3S for the purpose of giving aid to a fell ow student who had mo\'ed 10 the Donne!!y Memorial Ho s~ital before the entire house was exposed to it . .. Valentine Corradi h3s fallen for a non-degree flffercd one of the misfortunes o f collegiate life. gi rl ie, and isn't at all bashful about sa}"in!: so, either. The response o f the Rider students to this urgent plea JAM SESSION The Dramalic Guild seems to have run into more than its is something th..1 t should long be remembered in the his­ IJ y Jrrry Paluia share of tough luck this year. The latest blow is the loss o f tory o f the IOstitution. \ Vhen college students re cogni ze A hand Ih:1t is c ~n:tin 10 !J.c.come a A Sid,' Thot!!J 1I1: Kow tha t Jack Fisher, one of the few veterans in the cast of "Spring lile worthiness of such a cause and respond mos t avidly tl,p'!lotcher is .'\I\·in o R er ' ~ orches tr3. won't be a\'ailablc Dance." Jack starts working for a local 6rm rvlonday, but ",·ill [{cy. who i ~ o n ~ of the fir~ t exponetll$ to its plea) it is an indicatio n that there is plenty of id ea l· ~~~ ;~; ~rl:'~'l~:ir R~;,!I 'o;lO;OI ~:.)(l ~a s~ continue his course in night school. Jack Morse, president of oi Ih\' clet:!ric Sled guitar, featur~ s the Guild, has been drafted to fill the vacancy. As you jsm .left in American yo uth, th(' Kin g Sisters. wh o weT(' iormcrly tor. or maybe both ! already know, Woody Herman will not be ~"'l ;'~bl c for the \\" il h Horace lIti,lt. Rey's b.1ml is DOTS ;\ ~ D DA SHES; Fletcher ·Mayfair. . Apparently, the next in line is Otarlic Sph'ak. currently playin ~ ::11 tl.e 1 ~L1 'iie Cabin, Henderson and Eddic Sallt<,r arc af' 'chool Cleanliness Ul Englewood. !\cw JerS<'y. and can ranging for Bellny Goodman's h.lml. . I set; by the papers where "For Whom the Bell Tolls" t,.., heard alnl os t any ni ght O\'cr " ·O R. For opera 10\'crs : Br3hms­ is soon to be put into production for cinema usc. The cost of In accordance with the abbreviated rcmarks o f Dea n For smooth l is t en in~ tlIunb\'rs, R\'y Concerto No. 2 in B Flat Major, filming that sh.ould be almost negligible. All the properties that (l ITers '"Sighly-Kight ," his ~'\lin g-o tT Jillingham at \Vednesday's assembly, it mi g ht be advis­ d(Ul~ hy a list of ,1rtists on Victor th.' I11;:·. aud " ~Iy Prodigal." f.'aturinj:! are necessary is one sleeping bag, and only two characters are able to add a further word o n clea nliness in and :lro llnd Alyec Kin g. And. !c ~ t wc forget. Al­ Red Seal rl"Cords. .. Sammy Kayc necessary: a nondescript male, nnd a female called "Rabbi I­ Jur buildings at Rider. \"ino ean abo di g.it. H ~ exc tllillifi6 has :L sc intiltatin ~ arran\:ement of nose.", . Recommcnded ; " Virginia" at the Lincoln- Made· his n:rsatilily Ul the $O l1~S . '"Tiger '"All Kight Long:' fea turing tht line Carroll d'oes her usually excellent job in this show. but At present the Studc;nt Council ll1el~lbcr s arc. cooper· Hag.'" '" 5 1. l.nuis Bl ues." "Ferry 111rl't" Kadets. Bes t re<:ord of Bna t Se r<'n ad~ . " alll: "~I ama, Don't the one who really steals the entire picture in our opinion is :ng in picking up papers and o ther litter that I S bound Gn 1111 0 Ihe Li on's Cage TO:ligill." the w«:k: "You Sle:>Pl'd Out 01 3 the little two·year·old. -ather in the corridors and class rooms. It should not All of Ih(.'5e son~ ; arc sung by the Dream:' Vlayed by Gknn Miller wllh MARY HOOPERITES: Better stay away from Lester's 'Y m~an s be th e duty of the Council alone to take ~ ~~~i~\' f ~ i n ~lu;l:i~:t"ca ~ c ~~31 ;:.h ~n:~~ i~ai f :i~~!e ,~~~~~g . Boat~a~ ~ ~o. g~.1 Jf this small matter. If every $; tudcnt would pledge and Cohen's, You kno\\' that the Adminislration f.rowns upon da ntcable lI1u ~ic fl ow frf)m his elec- Someonc as ked us to mention Horace sueh things, so take care. ndividual alleg iance to the t:::s k, it would go :::- long :~!'~ I g~i t ~:~ r: i,iS:~~ t / ():hlil;:. b:Uld: it'll :t~;~~1 i: lli~. his 1\lu:~ C ~~a ~ ~1~7!lt:;.u:,~ I toward mai maining a morc digcstablc atmosphcrt: \\·hil\. we're all the SU hjl'(:l of b..·r : "YOll Didn't Sleal That Ki ss." he building. WEEKL Y BOOST ~:~~s a~;t/:~ la : lr)f ~;~ :~~; .'~e:;~ s~i~a \~ ~~:l\~·!o m~~et~~;i~ S i ~\~~~~;l . is . l!!~\~ WEEKL Y GRIPE ,round this time o f year: men cO lll e to the collc!?c tl'nor-sax mal!. Tony r a~t o r . T"~lr, ~;~:i.a~J\c.u~~~ ~~~11tll1~:a t~~C~~~~~ across This wcek' ~ orchids ca n be sincerdr After enjoyiug sueh 3 succC5siul norities in quest of graduates to be taken into thclr handed to Miss Eloise Wilson. the season 3ga in5t highly toul cd COIH1IC ti­ ;ness firms. In establishing a favorabJe reacti on with ;~~~·e ~ OI!::::~~i:ll~na l~~~:.':~~~~~CJ~~I~~ ~ tl~~ the s lr c~t. present OCCUpallt oi Bachelor's Cor­ tion. it would s<'e m 3S though s011le­ his own distin cti\'e style nf wcaliz· Palum's Pinl'"!"l Prcdictio,,: In onc let the swimming team down in ncr. Her vcr)" we!! handled :lTlie!e "1the chances o f our graduates to find a 'place in!;". '·Ie·s rtally soli d 0 11 Bluebird spite of all ruUlors to the cOlllrary, m't seeing to it tha t the boys be en­ :- ir:ess wo rld are thereby enhanced to qUltc an re<:ords. doing the foll owing :U1 'C$ : wc'lI go out on Ille limb and predict should cause considerable comment on tered in the Trellton Times AAU "With 3 Twist of the Wrist:' "Hep- that TOlllnl)' Oor5<')" will not br('ak a phase o f school life th:;i:tce in rhl.' ~ ame kague). -LiddycO:II , Grag",. C:trtr :lnd Friel. The new handica p ruk. which II-: l ~ ment ion were Vinn)' Convc ry. a Tren­ ffi ce 10 Newa rk papc r ~ :I S :t iw ild·up fo r thl.' ill -bted Seton H all in:!lI gliratl'(l for the ~ C( o nt l Ir alf. h,1 S The other I r)~s . in the fina l meet of Outfielders-Leto, Emilski, J] odtke, tonia n and c:tpt:1in at W:tkc Forest; tlw season. cum: from Franklin & ussl(!; the n'llI aining piclllre hei ng :t ~ n :tp of Goodma n in action during 1 ~1I1'ren ce. Kimmerl ),. n id ge ll· a y. I l r OI'~n to be a tl efin;te advanta,t: e for Si Lobello. high sco rer for L r. U.: the weaker teams ami has pl;tcetl thc ~[a f, ha ll, 49·26. TIl\: Pennsyll'aniaU 3 · e P itt meet. ... As for Ihe majv:ity of column ~p :tce gi\'en R ider C la us scn. Mull'ihill, J);(uri'lko. Fn·ed· Bragenet;( of 5 1. Fr:Ulci s. Ci[)Ut of heretofore st:onger tC.1Ul S in a tough :trc three limes W;lutcrS oi the E:lst· orts by out-of.to\\,n :o heets. O\'er 250 inches wcre A P storie§ on the man. \\'riss. Komer), :tntl Dahah. St. Bonaven ture. :tnd I ~nthenbe rg of position. I.'rn Colk,;: ia tc Swimming League. :ton H all, Manhalli1n. L. I. U .. :tnd St. Fran..-i" ~allle s :tnd the Pill, Olle thin!: seem"" rather 1>t."Culiar. Seton I-I all. I_"lte ~ t indh'idual al'cra,t: '·. r. Jca ~ ,"< 1 The «mire team, with the e"ccption ukt', Cornell. :tnd Vill :tno\':l ~\\'i lll llling meelS .... Considering t he It aJllll'ars that Gil Rossi scared all-.IY A SUTl'cy :tmOn!; the Hide r pla yers ~ hO II' that Dob Lid,lrco.lt is le:uJin;:: of Cafl\ain Irwin GOOIJman. will be act t hat R ider :"~ to compete with sports from T rrnlO n H igh. P rinc(!­ everyone hut ~lag el1ni s \\'hell he wrvtc rl.' \·caled tlmt most of the 110)'5 ag f l~ Ilith lS.t Othl!r hi;::h al' cra !! e ~ :t re : hack 11e"t y,·ar. Two freshmen, Loll tlown his name ior the fi rst base job...... ith the selections of their coach, A on, Rutgrrs and a score o f (){ Ilrr well·known sellOols and colle~cs in J . l3ahrd. li9: O. D"nll, ~ ry. 175: P. Ilonani. TreJU oll High School dis· \\'hat's the nmlter. I)()y~ : They S.1Y iew. howe\·er. would mOI'e up Ru then- his :l rea, we t hink wc're doing all right by OUTSl'lns .... It might Bi ro. liS, ami M. Ratte. Iii. The l:mCe ch:tlTlll. aud Bill Von Thaden, lie tan't hit. berg of Seton Hall. who did 0.!iV-1--~-:' well to mention t hat the soccer te:tm's undefe:tted st reak will "", iour Ie:,ding team a\'"ragCS ar,,: Delta ~ tar sprinlt'r oi A ~ lmr}' Park I-li gh \\,ilh more gamcs to he :tdded ii liant job ag:tinst the Rc.ug hriders. t:lch the 31 ' i,:a me mark until next Ko\'ember .... It no\,' rests:tt the Siglll3. Pi. 853: Finkl" Fla ' hes. i94: School. :Ire eXIIl'<: ted to make: UI) for 6-g:lme point. . . Uut don't worrr. Rill , J ake L:tll'ren('c ami thc Imsihle. thc ".ucha!! schedule Sf.> iar S(';l}' Hall. ii5 : and Phi Sigllla ~u . GO(Xlm.ln·s loss. :\ ccording to Co.lch When qutst;onecl :\5 to I l; d~ r's best \ includ,·s: Apd 5. ~1. Pl·t(·r·s (herd ; performance. Ellis replied that it was rs w ill rectify that li ttle slip in d ut' time. i55. Bill ~ I oo r e. thl.' I'rospccts for better­ AI'ril 9. I.. I. U. (there): AI.r;1 2l. ing this year's rcrorll ne"l season are "probablr the SI. Franci$ game." Rid- T renton 5t;,lc Tc:tchers ( th(!r(' : prac· er's :ttlack innctiOtl('d t<:> pericction in ~ March 5 was the da)' or the last r o undup fo r three Rider Points POillts I'ery hriSht. ti ce ganK'): April 2.1. Pennsyh·:tnia f(lt' again-t the 51·47 win over the Brooklynites. owboys ; namely, S a mmy Siciliano, J ohnny Heher and Bill ~ 1 ; l itary Colle;::e (lthere): ~far ~. ·dhnd. .. These three basketeers will graduate this year. Deit3 Sigma Pi 11 S('\on Hall ( thcre): ~lay i. Kin,:: s I . , Sam my h a rbors the though t of joinin g George Abel in Fillkle F lashes Gals Set to Open C(l lI cge (herl.'); ~lay 10. SI. Peter's l or BR EAKFAST . . . [ ' ~ e big t im e nex t win ter if o lher plans fail 10 materialize.. . . (there): Mar 12. Beq:e.n Coll e~e Seddon Hall l or LUNCH ... ohnny m oy be b ack at the Grant School sooncr than he t h inks. (here): May 14. I.. I. U. (here): Sl'3r H all Pin Campaign , . 'Vhe n the d r aft catches u p to him th is summer hc may M:ty 15. Ho fstra ( the rc): and ~by Bela Xi lor. DINNER ... a m emb e r o f f\ quintet representing Camp D ix in a scries 21. SetOn Hall (here). Phi Sigma !\u . .. Tho: women's oowlin;! te3111 oi Ritll.'r ColIl'ge makes its fi rst bill ior ( tussles witb Uu' 1941-42 edition o ( the frosh basketeers •. .. Sigma Lambda Pi DiUerent Specials id, os far (u we k n o w, has made no future plans for p laying :til,'), ial11 e IOTnOrrOI\' when it meets K.1ppa Phi I I the team from the Unemployment a sketball. . . At any ro.le, there are a lot o f things abou t Each'Vcck Uclh. • Divot Diggers ---- Compcnsat ion Office. on the Curtis ese thr e e eou rtsters that we won't fo rget • ... For instance, ~P- I?,~ .) .'J iciliano's cool play, h is one.hand f1ip.ins, his 16·point spr ee Final Court Tally team includes Ann Tarutis, urin g the last half of the Millersville game. especially that Ready to Go AI~ei~:r'S COu..EGE G. F.G. f..T, I' t~. uti(ui sho~ over h is shoulder at the mid.stripe . ..• Heher's Facin,:: on(' of Ihe lIIos t iormid:tblr Siciliano ... . 17 ,; 13 163 :;~~~~ ~ Ii ~~:~: ~~~ ~::tr~ r .~I:r~(1 SWEET SHOP ~~ rief discourse with a referee in the I::s t G lassboro contest "chedules in recent years, the Rider Ackman . ... 51 27 I II ile the rangy Delta boy was nonchalantly lying full length Coll ege golf team will n~ l Fordham. Rossi ..... I1'8 J9 18 ,. Dike Schuetz. .,-___ _ ...:======:=:-." . Villanova. Seton Hall and other lead­ n the 8 oor, his performan ce in the A lumni game, . . . C r id­ O'Aiutoio 16 28 6 od's to~h luck under the basket. that last two--pointer of his ing un in:rsi tit5 and colle£,es in Ihis Swi econek 6 srttian of the couotry ..... hen it opens " the season,closing Stale Teachers game. Coltman .. I. 19 \4 S! its SC3$On immediatel y a fter the " " " Hdw: r .. 13 18 15 51 GlSter recess. Thrre arr m:ln}' thil1g5 :lbollt the remain ing dozrn or SO Rough­ Farr' ...... 15 16 I. 4? With Arthur Rehee and Carl Brad· .. 17 11 9 31 'ders that we are going to remembl"r for 3. while to come .... " Butch" Fricl hury. leading fl b,yen on last yrar's Dloomen$tcin . 13 3 29 ckman and his one-hand thr usts, his fine r xhibition in t hr St. Francis I. team. :IS a nucku$, and with Bernie Cridl:Uld 13 18 mr, in both State g:tmes, and on t he N ew York state t rip. Escandon. F r:l.IIc is Martin 3JJ d Arnold Ytll'nscis 17 •2 16 ohnn}' O'Aiutolo's stt shots 3nd his spree in the l:t ~ { State game .. Ferrara. 311 memben of the 19·10 ~I ar t in 18 2 1 Stretch" F arr and tht w hale of 3. ped orm:lIlcr he turned in during squad, still in collcge, prospects are Ciamlw:ll i .... 10 6 e St. Francis mdee, th3. t game-winning, l:a st·~cond, t\\'o·poin rrr of bright for the com in ~ matches. Other Others 9 •I 1.1 game played with Sute at Hillwood L:tkes . .. . T eddr Swiecond:: candidates for the team ..... ho are t,,­ d his sparkling rise to glory during tht' final six games o f the court pectcd to press the veterans for posi­ Team total ... .1.! 4 116 i74 tions are J ames Wall, Marcel R3.tte, mpaign .... Russ Colem:l.nd ( th(! Great Pro fil e ) and his dettrmincd George Forsyth , Mel Blaisdell and OpP. Total 285 161 73 1 orts on the boards . . .. J oe Friel, the little guy who was in on 8m Roy. e ry pi:t}', and that breath.taking shot during the Glassboro rout on A meeting will bt'. held in th(' n~ar Grant School court. . . H :lI Bloomr nstein, for his plar d u ring th(! fu tUf(! of all mto who wish to tryout t, :sboro g::ame and t hose four straight set shots from thr mid ·stripe fo r the learn, at whic h lime plans For Your . .. ring :l recent practice srssion- watch H al ntxt year... . Gil Rossi, will be made fnr tryouts. is snapp), passwo rk and :1 11 :.round good worl.: on thr Hoor. The sc hedule. which call s for some on)' Yrlr nscis and the imp rovement that won him a fi rst SITing post. fou r-man and si,,-man team mat~hes, LATE SNACK · . " Ming" l\il:trtin's consistent pi a}' :lnd ea rly S('3son accuracy.... indud{'5 three home encounters and at C iambe ll i ::md t he showing ht m:tdr in the Mitlers\·illr t h rille r. four awa)'. £ollows: M eet th ~ Go", • . Beforr I reach thr 30 mark. I'd like 10 mention a fe,,- of t he April 25-Villaocwa (away) ,'S who tangled with the R oughriders this p:lSt season w hom I'd like April ZS-St. Jose[)h'5 CoHeb~ lit the 5('C' in action ag!\in .... Outstanding in my ojlinion is F red Reif· (home) rd~ r of M illem'i!le T eachers.... Reifsnydtr gal'r as fine :tn exhi­ May 2-Fordh" m (away) tion of good bas!.:ttball playing :ts I\ ·t C\'(!r sren .... H erb}' Clinr M:ay 6-Trenlon Teaeh(!rs ( home ) , Vae Fo rest runs :t cl ose second in performance. . D:tl'irs of SrlOn May S-Del3ware (home) all, H eskitt of ' '''itleni>erg, Swartz of L. I. U., and P alumbo of May 1.1-Srton Hall (away) YANKEE ate (for h!s fine showing in the S('cond State game), all of these ~ I ay 15-51. John'S Unh'rrsity }'5 can pia}' on my tum an}'tilll~ .. . ,' And al!hollgh I sti,1I c;tn't bring (away) DOODLE ,. ~ lf to Jik~ him , I believe J oe Ph tie. ~:t pl;\m ~f the Gla-sooro bas· All homt matches will be Illayed at leers sho\\'t'd more fi ght and heart d espite err:tIlC floorll'ork than :m)' the Yard!c.-y Golf Club. which will 2.10 EAST STATE ST. ~r J~ oopster to take the fl oor ag:tinst R id er this f r ar .. ' , If 1' 111 a,lso be thl.' scene of the tryOut 'ron g;" 1'1I al)Ologi z.t. rounds. ~ DRESS SUITS Whe" y 0 11 wan' to ... READ or EAT a n Ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola. Curtis Bowling Academy It brings a feeling of complete TO HIRE to to refr.shment ... comp letely sa tis­ fyi ng. So w he n you pause Ii ··WHERE R I DE /./. STUDEN TS BOWL'· GREENFIELD'S t hroughout the day, m a lt. it ~- thel l are neat ,It. pause ,#tat ",£",s".s with epar" COHEN ' ~ 30 A lIe.lls 0 " Slreel Floor - 'Phone 2-9252 I«- hc: h~' ~ , 1 in April Mit zi<- Lcff. 201 KC'lI si ngtoll ,h e· meet with S(,ton Hall. ~ I ad l urra)' ~ choo ls as Brn.:kne ll. ~ I o ra\' i :u\ and P,;"'~ rl 01 "RIDER NEWS' i! btil1g pl:mnt'd by The Phi SiJ!<. PI~OFE SSO R QC' IZ e Trenton, N. J.-Specia l. College of Illinois. Fordh:'lm Ullin· r· Susquehanna. Jarvis Coo per and TUt'<:day. 9:30 P. ~ I , John McCormick. 101 62 Leslie sit y and Bucknell Ullh'euit)·. Clpk James were on the anirmative. Kappa Phi Street, HiIIsidC', K ).-B,S. in Ed. while Joe Dreyfu ss and Ernes t Cur­ The h(ll1_cw armin!! h:03 ill'en po

nil Week.At ~[arch 101 ·15 Trenton Th~.tr~1 "GO \\,EST" p1 u~ " LI FE W ITIl I-IE1\RY" R. K. o. ~!Jrch 16-U! "CHAD 1-1:\ 1\1\ ..\" 1)lus UNCOLN "11\ \ ' IS IHLE \\' O ~ I :\ N " ~Iareh 14-20 ~Ia rc h 19-.?O "so EKDS OLi I~ N IGHT" "STRE ET OF ~IDI O R I E S " plus R. K. O. "LOl\F. STAR RAl\GER" CAPrrOL STRAND ~Iar c h 16-17 ~Iarch 14-20 "~I:\D UOCTOR" plus "" ITTY FOYLE"-.\· "~ f:\RCt-1 OF Tnl F.·' "~ I ONS T ER AKO THE GIRL" ~ farch 18-19 R. K. o. "BL01\DlE P LAYS {:L' PID" & "ELLERY QUEEN. ~I." S TER STATE DETECTIVE" ~Iarch 15-18 ~ I ARCf1 20-21-21 " H ULLABALOO" plus "ARIZOKA" "iN OLD COLORADO" ~lareh 19·21 "LET'S MAKE MUSIC' THIS MAYFAIR BALL FIRST DAY OF I I SPRING RIDER NEWS I IN SEVEN WEEKS Z-436 TRENTON, N. J., MARCH 2 1, 1941 No. 19 Will Bradley's Orchestra to Play Annual Mayfair Ball Womenl s Association Greeks 'Popular Young Band Leader Signs Holds Annual Dinner Plan To Appear At War Memorial, May 10 Committee Closed Alice Bro.chard Dance Council Will Alumni Club De.1 Late Thursday Named President Ch.nges M.de Plans for the Inter·Sorority-FI"iI­ Will Bradley, the man who slides At a mosl imprcssive ct r ~mony at ternit)' Dance madC' great strides at M.ke Awards Formed By fwh ith there wete approximately 40 In C.st 01 the regular monthly meeting of the his hom both hot and sweet, will be ptrsoru p r e~ nl. the \Varnen's Ad­ Inter-Sorority Council hdd Wednes­ the band to piay the third annual visory Council of Rider College held day, March 12. at the Pi Eta Sigma To Members Jersey Grads ~fayfai r Ball se\'C'O w«ks from to­ its annual induction banquet at the 's'. pring D.nce ' hous e. The Studcnt Council set up a new A new alumni club is being morrew night, Thc dance, to be held Mary Gray T~ Room, Tuesday (:,'c­ CorrC'sponding Si:crC' tary Harriet The prese-Iltation of "Spring DancC''' pla n for a ...."ards for members of thc in col1aboration with the alumni ning. The banquet was Inuch larger Wheeler read the letter that had been fOllndcd by central north jersey as a featur~ 01 the Mayfair Week· Council at a meeting early this week. week-end, is the social highlight on this year than it has ever been in the sent to the Inter.Fraternity Council graduates oi Rider, The club will be Nominations for these awards arc to past, since aU members of the depart­ t'nd is the tentative pl:m 01 the Dra· inviting them to participate with the the college calendar. Bradley was. be based u(lOn value and sen'ice to called the Central North j ersey ment were present. In past years, it matic Guild, according to President Pan-Hellenic organ i~ati on s in the signed by tht Social Committee late the college. Alumni Club of Rider College. has betn customary to have only the jack Morse. dance that is scheduled for May 9, The plan, as approved by Council The first regular meeting will be Tuesday. ~mber5 of the council in attendance. Miss Wheeler also read the leiter of Tickets for the Mayiair Ba11 will President Ernest Curtin and Presi­ In the student poll held last week~ The purpose of the banquet is to acceptance that had been received held March 25 at 6:30 p. m. at the be accompallied by tickets for admit­ dent Fr.mklin Moore is as follows: induct the new officers elected for the from thc men 's council. As has been Raritan Valley Farm Inn at the Bl"ildley was in third place, ranking­ tance to the play to be gi"en that 1. The Studcnt Council shall nom­ remainder of the yea r. The induction the custom for the past lew years, Circle. Somerville. This club will in­ just after Charlie Spi\'ak and Vaughn was carried on aiter the dinner in a ume week-end, probably the preced­ the members ... f the fraternities and inate, at the first regular bo.l siness Monroe. The services of these two most impressive ClUIdlelighl ceremony. meeting of the Spring Tenn, a min i­ clude all alulllni from Somcrville, ing day. sororities are assessed a definit e sum bands could not be contracted, due Dc:m W right inducted Alice Brosh­ mnm of six and a maximum of eight Bound Brook. Flemington, PlainfIeld, AileI' six wecks of rehC'3r sinJ,:, the /ler member, and the dance is planned ard, lIewly-el ~ l «f president, who, in members as candidates for awards. to the fact that Spivak will open for Guild It:lS :utnounced 5('\'er31 recent with this financial limitation ill mind. a.n d vicinity, Its pu rpose is \0 bring turn, prcse:n led the induction serv ice a week's engagement at the Earle: changes. The cast as it now stands is: Ca rol n~~n. presidcrlt oj the Pan­ 2. !\omiuatians to be based on togcther Rider alumni to participate to the rest of the new officials. In "1' _ Theatre in Washington. D. C , and jO!Ul Hatton, Scymour Smith ; Lip-- Hellenic Cou lI-: il, ap]lQinted the fot­ \'alue and service to thc Counci l and in various worthwbile activities so· del', th ey arc thc following: firs t vice­ )'fonrae has a New York date. Both 11incoll, Gail McNomee: Buck Bu· lowing committees; place, Luella Rider College. All nominations to he president. Mary Reagan; second "ice­ cially and professionally and to pro­ dates coincide with the time of the ehanan, Robert Stubbs ; Doc Boyd, Tyler and Carol Bean; orchestra. accompanied by a staten1l'11I oj tile president, Agnes Edwards: third vice­ mot(· nider College. )'Iayfair Week-end. Bradley was se­ Edward Claussen; ~L-tdy Plat. Betty Harriet \V heelcr :lnd Alice Bro~ hard; '1liali ficatiollS oi :he COl1nci l member president. Erma Koester; recording cured for $1,300, an amount much McGough: Frances Fenn, \Vanda chaperones and corsages, j e3Jl I_"tw­ wh ich moti\·:.ted thc nomination. Dr. Joseph \V. Seay and ),fr. Leoll­ $er. retary, Oii"" Schuell: corresvond­ higher than Spivak or ),fonroe de­ Ferguso n: AIc:< Bensol!, Betty Phil­ lor ;mc\ :\da Sinl!er: il1\"ita t i on ~ , J. T he names nf the e andidatc ~ ani A. Ol ~oll will address the meet­ iog "~ retary. Alma Geist: treasurer, rnanded. lips ; Kate McKim, Kay Foote; Thell1l:l Corn !lnd Shirley ),Iarcll s : ~ha ll b~· presented to the president o f ing. )'fr. :\, L. Harbourt, president, )earo Do~ .$ «. The sandy-hai red leader has a well­ W'aher Beckett, Mark Burke j Sally prO,l; r:l1ns. F.,'lt y Ry:m alit! Jean R o ~· niuer CollcJ,:e. and ~Ii s s Sadic L. ZiegJcr, secr<:lary Th ~ hanqUt. table wa s decorated balanced group of boys. They are well ' Prescott, Edna Lazdau5ka s : Sam ensaf\. 4. A committee oj the b cultr ami o f tbe Alumni Assoc iation of Rider with C:l.ndles alit! W" ~ e1er :Member of the Middle Atlantic States Inter-Collegiate Newspaper Assoc iation As I sauntered ~urth from Just srtW an article, "College Setting: Trenton War Memorial • •• . Time: May 10. , my first period class on Tues· Table Manners." 'Vhy do thcy Event: Rider College's annual Mayfair Ball . ••• Music by: day morning looking a s write such trash? No one reads it. WILL BRADLEY! . . . Congratulations arc in order for CO -ED/TORS blurry-eyed as [ did on Mon· "Chucli: me a loaf, you grease those responsible for selecting sueh a really great band. In our JAMES B. GlYN!\', '4 1 THO~IAS P. DOLAN, '-II day (and feeling worse), I ball." That means, "Please pass opinion .no .better choice could have been made. Although many Sports Editor . .. RICHARD OUISTEAD ran smack into the Editor. I the bread and butter." How aw­ of you m~,cated tha~ Herman or Spivak headed your list, we know y\ s an t'xa ml'lc oi Ih i5 il :'Ilpea r, \·Vc still hal'e frertl om of tile S:I~' re is rtl'.hing Ruth Clark. Si~ l1la cutie, but :lccorsJing co) a '1':ry provide the early impetl1 s that i ~ needed 10 ll1akl' the afiair a Ihal a Illaj or il )" of Ihe stmlc nb arc I'r c s ~. thanks to Edi tors Glvnn reltabl e source, Ernie Curtin ~ til l h:l$ the insidc trac k" ~ , _ • P:l t flor­ booming StlC CeS5 cOllie Spring". ani! Dolan. I mea n th .-n, f ello,~ · s . nppo,cd 10 conicTt'llce period-yel we ence ;lnd Millg :'\1artin hal'e bl o~so mcd into a rather ~ te.uly two.some_ Brop hr , rou're s tl·;t1i n ~ Ihe do 11 0t hear o f a sil1glr constructive It all started during the tinfoil ca mpaign. , .. Tip Leon Danil:,:vit­ As students, we o we the sociai committee a ullanilllOI1:- yutc ~ po tl ight-lhing s an.' rcallr '::0111 - argU!l1eUl eO l1 c~ rnin g Ihe mall~r. :\11 Janet Sha ner romance h:l$ cooled due to the presenc..:. of Ont· Bill Ki~h . of thanks fo r the fine judgmcllt th.c:,· l1 ;; ed. i1l ~he s c~CC~i ~l1 o.r , :~1l ing rour way. D-C is the hest that we hear is a eo l1 ecl; \"C yell­ J:U1t'1 will !;lke Bill to the Zeta shi ndig this evenirL, . ... Butch Ack­ (Ih:lt',; a c"rry-over from Sci­ man has J ean's picture. Apparcntly he can't sec b Ollg:, nf her, . , . orchestra, and for the ot her addltloll:tl steps t h c~ h.l\ e t.lkcll ·'A"oli sh conference lteriod r· cnce). Don'l get your wire" But ilo Ihose stu dents offer :I n\" Hap \·Vhec!cr's lo\'c life is a catchcr for the Cincy Reds, ,;0 poor Neff which will add up to an enjoyable, succcss iul ar,t! rcpre:'l'llta- crossed 1 1\"ice going- idea 1;oll1{larable 10 a period where n~ has. fhe world champs to compl'te lI;th . ... l\o1 ar,<" V'-c....J ... IiI1J Frank Is Spring around the squ:lre? lices call Il<' gi ven O\lt. all110Ulleem<:IlIS :\igar:t arc :1 telephone t \\" o-~omc. ~.... ~'1ay Ball. \V;i r nt· u '$ 10 inrii c;ll l· a ~ made. :lnd intdligen l short tal k;; gil'c n r much. by r1u'm bcrs oi Ihe f ~ e ulty ? Evcrythin/t went smoothly &t the Delta S ig house form a l Frankly, I am a triile 0III)O-,ed to last Saturday night, , . . Peg Gohn said hello to (j!ll"ll:1l If yOll take your coffce conference pc:riod: bUI r call also see Mary, and Mary retaliated with an equally friend!) g;'- !!6Iir. The News Needs Help black, and want it in a hurry, ils good point s. The princi ple of the and that was that. , , . Davc Goodenough m ~ nn~cd to ~ .r." period e~nll ol ht.- aboli shed; tlu.' re -.( , .Vhen a ttempting sm ooth-running o peralion of a co llege news- step up to thc counter and or­ a few dances with Jean Hutchinson, eve n fhf 'u-g,n Aee Ho. " der a "black out." Then, tell IIIlI st bc some mt'aliS of making an­ nounct'nl('uts. Further extension of did pull quite a wo\£ job on him. , , . Gord y Young m a n;;, paper, one of the essentials i:; good news coverage. Capable re­ thc "apron" to make it "blitz!" to beat Rudy Lucas for an evening, and was pre.gent with Sit: ollr puhlie add r e~ s S), 5t('m inlO every porters for the 1lI0st pari arc the answer to lhi ~ prohlelll. lIut '''utch his smile_ He's your roo m mighl well be one remedy oi the ley Cottrell. Betty Phillips and C arl Brad bury made :. fricnd for life. and begins ~ it u~ t io n. 1\ very charming couple. This affair may turn into the r CS I thin!! -.-angel)' enough, the., arc 11 0 1 :, ufiicient a t l{itier. l>er iod. much shorter looking for a co-worker to Ihan thc present conference pe riod, any day now. Shorty Johmon, Ohio share.croppcl' and It seems as though some of the repo rter:> all om :; tafi muke the salll£'" movic date, eould he desig natell for sneh notic(·s man about town, escorted his present flame, Laura Sisson. Pointers? Oh, that's at a dog 10 be broadcast. at which lime SIU­ Johnny Heher and Mickey Hoadley were reportedly refused news sto ries when they inquire aiit'r lhc111 . E \ ' id~IHl y show, isn't it? Arc )'ou dog­ dents would be able to hear the an­ back in the swing of things again, There may be more news some o f the members o f o ur stuoelli Ix>t.ly wallt their b\1 s i!le s~. m atic? nOltr\cemell!S rega nlless of the room about this couple in the not too distant future-about eight I "She's more to be pitied Ihe)' happen to be in at the time. weeks to be exact.• . , Jack Morse and Janet Leidermlln kept a strict secret ('\'en though it concerns thc rt:,t o i the :,hl­ than censored." [ borrowed But the above is only a suggCStiOl1; were very, very warm for St. Pa'yick's Day. We hear that j it is the principle of deslructh-e criti­ that one. It certainly is a fa­ Janet will make a change in her 1- ~ lIns for her escort to the dents, cism with which I am concernro. We vorite expression around the coming Gamma formal. . , , Baldy and Dietche were also in A condition such a s this smacks of resentmcnt ami ill :> l1ho rd i· cannot continually lear down and ex­ "gab houses." IIo.'CI things 10 be built up of Iheir own the spotlight. nation. The Rider Nl"wS is the informcr o f the Slmlents as well Mr. Poyda's right. [f you leeord. III Ihe future. if we must And, of course, as per usual, the following couples were also must talk, "hire yoursel( a "knock," let's not run awa y after Ihe as the vo ice. It needs the cooperation o f every student in order present: Betty Ryan and Jim Glynn . .. Ted Miller and Doris I hail," and- the reading room da mage is done. Eiberman . • , Ed Claussen and Jane Blackwell , . Ted to operate as it should. Under misb'1.1ided conditions such a s tbis isn't for hire. Baur'ies and his home-town one.and-only. • Bill Schmidt however it call only be a voice crying frolll the wilderness-ull­ and Ruth Worley ••• Patty Gregg and Bill Newberry, •. Jilek Fisher and Shirley Blackwell . Jack Winans and dependable, in some cases biased, but in no case representati,·c. Frivolous Frosh Agnes Edward!.

One needs bllt look lroum.l ~t man)' . To you, Alma St Jam es and This wek's orchids go to Miss Wilson's conference room thes.pians, of ::In of ye lovesick frosh 10 kn ow thai Da\'e Smith: Orchids for one of the especially to Fr:mkie Kriesick for his extra fine portrayal unsuc­ Self-Government Silring _ beaul iful Stlrin g - has ar­ soundest romances of the yel-r . ... cessful ghost. To YOII, Mel Blaisdell .- Why 50 silent rived, To some. lhe bllddin~ ~aso n Unbekno\\'n to many o f the stud~nt s in Rider Coll ege is the an the present heartbeat ? Pretty h:; s had Ihe opposite efi cc t-bul 10 excellent wo rk o f the \\' omen's Advisory Council. which in the smooth, you smoothie . ... To you, many (.lh, so man }" !) it has had the Seymour Smith: Congrats for a \'ery JAM SESSION .past few years has COr!1e up from infancy to a ye.ry pro m inent in telld t'd efieet. Who? Read. on fine bit of rebutlaling against Prince­ By f erry PaJa;o Fre5hi e. read on ton frosh debaters last week-veddy, place in the lives of ma ny o f the stl:tle!lt!'. Orgam.Zl'd ~ }Y . ' De.a.lI INS IDE GLINTS: Muriel Blan­ \'eddy clever .... And to you, Miss The old '"King of Swing," Benny With Fletcher Henderson and Ed­ ' ,\Vright a few years back, the CounCIl was f o ~ a tll~le mSlgmh­ dIet, cute lassie from ~IHH , and MeLca .. ; Apologi('s for that Rougll- Goodman. after a brici inten'al of in­ die Sauter 3rranging. B. G. and his Jac k Peck :ue the newest of much­ 6 u("r anicle, (Miss McLean did giv(' ~ ctivity due to illness, is definitely on new band were ready to make wa:-;:­ cant and unimpo rtant untit capable leaders hftee! It fr~ ll1 the seen-togelher cOllp les. Berti ;" ou t same A's, Our mistake I) Ihe comeb:lck trail. Goodma n's old ings. BefU1Y's first new :I'cordi ng was doldmms to the positi on o f power and prestige that 1\ now Paine. lall bl onde from School of Will Br al th e C. T . C. Formal band, which had such names as Kruj'l3, '"Yes, My Darling Daughter." In this Biz, and Lloyd Bergstresser are coo­ T OlUorruw £t·,-.- Belly Phillips am!. James, Elman, and Stacy. was con­ arrangement, Helen Forres t and enjoys. ing in the right $pirit-Bcrt ie and Carl Bradbury. !kny is being super­ sidered by most swing experts as the Benny share the ,·ocals. Among Ihe "Bcrgie" cOlilpeled for the jitterbug rushed b}- this '·ery· rl'se rvW gent. best swing ban d oi all times. But. all swing numbers recorded 011 Colul11- The work acco mplished by the cocnci l is done completely by honors with Ann Tartttis and Tommy Ken Dorey alld Mike Fiaob good things have 10 come to :u-, encl. ~~"l[: by ,.~:;:~~:,the;e~nn)~ s ~\~:~ the students elected to do it. The hody i:-: entirely aside froll1 the $eul ro al the recent Phi Sig ini tia­ witll felli s from SI:l"Ie Teachers. and thif was just th ~ case with lknny. I tory. . Betty Horllbt:c lo;. and Jack Am:· Co l an~el i al1 d Ward Curtis, ... One b)' one the ITI<.'m bers of this Ag:l. in:' and' ·'Benny·s Bugk." college and administration. It makes its own laws and sees to it Carter have joined the Sweet Shor..pc Re nee hi arshal! and buy t"rielld fr om super- band drifted nway, most of TID BITS ABOUT ~ttJSIC: Al­ that they are carried out. T he success of the o rgani zat ion i ~ due Cok.... Club-meetings ar'.! held C\'cry hum. Jean Hutchinson and them to cratioll o n the pa rt o i th..: women in it:' llIe111- I'lelen C:lllalllUl and B ill Pa rdoe ha\'e the bop gu es~ in g at present . music. unlil the ea rly oi 1940, whe n Johnny Long is sportUtg 3 ·'Shanty .. .. Ix'cll gelling Ihtir spring air irom d('­ DR IPPI NGS: What has happcnl-d h ~ di scolltinu ro his orchestra ae ti;·j­ arrall{::cment of "W h('11 I Gro\\' Too , -llCf ship. sertt-U Slewart Hall during rece nl 10 11 00ll1ime dancin'? How aoom gel­ ties. Old 10 Dr('am"; the words arc tricky. nooll h O lir ~. ( Tank ~, Jimmy W.) ting '" HEP,'" Commil:~ of Six? \Vell. around the month nf juno::, .. . A new band to watch is Teddy : 0 Dean \-Vri g ht goes the credit fo r the innu/,.'l.lration o i the . . . Ed J'laeg ncy, J,ell' slUde from Sa id iarewe ll to 0lM.! o! Ihe Bently dec ided to orgo"lIl ize again. Al­ I'owell"s orchestra. His re· m ov1!'ment- to the women goes the sa lis iactlon thai com e:-: \\"ilh gOOf I 'ole Rocheslt'r, N. Y., cert;:lInly best-lik ed feLl ')ws in school-Hype wa ys willing to pla~' with and for an cording oi ··It's Sad But Trllc"' is a didn't waste allY lime in da tin' Erika Widen horn. H ype lransfer red to artist as great as Goodman, it was honey. . \V oody Herman·s "Oh, the right to rille without the hazard!'- of int ervcntion. Wulf-il's been 2 :30 a eoople oi N, Y. U. Abol'l as fi ne a fellow as rather easy ior Rl' nn)" 10 gather some Look at Me Now·' is a solillldy num­ Tn."lwnin·s. Rudy Lucas made olle would hope to met-I. mighty fin(' musicians under his wing. ber. The boogie.woogiemclI o f Quite a hit with iour gals at a rcecl;t In closing, freshmen: Ate you tired Cootie WilH:im s. great colored trum· rh}· thlll. Wilt Bradley and Ray Me­ WEEKL Y GRIPE I",rty held in Titusvill(' .. Womcn's <.lc:­ o£ it all? Arc you ~ h orl, at:'d do you pet pl ayer: Davie Tough. former Kinle)', hal'e a nc w one ('ailed WEEKLY BOOST light, Rudy is, have 10 stand Qn tiptoes 10 ki ss you r drumfTl('r ..... illl Tommy .Dorsey aud ··Boogie-Woogie Congo ,~ ... Tom­ II may ma\.'(' eo..,eh Ell i5 fed het­ To )'0 11, Chuck A llert : '"Faint heart 100'er good night? And are yOIl :tl­ B. G.: Hal Bernstein. bass player, my Dorsey is currently ;>laying at the -KI. auy shaw,,' of a doubt. the ter if we call Mr, \Vea thcrm.'-1.11 a host ne\'er winneth fair !land." Now. do ways ,eatchinJ1; colds ? 1r you are, and Davie Christian. guil-;J. ri ~t, plus Adams Theatre in Ne wark, ",·here the the week KOC5 to the Soci.,1 of bad names. So. lei's all gel together ~'OU still hal'e to be introducC'U to liSk-n to Morgan over WOR every many other equally all popular m:.ls i­ matintt admissiap iJ the huge sum thai aUtact;\'e miss-Helen Nash? ? e"cning a.t 6:45 and hear what he has ciallS comprised the lIew Goldman ag­ nf twenty cent!, And we've ~ for iu masterful stroke and think of $On-e rc:all y caustic phrases to h~ \'d at the Ill:In who is . . . To you, Pete Sncdec.ker: We to JsaY · about it all. You can exped. gregati.lr/, Benny signed for his \' 0- been. hearing that the n('w Slacy , such a competent pt"rffirm- ':'lilling our efforts lo.... -vd i 'a S\JC- hO(l(t you 6nd her spol&. Brother Bill a Ssw lal:/cbs! Don't,.,. wt didD·t.teD wilt, the former . Art' S~t;;'.... wafb- Theatre. ,W,hich is under ~nft! . . RIDBR NBWS Hurlers Buck High Winds· to Get' In Shap. The Roughwriter By Fronds Gos: l Weatber permitting, the crack of by DICK OLMSTEAD, Sport$ Editor horsehide against hickory can now be ., Delta s Set For Stretch P&G Pinmen Top beard, as baseball practice get, under way in carnest. Evidently the weather man doesn't know that the Rough­ Hillwooclers; Pitchers alld catchers h:ave braved riders are scheduled to make their initial bid for baseball fame Drive; Hallmen Drop Back cold winds to unlimber a bit, Up to two weeks from tomorrow.. . . The tail end of Ilhst disa,­ thi' point. the pitchers have been tak­ L'dd S 2 Matches Slatecl ing it easy, following out orders to trous blizzard which swept several northwestern stales early merely loosen up. Coach EJli, will this week is still blowing its merry way out to sea as this is THE l~diV~~::; P::: ,, :,~ :~ '~~d:" c~;:~~ g d~'~~'~"'~~; - probably give each pitcher a chance to being wriuen and Coach E l1i ~ and his boys arc losing valu­ throw a few in batting practice, tak­ Dclta S igma Pi's bowling teanl in- 5ix·man squad ·of Trenton St:tte ing care that the boys don't fm6"el able practice sessions. . . . Nevertheless. a dozen or so hurl­ To"o'.hcrs Co llege by the score- of 3 ers have been going through the motions out at the athletic creascd its lead to four points by Ihel'lselves and try to knock the , catcher over, with sore arms the likely field: : .. Lee Szctcla, Pllrk~r Latham, .Joe Friel, Andy Tri. sweelli llg its match wilh the Scd- andlfllou, Bonsey Tyran, Sporty Barrett, Bill Cridland', LI N f .U P result. don Hall, thus dropping the dorm- wi::'~~~~; :t~ 1 a;~:da~~' Oa l~ inat~ ! ~ ~ Six feet, three, and 245 pounds of Johnny Sahre! and Si Roum,.. ,i, have their eyes on rcgulnr sten from second' place down to the ditional point for ha\·illg the- high _, nothing bu t muscle, is Parker pitching assignments Ilnd arc doing their best, weather or no, 11)' SI,(r"IO" I.n,.Ii/l H fift h position. lolal Ilins for two games. The R ~';5 h · Latbam, who may shape up as one- of to get inlO condition . . . . Now that it has bcen deeidcd to PITCH£RS- Fin klr Flashes rema ined in second rider pi umen bad a margin of 176 the mai ll 5t ay ~ 01 the pitching staff. use a city field for all home games, a greater numbcr of Rider Latham has a smooth deli\'ery. and . Parker Lath"m : 6-fool, J·in t h placr by taking four points from the student" should make it a point to get out for that first game ~~;n~ ' ~ ~~; r~h!a ~~~ n~" !t~: 7f!'; ~~: if he can get his body behind tbose giant, with 245 pounds 10 Iml behind sixth-Illaee Phi Sigma 1\u ere ...... ma lch ..... as: Rider, 1,945, and T renlon April 5 . .. . Four other homc games have been arranged and pilches wh en he bellr ~ down, well­ l'OlC h pi tth, He played for the Park· Sr3Y Hall's combine mo,·cd from Teachcrs, 1.652, giving thc Rider (rom here it J~oks like a lot of action is in the offing. . . jus t beware, way Y. M. C. A., who we re the fou rlh pl ace into Ihe third SllOt, wh ~n hO)' 5 :I ..... ide margin of 293 pins fo r Bonsey T yriIJl and Andy Tri:i ndi­ Those games with L. I. U. and Seton Hall should be highlights thc enlirc eontcs t. on the present eleven·game card ... . Stale Teacher" usually Co u.nt y 'Y' I.eague chamlls for twO they WOIl Ihrcc pOinl S from the last filott seem to be shaping up .1 5 the place Kapll:\ Phi team, The Bela Xi The InIal score for two gamcs for comell forth with a nifty nine, and with Palumbo on the hill ycars. Ought 10 scare Ihe hatters by best of Ihe left hamlef5. Tyr:1ll hall outfit rolled their war in to th e first Il (e iudi ,·idual .. !ayers wcre; Ridcr­ an easy motion. but it remains 10 be l or the Lions. the Teachers ought to be a tough gang to stop. his ~ iz e alone, Je t alone his pitching. Ralte, 3J I : Dl:Jn pscy, 299; Biro, 34Z; · . . P. M . C . nnd Hofslru won't be push·overs, either.. . . di ,·ision by ",aking a dean sweep of see n whether eilhcr o f the boys can Patsy Monteleone : Ili tched 3 year,; Ih"ir t!latch w; lh the Sigma I.amhda fl ahrel, JZ .. ; Lidd),eoal, 3% , and break Ihe 50ulhp." y charactcristic of My onl y hope is thnt the Diamond Roughriders eun make me ior llcdford I-l ills H igh, 1\e ..... York. Pi's. Gragg, 253. The score for State wi ldness. forget big H ank Greenbcrp; and the hole he will leave in the T e ach e r s W3S: Fo rre~ lc r , 27 1: :md played scmi-Ilfo b.,11 wi th thc Yesterday's 111:11 ches br(iut; hl to· T he complete squ"d \\";IS caned out drnft.. . . o f Marthe, 238: :\Id'::ay. 2-18; Glynn, Detroit Tigcrs if he is callcd in thc Spcaking ~'C t her Ihe lc a~'Ue· l eadi ng De-Ita ~ i J.:s Ihis wtrek and baiting practice will Red ford l-l ills I\. f\ , for fi ,·e years. JO.I ; Tunis, 280, and \ 'andcrJlOOI, the big IC::Jgucs, herc's how the races look 10 me In the and th e Sigma Lambda Pi outfit. he in order for the next couple of Utility in fi elder at Ithaca Coll ege. 3t l. ~Americ~n: OCI:oit, Clcvel::Jnd, New York, Bos·l ~n: Chicago, Pele Oalr's lads will nll'('t tIl e Phi weeks. The first game is at hOlr.e, Bennie T yran : 1,l a),l' cOl nl1,iHee for organizalion. Between classes ... Luisetti's all-time scoring record of 1,595 points. . . . This learn sing le- for one !lame ..... ith the A slight eQll u ibution was t tcci,·ed lotal of 218, while P rof. Callin holds kid had 1,611 points to his credil the last I heard and at that for bats and ball ~ from an anonymous Ihe. team single for two gamcs w;th pause and' rime had about II d.... -.ze n games left on tap, . . To satisfy j OlJ rce, according to Preside-nt T eU Ihe- muk of 375. my curiosity, I wrote to the athletic director o f this West Vir­ ~til l rr . Latesl a\"uage-s for Ih t se:a5011 are : .inill school to ask about the 6nal mark established by this ~I :a nag er5 oi the tcams will med Williams, 165; Eby, 163 : Haubert. point-Itettcr deluxe. in the nea r fU lure ii. nd practice ..... i!! 140 ; }. John$Ol'l, 140 : ~( :llh e ..... s, 140: begin i.n earnest as soon as the Klotz. 139; Caris, 147 : C:lllin, 151: wea the r ]1(:r milS. The prob1tm o f ge-tting hot, u r 3t le3st warm, ncws for Ihe N rH's Olsol1 , lJ9; MeBane, 133, and Sorbo, reminds me of a story that is rapidly becoming more: .:lnd more t ~' pi e: a l 128, Eight tc.-ams have lined up for the of modern n e \\" ~ pape-r work . . .. It seems ,hal the (; ity t ditor of a larg e­ cOMung intra· mural soilbaH season. Plans are bein!: made 10 hold a Last year's eham(l5, the College Sweet metropolitan paper was sitting at his dr:s k one aite:rnoon, when are· post·season tournament among the Shoppe nine. the tnd~pendent s, Delta 'porter rushed in \\;th a fi stfull of copr, , .. The ed itor glanced at the m ~ mhers of Ihe [:tcult),. Sig ll1.l Pi. Sig ma Lambda Pi, the story w ith a n elCpressionles.s fa,(;e ... . " \ Vhe- n did this happen?'" he Hull " Kau." Finkl e's "Flashes." Phi asked .. , . " H alf an hour ago," w as the breat hless repl)' • . .• "Too Sigma Nu . and Ka JlP3 Phi will form old," t ht editor snapped, tossing the copy into the w:1stebasket. STUDENTS! the- 1941 league. Another repartn burst in, in hand, and the wild look :1 reporta cop ~' Gel Your "Moe" Grrenfidd has dOl1a ted a ~t s in his ere. whe-n he has a reail}' " hot" story. _ .. Aitn gl:lI1cing troph)' for the Roughrider circuit. II it t he editor questioned, " \ ·Vhe-n did this happen r' ... " T en min · must be won thrtt seasons by the utes'ago," the news hound gasped ... , ·'T oo old for the strttl e-dilion . SPRING SHOES same team before lK' rmanent flOsseS· sion is granted. \Ve: can U$t it in the state edition, though." . . . Before the dust had , , al , . settled , a third r e. porur rushed into the office of t he: cit)" editor and A n cxec: uth·c committee-, cornposed slammed a batch of COllY on the desk .. , . A~ain the- editor read the f)i Ge rald Palaia, Ra y Kame- r)·, and Ca rl Br.ldbury ann ounces that the COpy and asked , " When d id th.is .. .. !he-" ALLEN'S h a p~n? " t~ird r ep~lrI~r opening date wi ll be made public with­ held up his hand, and in a qUid:, brisk " OIC«:, said , Listen! '" ou 11 in Ihe next week. T he league will ~ar the shod" , . . The problem fa e«:d by the editops o f the N tws is BOOT SHOP ha,·c two h:d '·es, wi lh the winner of of a ,·ery d ifiue- nt na ture-.... \Ve: h3\'e to w orry ahou: keeping news 18 EAST STATE ST. each half mee ting for t!lC title-. from going dead on us .... T hings thnt h ~ ppe ned a round the- Ridu "campus" ycsterdar. things that are happenlllg tod ay, a~ d news that or from our Rider will be made from now u ntil n e .~t \ Vednesday (our de-ad lme: fo r ne\\' ~) represenlal;ves WHETHER .. will han to be kept in cold swr:l:;e u ntil the following Frida}'. , , . )'014 ore " proble:m" will probably be retll e- mberro fondlr whrn we leave: BILL CARLEY arid Rid,,. Ni!WS fo r t he swift pacc that is dei-tined 10 br ours w hm CA~MI H UBBELL SOUTHERNER start ,,·ork-ing for a daily paper. ~------A good way to g.t the most out For }!o ur . .. Wile" )'01' wont to . . . YANKEE of anything is.o pause now and The FIUST the n and relresli yours.I' •.•with ."d READ o. EAT :vo,,'1/ iil:e Ih e Ice-ccld Coca-Cola, Its tost. Is CLEANING FOOD d.licious. Its aft.r-sense of re­ DYEING . to to "shment is delightful. A short (II lire paus. for iee-eold Coca-Cola i" • • TRY •• GREENFIELD'S YANKEE ::.~~=~:~s~;:~o;;h::; t~:~ ~~ day, make it t •• pau•• t.af r ••e (J3r" c. W. BEDDIGES DOOD,LE YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY 'r$sbe. with ic. ~ cokl Coca-Cola. I 237 EAST STATE STRE.."T 230 ' Tel. 6086 Trenton ~ENDINq E •• ~ Stale Stl'lCet RIDBR NBWS Music Club SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Will Attend Recently. the frllowing studmts ' Fori Dix, recently. Pretty nice, what ? have been Snduated from tht School Russ Coleman and Edith Long­ ,OF Rider 'Fantasia' of Business: Dorothy BCflnett, Paul st reet certainly hit it off li t that party After a successful field trip to the Kolba, Virginia Prior. WiIIQm Mills, last Saturday eve. , ,A unique tribute was recently paid Willard Mount. and Rita Stearic. Metropolitan in New York City, the Marie Tracy ~ys she had a won­ Rider College whm the United States Dorothy Lanterman made her sing­ der ful time at the Princeton prom. Rubber Company, for the first time Music Apprcciation Club is now ing debut lasl wttk at the Bordtn­ What about Bill H egedus these days, !n its ,history, smt a nprcnntalivc to planning to journey to Philadelphia on April 3 to sec Walt Disney's town Farms. She was accompanied by T racy? m t er'VlI~w college sludcnts. lhiy Taylor's band as she sang, "Oh, "Fantasia." Mr. H. M. Kdton, general auditor Look at Me No.... · ,'· and, judging from Joh!'ny Bartlett, of the degree Members wi ll attend a matinee per­ buildlllg, is very much inltr"csted in of the t!. S. Rubbe r Co., recently the applause, she was quite a suc­ formance of the popular classic that a School of Business lass by the name tame 10 Rilkr from New York City cess. for the purJt<)sc of inlen-jewing Rider has been entertaining Bro;adway in of D

GOEU.ER'S fbi. AI PALACE - BROAD M;uch 21·2J FLOWERSHOP Trenton Theatres " RACK STRE.E.T:· pillS "LUCKY DEVILS" ··S. y It W ith FJowen" ~I a rch 23-25 We Telegraph Flowers "I..-\DY WITH RED H .-\lR." Anywhere \1ll1 s March 21-27 "TRA IL OF V I GII . A ~TE S" u "THE SEA WOLF" ~ I ar c h 20·27 . 530 HAMILTON AVE. DUGAN" "COME LI VE WITH ME." plus PHONB 9700 R. K. O. " PRIDZ OF TH E BOWERY" CAPITOL STRAND March 21-17 March 23-24 NEW WINTER "A GIRl., A GUY AND A GOW' " HIGH S IERRA" & plu5 "THE CASE OF THE BLACK "TH E TRIAL OF MARY PARROT" HABERDASHERY Marth 25-26 R. K. o. "MAISIE WAS A LADY" & fIIn_ovl. Hod...,., "LAND OF LIBERTY" Arrolll' SJ.irt. STATE March 27-28-29 March 22-25 $""'"6 "SLEEPERS WEST," pll15 "THE;"6~L~k~~~~t-n" & "BACK IN THE. SADDLE" March 26-28 "ARKANS." S J UDGE," plus "IT HAPPE..NE." D.. TO ONE DO YOUR PART SIX WEEKS TO FOR GREECE RIDER NEWS MAYFAIR BALL

01. II TRENTON, N. J.• MA.RCH Zi, 1941 No. 20 radlcy and McKinley Form Alumni 'Ten Contestants Chosen to Submit . xccllcnt Nuclcu. for May Band Reunion Pho ographs to Earle Carroll For Band Ha. Set Many Record. Dr. ·Dorins Planned Fin I udgment of New May Queen Edison gnc th~ world the electric: A rKord attendance of alumni is Hi. Selection W ill lisht; Morse gave us the telegraph: Spealcs On t':x pected for the Rider Alumni Rt­ Bell ga\'C us t~ telephone; Curie aavC' uniOn which will be: held in conjunc­ J tan on's Jumping Journali.t. Be Third Queen us radium j and Will Bradley, who Greelc Rclief tion with the ~byfa ir Week-e:nd this Up from the ranks of a legion of year, according 10 Min Sadie Zicl­ will play the third Innual Mayfair Dr. Michael Dorius, world trav. Trail Fire In Jarring Jcnny pretty lirls who have never been pu. 'RaIl six weeks from Jonighl, gave the d er imd member of the University of ler, Alumni $CCretar),. By Bift Carfry lid)' recoenized for their beauty, ::ountry ill new kind of music. The kid Prnnsylvarua faculty, lIo'25 expected to Through the effoMs of the Alumni Association, file u I t y and student chum and crace, Rider CoIlqe wiD with ill horn and the boy with ill drum, address ill Ridu Collf'g(' ~ P«ial as­ Fire, fire, fire---e forthcoming. Who­ how desinble, important or \"3luablt, a!l that c:omes under our 0 WednesO.a)· mak(';s 'lll that WHt pres­ t\'er the guilty parties might be Itt to those who do not think and wlw A persan who will not I cooperation of . the stude~ts this can be made t~e ent eager to see thi s fraternity display t~m come forth and put ~n md to do not desire to lcarn A truly edu· change hi! mind is prtjul he col1~:~as ever had. Let us be certa in that thts more of their excellent tala lt in the wbat seenu; to be shaping up into a cated person will acctpt no statement the per5Of\ificaiton of iir-lon __;;" ...... ~ -.i_ ...... _ ; ...... #: .... 1 ...:~ ... : __ _rv .-.. fnt.. ~ .,_..!_ _.: .... RID' ER NEWS The RQughwriter Diamondmen Drill For Season Opener April'S by DICK OLMSTEAD, S,orl. E4;,or Several Spots "l W,J 0 Four Games On Racqueteers Delt's, Seaymen Soon .fter Easter vacation, the student body will be ••ked StII, :, 'ae pen T Fo ftb S vote for the MOlt Valuable Athlete of Rider College.... By F''''K;' em ap r So all cheJu/e Ten Ready to Close .• award, given to the RoUCh rider aportsten rated tops by • students, ina.urated lalt year by Bernie Benhad, ex-sporn With the first game coming up one Opening Monday Still Matches Hot Pin Race ilor of the NewI, and sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity week from tomorrow. baseball candi­ dates ha\'e betn put through strenuous Softball witl officially take over the Varsity tennis will r,et und~r ..... ay By Fronk 'Volts uneil, is in a good po.ilion to become one of the few Rider Monday. when the first call for can- Delta Sigma Pi's bowling team drins . for the j')ast ..... eek - by Coach intra-mural spotlillht of the college liege traditions, and, as such, should receive the whole­ didates will be made. Thi.s year. the strengthened its grip on first place by rled support of the student body. . . . In order that the Ellis. when the Sweet Shoppe and the Inde­ Purple and Gold racqud widders making a clean sweep of their match .t selection can be made, I'd like to offer a plan aimed to. Gi Ros5i seems to have the first pendents cross bats in the opening face a 5tiff ten-game 5chedule. which with the Sigma Lambda Pi crew. rds that end. . . . Any l uUcStiOllS, pro or con, will be ap­ base job in the bag. with no competi­ game of the Skull and Sabrcs League in'cludes three new teams. and ialls Seay Hall moved into second Place for four home matches and six away. by winning four tallies from the Phi iated. . . . Rother than make ai'ljl' Rider athletc eli,..ible tion greaty aiding his cause. How­ on Monday afternoon at Monmouth With the addition of baseban into Sigma Nu SQ.uad, thus driving the lat- r th(. award, a limited list of name. should be submitted for e\'er, RO$si looks prctty fair, and ..... e Field. In the second game of open­ royal. . . . In this way, the names of fellows who haven't do not mean to discredit him in any ing day at Stuyvesant Field, Sigma :::: :~;;;;~ ~i7 ~ ~5~Ui::iCt:~m;!:i~~~; ~m:: i~::; at~!e ~;;~ar'hepo~;~= ghost of 11 chance to win the award, will not clutter up the \VOly. Lambda Pi fraternit)· will take to the vderans, Andy Triandifilou :uJd Bill Kappa Phi wcnt into sixth position by lo t • ••• These minor athletes, while they may have played At sC(ond base, Ted Swicconek di3mond against the Hull "Kats." Cridland. who 2re out fo r positions on virtue of their win over Finkle', legral parts in RoUChrider sports, nevertheless, have '."1ot been the nille. Don Bannon, last year's ace Flashes. who dropped from second to seems to hne the inside track. Teddy, On Tue5day at Monmouth Field. sistendy o utstanding. • • • The few votes they would re­ and ~ollege champion. will be lost'to third place. Seddon Hall came back Finklc's Flashes ~\' ill face thc ~)' ive from friends, as a matter of respect and tribute, or other- although not a distance hitter. is con­ the Squad because of his cnlistment in into the fi r5t division. when they •se, could be uJed to make the race between a certain few sistent in connecting for safe blo ..... s. Hall "Tigers." whil", at the Sturve~ the army. gained three points from the Beta Xi tstanding candidateJ a n intereJting affair..•. Therefore, Glynn and D' Aiutolo will probabl>: sant theat.rc of soitball the Deh3 Sigs Chuck Allen, promising freshman combine. and runner-up to Bannon in the With but two of match piay believe that a definite number of candidates, 10 or 12 is a j')ro\'ide him with stiffest competition. will meet the Kappa Phi aggregation. w~ks sc hool tourney held in the fall, hrads leh. only the Delta Sigs and SC2Y cient number for consideration. . • • Consequentiy if Wednesday will find the Sweet Shortstop Race Tight the gTOUP of candidates that will be Hall are in the running. Ye5terday's ' re is no serious objection to such a plan, the sports Sbff Shoppe. champs of I~t 5easOl1, mtt!­ out for \'3rsit)· positions. Director of matches brought together the Delta the News will seJect 10 or 12 men as candidates for the At shortstop it appears to be a race ing the tossers of Sigma Lambda Pi Athletics Ellis stated that tryouts Sigs and their arch rivals. thc Phi ond Most Valuable Athlete award. . . . And then after bctweeft Bob Lidd),coat. Joe Friel and at Monmouth ...... ith the Phi Sigs at­ will bc held in order to determine thc Sigs. If the Delta Sigs can take four ~ster V8cat~on, during an assembly early in May, this list Bi ll Mu ller. All three have looked tempting to tee off against the Inde­ team. points from the Phi Sigs, the former II be submitted to you and a final choice can b~ made. Jl;ood in practice, and Ellis may ha\'e With the resignation of Mr. Alex team will clinch the title for J.he sec~ pendents at Stuyvesant Park. Thurs­ Wood as head coach, beeause of his ond ha'lf. The second' place Seay Hall difficulty in making his seleciton at day wi!! complete th~ coming week of The problem of choosing Rider's M. V. A.. presents four important duties with the Placement Burtau. the five opposes the Sigma Lambda Pi this position. Friel's experience ~a)' ball. with the Kappa Phi club meet­ tcam will be without a coach. Either outfit. Pete Daly's lads Inust ma'romises to make a fa ster league. as oi three vic tories and no defeats with bowler, wi th an .wenge of 181. Other 've }'OUT vote to the man deserving of such an award.... There reporting, should Ilols ter Uj') the out­ sliding and lea\·ing the base arter the fi\'e matches being cancelled because high averages include: Bahret. 179; rc fellow'i who fit each of the above questions. . • , Ted Swieconek field 2 bit. ho ..... e\'er. Corrubia is one ball ha5 left the j')itcher's hand will of bad wtather. The three new learns Dempsey. 176; Biro. 174; Rattc, 170, ds the list of the all-around mtn with four sports to his credit ...• be all o..... td. making their appearance on the C. Johnson. 163; Eitner. 162' ; Glynn, of the few. and as far as we know, De Friel, \\;th thrte; Gil Rossi, with thTee, anA. a half a dozen or so Tile league roster oi nine clubs in­ Roughrider scht'dule this year are 159: :lnd Shaffer. 158. Delta Sigma Ihe only. left-handed hatter out. ughriders who are active in two sports, have made names of vary· cludes: Phi Sigma Nu. Della Sigma Blue Ridge C01lege of Maryland, Pi still has the high team average but Pitchers ha\'e startM. to bear down Selon Hall 01 East Orange, N. J.. Ihey dropped 20 pjns from 855 to 835. g de r«~ of importana= . •• . Goodman. Ritter, Berta, Triandifilou, Pi. Kappa Phi. S iglll."I Lambda Pi. aud Wyomissing Poly of Pennsyl- Finklc's Flashes are s«ond. but their . ilcox. anu a host of others have concentrated on just one sport.... somewhat . Control seems to be the Finklt's Flashes. Hull Kats. Seay H211. Sweet Shoppe. and the Indepen­ \·auia. Long Island U. has been drop~ score was decreased by six pins from ...­ hou ld the}' be denied a chance beeause of that? ..• Among our highly­ principal item lacking, but wilh little dents. Sclll.'du1cd games will be posted pcd this yea r. i96 to 789. Seal' Hall average went' more than IWO weeks gone by. they ted uppcrclallSmen are Siciliano, Heher, Rossi, Coleman, Goodman, weekly on the bulletin board. ile ~,.. rral firsr year mt n have accounted for themselves verr well cau hardly be cxpeeted to be: in top l i s :~ir~~~I1~~· :~~h~:~:;l~ed by El- _ ~:~mpi~~~ ~~"~lig~ 7;Iu ':~~ I~O:S5 r~ year.... Swieconek is again outstanding, while \Vilcox, Farr, form. Lee Szetda appears to be Ih' ing April 17-Drew Unin'rsitv •. . away maincd the same with a mark of 763. ,an. D' Ai utolo and others complete that list of stars.••. Some Ul' to j')re·season TUmors Illat he MiJget Tennis "Ilril Z2--Upsala College' .... away I.r(J9111· S/ollfliligS the bo }~s art very popular and are blessed with likable. personalities: would be the number one pitcher 0 11 • Others ne\'er arc noticed in their street clothes.... Should that the staff. Szetela has 3 good fast ball ~~~~~: ~=~~~t' ~te~· ·i- ~i,~:, ~~~:~ P~~~ts :;r oake a difference? It was the scoring attack of Siciliano, Ackman, and enough cun·l's. and if he can dem­ Crown Won By Mar Z-Villano\'a ...... hom t' Delta Sigma Pi 19 1 onstrate good control. he should win ,\\;econek:, Goodman, Ritter, Berta that did much to win for the May J-Rlue Ridge ColIl'ge . away Sea), Hall 14 6 some games foT' Rider Ihi s seaso n. oughriders: . • . But it was also the smooth work: of Rossi . D'Aiutolo, Sigma LambJa Pi May i-Trenton State . .. . away Finkle's Fla ~ he s 12 8 The IWO lefties. Trran and Trian­ ~1a r 9-St. Joseph's ...... away Seddon Hall . II 9 Farr, Ciambdli and others that pa\'ed the wa}' for the goal-getters. difilou. sCl:m to be ha\'ing difficulty RKentl,\' Sigma Lambda Pi defeated ~fay IZ-Seton Hall ..... awn" Ae ta Xi . 10 10 /' • So plU set, when you try to conisder 3ll angles you realiu th:lt wi:h control. but it is a little too carh' Phi Sigma Nu for the intcr-fralernil)' ~fay I4--Wyomissing Po·ly .. hOllle Kappa Phi 6 14 !. ¥OOd choicc cannot.. be made withom due consideration. to lell as yet whether or IlOt the;· ping-pong championship. The Sigma Phi Sigma Ku ...... 4 16 may be able to O\'ercome this fault. Lambs nosed out the Ph i Sigs 6·3. • Tentati\·e Sigma Lambda Pi .. 4 16.. •• By the time the award is to be made, you will have 8. fair In the catching depa rtment. Crid­ in a match pla)·cd 3t the Sigma idea of which diamond stars are shining brightest and which land. Bahet and J ul)iter are fighting bmbda Pi fraternity house. to take are merely twinkling. . , • Allow for that fact when you ar~ it out . At tht presellt lime. Ju()iler Ihe titlt. The Delta Sigs and the rive at your deciM.on. • . • I'll go out on a limb and pick my seems to hne the edge. with Cridland Ka ppa Phi's j')laced third and fourth. man right now• •.• You mayor may not agree, but Ted " Sut" and Bahret in the running for the r es~ti\" elr . After utility job. Swieconek is my choice for the 1941 edition of Rider College's The Sigma Lambda t.::am consisted Most Valuable Athlete. . . . Teddy led the soccer team to of ~fike Krisiloff. La rry Jupiter and victory after victory, accounting for 18 of the total 41 goals "Hub" Cohen. while Russ Colcm3n. scored by Jake Lawrence's boys. . • . His boots won the Jerry Palaia and Andy Triandifilou represented the Phi Sigs. The match Stroudsburg game and the Army game; his tallies in the Dela· . went l'ight out of the nine games be­ ware, Welt Oiester and Seton Han matches proved timely; fore tfle Sigma Lambs clinched it. The and his .6ve~point spree against Blue Ridge was really some­ \·ictory was a mild surprisc a ~ it was thing••.. As a m ember of the frosh basketeers, Ted, together generally expected that the Phi S ig s with Wilcox, was the sparkplug of the liUle attack the first would take the Sigm3 I..ambd"a team year men were able to show• • .. And then, when Swieconek over as th e)" had done in their lirst .tepped up to a vanity pOJt, he began to rival Sam Siciliano mel'ting. a. a point.poster fo r the Rougbriders. . . • His five tallies in Make THE A trO[)l1 y will bl.' awardt'd to the winners in the near iUlure. the Wake Forest game, the 17 he scored against L. I. U., a nd the 23 Ted dropped in against Glassboro, helped bring his total for the six games he played, to 54. . . . And now, Ted, o ne NEW WINTER of the finest athletes Trenton bas ever p roduced, will be seek ~ BARBIZON ing more laurels o n tbe R oughrider diamond. • . . Ted S,,;e~ eonek is tbe answer to just "bout every o ne of those Questions your Summer HABERDASHERY I mentioned, and as a result, will get my vote in May. Headquarters Interwov,,. H OJier7 Arrow Shi,.u Riderettss To Sw,at«$ READ 0" EAT RA DONNIL~ Have Intra-mural .... ""Aue a .... to to .1 .... n STATI IT Softball Soon NflWJYork·. Mod &clu.ice llo1e1 GREENFIELD'S Re.idenCff For l 'oung Women \Vorr.tn students of the Collel.rc and they are neat .·Ot lhe )ounl ..· • .II ... n .. ho wan\;> I .. WHIlTHER, , , School of Business wt r ~ told that '~u nr. h on • <:. t ~~r thc .... ) . .... II ... ..! they cOI/ld have intra-m\1ral softbatl , dot<'S • .• for ,10" und ~ t ~ ~ • .Ju~le you are provided enough interest were showl1, pl ... nin K to t.Lc . ummet C:OU r$H LENDING LIBRARY •.. or Ihe UCll. lionin ...1> ... pp...,. , slx'tial meeting caU.,1 by Miss ciat" Ib c otUkd r~ltul'ell of • Nc"· SOUTHERNER Vorl: bolid.y. The. B.,lIiwa. .... ith lurdl'tt. Director of \Votnen', ;1<1 .ir oClu• ...,,. li vill30 its Vocr1.ltil" Wheft you 11ft an lce-colclltottl• . WC1.Iaesday, ~rMch 19. PfOl'"aat DC cull"t.1 punuiu .nd pbylieala<;uvil .... (InIvidca the per. of Coca-Cola to your lips. you wi ll he schcdule<1 for Satur­ Cft'! bAd ...... d •.•• comple t" YANKEE Celn ta ... I.. quality and hellts are convenient as possible GOEUER'S 11 ... .aU,"" It" ...... libru,. .•. • d )'0 ,,'/1 like tlt e majority. Representative (eqllipped .. ilh Stei..... ,. Granob) ...... ment. Thirst a.b nothlnB FLOWER SHOP ...... · iml'4inl pool. ~ d~l IUd I each 50rorit)·, the IlIde­ tal.,;., ~" ..b ~tU ••• 8,.mo•. FOOD enoN. $0 when you paUle ]ub :md the School of "S.y It Wit}, Flowers" ti ...... _7OOr .. o ... .".eb .... lh .t.dio. a/ tlte throughout the day. make it 'iII l!articipate. The teanu TUIFf. Fmm S!!..50 p« d.,. We Telegn.ph Flov.. ers . •...- II!!.OO per wee!.; lite po",. tbot refreJt.. witt :n j')laying equi~)lntnt , but Anywhere 'l'ri.'" 1« deKripu .. c booUel C YANKEE YOU TASTE, ns QUALITY .....old Coco-Cola, .ice schedules win h2\'e t.o U td by thenueh·e$. DOODLE BaaW -..kc"..toorio olTltc eoc.-Coh Compo:, by Itian will open around April 530 HAMILTON AVE, 230 'r announcements will be PHO.l'Io"B 9700 Lu.lngtoll A_ at 63rd Str.al East State Street COCA-COLA BOTTLINGICO, OF TRENTf NewYOft Oty die W. A. C. bulletin board '----- i alOBa NBWS Annual Formal Jam Session "EJCcIMnges 1._ " Zeta's Hold SCHOOL OF BUSINESS · Is Planned By Jerry PalGitJ By WWu.m H. B~t"h Spring Dance Hail to the boogiewooginncn of P:lUl Whiteman, Ameriea's "king From Winter Haven, Florida, M;riana Garrity, Elsie Johnson, musk, Will Bradley and Ray MeKin­ comes the n~west Rider School of othy Lanterman, Betty Lobb, CIa ley. We were very pleased to hear ... i jau," Play~ ' at. the St. Pat's At HOUle Meany, EiI«n Meany, Bubbie M By Seay Hall BusineSS student. Jane Hulbert's home these two scnational musicians and Dance at the University of Alabama . • tueh, Delaine Phillips, Marion T Residents or Seay Hall will hold their orehestra were cho5en to blast 1be largest crowd of 'Bama students . ?eta M'u Epsilon sor~ty held an is that famous winter rcsort state. sule, Maribell TuI'P, Erika W their annual formal dinMr dance on the sharps and flats at our annual bait. attended the dance in the history of mformal ~ouse danc:c. Fnda~, March Before coming to Rider, Jane attended Betty WydrofF, and Mary Zuzcelc. the WliYersity. 21, at their chapter ~, WIth about Saturday tvening, April S~ at the Quite a few people have the idea that Florida Southren Concge. The girls of Mary Hooper roof garden of the Stacy·Trent Hotel. Bndley (plus McKinley) plays noth­ The University of Vermont thinks tw;,~:~ :~:::;g. dance was A new filing class has just been presented Betty McGough with ing but "boogiewOOIie" rhythm. This The affair will begin at 7:30 and will quite ., I~ of Johnny Mesmer ~ "Spring," with large bowls of spring started and the fol1?Wing students beautiful bouquet o£ owen when I is not true. The boys have han