HAIL EIGHT WEEKS. TO I ST. PATRICK RIDER NEWS MAYFAIR Vol. 11 TRENTON, N. J" )'IARCH 14, 1941 No. 18 Three Rider Publications Guild Baseball Drills Begin This ·Week; Have Student Council Seats Presents Candidates Prepare For Big Schedule Independent Club New Play With Light Workouts At New Field Refused Gre.lt Independents "S pring Dance." forthcoming pro­ Pitchers, Cetchers At a recent Ill cc lin ~ of the Student "'ame Doherty duction of the Rider Coll ege Dramatic Council, Ilro ~ i sio " s we re made for tlu~ Guild, was written by one o f today's Dance for Pete Fiorito Success; Limbering. Up Ridrr .",.tnt'S 10 ha.ve a ptrmancnt scat fc1 11110st playwrights, Philip Barry. at all future n.cclings () f the organi· New Leader Mere mention of the name immedi ­ At S.O.B. Field Committee Shows Large ProSt With the vcrification of President zalion. Th~ HRoughridcr," student ately calls to the theatrc-goer's mind Sry.m Doherty was recently c1ectw Franklin F. Moore completely coo· In a slatement released this week quarterly. will be r! l)Tesent«i ill the ch::airm all of the cxecuti\·c commitlce ~ uch we ll known hits as "The Phila­ fi rmed, baseball at Rider is now a delphia. Story" and "Holiday." both by Mr. Alex Poyda. adviser to the fall and ..... inter terms and Ihe "Shad- of thc IndC(lCndcnts' Students' :\sso­ complete certainty. Unbeknown to plays that ha\·c been made illto mo­ dance committee. total receipts of Ihe many of the students, a suqlrising ow" in th ... spring ilnd summer terms. ciatioll. sncceeding Joseph Drey fuss. Phi Sigma Nu tiOf' Ilicture productions, feat uring Pete Fiorito dance 5howw a net amount of work had been negotiated The latc inacth'ily of the I nde~n . Three members of the prcsent ell: ­ such well known stars as Katherine profit of $133.95. A check for $140 before the news of the innO\'atioo de nts' Club was dccmtd reason ecuth·c boa ru ha\·e rcsigned their p0- Hepburn, A nn Harding, James Stew­ Hol~s Formal wai disclosed. Many of the teams that h::a s becn se nt to Fiorito, which ill e!'lOugh \0 refuse them a JOllg sought­ sit ions. Dreyfus5, who has headed the art and others, It;\\·c bcc:n :UlIlounced on thc lICW go toward defraying the hospit::al bilt. Twellty-eight new members of the aft"r scat with the Council, and they board for a year, will be lea\'ing "Liberty J ones." produced by thc sch«lulc had been eOlllactcd and Tbeatre Guild il' New York this year, Injurcd in :m intra-mural football P hi S igma Nu fraternily wcrc for­ signcd to home and home series prior will not be represented until such time school beforc hi ~ term e:'( pires. Libby is another of Philip Barry's successes. mally received at their initiatory for­ to the annOWICcmel11 in the Rider =IS they can pro\'e Ihilt the)' 3re g::ame 13st fall. Fiorito is improv ing ~ I a.gee already has left school to join Reference to Ihese works docs not rapidl)' and possibl y Ina y retufll to mal last Saturday cvening at the Nn('J of March 7. worthy of one. the sta ff of thc TrrlllQII Til/lrJ. mean that "Sllring Dance" is. by any O n W ednesday and Thursday aft· school for the summer ler111 . In let­ Greenacres Country Club. Despite the At this point, all student publica­ Michael S imko is now practice teach- me:tnS,:t1l inferior production. It ....-a s emoons, aspirants to the pitching aDd ters recei\'ed by \'arious mem\x: rs of b3d weather. o\·cr cig thy couples at­ at -,i tions ::ar e prop('~ly rcpn::scntcd :Uld a catch ing assignments were drilling ing in Sayre\'i1Ic, New JCr5CY, will ~~ :I~i~~e s~I~~~~r~Y i~ e ~~.ar~! r~t ~~d tended the affair. maltf r that has sccn much argmmmla­ the student bouy, who ha\'e becn ~o r ­ the lot :uljaccnt 10 the School of Busi· g raduatc in August, beforc tIl e end had a succcuful run on Broadway. President Bill Locke. who aCled as lI ess. Of co urst'". many oi the boys tion in the past is ::app.uenlly cleareu resllonding with Pete during his con­ of his tcrm of office. H ere arc :I fe w newspaper com- ha\'c not to uched a h~ se b~ l1 in two valescence. he has e:.::>rcssed hi s .1\1- toastmaster, was presented wilh 3 up once anu for all. Irene Burkland. Mario Funari. and · mcnu on "Spring Dancc." fo ll owing or threc Yl!ars and ior that reason prcci3tion fOr :Ill th:l t has ~e(!11 done miniaturt."! ga\·eI from past president A committee, consisling of \VilJialll :\13rk Burke ha\·e been elected \0 the its openulg: th(' workouts were light. Coach RC'X ior him by Rider students. Jacoh ~reye r s. on behali of the new Welsh and Ted Miller. will recom­ ('lI:ecuti \·c board to rl."placl." thosc who "Thcre is Ill uch that is I; a)' and Ell is. himself a forme r NOli e D:frr.e The expe.nses of the afiair tot:lkd brOlh~r5. n ollen \\'nJenhorn, rcpre­ hurler. wOll ld not permit the boys to mend 10 Ihe Dean Ihat nnl ; ,, : i l ~ d CUIS ha \'e resignl."d. Other members of lhe li ght alld alllusing in 'S I'ring Dance' ___ dialOl,;\le in Mr. B;ury's hest n1.1 11- $7·t:?Q, indudiug orchestra. I,rinting, sen tative of the new members dllring open up le$ t Ihcy should dc\"el op kinks be gh'en 10 the sludents who :lrc c(J mmillee an.' :\Iartin Olillsky, Julu ner."---N.-w l'ork fl ,'r/lld Tribllu,·. or do irreparable da m.1.g e 10 their working on coll ege publications. such radio. which was raffled. ietleral de­ plcd.c;e seasOn. ga\'C :I miniature gold Kalarow :lIld ~I ariou Kituley. " . ... a J.!lIy litlle comoo)' oi col- l'itchulg arms. tense la:.:. and dec.)r:ttions. The total paddle to William W elch. pledgc cap­ ::as the edilors anu Ihe businns malla­ T he 5(' l."ol1d issuc o j "The Hult.:ti n." Icg... rOll1anc ~' ---a hi ghly entertaining It scems :It prcscnt a< thOUb'"" the recei lltS a l11011I11oo to $lOS.1 5. tain. \Videnhorn aho prese nted. 0 11 weak sllOts o n the tC,1J1l \\'ill be found geTS 0 1 the "Shadow," "Roul;hrider" a t:~ublic at iol1 of the IllIlcpendent Stu­ ('lI:hihit will, sentimental I,roblems--­ All itemizcd st3telllcnt p r epa~ed by bchaH of the new memben, an onyll: in the I,itching, c at chi n~ and outfield­ ::and RUI"r Nr.I.·s. It was ::al so dtcidw dCll ts' Auociatioll. aWared recel1\ ly, anmsiul:, si tuations --- IIC W dialogue tha t !j)"rkles,'·---Brookl.\'tI Tim(l. III(' committee follows: key 10 j acoh Myc rs "for OUl5la nding ers. Howe\·(!r, since Coach Ellis has that the ::ad\'e rtising managers of the which canlailled a rtides abolll eJec­ " • •• skittishl y coll egiate. fill! of scn'ice and leadership." had not onl)l coll egiate experience ~ public::ai tons should :l Isa be desen ·iJI I; Total collecti ons . $208.15 also some proicssiollal background>lt tions. the proposoo membership cam­ ~la ck s . l i~h t h.1nter ami rol1-0\·er act­ Amollg the ~cturnillg alumni were: is highl}" ,lrobable Ihat he will be able oi unlimitcd cut prh·ilcges. paign 3nd the report oi a dance hcld ing-the i! lib brig htncss of Barry's Expenses; T inl ~oonall. ·32. {j ldes! oi thc to mould a rewesenta\i\'e mouod staff At its nCll:t meeting, thc Counci l in Jamm ry. ~ I ark Burke. Bryan Do· lI$l1al ill1 l1rint."-.Vl'":t' Vork E:'(IIill!J O rchcstra $·U.OO }QlIYIUlI. alumni present; Ted Curtis, H arry will nomin:ltc sill: o f ilS mCIllilf:rs who hCTty. RUlh Shiller and ~br y Heu P rinlulg .75 Fi sher, Hill Dit zel, Ca rl Smith. F rank ::~~: :~ !~I;:~l so ffat~ ~/ in:~~~~ r:e~~~ -~ ha\'c provcn thcIIIsd\'es outstandinb (Olllprise the staff of ··The Bulleti"." R3dio 14.20 the boys who hal'e ell:p rcssed a. desire Hergallhall , Roser Cooper. Dick Rob­ I in Council work for presen tr.l io.ll of while Prof. McBanc is the faculty Business Ad. Club Fcd'i Ddcnse: Tax 5.25 to ,:!ua. rd tlIC inner circle have had Li1l 5. Bill Heath, Earl Nicho[is. Bob considerabl e e:.: perience in hi gh school keys. After the namn ha\'e b«n auvisl."r to the gronp. The IIt,,1 i ~S \le Deco r a t i on ~ 3.00 Albright. John \ Vindu3 and Vince and s('mi-pra drc1cs al\t! arc cxpt.'CI. cd-~ passcU by the Council. they will be oj the 11.1 per \\'i11 apI)('3r wi thin th e Has Banquet Total ExpenR:s . 7-1 .20 Hagman. last rear's presidellt. to o:i\'e a g ClOlI accoulII of...u\emsrll-'eS.. I p~c ~ented to th~ fa culty :lnd athnini. ­ l1 (,lI: t twO weeks. The Business ,\dmil1i stra tion Cluh The guest,; of the cveJlillg w ... re at the in tield r.osilions.
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