Shepard, Jean. Yolo County Grasslands Regional Park Species

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Shepard, Jean. Yolo County Grasslands Regional Park Species GrasslandsLista_3_11_10.xls 12/12/2011 Shepard, Jean. Yolo County Grasslands Regional Park Species List Species in bold italic are native; collection numbers are Jean Shepard's collections at the UCD Center for Plant Diversity, unless noted otherwise Family Genus Species Other taxon Common name coll. no. 258, 259, 272, Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus tumble pigweed 464 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus blitoides prostrate pigweed 267, 275 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus powellii Powell's amaranth 287 Preston 1428, Apiaceae Eryngium aristulatum 326, 391, 669 Apiaceae Eryngium vaseyi 15, 276 Apiaceae Eryngium sp. 655 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias fascicularis narrowleaf milkweed 621 Asteraceae Achyrachaena mollis blow-wives 104, 130 Asteraceae Anthemis cotula mayweed 460 Asteraceae Centaurea solstitialis yellow starthistle 100, 228, 359 Asteraceae Chamomilla suaveolens pineapple-weed 85 Asteraceae Conyza floribunda tall fleabane 43, 340 Asteraceae Gnaphalium cf. luteo-album cudweed 50 16, 250, 302, Asteraceae Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia hayfield tarweed 327 18, 251, 277, Asteraceae Hemizonia fitchii Fitch's spikeweed 336 Asteraceae Hypochaeris glabra smooth catsear 133 Asteraceae Lactuca saligna willowleaf lettuce 295, 332 Asteraceae Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce 409, 609 observed Asteraceae Lasthenia californica goldfields 3/28/04 176, 235, 412, Asteraceae Lasthenia fremontii goldfields 442, 523, 661 observed Asteraceae Lasthenia glabrata 3/28/04 Asteraceae Layia chrysanthemoides tidy-tips 178 Asteraceae Microseris douglasii ssp. douglasii 512 Asteraceae Microseris elegans 127 118, 157b, 181, 233, 280, Asteraceae Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus woolly marbles 434, 522 126, 157a, Asteraceae Psilocarphus oregonus woolly marbles 166, 385, 433 Asteraceae Psilocarphus tenellus var. tenellus woolly marbles 506 Asteraceae Senecio vulgaris common groundsel 38, 114, 368 Asteraceae Silybum marianum milk thistle 110 Asteraceae Sonchus asper ssp. asper spiny sowthistle 99, 256 Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus annual sowthistle 113, 422 Boraginaceae Amsinckia lycopsoides tarweed fiddleneck 56, 87, 135 86, 116, 137, Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys canescens popcorn flower 390, 665 Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys humistratus popcorn flower 659 Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys leptocladus alkali plagiobothrys 458 128, 131, 168, Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus popcorn flower 179 Boraginaceae Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. stipitatus popcorn flower 170, 364, 386 Brassicaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd's purse 33 Brassicaceae Coronopus didymus swinecress 239 1 GrasslandsLista_3_11_10.xls 12/12/2011 Family Genus Species Other taxon Common name coll. no. 75, 91, 112, 253, 400, 410, Brassicaceae Guillenia lasiophylla California mustard 451, 503, 603 Brassicaceae Hirschfeldia incana shortpod mustard 608 Brassicaceae Lepidium dictyotum var. dictyotum alkali pepperweed 505 Brassicaceae Lepidium latifolium perennial pepperweed 182, 456 156, 417, 511, Brassicaceae Lepidium latipes var. latipes dwarf peppergrass 604 57, 119a, 360, Brassicaceae Lepidium nitidum var. nitidum tongue pepperweed 418, 423 Brassicaceae Lepidium strictum 119b, 407 Brassicaceae Sinapis arvensis charlock 62, 814 Brassicaceae Tropidocarpum gracile 415, 502 Callitrichaceae Callitriche marginata water starwort 622, 638 175, 435, 440, Campanulaceae Downingia insignis cupped downingia 441, 521 Campanulaceae Downingia pulchella valley downingia 148 Caryophyllaceae Cerastium glomeratum sticky chickweed 78, 396, 419 162, 171, 237, Caryophyllaceae Spergularia bocconii sandspurrey 450 Caryophyllaceae Spergularia rubra red sandspurrey 74, 443 Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media common chickweed 34 Chenopodiaceae Atriplex joaquiniana San Joaquin spearscale 466 Chenopodiaceae Atriplex rosea 826 254, 255, 273, Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium album lambsquarters 318 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium berlandieri 316 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium vulvaria 266, 285 Chenopodiaceae Salsola tragus Russian thistle 260, 346, 357 Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed 149 Convolvulaceae Cressa truxillensis alkaliweed 300 Crassulaceae Crassula aquatica water pygmyweed 599B Crassulaceae Crassula connata pygmyweed 599A, 657 Cucurbitaceae Marah fabaceus wild cucumber 430 Cuscutacee Cuscuta sp 463 Cyperaceae Eleocharis macrostachya 654 Euphorbiaceae Eremocarpus setigerus turkey mullein 240 Fabaceae Lotus purshianus var. purshianus 324, 334 Fabaceae Lotus wrangelianus 421, 449 81, 103, 134, Fabaceae Lupinus bicolor miniature lupine 424, 496 Fabaceae Lupinus formosus var. formosus 341, 345 Fabaceae Lupinus succulentus arroyo lupine 138 Fabaceae Medicago polymorpha California burclover 63, 80 Fabaceae Melilotus indica Indian sweetclover 257 Fabaceae Robinia pseudoacacia black locust 136 Fabaceae Trifolium bifidum var. decipiens 146 Fabaceae Trifolium bifidum var. bifidum 439 Fabaceae Trifolium depauperatum balloon clover 158, 404 Fabaceae Trifolium fucatum bull clover 426, 447 152, 414, 427, Fabaceae Trifolium gracilentum var. gracilentum 650 Fabaceae Trifolium willdenovii tomcat clover 425, 436, 448 Fabaceae Vicia sativa ssp. nigra narrowleaf vetch 46, 88, 117 Fabaceae Vicia villosa hairy vetch 45, 106, 454 Fagaceae Quercus lobata valley oak 150 2 GrasslandsLista_3_11_10.xls 12/12/2011 Family Genus Species Other taxon Common name coll. no. Geraniaceae Erodium botrys broadleaf filaree 151, 387 39, 42, 291, Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium redstem filaree 399 Geraniaceae Erodium moschatum whitestem filaree64, 96 Hydrophyllaceae Nemophila menziesii var. menziesii baby blue-eyes 35 Juncaceae Juncus bufonius toad rush 234 Lamiaceae Pogogyne zizyphoroides Sacramento pogogyne 153, 180, 524 Liliaceae Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum blue dicks 403, 416, 372 Liliaceae Triteleia hyacinthina white brodiaea 647 Lythraceae Lythrum hyssopifolium loosestrife 243, 249 Malvaceae Abutilon theophrasti velvetleaf 333 Malvaceae Malva nicaeensis bull mallow 111, 227 Malvaceae Malva parviflora little mallow 107, 125 Malvaceae Malvella leprosa alkali-mallow 615 Marsileaceae Pilularia americana 651 Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium ssp. circumvagnum fireweed 323, 335 Onagraceae Epilobium aff. brachycarpum tall annual willowherb 97 Onagraceae Epilobium pygmaeum 668 Papaveraceae Eschscholzia californica California poppy 41, 108 Pinaceae Calocedrus decurrens 431 Plantaginaceae Plantago coronopus 510 Plantaginaceae Plantago elongata 167 Poaceae Aegilops triuncialis barb goatgrass 231 122, 129, 245, Poaceae Alopecurus saccatus foxtail 525 Poaceae Avena fatua wild oat 37 Poaceae Briza minor little quakinggrass 90, 145 Poaceae Bromus catharticus rescuegrass 288 Poaceae Bromus diandrus rip-gut brome 52 Poaceae Bromus hordeaceus soft brome 48 Poaceae Crypsis schoenoides swamp grass 295, 303, 465 Poaceae Cynodon dactylon bermuda grass 270 Poaceae Deschampsia danthonioides annual hairgrass 121, 132 Poaceae Elymus glaucus glaucus blue wildrye 452 Poaceae Gastridium ventricosum nit grass 229 432, 446, 509, Poaceae Hordeum depressum low barley 550 154, 163, 242, Poaceae Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum Mediterranean barley 381, 444 36, 58, 94, Poaceae Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum 445, 508 Poaceae Leymus condensatus ryegrass 344 Poaceae Leymus sp. 247 Poaceae Lolium multiflorum Italian ryegrass59, 123, 160 Poaceae Neostapfia colusana Colusa grass 278 Poaceae Panicum capillare hillmanii Hillman's panicgrass 264 Poaceae Panicum miliaceum broom corn millet 286 Poaceae Phalaris minor 165, 236a, 457 92, 304, 306, Poaceae Phalaris paradoxa 437, 453 Poaceae Pleuropogon californicus semaphore grass 299 Poaceae Poa annua annual bluegrass 47, 362 Poaceae Polypogon monspeliensis rabbitfoot 155, 230, 244 Poaceae Taeniatherum caput-medusae medusahead 246 Poaceae Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass 309 Poaceae Tuctoria mucronata Solano grass observed 3 GrasslandsLista_3_11_10.xls 12/12/2011 Family Genus Species Other taxon Common name coll. no. Poaceae Vulpia bromoides squirreltail fescue53?, 169, 236b 54, 70, 83, 93, Poaceae Vulpia myuros var. hirsuta rattail fescue 429 Polemoniaceae Navarretia leucocephala 232 Polygonaceae Polygonum arenastrum common knotweed55, 265 Polygonaceae Rumex crispus curly dock 124 Portulacaceae Calandrinia ciliata red maids 44, 76 49, 79, 89, Portulacaceae Claytonia perfoliata miner's lettuce 382, 401 Portulacaceae Montia fontana water chickweed 394, 420, 645 Primulaceae Anagallis arvensis scarlet pimpernel 143 395, 406, 513, Ranunculaceae Myosurus minimus mouse-tail 520, 642 Ranunculaceae Myosurus sessilis mouse-tail 519, 656 Salicaceae Populus nigra Italica' black poplar 51 Scrophulariaceae Castilleja attenuata valley tassels 504 Scrophulariaceae Kicksia elatine fluellin 263 Scrophulariaceae Mimulus latidens 664 Scrophulariaceae Mimulus tricolor tricolor monkey flower 248, 438 Scrophulariaceae Triphysaria eriantha butter-and-eggs 82, 174, 384 Scrophulariaceae Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis purslane speedwell 405a, 641 Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima tree of heaven 139 Solanaceae Datura stramonium jimson weed 325 Solanaceae Solanum nigrum black nightshade 328 Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris puncture vine 161 missing 4.
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