2013 Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Sb 2343
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2013 SENATE GOVERNMENT AND VETERANS AFFAIRS SB 2343 2013 SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE MINUTES Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee Missouri River Room, State Capitol SB 2343 02/14/2013 Job Number 18918 D Conference Committee CommitteeClerk Signature Explanation or reason for introduction of bill/resolution: A Bill for an Act relating to write- in votes. Minutes: Chairman Dever: Opened hearing on SB 2343. Jim Silrum, Deputy Secretary of State: See Attachment #1 for testimony in support and to explain the bill. (2:55)Chairman Dever: The deadline to file this is the Friday before the election? Jim Silrum: For certain offices, legislative offices, multi-countyoffices, city and school offices, that would be true, but for statewide offices it is 20 day prior and for judicial offices it is 20 days as well. Those are already in statute. Chairman Dever: If you don't file a form, then are your votes counted? Jim Silrum: They would be counted but they would not be a part of the official abstract because you haven't identified yourself as a specific candidate. Therefore, the votes for any write in candidate that is listed who had not filed a certificate of write in candidacy would be listed in the abstract as a scattered write in vote. What has prompted this over the course of time is that for some reason, we and county election officialsand others, are noticing an increase in fictitious names that are being placed on the ballot. There are a lot of people who want to simply vote for themselves because they don't like any of the candidates that are there on the ballot. There are also situations in which I have had to Senate Government and VeteransAffairs Committee SB 2343 02/14/2013 Page2 deal with individuals that come into my office and they want to pull a prank or a joke as a way to get the name published. Under current law you can do that but I believe that it is a travesty to the process of democracy. Chairman Dever: I would agree with that, but don't we sometimes in smaller communities have situations where nobody puts their name on the ballot and they write the names in? Jim Silrum: That is true. We have had a number of situations where situations like that have happened and there are other statutes in play where 20 people have all received one vote and it becomes a recount situation. We then need to go through the recount process in order to go through that and as a part of that process, those candidates who are involved in recount do have the political recourse to say they want to have their name withdrawn from consideration in the process. We have had situations where we went through that process and there are no candidates that have remained as elected because everyone pulled their name from the process. Our thinking is that if this is the case and we put a stipulation that you file a simple form 4 days before the election, you have indicated then that you are willing to serve if elected. At that point if no one does, we can still have a full jurisdiction of officers because the appointment statutes can kick in. Senator Nelson: In the current language these things go through the Secretary of State's office, correct? Jim Silrum: Legislative candidates would come through the Secretary of State's office, county offices would go to the county auditor, city offices would go to the city auditor, school offices would go to the school business manager, and multi-county offices would go in some cases to the county and in others to us. Senator Nelson: How do you determine with these people that have 6 or 7 counties? Senate Government and VeteransAffairs Committee SB 2343 02/14/2013 Page3 Jim Silrum: Legislators would file their certificates of write-in with the Secretary of State regardless of what the look of their county is. If you look on look on page 3, the new subsection 5, there it determines where multi-county offices wouldfile their paperwork. Senator Nelson: How do the other counties that it affectsfind out about these people running? Jim Silrum: For legislators, we will let them know because we already do that anyway for anyone who is announced their intention to be a write-in candidate. Multi-county offices we take care that as well because we happen to be the filing office, but in those small circumstances like a soil conservation district or something of that nature, it is a simple matter of conversing between county auditors. (11 :30) Chairman Dever: On this committee, Senator Schaible is only one in a multi- county district. Senator Schaible: I actually won a school board election that I was not running for. I beat the incumbent president and was informed the night of the election that I had won. I didn't want the job. That is not the point, but the thing is that the election was held and some of these write-ins are causing some problems with some entities. The intent of this is kind of nice. Chairman Dever: Closed hearing on SB 2343. Senator Schaible: Moved a Do Pass. Vice Chairman Berry: Seconded. A Roll Call Vote Was Taken: 7 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Senator Schaible: Carrier. Date: ----;-..tljt...._._�_�- Roll Call Vote#: J 2013 SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ROLL CALL VOTES BILL/RESOLUTION NO. � 3cf3 Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee D Check here for Conference Committee · Legislative Council Amendment Number · Action Taken: �Do Pass D Do Not Pass D Amended 0 Adopt Amendment D Rerefer to Appropriations D Reconsider s&k � � Motion Made ,LJeMih/e Seconded By Senators Yes No Senator Yes No Chariman Dick Dever Senator Caro!ln Nelson ·� _lL� Vice Chairman Spencer Berry ,/ Senator Richard Marcel/ais / Senator Dwight Cook ;/ Senator Donald Schaible v Senator Nicole Poolman ,/ Total Y s No ( e ) __7__._ ________ �Q�------------ Absent 0 Floor Assignment If the vote is on an amendment, briefly indicate intent: Com Standing Committee Report Module ID: s_stcomrep_28_016 February 14, 2013 12:24pm Carrier: Schaible REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE SB 2343: Government and Veterans Affairs Committee (Sen. Dever, Chairman) recommends DO PASS (7 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT AND NOT VOTING). SB 2343 was placed on the Eleventh order on the calendar. (1) DESK (3) COMMITTEE Page 1 s_stcomrep_28_016 2013 HOUSE GOVERNMENT AND VETERANS AFFAIRS SB 2343 2013 HOUSE STANDING COMMITTEE MINUTES House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee Fort Union Room, State Capitol SB 2343 March 21, 2013 20286 D Conference Committee CommitteeClerk Signature Explanation or reason for introduction of bill/resolution: Relating to write-in votes. Minutes: Attachment 1 Chairman Jim Kasper opened the hearing on SB 2343. Senator Schaible appeared in support of SB 2343. We are looking for a write-in candidate to sign an original certificate of intent. The certificate must be in four days before the election by 4 p.m. When we have write-in candidates, a lot of times there are candidates that are written in whether they know it or not. Rep. Vicky Steiner What time are you talking about? Senator Schaible I believe it is you have to register in the county of your residence, so it would be the time of that county. Rep. Vernon Laning You referenced the intent of the individual. Coming from a small town, we have had elections that included write-ins where the candidate actually didn't want to advance their name, but they did take the office after they were elected through write-in process. Does this negate that in any way? Senator Schaible If this would pass, I don't think that they would be a candidate. I won an election for a school board when I didn't even know I was running, and I did not accept the position. The opposite side of this is if you have an opening then therein of because nobody ran for the election, you still have the appointment process to fill that position. Then they are on the ballot automatically the next time. I think it is important that we have candidates even if they missed the deadlines, and the opportunity for a write-in is still available. It is nice to know if the word gets out and this person is interested that they actually have the intent of being a candidate for that position. Rep. Vernon Laning Would the person be considered legally elected if they had not filed these papers and were willing to accept the office? Senator Schaible That would be best to ask the Secretary of State. House Government and VeteransAffairs Committee SB 2343 March 21, 2013 Page2 Rep. Karen Karls I didn't catch how many days prior? Senator Schaible Four. AI Jaeger, Secretary of State, appeared in support. Senator Schaible did a good job explaining. The time would be in the time zone that you are in. He read part of an email from his election specialist that said in cities that have 1 0-15 people may receive one write in vote. Many of those do not care to hold the office, but the system as it stands now still requires a recount and then they can opt out of the drawing if the results remain the same and nobody accepts the office. Then they appoint. The law just allows all this extra work not to have happened. You need to keep in mind that in these situations it is our office that gets a call.