A-28 •• THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. natT. MAT M. 1888 Bratlia Donald Kovacic Dies; Heniy W. Fisher, ! Dr, Edward Y. Davidson, 97, (Barb of Shanke Orates Ex-Fiscal Officer ! Henry W. Putier. 47, a former J Practiced Till 4 Years Ago Ralauvaa friends may call at 'budget and; jo ezpree, aineert and News officer of the Pood Young •Wit uielr UtoaU AP Editor Here Dr. Davidson, (rqtUuAe the Chevy Chase punaral Home. Drug suffered Edward 1M •*#» la the reletlaee Aina Wisconsin BN. B•. where Admlnlatration. a jHWiMin m mm IrMfi held Ry tha A.aectatad Brass a District Medical Soclrty U»|| aaeraiaionl of Jm aerviae. win ba an Baturdar. fatal heart attack Wednesday kind aenMUtl. IpiiSSll , •*,,, leader and Washington'a nidi nqwera ulnrtim donation, Donald O. Kovaclr. nrwa edi- Mr. Piaher. who had been ; old- ud aerviee their b*- * as S 1 WKrodk’a Ji.hi.l.?"ca«.l!h practicing physician durini reeeal .r.h/H* tor of the Waahinfton Bureau with the Pood Drug Ad- );eat until I.OMA k (MABLEa A. On Mondaj. and ' his retirement four years ago. \ lilja TSaIII* MUMDtLL AND FAM- fun.rai Hiticw at to am Batyr- r, of the Aaeoclated Preaa. died ! ministration since 1929. was m dar. Mar 34, »» Bi Alo.alui : ,«pi,Tcj.‘Ate ' died yesterday at the Maaonlc SL. C.8.- «r A fc2a today. He waa 46. to retire in March m Church lnl.rm.rl Cadar Mill as 1530 Oatea at n.aTbeiovad hus- forced be- Eastern Star Home. He d band of Mra Lula Lanina and Death waa attributed to can- cause of 111 health. and Dratljfl 121ns I. DOLPHIN. R« Ban 13 1 father of Barbara Ann Lambs Also waa 97. aurvlvlna arr two sister., Mr. Maude cer of the liver. He had been He was born in ' Tu.tter, Lockhaven. Dr. the kNNia. JAMS*. On Mar 70. Roes and Mra Marv Lewis: many 111 for more than three wee lea Pa., and had attended the,;; Davidson waa oldest manat, aannawa. aaa.taa and oihar living member of the society, Fa Jr f relative* and frianda After 3 am, | and entered a hospital May 14. St layer College of Accountancy. M I Friday, May 75. frianda mar aall “which he headed in 1916. He Mr Z , | al ala lair raaldana*. Punaral Members of the Associated Mr. Fisher Is survived by his; iMMi r. ANmu. mother M aarvlera an Saturday May 54, at maintained a wife, 'became a member in 1906. and TVm| jV Pal rick Ahrcn* deuehtrt ol Ctierlea Ttiirna fantar. MMB MM J«Hl| Press staff had Dureda Fisher es 4116 ’ In planning the construe- A and Jhe law Ilia Mila PhUlipM. Caaii. Alto .HrrlviM art twa ala- a(*Onl. 1475*Park rd n w.. TOSS' 24-hour-a-day vigil outside his Forrest drive, Alexandria; a son. led eleter at peirt A. rhiliiM*. Retina* l*r«. Mra Marr C Jack.on and ! II Bamutl Ktlaay JpMlaUgi Inter- tlon of society headquarters arc incited la call at tile Betheaie., I Mr. Badi. tad.a and ouwr rat*- ment Arlinaton National Cemetery hospital room since his condi- v H' Terrence H. Plsher of Durham, j Chary Cnace funeral Home of Rob- , IT*., and man. (rwada Alter « M by Henry 8. Wi>hine- Saturday, • at 1711 M street N.W., where ert A. Pumphrer Betheeda kid. on' pm Prtdar, tion became critical N. C : a daughter. Mrs. Angelo (rant Mar *S. Frtanda mar, ' portrait hangs today. Friday. StU 7 pm until' call at hU lat, whar, I re- hla rray.ra rf.ld.nc. ready to offer assistance if Karadtmos of Bsn Diego, Calif., I I will ba aaid at sno am.l LOMAX. ( HAkira A aratlon of aor- , , quested. and three grandchildren. Held Order es Merit MUif’.h'ef.tMteVir^n.WChurch. Soul Western eve. on V,"th. W,.r Saturday. May 74, «here requiem th..V'™‘churh' Mr. Kovacic was born in Also surviving are a the »11l irltlol.51 Md’ P Tin. 77 Urnm brother. 1 In 1941 aoclety awarded be offered at It* am | Bolt adkalallak lnt.rm.nt Mom. ,, n Wyo. He was edu- Oerrold and rtaaanterment Cadar Hill Cemetery S 3 C.m.i.rr Arranttmanu kr RaUat .°. Cambria. E. Plsher. a sister. ¦ him it* Order of Merit for B. •Lvrridiy. cated in that State and joined Mrs. Robert White, both outstanding Thuraday. May nw. until Kvf?Ml? 23. of “long and aerv- •ALL. HABIT I. On 2 dm, Fun»i%l *#rvic#s tt f MBBT. rRABLB* P. Oa Thurtdar. the staff of the Sheridan Upper Darby. Pa. community. Mar 37. lukk. 'I th# Church of God in Christ. 1435 loe" to hla The or- ¦ m al hli rtald.net. rgrk r, on 2991 14th at nw, an Saturdny, Monday. Burial Mrs. V. H. Drissel, Northern prison. form of contributions to the y brothers. Morris ventions of 1952 and 1956. ton. at 10 am. i ®n r of Baltimore. Wednndav. Mar 71. 1955. at Ar- May 24. 1968. at 8:30 pm. to| of Dr. Davidson came here to American Cancer Society. pwyld?f Schneider of Younistown.Md. end. llnaton Hoapltal. PLED P. FOOTE, conduct funeral services for our late He was a member of the Na- will be In Gate Heaven Ohio Funeral services at the Ber- | ton of the lata Fred P. Foote, at.. member. Club, the Cedar- Cemetery. ‘ Ex-U. S. Employe, Oensansky A Sons Funeral' and Marv Foote: brothar of the tional Press st nw * on Mon- lit. Con,tone. Foot, of Fall. Associttt Princess 24 ajr 11 1 0«. Interment Church. Va. H. also i. survived ! - ftm’Adas HIsrael Cemetery. 20 br several relative, and friends LUCKETT. MRS HELEN C. Th# Coloners Wife Friends mar call after fl p.m Fri- w * officers tnd members of BOND# HENRY T. On Monday. May day. Mar 73, at the Joynes Funeral V&s/*l H°P f Chapter. No. 30. O lft. 1868. HKRY T. BOND, for- Home. 7700 Lee hwy.. Falla Church, E 8 . will assemble at Mr*. V. Homer Drissel. a E. Ellis, Ex-Colonel merly VvX Daniel of 71 P st. n.w,. beloved son Va Services on Saturday. May 74. s:3o pm. Sunday. May Mrs. Garrison, 52, Os Mrs Isabelle Bond and the late pun., at the above funeral par- 25. 1958. at the 8 H Sratlja | former Federal employe here 1 char l Bol** brother of Mrs K r.2 the Rev. Haru Carter offlciat- W Hines Co. Funeral Home. Edna51 Banks. Mrs Annla Puller. ln*. Interment cemetery of the 2901 14th st. n.w . to con- K O ,T MOn d and wife of Army officer, Mrs. Catherine Douglas. Baptist Church V ,K?° O , RY w Former Teacher an Aviation services In Years in Thelma, Second in Fells duct funeral for our late *Val "S RZcS .Y: AF, 35 Theodore. Alfred. Warren apd Wil- Church. Va. 74 I j lister. HELEN C. LUCKETT LIAMS of 137ft Measachuaetta ave died Wednesday in Walter Reed Lines liam Bond. He also is survived by KATE E. SPARKMAN. ¦ t, beloved eon of Minnie Wllliema. Mrs. Dwight Garrison, 52. l | KINO GEORGE. Va.. May Pan-American Air and other relatives and friends. After FRAZIER. EDITH. On Thursday. May Worthy Matron. brother ol Leroy, it Robert. Bue»n formerly of *2929 Connecticut t Hospital after three months as 23 (JP). Daniel Eric Ellis, for a time Col. Ellis was head 4 pm. Friday. Msv 23, 1058.! 77. 1958, at her residence. 1775 ORACE M DODGE. Secy. and Huco Wlllloma. He olao la i —Col. friends are invited to eall at the C st. se. EDITH FRAZIER, beloved aurvlved by other relatives and avenue N.W., died yesterday ’ a patient there. retired Air Force of Pan-America’a Western Di- Jarvis Chapel, 14.12 You st. n.w.. I wile Harry Frazier. Notice of' mony friends After 3cm Fridoy. of MASTON. JOSEPH W. On Tuesday. to cell years where funeral services will be held I funeral later. Arranaementa by May 70, 1958. JOSEPH W, MASTON Mnv 23. friends ere Invited after a long illness in Austin, • Her husband, Col. V. officer with more than 35 vision operations. on Saturday. May 24. at 1 pm Barnes & Matthews. New n be- et the District Morticians Funeral Lt. | of 414 York ave w.. 1 Home, 1700 eve nw Tex. legal j in aviation, ‘was killed In a In World War 11. he served Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme-' loved husband of Mary Maston. de-i VermontSaturday. May Homer Drissel, is counsel tery Family may be contacted at FRAZIER. EDITH. A session of sor- voted father of Oliver Maston. step- Funeral services on | The former Miss Carolyn for . tractor accident on his King as air attache at the United 40 Longfellow st. n.w. 23 be Satur- of and Jacx- 24. at 1 P m , at the Mount Canaan 1 the Army Physical Evalua- will held on father Mattie Charles the Rev Wine, she was born at Broad- day. May *on is by two Church. «74 7th st. ne. , George County larm Wednes- States Embassy in Chile. At BOWSER. SADIE. On Tuesday. May 74. 1958. at 8 He also survived Elder A Pane officlatlna In- j tion Board at Walter Reed, an p.m. at Que st. nw, grandchildren, other relatives and Cemetery way. graduated 20. 1058. BADIE BOWSER, beloved j 15U7 may terment Woodlawn Ar- Va. She was day. his retirement from the Air for our daughter. late Mr. Maston , • assignment he was given when sister of Florence Johnson. George ' late friends. The by John D. Watson. Mary Washington i Pierre and Augustus Bowser. She EDITH FRAZIER ol Forest be viewed at the Stewart Funeral ranzements from Col- Col. Ellis’ 11-year-old daugh- Force in 1953 he was assigned i. b. p. n.e., p m j his wife's illness caused them tJ also leaves to mourn their lots no. v. O. Home. 30 H it after 4 JOHN *. On Saturday. lege, Fredericksburg, Pentagon Friday. Saturday. May 24. WINSTEAD. Va.. and to country ter, Elena, searching the corn- to duty at the as an four nephews, one aunt, Mamie Funeral May 11*58. JOHN 8 WINSTEAD [ return to this from i Better, and a host of other rela- DOROTHY B HAWKINS. at Allen A. M E Chureh, 2496 17. received her master's degree planting, He ®row Ruler i of 11 Randolph Pi n.w Burvlv- ! Japan. he been airport engineer. was a tives and friends. msv Dauahter Alabama ave. e., at 11 am. Rev brothers, field had Friends BRISCOE. Pin. Becy. J Havmon officiating. Ine are lour slaters, three from Temple University. Phila- call at the Better Funeral Home. ESTELLS C. O Interment and many fnende. , Chicago ~ found his body Wednesday graduate of the University of st. it, after 3 pm. Cemetery. 23 other relatives Friday, May delphia. several years, she A native. Mrs. Dris- 1203 W’alter Monday. Woodlawn Alter 4 pm 23. For night. practiced Friday. May FREEMAN. BERNARD. On are the sel came to Washington and law 23 Funeral on Satur- May Gen-; frlende Invited to call at taught public at Bassett, in i day May 24. at the above funeral 19. 1958. at the District MASTON, JOSEPH WALSH. Departed 1870 Hth school Mississippi era! Hospital. FREEMAN McGuire Funeral Home. Duluth, Col. Ellis was pinned under for several years in home at 11 am. Interment Wood- BERNARD this life on Tuesday. May 20. 1958.1 I at nw . where services will be held Va. 1934 from Minn. For Cemetery. of 17.70 Union st. tw.. husband at New at 1 pm years and lawn cl Freeman 414 York ave. n.w. JO- on Saturday May 74. During , 10 she was a personnel : water beneath a farm tractor California. Helen and father of SEPH WALSH MASTON. beloved Woodlawn Cemetery. 23 her 10-year residence COTSONIS. GEORGE C. On Thurs- Lawrence Freeman. He also leaves husband of Marv MaMon and father Interment . worker for the Railroad Retire- which had toppled down a 40- A funeral service was to be day. May at passina sister, here, she was office manager 22. 1058. his resi- to mourn his one of Oliver C Maston He also is ment Board, on Rappahan- conducted at 3 p.m. today at dence. 3701 Massachusetts ave. p w.. Mrs Beatrice Riley: three brothers,! survived by a daughter-in-law. Mrs ; for the American Farm Bu- the Civil Service i foot bank the GEORGE C COTBONIS. beloved hus- Joseph Armstrong. George Arm- Dorothy Maston two stepchildren, Commission and the Treasury nock River. Emmanuel Episcopal Church band of Touia Cotsonis. father of strong and Louis Freeman a de- grandchildren and a host of friends • reau Federation. Her husband I Dino. Nick and John Cotsonis. ; voted friend. Mrs Flora Oreen. and ; Department. A medical examiner ruled at Port Royal. Military grave- brother-in-law of Very relatives and many friends -DEATHS- was stationed at the Army's Aimilianos and the Rev. other MEDIeOCK. THEODORE. On Thurs- Anaeaaeemeota es p.m. Paul Lalouasla. Remains resting at the John T. day. Hadley (Md.) the death was accidental and side rites will be held at 1 Friends may Home, May 22, 1958. at the •ervteee k> Chameera Aberdeen Proving The Drissels were in Ger- call at the 8. H. Hlnea 1 Rhinet tt Co. Funeral ntll Hospital. THEODORE MEDLOCK of , Funeral Home. 2901 3d st s.v.. where in- Oleaann. t _ many years said it occurred several hours Monday at Arlington National Co. 14th It.' friends are 1 Quincy n.w., belovad » Ground. four until 1952, nw. (parking facilities*, after it vlted to call after 5 p.m. Friday, I; 5«7 st. hus- LillianE. W I b.mhera Co band of Roallng Medlock He also W Chamber, <:• husband, before the body Cemetery. p m Saturday. May 24. Services Mar 33, and where funeral services: by Halle. Charlee W Besides her she is ; when he was sent to Japan was found. Saturday. May Is survived two sisters, Mrs Oreen. E. W. W. ( hamberv to. at St Bonhia*s Greek Orthodox, will be held on 71. Doyer Herald survived by six brothers and a as Staff Judge Advocate of Col. Ellis. 65. was a World Surviving besides the daugh- Cathedral. 3flth st and Massachu-i at 1 pm . the Rev. William H Pearl Miles ana Mrs. Queen Kalhfur. I of New York City. N Y . and other Charles I W- W. Chamber! Co. ter are his widow, Mrs. Clara ave n.w., on Monday, May Brown officiating. Interment Wood-! relatives and many friends Re- M. i sister, all of . the Ist Cavalry Division In War I flying instructor and r?tt*«. at 2 p m Interment Uienwood lawn Cemetery mains resting at the Ellis, Mrs. Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, Morrow A' Services were to be held to- Tokyo. later organized the Pickwick W. and a sister. make Sophia's I Woodford Funeral Home. 1622 11th 1 contributions to 8t HAWKINJ. THOMAS. On Monday. | at. nw. Notice of funeral later day in Austin, with burial in j Survivors include her Air Lines in Central America Gertrude E. Pearsall of Falls Greek Orthodox Cathedral Build-' May 19. 1958. at Freedmen s Hos- 24 | hus- Inc Fund. 26 pital. IHOMAB HAWKINS He is I San Antonio. Tex. band and two Eliza- This later was absorbed by Church. survived bv one dauahter. Marr Ed- MULLEN. MABLE FRANCES. On In iSrmnriam children. DAVENPORT. JOSEPHINE. Mon- r 11 On dins: three stepdaughters. Malenda Thursday. May 22. 1958. st her; beth. 15, and Goffrey, 8, of I day. May 19. 1958. JOSEPHINE |— rVrd, Elizabeth Brown and Ophelia home. Herndon. Va . MABLE FRAN- AMBUSH. ELEAJHOBA A tubule of DAVENPORT of TOO Virginia ave. Henson: three atepaoni. Samuel Dy- CES MULLEN, mother of W the home address. 12705 Valley-! s e., beloved mother Daniel love to the memory of our devoted of Miss Hattie son. Roy Dyson and Robert Henson: Mullen and sister ot Marvin Brown, mother, alitor, F. B. Mallory, 60, Silver Henderson She also is survived by two grandchildren and Sunday wife, mother-tn-law. wood drive. Spring; her and other rela- Mrs Mildred of Hern-1 grandmother and .great-trsndmoth- three sisters, one brother, other tives and friends. 5 pm don. Va : Herman mother, S. Burroughs, and ft pm. After Brown of Hamil-! er, ELEANORA AMBUSH, who de- Mrs. W. Weinreb, Associate relatives friends After Friday, May may Milton 73. friends call ton. Va Carroll Brown of Pureell- years ago today. Friday. May 23. friends are in- at the Penney Ac Cofer Funeral villr. Va.. and Mrs. Eva Jenkinal parted this life two Editor of Old Life and a sister. Mrs. Kathleen; vited to call at the Jarvis Funeral Home. Plsgah Md. Funeral on of Sterling. Va Friends mav call Mav 23. 11*58. Bero, Chapel. 1*32 You st. n.w. Funeral Baturdar, p m . at Dearest we mias you. NEW YORK. May 23 f/P). both of Duluth, and! Saturday. Mar 34. at 1 from the Oreen Funeral Home. Hern- one. how services on May 24. at 1 Smiths Chapel Methodist Church don. Va, where services will be, This world will never know; Bolton Mallory, 60, another Mrs. Mary Lansburgh's you Francis sister. Buyer pm. Baptist only bring for at the Mount Jezreel Arrangements made by the John- held on Sunday. May 25. at 2 If tears could home. Church, and E sts s e mould been lona journalist Fisher of Denver, ftth Inter- son Ac Jenkins runeral Home. pm (daylight saving time*. Inter- 1 You have here author and who Colo. Milton Weinreb. 48. an asso- (?hase; his father. Sidney Wein- ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. ment in Lakewood Cemetery, Hamil-; ago. edited the old Life maga- Services will be held at 10:30 23 , HILL. BESSIE S. on Thursday. Mar ton. Va. 26 You had a smile that everyone once ciate buyer for Lansburgh's de- reb. of 3636 Sixteenth street DR 77. 1968. BEBSIE 8. HILL, beloved loved. zine, died yesterday in Roose-j am. Monday In the Deal of DAVIDSON. EDWARD YOUNG. wife E Roy TEREBA. at as partment store, died yesterday N.W.; a brother, Seymour, Thursday Msv 22. 1958. at the; of the late Hill and I O'BOYLE. MARY On Thurs- A heart true eold: On mother of Mrs Ruth . day. May 22. 1958. MARY TERESA those who knew and loved you. velt Hospital after a short ill- funeral home. 4812 Georgia 2209 Prichard Silver Masonic and Eastern Star Home., Bounds and! To memory grow at Suburban Hospital. His road. 6«)o<> New Hampshire ave ne . DR E Burns Hill: slater of Mrs. Hattie! O'BOYLE. beloved wife of the late Your will never ness. The cause of death was avenue N.W. Burial will be in Baldwin. Beall and J. O'Bovle and mother of home at 2221 Washington Spring, and a sister, Mrs. EDWARD YOU N O DAVIDSON. BrashMrsearsMaude Ben-t John old Arlington Cemetery. was Billy and: Jamln Prlends may call Mrs Patrick J Loftus. Julia M., LOVING HUSBAND. DAUGHTERS. not disclosed. Walker, of 3108 Wood- of Mrs. Castell - avenue. Silver Spring. Charles 4rs. Dorothy O Pitser. brother of at the Donaldson Funeral Home. Stephen H. and James J O'Boyle BROTHER. SON IN-LAW 313 Talbott ave.. Laurel. Md. Fu- She also is survived by eleven ORANDCIIILDRKN AND OREAT- . ley road N.W. father>r. Albert S Davidson. Services, neral services at St. Philips Epis- grandchildren. Relatives and friends GRANDSON Mr. Weinreb, who had lived j at the S H Hines Co. Funeral! _ 14th on Mon- copal Church on Saturday. May 74. may call at the Gasch Funeral H. In Washington area ! Funeral services were sched- Home. 2901 st n.w.. at 3p m Ivy . Hyaits- DORSEY. WILLIAM lovlnf in the since' day. May 28. at 11:30 a m (park-i Interment Hill Ceme- Home. 4739 Baltimore ave memory of my dear father. WIL- today tery. w ville, Md.. after 8 pm Friday,; DORSEY, departed 1932, operated ladies specialty uled at 1 p.m. at the ins facilities) Interment Olenwood 1 Mav LIAM H who a Cemetery Contributions to the jHOILE. 23. until 10:30 a m Saturday. this life ten years ago. May 23, Danzansky funeral home, 3501 may HARLLS C. Os 6234 Marl- May 24: thence to the St Ambrose, shop at Thirteenth and G Cancer Fund be made as an boro pikf. HllUldt. Md., May Cheverly. 1948. Del Vecchio, 79, sympathy on 21. Catholic Church. Md.,l Domenico Fourteenth street N.W.. with expression of 25 many years 1958, brother of Sharden B Hoile. where the holy sacrifice mass TUI memory fades and life departs. streets N.W. for nieces of the my heart. DICKENS. JOSEPH H. Departed this Four and four nephews also will be offered for the repose of You Will live forever In before he became associated burial In King David Cemetery. life on Thursday. May 22, 1958.1 survive. Service* at Chambers’ Fu- soul at 11 am Interment' DEVOTED DAUGHTER. HATTIE; Hospital. neral Home. st. *.e., fount Olivet Cemetery. HALIBURTON with Lansburgh's. I ______at the District General Baturday. 517 Ilth on &er People's May pm Hardware j Founded MR JOSEPH H. DICKENS of 23 24. at 1 In- FRAZIER. CATHERINE. In lovlnc Quincy pi nw . devoted husband terment Congressional Cemetery. 23 OLIVER. GRACE D. On Thursday. memory of my dear sister. KATIE, Born in New York City, he Dickens He also | May 22, 1958. at Washington. D. C . oassed away five years Domenico Del 79, Mrs. Josephine Del of of Mrs Carrie JACOBS. PAUL M., Hr. Suddenly, GRACE D. who ato Vecchio. Vecchio. attended there and was Is survived by one daughter. Mrs. on OLIVER of 801 North today. May 23, 1953. .schools Thursday. May 22. 1958. PAUL Taylor st, Arlington. Va . wife of ; founder of the People's Hard- the home address; and a son. Psychiatrist to Talk Jessie L. Brown: a son-in-law. Mr. M Br., grant her graduated from the Massa- Brown: three grandchildren, JACOBS. husband of Rosa the late Fred Oliver and mother Eternal rest unto tou!. the | Samuel Del Vecchio, of 3512 Euaene K Jacobs, father of Mrs. June M and O Lord. ware Co., with 18 stores in Military Academy. Psychiatry's to four great-grandchildren, two broth- Brown and of Albert. Clifton Clarence Gill her nuten At contribution ers. Mr Ephran Dickens Fort Paul M. Jacobs. Jr and Mrs. Lucy Mayo She also And let perpetual light shine in Metropolitan died yester- Cummings lane, Chevy Chase, of by is Area, age he entered show Worth. Tex , and Mr Elias brother of Mrs Martin Hack of survived six grandchildren and HER W the of 17. education will be discussed by Dickens Long Island. N. Y. may great-grandchildren. BROTHER. B MAHONEY._* day at Md. of Pasadena. Calif , and a host of Friends three Friends In his home in Miami. Fla. singer call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th may call at the Ives Funeral Home, JACKSON. MARJORIE. lovlnf business as a and dancer. of other relatives and friends. Re- and . memory my dear wife and mother. arrived in Washington in surviving grand- Dr. Reginald Laurie, head may be on Saturday. st Mass ave. n.e where serv- 2847 Wilson Arlington. of He Also are four yeara later, he became viewed be Monday, May Notice of blvd.. Va JACKBON, who departed A few ay 2 pm., at ices will held on funeral services later. MARJORIE 1903 from Fiume di Italy, , the department of psychiatry Salns 24. after the Hall at 11 am Interment Fort this life nine year* ago. May 23. Nisi. daughters, Mrs. James H. buyer for the David Mill'.r Bros Funeral Home. 821 Florida Cemetery. SIMPSON. ] a ave. nw services on Lincoln 25 SARAH. On Monday. Msv 940. his birthplace. Reichert 3406 Thornapple | of 8 Funeral Bun-i 19 of always of Co. in New York. Children's Hospital, at day. 25. at 1 pm. at JACOBS, 1958. SARAH SIMPSON Though absent, she is near. up Mar the PAUL M. A called com- 10045th st. nw. beloved mother missed, very Setting his first small street, Chevy Chase, Md.; Mrs. Mount Carmel Baptist Church. 3d tcii munication of Still loved. Hill still o'clock tonight at Georgetown Eye of Perseverance Robert Anderson. Alex Simpson In 1932, he came to Wash- and sts. n w Interment Lin- Lodge. & dear: store in 1914 at 1325 B street Edward P. Cotter of 4311 Rose- coln Memorial Cemetery. 25 No 208. A F and Mrs Jennie Brass Also surviv- Time takes awav the edge of grief. ington end established the spe- ; Day School, MacArthur A M . Indian Head. Md.. ing are twelve grandchildren, other But memory turn* back every leaf. N.E., Mr. Del Vecchio scored dale avenue, Bethesda. Md.; 5005 ELIZABETH R On Wednes- 18 requested to meet at relatives and many gram dav we meet her cialty shop DRIBSEL. Cv/lm«C p.m. friends After God some which he owned boulevard day. May 21, 1958. ELIZABETH B. YfA/or the temple on Monday. 1 Friday. May 23, friends may there. almost immediate success in Mrs. Angelo D. Valenza of 5605 1 N.W. DRIBBEL Valley wood dr. ¦NX'May 26, 1958. at J) , at In heavenly peace for many years He served of 12705 NX am call the Palmer Funeral Home. Our mother rests the hardware business. In 1917 Roosevelt street, Bethesda, Md.. the beloved wife of Lt. Col. Homer lor the purpose of attend- 412 H st. n.e., wh#re services ing on Saturday. DEVOTED HUSBAND CHILDREN to a consultant with the Office of ¦ Drlssel and mother of Elizabeth J Masonic funeral services for will be held Mav *J4. ORANDCHILDREN he moved the firm Fifteenth and Mrs. Claire D. Neumann I and Geoffrey D. Dns«el. daughter Brother PAUL M JACOBS at the at 1 pm Interment Woodlawn AND Price Stabilization from 1950 Lee st. and • loving N.E., where offices Cummings of Mrs W 8 Burroughs and sister Funeral home, 4th Cemeterv. MARCEY. ELSIE V. In mem- and H streets also of 3512 lane. MONTGOMERY COUNTY of Mrs. Kathleen Bcro of Duluth. Mass ave n.e. at 11 am ory oi our dear mother. ELSIE V. were established and expansion Chevy Md., and 10 great- ' to 1952. Minn , ano Mrs Mary of ROY A LEWIS. Jr W. M SMITH. HAROLD G. On Tuesday. MARCEY. who passed away three Chase. Fisher Secy May 20. at Oeorge years ago today. May 19.55, began. buyer HURT FUND Denver, Colo. Funeral from the 1 G L. WARLICK. 24 Cx Washington 1958. 23. grandchildren. Mr. Weinreb became a W Home. Hospital. HAR- W. Deal Funeral 4812 OLD SMITH, husband Bhe was lust a plain dqar mother. arrangements for Lansburgh's in 1953. He 10 z 60M Georgia ave nw . on Monoay. Mav JENNINGS. ANNIKBFLLL. On Tues- G. smile each day. The merchant was a member Funeral are 1 was 3745 , Kanaingfon, K):30 Ar-. day. May 20. ANNItBELaE dv/iiV# *>l the late Margaret Ora With her lovina Howard Ava Md 28. at am. Interment 1958. i and of Ella Always trying to do for others of Anacostia Lodge No. 21. being made by the Hines fu- an'• associate buyer of major, lington National Cemetery. 2.» JfcNNINGS Os 4529 41st ave.. North Smith father she Journeyed on her way. GRATEFULLY Brentwood, Md beloved wife of 'VyX Jean Oroenwoldt of As FA AM. neral hotne, 2901 Fourteenth i appliances at the time of his Sunday. May Jennings XX Margie Just when sweetest. DUPREE. THOMAS. On Cheater A tnd sister oi Head. Md.. Mae life was ( ACKNOWLEDGES GIFTS at District General Mrs Mary and Mrs Jett of McOregor. Tex Inez Marie you always did your best* He is survived by his widow. 'street N.W. death. 18. 1958. the D. Thomas Dayton. And RECEIVED IN MEMORY OF Hospital. THOMAS DUPREE of 3023, Gladys Hobbs Also surviving are Howard of Ohio: Harold The gates of Heaven opened. Stanton rd s.e., beloved father of and many O Smith of Waco, lex : John P And Ood took you home to rest He was a member of the Arlsnne Ayplemen other relatives friends Ohio, T/Sergt Beniamin F. Thomas and Moses After 1 p m. Friday. May 23. friends Smith of Dayton. and If ever a love existed. iIndian Spring Country Club. Celle R Gellefher Dupree. Mrs Rosa Taylor. Mrs are invited to call at her late Skyler E Smith of Edenton. N. C.l If ever a sweet flower grew. Joseph W. Lansford Katie Vick aud Mrs. Addie Whitby residence. Funeral at 1 pm. Satur- Funeral services at the Huntt Fu-: If ever a soul filled its mission on He Is survived by his widow, Leo MrNamee He also leaves many grandchildren, day, May 24. at Brentwood Method- neral Home. Waldorf. Md.. on Batur-j earth. Christine Orslnyer great-grandchildren, other relatives ist A. M E Zion Church. 41st ave day. May 24, at 2:30 p.m. Inter- Dear Mother, it surely was you Mrs. Lola Weinreb, and a W. Wallace Robertson and friends. Prlends may call on and Webster st.. North Brentwood. ment private. 24 Rodney Coggin, ; Thomas A. Snyder p m., M. Friday. May YOUR LOVING CHILDREN Head daughter, Ann, of the 23, after 4 at the Mo Interment Harmony Cemetery. 1 home! above residence Funeral services Arrangements by McOuire. SMITH. MARGARET FULLER. On MARCEY.i ELSIE V. In loving mem- "Toward the Conquest of on Saturday. May p.m., Inc. 23 Wednesday. May 21. 1958. MAR- ory of my V address; a son, Neil, of 4750! 21. at 1 at 6708 1 beloved wife. ELSIE the Southern Baptist Church. 134 L , GARET FULLER BMITH of MARCEY. who passed away three Chevy drive, Heart Disease" JONKH. WILLIH W. On Thursday. Forest Hill dr. University Park. < Chase Chevy; nw. Elder Cooper officiating, May 22. at Hospital. years ago today. May 23. 1955. And Founder of Phone Firm 1958. Doctors . wife of the late Walter Jtnterment Woodlawn Cemetery. Ar- WILLIS W. 3005 Md beloved was call • JONES Os Bouth Bad and sudden the rangements by Alexander S, Pope. N. Bmith and mother of Mrs. Wells Glebe rd , Arlington. Va . beloved Himnaton She also is survived For the one I loved so dearly. WARSAW. Va.. May 23 (A*).' Northern Neck State Bank Sr. husband of Evelyn D. Jones and by two grandchildren. Ann and My heart still grieves for your love. andij ELLIOTT. REV. WILLIAM JAMES. so me —Rodney Myers Coggin. 62, the Virginia Travel Council. On Wednesday. May 21. 1958. REV brother of Mrs Len Millard of Oeorge Bmith. Services at the That was dear for i J TAKOMA . Whitewater, Wis. Services at the Funeral Balti- Your memory is a keepsake WILLIAM JAMEB ELLIOTT. 8r of 8 H Gasch Home. 4739 part: founder and president of a He had been chairman of the!l Sherwood Forest. Md . beloved hus- Hines Co Funeral Horne. more ave., Hyattsville. Md , on With which I will never Avers) 2901 14th st. on Saturday. Saturday. May 24. am There's never a day that toe* by telephone company serving a County FUNERAL HOME band of Cornelia Elliott inee May 24, n.w.. at in Richmond Democratic of Evelyn at 2 pm. (parking facili- Relatives tnd friends invited In- Without a thought of vou. my dear. k/^hA«MMNTS1 1 and beloved father Mrs ties). love, Virginia many Walters, r.. Interment Kenosha. Wls. terment Oeorge Washington Ceme- For your deeds and kindness 1 dozen Tidewater coun- i Committee for years. J. Arthur Owner Nelson. William J.. 1 and Paul they HT1 *65 may tery. Were so lovely can never be at ' M Elliott Friends call at JONES, I 23 compared. ties, died of a heart attack Maude J. Walters the Hopping & Kirkley Funeral WILLIS W. On Thursday. Survivors include the widow.il Home. hwy. May 22. 1958, at Washing- I STANCLIFF, CHARLES A. On Thurs- Ood has you in His keeping. his home here Wednesday. y tMARkpS^ William S. Manager 421 Crane se. Olen: day. May For He know* what Is Mrs. Clafa Morgan Coggin; a Clark. Burnie Md . on Thursday, May 22,1 ton* D. C. WILLIS W 22. 1958. at hi* residence. best. I 3to pm JONES, member oi Co- White Point. Leonardtown. Md . Though vou still linger in my hart. A service was to be ( daughter, Mrs. Robert Sanders; ,FALVEY from in The Rev. El- biJ 41 forget you. my dear . funeral I 254 Carroll St. N W will repose in state in TjKH H lumbia Typographical CHARLES A STANCLIFF. beloved! I will never and ¦ liott the IslI conducted at 2 p.m. today at sons, Olen Burnie " V\vmr J*m Union. No. 101, anu the husband of Mrs Violet M Stancliff belover. wife two Marshall Coggin and I RAndolph Methodist Church on of Jacqueline HUSBAND, LtiRANITE CO. INC. I 6-5200 Friday May 23. from 10 am to Linotype Night Chapel. and father Mrs. M YOUR LOVING LAW- St. John’s Episcopal Church Younger J. Coggin, all of War- -i*B6 1 p.m. at which time services will Government Printing Of- Kldwell of Silver Spring. Md.; C RENCE mI \Wk httUitM | Large parking facilities directly resting at the 8 H Leonard and Richard H Btancllff j loving where Mr. Coggin was a mem- , saw; a WAX LmiAaiifttrniocTKw Ff held . Interment Olen Haven fice Remains MERRICK. MINERVA. In mem- sister, Miss Anne Mae I opposite Memorial Park 23 Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th of Lanham. Md.; brother of G ory of my dear mother. MINERVA ber of the vestry. Burial was Funeral Home ; st n w Services will at Elmore Stancliff He also is sur- MERRICK, who passen away to; Coggin. Richmond, and four JOHN be held by grandchildren six- I T. Suddenly, on the above funeral home on Satur- vived seven teen yeara ago today. May 23, 1942 be in the church cemetery. Tuesday. May 20. at his day. pm Inter- Friends mav call at the Lee Funeral grandchildren. Eye 1958. rtsi-' May 24. at 2 Loving memories never die J?nce, 5 st. n.e . JOHN T ment Graccland Cemetery. Racine. Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e A native of Branchville in SSH=HHSHSSH—SSBaSSH WOOD, beloved of Mary of funeral As years pass on and days pass by; KilroyEL husband Wis Notice later. Although sun for each El wood and father of Ann ROBERT TAUB, Presldrnt. life's must i Southampton County, Mr. Cog- Louise Lanahan. Mary Mar- WKINRER. MILTON. On Thursday. set. garet Bruce. HAROLD B HUGHES. V Pres. Those we love never for- gin came to the Northern Neck Mundell. John T. ir ; Wil- JOSEPH Z. I.INB. Beer -Trea, May 22. 1958. MILTON WEINREB whom we 1 Anyone liam. Robert and Michael Elwood of 2221 Wa/hlngton ave., Silver in 1918 as manager of the old TRUSTED Spring. Md . beloved husband of ; Funera from the T. F devotld DAUGHTER. MAGGIE• Costello JONES, WILLIS A .pedal com- Lala Welnreb and devoted M. RIVERA Northern Neck Telephone and Michigan Rites Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol - W. father _ it., on Saturday. May 24. at 9:30 a Interment Oak Hill 2224 Wisconsin ave n life is a beautiful memory. of Warsaw 12! Crematorium Cematary. w.. after His silent years ago merly taught psychology at FUNERnI DIRECTORS 7 pm Thursday. May 22. Fu- His absence mv grlet. and served as one of ; the! St and neral services at the above funeral He is asleep in God's beautiful University Michigan. Gavurieoae. 4th Uau An NX 3-5701.1 On Thurs- of Burial imc U KELLER. CHARLES O. home on Saturday. May 24. at 11 garden the town’s first councilmen. He ¦ ' day. May 77, 1958. at hit resi- a m Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme- In the sunshine of perfect peace. was a former vice president also will be in Ann Arbor. FUNERAL HOME dence, 1311 Columbia rci. n.w..! tery. DEVOTED WIFE. FUNERAL DISECTOR6 CEMETERY LOTS KELLER, beloved hua- 23 Holf Century of Moderate Prices CHARLES O SIMMONS. in loving and a director of the Virginia Mrs. Colby's family has NATIONAL band ol Lillian W. Keller, lather WIDMER. lI'ETTA M. The officers ELIZABETH. 1754 PENNSYLVANIAAVE N W MEMORIAL PARK—3-alt* Wolyerton of 1 memory oi our loving mother. , State Chamber of Commerce, quested that contributions in lot. nr Fountain of Faith, will sac- of Mrs Rena Wood- V sd *s