A-28 •• THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. natT. MAT M. 1888 Bratlia Donald Kovacic Dies; Heniy W. Fisher, ! Dr, Edward Y. Davidson, 97, (Barb of Shanke Orates Ex-Fiscal Officer ! Henry W. Putier. 47, a former J Practiced Till 4 Years Ago Ralauvaa friends may call at 'budget and; jo ezpree, aineert and News officer of the Pood Young •Wit uielr UtoaU AP Editor Here Dr. Davidson, (rqtUuAe the Chevy Chase punaral Home. Drug suffered Edward 1M •*#» la the reletlaee Aina Wisconsin BN. B•. where Admlnlatration. a jHWiMin m mm IrMfi held Ry tha A.aectatad Brass a District Medical Soclrty U»|| aaeraiaionl of Jm aerviae. win ba an Baturdar. fatal heart attack Wednesday kind aenMUtl. IpiiSSll , •*,,, leader and Washington'a nidi nqwera ulnrtim donation, Donald O. Kovaclr. nrwa edi- Mr. Piaher. who had been ; old- ud aerviee their b*- * as S 1 WKrodk’a Ji.hi.l.?"ca«.l!h practicing physician durini reeeal .r.h/H* tor of the Waahinfton Bureau with the Pood Drug Ad- );eat until I.OMA k (MABLEa A. On Mondaj. and ' his retirement four years ago. \ lilja TSaIII* MUMDtLL AND FAM- fun.rai Hiticw at to am Batyr- r, of the Aaeoclated Preaa. died ! ministration since 1929. was m dar. Mar 34, »» Bi Alo.alui : ,«pi,Tcj.‘Ate ' died yesterday at the Maaonlc SL. C.8.- «r A fc2a today. He waa 46. to retire in March m Church lnl.rm.rl Cadar Mill as 1530 Oatea at n.aTbeiovad hus- forced be- Eastern Star Home. He d band of Mra Lula Lanina and Death waa attributed to can- cause of 111 health. and Dratljfl 121ns I. DOLPHIN. R« Ban 13 1 father of Barbara Ann Lambs Also waa 97. aurvlvlna arr two sister., Mr. Maude cer of the liver. He had been He was born in ' Tu.tter, Lockhaven. Dr. the kNNia. JAMS*. On Mar 70. Roes and Mra Marv Lewis: many 111 for more than three wee lea Pa., and had attended the,;; Davidson waa oldest manat, aannawa. aaa.taa and oihar living member of the society, Fa Jr f relative* and frianda After 3 am, | and entered a hospital May 14. St layer College of Accountancy. M I Friday, May 75. frianda mar aall “which he headed in 1916. He Mr Z , | al ala lair raaldana*. Punaral Members of the Associated Mr. Fisher Is survived by his; iMMi r. ANmu. mother M aarvlera an Saturday May 54, at maintained a wife, 'became a member in 1906. and TVm| jV Pal rick Ahrcn* deuehtrt ol Ctierlea Ttiirna fantar. MMB MM J«Hl| Press staff had Dureda Fisher es 4116 ’ In planning the construe- A and Jhe law Ilia Mila PhUlipM. Caaii. Alto .HrrlviM art twa ala- a(*Onl. 1475*Park rd n w.. TOSS' 24-hour-a-day vigil outside his Forrest drive, Alexandria; a son. led eleter at peirt A. rhiliiM*. Retina* l*r«. Mra Marr C Jack.on and ! II Bamutl Ktlaay JpMlaUgi Inter- tlon of society headquarters arc incited la call at tile Betheaie., I Mr. Badi. tad.a and ouwr rat*- ment Arlinaton National Cemetery hospital room since his condi- v H' Terrence H. Plsher of Durham, j Chary Cnace funeral Home of Rob- , IT*., and man. (rwada Alter « M by Henry 8. Wi>hine- Saturday, • at 1711 M street N.W., where ert A. Pumphrer Betheeda kid. on' pm Prtdar, tion became critical N. C : a daughter. Mrs. Angelo (rant Mar *S. Frtanda mar, ' portrait hangs today. Friday. StU 7 pm until' call at hU lat, whar, I re- hla rray.ra rf.ld.nc. ready to offer assistance if Karadtmos of Bsn Diego, Calif., I I will ba aaid at sno am.l LOMAX. ( HAkira A aratlon of aor- , , quested. and three grandchildren. Held Order es Merit MUif’.h'ef.tMteVir^n.WChurch. Soul Western eve. on V,"th. W,.r Saturday. May 74, «here requiem th..V'™‘churh' Mr. Kovacic was born in Also surviving are a the »11l irltlol.51 Md’ P Tin. 77 Urnm brother. 1 In 1941 aoclety awarded be offered at It* am | Bolt adkalallak lnt.rm.nt Mom. ,, n Wyo. He was edu- Oerrold and rtaaanterment Cadar Hill Cemetery S 3 C.m.i.rr Arranttmanu kr RaUat .°. Cambria. E. Plsher. a sister. ¦ him it* Order of Merit for B. •Lvrridiy. cated in that State and joined Mrs. Robert White, both outstanding Thuraday. May nw. until Kvf?Ml? 23. of “long and aerv- •ALL. HABIT I. On 2 dm, Fun»i%l *#rvic#s tt f MBBT. rRABLB* P. Oa Thurtdar. the staff of the Sheridan Upper Darby. Pa. community. Mar 37. lukk. 'I th# Church of God in Christ. 1435 loe" to hla The or- ¦ m al hli rtald.net. rgrk r<f nw. nnTtoturditF.Tigy 24. (Wyo.) Press as a cub reporter Funeral services will be held ganlaatlon established at 130 nm. Int#rm#nt I alao a II Csmrtsry Monday.ArllAftonMay the day graduation from at 2 p.m. today at Demalne's Nstiontl on after 1 Davidson lecturer In hla honor, DR. Z. Y. DAVIDSON SdMiMEp high school. funeral home. 620 South Wash- ' for the member who submits creat Heknu. ltd.. and Larrance, Ha aSn It aurvlvad br four arand- At the age of 21, he was ap- DONALD O. KOVACIC ington Ball Ttralnla at ehUdran pn.nd. mar call at ih. street. Alexandria. annually the beat medical re- study and waa graduated from of Service* the' I Carroll 4 H Hlnea Co funeral Home.; Takoma Punaral Horn.. 734 LUCKBTT, Thurtday. pointed city editor of that Burial will take place tomorrow paper. 5»01 14th at non Saturday. HELEN C. On brook Club In Kensington and r search Columbian (now Oeorge Wash- Mar at (partial paper. 1 in Lockhaven. years 24. lt am. It-1 an Holy For almost 60 Dr. Dav- jinllaai. Interment RocA Creek tartan Church Baturdar. Mar Sprint. In 1637, he was emplov-d hy Redeemer Pariah. ington) University. Cemetery. 74. at 11 am tnlarmMit O.ora. Franklin ava. Him Md. idson practiced medicine from wa.htnptan Cam.Mrr. Tak.n. at balovrd wife ot Oaorg* W Lucktit. the Associated Press and ap- Competence | During War II armpathr mar e. aspraaaad mother of Raymond L. and Harry Praised jhis office at 512 East Capitol World I and hr da- f Luckatt trandmotnar of Caro- pointed to a position in Kutw» I |ailon. to JM American Calcar lyn, Owrndolyn, Dianr. Marian and Alan J. Gould, executive edi- 'street. Although he devoted he waa a draft board medical j LuoSatt: alttar of Edaar City. Pa?Mla Frianda : tor of the Associated Press, most of his time in later years examiner. fAHSand Baruie. KB BBT. CHABLBB P. A taacill com- Conover mar eall at the] Ceraon Jr 8 H Hlnra Co Funeral Rome, 79U1 Transferred Here this message to Mr. to study and consultation.. leo aurvlylna are two autera. two /v mumcatwn of Takoma 14th ,i n.w. altar 5 pm. Friday. wired Dr. Davidson began practic- rotheri three arandchlldren. a Kovacic s Washington friends: many long-time patients con- {Johnnyrented I . 'lor May 7:1, whirr iirvlcaa will b* held In November. 1942 he was ing in 1694. When he (topped, friend. Jamrt Raper. one M la cal Sad Saturdar. on Monday. Mat 7d, it 7 om him aon-in-law. other relatlvea and Mar 74. IHftA. at hi:IB iperklnt IbcllltTaa). Interment to the Washington “Don Kovacic’s death is a tinued to come to for hia waa a landmark In • frtanda After dpm Friday. May Y am to conduct Maaonlc Na- transferred office may her Mineral Mrvlcn Liono) Memorial Park Cemetery.! heavy and grievous blow to all treatment. neighborhood changed 3.2. frlanda call at late Pys/y* far our Fall. Church. V*. 75 AP Bureau where he handled s i that had reridenre. 47 Seaton pi. nw. ft. V latt brothar CHARLCB F. 1 variety assignments. of us. Pew AP men In my mem- nr radically. people neral acrvlcea on Saturday. May HELEN, broad of War Came Close The who lived . LUCRETT. MRa. member of high 34. at I om at the Matthew Me- Orare He covering financial ory have had as respect there when he hung his shingle morial saptlat Church. 3877 Nichole Church. Silver was Dr. Davidson and the Civil the Rec. R ttprina Chtpier. Daugh- in 1944 the and regard from their col- had long since departed. v Coarr of- ter. of ihc King De- news when United War were born almost simul- «*¦*».ciatme Interment Merlon. S C riBHBB. HABBT W. On Tnuradar. ported this life on Thure- States called leagues throughout the aerv- Arran,entente made by the Johnaon Mar 33. IKS*, at tha Alraanoria an International taneously. The date was April When he was 90. Dr. David- * Jtnkina Funeral Home. 4A04 Hospital. HARRY W FISHER of day. Mav 77. 1968. at Woods. tce for qualities of exceptional, Oeorala ave. n w. + Mav perpetual light shine conference Bretton him the place son. reflecting his own career, 4IIH Porraat dr, Alraandrla. Va upon her. 10, 1861. For of Durada N. H., make postwar finan- leadership and competence, In- 1 E. •EACII. BSSIB T. Suddenly, huaband Plther. lathar to was Petersburg. Va. To the remarked: “Man's first Instinct Wedneeday. May on ol T.rr.nct H. PUh.r and Mra 1 tegrity and loyalty. 21. matt. MRS LUCKETT. HELEN C. Officer, tnd cial plans. Mr. Kovacic was .should be humility ... hia nan T. BEACH of Durada M. Karadlmta. brothar of, member, of L. south at Fort Sumter the war 5400 Wheeler John Burnett “My sympathies ..
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