9460 N.E. 14TH STREET • BELLEVUE, WA 98004 • (425) 454-9536 • Fax (425) 450-3909 www.sacredheart.org February 21, 2021 OUR MISSION STATEMENT LITURGY SCHEDULE Sacred Heart Parish Sunday Mass is a welcoming Catholic community, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass which inspires faith in God, 5:00 PM Live-streamed through prayer, sacraments and service, Confessions Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM while living Gospel values, Weekly Mass as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Live-streamed Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8:45 AM st Monday Rosary 7:00 PM 1 Infant Baptism Preparation Lucy Paulsen Sunday of Lent 425-454-9536 First Reconciliation First Communion Preparation Amy Field 425-450-3912 Confirmation Preparation Andrew Morgan 425-450-3910 Marriage Preparation Fr. John Madigan 425-450-3914 OFFICE HOURS Parish “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of Closed until further notice God has come near; repent, and believe in School 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mon-Fri the good news.” PARISH CALENDAR PARISH DIRECTORY Saturday February 20 PARISH OFFICE 425-454-9536 Weekday 9:00 AM The Gospel of John by Ron Ryan—ON LINE Rev. John Madigan, Priest Administrator 3:00 PM Confessions
[email protected] 425-450-3914 5:00 PM Mass IN PERSON BY RESERVATION ONLY & LIVE-STREAM Theresa Galvez, Pastoral Asst. for Liturgy & Music
[email protected] 425-450-3906 Sunday February 21 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Mary Dickins, Pastoral Asst. for Pastoral Care & Social Concerns 11:00 AM Mass
[email protected] 425-450-3908 IN PERSON BY RESERVATION ONLY Pastoral Asst.