FEBRUARY 24, 2019 Boston Sunday Globe Metro B7 Several other New England Call todaytoconnectwitha men named in police reports SENIOR LIVING ADVISOR uKRAFT case. Among them is Henry Continued from Page B1 Heinz, 76, of Block Island. Football League, and turned at- In a telephone interview INDEPENDENTLIVING•ASSISTED LIVING •MEMORYCARE tention to the exploitation of from Sebastian, Florida, where women by international hu- he has been vacationing for de- man traffickers. cades, Heinz said he did not UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS — Learnthe different types of senior Twice between Jan. 18 and participate in any sexual activi- Jan. 22, Kraft allegedly visited a ty when he visited a massage careavailable run-of-the-mill massage parlor parlor in Sebastian for an hour- called the Orchids of Asia Day Childs Heinz long massage session. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE —Our Advisors havethe local knowledge to Spa in a seaside town of Jupiter, “I didn’t ask for sex, I didn’t help you hand-pick communities in your area about 20 miles north of the each man’s experience inside have sex, and they didn’t charge Breakers in Palm Beach. On the massage parlor. Though the me for sex,” Heinz said. both visits, the 77-year-old bil- men are identified in the affida- Heinz said that back in No- SIMPLIFY —Your dedicated Advisor will simplify your search and lionaire allegedly solicited pros- vit by number rather than vember he was in the parking help schedule tours titution from female workers name, officials have loudly lot of the Roseland Plaza shop- exploited by Chinese traffick- stressed they have video of each ping mall when he spotted a ers, according to Jupiter police of the men accused in the oper- sign for a massage parlor. His EXPERIENCE —Our Advisors help thousands of families understand The son of a dressmaker in ation. back and legs were bothering their options everyday Boston’s Chinatown, Kraft on Jupiter police charged two him, and Heinz walked in to in- Saturday again maintained si- women, including Hua Zhang, quire about a massage, he said. SUPPORT lence on the allegations, as 58, the owner of Orchids of He said he returned on a dif- —Our team ishappy to provideadditional support from prosecutors in Palm Beach Asia, as ring leaders in the case. ferent day and paid $50 in cash movers to attorneys andmuchmore County prepare an arrest war- Authorities said the sex work- for an hour-long session. He rant for him on two misde- ers were lured to the United said a woman in her 30s who meanor counts of soliciting an- States from China with the appeared to be Chinese led him other to commit prostitution. promise of receiving legitimate to a room, asked him to remove His spokesman declined to jobs in the spa. his clothes and lay on his stom- add anything beyond the state- Instead, the women were all ach. She returned to the room a There’snocosttoyou!

Central Mass Mosquito Control Metro/007/NZ Legal Notice - Aerial Application t ment issued Friday that said, but confined to their work- few minutes later, and spent a “We categorically deny that Mr. place, where they ate, slept, half-hour massaging Heinz be- Kraft engaged in any illegal ac- and served as prostitutes for fore asking him to roll over, and (857) 301-9830 tivity. Because it is a judicial men ranging in age from teen- she continued the massage, he !We’re paid by our partner communities matter, we will not be com- agers to an octogenarian, ac- said. menting further.’’ cording to the police. No fur- “It was a very good mas- But behind the scenes Kraft ther details about them, includ- sage,” Heinz said, adding that faces one of his greatest person- ing their immigration status, he saw nothing to indicate AAP Placelace for forM Moomm has helped helped over ama millionillionf familieamiliess findfi nd al challenges as he tries to pro- were available. prostitution was occurring in senior livilivingng solutions that meet their uniqueneeds. tect his image as one of the Kraft is not alone in the im- the Sebastian parlor. most prominent business lead- broglio. Nearly 200 people have “I don’t think you could get OurAr Advisorsdvisorsa arere trusted, localexperts who can help ers in Boston, and a civic phi- been charged so far in the pros- much sex for $50,” he said. youyouu understandnderstandy yourour options. lanthropist with a long record titution operation. Notable Other men charged in the of supporting causes to help among them is Kraft’s fellow case that Florida officials iden- downtrodden and disenfran- billionaire, John W. Childs, tified in the case with New Eng- chised even as he has amassed who had lived near Kraft in land connections include Kevin great wealth and fame. Chestnut Hill, and maintains a Coyne, 40, and Tim McCoy, 55, Client Name: Advertiser: Section/Page/Zone: Description: In the years before he was home, north of Palm Beach. both of Boston; Robert Ohlson, identified by the Jupiter police Childs, who at 77 is two 67, of Athol; Carl Santheson, as one of 25 men they had alleg- months older than Kraft, 52, of Plymouth; Carl Lager- edly videotaped receiving sex formed the private equity firm storm, 60, of Saco, Maine; and from the exploited spa workers, J.W. Childs Associates in Bos- Lee McChesney, 84, of Pawlet, Kraft contributed hundreds of ton in 1995, a year after Kraft Vt. thousands of dollars through bought the Patriots. Both are Sex trafficking has drawn his charitable foundations to particularly successful in highly the attention of law enforce- projects aimed at curbing the competitive fields, each in ment for many years at major sexual exploitation of children charge of multibillion-dollar sports events, including the Su- and supporting immigrants, enterprises. They have also per Bowl in Atlanta in Febru- low-income women, and needy made their marks in national ary, when the Patriots defeated Joan Lunden,journalist, best-selling author,former host of Good Morning America children from Asia. politics as major donors, with the for their and senior living advocate. In 2015, the Patriots Chari- Kraft giving to candidates of sixth title of Kraft’s table Foundation donated both parties and Childs con- tenure. In the week before the 380524 1.05 x 1.96 B&W $100,000 to the Justice Re- tributing almost entirely to Re- game, 33 people were charged source Institute, with $50,000 publicans. with sex trafficking and four earmarked for the institute’s Vero Beach police have ob- victims were rescued, federal My Life My Choice to expand its tained an arrest warrant for officials announced at the time. survivor mentoring program Childs on a charge of soliciting The problem has also caused for commercially exploited chil- prostitution, according to Ma- concern among members of dren. jor Eric Flowers, a spokesman Kraft’s football team. Both Pa- Now Kraft finds himself ac- for the Indian River County triots special teams captain cused by law enforcement of Sheriff’s Office. and defensive contributing to the plight of Childs declined to comment. tackle Lawrence Guy cited hu- abused immigrants by allegedly His attorney in Florida, Gary S. man sex trafficking as their per- patronizing a business that ex- Betensky, said Childs has not sonal causes during a fund-rais- Ownapiece ploited them. been contacted by the police, ing campaign last season in Embarrassing details of his “but we are making efforts to which they wore cleats in- alleged visits to the spa may be contact them to ascertain the scribed with their charities. forthcoming, as prosecutors nature of the accusation.” In a Slater represented the Interna- Ad Number: Insertion Number: Size: Color Type: are required to present evi- statement, Betensky added, tional Justice Mission and Guy dence to show they have proba- “Mr. Childs stands by his posi- supported the My Life My ofhistory ble cause to issue an arrest war- tion that he was not involved in Choice initiative. rant for him. The probable any criminal activity and that cause affidavit that authorities the allegation is false.” Bob Hohler can be reached at Get afront page reprintand morecelebrating drew up for seeking a warrant Seven other men with ties to [email protected]. John for the spa’s owner leaves al- New England have also been Hilliard can be reached at the big win. Nowavailable at Globe.com/Store most no detail uncovered of identified in the prostitution [email protected].


Legal Notice - Aerial Application to Control Mosquito Larvae Wellesley College will undergo acomprehensive evaluation visit March 10-13, 2019, by ateam representing the New England Commission of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schoolsand Colleges. Per 333CMR 13.04(7)(a), the Central Mass.Mosquito The Commission is recognizedbythe U.S. DepartmentofEducation and accredits approximately 240 institutions in Control Project (CMMCP) and North Fork Helicopters New England. Wellesley College has beenaccredited by the Commission since 1929 and was last reviewed in March2009. will be conducting helicop- Its accreditation encompasses the entire institution. ter applications of the bio- logical larvicide Bti to con- For the past year andahalf, Wellesley College has conducted aself-study of its own effectiveness, addressing the Commission’s trol mosquito larvae over Standards for Accreditation.Ateam of peer evaluators will visit the institution togather evidence that the self-study is thorough selected large wetlands in the CMMCP service area. and accurate. The teamwill recommend to the Commission acontinuing status for the institution. Following areview process, the The applications will be Commission will take the final action. conducted during the day- light hours from March 1to The public is invitedtosubmit comments regarding the institution to: October 31, 2019 as condi- Public CommentonWellesleyCollege tions warrant. The trade 02/24/2019 names of the products to New England CommissionofHigher Education, Inc. be used are Aquabac 200G New England Association of Schools and Colleges (EPAReg.#62637-3) and/ 3Burlington Woods Road, Suite 100 or Vectobac G(EPAReg. #73049-10). Foradditional Burlington, MA 01803-4514 information please contact E-mail:[email protected]. Tim Deschamps at (508) e 393-3055. Public Comments address substantivematters relatedtothe quality of the institution. The Commission cannot settle disputes d betweenindividuals and institutions, whetherthose involve faculty, students,administrators, or members of other groups. c4, 2019 Comments will not be treated as confidential and must include the name, address, and telephone number of the person providing uary b Febr the comments. Comments must be received by March 13, 2019. y, a Monda S 3 3 RAM IOTS 1 53 ATR Bowl P ON Super Visit bostonglobe.com/ LS haughnessy OL DanS ck niedonate STYR Pats ro Rams, tie DYNA record title old akethose A—T Patri- THE LANT .The AT soff the shelf record ight joined the undayn otsonS he winningest team sast ry,securing PartnerReinsurance Companyofthe U.S. Steeler Bowl histo iTrophy in Su per bard Los Lom ver the their sixth yo s- 3-3 victor ercede with a1 satM sRam 245ParkAve., 39th Floor,Office #39058, Angele Benz Stadium. NewListings This one will notstant go classic. into the Itat vault as an in unt-filled rock fight th New York,NY10167 was ap will best be rememberedsstaunch defense fortre- ngland’ NewE af- aRams offenseIt thatwas se 3-3 and y. Patri- cords for futilit Tom n” when ter three quarterseitope and the Theabove company has made application to the ots “brok Brady came to life and directed0-3 lead 9-yard touchdowna1 drive to a6 Patriots t. give the ams Everyday theR DivisionofInsurancetoamendtheir Foreign Company with seven minutes lef oked as if It lo ar- ie it after the five-min-kJ mightt ute mark, but quarterbacRam in the head-wup f—a —thre License to transactPropertyand Casualty insurance ed Gof y lights all night long r ounded ducktephon that was Gilmo easil aw fbyS n picked of rcatc the 4-yard lineaf (Iai thi in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. at ft. T h Gilmore called for on the ball)ye withnded 4:17 it. le t effectivel lian Edelman caugh Ju s sfor 141 yards and passe y. Any person having anyinformation regarding the named MVP of the lowest- t uper Bowl in histor Pa ingS n Fortunately for the k there are no.E styleveryone poi wins tone company which relatestoits suitabilityfor thelicense these as no tthisw n tha Patriots editio r stronger a YCHIN/GLOBE STAFF -Brady e BARR F or authority the applicant has requested is asked to lost five road games a lman underdogs for the A de pgame in K a ytoe pionshi vercame Brad duo yo S anight when both offenses But the On this dynamic SHAuGHNe notify the Divisionbypersonalletter to the yfor six storoot sputtered, rt rea bar ed cted on 10 completions,D4. pa da conne rites. Fans packe nw triots on and preparTuesday Tara Sulliva their Pa d uck boat parade Defensetriots’ dominatesdefense, shreddedagles in for ad The Pa aE B1. morning. h by the Philadelphi D2. elebrated his sixthumber Super 12 tSuper Bowl, smotheredrites. Commissioner of Insurance, radyc an the las Volinw esure [the law] doesn’t have a y TomB ’s mak the Rams, Ben ‘Let he people we serveBoston and Communit we triots quarterback eles Rams. tont Pa ybut daughter Vivian, donningsAng impac of Action for

Publication Date: This E-Sheet is provided as conclusive evidence that the adappeared in Boston Globe on date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or any way exploit repurpose content. DLER, 1000 Washington Street,Suite 810, Bowl victor ch T-CHAN uniform, seemedngland to best battered capture the the Lo thrill of the moment Te h NewE SHARON SCOT ec after ey man?’ ye rnor Ralph ‘K ing plo dGove fused ov Boston, MA,02118-6200, Besiege inia re sm n of Virg oversy ct Northam acontr ra re ce sign as tphoto- cont Stricter em to re aracis d over al school hild ca swelled yc force out thousan e graph on his medicA2. rr even if th Attn: Financial Surveillanceand CompanyLicensing kpage. just ‘person’osen wo offense, s arboo to yR ye By And s ESTAFF problemsew for yearrule GLOB Then M pe Francis becameisit the the Ara- Rules could imperil among Po ftov hrase in the venture capital busi- ey workers anxiety r within 14 days of the dateofthis notice. first pontif the birth- ere’s ap ’s so important that their boston.com/realestate Peninsula, Th erson who longtime administrato bian ap yLazar 53? Super! of Islam, as he arrivedmirates ness for ight collapse without them: “k scrounging forc warm. ace rabE sm By Ka STAFF ywith arly, pl GLOBE Foge elations busines nvicted of as- industr . ay: 37-42. in the United A rover ”The term shows,when up they in documents investcqui inred. startups, when Mond ,low id to imp rld. A4. man. geta high turnovero ouds, in ab wo raise money ould someone cord brawl decades ycare w High 51-56 me cl firms Implicit Sh of da a Mild, so with the Muslim nthose businesses ts. aschoolya esday: ,low 26-31. and whe ords also highlighttrouble one spo of the tech- sault for ned from working in child leave each ye a Tu 3-58 , former mayor osew reatest that importanter- e ban arged more th High 5 11:29 Bukele the Th y’s g tion desp go b s ch little