BIPM Liaison Report to the 35th ISO/CASCO Plenary to be held in January 2021

November 2020

BIPM Liaison Report to the 35th ISO/CASCO Plenary to be held in January 2021 November 2020

THE VISION, MISSION AND SHORT SUMMARY OF BIPM ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES OF THE BIPM DURING CONFINEMENT The BIPM is the intergovernmental organization The BIPM was able to adapt quickly to the established by the Metre Convention, through conditions associated with the COVID‐19 which Member States act together on matters outbreak in order to provide maximum support related to measurement science and to NMIs during the confinement: measurement standards. • The key activities, such as the monthly Its vision is to be universally recognised as the Circular T,1 commissioning of the KCDB 2.0, world focus for the international system of and the World Metrology Day initiative measurement. have been running without interruption – Its mission is to work with the NMIs of its by tele-working. Member States, the RMOs and strategic • The CIPM President has asked NMIs to partners world-wide and to use its international share examples of how their work is and impartial status to promote and advance supporting the fight against the COVID-19 the global comparability of measurements for: pandemic. The responses received are listed − Scientific discovery and innovation, in a dedicated 'Metrology in the fight against Covid-19' repository, − Industrial manufacturing and international trade, metrology/covid-19-metrology.html − Improving the quality of life and 2 • The CCQM developed comparison sustaining the global environment. protocols for organizing scientific comparisons to underpin testing and THE OBJECTIVES OF THE BIPM organized webinars/workshops for the expert community. A recording of the − To represent the world-wide webinar can be viewed at measurement community, aiming to https://youtube/0Jh65cEPIrI maximize its uptake and impact. • A special edition of the JCTLM3 Newsletter − To be a centre for scientific and technical focusing on reliability of measurements in collaboration between Member States, providing capabilities for international 1 measurement comparisons on a shared- BIPM Circular T is the monthly publication of the Time cost basis. Department that provides traceability to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the local realizations UTC(k) − To be the coordinator of the world-wide maintained by national institutes. Circular T provides the measurement system, ensuring it gives values of the differences [UTC – UTC(k)] every five days, comparable and internationally accepted for about 80 institutes regularly contributing clock and measurement results. clock comparison data to the BIPM. It includes also other information relevant to the computation of these values. 2 The Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Fulfilling our mission and objectives is Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM) is underpinned by our work in: responsible for developing, improving and documenting - capacity building, which aims to achieve the equivalence of national standards (certified reference materials and reference methods) for a global balance between the chemical and biological measurements. It advises the metrology capabilities in Member CIPM on matters related to chemical and biological States; measurements including advice on the BIPM scientific programme activities. - knowledge transfer, which ensures that 3 The BIPM together with ILAC (International Laboratory

our work has the greatest impact. Accreditation Cooperation), the IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) created JCTLM and recently the ICSH (International Council for Standardization in Haematology) joined this committee. One of its principle


BIPM Liaison Report to the 35th ISO/CASCO Plenary to be held in January 2021 November 2020

COVID-19 diagnostics has been published, of the General Conference on Weights and and summarizes submitted articles from Measures (CGPM). JCTLM Members and Stakeholders. The Republic of Belarus became a Member State as from 13 January 2020, after having TLM/JCTLM-Newsletter-2020-COVID-19.pdf been an Associate State of the CGPM for more • The BIPM Capacity Building and Knowledge than fifteen years. Transfer programme launched its "Remote The list of Member States and Associate States learning support" initiative in May 2020 with of the CGPM is annexed to this report. the delivery of its first on-line short course

for COOMET and its first on-line technical Liaison with international organizations exchange for CMC writers (Q/A sessions). The BIPM has a series of ongoing institutional and technical interaction with over 30 THE CIPM international organizations and international The CIPM appointed two new Consultative bodies. Committee (CC) Presidents at Session II of its Links between the BIPM and the ISO: 108th meeting in October 2019. • Dr Héctor Laiz, Director of Metrology, Quality ISO interacts with the BIPM at senior and Environment at INTI (Argentina) was level through an annual multipartite appointed as the President of the Consultative meeting at the BIPM (with ILAC and Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and OIML); • Vibration (CCAUV). Dr Laiz succeeds Dr Takashi The BIPM collaborates with ISO among Usuda, who had been CCAUV President since with a number of international 2014. organizations to support developing countries through the International Dr Martyn Sené, Deputy CEO of the NPL (UK), Network on Quality Infrastructure was appointed as President of the Consultative (INetQI) (previously known as DCMAS Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI). Dr Network); Sené succeeds Dr Wynand Louw, who has • ISO is a member of the Joint stepped down from the role that he had held Committee for Guides in Metrology since 2014. (JCGM) which promotes and maintains Both Dr Laiz and Dr Sené have been members GUM and VIM; of the CIPM since 2016. • ISO/TC 12: Quantities and units participates in the CCU; The 109th meeting of the CIPM was held on • ISO/TC 43/SC 3: Underwater acoustics 12-14 October 2020. and ISO/TC 108/WG 34: Calibration of vibration and shock transducers All CIPM Decisions are available on the BIPM participate in the CCAUV; webpages. • ISO/TC 212 participates in the CCL; • The BIPM has Liaison A status INSTITUTIONAL NEWS (Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical Liaison with Member States and committee or subcommittee for questions Associate States of the CGPM dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee) with the ISO Committees: As of January 2020 the BIPM had 62 Member ISO/CASCO; ISO/REMCO; ISO/TC 12; States, and 40 Associate States and Economies ISO/TC 43/SC 3; ISO/TC 85/ SC 2; ISO/TC 146; ISO/TC 146/SC 3; ISO/TC activities is to maintain a database of reference services 212; and materials that manufacturers in the in-vitro • Provided liaison to ISO/TC 212 WG2 on diagnostics industry can use to meet regulatory requirements for testing in laboratory medicine. ISO 15193, 15194, 15195 and 17511;


BIPM Liaison Report to the 35th ISO/CASCO Plenary to be held in January 2021 November 2020

• Andy Henson, BIPM ILC Department focal point of WG5 on coordination among IOs Director participated in ISO CASCO to better tailor the specific needs of IOs and Working Group 44 for the revision of address more in-depth IO coordination issues. ISO/IEC 17025. He remains part of the INETQI maintenance group for the standard. Independent International Organisation for World Metrology Day Certification (IIOC) and International Each year on 20 May, the world-wide metrology Certification Network (IQNet) joined INetQI community celebrates the day the Metre bringing the number of INetQI members to 14. Convention was signed in 1875. The project is Formalization of liaisons run jointly by the BIPM and the OIML. The The BIPM formalized its long-standing theme for 2020 was "Measurements for global cooperation with ITU and IFCC in June and trade". The theme raises awareness of the September 2020 respectively through the important role measurement plays in facilitating electronic signature of MoUs. fair global trade - ensuring products meet standards and regulations, and satisfying CIPM MRA and KCDB customer quality expectations. The 2020 poster was designed in collaboration The CIPM MRA is the 'Mutual Recognition with the AFRIMETS RMO and specifically with Arrangement of National Measurement AA&W Legal Metrology Egypt. The poster was standards and of calibration and measurement translated into more than 20 languages and certificates issued by National Metrology information on 23 national celebratory events is Institutes'. Participation in the CIPM MRA provided on the 2020 World Metrology Day continues to grow: it has been signed by Resource Website representatives of 102 institutes – from 62 Member States, 40 Associates of the CGPM The theme for World Metrology Day 2021 will (Morocco is the latest signatory), and four be ‘Measurement for health’ and the international organizations – and covers a collaboration will be with SASO, Saudi Arabia, further 152 institutes designated by the a member of GULFMET. signatory bodies. The OECD/BIPM joint study In respect of implementing the recommendations of the Working Group on the The OECD/BIPM joint study: The Case of the Implementation and Operation of the CIPM International Bureau of Weights and Measures, MRA a new database – KCDB 2.0 has been study describing the operation of the BIPM was developed and was launched on 29 October published on 6 February 2020 within the OECD 2019. It incorporates the CIPM MRA review initiative “Partnership of international platform and has an extended numerical search organizations for effective international rule- facility. The new web address is making” (IO Partnership). This study is It is now possible to search complementary to a series of the OECD on Calibration and Measurement Capabilities of rule-making practices of selected IOs studies (CMCs) and comparisons using a free-keyword developed during 2014-2016 for FAO, IMO, ISO, search - quick search - or by using a predefined OECD, OIML, UNECE, WHO, WTO and OIE. menu - advanced search. You may also filter on The IO Partnership is currently working on a CMC approval dates, combine an advanced Compendium of International Organisations' search with free key words, filter CMC Practices for Effective International Rulemaking. measurand values and uncertainties numerically, The Compendium will use examples from the sort results and export search results to a BIPM and from many other IOs to highlight how spreadsheet. IOs work better together and how they can A user platform with restricted access for learn from each other about best practices as creating and reviewing CMCs, and registering they go forward. The BIPM shares the role of comparisons, opened in November 2019.


BIPM Liaison Report to the 35th ISO/CASCO Plenary to be held in January 2021 November 2020

A new statistical tool was also incorporated States and Associates engage in the world-wide early in 2020. coordinated metrological system. A significant milestone was achieved for the So far, around 500 participants from 97 BIPM and the KCDB 2.0 on 2 April 2020 with the countries, covering all six RMOs, have benefited publication of a CMC for gravimetry from from the CBKT initiatives. At the time of writing, CENAM (Mexico). This represents the first CMC over 76 % of Member States and Associates that has been submitted, reviewed and have participated in the CBKT Programme (as approved entirely using the KCDB 2.0. This first trainees, lecturers and sponsors). publication clearly demonstrates the potential of CBKT activities organized during the reporting the new system. The CMC was created and period include: submitted for intra-regional review on 26 February 2020. Having completed the SIM • BIPM-EURAMET Workshop: "the KCDB 2.0", review and being subjected to inter-regional on 17-19 February 2020 at the BIPM; review, it was approved and published just five • “Optimizing the CIPM MRA - the KCDB weeks later on the KCDB on 2 April 2020. 2.0”, on 4-8 November 2019 at the BIPM; As of 5 November 2020, the KCDB included a • “Metrology for Safe Food and Feed Organic total of 25 724 CMCs including 6 441 in Analysis and Standards” Workshop, on 4-6 chemistry and biology, 3 853 in ionizing November 2019 in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia); radiation, 810 in time and frequency, etc. • There are 1062 key comparisons and 618 Important transitions in the CIPM MRA supplementary comparisons registered in the infrastructure, on 29-30 November in KCDB. Sydney (Australia); The KCDB CBKT training platform • EURAMET/BIPM Training Course “Organisation and Piloting of An offline version of the KCDB 2.0 database has Intercomparisons in Ionizing Radiation”, on been developed to support the KCDB user 9-11 October 2019 in Teddington (UK). community training events. It simulates all aspects of the CMC review and comparison In 2020 the BIPM CBKT Programme was registration processes. The CMC Writers and extended to include a "remote-learning" Reviewers are able to use the offline platform to capability, which provides on-line assistance to practice how to create user accounts; to NMI/DI staff from Member States and develop their CMCs and to submit their CMCs Associates in their involvement in the CIPM for intra- and inter-regional review; to act as MRA mechanisms. Since May 2020, six online Reviewers; to submit comparisons as a Pilot; projects have been organized involving more and finally to manage the process as a TC Chair. than 500 participants. Full details are available at:

CAPACITY BUILDING AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER (BIPM CBKT) PROGRAMME This report focuses on institutional matters The BIPM launched a new Capacity Building and during the period under review. For highlights Knowledge Transfer Programme (BIPM CBKT of the BIPM scientific programme for the period, Programme) in 2016 aimed at countries and please refer to the BIPM Annual Review economies with emerging metrology systems 2019/2020: (CEEMS). -report/ The aim of the BIPM CBKT programme is to increase the effectiveness with which Member



62 Member States 40 Associates of the CGPM (as of January 2020) (States or Economies*) (as of January 2020)

Argentina Korea (Republic of) Albania Latvia Australia Lithuania Azerbaijan Luxembourg Austria Bangladesh Malta Belarus Mexico Bolivia Mauritius Belgium Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Moldova (Republic of) Brazil Morocco Mongolia Bulgaria Netherlands CARICOM* Canada New Zealand (11 members: North Macedonia Antigua and Barbuda Chile Norway Oman Barbados China Pakistan Panama Belize Colombia Poland Paraguay Dominica Croatia Portugal Peru Grenada Czechia Romania Guyana Philippines Denmark Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis Qatar Ecuador Saudi Arabia Saint Lucia Seychelles Egypt Serbia Saint Vincent and the Sri Lanka Finland Singapore Grenadines Sudan France Slovakia Suriname Syrian Arab Republic Germany Slovenia Trinidad and Tobago) (United Republic Greece Chinese Taipei* Of) Hungary Spain Costa Rica Uzbekistan India Sweden Cuba Viet Nam Indonesia Switzerland Estonia Zambia Iran (Islamic Republic Thailand Ethiopia Zimbabwe of) Tunisia Georgia Iraq Turkey Ghana Ireland Ukraine Hong Kong (China)* Israel United Arab Emirates Jamaica Italy United Kingdom Kuwait Japan United States of America Kazakhstan Uruguay Kenya

Bureau international des poids et mesures BIPM - Pavillon de Breteuil F-92312 Sèvres Cedex FRANCE