Market Report: ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY May 2020 OceanX - Version 2.0 / May 2020 2.0 - Version OceanX featuring our local members Market Report: Oriental Republic of Uruguay May 2020 Country ProÞle: Capital: Montevideo Population: 3,449,299 Area: 176,215 km2 Official Language: Spanish, Guarani Currency Unit: Uruguayan Peso (UYU) 1USD: 44.02UYU GDP (Current, 2018) Thousands: 59,596,885.02 GDP per capita (2018): 17,278.0 GDP Growth Rate (2018): 1.6% Inßation Rate (2018): 7.6% Unemployment Rate(2019): 7.9% Tax Revenue 20.09% Imports of Goods and services ( % of GDP): 18.98 Exports of Goods and services ( % of GDP): 21 * (Source World Bank Data) General Facts: Uruguay has one of the highest levels of GDP per capita in South America and has a developing middle class. In July 2013, the World Bank classiFied Uruguay as a high-income country. By 2017, the Gross National Income per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) amounted to US$21,870. Service sector especially banking and tourism, has a larger share in the economy compared to other regional countries. In the Field of agricultural products, mainly rice, barley and wheat, corn and meat products are produced in the country, and meat products, rice, leather products, wool, Fish and dairy products constitute an important part of exports. T +41 62 544 94 10 E
[email protected] I OceanX AG, Fluhgasse 135, 5080 Laufenburg, Switzerland Corporate tax: 25% Income Tax: 0-36% Standard VAT rate: 22% EXPORT MARKET Export Trade Volume (2019): US$ 9.1461 millones en 2019 Top Commodities: Soybean, beef, cellulose, wood, beverage concentrate, dairy products, rice.