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© Resource Store Ltd Getting started with MS Excel 2013


TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... 2 ABOUT THIS PACK...... 4 WHAT IS A ? ...... 4 THE BASIC PRINCIPLE...... 5 OPENING MS EXCEL ...... 5 TASK 1 ...... 6 START A NEW WORKBOOK...... 8 ENTERING DATA ...... 8 CLOSE THE FILE ...... 10 WORKING WITH FORMULAE ...... 12 EDITING FORMULA/DATA/LABELS ...... 15 OPEN AN EXISTING FILE ...... 15 REMOVE THE CONTENTS OF A CELL ...... 17 EDITING FORMULA ...... 17 FORMULA PRACTICE ...... 18 TASK 2 ...... 20 TASK 3 ...... 21 TASK 4 ...... 22 TASK 5 ...... 23 TASK 6 ...... 24 TASK 7 ...... 25 TASK 8 ...... 25 TASK 9 ...... 27 TASK 10 ...... 28 TASK 11 ...... 29 COPYING FORMULA ...... 29 INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONS ...... 32 THE AVERAGE FUNCTION ...... 34 TASK 12 ...... 35 TASK 13 ...... 36 TASK 14 ...... 37 TASK 17 ...... 39 TASK 18 ...... 39 FORMATTING ...... 40 THEMES ...... 40 CELL STYLES ...... 40

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FONTS 'N' STUFF ...... 41 CHANGING COLUMN WIDTHS ...... 43 SUMMARY ...... 43 NUMBER FORMATS ...... 44 REMOVING NUMBER FORMATS ...... 45 APPLYING BORDERS ...... 46 ALIGNMENT ...... 47 ALIGNMENT ICONS ...... 47 ROWS AND COLUMNS ...... 48 Inserting a Row ...... 48 INSERTING A COLUMN ...... 51 TASK 19 ...... 52 PRINTING YOUR SPREADSHEET ...... 53 TASK 20 ...... 56 TASK 21 ...... 57 Supplementary Exercises ...... 58

Screenshots contained in this pack are reprinted by permission from Microsoft Corporation.

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The aim of this pack is to introduce the concept of using and caters for users of Office 2013. The pack provides the opportunity to practise the basic skills required of a competent spreadsheet user. This pack assumes no prior knowledge of spreadsheets, but does assume knowledge of Windows, keyboard and mouse skills. Sound arithmetical skills are required to become proficient in the use of spreadsheets and for this reason, this pack concentrates on building these skills WITHOUT THE USE OF A COMPUTER.

This pack provides a solid foundation for users wishing to progress to the more advanced Formula and Functions pack available from the Resource Store Limited.


A spreadsheet (also known as a Workbook) is a computer file created using a software application package such as Lotus 123, Supercalc or Microsoft Excel, for the purposes of calculation. A Workbook can comprise one or many pages, known as Worksheets. This pack will introduce you to spreadsheets using MS Excel 2013 to create single Worksheets within a Workbook1.

A variety of people will use a spreadsheet for a variety of purposes. For example, a manager of a shop may use a spreadsheet to keep track of his stocks and budget. A sole trader may keep a note of his accounts on a spreadsheet. It may also be used by some people to keep a note of household expenses. A spreadsheet can be handy for anything which requires calculation and recalculation at the drop of a hat!

The most important thing to remember when working with a spreadsheet package is that although the computer is clever and can calculate at an astonishing speed, it is really our responsibility to ensure that we provide the computer with the correct raw material. The computer is completely faithful; it will always do exactly what we ask it to. The computer will never make a mistake, but we humans just might!


Garbage In, Garbage Out

1 The Resource Store Ltd has produced a pack on working with multiple worksheets. Please contact us for further details. ©Resource Store Ltd Pack 15/292 Page 4 Getting started with MS Excel 2013


Spreadsheets all work on the basis of formulae. Data is entered into boxes called cells. These cells have reference , called cell addresses. The formula is constructed using the cell addresses, so that the answer will always be accurate, no matter what number is contained within a cell. More on this shortly. Let's have a look at the screen first of all.


 Open Microsoft Excel program and select blank workbook from the menu screen displayed A new workbook will open and you will see the Ribbon at the top of the screen. This contains Groupings of Command buttons (also known as icons) – these are shown below:


Grouping and Command Buttons

Grouping and Commands (icons)

Notice that this screen contains many of the Windows components you will already be familiar with. For example, the close button, minimise, maximise, scroll bars.

Minimise, restore and close

Ribbon with command buttons/icons Scroll bars

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Let's find out a bit more about the grid in the centre of the screen.

A cell address - also known as a cell reference - is made up of column heading and row number. For example, cell A1 is the cell contained in column A, row 1.

Look at the cell addresses illustrated below - do you understand how they are referenced?

The active cell is, by default, cell A1: the first column is A and the first row is 1. The active cell is always denoted by a heavy border surrounding it. The active cell is simply the cell which is primed to accept data. You can change the active cell by clicking on any other cell using the mouse. You will learn a little later why you might want to do this.

Active cell

Column Row numbers headings

A Worksheet contains many rows and columns, probably far more than you will ever need. The number of rows available in Excel is infinite. You can return to cell A1 at any time by pressing CTRL + HOME keys on keyboard.

Time to test your understanding, don't you think?


A blank spreadsheet is shown on the following page, use a pencil to shade the following cell references:

J6 E1 H5 120

B15 G8 C10 D8

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Now use a pen to show F21 as the active cell.

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If you already have MS Excel open and you require a new workbook click File then click New. The New workbook dialog box will open enabling you to choose from several options. Click once on the Blank workbook to open a new blank workbook. If you know that you definitely wish to open a blank workbook using the shortcut CTRL+N will open a blank workbook. If you wish to use a particular template, click on your chosen style and a dialog box will open. Click on Create and the template will open.

Click on the template – if it is an installed template then it will open

If it is an online template, then click create when the dialog box opens

Note: Excel will show the installed templates if you are not connected to the Internet, but if you are connected to the Internet then you have the option to download many templates.


When working with spreadsheets, you can enter text or numbers into cells. Each will be treated slightly differently. For example, numbers (also known as "data") will always be aligned to the right hand side of a cell, whilst text (also known as "labels") will always be aligned to the left. This is something which can be changed through formatting, and you will learn about this later. There are several ways of entering data and labels into the spreadsheet cells. Try them all out and decide which one you like best! Cell A1 should be the active cell - remember, it should have a heavy border around it if it is active.  Type "Apples" into cell A1, as illustrated

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Notice that the cursor is flashing at the end of the text. This simply means that the label has not yet been confirmed as an entry to the cell and you can easily change the entry. Click on the tick () on the formula bar to confirm the entry. The tick will turn blue. Notice that the flashing cursor disappears now, and the active cell is still A1. As far as the spreadsheet is concerned because text is a label it has been aligned to the left of the cell. Notice that the tick has also disappeared.  Click cell A2 to make it active. Type "Pears".  Let's confirm this entry using the keyboard - this time, press the ENTER key. Notice how this confirms the label in cell A2 and also moves the active cell to A3  Next, type "Bananas" in cell A3 - this time, press the down arrow on your keyboard to confirm the entry. Notice how this does exactly the same as pressing the ENTER key - it confirms the entry and moves the active cell down to the next row  A4 should now be the active cell - type "Oranges" in this cell and then press the TAB key to confirm the entry. This time, the active cell will move to the right - cell B4 should now be your active cell. The right arrow key does exactly the same as the TAB key, ie it confirms the cell entry and moves the active cell to the right  Click on cell B1 to make it active - this time we will type data. Type "100". What would you expect to happen if you pressed the ?

 Are you correct? Click it and see!  Now make cell B2 active and type "150". What will happen when you press the ENTER key?

 Press the ENTER key to confirm the entry - are you correct?  Type "76" into cell B3 and press the down arrow on your keyboard this time to confirm the entry. What cell is currently active  Now, make cell A1 active. What would you expect to happen when you press the TAB key?

 Try it out and see if you are right!  Make cell A4 active. Which key on the keyboard could you use to move the active cell to B4?

 Do this now and insert "48", making sure you confirm the entry  What do you notice about all the numbers you have entered?

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Hopefully, you noticed that they are all right aligned. This makes it easier to read the figures, because they are sorted according to the columns for Hundreds, Tens and Units, etc. Quick Reminder

Using the mouse - click on the  to confirm entry Using the keyboard - ENTER or  to confirm entry and move down a cell Using the keyboard - TAB or  to confirm entry and move to the right of a cell.


You will now learn how to close the file without saving it.  Click on FILE and select close from the drop down menu  You will be asked if you want to save the changes - click Don’t Save  The workbook is now closed, but Excel will remain open Now let‛s practise. Open a new workbook:  Click on FILE and select NEW or click CTRL+N  Enter the following data and labels into the cell addresses indicated, using any of the methods covered earlier

Let's save this work before we go any further. . Click on FILE and select Save As - the Save As pane will open

Navigate to the area where the file is to be saved

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The default file type for MS Excel 2013 is an Excel Workbook but you may wish

to choose a different type from the drop own menu . In this case choose Excel Workbook

Insert an appropriate File Name . In this case name the file Formula 1 and then click the Save button

Notice that the name appears at the top of the workbook

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Now, let's continue with this task and learn how to use formulae. The arithmetical operators are as follows:



Let's find out how to use these operators ……

All formulae must be preceded by =

This is to let the computer know that a formula will follow. Without the = symbol, the computer will think that a label is being created. The = symbol is the only indication the computer receives that a calculation has to be performed. Addition We are going to add first of all - make cell B4 the active cell by clicking on it.  Key in = to let the computer know a formula will follow.  Now click on B2  Press the + sign on your keyboard  Click on B3  Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm this If you make a mistake at any time, simply press the ESC key to start again. The answer will be displayed in cell B4 - it should be 397! NB You can also key in the cell references manually - try both methods and choose whichever method suits you best! Let's break this formula down and have a closer look …….

Required in every formula = B2 + B3

Adds the contents of cell B2 to the contents of cell B3, irrespective of what they might be

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And now for some magic!

 Click on cell B2. Type 100, then press ENTER (notice how the data you type replaces the existing data). Look what's happened in B4. The total has changed from 397 to 143!  Now type 250 into cell B3 As soon as you confirm the entry (by pressing enter, the  on the formula bar, pressing tab or one of the arrow keys), the TOTAL in cell B4 will update to show 350! The reason for this is that because the spreadsheet formula works with the cell addresses only, it does not matter what the contents of the cell are. As long as the formula is correct, the answer will also be correct. Adding the contents of cell B2 and B3 together will therefore always produce the correct answer. Prove this to yourself - try keying different numbers into cells B2 and B3 and watch the effect on the TOTAL in cell B4. Need further proof? Then let's remove the formula and key in the correct answer - having calculated it manually.  Delete the contents of cells B2, B3 and B4 - a quick way to do this is to click and drag over all 3 cells simultaneously, thereby selecting the cells, then press DELETE on the keyboard. The cells will now be empty - the data will be removed from B2 and B3 and the formula, and therefore the result, from B4.  Now key in the following data: 100 into B2, 250 into B3 and 350 into B4 Next, let's alter the contents of cell B2 - let's make it 1000 What effect has this new figure had on the result? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! The computer does not understand that you wanted to add 1000 and 250 together, because you have not told it to do this! Therefore the result still stands at 350, which is obviously wrong. Do you now understand the importance of always working with cell references in formula? NEVER TYPE THE ANSWER INTO A CELL. Similarly, you should never try to calculate with figures. You should always work with cell references. For example, if, instead of =B2+B3, you had inserted =100+250, the spreadsheet would have created the correct result THE FIRST TIME. As soon as you updated the contents of cell B2 to 1000, say, the result would remain the same, because the computer is still producing the result of 100 added to 250. Try this and see for yourself.

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 Re-enter the correct formula when you have tried this. Remember!


Let's have a look at subtraction now. Subtraction  Make the TOTAL cell for subtraction active, ie click in cell D4  Key in = to start formula  Click D2  Key in - to perform subtraction  Click D3  Confirm formula by pressing ENTER The data is D3 should have been subtracted from the data in D2 and your answer should be 635. Once again, experiment with different values in D2 and D3 and note the effect on D4. Now let's look at multiplication. Multiplication  Click on cell F4 and key in =  Click F2  Key in * to perform multiplication  Click F3  Press ENTER to confirm - the answer will be displayed as 1629 Division Finally, you will learn how to create a formula which will divide the value in one cell by the value in another.  Click on cell H4  Key in =  Click on cell H2  Key in / to perform division  Click on cell H3  Press ENTER

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The answer will be displayed as 3 of course!  Click on cell B4 - this is where the formula is contained which will add The formula is shown in B2 and B3 together the formula bar and the  Experiment now - alter any of the result in the cell data in any cell on row 2 or 3, column B, D, F or H. The formula is left intact, therefore you should always get an accurate result - look how quickly this happens!  Save the file, by clicking on FILE and selecting Save  Close the file either by selecting CLOSE from the FILE menu or by clicking on the cross at the top right hand side of the screen


What should you do if you make a mistake whilst entering the formula, data or labels?  Press ESC on the keyboard to cancel the entry for that cell  Use the backspace key to correct as you type  What should you do if you make a mistake, but don't notice it until after the cell entry has been confirmed?  Double click on the cell to "open up" the cell - make changes by using backspace key Or  Press Delete on the keyboard to eliminate the contents of the cell Let's try this out, using an existing file. Firstly, though, let's find out how to open a file. xxx


 Click on the FILE icon and select Open and the Open pane will open

If you wish to open a file you A list of recently opened files will have not used recently, appear on the right hand side – navigate to the file location if the file you require is here, click on it to open it

NB In this illustration no drive has been selected but your teacher/lecturer will tell you where your files are stored  Select the file EDIT by clicking on it  Click OPEN button

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 You will be presented with the following screen (notice that the file name is shown at the top of the workbook)

 You will notice that there is an error in the label "Expenses" in cell A1. You will now learn how to amend that entry  Double click on cell A1 - as soon as you do this, you will notice that the cursor flashes at the end of the label in the cell, allowing you to amend it.

Note: The position of the cursor will depend on where you double click.

In this case, we need only replace the incorrect character. You can use the mouse to reposition the cursor and then either the backspace or delete key to remove the wrong character (a) and key in the correct letter (e). When you have done this, remember to confirm entry.


Backspace or Delete? The position of the cursor in relation to the character(s) you wish to erase will determine whether the backspace key or the delete key should be used.

E x p a n s e s

In the example above, the cursor is to the right of the character you need to erase, therefore you should press the BACKSPACE key to remove the character to the left of the cursor.

E x p a n s e s

In the example above, the cursor is to the left of the character you need to erase, therefore you should press the DELETE key to remove the character to the right of the cursor.

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 Let's say you wanted to remove "CDs" from the list of expenses. Simply click on the cell containing this information (A2) and then press DELETE key on the keyboard  The cell will now be empty. You can now enter new information into the cell or simply leave it blank. Leave it blank for now  Next, delete the amount which would have been spent on CDs, ie the contents of cell B2. Your mini spreadsheet should now look like this


 The formula is contained within cell B5 - double click on B5 to "open" the cell You will be presented with the following screen

As well as showing the formula in the formula bar, the formula is revealed in the cell within which it is contained. You can clearly see that the incorrect formula has been entered here; B6 has been added to B4 instead of B3 being added to B4. To change this, simply remove the reference to B6 and replace it with B3, using the mouse to control the cursor position, and then using BACKSPACE or DELETE.

Click on the  or press

enter and the correct value will appear in the


 Save changes and close file

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 Open WAGES file  What you should now do is create a formula which will add the Wages and the Overtime together for each of the 4 weeks shown  Do each formula separately for now - you will learn how to copy formula later

Did you get these results?

..... and here are the formulae which created the results.....

For Your Information

You may notice that the entry in cell B2 is showing to one decimal place, whilst the entry in E2 is showing to 2 decimal places. This has happened irrespective of whether a "0" was keyed in at the second decimal place in cell B2. This is known as a trailing zero, because it makes no difference to the way in which the figure is used in calculations. The spreadsheet realises this, therefore it eliminates it. This can be altered by formatting the number to 2 decimal places. You will learn how to do this later.

Let's assume that the Wages Clerk has made a mistake in entering the wages; the wages should have been as follows:

Week 1 269

Week 2 982

Week 3 893

Week 4 821

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Please key in these figures now - remember, all you need to do is click on the appropriate cell and type the new data; this will instantly replace the existing data and because a formula is already in place, the recalculation will take place immediately. Check your results with those below …..

 Click FILE and select SAVE to save the changes to WAGES  Close file

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Here is an extract of a stock worksheet. Complete the answers in the table below.


1 Which of the following formula will be needed to do this?

a. Number in Stock + Cost per item b. Number in Stock * Cost per Item c. Number in Stock ÷ Cost per Item

2 Which cell will you click in to create a formula which will show the value of all Pencils held in stock?

3 What formula do you think will be entered to perform this calculation

4 Which cell will you click in to create a formula which will show the value of all Pen stock?

5 What formula do you think will be entered to perform this calculation

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Here is an extract from an Inventory of stationery held in the Stock Cupboard. Complete the answers in the table below.


1 Your job is to create a formula which will show the balance of stock available, after

today's issue. How would you work this out manually, if you didn't have a spreadsheet?

a. Add the number in stock to the number issued to get the balance remaining

b. Subtract the number in stock from the number issued to get the balance


c. Subtract the number issued from the number in stock to get the balance remaining?

2 On the basis of your answer above, what figure would you expect to see in the BALANCE column for Pencils? (It is always a good idea to roughly calculate what

figure you expect so that you can check if your formula is a sensible one.)

3 Which cell will you click in to create a formula which will show the balance of all Pencils held in stock?

4 What formula do you think will be entered to perform this calculation

5 Which cell will you click in to create a formula which will show the balance of all Pens held in stock?

6 What formula do you think will be entered to perform this calculation

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A School Prizegiving Ceremony is being organised. The capacity of the Assembly Hall is 100. Your task is to work out how many tickets will be available to each family of the pupil receiving a prize.


1 Which of the following calculations is appropriate here: a. Divide capacity by number of pupils b. Divide number of pupils by capacity c. Multiply number of pupils by capacity d. Add number of pupils onto capacity 2 What is the cell reference which will contain the answer to this calculation

3 What formula will you use to carry out this calculation?

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The following task tests your understanding of creating formula. You do not need to use the computer for this task. Simply write the appropriate formula in column C on the spreadsheet below. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1 Add A1 and B1

2 Subtract B2 from B1

3 Subtract from A3, B3

4 Divide A4 by B4

5 Multiply A5 by B5

6 Divide B6 by A6

7 Add A7 and B7

8 Divide A8 by B8

9 Multiply A9 by B9

10 Divide A10 by B10

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Now try this one. You will need to decide on the cell references this time to ensure that the correct calculations are performed. All answers should be placed in column C. The first one has been done for you. This task should be carried out without using the computer.

1 Divide 34 by 5

2 Add 4 and 43

3 Subtract 32 from 4

4 Divide 4322 by 33

5 Subtract 6 from 156

6 Add 65 and 12

7 Divide 23 by 2

8 Divide 6 by 3

9 Subtract from 32, 254

10 Divide 90 by 3

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 Open file called TASK 5  Key in the formulae which you created in TASK 5 earlier  Save the changes  Close file


 Open file called TASK 6  Key in the formulae you created in TASK 6  Close file, saving changes


Until now, we have been calculating with 2 data values only. When you need to perform calculations containing more values, the order of precedence becomes very important, depending on what you want to do. Try this calculation:

1 + 2 x 3 = ?

Write your answer in this box

Is your answer 9?

If it is then you are WRONG! Have a read over leaf to find out why!

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The correct answer is 7!

Some people might add 1 + 2 together to get 3 and then multiply that by 3, arriving at 9.

Did you do that? Then read on…….

The order of precedence states that DIVISION and MULTIPLICATION are always carried out before ADDITION and SUBTRACTION. There is no specific order for Division and Multiplication nor for Addition and Subtraction; calculations involving these operators are carried out from left to right in the order that they appear. Let's take a closer look …….

1 + 2 x 3

The multiplication is performed first, i.e. 2 x 3, which obviously gives 6. The addition is then performed, i.e. 1 + 6, to provide the answer 7. If you want to change the order of precedence, the only way to do it is to use brackets to force one part of the calculation to take precedence over the natural order of precedence. So, using our earlier example, if we wanted to arrive at the answer 9, we would need to force the addition to take place first. The only way to do this is to place brackets around the addition, like this: (1 + 2) x 3

which becomes

3 x 3 A good way of remembering the order of precedence is by the acronym BODMAS.

By Order of Division Multiplication before Addition Subtraction

Remember, though, that where division and multiplication are in the same calculation, the order of precedence will flow from left to right. For example: 2 x 3÷ 3 will be carried out in the order it appears, i.e. the multiplication will be done first, then the division. Similarly, if the calculation was 2 - 1 + 3, the subtraction would be done before the addition, because of the left to right rule. This may take a little practice before you are entirely comfortable with the process. Try the next few tasks and see how you get on.

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What is the answer to the following calculation:

3 + 4÷ 2 =

Explain how you arrived at this answer.

Perform the following calculations manually and jot down the answers in the space provided.

a. 100 + 3 x 4

b. 25 - 5 + 10

c. 70 + 10 2

d. (24 + 6) x 3

e. 6 - (3 + 10)

f. 6 - 3 + 10

g. 15 + (5 - 3)

h. 25 + 5 x 10

i. (25 + 5) x 10

j. 100 - 200 + 300

Did you notice the difference the brackets made to some of your results, ie between (e) and (f) and then between (h) and (i)?

Now let's do more of the same, but this time we will work with cell references.

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The following spreadsheet shows a variety of data and instructions for calculations. Your job is to write the suggested formula into the adjacent cell for each calculation. The first one has been done for you. Remember the order of precedence can be altered by the use of brackets.

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Let's put this new knowledge into practice within a spreadsheet.


 Open the file EXPENSES  Look at the content – this spreadsheet is going to be used to calculate monthly income and the reminder after deduction of monthly outgoings.  Enter a formula into cell B5 to calculate the total income  In cell B10, enter a formula to calculate total expenses and deduct this from total income  Enter this formula for the month of JANUARY only Note: you are not required to show a separate total for expenses (think BODMAS) Think about the expected answer before you key in the formula.  Is the income going to be more or less than the expenses? What kind of balance do you expect?

Make sure you get roughly the answer you would expect. If you don‛t, then you will need to check your formula. Remember, only we humans can make the mistakes. The computer is never wrong! Check your answers with the suggested solution before proceeding to the next section.


So far, you have learned how to enter formula into individual cells. Using the last task as an example, if you wanted to find out the total income and balance remaining for the months of February, March and April, you would need to create the appropriate formula to carry out each of these calculations. Fortunately, when you have created one correct formula you can simply copy the formula to other cells and it will automatically update itself relative to the cells you copy it to. This is known as a relative cell reference. Confused? Don't worry, this is best explained by way of an example.

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Here is your spreadsheet as it stands at the moment. The formula to calculate the February Income would be =C3+C4 for the March Income =D3+D4 for the April Income =E3+E4 We can copy the formula from B5 to C5, D5 and E5 and it will automatically update to reflect the column it is being copied to. Here's how …….

Click on cell B5 to make it active

 Move mouse pointer onto the small square in the bottom right corner. This is known as the fill handle  The mouse pointer will change to a small cross; using the mouse, click and drag across cell C6, D6 and E6 After you have used the fill handle, you will see a small icon like this in the bottom right corner of the last cell in the fill range.  Click on the icon to reveal a choice of 3 “fill” options as shown

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This handy feature enables you to copy the formula of a cell without necessarily copying the formatting, or vice versa. Now release the mouse button when you get to cell E5 - the Total Income for each month should now be shown as illustrated below. Let's now look at the formula behind each of these figures.

 Click on cell C5 - check the formula on the formula bar.  Notice how this ensures that the correct information is added together for February's income  Now move on to cell D5 and do the same - you will notice that it has changed to =D3+D4, therefore adding the correct data together  Finally, check the formula in E5 - that too will be correct if you have carried out this process successfully

Note: You can copy formula downwards in a similar way if necessary. Simply create the formula in the results cell of the first row and click and drag on the fill handle to copy it to other rows. This example illustrates this but bears no relation to the previous example:

Click and drag on the fill handle. Notice how the formula (cell references) change dependent to the row it is being copied to

 Now let's copy the formula to calculate the balance for February to April  Click B10 and drag handle to E10. See how it quickly calculates the balances  Check formula, then save changes and close file

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So far, whenever we have added figures together, there have only been 2 to deal with and you have simply used the cell references you want to add, with the "+" operator in between. Imagine the lengthy formula you would need to create to add, say, cell entries for each week of the year - that would require 52 rows of cell references in your formula. A good cure for insomnia! Fortunately, there is a quick way of working with this type of scenario through a special type of formula known as a function. Functions can have a variety of purposes, from calculating the total of a list, the average of a list, the minimum or maximum of a list, as well as many statistical and mathematical functions. This pack will introduce 4 of the more common functions; SUM, AVERAGE, MAXIMUM and MINIMUM. There is a wizard designed to take you through the process of setting up functions, but we will do it manually to ensure that you understand how the function is derived. SUM FUNCTION  Open SHOPLIST This spreadsheet contains a list of 10 items, together with their prices. If you wanted to find out what the total cost of these items is, you would use the SUM function. You will see shortly why it is more efficient to use this than to add each item individually.  Click in the cell where you want the total to appear, ie B13  Key in = because you are going to work with a formula  Now key in the name of the function we are going to use which is SUM. This is a keyword which tells the computer that you want to add whatever follows. Notice that a drop down menu appears with all the potential SUM functions which could be used in the formula. In this case we are simply using the basic SUM function so double click on it. You now need to tell the computer to add everything between and including B3 and B12. To do this, we need to define a range, which comprises the starting point and the ending point and the computer knows to include everything in between. There are certain characteristics which must be present for the computer to recognise a range as a range.

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For example, every range must begin and end with brackets, the starting cell and the ending cell must be included, and a colon is used to separate them, like this:


All of these components are necessary for the computer to understand you want to use a range. Put this together with the function name, and here is what you get:

Necessary – tells the computer Name of the The range – this tells the to expect a formula/function. function – the computer to add everything If you did not include the =sign Sum function between and including B3 the computer would think you tells the and B12. Remember, the were typing a label SUM and computer to add brackets and colon are would not expect to perform a whatever range essential parts of this range calculation is given

When we double clicked on the SUM function, the opening bracket automatically appeared.

Key in an opening bracket ( Click on cell B3

Key in a colon :

Click on cell B12 Key in )

Press Enter and you will see the range appear in the the formula bar and the result in the cell

Manually entering cell references can lead to errors. There are another 2 methods of entering cell references which are less likely to lead to an error.

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Method 1  Enter the = sign, followed by the function SUM. Check that the opening bracket has appeared  Click on the first cell in the range (B3) and then holding down the mouse, drag to the last cell in the range (B12)  Enter the closing bracket  Click on the tick in the formula bar or press enter to accept the formula Method 2  Ensuring that B13 is the active cell, click on the AUTOSUM button on the Editing Grouping on the Home tab and select SUM from the menu  This will tell the computer that you want to add a range - the computer looks for the nearest range and "selects" it, as illustrated by the dotted lines.  If you are happy with what has been selected, press ENTER to confirm the range  If you are not happy with what has been selected, press ESC to end the selection altogether. Click Autosum button and use your mouse to click and drag over a different range to select a different range For Your Information

The AUTOSUM button also works with horizontal ranges.

It looks for a range immediately above first, if it does not find this, it will then look for a range to the left.


Now that you have been introduced to the SUM function, let's see how easy it is to adapt what you have just learned to find the average of a range of cells. Firstly, though, let's make sure you know how to find the average of a group of numbers manually. What is the average of 10, 15, 50, 5? How did you arrive at this answer? In the example, you should have added all 4 numbers together and got 80. You should then have counted the number of occurrences, ie how many numbers you added, which was 4. Dividing the total 80, by the number of occurrences, 4, gives you 20. Using the average function on the computer does all of the adding and dividing on your behalf. You need only state that you want to find the average (by using the AVERAGE function) and then state the range of numbers you want to find the average for.

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Let's find the average cost of an item on the Shopping List.

 Click in cell A16  Key in "Average Cost"  Now click in B16  Key in the following function


 Select Average from the drop down list (by double-clicking on Average) and the opening bracket will appear  Specify the range you want to work with, ie B3 to B12, and close brackets Your completed function should look like this:


Take care not to include the cell containing the total in the range. This would obviously impact on the average result.

 Confirm your function by pressing ENTER  The average figure should now show in B16, as illustrated

You will learn a little later on how to format the numbers to ensure that they show to 2 decimal places. Your next task is to find the maximum and minimum value in the list, using the MAX and MIN functions.


 Choose a suitable cell to display the minimum value in the list  Label the cell appropriately and key in the correct function to ensure that the minimum value in the range is shown - function name MIN  Repeat these steps to show the maximum value in the list - function name MAX Did you remember to exclude the total from the range?  Save and close the file

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This task will test your understanding of formula and functions. Your task is to write down the most efficient formula or function to carry out the following calculations. You will be told which cell the answer should appear in. You do not need to use a computer for this task – complete the answers on the grid below. a. In cell C1, insert a formula which will add together the contents of A1 and B1 b. In cell C2, insert a function which will find the maximum of all values in the range A1 to B8 c. In cell C3, insert a formula which will subtract the contents of B3 from A3 d. In cell C4, insert a formula which will subtract from A4 the total of B1 and A3 e. In cell C5, insert a function which will add all numbers in columns A and B f. In cell C6, insert a function to find the average of all numbers appearing in columns A and B g. In cell C7, insert a formula which will add A7 and B7 together, and multiply that result by A1 h. In cell C8, insert a formula which will add A1, A4 and A8 together

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This task involves you looking at formula and functions and trying to determine what is wrong with them. There is at least one mistake in each of the following. You should always look for the most efficient way of constructing formula and functions. Your job is to identify the errors and enter the corrected formula in the space provided.






The following formulae have been entered into a spreadsheet by a member of staff who has just returned from spreadsheet training. Your job here is to check if the following formula will satisfy the calculations listed below. If you find anything wrong with the formula then you should re-write it in the space provided.

1 Subtract 3 from 54 and add the result to 26

2 Subtract from 899, 83 and multiply by 32

3 Divide 93 by 32 and subtract 89

4 Multiply 2 and 3 together and add to 893

How did they do? You have now reached a stage where you should feel a bit more comfortable with formula and functions, and should hopefully have learned enough to begin building your own spreadsheets from scratch. The following task concentrates on just that. You will need to think very carefully about how you construct your formula based on what your spreadsheet needs to do. ©Resource Store Ltd Pack 15/292 Page 37 Getting started with MS Excel 2013


1 Create the following spreadsheet, making sure you enter the correct data and labels into the cells indicated below

Please note that the tax and N.I. figures are completely fictitious and should be typed into cells as indicated; there are no formulae providing this data. 2 Insert a function which will add the Gross Pay, Overtime and Allowance for week 1 only 3 Copy this function across the other 3 weeks – remember the fill handle? 4 Check each formula to ensure you have done this correctly 5 Now repeat these steps to calculate the deductions for each Week, ensuring that the total deductions are inserted into the appropriate row 6 You will now need to calculate the Net Pay for Week 1 – this is the amount of pay an employee will take home after tax, national insurance, etc. have been deducted. What formula do you think you will need here?

7 Key in the formula for Week 1 only 8 Copy the formula across the other 3 weeks 9 Save your spreadsheet as WAGESHEET 10 You have just been told that the tax figures are wrong – can you replace the existing figures with the following, for Weeks 1-4 respectively 140, 160, 101 97 Hint: Click on one cell and type new figure. Then click on next cell and type new figure. 11 Check your answers with the suggested solutions and close spreadsheet, saving changes

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1 Please create this spreadsheet Remember that the decimal places will show only if required, ie any trailing zeros after the decimal point will not show until formatted in a special way. You will learn how to do this shortly. 2 Bob wants to do a quick check to find out how much money he has tied up in stock. How will you work this out?

3 Create formula which will show this information - remember, you need only create the formula once, then copy it down using the handle as illustrated below:

4 Click handle and drag down over the cells you wish to copy formula to 5 Now create a formula which will show the total value of all stock 6 Save this file as TOOLSTORE 7 Close file


1 Please create a spreadsheet which will show income and expenses over a 3 month period as shown here 2 Enter formulae which will allow you to show the balance remaining from income received each month. What formula and functions will you need? Plan this out on paper thinking about it logically – remember cell references 3 Save the file as MONTHEXP and close the file

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Until now, we have concentrated on getting the spreadsheet right arithmetically. Now it is time to turn our attention to the appearance of the spreadsheet. In this section, you will learn how to enhance the data and labels in your spreadsheet by applying bold, italics, underline, by formatting numbers to show £ signs and 2 decimal places. You will also learn about very useful features – THEMES and CELL STYLES - which will allow you to dramatically alter the appearance of your spreadsheet in seconds! You will learn how to insert/delete rows/columns and how to expand and contract the existing columns to accommodate additional information.


A theme is used to change the overall design of a workbook including the fonts, colours and effects. Let‛s try it.

1 Click on FILE and select New 2 Select the TIMECARD template from the installed templates options 3 On the PAGE LAYOUT tab, in the THEMES grouping, click Themes and a drop down menu will appear displaying the available inbuilt themes 4 Run the cursor over each one and notice the changes which are made to the worksheet 5 Select the Facet design 6 Close the workbook without saving the changes


Sometimes it may be more appropriate to apply a style to a range of cells. A style can involve altering the background colour of a cell, applying a format to a cell or even altering the heading style of a cell. Lets try it.  Open Workbook EXP1  Select cells in the range A1 to D18 by clicking and dragging from A1 to D18 inclusive, as shown  On the HOME tab, in the STYLES group, click Cell Styles  The Styles dialog box will open

©Resource Store Ltd Pack 15/292 Page 40 Getting started with MS Excel 2013 c As you pass the cursor across each style, the selected cells will automatically alter to preview the style. It will only be applied if you click on the style.

 Apply the 40% - Accent5 style  Highlight only cells A3 – D3 and apply the Heading 1 style to them  Highlight only cells B7 – D7 and apply the Total style to them  Highlight only cells B16 – D16 and apply the Total style to them  Highlight only cells B18 – D18 and apply the Total style to them  Save the changes and close the workbook


Before we go any further, you will need to identify certain elements of the HOME tab. Open a new blank workbook and then use the ScreenTips to find out the purpose of the following buttons (just hover the mouse over the button and the ScreenTip will appear to describe the purpose of the button). For each button below, write down the Grouping it is on and its purpose.

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You can enhance your spreadsheet by altering the appearance of the text (known as the font) by changing the font style and size used. This is easy to do, as long as you remember that you must tell the computer which piece of data you want to alter. Once you have told the computer what to alter, you then give the instruction to alter it. Let's investigate how to do this.  Open GROCERIES Workbook  Select the heading SHOPPING LIST by clicking on the cell containing it, ie A1 Font styles are dependent on your computers Look at the FONT grouping on the HOME tab. Find the menu for the available font styles

 Click on the arrow to reveal the fonts available - scroll through the list and click on a font of your choice. The heading will now be formatted using this font style NB When you place the cursor over a font style, the selected text will preview the style allowing you to see it before selecting it  Whilst that cell is selected, let's alter the size of the font. Click on the down arrow to the right of the size option - the bigger the number, the bigger the font will be. Choose 20 from the list You should instantly see that the font has increased (again this will preview as the cursor passes each number)  Let's also apply BOLD and ITALICS Once again, you will need to select the cell containing the data or label you want to format, in our case it is still A1 and this should already be the active cell.  Now click on the BOLD button to apply that format to cell A1

 Next, click the ITALICS button to apply italics to A1 Be aware that you are applying the format to the cell only, not to the contents of the cell. This means that if you delete the contents of the cell, the formatting will be left behind and will be adopted by whatever else is entered into the cell. If you want to remove the formatting for a cell, you must click on each option applied to remove it, ie click on BOLD button to remove bold formatting from the cell.  Change the font of the remaining data in the spreadsheet, selecting whichever font you feel is appropriate HINT: Remember to select the range of data you want to alter, i.e. A3 to B12

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You may have noticed that some of the data got cut off in the last task. It is easy to rectify this - you just need to make sure that the column is wide enough to display the longest line of data in that column. There are a couple of ways to do this. Try them both out….

To expand or contract the column, place the cursor between the 2 columns and it will change to the black cross.

If you want to expand the column to fit the text, then double click and the column width will expand automatically to accommodate the text. To manually expand the column, when the double arrow appears click and drag to the right to expand the column. To manually contract the column, when the double arrow appears click and drag to the left to expand the column. Experiment!

Sometimes, strange things will happen to your data if there is insufficient room to display it. Have a look at this extract You can clearly see the price for each item shown in column B. Watch what happens when we contract column B to make it smaller. The first decimal place is "rounded up", as illustrated below. Notice that the price of lettuce is now 90p (0.9) rather than 89p (0.89). To amend this we would expand column B again and the data will be rounded back down and will show data to 2 decimal places again. When you expect decimal places to be shown, always ensure that the column is wide enough to display them.

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Whenever you show a unit of currency, it is usual to include the currency symbol, ie £ or $ etc. You can easily add the £ sign to any data value present in your spreadsheet but this will - DO NOT type this symbol into your spreadsheet; there is a way in which you can format all currency to show as such.  Select the range of cells you wish to apply formatting to, ie B3 to B12 inclusive  Click on arrow at the bottom right hand corner of the NUMBER grouping on the HOME tab and the Format Cells dialog box will open  You will notice a menu on the left hand side, click on Currency and from the drop-down list, select the £ symbol. A preview of your chosen format is provided in the Sample area and you can also alter the number of decimal places which will be shown  Click OK to confirm your choice of Currency formatting Note: you can also quickly format cells by clicking on the list from You can select the colour and the menu and selecting styling for negative numbers currency – however this does not give you a full range of options.

You may click the Currency icon on the NUMBER grouping to format data to show £ symbol. However, using this icon applies ACCOUNTING format which differs slightly from CURRENCY format.  Select range B3 to B12  Click on the CURRENCY button At first glance, Accounting and Currency formats may appear the same. You should be aware that Accounting aligns the £ sign to the left of the cell, whilst aligning the data value to the right. If you cannot see this effect, simply expand column B a little more. Contrast this with the Currency option, which aligns the £ sign to the right of the cell, like this:

Top Tip! Leave the formatting of numbers until you have completed your spreadsheet - this will ensure that all of the data is formatted simultaneously.

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 Select the range of cells containing the format you wish to remove  Using any of the methods shown above, reformat the cells back to a Number category. Remove the £ signs but maintain 2 decimal places. This will ensure that trailing zeros are displayed  Click OK to confirm your choice of formatting

Use the Number option from the drop down menu


Open the Format Cells dialog box and select Number

For Your Information

You can remove all formatting by choosing General Category.

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Something strange going on?

Sometimes, when a format is applied to a cell, or a range of cells, the data is replaced with a series of # signs. This means that there is no longer enough space to show all data for a particular cell. Rather than show part of it, the spreadsheet package shows none of it - to get round this problem, you should expand the column width using one of the ways already shown. You may wonder why the computer does this. Well, imagine for a moment that you have the following figure showing in the cell.


You then add the £ symbol, and the contents of the cell become too large for its current width. If the spreadsheet chose to show only part of the information, you may end up with something like this:


Rather than show the wrong amount, the spreadsheet shows nothing except # to prevent any errors being made if you were simply reading data from the spreadsheet.  Make any necessary alterations to the width of the columns in the Grocery spreadsheet


As a finishing touch to your spreadsheet, let's create a total and apply total lines to it.  Enter a TOTAL label in cell A13  Insert a function which will total all items on the Shopping List  Make sure that cell B13 is active  Click on the arrow at the side of the Border icon on the FONT grouping  Select the top and double bottom border and the selected cell, i.e. B13, will now have a top and double bottom border on it  Tidy up the formatting, so that it looks the same as the other data Try out some of the other border options yourself.

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Let's now centre the heading across both columns of the spreadsheet.

 Click and drag across both A1 and B1  Click on MERGE and CENTRE icon which is in the Alignment grouping on the Home tab

 Expand both columns A and B to see the effect of this!

Centred over columns A and B

Note: There are other merge options available if you use the drop down menu. Try experimenting with these and see the different effects


You can align the contents of individual cells or a range of cells by using one of the 3 alignment icons you identified earlier. To change the alignment of data, you can do it by simply clicking on the appropriate icon. For example, to align labels to the centre, select the cell, or range of cells, and click centre align button. Similarly, click right align button to realign to right of cell. NB If you align data to the centre/left of a cell, it can become more difficult to read, especially if there is a decimal point involved. The following illustrations demonstrate this.

Centre Alignment Left Alignment

 Save changes and close the workbook

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Despite your best plans, you may find yourself in the situation where you need to insert/delete columns/rows within your newly created spreadsheet. A member of staff may leave, for example, and would need to be removed from a Wages spreadsheet, or a new member of staff may join a company and need to be added to a spreadsheet.  Open EXP1  Let's remove "Gas" from the spreadsheet( rather than just removing the label and associated data, we will remove the entire row  To remove row 12, you must first of all click on the row number as illustrated. This will highlight the entire row  Now, click on Delete in the CELLS Grouping on the HOME tab and select delete sheet row NB A quicker way to delete a row is to right click on the row and selecting delete from the menu The row will now be removed, together with the contents. Notice the effect that this has on the formula ……

Current formula before row is deleted

New formula after row is deleted

When the information which is held in row 12 is deleted, all Note the Total formula has changed to reflect the removal of row 12 subsequent rows will be re-numbered.

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Inserting a Row

Let's imagine you want to insert a row between Food and Petrol - click on the row number below where you want to insert the additional row, ie in this case click on row number 14.  Click on Insert in the CELLS grouping on the HOME tab and select Insert sheet rows. A blank row will be inserted at this point  Now click in cell A14 and key in "Council Tax" and 125 for each month  Look at the formulae - what has happened to the range within each function?

That's right - the range has increased to accommodate an additional row; it was B10:B14, etc. now it is B10:B15, etc. As long as you insert a row within the existing range, the formula will be automatically updated to include the additional row. NB Whenever a new row is inserted between existing rows, you can choose to apply (or clear) the formatting of the adjacent rows. Click on the INSERT OPTIONS button which appears immediately below the newly inserted row and select required option. WARNING! If you insert a row outwith the starting point of the range, it WILL NOT automatically be included in an existing formula.

A new row has been added here outwith the function range. Excel has not

automatically included this as it is outwith the original range. But, a small green triangle indicates a potential problem

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To see the warning, click on the cell containing the triangle, then click on the caution button which appears. If you want to include the additional cells, ie the data which has been inserted at Row 10, then click on the Update Formula to Include Cells option. As soon as you do this, the formula will be updated to include row 10.  Try inserting a new row at row 10 then close file without saving changes

The same principles apply when inserting or deleting a column.  Open INSCOL Notice that a total for 4 months has been generated for Wages, Interest Received and Total Income.

The formulae used to generate these totals are shown below:

Let's remove the figures for February - we will need to delete column C, containing the figures for February.  Click on column heading for column C as shown:  Click on Delete in the Cells grouping on the HOME tab or right click and select delete from the drop down menu February figures will be deleted and will be immediately replaced with March figures.

Notice how the data range in column E has altered to accommodate fewer columns in the calculation.

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If you want to insert a column, you must select the column to the right of where you want to insert it. For example, if you wish to insert a column for FEBRUARY, you must click the heading of the column holding the data for MARCH, ie to the right of where you want the new column to be placed.  Please click Column Heading C now  Now click on INSERT in the CELLS grouping on the HOME tab and select Insert Sheet columns. (You can also right click and select insert from the menu). A blank column will be added to the left of March, as illustrated below

NB Whenever a new column is inserted between existing columns, you can choose to apply (or clear) the formatting of the adjacent columns. Click on the INSERT OPTIONS button which appears immediately below the newly inserted column and select required option. Any data which you enter into column C will be included in the calculation in the totals generated in column F, because the new data will automatically be added into the range. You will need to re-input or copy the formula for the total income though. Try this now.  Enter a column heading February into the new column and then input the following data for February Wages 1459 Interest received 100

 Make sure the TOTAL INCOME formula is entered or copied to cell C5

Notice the effect on the totals  Close file, saving changes

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Take care when inserting a column outwith the beginning of a data range. This will not be automatically included in the data range – you will need to amend the data range to include it by clicking on the caution and selecting the appropriate option.

Top Tip! It is a good idea to check your formula each time you insert/delete columns/rows just to make sure you are calculating with the correct data.


1 Open Workbook PCSTOCK 2 Insert 2 additional columns for Opening and Closing stock and data as shown below

3 Insert appropriate formula to calculate closing stock for all items, ie deduct number sold from opening stock 4 Please show the total value of all goods sold, placing the TOTAL label in cell A13 and the total itself in F13 5 You are also required to insert an additional 2 rows for Chair which should be row 8 and Cd Rewriter which should be row 11

6 Add the data for these item and make sure that you copy any formula necessary to ensure that the correct financial information is incorporated 7 You must also ensure that the total includes the additional rows you have inserted 8 Format the spreadsheet to make it look good. You may use Themes and cell styles if you wish, but you should include the following:

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 Centre the heading PC Stock List across all columns of spreadsheet, ie A - F  Enlarge the heading PC Stock List to 24, embolden and italicise it  Format all currency columns to show £ and 2 decimal places  Apply top and bottom double underline border to total  Ensure that all parts of the spreadsheet can be read easily, ie expand any columns which don't fully display all data 9 Save workbook at PCStock2 and close the spreadsheet


This section will introduce you to Page Set Up, in preparation for printing your spreadsheet.  Open EXP1 Workbook  Click on FILE and select PRINT this will open the Chose the printer print dialog box and number of copies required Select what is to be printed – the worksheet, the workbook or a selected part, a


Choose the orientation of the print and the size

of papera selectiopn

Choose the margins and any scaling such as fit to one page

Note: you can also make these changes by clicking on Page Setup to open the dialog box then selecting the required options from the different tabs.

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 Using either method, change the page layout – or orientation - to landscape  Select custom margins and the Page Setup dialog box will open - change the margins to 2 cm  You will also notice an option to centre the spreadsheet either horizontally or vertically in this dialog box, click Horizontally  Still in the Page Setup dialog box - click on the Header and Footer tab A header/footer is a piece of text which is typed only once but will appear on each printed page of a Workbook, no matter whether there is one or 100. A header will be placed at the top of the spreadsheet, and a footer will be placed at the bottom.

There are many pre-defined headers and footers – today you will learn how easy it is to apply your name and date to the bottom of your spreadsheet. Click Customer Footer and the footer dialog box will open

Enter information into the left, centre or right section. The icons can be used to enter predefined information such as date or time

Both header and footer dialog boxes look the same. They both contain 3 panes - one for the left section, one for the right section and one for the centre section. This means that if you enter text into the middle pane, then it will appear in the middle of the footer (or header). Similarly, if you type text into either of the left or right sections, then the information will appear accordingly on your page.  Click in the left section and type your name  Now click in the right section and click on the date button contained within the pre- defined functions. This will enter a date code into the pane

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 Now click OK to confirm  You will get a preview of your footer at this stage:

 If you wish to alter any part of the footer, simply click on Custom Footer and alter as necessary  Finally, click on Sheet tab You may choose to print Gridlines, which are the lines surrounding each of the cells. By default these will NOT print. Let's print them - click the Gridlines box  You can also print the row and column headings, ie A, B, C, 1, 2, etc. Let's print them - click the Row and column headings box  When you have set up all the options you want to include, click OK. This will ensure that all chosen options are applied to your spreadsheet The final preview will appear on the right hand side of your screen.

Gridlines, row and column headings now showing and centred horizontally on landscaped page

Footer will be shown

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The Print dialog box will appear again  You can specify the number of copies you want to print by clicking on the up/down arrows to increase/decrease the number. Increase the number to 2  Click OK to send your job to the printer  Close spreadsheet without saving changes An alternative method of altering the setup of the Excel worksheet is to use the icons in the PAGE SETUP grouping on the PAGE LAYOUT tab Clicking on the arrow at the bottom right hand side of each grouping will open the Page Setup dialog box

For Your Information You can print a sheet showing all formulae at any time. Here's how: Press CTRL + ` (grave accent) (above the tab key on the keyboard) Time for some practice!


1 Open WAGESHEET Workbook which you created earlier 2 Using some of the techniques you have just learned, improve the appearance of this spreadsheet. You may like to think about using some of the following options:  Different font/size  Double underline (border) for totals  Bold/Italics to emphasise some text  Currency/Accounting format  Applying a Header/Footer containing your name, task number and today's date  Changing the orientation of the page to landscape 3 Print 2 copies, one in value view omitting row/column headings and gridlines and thehe other in formulae view showing row/column headings and gridlines 4 Then close the file, saving changes

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1 Open PCSTOCK2 2 Change orientation to Landscape 3 Position spreadsheet in centre of page, both horizontally and vertically. Show gridlines 4 Insert a Footer, showing your name, task number and today's date 5 Print 2 copies of the spreadsheet, value and formulae view 6 Close spreadsheet, without saving changes

The following supplementary exercises are designed to consolidate what you have learned in this pack. The exercises are not aimed at any particular group of students; further material on formulae and functions in MS Excel 2013 is available from the Resource Store Ltd.

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Supplementary Exercises Exercise 1 1 Create a spreadsheet to show the data for Macey’s Store 2 Save spreadsheet as EX1 3 Show the total of all sales made - label this appropriately 4 Use a function to identify the maximum sale – label appropriately 5 Use a function to identify the minimum sale, again label it appropriately 6 Use a function to find the average of all sales, labelling it appropriately 7 Format the spreadsheet to improve the appearance 8 Print the spreadsheet using Landscape orientation - remember to include a footer showing your name, task number and today's date 9 Save and close Workbook Exercise 2 John has received money from various sources and he has also spent some money on various things. He has kept a note of it (shown overleaf) but thinks it would be better on a spreadsheet but he knows nothing about formulae. 1 Create a spreadsheet which will clearly show John:  how much money he has received for each week  how much he has spent each week  the balance remaining at the end of each week  a total for the month for each of these elements, ie total received over the month, total spent over the month and the amount remaining at the end of the month 2 Print a copy of the completed spreadsheet for John, and save it as JohnsExp 3 Close Workbook

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Exercise 3 1 Open CATERLIST - this spreadsheet displays items for sale in an Airport Cafeteria, together with the cost and the amount sold of each item. Your job is to insert a formula which will show the value of sales for each item of food 2 Please show the total value of sales made to date, labelling this information appropriately 3 Looking ahead to the next season, the café management is considering an increase to the cost of each item. They are currently thinking about doubling the prices. Can you insert additional columns which will show them the following information 4 The revised price per item, headed up NEW PRICE. You should insert a formula which will double the existing prices 5 The income which could be generated from doubling the price if the same amount is sold - head this column up as PROJECTED VALUE SOLD 6 The chef has decided that there should be extra items on the menu, as follows. He is not aware of the NEW PRICE suggestion, and has therefore provided you with "old prices"  Potato Skins with Melted Cheese and Bacon - £3.45  Ice cream Sundae - £1.50  Burger and Chips - £4.95 7 Can you insert these new items before the drinks on the menu - because this is just a new item, there isn't any "quantity info" available - just leave this blank 8 Make sure the new prices show 9 Tidy up the formatting, ensuring that the totals are emphasised and that all currency is formatted to show £ and 2 decimal places 10 Print one copy of the spreadsheet, and save changes

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