Diocese St. Theresa’s Cathedral “CARITAS”, HOUSE OF PRAYER P.O. Box Hm 1191, Hamilton HM EX, Bermuda 1) All programs at Caritas have been suspended until Tel: 441-292-0607 – Fax: 441-292-2477 further notice as is our ministry to the nursing homes and Office Hours: 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. hospital. Diocesan Website: www.romancatholicbermuda.bm 2) You may be interested to know that Bishop Robert Email:
[email protected] Baron has his daily Mass on you tube…the beauty of this is Bishop Wes Spiewak C.R., that you can watch it at any time of day/night. Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda 3) As we continue to live under the restrictions cause by the Chancery Office & Holy Calvary Cemetery Office pandemic, we want you to know that each day at our Tel: 2324414-
[email protected] morning prayer together we pray for the people and the IN RESIDENCE: Rev. Julio Blazejewski, C.R. intentions listed in our intention book that people use when Portuguese Episcopal Vicar they come for Quiet Wednesday. If you would like to add a Visiting: Permanent Deacon David Swain name or intention, please e-mail us the names/intentions to St. Vincent de Paul Society Parish Representatives:
[email protected]. Joanne Judd & Tom Sinclair Parish Catechetical Coordinator: (CCD) Anne Amarasinghe Here is a reflection for this week:
[email protected] We have entered into the final two weeks of Lent, a period St. Theresa’s Gift Shop: 292-0416 formerly called Passiontide. On Ash Wednesday, none of us Shop Hours: 10 a.m.