Swale Borough Council Planning Services
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SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL NOTICE OF MEETING, SUMMONS AND AGENDA A Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Thursday 6th October 2005 at 7:00pm. Members of the Committee are: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Simon Clark, Adrian Crowther, Fentiman, Sandra Garside, Fiona Gowdy, Elvina Lowe, John Morris, Jennie Ronan, Stanford, Ben Stokes, Alan Willicombe and Woodland. Quorum = 5 M E H RADFORD Director of Corporate Services, Governance and Scrutiny 22/09/2005 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND CONFIRMATION OF SUBSTITUTES 2. MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th September 2005 (Minute Nos. 297-301). Any Items Shown in these Minutes as being deferred from that Meeting may be considered at this meeting. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In accordance with Standing Order No. 9(E)(ii) Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting. PART ‘B’ DECISIONS TO BE TAKEN UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 4. PLANNING WORKING GROUP Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th September 2005 (Minute No. 315). 5. REPORT OF THE HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES To consider the attached report (Sections 1,2,3 and 4). The Council operates a scheme of public speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee. All applications on which the public have registered to speak will be considered first. A list of speakers will be tabled at the meeting. 6. LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT 1985 To decide whether to pass the resolution set out below in respect of the following items: - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 12 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. 7. REPORT OF THE HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES To consider the attached report (Section 6). SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING SERVICES Planning Items to be submitted to the Planning Committee 6TH OCTOBER 2005 Standard Index to Contents PART 1 Reports to be considered in public session not included elsewhere on this Agenda PART 2 Applications for which permission is recommended PART 3 Applications for which refusal is recommended PART 4 Swale Borough Council’s own development; observation on County Council’s development; observation of development by Statutory Undertakers and by Government Departments; and recommendations to the County Council on ‘County Matter’ applications. PART 5 Decisions by County Council and the Secretary of State on appeal, reported for information PART 6 Reports containing “Exempt Information” during the consideration of which it is anticipated that the press and public will be excluded ABBREVIATIONS: commonly used in this Agenda CDA Crime and Disorder Act 1998 GPDO The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 HRA Human Rights Act 1998 KSP Kent Structure Plan (adopted 1996) SBLP Swale Borough Local Plan (2000) Draft Local Plan (2005) Swale Borough Local Plan First Review Re-Deposit Draft 2005 SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING SERVICES Planning Items to be submitted to the Planning Committee 6TH OCTOBER 2005 Standard Index to Contents PART 1 Reports to be considered in public session not included elsewhere on this Agenda PART 2 Applications for which permission is recommended PART 3 Applications for which refusal is recommended PART 4 Swale Borough Council’s own development; observation on County Council’s development; observation of development by Statutory Undertakers and by Government Departments; and recommendations to the County Council on ‘County Matter’ applications. PART 5 Decisions by County Council and the Secretary of State on appeal, reported for information PART 6 Reports containing “Exempt Information” during the consideration of which it is anticipated that the press and public will be excluded ABBREVIATIONS: commonly used in this Agenda CDA Crime and Disorder Act 1998 GPDO The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 HRA Human Rights Act 1998 KSP Kent Structure Plan (adopted 1996) SBLP Swale Borough Local Plan (2000) Draft Local Plan (2005) Swale Borough Local Plan First Review Re-Deposit Draft 2005 PLANNING COMMITTEE – 6TH OCTOBER 2005 PART 1 Report of the Head of Development Services PART 1 Any other reports to be considered in the public session 1.1 2005/2006 English Heritage Buildings at Risk Register Introduction English Heritage annually publishes a national register of Grade I and II* listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments which are at risk from redundancy, decay or dereliction. The Register is intended to keep attention focused on historic buildings and monuments which are threatened; to define and monitor the scale of the problem and to help to prioritise action and resources by English Heritage, local authorities, building preservation trusts and others. It is a useful indication of the state of the Borough’s more important listed buildings. The number of entries for the South East Region has declined from 233 in 1998 when the Register was first launched to 208. Almost two thirds of English Heritage’s regional grant budget went towards cases on the register in 2004/05. The Register can be viewed in its entirety at www.englishheritage.org.uk/bar. The entries for Swale District are included here at Appendix A. The Picture in Swale Borough Of the 71 entries in the Register for Kent, 13 are in Swale. 13 represents 9% of the higher graded listed buildings in Swale, compared to the national average of 3.4% and the South-East Regional average of less than 2.4%. Two buildings have been removed from the Register for Swale this year: Oare Gunpowder Works, Faversham and the Major Barn at Abbey Farm, Faversham. Both have been the subject of comprehensive restoration and both have received substantial grant assistance from English Heritage as well as a small grant from Swale Borough Council’s Listed Building Grant Scheme. There are no new entries for Swale in the 2005/06 Register. A brief update on the other entries for Swale follows: Shurland Hall, Eastchurch English Heritage has entered into negotiations with the freeholder with a view to stabilising the ruin and inviting interests from parties, including building Continued….. 1 1.1 (continued) PART 1 preservation trusts, who may be willing to take it on. A Conservation Plan was commissioned in early 2005 and English Heritage indicate that work will commence shortly. Medieval Stables at Abbey Farm, Faversham Minor Barn, Abbey Farm, Faversham Both buildings form part of the Abbey Farm complex, now owned by Faversham Joinery. Emergency weatherproofing, frame repairs and re- roofing works are in progress at the minor barn but the future use of both buildings has yet to be decided. Discussions are taking place with Officers. Fremlins Brewery Offices, Court Street, Faversham (locally known as the Brewmaster’s House) This building, owned by Tesco, continues to be disused. Despite its outward appearance the interior has been gutted in order to eradicate repeated outbreaks of dry rot in the past. The ground floor has been substantially removed and panelling, shutters, skirtings, doors and door frames have been removed from the principal ground floor rooms, all without the benefit of listed building consent. The interior of this building has deteriorated and been progressively vandalised since it became redundant in the 1990s. Committee may wish to consider the use of a listed building enforcement notice under Section 38 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 which is reported elsewhere on this agenda. Provender, Provender Lane, Norton Phase I of the restoration was recently completed with grant assistance from English Heritage’s Small Country House Scheme and a small contribution from this Council’s Listed Building Grant Scheme. It is hoped that further phases will secure the future of this outstanding house but a funding strategy is not yet in place. Former Royal Naval Dockyard Church, Sheerness The Church recently changed hands at auction and negotiations are taking place with the new owner and English Heritage with a view to restoring the roof and external envelope through a scheme of residential conversion. Dockyard House, Sheerness Dockyard 1-15 (consec) Regency Close, Sheerness Dockyard These buildings were purchased by a development company, Dockyard Buildings Ltd, in April 2003. Progress towards a scheme for the restoration of the listed buildings and substantial enabling development of 69 new Continued…. 2 1.1 (continued) PART 1 residential units has been slow. The current planning and listed building consent applications (reference SW/05/0771, 0772 and 0770) are available for inspection and will be reported to Committee in due course. The issue of the Repairs Notice at Regency Close is to be reported on a future agenda. Coach Houses at Naval Terrace, Sheerness The coach houses have been the subject of survey and costings but problems of fragmented ownership have made it difficult to bring forward a comprehensive restoration package. Former Working Mast House, Sheerness Dockyard Archway House, Sheerness Dockyard The Boat Store, Sheerness Dockyard Sheerness Defences, Sheerness Dockyard Four of the District’s thirteen buildings at risk remain in the ownership of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company. In recent years the Company has replaced a number of windows at Archway House and carried out routine and emergency works to the roof, gutters and downpipes of the Grade I listed boatstore. However, in common with large parts of the historic dockyard, buildings remain disused or unoccupied and routine maintenance and decoration (necessary to protect historic windows and doors) occurs infrequently or not at all. It is hoped that the integrated dockyard study which may result in the preparation of a masterplan for the dockyard, combined with the recent takeover by Peel Holdings, may see a more constructive and proactive approach to the heritage of the dockyard.