LineageChase: Genealogy Research & Tutoring

A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 17th Century Immigrants to New

Robert M. Call

15 June 2014 A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson: 17th Century Immigrants to New England

© 2014, Robert M. Call

The following report represents original research and creativity by the author, and the presentation of such is protected by copyright. However, the use of facts (e.g., baptism, marriage, and burial dates) cannot be restricted. The author gives permission for distribution of this work for noncommercial purposes with the stipulation that attribution is given.

Robert M. Call is a in his senior year as a family history-genealogy major at Brigham Young University. While his emphasis is in Midwestern United States research, he has considerable experience in researching Colonial New England families, as well as research experience in other areas of the United States, Britain, and Scandinavia. He is founder of LineageChase (, a genealogy research and tutoring firm.

The never-failing encouragement and confidence of my parents, Michael and Shannon Call, has been remarkable. To them I owe much. A thank you also goes to my father for proofreading and editing this report. I would also like to thank my aunt and fellow genealogist, Patti Call, for her assistance in reading those difficult secretary hand documents and for her support in my endeavors.

Robert M. Call 10 June 2014

LineageChase Provo, Utah 2014

C o n t e n t s Introduction ...... 1 Connecting New England and Old England ...... 2 The Family in ...... 4 A Note on the Harrysons ...... 5 Others of the Call Name ...... 6 Some Much Needed Analysis ...... 9 Conclusion ...... 11 Documented Family Groups ...... 12 The Family of Thomas Call and his wife Bennett Harryson ...... 13 The Family of Arnold Harryson and His Wife Alis ...... 15 The Family of Paule Call and His Wife Jone Blye ...... 16 The Family of Markes Call and His Wife Elizabeth ...... 17 The Family of John Call and His Wife Elizabeth Mount ...... 18


During the seventeenth century, thousands of immigrants flooded into New England. Those who arrived between 1620 and 1640 were participants in what historians would later term the “Great Migration.” Most immigrants to New England during this period could not expect an increase in riches; in fact, most were economically stable and were not seeking a dramatic improvement in economic status. These venturesome souls were bound together by Puritan beliefs to settle a God-fearing community. However, an over-zealous religious attitude was not the prevailing mentality. Day-to-day life still brought its ups and downs, and daily concerns were not overshadowed by religious fervor. Puritan immigrants simply believed that God would notice obedience to his will, and in return bless them in temporal needs through their own labor.1 Counted among those Puritan colonists was the family of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson.

This immigrant family is remembered by tens of thousands of living descendants as their earliest known ancestors. Supposed facts about Thomas Call float through various mediums of preserving family history—tradition, pedigree charts, family group sheets, online family trees, etc.—with virtually no original sources or primary information to act as anchors for the data provided. A typical version of these “facts” is summarized as follows: Thomas Call was born 15 June 1597 in Fanersham (sic), Hernhill, , England. He was married to Bennett or Geanett Harrison 7 June 1619 in Hernhill, and then to Joanna Shepardson prior to 28 October 1651 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, before his death in Malden on 17 May 1676.2 The supposed parents of Thomas were natives of Hernhill—John Call3 and Ann, maiden name unknown.4 Another common temptation, found in a number of online family trees, is to connect Thomas to other Call families whose pedigrees stretch into distant times. While a portion of this information is true, much of it is incorrect (or confused at the very least).

Considering the significant legacy that Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson left, thus far, to more than three centuries of descendants, it is only fitting that their lives are remembered and their stories preserved for generations to come. Remembering and preserving is best accomplished by thorough, accurate, and proven genealogical methods. These methods are founded upon research in original and derivative sources; from these sources, information is obtained which is judged to be either primary or secondary. An

1 Virginia DeJohn Anderson, “Migrants and Motives: Religion and the Settlement of New England, 1630-1640,” The New England Quarterly, vol. 58 no. 3 (September 1985): 372-381. 2 “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 June 2014), entry for Thomas CALL, AFN: 2SQN-G5. 3 “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 June 2014), entry for John CALL (CAULE), AFN: 100D-ZCX. 4 “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 June 2014), entry for Ann (Ana), AFN: 8PP8-GD. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 1 evaluation of sources and information will produce direct or indirect evidence for a claim. After the sources, information, and evidence undergo a thorough analysis, a defendable conclusion can be made about genealogical data and relationships.

What follows is not meant to be a complete biography of the Call family, nor is it intended to be a full report of the research completed thus far. Rather, it is intended to be a brief summary of research laying a solid foundation for future exploration into the origins of Thomas Call and his first wife Bennett Harryson. The most logical methodology for basic genealogical research is to work backwards and horizontally. Or, begin with the most recent known information about an individual and completely (or, as much as possible) construct his or her immediate family before researching older generations. British research—at least for the time period concerned—is founded upon parish records of baptisms, marriages, and burials. Other record types are useful as well—parish chest records, militia records, wills, etc. The research reported here (with parish records as its backbone), covered four primary areas: 1) the known children of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson, 2) evidence for linking the family in Massachusetts with their origins in England, 3) a discussion of possible family members, and 4) an outline of how to conduct future research. Again, this is a truncated report dealing with only the most vital pieces of evidence used to construct the family of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson.

Note needs to be made of the approach used to record dates and names in this report. Prior to 1752, when the English adopted the Gregorian calendar, the first day of the year was 25 March. Thus, to convert to the current calendar, all dates between 1 January and 25 March must be shifted forward one year. However, all dates in this report are recorded in Old Style unless otherwise noted. During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, there was no “correct” way to spell a name. A name was written however the writer believed it to be spelled. Thus, in the original records the name “Call” is spelled a number of ways—Call, Calle, Caule, Caale, Cawle, etc. For consistency’s sake, this report standardizes the various spellings to conform to “Call”—the most frequent spelling found among Thomas Call’s descendants. Although the spelling “Harrison” has been immortalized in compiled sources, in the half-dozen or so original records found for this family, the double “r” and use of the “y” prove to be most frequent among the variations. Consequently, this report uses the spelling “Harryson.”


In the spring of 1676, the aged patriarch Thomas Call was laid to rest in the Bell Rock Cemetery, in what is now Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Fortunately, his grave marker—more than three centuries later—still fulfills its purpose in honoring that man. It

LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 2 reads, “HERE LIES YE BODY OF/THOMAS CALL/AGED 79 YRS/DECD IN MAY 1676.”5 Thomas left a will (in which he referred to himself as Thomas Call Senior of Malden), dated 1670, that named children John, Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, and Mercy. Grandchildren are mentioned, but not by name.6 No wife was mentioned by Thomas, but a transcription of Malden vital records states that Joanna, who was the wife of Thomas Call Senior, died 30 January 1660.7 (Tangential to this discussion is the identity of Joanna as the widow of Daniel Shepardson at the time of her marriage to Thomas Call.)8 The marriage of Thomas Call to Joanna has not yet been discovered; though, it would have occurred prior to 28 October 1651, as on that day “Joanna Call” attached her name to a petition.9 Likewise, the death of Bennett Harryson has not been found. Thus, from these records, the family structure begins to appear.

At least two children were born to Thomas and Bennett in the New World— Elizabeth (baptized 21 February 1640)10 and Mercy (born 7 September 1643).11 Because the baptismal records for Elizabeth and Mercy list their mother as Bennett, the Call family can be identified with surety on an original passenger list from 1637. The record reads, “Tho[ma]s Calle of Feversham [sic] husbandman & Bennet [sic] his Wieff.” It also names three children: Thomas, John, and Margaret.12 When these children, including the two born in America, are compared to the children listed by Thomas in his will, a discrepancy is discovered. Where the will notes daughters “Mary [,] Elizabeth & Mercy,” the other records indicate daughters Margaret, Elizabeth, and Mercy. Research, as discussed below, proves that Thomas and Bennett indeed had a daughter named Margaret, but the existence of a daughter Mary has not yet been proven. There is the possibility that the copy of Thomas Call’s will that is available today, was not written in his own hand; thus, where Thomas may have abbreviated Margaret as “Marg.,” the transcriber may have read “Mary.” Or, perhaps Thomas and Bennett did have a daughter named Mary, but her record of baptism or birth

5 Find A Grave ( accessed 31 May 2014) memorial #18783899, “Thomas Call [1597-1676],” Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 6 Middlesex County (Massachusetts) Probate Court, Probate Records 1648-1924. Probate papers #3891 for Thomas Call (1676); County Courthouse, Cambridge; FHL film 0386049. 7 DeLoraine P. Corey, comp., Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Town of Malden, Massachusetts, 1649-1850 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The University Press, 1903), 335. 8 Francis W. Shepardson, “Shepardson – A Family Story,” The “Old Northwest” Genealogical Quarterly 9 (January 1906): 60. 9 The Bi-Centennial Book of Malden (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. C. Rand & Co., 1850), 140. 10 Les Ainés genealogists de l’Outaouais (Vanier, Ontario), First Record Book of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., U.S.A., 1640-1734 (S.I.: s.n., 198-), 19. This transcription reads “Elizabeth Caul the daughter of John Caul and off [sic] Bennitt his wife was Baptized.” This is likely an error, whether in the transcription or original is not known, and should read “Thomas Caul and off [sic] Bennitt his wife,” as John Call was not old enough to have children at this time and it is known that Bennett Harryson was the wife of Thomas Call. 11 “Charleston Township Records Births, Marriages, & Deaths: 1629-1800, Volume 3,” (bound typescript, Registrar’s Office, Boston City Hall, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts), p. VIIIA; FHL film 0740995. 12 Eben Putnam, “Two Early Passenger Lists, 1635-1637,” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register 75.3 (July 1921): 217-226. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 3 has not been discovered; town records from those early colonial days are not complete (e.g., there is no death record of Bennett or marriage record of Thomas to Joanna). But, a third possibility cannot be ignored. On the same voyage that the Call family took to America, a servant girl named Mary Call was traveling with the Joseph and Elizabeth Bachelor family of Canterbury. Is it possible that Thomas and Bennett had a daughter named Mary born in England, who traveled as a servant with another family? Before any definitive conclusions can be made concerning Mary Call, further research must be conducted.

Besides substantiating the family structure, the ship’s passenger list provides another key detail—the Call family’s point of origin, . Without this detail, it would be very difficult—nigh impossible—to determine anything about the Call family in England. Faversham, in the county of Kent, is located in the southeast corner of England, being roughly forty-five miles southeast of London and less than ten miles northwest of Canterbury. When the parish records of Faversham were examined, two events relevant to the Call family were found. The first was the baptism of John Call on 6 March 1635 (in the current calendar, this baptism was 6 March 1636),13 and the other was the burial of Anne Call on 20 April 1636.14 John’s baptism record names both his father, Thomas, and his mother, Bennett; thus, the link between Massachusetts, the ship list, and England, is confirmed. These records provide answers, but not all. The baptism record for child John— as named in the will and ship list—has been found, thus confirming his relationship, but the baptism records for Thomas and Margaret or Mary have not been obtained. Also, who was Anne Call that was buried just weeks after John Call was baptized?


When more information needs to be obtained for a family, but cannot be found in their known parish of residence, proper British methodology calls for a radial search. A radial search consists of searching records for parishes within the vicinity of a known place of habitation for a family—it was much more likely that a family moved between nearby villages, than between distant locations. In this case, it is known that Thomas and Bennett have children for whom baptism records were not found in Faversham, so nearby parishes must be searched. Various online family trees suggest that Thomas Call had connections to neighboring Hernhill; thus, this parish was searched first. Hernhill proved to be a wealth of information. The marriage of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson was found recorded as 15 June 1619, and several children followed this marriage.15 Baptisms for the following four

13 Faversham Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1620-1669, baptism of John son of Thomas Call and Bennett (1635); FHL film 1886089 item 3. 14 Faversham Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1620-1669, burial of Anne Caale (1636); FHL film 1886089 item 3. 15 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Thomas Caule and Bennett Harrison (1619); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 4 children were discovered: William (20 February 1619; note that in the current calendar William was born in February 1620, or eight months after his parents’ marriage),16 Ann (20 March 1624),17 Margaret (31 May 1631),18 and Thomas baptized 6 October 1633.19

But there were more children baptized than listed on the ship list or in the will! The baptism record of Margaret in 1631 proves that the ship list was correct in listing her as a daughter; likewise, it was correct in naming Thomas as a son; but what of William and Ann? Note that an Anne Call was buried in Faversham in 1636, which was likely the daughter baptized in 1624. Burial records in Hernhill were examined, and William was buried 27 February 1627.20 In addition to William’s burial, a son named Thomas was buried 20 May 163021 and less than two months later another son named John was buried on 8 July.22 Baptism records for these older sons named Thomas and John have yet to be discovered; either the Hernhill and Faversham records are incomplete, or they were baptized elsewhere. The information contained in the parish records, ship list, town records, and Thomas Call’s 1670 will, harmonizes—with the exception of a possible daughter named Mary.


Besides what was discussed above about the Call family, some information concerning the Harryson family was discovered in Preston-next-Faversham. On 21 May 1597, Arnold and Alis (sic) Harryson had their daughter, Bennett, baptized.23 Just over two years later, on 3 June 1599, a second daughter, also named Bennett (spelled Bennet Harryson in this record), was baptized.24 Although no burial record has been found for the first daughter, in all likelihood she passed away before the second daughter was baptized. Thus, the correct date of baptism for Thomas Call’s wife was 3 June 1599. Arnold and Alis

16 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of William son of Thomas Caule (1619); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 17 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Ann daughter of Thomas Caule (1624); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 18 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of Thomas Call (1631); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 19 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Thomas son of Thomas Call (1633); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 20 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of William son of Thomas Caule (1627); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 21 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Thomas son of Thomas Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 22 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of John son of Thomas Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 23 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennett Harrison daughter of Arnold and Alis (1597); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 24 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennet daughter of Arnold Harryson (1599); FHL film 1752061 item 2. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 5 were the parents of a third daughter, Anne, who was baptized on 29 May 1603.25 Unfortunately, Arnold may have never known daughter Anne, as he passed away just weeks before and was buried on 2 April.26 The family could not be traced further in the parish records of Preston-next-Faversham. What became of Alis Harryson has not been discovered. No marriage record for Arnold and Alis was found. Were the three daughters their only children? Did Arnold and Alis have children baptized in other parishes? Perhaps the widowed Alis remarried in a nearby parish, and continued to bear children. In any case, the family could not have strayed far, as Bennett was married in nearby Hernhill.

As an aside, the parish records from October 1600 to October 1601 note that Arnold Harryson was one of the elected churchwardens for Preston-next-Faversham.27 So, how does this detail affect our understanding of the Harryson family? Churchwardens were, in most cases, elected by prominent parish members to serve in that capacity for one year, though they could serve several times. Churchwardens were charged with a variety of duties, including raising money for the expenses of the parish, organizing parish related events, acting as the legal representative for the parish, and providing an accounting of the wrongdoings of the clergy and parish members to the bishop or archdeacon. But most importantly, churchwardens were to watch over the parish church itself. Besides knowing in general what Arnold was responsible for, his office of churchwarden reveals the family’s social class—they were neither low-class nor gentlefolk, but between the two. Churchwardens “were generally men of middling local rank: yeomen and prosperous husbandmen in rural communities, crafts people and smaller merchants in the towns.”28


The parish records for Faversham and Hernhill have been thoroughly examined from the earliest available years until the mid-1600s, and Thomas Call’s baptism record was not discovered. No other Calls could be found in Faversham, but a Call family was found in Hernhill—the family of Paule Call and Jone Blye. Their marriage on 20 January 1583 was the earliest record for the Call family discovered in Hernhill.29 While Paule’s baptism was not found, Jone’s was. She was baptized 28 September 1562, the daughter of

25 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Anne Harryson (1603); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 26 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, burial of Arnold Harryson (1603); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 27 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, transcripts from October 1600 to October 1601; FHL film 1752061 item 2. 28 Marjorie Keniston McIntosh, Poor Relief in England, 1530-1600 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 96-98. 29 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Paule Caule and Jone Blye (1583); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 6

Thomas Blye.30 Paule and Jone were the parents of at least five children: John Paule (baptized 18 August 1587),31 Will (baptized 19 April 1590),32 Markes (baptized 29 April 1593),33 Margrett (baptized 10 August 1595),34 and John (baptized 6 November 1603).35 No burial record was found for John Paule, but considering that he had a younger brother also named John baptized in 1603, it is likely that he passed away before then. Jone (Blye) Call was buried in Hernhill on 21 January 1627.36 Paule followed her in death soon after and was buried 2 February 1629.37 At the time of his burial, Paule was the parish clerk of Hernhill—a position he had held since October 1615.38

Several grandchildren of Paule and Jone (Blye) Call were also discovered in the Hernhill records. Markes Call and his wife Elizabeth had two children baptized in Hernhill—Thomas in 163139 and Margaret in 163840—and another two buried—Anne in 163041 and son Francis in 1636.42 Baptism records for Anne and Francis were found in nearby Luddenham, being baptized, respectively, in 162843 and 1636.44 Markes Call, the father, was buried 7 January 1638.45 Note that the marriage record of Markes Call and Elizabeth has not been found. Paule and Jone’s son John and his wife Elizabeth Mount

30 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Jone Bly daughter of Thomas Bly (1562); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 31 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John Paule son of Paule Caule (1587); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 32 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Will Caule son of Paule Caule (1590); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 33 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Markes Caule son of Paule Caule (1593); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 34 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margrett Call daughter of Paule Caule (1595); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 35 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John son of Paule Caule (1603); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 36 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Joane wife of Paule Caule (1627); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 37 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Paull Call (1629); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 38 Arthur J. Willis, comp., Canterbury Licenses (General), 1568-1646 (London: Phillimore, 1972), 39. 39 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Thomas son of Marke Call (1631); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 40 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of Mark and Elizabeth Call (1638); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 41 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Anne daughter of Marke Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 42 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Francis son of Mark Call (1636); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 43 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of Anne daughter of Marke Call (1628); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 44 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of [Franc]is son of Markes and Elizabeth Call (1636); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 45 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Marke Call (1638); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 7

(whose marriage occurred in 1626 in neighboring Boughton-under-Blean)46 had seven children baptized in Hernhill: Marie in 1628,47 John in 1632,48 Anne in 1632,49 Thomas in 1637,50 Elizabeth in 164051 who was also buried in that year,52 Margaret in 1641,53 and a second daughter named Elizabeth baptized in 1643.54

No other records for the family of Paule and Jone (Blye) Call have been discovered, except for two possible events. In the nearby parish of Isle of , a man named Willyam Call was buried in 8 November 1619.55 The fact that no others by the Call name were found in this parish suggests that Willyam was not a local (or was perhaps recently established). A search of other parish records needs to be conducted to determine if Willyam Call buried in 1619 was the son of Paule and Jone (Blye) Call baptized in 1590. Similarly, on 30 March 1656, a Margaret Call was married to William Baker in Hernhill.56 Four women by that name have been found in Hernhill: Margrett (daughter of Paule Call) baptized in 1595, Margaret (daughter of Thomas Call) baptized in 1631, Margaret (daughter of Markes Call) baptized in 1638, and Margaret (daughter of John Call) baptized in 1641. The first two women were not likely candidates for the 1656 marriage—the first was sixty years old, and the other was in New England. However, the other two were more positive. The daughter of Markes Call was about eighteen years old in March 1656, and John’s daughter was almost fifteen years old. Both were under the average age for marriage, but not so much to dismiss the possibility of marriage. Not enough evidence has yet been discovered to prove who the 1656 marriage was for; however, Markes Call’s daughter appears to be the best candidate.

46 Boughton-under-Blean Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1558-1953, marriage of John Call and Elizabeth Mount (1626); FHL film 1836199 item 6. 47 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Marie daughter of John Caule (1628); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 48 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John son of John Call (1632); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 49 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Anne daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1635); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 50 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Thomas son of John and Elizabeth Call (1637); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 51 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1640); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 52 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Elizabeth daughter of John Call (1640); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 53 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1641); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 54 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1643); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 55 Isle of Harty (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1567-1812, burial of Willyam Caule (1619); FHL film 1751870 item 3. 56 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of William Baker and Margaret Cawle (1656); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 8


As mentioned in the introduction, perhaps the most persistent rumor concerning Thomas Call, perpetuated through online family trees and other means, is his supposed relationship as son to John and Ann Call. According to these online family trees, the father, John, was born in Hernhill in 1571, and died there on 8 July 1630. He married Ann (whose maiden name is not known) in 1596 in Hernhill.57 Ann was supposedly born in 1575, died 19 September 1630, and buried the same day, all in Hernhill.58 Research into the original records not only proves that these relationships did not exist, but it also reveals where this rumor originated.

On 8 July 1630—the supposed date of death for Thomas Call’s father—a burial for a child named John Call occurred. This record states that “John sonne [sic] of Thomas Call” was buried.59 During this period of English history, when a child passed away, his or her father or mother was usually recorded as an identifier. When an adult passed away, those identifiers (if included at all) were typically an occupation for the males, and the marital status or name of husband for the females. Thus, the John Call buried in July 1630 was an underage child of Thomas Call—not his father. On a similar note, in Hernhill on 19 September 1630 “Anne daughter of Marke[s] Call” was buried.60 Again, this was an underage daughter of Markes Call, not the mother of Thomas Call the immigrant. As for the supposed marriage and birth dates for the “parents” of the immigrant, it is presumed that they were invented in a moment of temptation to obtain, with no proof, vital statistics of early ancestors. The logic behind these calculations can be assumed thusly: “If Thomas Call was born in 1597, and he was the first child, then his parents were probably married in 1596. If married in their early to mid-twenties, suppose the father at age twenty-five and the mother at age twenty-one, then they would have been born in 1571 and 1575. And they probably did not move much, so everything occurred in Hernhill.” While, the intent behind these assumptions was likely good-willed, they simply have no foundation in fact. No evidence has been discovered for the marriage or births of John Call and Ann in Hernhill records.

Some analytical questions need to be explored concerning those Calls who were found in the Hernhill records. Paule Call and Jone Blye were married in early 1584 (New Style), and their first known child was baptized more than three-and-a-half years later.

57 “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 June 2014), entry for John CALL (CAULE), AFN: 100D-ZCX. 58 “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch ( accessed 7 June 2014), entry for Ann (Ana), AFN: 8PP8-GD. 59 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of John son of Thomas Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 60 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Anne daughter of Marke Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 9

Could there have been a child between their marriage and the baptism of John Paule in 1587? Jone (Blye) Call apparently birthed roughly every two-and-a-half to three years, as their first four children were baptized according to that pattern. While it is possible that Jone may have had more children between those first four, it is unlikely—the birth pattern was very consistent. However, between the fourth child (Margrett in August 1595) and the fifth child (John in November 1603), there was a gap of just over eight years. Such a large gap suggests that more children could have been born to Paule and Jone. If the pattern was continued, two—and possible three—more children could have been born to Jone.

This hypothesis is supported by demographics. During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the average English woman married at age 23 ½, and gave birth to six or seven children over the course of about twenty years (or roughly every three years).61 These demographics project nicely onto the life of John Blye. With her marriage in early 1584 (New Style), Jone would have likely reproduced for the next twenty years, or until about 1604—the last baptism found occurred in late 1603. Her reproductive cycle was the average for the English woman during her time. Furthermore, five children have been found for Jone; if she was the average woman (as she has proven thus far), she would have given birth perhaps two more times. All of this evidence strongly suggests that there are undiscovered children for Paule and Jone (Blye) Call.

So could Thomas Call the immigrant be one of those missing children of Paule and Jone? Let us weigh the evidence. No baptism record has been found for Thomas Call; however, other records do provide a calculated year of birth. His grave marker in Massachusetts claimed that he was seventy-nine at his death in May 1676, suggesting he was born in about 1597.62 Another record substantiates this claim. In April 1663, Thomas Call provided testimony before the court, in which he stated that he was “ayged abought sixty five years,” or born about 1598.63 Considering that the doings of Paule and Jone between 1595 and 1603—a gap that likely was filled by the death of son John Paule, and the probable births of at least two more children—are unknown, it is possible that Thomas was a son of theirs. Additionally, Thomas was married and raising children in Hernhill during the same period that Paule and Jone’s sons, Markes and John, were raising their own families in Hernhill.

While this hypothesis is sound, it is not proven. A radial search centered on Hernhill needs to be conducted. This radial search may reveal the following. The baptisms and

61 “Raising Children in the Early 17th Century: Demographics,” Plimoth Plantation ( accessed 6 June 2014). 62 Find A Grave ( accessed 31 May 2014) memorial #18783899, “Thomas Call [1597-1676],” Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 63 Middlesex County (Massachusetts), Colonial County Court Papers, 1648-1798, folio 33, group IV C, case of Abraham Shipard, for testimony of Thomas Call, 2 April 1663; FHL film 0901001. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 10 burials of children of Paule and Jone (Blye) Call may be discovered in other parishes. One of these baptisms may be for a son named Thomas during the late 1590s. If so, it can then be concluded that the immigrant Thomas was indeed a son of Paule and Jone. In the case that such a record is not found, but other children are, then it would be very unlikely that immigrant Thomas belonged to this family. On the other hand, a baptism record from this period for a Thomas Call may be discovered that places him in a different family. Another possibility is that no baptism record for Thomas will be found in the radial search. If this proves to be the case, then an evaluation of the Call families that were discovered must be made. In other words, perhaps several possibilities for the parents and siblings of Thomas Call will be discovered in the radial search, and an evaluation of the evidence may prove useful in deciding upon the most likely candidates.


To summarize, the parishes included in the radial search thus far are: Hernhill, Faversham, Luddenham, Boughton-under-Blean, Isle of Harty, and Preston-next-Faversham. Genealogical data—births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and burials—concerning Thomas Call, his wife Bennett Harryson, and children has been clarified. At least nine children in the immigrant family have been positively identified, as well as a possible tenth. Two sisters and the parents of Bennett Harryson have been verified. Although Thomas Call’s parents and siblings have not been discovered, common suppositions have been refuted, and possible candidates have been found in the Paule and Jone (Blye) Call family of Hernhill. Substantial steps forward have been made in researching the family of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson.

Future research will continue to bring into focus our understanding of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson. Thomas Call’s baptism record may be found, which will place him in the correct family. Perhaps his baptism will not be found, requiring further research and analysis. Information on the Harryson family may come to light as well. More than fifty parishes (nearly half of those in Canterbury) are within a five-mile-radius of Hernhill; each of these must be searched, and then the radius should be expanded if necessary. For this radius search to be most effective, notes need to be made concerning which records or databases were used, which events were searched (baptism, marriage, or burial), and all individuals of the Call and Harryson (and variations) need to be extracted. As future research is continued in an effective manner—by constructing whole families through radial searches—confidence can be placed in the results, whatever they may be, that are discovered.

LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 11

D O C U M E N T E D F A M I L Y G ROUPS C o n t e n t s The Family of Thomas Call and his wife Bennett Harryson ...... 13 The Family of Arnold Harryson and His Wife Alis ...... 15 The Family of Paule Call and His Wife Jone Blye ...... 16 The Family of Markes Call and His Wife Elizabeth ...... 17 The Family of John Call and His Wife Elizabeth Mount ...... 18

Note: The following family units were constructed based upon the research discussed above. Other sources will, invariably, provide more information about these families. Particularly, a wealth of information can be obtained pertaining to the lives of Thomas and Bennett (Harryson) Call’s children; however, as thorough research has not yet been conducted into those children, it is not presented here.

To avoid confusion, dates have been recorded in their original Old Style format. Old Style refers to the use of the Julian calendar before the Gregorian calendar was adopted by the English in 1752. Prior to this shift, 25 March was the first day of the New Year; thus, dates between 1 January and 25 March should be advanced one year to convert to the current calendar. For example, it appears as if William Call’s baptism on 20 February 1619 occurred approximately four months prior to his parents’ marriage on 15 June 1619; however, when his baptism is adjusted it becomes 20 February 1620, or eight months following the marriage.

There was no “correct” way to spell a name during this early period of history. The names “Call” and “Harryson” are found with several spelling variations (sometimes multiple ways in one document). Surnames have been standardized to “Call” and “Harryson” in the following family group records for consistency.

Furthermore, while the researcher believes that substantial evidence has been utilized to construct these familial relationships, he acknowledges that future research may provide further insight into these families.

LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 12


THOMAS CALL Born: calculated 1597 or 1598 in England1 Died: May 1676 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts2 Married (1): 15 June 1619 in Hernhill, Kent, England, to Bennett Harryson3 Married (2): before 28 October 1651 in Massachusetts to Joanna Shepardson4

BENNETT HARRYSON Baptized: 3 June 1599 in Preston-next-Faversham, Kent, England5 Died: between 7 September 1643 and 28 October 1651 in Massachusetts6

Children of Thomas Call and Bennett Harryson i. WILLIAM CALL was baptized 20 February 1619 in Hernhill.7 He was buried 27 February 1627 in Hernhill.8

ii. ANN CALL was baptized 20 March 1624 in Hernhill.9 She was buried 20 April 1636 in Faversham, Kent, England.10

iii. THOMAS CALL, whose baptism record has not been found, was buried 20 May 1630 in Hernhill.11 Birth order has been approximated.

1 Find A Grave ( accessed 31 May 2014) memorial #18783899, “Thomas Call [1597-1676],” Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts; Middlesex County (Massachusetts), Colonial County Court Papers, 1648-1798, folio 33, group IV C, case of Abraham Shipard, for testimony of Thomas Call, 2 April 1663; FHL film 0901001. 2 Find A Grave ( accessed 31 May 2014) memorial #18783899, “Thomas Call [1597-1676],” Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 3 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Thomas Caule and Bennett Harrison (1619); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 4 The Bi-Centennial Book of Malden (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. C. Rand & Co., 1850), 140; DeLoraine P. Corey, comp., Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Town of Malden, Massachusetts, 1649-1850 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The University Press, 1903), 335. 5 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennet daughter of Arnold Harryson (1599); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 6 “Charleston Township Records Births, Marriages, & Deaths: 1629-1800, Volume 3,” (bound typescript, Registrar’s Office, Boston City Hall, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts), p. VIIIA; FHL film 0740995; The Bi-Centennial Book of Malden (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. C. Rand & Co., 1850), 140. 7 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of William son of Thomas Caule (1619); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 8 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of William son of Thomas Caule (1627); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 9 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Ann daughter of Thomas Caule (1624); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 10 Faversham Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1620-1669, burial of Anne Caale (1636); FHL film 1886089 item 3. 11 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Thomas son of Thomas Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 13

iv. JOHN CALL, whose baptism record has not been found, was buried 8 July 1630 in Hernhill.12 Birth order has been approximated.

v. MARGARET CALL was baptized 31 May 1631 in Hernhill.13

vi. THOMAS CALL was baptized 6 October 1633 in Hernhill.14

vii. JOHN CALL was baptized 6 March 1635 in Faversham.15

viii. MARY CALL, although no record of her birth has been found, Mary was named by Thomas Call in his 1670 will.16

ix. ELIZABETH CALL was baptized 21 February 1640 in Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts.17

x. MERCY CALL was born 7 September 1643 in Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts.18

12 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of John son of Thomas Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 13 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of Thomas Call (1631); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 14 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, christening of Thomas son of Thomas Call (1633); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 15 Faversham Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1620-1669, baptism of John son of Thomas Call and Bennett (1635); FHL film 1886089 item 3. 16 Middlesex County (Massachusetts) Probate Court, Probate Records 1648-1924. Probate papers #3891 for Thomas Call (1676); County Courthouse, Cambridge; FHL film 0386049. 17 Les Ainés genealogists de l’Outaouais (Vanier, Ontario), First Record Book of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., U.S.A., 1640-1734 (No publication information), 19. This transcription reads “Elizabeth Caul the daughter of John Caul and off Bennitt his wife was Baptized.” This is likely an error, whether in the transcription or original is not known, and should read “Thomas Caul and off Bennitt his wife,” as John Call was not old enough to have children at this time and it is known that Bennett Harrison was the wife of Thomas Call. 18 “Charleston Township Records Births, Marriages, & Deaths: 1629-1800, Volume 3,” (bound typescript, Registrar’s Office, Boston City Hall, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts), p. VIIIA; FHL film 0740995.

LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 14


ARNOLD HARRYSON Buried: 2 April 1603 in Preston-next-Faversham, Kent, England1


Children of Arnold and Alis Harryson i. BENNETT HARRYSON was baptized 21 May 1597 in Preston-next-Faversham.3 She likely passed away before the baptism of her namesake sister.

ii. BENNETT HARRYSON was baptized 3 June 1599 in Preston-next-Faversham.4 She was married to Thomas Call.5 She presumably died in Massachusetts after the birth of her daughter on 7 September 16436 and before the first known mention of her husband’s second wife on 28 October 1651.7

iii. Anne Harryson was baptized 29 May 1603 in Preston-next-Faversham.8

1 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, burial of Arnold Harryson (1603); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 2 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennett Harrison daughter of Arnold and Alis (1597); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 3 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennett Harrison daughter of Arnold and Alis (1597); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 4 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Bennet daughter of Arnold Harryson (1599); FHL film 1752061 item 2. 5 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Thomas Caule and Bennett Harrison (1619); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 6 “Charleston Township Records Births, Marriages, & Deaths: 1629-1800, Volume 3,” (bound typescript, Registrar’s Office, Boston City Hall, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts), p. VIIIA. 7 The Bi-Centennial Book of Malden (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. C. Rand & Co., 1850), 140. 8 Preston-next-Faversham Parish, (Kent, England), Archdeacon’s Transcripts, 1563-1812, baptism of Anne Harryson (1603); FHL film 1752061 item 2. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 15


PAULE CALL Married: 20 January 1583 in Hernhill, Kent, England.1 Buried: 2 February 1629 in Hernhill.2

JONE BLYE3 Baptized: 28 September 1562 in Hernhill, daughter of Thomas Blye.4 Buried: 21 January 1627 in Hernhill.5

Children of Paule Call and Jone Blye i. JOHN PAULE CALL was baptized 18 August 1587 in Hernhill.6

ii. WILL CALL was baptized 19 April 1590 in Hernhill.7

iii. MARKES CALL was baptized 29 April 1593 in Hernhill.8 Married Elizabeth and had several children by her.9 Markes was buried 7 January 1638 in Hernhill.10

iv. MARGRETT CALL was baptized 10 August 1595 in Hernhill.11

v. JOHN CALL was baptized 6 November 1603 in Hernhill.12 Was married to Elizabeth Mount, and became the father of a number of children.13

1 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Paule Caule and Jone Blye (1583); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 2 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Paull Call (1629); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 3 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of Paule Caule and Jone Blye (1583); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 4 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Jone Bly daughter of Thomas Bly (1562); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 5 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Joane wife of Paule Caule (1627); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 6 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John Paule son of Paule Caule (1587); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 7 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Will Caule son of Paule Caule (1590); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 8 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Markes Caule son of Paule Caule (1593); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 9 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of [Franc]is son of Markes and Elizabeth Call (1636); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 10 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Marke Call (1638); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 11 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margrett Call daughter of Paule Caule (1595); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 12 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John son of Paule Caule (1603); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 13 Boughton-under-Blean Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1558-1953, marriage of John Call and Elizabeth Mount (1626); FHL film 1836199 item 6. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 16


MARKES CALL Baptized: 29 April 1593 in Hernhill, Kent, England.1 Buried: 7 January 1638 in Hernhill, Kent, England.2


Children of Markes and Elizabeth Call i. ANNE CALL was baptized 8 February 1628 in Luddenham, Kent, England.4 She was buried 19 September 1630 in Hernhill.5

ii. THOMAS CALL was baptized 2 October 1631 in Hernhill.6

iii. FRANCIS CALL was baptized 22 April 1636 in Luddenham,7 and was buried 5 October 1636 in Hernhill.8

iv. MARGARET CALL was baptized 22 April 1638 in Hernhill.9 Possibly married William Baker on 30 March 1656 in Hernhill,10 although the record of marriage may be for her cousin of the same name.

1 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Markes Caule son of Paule Caule (1593); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 2 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Marke Call (1638); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 3 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of [Franc]is son of Markes and Elizabeth Call (1636); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 4 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of Anne daughter of Marke Call (1628); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 5 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Anne daughter of Marke Call (1630); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 6 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Thomas son of Marke Call (1631); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 7 Luddenham Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1547-1971, baptism of [Franc]is son of Markes and Elizabeth Call (1636); FHL film 2354566 item 23. 8 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Francis son of Mark Call (1636); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 9 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of Mark and Elizabeth Call (1638); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 10 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of William Baker and Margaret Cawle (1656); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 17


JOHN CALL Baptized: 6 November 1603 in Hernhill, Kent, England.1 Married: 26 January 1626 in Boughton-under-Blean, Kent, England.2


Children of John Call and Elizabeth Mount i. MARIE CALL was baptized 26 September 1628 in Hernhill.4

ii. JOHN CALL was baptized 2 April 1632 in Hernhill.5

iii. ANNE CALL was baptized 19 April 1635 in Hernhill.6

iv. THOMAS CALL was baptized 4 March 1637 in Hernhill.7

v. ELIZABETH CALL was baptized 12 April 1640,8 and was buried 11 May 1640, both in Hernhill.9

vi. MARGARET CALL was baptized 6 June 1641 in Hernhill.10 Possibly married William Baker on 30 March 1656 in Hernhill,11 though the record may be for her cousin.

vii. ELIZABETH CALL was baptized 17 March 1643 in Hernhill.12

1 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John son of Paule Caule (1603); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 2 Boughton-under-Blean Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1558-1953, marriage of John Call and Elizabeth Mount (1626); FHL film 1836199 item 6. 3 Boughton-under-Blean Parish (Kent, England), Parish Registers, 1558-1953, marriage of John Call and Elizabeth Mount (1626); FHL film 1836199 item 6. 4 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Marie daughter of John Caule (1628); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 5 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of John son of John Call (1632); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 6 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Anne daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1635); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 7 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Thomas son of John and Elizabeth Call (1637); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 8 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1640); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 9 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, burial of Elizabeth daughter of John Call (1640); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 10 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Margaret daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1641); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 11 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, marriage of William Baker and Margaret Cawle (1656); FHL film 1836276 item 1. 12 Hernhill Parish (Kent, England), Composite Register, 1557-1672, baptism of Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Call (1643); FHL film 1836276 item 1. LineageChase | A Brief Analysis of the Origins of Thomas Call & Bennett Harryson 18