Feasibility Study for a Proposed Scottish Borders National Park 16 

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Feasibility Study for a Proposed Scottish Borders National Park 16  2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 16 Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park First Bus © VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins Bluebells near Minto © Malcolm R Dickson Grass sledging at Born in the Borders © Duncan Bryden Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 17 5. Todiscusstheprosandconsofwhere,in principle,theboundariesmightlie,andthe consequencesofincludingorexcluding 1 thetownsintheareawithinthedesignated NationalPark. Introduction 6. Togiveapreliminaryassessmentof proceduresandpossibletimescalesfor legislatingforandthenprocuringand implementingaproposedScottishBorders NationalPark. 7. Toadequatelyaddressthepointsraisedby ScottishBordersCouncil(seeAppendix7) andindicatewhereinthestudythesepoints are addressed. 1.3 Nonamehasbeenagreedfortheprojectand termslikeBordersNationalParkorSouthern 1.1 Thisindependentstudyhasbeen BordersNationalParkareworkingtitles.Itis commissionedbytheCampaignforaScottish acceptedthat‘AScottishBordersNational Borders NationalParktoexaminetheevidence Park’maybethenamethatdeliversthe forandfeasibilityoftheproposalthatanarea greatestbenefitstothewholearea. oftheScottishBordersbeformallyconsidered fordesignationasanewNationalPark. 1.4 Themapaccompanyingthestudybrief coversaproposedNationalParkareaof 1.2 TheCampaignforaScottishBordersNational approximately1000km2inthesouthern Parkidentifiedsevenobjectivesforthisstudy. sectionoftheScottishBordersCouncilarea comprisingTeviotandLiddesdale,Cheviot 1. Toprovideawellsubstantiatedcasefor andpartofEildon. designationofanareaoftheSouthern ScottishBordersasaNationalParkdrawing 1.5 Thisareaisbynomeansdefinitive.Itistaken onthearchaeological,geographical, asaworkingproposalforthepurposesof geological,topographical,environmental, thisreport.Boundaryissuesandoptions cultural,historic,architectural,industrial, arediscussedfurtherinSection9. agricultural,forestryandlandownershipand managementattributesofthearea,andany other relevantconsideration. 2. Tosetoutandcritiquethevariousoptions ofmodelsforgovernance,fundingand operationsandmakearecommendation. 3. Todiscuss,backedupwithsuitablecasestudy data,thelikelyconsequencesofdesignation oftheareaintermsofprotectionofthenatural andculturalheritage,andthesocio-economic impactontheproposedareaand“gateway” areasaroundit. 4. TodrawonexperienceinotherNational Parksandotherrelevantresearchtogive apreliminaryassessmentofthepossible financialandfiscalbenefitsandbalance themagainstthepossiblecostsofa) implementationandb)operationover thefirst10years. Roxburgh to Kelso railway line, now a pathway © Frank Wielbo Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 18 2 S t u d y 2.4 Governmentmustalsorespond,withpolicy measuresandinvestment,tomajorstrategic outcomes shiftslikechangesinsupportsystems,market movementsprecipitatedbyeventslikethe Brexitreferendumandclimatechange.The ScottishNationalParkmodelisadaptable andcanrespond,forexample,tostrengthen theruraleconomy,enrichpeople’slivesand careforthenaturalworld. 2.5 Theformalprocessforestablishinganew NationalParkinScotlandissetdownin 2.1 Thestudyoutcomesaredefinedwithinthe theNationalParks(Scotland)Act2000. sevenobjectivesin1.2above. Ifsatisfiedthereissufficientmeritina proposedcaseforanewpark,Scottish 2.2 ItisworthnotingthatRoseannaCunningham, Ministersmaytriggera10-stageprocess CabinetSecretaryforEnvironment,Climate (seeSection14formoredetails)involving ChangeandLandReform,madeitclearin formalconsultationandevidencegathering ParliamentinSeptemberandDecember2016, possiblywithaPublicLocalEnquiry(PLI). thattherearenocurrentplanstodesignate newNationalParksinScotland.Shesaid: 2.6 Scotlandhasonlytwonationalparks, LochLomondandtheTrossachs(LLTNP) “WhiletheScottishGovernmentrecognisesthe designatedin2002andtheCairngorms importantcontributionourexistingNational (CNP)2003respectively,bothofwhich Parksmaketotourism,conservationandthe areadministeredbytheirownNDPB(non- widerScottisheconomy,anynewnational departmentalpublicbody)NationalPark parkswouldincursignificantcosts.Atatime Authority(NPA).Beyondanunsuccessful ofpressuresonpublicfinances,wedonot bidforaNationalParkinHarrisin2009, believethatitisrighttoraiseexpectations nonewformalproposalshaveemerged. regardingthedesignationofnewnational parks.Wewillthereforecontinuetofocusour 2.7 Thatsaid,theScottishCampaignforNational supportonourexistingParkssothattheycan Parks(SCNP)andtheAssociationforthe continuetheirtrackrecordofsuccess.” ProtectionofRuralScotland(APRS)have OfficialAccount19December2016. beenactivelypromotingthecaseformore (SeeAppendix6forotherNPcomments parks(Mayhew2013)includingoneinthe byMinistersandMSPs.) Cheviotarea(seeAppendix9).Therehas beenexploratoryworkonaparkinGalloway 2.3 But,Ministershavenotruledoutnewparks (SUP2016)andinteresthasbeenshown inScotlandandtheyhaveadutytoconsider inaGlasgowNationalCityPark. proposalsputbeforethem.Parksarevery popularwiththepublicandmostpeople 2.8 ForanewNationalParkproposalinthe wouldliketoseemore2.Hencetheneedfor SouthernBordersareatobesuccessful, theevidenceinthisstudythataNational muchdependsongainingSBCsupportand ParkintheSouthernBordersisentirelyinline widerpublicendorsementandconvincingly withGovernmentpriorityofcreatingamore demonstratingthattheproposalwillbecome successfulcountry,withopportunitiesforall asignificantandcrediblerural‘industry’as ofScotlandtoflourish,throughincreasing partofawidervisionmakingadifference sustainableeconomicgrowth. topeopleandcommunities. 2Ina2013survey93percentofthosesurveyedagreedthattheUK'sNationalParks Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates areareasofnationalimportance. 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 19 Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates Kelso Pottery © VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 20 Contributions 3.5 TheCampaignforaScottishBordersNational Parkhasusedpublicmeetingsandposting materialonlinetoseekpublicopinion–thisis 3 summarisedinAppendix8.Duringthisstudy, selectedspecialistsandopinionformerswere consulted.However,afullpublicconsultation S t u d y ofBorderresidentswasnotundertakenas methodology partofthisreport3. Research 3.1 Thisreportdrawsonexistingandevolving Rooftops of 'The Auld Grey Toon', Hawick © Malcolm R Dickson materialsandfeedbackcollectedbythe CampaignforaScottishBordersNational Park,SCNPandAPRSorpublishedbypublic 3.6 Thestudyidentifieddifferentneedsamongst authorities.Thereportsetsoutinmoredetail individuals,groupsandcommunities,both thespecialqualitiesoftheareawhichwas locallyandmorewidely,toassesswhetherthe preparedusinglocalexpertiseandknowledge. proposalwouldmakeapositivecontribution toresidentsandthepeopleofScotland. 3.2 Usingpublishedreports,papersandminutes, themethodologyreflectsonlearningpoints 3.7 Mostconsulteesgavepersonalcomments. fromthestrategicandoperationalexperience Employeesofpublicbodiesthattaketheirlead andissuesthathaveariseninthetwoexisting fromGovernmentwereonlyablegivegeneral parks. views.Commentsarenotattributed toconsultees. 3.3 Thisreportalsoreferencesrelevantstudies andpoliciesofNationalParksinEnglandand Approach Walesandinternationalexperience.Lessons aredrawnfromScotlandandbeyondwhere 3.8 InconsideringpartoftheScottishBorders othertypesofprotectedareastatus,including forparkstatus,thisreport‘setsthescene’ NationalScenicArea,BiosphereReservesand onNationalParksinSection4.Sections5 RegionalParks,havebeenplannedand/or and6examinethe‘specialqualities’ofthe adopted. areaanditssocio-economiccircumstances. Section7considershowtheareamight‘fit’ 3.4 Sourcesincludeofficialpublishedreports theconditionslaiddownintheNational fromScottishBordersCouncilandother Parks(Scotland)Actof2000. publicagencieslikeVisitScotlandandScottish NaturalHeritage.Referencestoprevailing 3.9 Section8examines‘WhyaNationalPark’ valuesandattitudesthatshapeNationalParks couldbeavaluabletooltoaddressthearea’s worldwidecomefromwritersandacademics needs.Section9considersoptionsforpark includingCampbell2011,Farrell2015,Jones powersandgovernancearrangements,while andWills2005,Sheail2010,Tweed2010 Section10looksatboundaryoptionsand andReynolds2016.Academicjournalsand challengesinSection11.Section12reviews otherreportreferencesareincluded,where possible‘Otheroptions’insteadofaNational appropriate. ParkandSection13drawsconclusions. Furtherinformationiscontainedinthe appendices. Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates 3ScottishMinisterswillcarryouttheirownconsultationsifproposalsaretakenforward 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 21 Deer crossing track, Bowmont Forest © Colin Spalding “Wearealreadyexperiencing adeclineinbiodiversityand anincreasingfragilityofour environmentalassets” SBC2017 “The Anglo-Scottish frontierisarguably themostbeautiful, andcertainlythe most bloodstained, regionofBritain” The Cornet, Hawick Common Riding Fraser2000 © Dougie Johnston Photography “TheBordersoffers acostcompetitive locationandan excellent quality of life” NewWaysPartners2011 The Borders Textile Towerhouse - a museum celebrating Hawick's textiles heritage with exhibitions, films and costume designs, Hawick © VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins Prepared by Duncan Bryden – Bryden Associates 2017 | Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park 22 4 Background to National Parks in Scotland Summary • NationalParkAct(Scotland)2000. NationalparksinEnglandandWales
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