1908 JUL to 1909
The Fortiav\, The hAaqa-zii^ of the Model School, sydiA^ey, NSW J u ly 7 , ±^os Au.0u.st 4, l^OS septem.ber i, n^os October £>, i^ o s Noveruber 3 , o g ir^ecem-ber 1 , o g Februflry 2 , March 2, April (¿>,±^0^ May 4, J u u 4 i , • . ; i ^ 3 : . '> *4*: * E ' l : ■■ ■■ iFai»tàs#7 Fort Street High Library R25345X8504 R25345X 8504 y I \ . i ^ C ■~y« ■—jfi—g , -C ^ ^ y i f V ^ - O " • :i r Á'“'^ X íS t - * K»:,' . • ■■'<:: ■*'■. ''y / iiÄ'iiiiäci'. THe Magazine of tKe Fort Street Model ScKool, Sydney, N.S.W. EDitor : Sub-EDitors : Mr. G. HACKANESS, B.A. Mr. A. W. CUSBERT, B.A,; Mr. C, H. COELINS. (Published Monthly, on the First Tuesday in each month.) Volume X .— No. I. New Issue. SYDNEY, JUDY 7, 1908. Price : One Penny. ANNual SubscriptioN, One ShilliNg. styleD the “Pymble News,” on a little wooDeN home-made press. It NO MAN 2 Çditoriol ^ occurreD to me that perhaps a paper for the school woulD be a more CAN HIT A riARK. profitable uNDertakiNg. WalforD “ No man can, hit a mark without aiming at was to be EDitor and I Associate it, and skill is acquired by repea'ed The Editor wiU he pleased to receive EDitor anD Printer. We mentioned attempts.” contributions, which should he left in the our plans to Mr. TurNer who at Editor’s Box in the main entrance. All EXACTLY, that is why we are recognised oNce saw the value of the suggest as tile principal Photographers of Sydney, contributions will he acknowledged in the as shown in the following extract : — current issue.
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