Phase 4 of Easing Covid Curbs Split Into 2 Stages

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Phase 4 of Easing Covid Curbs Split Into 2 Stages INDEX QATAR 2-7,16 COMMENT 14 BUSINESS | Page 1 QATAR | Page 16 ARAB WORLD 9 BUSINESS 1-8 Qatar’s trade INTERNATIONAL 9-13,15 SPORTS 1-8 WCM-Q, NMoQ surplus in DOW JONES QE NYMEX collaboration merchandise allows learning sector up 6.6% 28,331.92 9,898.93 43.42 +83.48 -10.19 +0.07 about pandemic to QR6.25bn +0.30% -0.1% +0.16% in July Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 THURSDAY Vol. XXXXI No. 11653 August 27, 2020 Muharram 8, 1442 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Amir holds phone talk with South HHighlightsighlights ofof PPhasehase 44,, SStagetage 1 Sudan president Phase 4 of easing Covid sstartingtarting fromfrom SSeptembereptember 1 His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani held z Reopening of all mosques in the capacity to 80% of total employees in a telephone conversation with country to perform daily and Friday both public and private sectors President of the Republic of prayers zAllowing gatherings of maximum 15 South Sudan Lt General Salva Kiir curbs split into 2 stages z Metro and public transport services people indoors and 30 outdoors Mayardit, yesterday. During the to resume with 30% capacity zAllowing weddings with maximum phone call which the Amir made z Cinemas and theatres to open with 40 people indoors and 80 outdoors to the President, they reviewed OFirst stage begins on September 1 and second stage in 3rd week of Sept capacity of 15%; only those above 18 z Resuming cleaning and hospitality the bilateral relations and ways of years allowed services in workplaces at capacity of enhancing and developing them. In O Metro and public transport services to resume at 30% capacity z Children allowed to enter malls; 30% as well as allowing resumption of this regard, the Amir aff irmed the food courts in malls to open with these services at homes support of Qatar for the eff orts of OCinemas to open at 15% capacity; children allowed to enter malls capacity of 30% zPlaygrounds and leisure centres establishing peace in South Sudan, z Continuation of Qatar’s travel policy remain closed and harnessing all capabilities to hase 4 of the gradual lifting of The fi rst stage of Phase 4 will capacity of 30%, according to proce- z Private health clinics allowed to z Continuing suspension of summer guarantee the success of reaching Covid-19 restrictions in Qatar include the following: dures that will be announced by the resume work in full capacity camps as well as use of sports an agreement between all parties Pwill be divided into two stages, National Tourism Council. z Continuation of workplace staff equipment in public parks in order to ensure stability and the fi rst of which will commence on z Reopening of all mosques in the z Resuming Metro and public trans- peace. The Amir also praised September 1 and the next one in the country to perform daily and Friday port services with a capacity of 30%, the eff orts of the president to third week of September. prayers, provided the precautionary according to procedures that will be consolidate peace in South Sudan. This was announced in a statement measures are followed. Toilets and ab- announced by the Ministry of Trans- A number of issues of mutual issued by the Supreme Committee for lution facilities will remain closed. port and Communications. concern were also discussed Crisis Management through the Gov- z Continuing to follow the Council z Continuing to allow personal during the phone call. ernment Communications Offi ce yes- of Ministers’ decision, which limits the boats and yacht rentals with a capacity terday. capacity in workplaces to a maximum of 30%, including boat workers. Lebanese minister “The Supreme Committee for Cri- of 80% of employees in both the public z Continuing to follow Qatar’s travel sis Management thanks both citizens and private sectors. policy. The Ministry of Public Health praises Qatari aid and residents for their commitment to zAllowing gatherings of a maximum will continue to update the list of low- Minister of Foreign Aff airs and adhering to the precautionary meas- of 15 people indoors and 30 people out- risk countries periodically. Emigrants in the Lebanese ures to combat Covid-19, which has doors. z Continuing the operation of driv- caretaker government, Charbel contributed to limiting the spread of z Allowing weddings with a maxi- ing schools with a capacity of 50%. Wehbe, praised the aid provided the virus. As the State of Qatar moves mum of 40 people indoors and 80 z Continuing the suspension of by Qatar to Lebanon to face the on to Phase 4, it is important for the people outdoors, provided the precau- summer camps as well as the use of repercussions of the Beirut port community to continue to follow pro- tionary measures are followed. These sports equipment in public parks. explosion. He also lauded in this cedures to ensure that eff orts are suc- include activating the Ehteraz appli- z Allowing audiences to attend z Allowing souqs to operate with a z Continuing the work of private regard, the visit of HE the Deputy cessful and the nation can fully reo- cation, maintaining a distance of 2m sporting events with a capacity of 20% 75% capacity and raising the capacity education and training centres at a ca- Prime Minister and Minister of pen,” the statement noted. between tables with a maximum of fi ve indoors and 30% outdoors, according at wholesale markets to 50%. pacity of 50%. Foreign Aff airs Sheikh Mohamed Based on Qatar’s public health in- people per table, and avoiding hand- to procedures which will be announced z Allowing museums and public li- z Resuming cleaning and hospitality bin Abdulrahman al-Thani to Beirut dicators and the Covid-19 infection shakes and kisses while greeting. Indi- by the relevant authorities. braries to operate in full capacity and services in workplaces at a capacity of on Tuesday. Page 2 rate in the community, it has been viduals holding parties at home as well z Allowing private health clinics to normal hours provided all the precau- 30% as well as allowing the resump- decided to split Phase 4 into two as managers of wedding venues are resume work in full capacity. tionary measures are followed. tion of these services at homes. Over 600,000 tested for stages. The first stage will begin on required to keep records of the contact z Continuing normal working hours z Continuing the work of health The Supreme Committee for Cri- September 1, and the situation will information of all invitees. at malls while keeping the capacity to clubs, gyms and public swimming sis Management has emphasised Covid-19 in Qatar so far be assessed on an ongoing basis, in- z Opening of cinemas and theatres 50%, and opening food courts in malls pools at half capacity (50%) and al- that the evaluation of lifting further The Ministry of Public Health cluding the reimposing and/or lifting with a capacity of 15%, provided the with a capacity of 30%. Children will lowing massage and sauna services at a measures depends on the co-oper- (MoPH) yesterday announced 244 of some restrictions based on devel- precautionary measures are followed be allowed to enter malls. capacity of 30% in approved facilities, ation of all and the commitment to new confirmed cases of Covid-19, opments mid-September, the state- and that only people who are 18 years z Allowing the increase in restau- as well as opening indoor swimming following precautionary measures, including 230 community cases ment explains. and above are allowed entry. rants’ capacity starting with 30%, ac- pools at a capacity of 30%. including wearing masks while out- and 14 travellers returning from The second phase will commence at z Playgrounds and leisure centres cording to the procedures that will be z Continuing the suspension of side, washing hands, maintain a safe abroad. The MoPH also recorded the beginning of the third week of Sep- will remain closed. set by the Ministry of Commerce and beauty, barber, massage and fi tness distance and activating the Ehteraz 240 recoveries from the virus in tember. z Allowing local exhibitions with a Industry. training services at homes. application. Page 3 the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of recovered cases in Qatar to 114,558. Meanwhile, more than 600,000 people have been Gearing up for new school year tested for Covid-19 in Qatar so far, with yesterday’s tally of 4,665 taking the total number of people School funded by Qatar in Japan’s tested to 604,112. Page 3 Iran allows inspection tsunami-aff ected area opens of ‘two’ nuclear sites Iran agreed yesterday to grant QNA international nuclear inspectors Tokyo access to two suspect sites, in a rare conciliatory move that came after months of increasing atar’s ambassador to Japan tensions between Tehran and Hassan bin Mohamed Rafi Washington. The issue was settled Qal-Emadi participated in the in talks between International opening ceremony of Onagawa El- Atomic Energy Agency chief ementary and Junior High School in Rafael Grossi and Iranian Onagawa City, Miyagi Prefecture. It is leaders in Tehran. Dates for the one of the projects funded by the Qa- inspections have been set, Grossi tar Friendship Fund (QFF), which is and Iranian nuclear chief Ali Akbar affi liated with Qatar Fund for Devel- Salehi said in a joint statement. opment, to reconstruct the areas that Page 9 Preparations for the new school year continue in Qatar as the Public Works witnessed widespread damage due Authority (Ashghal) has announced the completion of improving road safety to the earthquake and tsunami that US troops ‘injured’ in features surrounding 465 schools across the country, accounting for 88% of the struck Japan in March 2011.
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