OONGRESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 12 HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES · Ing of the Opinions of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals; , If
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10574 OONGRESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 12 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES · ing of the opinions of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals; , If . THURSD.AY, June 12, 1930 H. R. 11903. An act granting the consent of Congress to the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Niagar_a Frontier Bridge Co~mission, its succesS.Ors and assi(l'ns · 'l'he Chaplain, Rev. James Sbera Montgomery, D. D., _offered to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the :a ·t the following prayer: : branch of the Niagara River at or near the city of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; God is our refuge and strength ; therefore we would be still H. R.11933. An act granting the consent of ConiiTess to 'the and exalt His holy name together. Blessed Father, with patient Niagara Frontier Bridge Commission, its successors and assim · hea.rts and willing bands and out of the highest rapture, may we to construct, maintain, and operate a toll brido·e00 across ~th~ do our plainest work and hardest tasks. Open the gates of ea t branch of the Niagara River at or near the city of Tona difficulty and let us feel that Thy mercy is proof of its divinity. wanda, N.Y.; Give us all serene and pleasant thoughts and a devotion to the H. R. 12440. An act providi11g certain exemptions from taxa right that never swerves. 0 bless us with a simple faith, full tion for Treasury bills ; of trust and hope and free from all bigotry. Through Jesus H. J. Res. 28!>. Joint resolution providing for the participation Christ our Lord. Amen. of the United States in the celebration of the one hundred and The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap fiftieth anniversary of the siege of Yorktown, Va., and the . proved. surrender of Lord Cornwallis on October 19 1781 and authoriz MESSAGE FROM THE SEJNATE ing an appropriation to be used in connection ~ith such cele bration, and for other purposes; and A message from the Senate by Mr. -Crockett, its Chief Clerk, H. J: Res. 340. Joint re olution extending the time for the announced that the Senate had passed without amendment-bills as es ment, refund, and credit of income taxes for 1927 and and joint resolutions of the House of the following titles : . !928 in the case of married indiYiduals having community H. R. 692. An act for the relief of Ella E. Horner ; mcome. H. R. 827. An act for the reUef of Homer C. Rayhill ; The message also announced that the Senate had passed with H. R. 885. An act for the relief of George F. Newhart, Clyde a~endments in which the concurrence of the Hou~e is requ'ested, Hahn, and David McCormick; bills of the House of the following titles : · H. R. 969. An act to amend section 118 of the· Judicial Code H. R. 730. An act to· amend section 8 of the act entitled "An to provide for the appointment of law clerks to United States act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or· tran portation of circuit judges; . adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or delet~rious foods, H. R. 972. An act to amend an act entitled "An act providing drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein,· for the revision and printing of the index to the Federal Stat and ·for other purposes," approved June 30 1906 as amended· utes," approved March 3, 1927; H . R. 3764. A.n act for the relief of Ruba~ W. Riley; ' H. R.1499. An act for the relief of C. 0. Crosb'y; H. R. 4189. An act to add certain lands to the Boi e National H. R. 2030. An act to authorize an appropriatkm for the i;mr Forest; chase of land adjoining Fort Bliss, Tex. ; H. R. 3203. An act to authorize the city of Salina and . the H. R. 9110. An act for the grading and classification of clerks town of Redmond, State of Utah, to secure adequate supplies of in the Foreign Service of the United States of America and water for municipal and domestic purposes through the develop providing compensation therefor; ' ment of subterranean water on certain public lands within said · H. R. 10375. An act to provide for the retirement of disabled State; nurses of the Army and the Navy; and· · H. R. 4020. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior H. R. 12235. An act to provide for the creation of the Colonial National Monument, in the State of Virginia, and for other to investigate and report to Congress on the advisability and purposes. practicability of establishing a national park to be known as the Upper Mississippi National Park in the States of Iowa, Illinois, The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills Wisconsin, and Minnesota ; of the following titles, in which the concurrence . of the House H. R. 4469. An act for the relief of Second Lieut. Burgo D. is requested : Gill; • .S. 39. An act for the relief of Kate Canniff; H. R. 5190. An act to enable the Postmaster General to author S. 43. An act for the relief of W. ·w. Payne· ize the establishment of temporary or emergency star-route serv S. 155. An act for the relief of Jesse J. Britton; ice from a date earlier than the date of the order requiring such S. 181. An act for the relief of James H. Roache ; service; S. 325. An act for the relief of former Lieut. Col. Timothy J. H. R. 6124. An act to provide for the reconstruction of the Powers; Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Spring~ Ark.; S. 594. An act for the relief of Lemuel Simp on; H. R. 6186. An act for the relief of Frank Storms; S. 676. An act for the relief of James Evans; H. R. 6651. An act for the relief of John Golombiewski; S.1640. An act for the relief of John E. Ro ·s; H. R. 7299. An act for the relief of Hannah Odekirk ; S. 2068. An act for the relief of Lester L. Wilson; H. R. 7464. An act for the relief of Robert R. Strehlow ; S. 2134. An act to provide for the investigation of certain H. R. 7484. An act for the relief of Edward R. Egan; claims against the Choctaw Indians enrolled as Mississippi H. R. 8591. An act for the relief of Henry Spight; Choctaws; . H. R. 8855. An act for the relief of John W. Bates; S. 2371. An act to provide for the appointment of two addi H. R. 9169. An act for the relief of the successors of Luther tional justices of the Supreme Com·t of the District of Columbia ; Burbank; S. 2471. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to H. R. 9198. An act to remove cloud as to title of lands at Fort grant a patent to certain lands to Minerva E. Troy ; Lyttleton, S. C. ; S. 3416. An act repealing various provi ·ions of tile act of H. R. 9300. An act to authorize the Postmaster General to hire June 15, 1917, entitled "An act to punish act of interference J yehicles from village delivery carriers ; with the foreign relation , the neutrality, and the foreign com H. R. 9425. An act to authorize the &ecretary of War to donate merce of the United States, to punish espionage, and better to 1 a bronze cannon to the city of Martins Ferry, Ohio ; enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for other 1 H. R. 10780. An act to transfer certain lands to the Ouachita purposes" (40 Stat. L. 217); · National Forest, Ark.; S. 3557. An act to provide for the acquisition of certain tim H. R. 11007. An act to amend the act of August 24, 1912 ( ch. berlands and the sale thereof to the State of Oregon for recrea 3 9, par. 7, 37 Stat 556; U. ~· C., title 39, sec. 631), making tional and scenic purposes ; appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year S. 3614. An act to provide for the appointment of two addi ending June 30, 1913; tional district judges for the northern district of Illinois; H. R.11082. An act granting a franking privilege to Helen H. S. 3839. An act for the relief of Freel N. Dunham ; Taft; S. 3939. An act to authorize the appointment of two addi H. R. 11134. An act to amend section 91 of the act entitled tional justices of the Court of Appeals of the District of "An act to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii," Columbia; · approved April 30, 1900, as amended ; . S. 4050. An act to confer full rights of citizen8hip upon the H. R. 11273. An act to extend the times for commencing and Cherokee Indians resident in the State of North Carolina, and completing the construction of a bridge across the Des Moines for other purposes; River at or near Croton, Iowa; S. 4164. An act authorizing the repayment of I'ents and roy H. R. 11274. An act to amend section 305, chapter 8, title_28 alties in excess of requirements made under leases executed in of the United States Code relative to the compilation and print- accordance with the general leasing act of February 25, 19~0 ; 1~30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE .10575 S. 4283. An act ratifying and confirming the title of the State mitted privately that it should not have been incorporated in of Minnesota and its grantees to certain lands patented.