ED16 Abstracts 73 IP1 industrial problems. She will give examples of some indus- Mathematical Modeling with Elementary School- trial research problems that student teams have tackled, Aged Students discuss some of the skills that are needed to be successful working with and in industry, discuss the challenges that Modeling, a cyclic process by which mathematicians de- one may face when working with corporate partners, and velop and use mathematical tools to represent, understand, present a summary of some of the lessons that have been and solve real-world problems, provides important learning learned over the years in these collaborations. opportunities for school students. Modeling opportunities in secondary schools are apparent, but what about in the Suzanne L. Weekes younger grades? Two questions are critical in mathemati- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) cal modeling in K-5 settings. (1) How should opportunities
[email protected] for modeling in K-5 settings be constructed and carried out? (2) What are the tasks of teaching when engaging el- ementary students in mathematical modeling? In this talk IP5 I will present a framework for teaching mathematical mod- Title Not Available at Time of Publication eling in elementary classrooms and provide illustrations of its use by elementary grades teachers. Abstract not available at time of publication. Elizabeth A. Burroughs Philip Uri Treisman Montana State University The University of Texas at Austin
[email protected] [email protected] IP2 CP1 Graduate Student Education in Computational Regime Switching Models and the Mental Account- Mathematics and Scientific Computing ing Framework Abstract not available at time of publication.