CURRICULUM VITAE : GILBERT STRANG Work: Department of Mathematics, M.I.T. Cambridge MA 02139 Phone: 617{253{4383 Fax: 617{253{4358 e-mail:
[email protected] URL: gs Home: 7 Southgate Road Wellesley MA 02482 Phone: 781{235{9537 Education 1. 1952{1955 William Barton Rogers Scholar, M.I.T. (S.B. 1955) 2. 1955{1957 Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University (B.A., M.A. 1957) 3. 1957{1959 NSF Fellow, UCLA (Ph.D. 1959) Positions Held 1. 1959{1961 C.L.E. Moore Instructor, M.I.T. 2. 1961{1962 NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Oxford University 3. 1962{1964 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, M.I.T. 4. 1964{1970 Associate Professor of Mathematics, M.I.T. 5. 1970{ Professor of Mathematics, M.I.T. Awards and Duties 1. Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (1966{1967) 2. Chairman, M.I.T. Committee on Pure Mathematics (1975{1979) 3. Chauvenet Prize, Mathematical Association of America (1976) 4. Council, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1977{1982) 5. NSF Advisory Panel on Mathematics (1977{1980) (Chairman 1979{1980) 6. CUPM Subcommittee on Calculus (1979{1981) 7. Fairchild Scholar, California Institute of Technology (1980{1981) 8. Honorary Professor, Xian Jiaotong University, China (1980) 9. American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1985) 10. Taft Lecturer, University of Cincinnati (1977) 11. Gergen Lecturer, Duke University (1983) 12. Lonseth Lecturer, Oregon State University (1987) 13. Magnus Lecturer, Colorado State University (2000) 14. Blumberg Lecturer, University of Texas (2001) 15. AMS-SIAM Committee on Applied Mathematics (1990{1992) 16. Vice President for Education, SIAM (1991{1996) 17.